There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Il faut imaginer Camus hébété.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Zeus ,

I wonder if they could use firefox sync

i imagine it’d be more work as it’s not pre-built, but samsung internet does it so maybe mozilla are a little more lax with who uses their services

IvidappAvidapp , to android avatar

what is this process? @android 🙄

Zeus ,

if you want to make your posts more convenient to us lemmings, don’t mention/tag until the second paragraph

the first paragraph gets converted into a title with the ugly formatting, but as long as the first paragraph is plaintext (or uses lemmy formatting) it looks fine

Zeus ,

the ! is the prefix to make an autolink on lemmy

think r/ on reddit, or # on mastodon (sort of)

The New 8bitdo Retro Keyboard shipped early. Small-ish Male Hand for scale. (

I can try to answer any questions, but it doesn’t seem like the 8bitdo Ultimate software is availible for download yet. Im not big into mechanical keyboards, this is actually my first, so I don’t have much direct comparison experience to other keyboards....

Zeus ,

i’m firmly of the belief that it’s designed to be on the left

if you use a calculator with your left hand, A) your thumb (strongest digit) rests on = (most used button), and B) you can write with your right hand

then some wacko put it on the right of the keyboard, so enter is on your little finger and the mouse is miles away[^1] and now we have to live with the consequences

[^1]: yes i realise mouses weren’t around when this layout was designed

(Firefox) How do I change what happens if I click on a link on Lemmy's homepage?

My question is as follows: When I click a link on the main page, instead of opening a new tab in Firefox, it always takes me to the linked page in the same tab. I’ve tried changing settings in about:config, tried two different Firefox extensions to modify link behavior, but that resulted in a few unwanted events. I know I can...

Zeus , (edited )

there’s a userscript to force all links to open in a new tab - i’ll see if i can find it

edit: here ye go. but i haven’t used it, so caveat emptor

original comment

Zeus , (edited )

oh by the way, your instance has alexandrite built in

i think it’s at but there are also other frontends at and and possibly or something?

there’s a list somewhere on the meta lemmysphere (!meta? !lemmyworld)

Zeus ,

fairphone would be so good if it had a headphone jack. but it seems really weird to me to launch a “sustainable phone” without a jack

Zeus ,

¯_(ツ)_/¯ i bought my current phone because of its headphone jack

this is mostly about bluetooth, but some of it applies to usb-c + dongle:

i have a cheap pair of earphones in my pocket (which i’m prepared to lose). another by the door. a more expensive set of headphones upstairs. a speaker in the kitchen. and when i get in a friend’s car or go to their house, i can just plug my phone in and it works without the aggravation of having to pair to their speaker

tell me, oh “you can just buy a dongle” people, what am i supposed to do? buy one and accept that i’ll lose it all the time? buy 5 and keep one plugged into every 3.5mm i own and don’t own?

plus, y’know - takes slightly more battery, hassle to pair, can’t charge and use dongle, all the other obvious issues

source, full comments

Zeus ,

i don’t think that’s necessarily falling for it, it’s appreciating it for what it is. i personally don’t see the nothing as equivalent to oneplus[^1], but if it was the modern equivalent to the op1 or op3 i think it’d be worth getting. i have no brand loyalty to 1+ (i doubt i’ll ever buy another 1+ phone) but damn if the op1 wasn’t the best value for money phone i ever bought.

[^1]: the only similarity is the “close-to-stock” rom as far as i can see, and oneplus didn’t even do that until all the issues with cyanogen

Critical vulnerability in WebP Codec has browser vendors scrambling for updates (

This affects all browsers and not just Chrome, as the media falsely reported it. Mozilla just rolled out a fix, and Brave is looking into it. This bug is likely related to the “zero-click” iOS 0day that was reported by Citizenlab last week.

