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VegaLyrae , to worldnews in Canada warns LGBT travellers of US risks

So Canadá is going to let trans people get treatment with informed consent model, right?


Some of our states are really good for trans people. A map of which regions yo avoid would be far more helpful than a blanket warning.

fadingembers , avatar

Erin Reed maintains a pretty good one:…/june-anti-trans-legislativ…

Ducks , avatar

This is a good map for literally anyone traveling to the US. Not just trans folk

samus12345 , avatar

Florida holds a unique status within these states, with travel advisories warning against visits. The “do not travel” recommendation extends to even connecting flights through Florida. As of July 1, transgender individuals could face up to a year in jail for using the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. This risk persists even for those who have legally altered their identification documents. The state retains the power to investigate an individual’s birth gender to determine if a crime has been committed simply by using the bathroom - investigations that could involve genital exams, chromosome testing, and more.

Wow, that’s some serious third world country shit. Horrifying!

fadingembers , avatar

It’s not just Florida, all of the other red states are trying to pass similar laws. The courts have been striking many of them down, though it’s only a matter of time until they find a way to write them vaguely enough that the courts don’t care.

ipkpjersi ,

Holy shit, that is so fucked up wtf.

VegaLyrae ,

Yes her map is good, I just wish it didn't show "states with a possibility in 2 years" in such a dark red color as it is misleading when compared to like... Actual bad states.

Dimantina ,

They already do allow trans care via informed consent.

Evkob , avatar

Healthcare is under provincial jurisdiction, therefore this varies depending on where in Canada. My province doesn’t offer informed consent HRT.

Dimantina ,

It is but… Which province? I help trans people get HRT and I know of/have lists of available doctors who will do it via informed consent in every province.

I know I’m a random internet stranger so don’t doz yourself here, but if you feel comfortable messaging me I’ll help out if you need.

Evkob , avatar

I live in New-Brunswick, and there used to be Clinic 554 in Fredericton which did informed consent, general trans healthcare, and abortions, but they closed down due to lack of funding.

The way it generally works here as per my friends on hormones is you get a letter of recognition from a WPATH-certified mental health professional, and then get a referral to an endocrinologist via your family doctor. Navigating the NB healthcare system sucks for everyone, but trans patients are even more limited.

Dimantina ,

Dr. Sara Thomas, Mount Allison University’s gender-affirming care clinic. Is what I have for informed consent in NB.

Evkob , avatar

I’m glad to hear there’s another avenue for people other than waiting to see an endocrinologist (they have pretty long wait lists here) but from what I can gather you still need a referral from another healthcare professional, contrary to Clinic 554 which did do self-referrals.

VegaLyrae ,

Yeah I'm only really familiar with Quebec

electrogamerman ,

Not getting treatment with informed consent =/////////= US risks

VegaLyrae ,

If trans people die after being denied by the sexologist, then the safety is illusory.

We cannot exist when we are merely tolerated.

Some of the states actually do give a fuck about us and it's important to call that out along with the states that want us dead.

electrogamerman ,

I agree with everything you said, but the comment I replied too doesn’t relate to the post.

The post refer to states in the US were LGBTQ members are literally being shot dead.

kaitco , to worldnews in Voice referendum: Australia to hold historic Indigenous vote in October

I feel like I need to read more on this topic.

What are the disadvantages of this? Why is there even a “No” voice on this matter? I feel like I’m missing something here…

DessertStorms , avatar

Why is there even a “No” voice on this matter? I feel like I’m missing something here…

its called racism

Skua ,

It's because the Australian constitution requires a referendum to amend

makingStuffForFun , avatar

I believe that’s a little knee jerk. My brother, who is a real rough and tough redneck type of guy, is researching it to see what it really means. He wants to understand what implications could lay ahead when voting either way. To call someone racist for wanting critical analysis and clarity doesn’t help. In fact, it drives division, in my opinion.

DessertStorms , avatar

Your opinion is wrong.

morry040 ,

The official booklet provides a summary of the main points for both sides, each given 5 pages. That said, there has been a lot of criticism about how these points have been explained and published, so it's not a perfectly balanced explanation from either side, but it's a start.

As you can see from comments, if you try to offer any considerations about the No side, someone from the Yes side will call you a racist.

Nath , avatar

We need to have a vote on this because it is a constitutional change. There have been a few advisory bodies over the years, but then the opposition gets into power and they kill them off. Having it enshrined in the constitution means that will no longer be possible.

