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A terrible smelly person

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axont ,

What in the hell is capitalist hardware? Does my computer own a factory?

axont ,

Are you saying capitalists and engineers are one in the same? Maybe sometimes, but it’s not capital that makes things, it’s labor.

axont ,

There’s the Oculus stattion in NYC which is ok, but I hate the building it’s connected to. It’s one of only a handful of nice stations though. Half of the NYC metro looks like Silent Hill.

axont ,

“Death to America” is like our version of “and peace be with you.” It’s a nice phrase to say at the end of every statement.

axont ,

Edit: I just realized this was blahaj, not beehaw. I can’t keep none of this stuff straight.

That was Beehaw was federated for a while but then if I remember right kept saying we’re not actually trans/gay friendly because we’re too tankie. Then they kept insulting one of our admins, who is a trans woman herself. Like they’d say we’re faking how queer we are. Then it turns out they have a really bad chaser problem and a bunch of our trans posters kept getting death threats or weird stalkers from over there. Also they’re so anti-tankie they occasionally swerve into outright saying reactionary stuff. They also like saying slurs.

There was an attempt at damage control, then I think we decided to cut them off. Do I have all of that right? I really have problems remembering my Hexbearian lore, I’m sorry. We need a Bible

axont ,

yeah, now I remember. They said something like we’d push a certain ideology and that’s unacceptable for some reason. Yeah, we’re the only ideological ones

axont ,

Climate change is killing people currently. It’s not some far off distant event outside of our lifetimes. It’s already happening and causing worldwide problems. We already passed the crossroads. Every year is hotter than the last, every year breaks records in terms of storm severity. This impacts people in poor, underdeveloped nations the most.

A possible extinction event isn’t the only thing we need to worry about. The other problems of climate change are already here.

People who can don't get mad and just go with the flow, how do you do it?

Here recently it seems like everything just gets under my skin so quickly and easily. It’s not that I get mad and take it out on others, it’s just the fact that I’m constantly annoyed and stressed. Something as simple as the dogs tracking some mud through the house will just ruin my mood. I know some people who would just...

axont ,

it depends on what I’m getting mad at. For instance, I don’t tend to argue/yell/confront people in real life. I only get mad at people if it’s online. In real life if I can look into someone’s eyes I’ll feel different about it. If it’s some racist person or someone being annoying, I look in their eyes and often see a little kid trying to rile people up, so I just feel sad. Or sometimes I’ll see nothing in their eyes. If someone is pure evil, I just don’t sense their soul anymore, so getting emotionally invested in them is like throwing a bucket of water into a black hole. Anger at them would go nowhere. I dismiss people like that, acknowledge what they are, and tell them to stop doing whatever they’re doing. Don’t say racist or transphobic or whatever stuff around me, simple as that, you know? usually being direct works the best. I have a 100% success rate so far, because people like that do get embarrassed easily if they’re in public, trying to confide something bigoted with me, then I’m not having it.

Anger at situations though? I don’t deal with that in a healthy way at all. I turn all of it into self-hatred. I blame myself for every problem I have. If there’s a way out of doing that, I’d love to know, because this sucks.

axont ,

This wouldn’t work for me at all because thinking about Israeli/American treatment of Palestine infuriates me. Then thinking about Palestine makes me think of Yemen, which makes me think of the Iraq War, and then I’m just in a spiral of hatred and gritting my teeth. I’d be walking around with balled up fists and my neighbor pleasantly says hello, I’d whip around with “Fuck your hello, krakkker colonizer first worlder”

and being in that mindset permanently would be a good way to get myself shot.

axont ,

i’d wanna know who had the biggest dick in human history

axont ,

yeah this should be the immediate next step. The kid shouldn’t feel punished. It shouldn’t be a “you’re not allowed because I said so.” Kids can be smart and might be able to understand why Roblox is exploitative.