Zeus , (edited )

now whilst i know why people like webp, maybe we could stop using formats owned by google…

until jpegxl becomes viable (which it mainly isn’t because it compete[s/d] with webp), lets stick to nice formats not owned by tech giants, like apng^?^

Zeus ,

jpegxl actually has pretty good support - affinity, photoshop, gimp, krita, etc. all support it fine

it’s only chrome/electron that’s holding it back (even firefox supported it until chrome dropped support). i don’t think it’s lazyness

i have no love for gif (hence i use apng), but all the other alternatives are either videos so show controls by default, not widely supported, or webp. i realise webp is objectively the better format for most things, but i still argue it’s existence is a net negative effect

webp may be open (although actually i’d argue it isn’t, the licences for the decoder and the format itself are both very woolly), but as it’s actively contributing to enshittification by holding back truly open formats i’d say that doesn’t really matter

Zeus , (edited )

Sorry, 5 graphics programs isn’t “support”. You need support from the millon mobile apps, web sites and image and web libraries. A format that you can only use by yourself or with a handful professionals is useless in practice.

i gave those because they’re the most pertinent programmes for people dealing with creating & editing images. there are mobile (or at least android) libraries; and web is the issue i’m talking about - it’s hampered by chromium. there are more here if you’re interested.

and i’d say that’s not bad for a format that’s only a few years old

Ed: look at the list of formats supported by XnView

i don’t know what this is supposed to mean. xnview supports jxl

There’s been hundreds of new image formats in the last ~20 years, and none has gotten anywhere.

because png is good. i’m not defending gif or jpeg, they suck. but png is simple, fast to decode, and open by design. there have been better formats, but not paradigm shiftingly better. it may not be the best as an image format, but it is good

Even PNG needed a decade for some things to support it properly, and that one really had a brand new massive use case.

yeah that’s my point, jxl has been adopted faster than png or webp (it was only officially standardised in 2022!)

People use gif to make videos for crying out loud, and bitch about webp all the time, that’s how massive the pushback against new formats is.

i really don’t think many people use gif. most people use gifv or similar (usually webm) without realising it. apart from its very specific use case, gif sucks; so most software automatically converts to something else

Do you really think jpegxl would get anywhere by itself? No, it would be the same as with jpeg2000 and tons of other formats - first supported by a handful of programs, but not used by anyone else and then forgotten.

jpeg2k had major issues other than a lack of support - jxl has deliberately avoided those pitfalls

Zeus , (edited )

That’s not how people use images. For an image format to be viable, you need your camera to support it, your gallery app/program to support it, the web sites you upload it to, the messaging platforms you share it through.

yes. i agree. but that’s my exact point. if i make an image then upload it to the internet - the only software that’s involved is on my side (gimp, ps, whatever[^1]) and the browser of the person viewing it. if it was supported in chromium, that’s automatically available in chrome, edge, vivaldi, brave, discord, element, spotify, whatever other chromium-embedded or electron apps you care to name. given the (unfortunate) prominence of electron-based programmes nowadays; that’s good enough for anyone who isn’t a professional, and they’re already fine. fuck it, it has the joint photographic experts group behind it - they’re quite a big name in photography

Oh you’d be surprised… Gaming videos on Steam, screen recordings, porn clips by amateurs, or just random clips, the amount of low-res gifs with 10s of MB in size is crazy.

meh, i haven’t seen any in the past ~5 years apart from ones specifically chosen for that 256 colour æsthetic; but i will believe you

Sure, it’s shitty of Google to drop the support, but from experience I’m still unfortunately 100% sure it wouldn’t have gotten anywhere.

