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UraniumBlazer ,

Fkin tankies man 😂

Had the Nazis had a hammer and sickle instead of the hakenkreuz, they would be the biggest Sieg Heilers out there.

UraniumBlazer ,

Fuck Hamaz! The only thing that they’re good at is misrepresenting all Palestinians as terrorists.

UraniumBlazer ,

Kids that have been conditioned by the internet to think democratic countries are bad and authoritarian countries are good

Not only that… There are some idiots who genuinely believe that China and the USSR were/are democratic and that western democracies aren’t.

once people develop weird parasocial tendencies they struggle to get out of it

True :(

UraniumBlazer ,

Fuck the Iranian government and its enablers! Fucking stoneage savages…

UraniumBlazer ,

Any institution that requires its members to have “faith” in a given set of entities is always dangerous for a free, civilized world. Religions by definition fall into this set of institutions. The cure for this is making high quality education extremely accessible to everyone around the world. Educational universities are soft power, where qualities like freedom, liberty, democracy etc. can be entrenched in people. Not doing this = allowing dangerous faith based institutions to erode away at these values.

UraniumBlazer ,

I think repost bots would be really good for QnA communities whose answers are relevant even after a while. Examples of such communities in my sphere would be r/askscience, r/cscareerquestions, etc. That would increase lemmy’s use quite a lot imo.

UraniumBlazer ,

Yeah fair enough. It would just become something like a wiki if it was done this way. I dunno how comfortable I am with lemmy having posts like these…

UraniumBlazer ,

Sorry, I’m ignorant in this matter. Why exactly would you want to scrape websites aside from collecting data for ML? What kind of irreplaceable API are you using? Someone please educate me here.

UraniumBlazer ,

Patrick’s last sentence is still consistent with everything that he said above. He expressed HIS opinion and HIS morals above.

No ethical framework can be truly objective. This is because there is no universal constant that backs any ethical framework. We need universal constants to verify an objective statement. For example, the speed of light is the same in all frames of reference. Also it is measureable. How do you measure the permissibility of an action? We do not know.

In conclusion, Patrick was right when he implied that there was no objectivity in ethics.

UraniumBlazer ,

Okay, but can you prove objectively that doing so is a “bad” thing? What even is the definition of “bad” in this context?

UraniumBlazer ,

Yea, plus divine commandment theory has so many holes, that it could be a sieve.

“God created this world, hence god defines what is good”. Why?

Let’s even agree to go with the statement above. How would you even verify that an entity was god while writing your commandments? Is it not possible that an organism with superior tech was trolling you?

In a single line, how do you differentiate between God and an imposter?

Just five minutes of thinking can lead to these questions that destroy divine commandment theory. People just refuse to think…

UraniumBlazer ,

“Objective just means it’s true”. No it doesn’t. How do you even define “truth”? How do I know that I am not the only real person and that all of u r NPCs? How do I know that I am not in a simulation? Now, discussing about the simulation hypothesis is dumb, as it is unscientific in nature. It is not testable.

What is true can be established only when it goes through the scientific method. Hence, an “objective” statement is that statement that would be agreed upon using the scientific method by a certain consensus.

Morality is not testable. Hence, the scientific method cannot be used here. Hence, it can never be objective.

UraniumBlazer ,

If we really can’t know the moral value of an action, then why settle for saying its based on what humans think

I never said that we can’t know the moral value of an action. All that I’m saying is that the moral value of an action is dependent on the entity giving the value. Morals cannot exist without beings capable of having morals.

Why not just go all out and say either 1) there is no such thing as moral value or 2) there is moral value but we have no way of knowing what it is.

Because saying either of these two statements would not reflect reality. There IS a thing such as moral value. It’s just not constant for all beings capable of having morals. For the second option, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that there is indeed a universal moral constant. Hence, “knowing” that value goes out of the window.

UraniumBlazer ,

But why though? Why is “harming someone who is not harming someone else” equivalent to “done bad”? What universal constant says that this is the case?

