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shadowSprite ,

I used to be an EMT (am going to be working as one again soon) and where I worked we had some good cops and some real shitty cops who had no business being cops, but one thing that they all had in common was that the rules were if someone asked for medical help, they had to call the ambulance. Didn’t matter if it looked like obvious bullshit, all the departments in the area I worked had a blanket policy that they weren’t medical professionals and they couldn’t make that decision. You could have a tiny little cut on your finger and ask for medical help and even the shittiest cops would sigh and call for EMS. These cops infuriate me. How many more people have to get murdered? If someone asks for help fucking help them and sort out the details later.

shadowSprite ,

Kids these days are just so lazy, back then the average man could lift way more weight

shadowSprite ,

I was a little lost until the iPod and the t9 showed up, then it was almost scary how normal it all felt. I didn’t even realize I still remembered t9 but I didn’t even have to think.

shadowSprite ,

Yes, you’re right, my mistake!

shadowSprite ,

Shit, I’ll never forget being at home watching the towers burn on TV as a kid and seeing things falling from them and asking my mom what they were and hearing “those are people jumping rather than burn to death”. Horrifying. What a choice to make.

shadowSprite ,

I wish the EU would fucking invade the US already. Either put us out of our misery or save us, either way, it stops our leaders from spreading the evil and murder around the globe.

shadowSprite ,

I just got an autofeeder for my cats. Wonderful thing. My cats still come to me and sit and scream for food for the hour before each mealtime, and we argue about whether or not they currently need my participation in mealtime, right up until the thing kicks on, then they’re off like a shot. It’s hilarious.

shadowSprite ,

I feed my cats their wet food on large plates the size of dinner plates. The assholes still prefer to paw it onto the floor and eat it off there, and then leave a mess everywhere. They get their kibble in a wide shallow bowl, and that stays in place.

shadowSprite ,

I’ve never been motivated to create a time machine, but you’ve suddenly made it extremely appealing…

shadowSprite ,

You think zip ties will hold together at those speeds? Not to mention cause drag due to the tiny bumps? Do you know anything about aerodynamical engineering?

You have to zip tie it together, then duct tape over top nice and smooth for extra holding strength and to reduce wind resistance. Boeing, hire me instead!

shadowSprite ,

(Clearly I don’t know anything about aerodynamically engineering)

shadowSprite ,

1 is when I have had to pee for the past 2 hours but have had a warm happy kitty on my lap that I didn’t want to disturb but now the situation is dire.

2 is every other time.

shadowSprite ,

I’m down 40ish in a year. I mean, it’s weight I’ve been trying desperately without success to lose for years, but eventually I’m going to run out. And then when it’s 3am on a Tuesday and I’m lying awake mentally working through my budget for the 11th time that week I go “I’ve been stressed and skipped meals before and never lost weight, do I have cancer? Because I really can’t afford that.”

shadowSprite ,

What if we can’t see God because we’re all just a bunch of random synapses firing in some higher beings brain while they’re having a fever dream? After our world “ends” they’re gonna wake up and go “holy shit that was a fucked up dream”

What do you think about that most big VR technology is owned by big companies like Meta and Tik Tok?

I mean yeah it’s obvious that it’s an oportunity for making money on a new marked and so on, but, even if it’s a bit silly, dreaming of VR technology like in Ready Player One(minus the distopian world) for real life it feels like the bad guys already won, when we will have the technology. Like the omni One is just about to...

shadowSprite ,

Modded Skyrim in VR is amazing too. I’ve put my Index on and had hours slip by without realizing it. There’s nothing like wandering around Skyrim and killing dragons in VR. And then of course there’s also Half Life Alyx. That game will make you forget you’re in a game…

shadowSprite ,

When I was in my late teens/early twenties I truly thought that in ten years I’d own a home for sure, with some hard work and dedication.

Ten years later, I don’t even get to buy groceries every week or eat every day. I’ve lost 30 pounds in the last year just from skipping so many meals.

I can’t wait to see what the next ten years holds.