Heck, Apple has been using HEIF for years and that’s a trillion dollar company with a huge market share, and you still get shitton of places where you can’t use it.

it did get places. it has got places. again, it’s very new and is already well supported

jpeg2k failed because of licencing and royalty issues[^2]. heif hasn’t spread because of licencing and royalty issues. ^in^ ^my^ ^personal^ ^opinion,^ ^webp^ ^has^ ^licencing^ ^issues.^ png didn’t. jpeg (sort of) didn’t. jxl doesn’t.

but anyways, this isn’t a pro-jxl comment; it’s an anti-webp comment. i used jxl as an example of why webp, and its adoption, is making the web worse even though it’s better than png from a technical standpoint

[^1]: or camera, you’re right; but i’m pretty sure that A) there are some cameras that support it already, and B) again, the jpe group have a considerable amount of sway so i’m sure they could persuade most camera manufacturers to support it

[^2]: i mean, as well as the fact it didn’t really bring anything new to the table. but that’s a whole other point

Zeus ,

It’s not. The web site you’re uploading to has to support it to allow you the upload in the first place, and to process it to make previews or lower-res versions for the web pages or apps.

alright yeah i guess. to be honest i was more talking about using images i’ve made on my own site, or publishers using an image format on their own websites. as for uploading to other sites it’s a complete mess: even tumblr doesn’t allow uploading webp, but it then automatically converts to webp which makes a horrible blurry mess

Do believe me, recently I’ve started converting those I want to keep to mp4 and I’m saving gigabytes.

i wasn’t being sarcastic! i do believe you. and yeah, i’d do the same

It’s not all that well supported in lots of those cases I mention. And where it did get, it only got because Apple has actually billions of devices out there and has the power to make the format default among them with one worldwide update. Yet it still has to convert to jpg when sharing elsewhere by default. That’s how huge the resistance is.

sorry, i was talking about jxl here. i agree heif hasn’t got anywhere; but that is, again, mostly due to licencing issues (unsurprisingly, given it’s apple)

I’m not advocating for these formats specifically (definitely not jpeg2000 haha), but I’m saying licences and royalties aren’t that super important when it comes to how supported something becomes.

Hell look at Apple… Everything is proprietary.

yeah exactly - none of apple’s formats are supported outside of apple devices (and i guess itunes for windows)

Or when it comes to formats, mp3 is still the most widely supported audio format (non-free), and DivX has been the most widely supported video format for much longer than anything else… Also non-free.

that’s a fair point, and i can’t really explain that - i can only assume it’s big for the same reason as gif: it was good enough at the time, and got standardised by cds

Haha hardware camera makers are the slowest dinosaurs when it comes to technology. Took them fucking ages for some to support DNG raw format, and before h264 was already getting grey, most would record videos only in mjpeg.

really? now admittedly i don’t know much about cameras, but i’ve had a couple of filmmaker friends and i was under the impression raw was universally supported

But it’s more about phone cameras anyway. And well with those we’ll only have webp and heif at most, so I guess we have to deal with that anyway.

i’m not sure about that - even google camera doesn’t support webp (i mean, it’s called “web picture”, i think they see it as a web format primarily). i think phone cameras will continue to be solely jpg for a long time

Maybe if Mozilla had not abandoned their FF OS, maybe that would’ve been a camera supporting jpegxl now.

that’d be nice. i do wish mozilla wasn’t so catastrophically mismanaged all around

Zeus , (edited )

Aye so bottom line, we’re stuck with what exists until new formats are forced upon everybody… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

yeah… :(

Raw isn’t a format, it’s supposed to just be unaltered stream from the imager, so every camera model is unique in that regard. But DNG is a way to describe that data so it’s more readable to programs unfamiliar with the specific model. And well, some makers prefer to use their own proprietary models.

ah fair enough, i didn’t know that

Actually AAC is mostly Apple’s format and support for it is pretty great. I’m not super familiar with the details but it sounds like a similar situation as with webp.

is it? i didn’t think any android players supported it apart from specifically apple music? and i’m pretty sure ms’ groove music couldn’t play them^?^

The Imaginary Directory - a collection of several "themed art" communities (

i haven’t wanted to spam this place with every “imaginary” lemmysphere; but this will be for announcements related to said “federated network of imaginary communities” - a grandiose name for various “themed art” communities. new imaginary communities will be posted there, as well....

