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“Once you’ve been to Gaza, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Benjamin Netanyahu to death with your bare hands.”

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snek OP , avatar

I hate America’s stance on this. No fucking spine whatsoever! Shot in the head by accident? Nope. The only accident here is that they probably thought she was Palestinian.

snek , avatar

It’s because she’s rich bitch who wants to sell. No other reason.

snek , avatar

Correct. Propaganda doesn’t need to be unfactual. Using a celebrity figure to promote a certain party or ideology because idiots with no music taste love to worship this “musician” is propaganda… whether we like the party she advocates for or not.

snek , avatar

She does all that and yet it all sounds repetitive and bland. She might as well be replaced by an AI.

snek , (edited ) avatar

Like I said, I do know who she is… thanks to CNN and their desperate attempts at remain relevant among celebrity worshippers. Now it’s your turn to repeat exactly what you said before!

snek , avatar

Yeah just keep talking with the person you think I am in your head…

snek , avatar
snek , avatar

I wonder how many sales really go down just driven by the dystopian internet ads that pop up into your face or hide half the screen…

snek , (edited ) avatar

And now they are also making everyone agree to having their data splurged up by the giant monstrosity that is now google: share or die.…/google-s-search-dominance-leaves-…

All disguised as real choices 😁

snek , avatar

Never said all ads are like that. Still wondering how much dystopian ads like that bring along in actual value.

snek , avatar

It gets easier of course when they don’t focus on the racial aspect but instead pick some other factor: we need to steal their children because they are poor, these children deserve better!

snek , avatar

I have a friend who hangs out with ANTIFA to punch Nazis. He does it for the symbolism, makes him feel like a hero when he is violent. No thanks.

snek , avatar

Are you sorry for the Roma that you generalize against, when they suffer the effects of such stereotyping?

snek , avatar

That’s how you make scientific conclusions… don’t like it? Take it up with the statisticians.

snek , avatar

And that will help how??

snek , avatar

He is a cool guy but what the fuck. Senselesd traumatizing violence and nothing really changes.

snek , avatar

Can’t do any crimes if everyone is dead. By your logic we should start poisoning the water.

Who else is on your list that we should strip of basic human rights? Rapists? How about killers? Thieves? Anyone in politics?

snek , (edited ) avatar

No friend, the gray area is about execution. Do who else is on your death note?

snek , avatar

So I cannot disagree with them without using violence that makes me no better than them? How sad this sounds.

snek , avatar

Yeah exactly so I was asking who else you would include other than child molesters. Or is that where you draw the execution line?

snek , avatar

Not choosint violence = concern troll? Come on, I just disagree with you.

I don’t support violent solutions when I don’t deem them absolutely necessary — I don’t think that punching Nazis will inch the Nazis any closer on their path back to sanity. Using violence causes trauma. Traumatized people are at risk to create more violence which results in more traumatized people. What I am advocating for is breaking the cycle and choosing therapy and connection rather than war and violence. If a Nazi walks armed into your home, fuck them up no problem. But punching a Nazi while they are being interviewed on TV? Punching a Nazi for having a swastika tattoo? Fuck no, that’s the spot where you will create trauma just so you can feel like you’re the big guy here and could defend yourself from the “evil Nazi”. It’s incredibly black-and-white to use this as a blanket license for violence. You then inch closer to the ideals of Nazis, you become the monsters you want to fight.

The quote I have is a play on the Kissinger one. Netanyahu is a war criminal and it makes me what to punch him to death but I won’t because I can control my fucking emotions and can never predict the violent spiral coming in the future if I choose to kill a person.

snek , avatar

Right. So you only want to murder child molesters. Thanks.

snek , avatar

As someone who was raped as a teen, I would still do anything in my power to prevent you from killing my rapist. Because if you kill them, you’re just worse than them, really.

snek , avatar

Just because they reported no contact with birds doesn’t mean that no bird touched them. Simply walking in a park is enough. Leave your sandwich on the bench for a second, and a tit will have grabbed a tiny bite and disappeared within seconds.

snek , avatar

Yeh because it’s just like having their dumb parents do homework for them

snek , avatar

Ah yes everyone not happy about genocide is a trump supporter /s

snek , avatar

Yeah… no. If she was working towards that she would have ended all weapon supplies to Israel. What she is doing is putting on a face and pretending to care.

snek , avatar

The Americans are lost. Their version of democracy has collapsed over their own heads. In a way, they deserve this shit. If they put all this crappy energy into unitedly voting for third candidate, it just might work. But nope, gotta wake up every day and go online to accuse people who refuse a second holocaust of being tRuMp SupPorTers.