The details really aren’t that important. How the body is compromised isn’t going to be part of the constitution. And frankly, as a white person, it isn’t really my place to tell indigenous people how they should put this advisory body together. They’re not in parliament. They aren’t voting on bills. They don’t have veto rights. They just have a channel where they can speak on topics under discussion.

Before anyone starts to say even this is too much power, ask yourself how much power Rupert Murdoch should have. Because he and every other billionaire in the country has a pretty loud voice.

Not a lot is going to change from this. Why bother then? Listen to or read of the Uluru Statement From the Heart. It’s only a page long. There is no hidden agenda. 300+ first nation tribes from around the nation got together to make it.

bfradio , to worldnews in Burger King faces legal claim saying Whopper is too small

Same for Penn Station. I stopped there on a road trip recently. What a total disappoint. The 6in sun has 2.5 oz of meat. WTF SMH. Never again.

ryper , to worldnews in Canada warns LGBT travellers of US risks

A lot of states with those laws probably also have “Stand Your Ground” laws and loose guns regulations, so really nobody should go there.

AdamEatsAss ,

And as a blue blooded, god feering, gun toting, truck driving, steak eating, pussy grabbing, anti-woke, America first, patriot like myself that is exactly what we want. -s

HughJanus ,

also have “Stand Your Ground” laws

What exactly do you think these laws mean?

explodicle ,

Trayvon Martin

HughJanus ,

What about him?

ryper ,

Those laws basically say it’s OK to shoot someone if you feel threatened. You can practically get away with murdering someone for looking at you the wrong way.

HughJanus ,

That’s not at all what they say. They “basically” say that you don’t have a duty to run away from someone who is actively attacking you.

ryper ,

Fine, maybe I misinterpreted why people think it’s OK to shoot at people for knocking on their door or pulling into the wrong driveway. I still don’t want to go to places where people are likely to do that.

HughJanus ,

That’s not a realistic fear. Certainly not something worth putting out a public notice about an entire country of 300 million people.

EmpathicVagrant ,

It happened several times in the last year, I’d mark it as realistic.

HughJanus ,

“Several times” across a country with 300 million people? That’s nothing but paranoia. You’re significantly more likely to be struck by lightning.

ClutchCargo ,

Do you routinely walk into open expanses during electrical storms?

HughJanus ,

Do you routinely go around knocking on strangers doors? Or pulling into their driveways?

ClutchCargo ,

Yeah, sometimes. I live in a country with strict gun laws though, so I’m less concerned about getting shot than I am about getting hit by lightening.

Zoot , avatar

Kinda weird to be randomly knocking on doors, but to each their own. The country is also massive, just visit the nice states. Depending on where you live, youd be just as likely to be stabbed then shot at for knocking on a door.

gornar , avatar

Both are safe activities in Canada!

HughJanus ,

Good news: it’s safe here, too!

Misconduct ,

Neither of those things should get you shot and/or killed what the fuck!

HughJanus ,

They won’t. That’s the point.

Misconduct ,

You can’t say they won’t when some dipshit shot at a kid for knocking on his door lol. They will.

HughJanus ,

So no one in Canada has ever been shot? 🤔

Misconduct ,

Yeah, we’re not having a discussion. You’re just kinda jerking yourself off and moving the goal posts so I’m out.

HughJanus ,

I’m not moving anything. You think because a couple of people, in a country of 300 million killed by done crazy dude when they knock on his door, that the whole country is at risk. It’s a completely preposterous position. And this is not an exclusive risk to the US.

CanadaPlus ,

It eases the legal requirement to run away when someone attacks you, as opposed to fighting back.

Edit: Oh, that was rhetorical.

CanadaPlus ,

The actual risk of being effected is still pretty low.

library_napper , to worldnews in Canada warns LGBT travellers of US risks avatar

Global Affairs Canada warned

Is this an NGO or a GO?

outbound ,

GO. It’s a Federal Government department that is jointly run by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of International Development, and the Minister of International Trade. Putting out travel advisories is part of their mandate.

laylawashere44 , (edited )

Most Canadian GO follow a [Purpose] Canada naming scheme. If you want a SIN (equivalent to an SSN) you got to Services Canada. You get your weather warnings from Enviroment Canada. Drugs are related by Health Canada. Natural Resources Canada does the obvious. Parks Canada does National Parks. Transport Canada does highways and waterways.

AcidSmiley , avatar

This is an official government warning confirmed by the Deputy Prime Minister. From the source:

Asked why the guidance had been updated, Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland told reporters in Atlantic Canada that the government employed experts “to look carefully around the world and to monitor whether there are particular dangers to particular groups of Canadians”.