Zeus OP ,

copying in @ekky43 and @Rozz - you may be interested

Zeus OP ,

thank you, but they’re very much unofficial by design (i’m not associated with the reddit ine, and i get the impression they’ve no interest in lemmy):

i think most of the imaginary network on reddit was the same [group of] mod[s] - i’m deliberately not doing that, and letting each lemmysphere do their own thing (hence the “federated”). this is a descriptive not prescriptive group, and this is mostly for easy discovery for people who are interested

Zeus OP ,

It’s a grand idea to make an index, not only for better exposure, but I bet it also makes it easier for FNIC communities to handle potential problems in unity - if they want to.

yeah, there is also a matrix space where i’m doing anything i can democratically as well

I apologize for making assumptions. It is most definitely a good idea to not have the whole of Lemmies Imaginary communities depend on a single persons whims

don’t apologise! (i did steal their naming convention as well)

Though I’ve personally never had any beef with INE, we often see how bad such communities can end up.

neither did i; but better safe than sorry and all that (also i just made !imaginarytrains because nobody else would, and it’s just sort of snowballed from there - i didn’t know if people would have beef with me, so i don’t want to dictate what happens everywhere)

Zeus , (edited )

i feel like indoctrinated is not the word you were looking for there?inducted?

Any Option For Good Blue Light Filters Without Root?

I’ve rooted my device to get an acceptable blue light filter on my phone (1500K), I really don’t like the idea of having to root just for that and play the cat and mouse game to hide the root. Any other way to do it? I’ve looked everywhere and nothing is close to what I want. The default night light in the settings barely...

Zeus , (edited )

filter overlays reduce contrast, and wash out colours darker than the filter colour - quick mock-up:

colour tester image with normal and multiply blend mode orange overlays

(notice how dark greys and black are actually brighter than without the filter)

in answer to the original question, op, i’m not sure there is one. i don’t think android allows changing display properties such as temperature without root unfortunately

Zeus OP , (edited )

i know. but i specifically looked up the u.s. copyright period as a reference to the mickey mouse act, and a century was a nice round number for the surrealism of this lemmysphere

Zeus OP , (edited )

“you’re not immune to propaganda” is the artist’s tagline, if you’d care to follow the link, and the name of another of his works:

a low-fi image of garfield with said tagline below it

also, it's not> ### propaganda > > noun [ U ] disapproving
> /ˌprɒpəˈɡændə/ > > information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people’s opinions: i came up with the title as a joke. it’s funny. laugh. the original image has nothing to do with copyright. i put the two of them together because i don’t like disney. i don’t intend to influence anyone’s opinions. if you like disney, please continue to like disney. it’s not that deep

Zeus OP ,

crul i have disappointed you and i am sorry

Zeus OP , (edited )

i don’t intend to influence anyone’s opinions. if you like disney, please continue to like disney. it’s not that deep

it's literally notit’s a surrealist title on a surrealist post on a surrealist lemmysphere. do you really want me to title it “copyright is now a century long (from creation, or for the life of the author plus 50 years (or the last surviving author), or 75 years from publication, whichever is shorter (in the united states, where these companies are based (other countries may have different copyright laws)))”? how have your opinions been influenced by this post? were you previously a huge copyright fan and think 100 years is a bit too long, but 75 years from publication is okay? because actually thinking about it it can’t be about disney because you’d have to already be aware of the mickey mouse act to know the title was referencing disney, in which case this title doesn’t say anything you don’t already know? i’m sorry, i know this is uncouth, but i’m leaving this conversation

Zeus , (edited )

who even decides what’s “modern” anymore?

can anyone, honestly, without reading the article (or guessing from the headline), tell me which of these is the "modern" design?screenshot of the nautilus file manager in light modescreenshot of the nautilus file manager in light modeedit: people are getting confused by the fact that one is tree view, not icons view so i changed the image. old image here