At least this is a better reason to take a way a kid’s video game. My parents banned me from certain games/movies because they had positive depictions of black people.

axont ,

no, just very idiosyncratic white American racists. I don’t even know where they got it from. My grandparents weren’t racists and my parents never listened to Rush Limbaugh or anything.

axont ,

Nah, they don’t watch that either. They’re very detached and only watch football or movies with Humphrey Bogart. My best guess is they felt some kind of resentment their whole lives because they were always the poorest ones out of their siblings. All my aunts and uncles formed businesses or got moderately wealthy, whereas I grew up on the lower middle side of that spectrum. And that turned into standard American racism.

axont ,

Yeah and you wouldn’t believe how many slurs theu scream during an average game

axont ,

Star Trek has more historical weight behind it. It more or less created modern scifi fandom. It’s probably so widely beloved because it’s unlike most scifi in that it’s hopeful. It sells you on the idea of a better future where everything could go right, where we can explore space and be chill with everyone. Other scifi franchises sell you on window dressing or a bad future full of the same problems we have now.

People like Star Trek because they want it to be reality in a way that other scifi stuff just doesn’t do.

axont ,

Poor people don’t vote because they’ve completely checked out. They don’t believe either party represents their interests. They’re correct.

There is no way to vote poverty away here because the entire apparatus is already owned by the people who want widespread poverty to exist

axont ,

The aversion to housemates represents a breakdown in social trust in general, plus people are just more precarious. You’ve got to hope your housemates can pay rent when all of you hold tenuous employment. One person losing their job is a disaster for everyone else. One person moving out can also be a crisis.

I lived with housemates around 2010 to 2016 and it was a constant struggle to keep bills paid, plus we’d have to share vehicles and that was difficult since sometimes one of us would work nights, some of us days. Also revolving door of girlfriends/boyfriends who’d come in and eat our food or borrow cars.

Not great experiences. Honestly some fun times looking back on it all. Was nice to be around friends or do movie nights. But otherwise it was a struggle to keep together.

axont , (edited )

I do see it as an economic problem. Precarity is going to induce loneliness and tension. People are working more hours and there’s simply less ability to connect. There are fewer “third spaces” (places outside of work or home) these days, so people have reduced capacity to develop bonds with one another. All of that is going to generate mistrust and lack of friendship among people.

Political tensions are high too, for instance, I would refuse to live with someone who expresses casual transphobic because I wouldn’t trust them to be around me.

Furthermore this is a niche internet forum with a lot of nerds who have general social anxiety. Probably not a good cross section of a population.

axont ,

I probably wouldn’t want this game to actually exist, but it’s been stuck in my head for years so here goes. I described this one a while ago. A friend of mine was on mushrooms once and described a first person WW1 game where you’re an Austro-Hungarian courier running across battlefields. There would be parkour, time management, stealth, stuff like that. Sneaking through trenches and whatever. At first the missions go ok, easy enough. But then you’re given more complex missions that waste your time, or are foolishly planned.

Your character begins mumbling under their breath about how the generals are doing everything wrong, the war is lost. Your character becomes more deranged as the missions become more fruitless. Eventually your guy will start screaming deranged conspiracies and wild racist shit. There would be a mechanic where you start to need amphetamines to function.

Then in the last mission you catch sight of your reflection in a puddle and you’ve been playing as Hitler this whole time.

axont ,

The Siren series has a mechanic where you see what the enemies are seeing. There’s also a section of Driver: San Francisco where you’re being chased and it’s from the perspective of the person chasing you. That’s the closest I’ve ever seen.

axont ,

My dream for a Disco Elysium sequel would be set centuries in the future and the events in Revachol are only flavor text in a book somewhere. I like sequels that do stuff like that.

axont ,

There need to be more educational videos games that are actually fun and educational

axont ,

Yeah I speak two languages and my brain is still filled with irrelevant information about trains

axont ,

Was it not already working? I’ve been using a PS5 controller on Steam for a year now and it’s been fine.

axont ,

If I had a jack off hand motion emoji I would post it but you’ll have to settle for me simply saying you sound up your own ass

axont ,

Greatest day of my life

axont ,

I prefer gender neutral terms, please. I’m nonbinary

Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?