She declined to comment when asked whether there had been discussions with the US government before making the change.

Tomboys_are_Cute ,

A rare good take by Freeland

GaveUp ,

Queer Nazis really coming up in this world now

johnthedoe , to worldnews in Voice referendum: Australia to hold historic Indigenous vote in October

I heard a right wing sound bite on the radio a while back where they were saying “if you’re unsure and don’t know just vote no” Instead of informing and educating. Just put your head back in the sand. Inspiring stuff.

hanni ,

That’s so fucking sinister.

shrodes ,

Yep, it is part of their campaign material that went out this week. Hopefully most of Australia sees through this scare campaign.

I’m sad for the indigenous folk that will have to go through this nonsense much like our queer friends did during the run up to the gay marriage plebiscite.

octobob , to worldnews in Burger King faces legal claim saying Whopper is too small

Most American lawsuit in the world lol

I’ve eaten the whopper like thrice ever and it is a massive burger

MasterBlaster ,

And where did you get that Whopper? Because out here in Kentucky meth country, they are sad excuses for sandwiches.

Are we accustomed to larger portions? Sure. That’s not the point. The point is that the ad doesn’t match what you purchase.

Black_Gulaman , avatar

In Asia, a whopper is small as compared with the US

heftig , avatar

How does it compare to what BK calls the Whopper Jr in at least the US and EU?

Black_Gulaman , avatar

That I’m not sure of.

baduhai ,

Really? Whoppers were really small, the times I tried it.

charonn0 , avatar

Don’t other countries have truth in advertising laws?

octobob ,

What I mean is “boo hoo my burger is not big enough”

It’s an American lawsuit anyway

charonn0 , avatar

You should have read the article, then. It’s about false advertising.

octobob ,


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  • charonn0 , avatar

    Unless we’re talking about prostitutes, this comparison to commercial advertising is specious.

    nomnomdeplume ,

    Yeah if you look at the pictures in the article, you can see the advertisement shows the patty being 20?% larger than the bun underneath it. The photo under that shows the actual patty being slightly (10?%) smaller than the bun. I assume that’s how the 35% number was determined.

    AnUnusualRelic , avatar

    We do, but on the other hand, we have no idea what a quarter pounder is.

    24_at_the_withers ,

    [JULES] They don’t call it a Quarter Pounder with Cheese?

    [VINCENT] No, they got the metric system there, they wouldn’t know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is.

    [JULES] Then what do they call it?

    [VINCENT] They call it Royale with Cheese.

    [JULES] Royale with Cheese. What do they call a Big Mac?

    [VINCENT] Big Mac’s a Big Mac, but they call it Le Big Mac.

    Farman ,

    Maybe they are diferent in your country. Back before covid i somtimes had to go there and ordered 2 or 3 doble whoopers and and i remember it being way too expensive. I left hungry and feeling riped off.

    HurlingDurling , to worldnews in Burger King faces legal claim saying Whopper is too small
    PipedLinkBot ,

    Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

    Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

    I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

    jballs , avatar

    That was the first thing that popped into my head too. I was gonna say, sounds like a problem for D-FENS.

    ZeroEcks , to worldnews in Burger King faces legal claim saying Whopper is too small

    Okay but the size is actually fine as it is (in Australia)

    huginn ,

    It’s not about what the size is, it’s about the discrepancy between the advertised size and the actual.

    quindraco , to worldnews in Voice referendum: Australia to hold historic Indigenous vote in October

    If they voted against dethroning their tyrant I think you can stick a fork in any referendum threatening to give more of their people more of a voice in their government.

    shrodes ,

    Are you talking republic vs monarchy? If so that vote was an eternity ago (1999). The Yes campaign was not regarded as being run especially well.

    I expect another referendum on this to pass in my lifetime, most likely within the next decade once the Queen stuff dies down so to speak. My feeling is that support for a republic is there amongst the younger population so would likely get up, especially with the older generation dying off.

    s20 , to worldnews in Canada warns LGBT travellers of US risks

    I mean, good call, Canada.

    arymandias , to news in Army officers say they are taking power in Gabon

    French Africa falling like dominos, curious what’s behind this.

    mp3 , avatar

    Most likely Russia and China.

    arymandias ,

    I personally suspect the USA or nobody, but what do I know. (They have a significant military presence in Niger and I haven’t heard anything that would suggest their bases are in jeopardy)

    nick ,

    The situation in Niger is directly contrary to US interests given that there are moves towards asking the US to leave alongside the French + the coup government contacted Wagner/is already aligned with Wagner-backed regimes. The US does a lot of fucked up stuff in the world but it would make no sense for them to be involved here.