Zeus ,

i’m not even sure it’s worth having an option. i don’t think i’d even have noticed a difference, apart from the menu button being in a slightly different place to every other gnome app. it’s fine; but it wasn’t worth the development time

Zeus ,

yep, that’s me

Zeus , (edited )

every time i try to use gnome, i end up spending all my time going “dammit, where are all the bleeding features

(also the lack of fitts’ law adherence due to that pointless bar at the top)

Zeus ,

as someone who’s not scared of computers, i have no idea what they do. i assume the right one is icons/list/compact[^1] not a waffle menu, but the hamburger and kebab? i have no clue

[^1]: though why it’s showing list when the current view is icons, i don’t know either

Zeus ,

I had to look up Fitts’s law, and I’m not sure I get it. Could you explain what you mean?

basically; the speed that it takes to click a button is dependant on the size of the button and the distance from the cursor. however, buttons at the edge of the screen have effectively infinite size, as they can’t be overshot. the most used actions should be placed there, as they are the easiest to click by muscle memory (particularly the corners, as they have infinite size in both dimensions)

on windows, kde, cinnamon, etc.; by default the bottom left is start, the bottom right is show desktop (this one i can’t explain), and the top right is close maximised window. the top of the screen is also used for other window-related actions like minimise, restore, change csd tabs, etc.

gnome flouts this by having most of the top of the screen doing nothing (most of it is completely empty) apart from rarely used actions like calendar and power. and the bottom right and left doing nothing[^1]

did i explain well?

ETA: I kinda feel like mine was about KDE not being a fit for me personally, and yours was a slam on Gnome rather than a statement of personal preference.

nah it was very much a personal thing: some people like having a minimal and clutter-free feature set; i like having as many features as possible, because then i find features i didn’t even know i liked.[^2]

as for the top bar: this one confuses me - it just seems objectively bad. but obviously it’s not as some people clearly like it. i haven’t had anyone actually explain to me why, though

[^1]: i mean they also ignore it in other ways, too

[^2]: i didn’t know how useful a terminal embedded in the file manager would be until i started using dolphin, now i can’t do without it

Zeus ,

maybe; but if the location of menu buttons hints at their use then the hamburger should collapse the side drawer like the one on e.g. youtube, but i doubt it does

Zeus ,

meh, subjectively i find that creates a “worst of both worlds” situation. but this comment was more about the futility of the development time that went into this specific feature

Zeus ,

but …surely you could just do the same thing with the old design? artist’s rendition:

in fact, now i look at it, it makes them look even more similar once i collapse the sidebar

Zeus ,

nah, i agree with you. win explorer with qttabbar, tortoisegit, and some tweaks from winaerotweaker

dolphin is pretty good though and it has some features that explorer doesn’t, like a terminal pane

Zeus ,

i care about fake internet points because i want to share things people like. if they don’t like it, i’ll enjoy it myself, but i won’t bother sharing it

Zeus , (edited )

personally i think that’s not a great answer

So, there is a mixed bag of thought on this that I read up on before creating the domain, but tl;dr - .zip is a valid TLD and will be recognised by all browsers etc as such. There are lots of new TLDs being created and they’ll be in the same boat.

yes, it is. .scr is also a valid executable that windows pcs will run, but i wouldn’t go about distributing programmes as such

.zip domains also come with higher levels of mandatory security and require an SSL certificate to display a webpage, which is another layer of security.

almost all websites do that now, but man-in-the-middle attacks aren’t really the issue with .zip domains

On the flip side, yes someone will probably try to fake a zip file with it and send the link around, but (and people are free to disagree with me here!) this is basic Internet security and you shouldn’t be clicking links to places you weren’t expecting.

this issue isn’t clicking links to places you weren’t expecting, but clicking a link to a place you were expecting. if i send you an email saying “i sent you the you asked me to”; then you’d be expecting that link to open the invoice zip file

especially on lemmy, as links often follow the format “https:⧸⧸⧸c⧸topic@

Federation won’t be affected by anything and we’d need to be manually defederated like normal.