And if one more person tells me I should make sure to invest for retirement… I can’t even feed myself, what you want me to invest? My retirement plan is work until I’m too old/sick/injured and then off myself.

shadowSprite ,

I wasn’t smart enough to make that choice this time around, but next life being born into a rich family is my number one criteria :)

shadowSprite ,

The funny thing is that I’ve never had avocado toast and I tried coffee once, hated it, and never tried it again. I can’t drink energy drinks either. Take that, financial columnists!

shadowSprite ,

I dont smoke, I’ve never done drugs, and I drink a few times a year. Have I been guilty of a few frivolous purchases in the past? Sure, but now I literally do not have the money, so I can’t. I just make lists of things I’d like to buy “someday.”

I’ve gone out and bought a $7 rotisserie chicken, a $3 bag of noodles and a $3 bag of carrots, thrown them in a pot with a bunch of garlic, spices and water, slow cooked them for an entire day, then pulled out the chicken, ripped off all the meat, discarded the carcass, and lived for an entire month off that soup. I was sooo sick of chicken noodle soup.

But I shouldn’t have to. Why should I work my ass off for companies who make more and more profits while my rent goes up, food costs more and more, and every other fucking bill goes up, yet if I ask for a raise I’m a lazy millenial?

Have some fucking empathy.

Amazon Subscribe & Save percentages not adding up (

I only needed one more item to “unlock extra savings up to 15%”, so I added an extra item to see what the savings would be. I didn’t think the savings matched what was advertised, so I removed an item to see what the difference was (making sure to screenshot before/after this time). Turns out the price of 3 out of 4 items...

shadowSprite ,

Chewy is amazing. Price is very consistent and customer service is scary good. I once ordered food for my cat while sitting eating dinner. The next morning at 6am I opened my door to go to work and literally tripped over my cats food. I still have no fucking clue how the hell it got to me so quick, it was 12ish hours. When I moved and switched my auto subscription their system flagged my change of address as fraud and emailed me to call customer service. I called at literally 3am (because I’m a freakish night owl) expecting to work my way through an automated system and the phone rang twice and a very cheerful person answered. I almost hung up in shock and then almost was the jerk calling at 3am asking “why are you answering the phone at 3am?”

shadowSprite ,

I gave myself myself a concussion almost the same way, except my clumsy ass was getting into my car and I slammed the side of my head on the roof of my car, everything went black, and then the door that I had already started to swing shut came and slammed into the other side of my head, knocking me back to my senses. I had a dent above my ear for a year lol.

shadowSprite ,

I’m curious what the long term health affects of this are going to be as people are forced to eat less and less. Yes, it may help with obesity, but what about malnutrition? I’m overweight, but I’ve lost a fuck ton of weight in the last year from not being able to afford food and I’m at the point where it’s not uncommon to go a day or 3 without eating. And it’s only going to get worse for me. I just went to the grocery store today and bought food for the first time in a month and some sandwich fixings/bread, a pound of chicken, 2 tomatoes, a container of greens and two small bags of snacks cost over $50. Hopefully I can stretch that for a few weeks.

Can Linux be dual booted on a computer with Windows?

I have a Lenovo Yoga running Windows 10 on a 1TB SSD and at some point will probably have to upgrade it to Windows 11. I use it for school and have to keep Windows on it for now because of what I’m currently doing. I want to start getting into Linux in hopes of making the switch sometime down the line. Is partitioning the disk...

shadowSprite OP ,

Thank you! This is all good advice. I’ve never actually used a VM but will have to do more research on installing and using one. When you (and everyone else here) say shrink the partition from inside windows, do you mean from within the disk management software? I’m familiar with that, having added extra drives on my other computers. I actually have 3 computers, 2 laptops and a gaming rig I built, but they both have Nvidia GPUs and I’ve heard so many bad things about Nvidia and Linux and I don’t want my first Linux experience to be fighting it out with those. If I like Linux I’ll probably switch one of my other computers over to Linux either entirely or on one of the second drives (both my other computers have 2 different drives).

shadowSprite OP ,

I have no idea. I’ve known it for years. All my computer knowledge is self taught so random things I’m fairly knowledgeable on and then there’s things that are common knowledge I’ve never heard of. I’m doing my best out here! I was a sheltered kid who grew up into an adult that doesn’t know anyone tech savvy!