2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision...

axont ,

Do you live somewhere where voting for Democrats even matters?

axont ,

Pretty bad drought and floods over the past 20 years, and the country is too mountainous to support most effective reforestation strategies. So it’s mostly climate change, economic isolation, and only 17% of the land can support forests in the first place. It’s not a good time right now.

axont ,

Every single country on Earth except like seven (I only remember the Vatican and Paraguay) acknowledges that Taiwan is a dependent province of the PRC, including the USA and just about all of Europe.

axont ,

Of course it’s purely diplomatic, acknowledging countries is diplomacy. The end result is the same.

axont , (edited )

The reality is the Taiwan isn’t broadly recognized as a sovereign country, so it doesn’t wield the same authority as an independent nation in terms of international agreements, trade, etc. It doesn’t have allies who would defend potential sovereignty, and it doesn’t have enough guns or money to leverage itself as independent. That’s way more important than some abstract discontent some people feel. At best you could say Taiwan is a Chinese client state.

Countries don’t exist because some people feel like they should be one. I could ask you to talk to a Texan secessionist and tell them their cause is hopeless.

I will tell a person living in Taiwan they live in a province of China, sure. I don’t care. Their government is the remnant of the defeated nationalist faction and I have no sympathy for it. I have way more sympathy for the Gaoshan and other indigenous Taiwanese people who aren’t represented well. Taiwan will hopefully get reabsorbed into the mainland within my lifetime.

axont ,

Uncritical support to the DPRK in its heroic struggle to rid occupied Korea of the genocidal US Empire. Uncritical support to the Juche ideology and its implementation.


axont ,

Ok, the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia committed genocide when they were nominally communist at the time. Is that good enough for you? It’s the most noteworthy example I can think of. Actually maybe the Shining Path too, in Peru. I never liked them or their methods.

The supposed genocide in Xinjiang is not at all the same thing. There’s no open warfare, rebellion, nothing to suggest what western nations are claiming is happening. The only evidence I’ve seen is that prisons exist in Xinjiang, and their prisons are much like prisons anywhere else on the world. All other evidence I’ve seen comes from one specific person, the deluded mind of Adrian Zenz. A man who cannot speak Chinese, has never lived in China, and he’s one guy.

axont ,

Every single time I see these complaints about getting banned I look through the modlog and find them saying something racist or transphobic. This isn’t an exception.

axont , (edited )

There was a 2020 statement to the UN, read by a Cuban representative, speaking on the behalf of 45 other countries who were endorsing China’s policy on Xinjiang. Among those countries are Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Belarus, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Palestine (this one is important), and Myanmar.

These places are completely disparate in terms of geography and state ideology, yet they all came together to very solidly proclaim China’s policy in the region does not constitute genocide. Palestine and Yemen in particular seems very egregious to me, because if anything those should be aware of what an ethnic genocide looks like, and yet they endorsed Cuba’s statements on China. Furthermore, China’s Xinjiang program ended in 2019 as far as I know. This is part of the statement those nations endorsed:

“China has undertaken a series of measures in response to threats of terrorism and extremism in accordance with the law to safeguard the human rights of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. There was no single terrorist attack in Xinjiang in the last three years. People of all ethnic groups enjoy their happy life in a peaceful and stable environment. China maintains openness and transparency by, among other things, inviting more than 1,000 diplomats, officials of international organizations, journalists, and religious persons to visit Xinjiang who witnessed Xinjiang’s remarkable achievement.”

At a certain point maybe you need to look in the mirror and ask if it’s yourself who’s clouded by ideology in this matter

axont ,

Yeah I wanted to see something like this. Every supposed genocide committed by communists, outside of maybe Cambodia, is very contentious among historians at best. The supposed Xinjiang genocide is not regarded as a factual occurrence by half of the world, and the fiercest proponents of an existing genocide are what …the CIA? NATO leadership? The same countries that endorsed the Iraq War? That right there should be enough to raise eyebrows. The lack of meaningful eyewitness testimony or you know, photographs or records should be something else. In 30 seconds I can watch footage of Israeli soldiers commiting war crimes and the only Chinese equivalent videos 've seen look like fairly routine prisoner transfers. Which is not great, don’t get me wrong, but having prisoners or treating prisoners unfairly or with cruelty is not genocide, nor is it some unique quality for a socialist country to have, or countries in general.

axont ,

Congratulations then, you’re the pinnacle of humanity, unburdened with living among ideology like the rest of us sloppy piggies.

axont ,

There are some socialists elected to regional positions, like city councils, school boards, etc. The most prominent is probably Seattle councilwoman Kshama Sawant

axont ,

Do you think the only options are allow Israel to do a genocide or do a genocide on Israelis? Cutting off diplomacy with a settler colony client state is not genocide.

axont ,

“Then–Defense Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin criticized Soviet authorities for providing the hijackers with an aircraft and flying them to Israel in exchange for the release of the hostages.”