Free thought is dead in America and the Americans killed it.

Go ahead downvote me to fucking hell, haters.

snek , avatar

She isn’t even promising it. She won’t do it nor ask Biden to do it. She is helping fund the genocide. Neither have spine.

snek , avatar

What kind of democracy is one where you can’t even criticize the candidate because “it’s not the right time” right before the elections when the candidates are forced to make changes to make the public happy? After they are in power, it’s another 4 years of BS, and by the third year the same cycle begins and you are not allowed to criticize your candidate.

snek , avatar

She has the.potential to be President yet doesn’t even want to offer this! It’s unreasonable that even the current US President won’t somehow find a legal way to stop weapons exports to a people literally committing war crimes on a daily basis by the admission of almost every expert worldwide on anything related to law, the UN, global health or humanitarian work.

It’s not because they are incapable. It’s because they have no spine. And worse they have somehow convinced people like you that it’s our of their hands.

snek , avatar

Like I said, they convinced you they are not able to stop weapon exorts to a war criming nation. Did they have a problem like that when it came to Russia? Nope.

Family confirms death of Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin (

The family of Israeli-American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin announced the young man’s death early Sunday, ending a relentless campaign by his parents to rescue him that included meetings with world leaders and an address to the Democratic convention last month....

snek , avatar

You are getting Sloppy with spelling. Anyway you don’t rescue a body.

snek , avatar


snek , (edited ) avatar

I’ve been using it for a while and by far the biggest issue is how giant the backup file is and now about 3Gb of data were lost because of a signal version mismatch between an old phone I was using and the new one I switched to.

snek , avatar

I always felt like most users don’t use Linux not because of any of the things you mentioned, nut because their first computer was a windows or mac.

snek , avatar

My bubble is mostly lm, which comes in two flavors:

(1) useless repo made up entirely of jupyter notebooks and 28363 requirements achieved via pip freeze

(2) simple, friendly, well documented, runs

snek , avatar

Learning to read docs is basically learning how to learn. If good docs exist and you have the skill of reading them, your life will get significantly easier.

snek , avatar

I can’t wait for Microsoft to kill itself.

snek , (edited ) avatar

As someone who lives in Europe, I already pay this much on income taxes. Is this considered high?

Edit: actually like 30-33%

snek , avatar

“Four months before Volar died, police arrested him on charges of sexual assault but released him the same day.”

Yeah maybe we are not told about how corrupt police is.

snek , avatar

The dowvotes on this one worry me.

Yeah the police don’t work so your solution is to go be even worse police? At this point, no justice at all might be better rofl.

snek , avatar

Downvoted just f the ACAB. Who said it’s obligatory? Why? That one phrase that reeks of generalization, civilized society has adopted it now? If this is not what it’s supposed to mean, I am open to explanations.

snek , avatar

I wonder if she was coerced to do so under false pretenses. But I also saw others in the comments point out that it looked more like a premediated murder than a self defense one since she apparently went to his house to kill him, so she was not held against her will at the point of the murder.

snek , avatar

So if the current system is corrupt, what are the chances for a vigilante system? Somehow less corrupt? And based on what, the goodness of those who are willing to be vigilantes? Sounds like Police v2 minus any shred of accountability or system to handle abuse cases.

snek , avatar

Okay, sure, we are in agreement then.

snek , avatar

I am Palestinian and I just got banned from world news ml for saying that some Israeli hostages experienced rape/sexual assault/abuse without “credible evidence”. Somehow the mod equated this with me not giving a fuck about Palestinian prisoners of war.

No my man… I was raped myself as a teen. So to me, all rapes are equal no matter who does it to whom.

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