shadowSprite OP ,

Thanks! I’ve been interested in Linux for awhile now. I don’t plan on sharing files between the two OSes, and I’m religious about my backups. If I don’t have at least 3 or 4 backups I don’t consider my data backed up :)

shadowSprite OP ,

I did google it, and found a bunch of articles about dual booting with windows 7. I didn’t know if it was still possible or if it would be smart to try for someone with no experience with Linux, so I thought I’d come to a sub where there are tons of people who use Linux daily and could give me some advice about whether I should try it or not. Thanks for the input :)

shadowSprite OP ,

Thanks! This is all good information and I appreciate you taking the time to write it all out for me!

shadowSprite ,

I’ve stopped eating breakfast, lunch, and most days dinner too! Gosh end stage capitalism is fun when for meals I just keep convincing my body that no, you aren’t actually hungry as I drink more water.

shadowSprite ,

Milk doing a body good

I’m a child of the 90s. My parents believed that so hard. I had to have a large glass of milk every night with dinner, and couldn’t leave the table until it was gone. I’m also lactose intolerant. I have many memories of crying in pain in the bathroom :)

shadowSprite ,

I noticed a few months ago that if I would put things in my cart and not order them right away, the price in my cart would jump a lot without notice, but the price on the page would stay the same. Like, I added something that was $30 to my cart, 2 days later it was $50 in my cart but the store page still showed the price as $30 and there wasnt the usual “an item in your cart changed price” message. I had to delete it from my cart and re-add it to get the price to drop. There was no deal, it wasn’t subscribe and save, nothing. This happened multiple times. I also had prime and couldn’t tell you the last time my shipping took less than 2 weeks, and I live near a city. I’ve since canceled prime and stopped ordering from Amazon unless I can’t find what I need elsewhere. Want to scam me, fuck you.

You can only pick 2 games from steam to play for the rest of your life, what games are they? (

I have a large library of steam games, but yet always come back to Garry mod and ravensfield. I keep coming back for the modded content and every other game is excellent, don’t get me wrong. But a lot of big games like RD2 and watchdogs 2 just seem like such a long time investment. What 2 games do you infinitely come back to?

shadowSprite ,

Skyrim and Witcher 3. Shoutouts to Baldurs Gate and Witcher 2, but the latter is far too short for me to want it on my “you can only play this” list, it’s quirky but there’s something special as hell about it for me. I’ve played it through about 15 times.

shadowSprite ,

About a month ago I was at the gas station filling up my 24 year old clunker when a homeless guy came up and asked if I would give him enough money for a coffee. I was going to lie and say I didn’t have cash on me, but it occurred to me that I’m one bad day from being in his shoes every moment, so I checked the emergency stash I kept in my car and on impulse just gave him the whole pile of it. Idk how much it was, not a ton, but a handful of ones and maybe a $5 or a $10. And yeah, a week ago, that bad day happened. My husband dumped me via text message, and now I’m very, very close to homelessness in the next few weeks or months if I can’t find a place to go soon. It’s not always drugs, or addiction, or laziness. Sometimes it’s making what look like good decisions and just getting fucked over.

shadowSprite ,

Thank you for your kind words. I’m still completely in shock and just trying to process the entire thing. I’ve cried more in the last week than I have in my entire life. Up until a week ago I would have said he was literally the best husband I ever could have dreamed of.

shadowSprite ,

Hes been depressed for years. Kept saying its not me, and I kept asking how I could help and he kept telling me nothing. He’s been working with changing his meds around and just hit a new combo less than 2 months ago that he admitted has made him completely numb and because of that/on top of that he’s been drinking more after almost stopping alcohol. Won’t talk about maybe that being an issue, nope, it’s me, I gotto go. (He literally wont talk to me at all. We’ve had one text conversation since all this happened where he basically told me to fuck off and that his mind is made up). He was supposed to go to therapy recently for his depression but he changed his mind. I’m laughing because there’s that sexist joke “men will literally do anything but go to therapy” yeah well he literally just fucked up my life rather than go to therapy and have to deal with his feelings. He claims this isn’t my fault and there’s nothing I could have done differently but also that “I should have known” that he was depressed and of course going to leave me like this. I’ve been depressed my entire life and I’d never do this, so stop lying and just tell me the truth.

shadowSprite ,

You sound like a good person. I hope you get out of the motel and into stable housing soon!

