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moe90 , avatar

ytliteplus or uyou is great for ios

moe90 , avatar

if you want easiest route: try signulous or maple sign. But, you have to paid yearly.

moe90 , avatar

similar case like hikarinoakari last month

moe90 , avatar

it is still developed on the russian repo that the dev provided

moe90 OP , avatar

Sorry for disappoint you. But, normies don’t know what is Linux about? hell even higher than average tech-savvy people know little bit Ubuntu as a Linux.

moe90 OP , avatar

not really because Vista does not have strong hardware requirements. But, this one have

moe90 , avatar

KDE is the best and much easier and polished to ex windows users

Indonesia bans search engine DuckDuckGo on gambling, pornography concerns (

Indonesia said it has banned the privacy-oriented search engine DuckDuckGo, citing concerns that it could be used to access pornography and online gambling websites which are illegal in the country, the communications ministry said on Friday....

moe90 , avatar

lack of content and engagement are the main issue and Youtube reign top because of that

moe90 OP , avatar

not everyone want to pay though

moe90 OP , avatar

the thing is this is not monopoly and it much more like duopoly between Google and brave search. So, it is hard.

moe90 OP , avatar

it is bearable and no captcha for VPN users (unlike google search)

moe90 , avatar

just begin with test for brave search and it still works

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