    PostmodernPythia ,

    It may be Francophone, but it’s as fucked up to call this “French Africa” as it would be to call India/Pakistan/Bangladesh “British India.”

    arymandias ,

    I get your point, there is probably a nicer word for it. But I find it more fucked up that a bunch of frogs militarily and financially sponsor dictators and then pretend it’s a crime against democracy when they get overthrown (be it by a similarly un democratic army).

    PostmodernPythia ,

    That’s valid.

    Pyr_Pressure ,

    Curious what makes that unacceptable where it’s common and accepted to call Quebec “French Canada”

    Local sentiments to the colonizers? Don’t think french Canadians harbour any (much) ill-will towards France I guess.

    PostmodernPythia ,

    Might have something to do with the slavery, imperialism, and genocide. Or the fact that French Canadians are primarily of French descent. It’s simply not comparable. Also, while people say French Canadian to describe an ethnicity and culture (again, one primarily made up of French immigrants), I’ve never heard someone call Quebec French Canada in seriousness.

    nick , to world in Army officers say they are taking power in Gabon

    Wow another coup in francophone Africa. I wonder if the regional democratic powers not intervening in Niger encouraged this.

    Kecessa ,

    Why mention francophone?

    WeirdGoesPro , avatar

    Did you read the article? This is the eighth coup in a French colonized African country in the last three years. There is a trend building.

    Kecessa ,

    Surely has nothing to do with the fact that the majority of Africa is francophone…


    Just look at the number of coup and coup attempts in Africa since 2010…

    There’s a whole lot of corruption in African governments no matter the language people speak, that’s why the continent is politically unstable in general.

    WeirdGoesPro , avatar

    Do you have experience in this area, or are you just drawing conclusions?

    The New York Times has a pretty solid article that explains that there has been growing anti-French sentiment in the region that has been getting worse for several years now, and it isn’t just a coincidence. Specific moves and policies by the French have angered some of their former colonies, and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

    Nobody ,

    their new partners, Russian mercenaries

    A certain leaderless Russian PMC seems to be moving in where the French withdraw. I wonder what effects the chaos in Wagner will have on stability in Africa.

    purahna , avatar
    PipedLinkBot ,

    Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

    Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

    I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

    bfg9k , to worldnews in China map: India lodges 'strong protest' over territory claims avatar

    We will get very angry, and we will send you a letter telling you how angry we are

    Minarble ,

    Will there be some serious foot stomping?

    Black_Gulaman , avatar

    No but we will “Tsk Tsk” very audibly.

    Pons_Aelius , to worldnews in Burger King faces legal claim saying Whopper is too small

    When I buy a new car, the car is the same as the one in the posters and built by the same people.

    A team of food stylists spent at least 30 minutes to create the perfect whopper for the add image and were paid 100 times more than an actual fast food employee to do so.

    Why that is allowed to represent something made in 30 seconds by someone on shit wages is beyond me.

    Especially_the_lies ,

    Not to mention that the food stylists create something that isn’t even edible. They frequently use things that aren’t food to make it look more palatable onscreen.

    Pons_Aelius ,

    I used to work in product photography. That is not true or legal here in Aus. The only thing they are allowed to use in the picture are ingredients used in store.

    I cannot speak to the laws in other markets but that is not the case everywhere.

    Of course they will go through hundreds of buns to find the perfect one etc, so it is still incredibly wasteful.

    Maestro , avatar

    Same thing in Europe. But I think in the US everything is allowed (surprise surprise)

    Klystron ,

    Freedom to manipulate and trick our consumers motherfucker 🦅

    StarServal , avatar

    Everything for the God of Profits

    lupec ,

    Surely that one must be related to Supply Side Jesus

    TheChefSLC ,

    While it doesn’t have to be “food”, it does have to be edible in the US…

    But that aside, burger king used to be good. It used to be decent sized and was almost worth the cost. Now on the other hand, it is so tiny and doesn’t feel remotely worth the price.

    In my area, they just closed about 5 locations this year, and to be honest, I am only sad about the few people losing their job at these locations.

    Burger King has gone so far down hill since 2020.

    AnUnusualRelic , avatar

    Everything is edible at least once.

    Tavarin , avatar

    Man that sucks, BK in Toronto is still a nice big burger, and on Whopper Wednesday it’s cheap so it’s definitely worth it. Shame the US side has gone to shit.

    insomniac , avatar

    They’re still an absurdly huge burger at every Burger King near me in the US. The suit is alleging they’re smaller than the advertisements. Not sure what OP is talking about but one thing I’ve noticed about BK is they are wildly inconsistent from location to location so it might be even more regional.