I'm tired with all this Big-Phone-Elitism

I’m someone with relatively small hands, plus I want my phone to be on the smaller side since I prefer to use my tablet/computer/tv to watch content. But this trend where many manufacturers tend to keep futures away from smaller phones to drive people to bigger phones is driving me crazy and really makes it hard for me to buy...

shadowSprite ,

I was cleaning out awhile ago and found my first ever smartphone, a Galaxy s3. Boy, the memories… that phone sure wasn’t perfect, but I think it’s still my favorite phone, and it was literally the perfect size for my tiny ass hands. I hate hauling a small tablet around.

shadowSprite , (edited )

When I moved states and closed my accounts with the local bank I’d been with since my first bank account (and never once paid a fee to) I looked into the credit unions in my area. The fees were absurd, I finally found one that looked decent and then found that there was a $6 fee any time you transferred or withdrew money from any savings accounts. I’m not paying to access my own money. Ended up going with another small local bank and haven’t paid a fee yet. Customer service is great too, I give them a call and get a real person the next county over and the few times I’ve actually gone to a branch they’ve been almost too nice.

shadowSprite ,

I’m so sorry. Belle is beautiful. We can never have them for long enough can we? They come into our life and want nothing but to be a part of it and forever would be too short of a time to keep them. She’ll be waiting for you over the rainbow bridge.

shadowSprite ,

I’m in the (gradual) process of switching all my stuff from Gmail and Google to Proton mail. I really like the mail client and Proton Drive works better on my computers than Google Drive did, but Proton Drive doesn’t back up my phone yet and I wish they had an office suite like Google does. I don’t put anything important or private on Google docs, but it’s useful to be able to access my textbook notes from any of my computers. I haven’t used the password manager because I’m using Bitwarden, which I really like.

shadowSprite ,

I missed that update! This is great news!

shadowSprite ,

Out of curiosity, how does one join the Satanic Temple? I never hear anything about them except when they show up in the news, and the more I hear about them the more I love them.

shadowSprite ,

Thank you! Joined!

shadowSprite ,

My rent has gone up at least $50-$100 a year when renewing my lease since I’ve been an adult renting a residence. In 2015 when I got my first apartment it was $750/month, utilities included except for electric and internet. 2 apartments later and an increase every year, I’m paying $2,000 month plus all utilities and fees for trash. It ends up being like $2350/month all said and done. And sure it’s a nicer place, but it’s not that much nicer. I’m so thankful I don’t have kids, because I can’t afford to feed myself, let alone children. I don’t know how parents are doing this right now.

shadowSprite ,

One of the men I’ve most respected and most trusted in my life told me once (at the time a teenager) that when he was in his 20s, women in their 20s were so hot and seeing a barely clothed young woman was so hot. But he said that now that he was in his 40s, women in his 40s were so hot and whenever he looked at a woman in her 20s all he could think of was that she could be his daughter and that he just felt protective and there was nothing hot or attractive about her.

I’m a woman, but when I was in my teens and early 20s guys in their teens and early 20s seemed so attractive and anyone older was not it. Now that I’m in my early 30s I’m so attracted to men in their 30s and I look at teens and guys in their early 20s and they just seem like babies to me. I actually deal with a lot of young guys with my work and they’re all cool people and I love talking to them, but dating them? Ugh, no thank you. They were in elementary school (or younger) when I was graduating high school. So yeah, I think for a lot of people your goalposts move as you move, and that’s not a bad thing. I also am curious as to whether I’ll someday find 60 or 70 year old men hot, but I’ve got a long ways to go.

shadowSprite ,

Halsin makes you wait til Act 3. Got to lift the shadow curse first.

shadowSprite ,

This is why I hate the Dems. They aren’t fucking doing anything. Yeah, they aren’t Republicans, but they claim they can’t get anything done because the Republicans won’t let them. Then why are they letting the Republicans get so much evil shit done? How is it that one side can accomplish their agenda and the other side sits and goes "sorry guys, they don’t want to share their power so we won’t be able to accomplish our goals lol better luck next time. " Fucking useless twats.

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