this is true (although anyone that has won’t see images hosted on

People/companies may decide to block .zip domains but that is a knee-jerk reaction.

i think it’s a necessary reaction. i’ve blocked (and my own, but i at least know how to disable it for specific sites). now admittedly they’re unlikely to be using lemmy^[although i have just set up a lemmy acct. for someone a similar age, and only slightly more tech-savvy], but you get the picture

Bad actors will exist (and have existed before)

yes. but giving them more attack vectors isn’t the best idea

and with the way TLDs are heading before long you’ll probably be able to generate anything as a TLD, after all they’re just name friendly pointers to an IP address.

this may be true, but A) we’re not there yet, and B) that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing (or relevant)

In summary, it’s not caused us any issues yet, I dont forsee it causing us any issues, but if it did, then we’ll cross that bridge when we get there!

this is not the best attitude, as (as @quortez says), lemmy doesn’t currently allow migration or re-federation

points 3 & 8 are the most pertinent.

(sorry it’s long, but i might link to this in future so i wanted it somewhat comprehensive)

Zeus ,

interesting, i’ll join

instance agnostic link: !show_lemmy

Is there a reason I should donate a kidney to a stranger now, rather than just waiting till I die, at which point both kidneys will probably be donated to strangers anyway?

I’ve had an organ donor card in my wallet for as long as I can remember and I’ve always made it very clear to my loved ones that I want all my organs to be used when I die....

Zeus ,

of course they do: they've only got one kidney, so it's more important for them to get a replacement quicklyalright, i was being facetious. a cursory search [says(…/organ-donors-who-need-kidn…) this, but it’s the states only, and i have no idea if it’s true or not. i imagine not, but i don’t know

Zeus ,

i know. like i said, i don’t believe it

^i^ ^was^ ^just^ ^trying^ ^to^ ^be^ ^funny^ ^:^ ^(^

Zeus ,

lemmy supports two footnote formats

the basic type like so:

<span style="color:#323232;">comment body here[^1]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[^1]: and the footnote at the very bottom of the comment

or the easy to write type

<span style="color:#323232;">comment body here^[and the inline footnote]

(note the different locations for the caret)

keep in mind that they don’t work on most apps, and some frontends

Zeus ,

no worries, here’s the actual documentation. apparently there’s a third syntax that i never use as well

Zeus ,

actually i almost went for sdf instead of the reason i didn’t was that it seems almost too good to be true? i see so many sites around that proclaim they’re hosted on sdf, the biggest text on their homepage says “create a free account” and yet there isn’t a donate button

i realise there’s one on their lemmy instance, and i might choose them if does fold, but i felt like i was taking advantage of something meant for others

Zeus ,

i’m going to link a lot more sites here, because viewing them on ko-fi is awful. in rough order of relevance:

Tumblr says it’s going to “fix” its “core experience” to appeal to new users (

Tumblr plans to make changes to appeal to new users and improve growth. The post states that Tumblr is currently difficult for new users to use and curates content poorly. Tumblr aims to improve how users discover and sign up, encourage frequent engagement, and boost creators’ ability to attract audiences. Specific changes...

Zeus ,

just out of interest db0, did this thread in any way change your opinion on webp?[^1] i’m just constructing a pet theory on internet discussions

(sorry to necro an old thread, and i’m sure you have other things on your plate right now; i’m just interested)

(also completely off-topic; i’m surprised your blog still has the wordpress favicon. i would have thought you of all people would have changed that)

[^1]: or tumblr, for that matter

Zeus ,

well that’s better than i expected[^1]. thank you for answering!

[^1]: (although worse than i’d hoped; i’ve stopped using webp altogether, even though it’s objectively better. i think jpeg-xl will be available on chrome soon after hd-dvds are playable on playstations)

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