    Raiderkev ,

    I heard it used to be, but isn’t anymore. Granted, this is hearsay with no source, but a buddy of mine who worked in advertising was telling me about it a while back. Could be wrong tho.

    Kelsenellenelvial ,

    Even in places where they have to use the actual ingredients, there’s a lot of tricks to making it look different in photos. That burger might only be partially cooked to reduce shrinkage, then the burger and bun are frozen so they hold shape for the photo. Vegetables carefully picked out and arranged, tomato/pickles blotted dry, and the sauce applied with an eye dropper to provide visual balance after the rest of the burger is stacked.

    I will say from my experience, that tends to apply to advertising photography for large franchises. If we’re taking about food photography associated with a high profile event or restaurant where food is actually served, there’s minimal difference between the photo plate and what’s actually served. Sometimes the photo plate is just one picked out while producing the ones being served, sometimes it’s the first/last plate and a person takes a minute to pick out the best looking of ingredients from the same container that was used to serve the rest. Sometimes it’s just an extra minute arranging the plate nicely compared to the last 150 that were done quickly to keep up with service. Often the photographer then gets to eat the plate they’ve just photographed.

    hypelightfly ,

    This lawsuit is not happening in Australia.

    Ricaz ,

    It should simply be considered false advertisement.

    You can probably legally require your money back, saying it looks nothing like the photos, but that’s not enough imo

    explodicle ,

    That’s why a big lawsuit is a better solution. They’ve already stolen the search cost from you, and are relying on you just giving up when you see your disappointment burger.

    masterspace ,

    Advertising is scum and I don’t understand why we allow it all.

    It does not help the economy to distract consumers all day as much as possible, all it does is let companies compete on the basis of who can spend the most on advertising or who can hire the most manipulative advertisers rather than who can make the best product.

    toomanyjoints69 ,

    People see pictures of North Korea and say “wow its so eerie something is wrong and i cant figure it out.”

    Its that there are no ads everywhere. People are conditioned to be comforted by disengeuous promises from ads, and are scared when there arent business signs everywhere.

    Its entirely achievable to have no ads. Ads are bad for everyone.

    N0_Varak ,

    Trust me that’s not the reason

    SheeEttin ,

    Vermont and Maine have banned billboard ads. It doesn’t feel like North Korea.

    toomanyjoints69 ,

    That sounds awesome! :o :D

    OKRainbowKid ,

    Yeah, ads are the reason people in NK are starving.

    zurohki ,

    Everyone thinks, “But advertising doesn’t work on me.” That’s why it’s still legal.

    ThePantser , avatar

    Advertising works on everyone. Just there are those of us that don’t impuls buy and look into and research the interesting product they just seen an ad for, before buying. But billboards those annoy the shit out of me. Like I know McDonald’s exists and there is a 70% chance there is one at the next exit, why do I need 4 billboards telling my there is a McDonald’s coming up in 5 exits?

    JustAManOnAToilet ,

    Because an alarming amount of drivers are doing any number of things besides looking out of the windshield and probably missed 3/4 of them.

    ApathyTree , avatar

    And this is why there’s a row of billboards advertising a sex store near me. I think there’s like 10 of them, and there’s always at least one with an anti-porn Jesus message in the mix. It’s kinda glorious.

    But billboards should be banned. They are a distraction, they ruin otherwise pleasant scenery, and we just don’t need the ads. We get enough ads, damn.

    Zippy ,

    I agree but it is a tough one to police. If your business is next to a road, can you advertise from there? What signage you allowed to put up? Only your own? What if you have two business on the same property? Both get a sign? What if you sell McDonalds a 5% stake in your land?

    But they are an eyesore. Hate them.

    ApathyTree , avatar

    Not really that tough to police, they just need to put more robust and consistent regulations in place. There are already many regulations on building signage, and if billboards would be banned they would need to fully define what was banned so… I don’t see this actually being that much of a problem.

    For example, specifically the accessory vs advertising section:…/nyc-signs-rules-and-regulations

    zurohki ,

    Those billboards aren’t for you, they’re to remind the kids in the back that McDonald’s exists.

    theplanlessman ,

    Fun fact, most car advertising uses a computer generated car. Photoreal cars bave been achievable for years now and it just makes sense for them to do it as they can keep it looking flawless throughout the ad. There’s even a “mocap” car with an adjustable body to match the length/width etc. of the car it’s supposed to be that they can just pin the model to.

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