Christ how evil can Israel get? “how dare you save an airplane full of children”

axont ,

China doing commerce in your country isn’t colonization, don’t be dramatic. I have no idea where you’re from, but I know a Bolivian person who also complains that China is conquering their country, which is absolutely ludicrous compared to what the CIA did to Bolivia.

axont ,

Pretending to be communists for 3 years and thousands of comments as high concept performance art

In fact we’re so dedicated to this joke we read Marx and Engels and joined socialist organizations

axont ,

Yeah the world still operates on a capitalist framework and China buys and sells things on a global market. Unless China is carving borders, installing puppet leaders, making aggressive demands for how another nation’s government should operate, forcibly moving people in other nations, using agencies like the IMF or World Bank to squeeze money out of national funds, demanding austerity, or creating a vassal state, unless China is doing a single one of those things it’s entirely dramatic to say they’re colonizing. Buying and selling things for cheap is what commerce is. Is it unfair China has a lot of money to use for trade? Is having more money in a trade agreement itself an act of colonization or what?

It’s especially dramatic compared to the CIA, which has done multiple coups in Bolivia in the name of oil. You’re comparing a country buying lithium on terms set by Bolivia to a country funding a military revolt directed by Gulf Oil.

Yes destruction of natural resources is regrettable and hopefully we can reach a position where there’s no longer a need to get involved in a destructive global market. Honestly the market I’d criticize China the most for is how they never boycotted Israel, and in fact have sold guns/artillery to the IDF. They also sell guns to both sides of the Kashmir conflict. You’d have a much better case to claim China is colonizing Palestine than anywhere in Latin America.

axont ,

Living off ramen and playing video games all day would be an upgrade for me since I already kinda do that but I also have a job

axont ,

Sometimes yeah it’s frustrating reading it because some parts assume cultural familiarity with very ancient names or places. I think I remember in the book of Genesis an ancient military leader is named and it’s said he did some kind of trick to capture a town, but it doesn’t explain what he did or why.

Storytelling has gone through a lot of development over the centuries

axont ,

Marx talks about most of what you just mentioned in the first chapter of Capital. Socially productive labor transforming nature is the source of value in any society. He also mentions rarity as a source of value, like I remember him specifically mentioning pearls as an example a few times.

He included machinery and technology as what he called “constant capital,” and the labor is the variable capital. To say Marx didn’t consider technology would suggest he was unaware of what a factory was and that he didn’t observe the industrial revolution as it was happening. He was born in 1818. He watched Germany in his childhood go from empty fields full of peasants to factories, railroads, and telegraph lines in his adulthood. You know what made that technology possible? Labor? And who operates that technology? Laborers. This is all cooked into his work.

I’d also like to point you over to the Grundrisse, the chapter called Fragment on Machines, where Marx even speculates on if machinery were all fully automated, saying laborers could move aside from production and just become just “watchmen.” This part is good:

“Capital itself is the moving contradiction, in that it presses to reduce labour time to a minimum, while it posits labour time, on the other side, as the sole measure and source of wealth […] On the one side […] it calls to life all the powers of science and of nature […] to make the creation of wealth independent (relatively) of the labour time employed on it […] On the other side, it wants to use labour time as the measuring rod for the giant social forces thereby created”

He’s saying capitalism would have a hard tike reducing labor time to zero through technological advancement, since it would defeat the concept of value itself. In simple terms, how would you even price anything if there was no labor cost involved? How would a capitalist sell their product or assign value to it? Who would they sell it to?

axont ,

I never had an easy time imagining a future for myself and I never had realistic goals. When I was a kid I wanted to be a Ghostbuster, then a power ranger. Then I think I disassociated for a long time, briefly got the idea to be a programmer in college, but that didn’t work out since I was no good at it. Then I randomly had the idea to study genetics, which also didn’t work out. I changed majors eight times in college.

Won’t say what I do now so I don’t get doxxed, but it’s not exciting and it’s a dead end job. I still don’t know what I want, but maybe that’s a good thing. I make music though so that’s kind of neat.

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