UraniumBlazer ,

If there are objective facts “floating out there” about math, biology, etcetera, why can’t there be objective facts about morality?

Because the objectivity of statements about math, biology, etc. can be verified by posing a scientific question. In other words, something like 1+1=2 is a testable claim. We have seen no occurrence of 1+1=2. Hence, we can say that “1+1=2” is a law of nature. “Moral truths” are simply not testable.

If the answer is that it is difficult to know what the moral facts are: some facts are more difficult to find out than others. Physics didn’t know about the Higgs Boson for centuries and yet here we are. Perhaps philosophy could do the same thing with moral truths in time

And the Higgs Boson became an “objective statement” only after it was verified. Prior to that, it was just a hypothesis. Do you have any scientific evidence to suggest that there are certain universal moral truths that apply to all humans?

UraniumBlazer OP ,

Uhuh… The BBC recently released a documentary about this very shady past (specifically about the Gujarat riots, where he was accused of ethnic cleansing against Muslims). Guess what… This documentary was immediately banned country wide by the Indian government and designated as “foreign propaganda”.

[IDEA] self-hosted advertisements for personal sites

so I was looking at someone’s personal website from Mastodon, and noticed that they had banners to advertise other people’s servers. while server lists like fediring exist, I was thinking of a more automatic method of advertisement within someone’s website....

UraniumBlazer ,

Ads are annoying and can be privacy intrusive depending upon the ad network. However, do u have a better funding model in mind to keep these open sourced alternatives up and running?

Donation based models don’t rlly work that well. Restricting stuff behind a paywall is an option, but ethically a little icky one. Ads are the best in these cases, right?

UraniumBlazer ,

Students. Higher education in India is incredibly bad. Thousands of Indians pay huge sums to get into Canadian unis.

UraniumBlazer ,

India has some of the highest ranked universities in the world.

Whose capacity is close to nothing for the population. Indian universities fall in two categories: really good ones or absolute shit ones (source: I’m an Indian). There is no middle category. To get into the really good ones, you have to either have an exceptionally good academic performance or have to be extremely rich. Universities outside India fill in the demand of this middle category. Sprinkle in some permanent emigration aspirations and you get a country with a large emigrating student population.

It’s a country famous for putting out doctors.

While it is true that this is the perception of India especially in the west, it is categorically untrue. According to the World Health Organization (2023), India ranks very low in the amount of doctors per 10,000 people relative to developed countries (by more than 300%). If you counter this by saying “this is because all Indian doctors emigrate to the said developed countries”, then that would be incorrect again, as around 10% of Indian physicians emigrate and practice in the west.

And don’t forget that a large number of foreign students is also a product of just having a large population.

I believe you are pinning “a large population” as the causal factor behind a high student emigrant population. Had this really been a causal factor, then we would’ve seen European and American students in Indian Universities proportional to their population (which when combined, makes up around half of India’s population). The fact that we do not observe this phenomenon is evidence enough that “a large population” is not the causal factor behind this. Rather, it is the access to good education which plays a much much larger role.

UraniumBlazer ,

India doesn’t need to be brainwashed by Russia. India brainwashes itself. In the World Press Freedom Index (2023), out of 180 countries, India ranks 161 while Russia ranks 164. Unfortunately, India’s rank has been dropping rapidly here. In 2021 for instance, the country ranked at 142. India is not the “free, democratic counterweight to China” that the west thinks it to be.

UraniumBlazer ,

First time I saw an internal IP that isn’t “192.168.x.x”

UraniumBlazer ,

Oh wow… Didn’t know this lol. I thought that OP would be using their private IP to access their homserver from home. Turns out I got completely confused…

UraniumBlazer ,

Why don’t you guys use sauces made using tomatoes? I’ve always hated tomatoes in my sandwich. Forget them falling out… Biting into them is disgusting as well!

UraniumBlazer ,

Euggh rlly? R u like a goat or something?

UraniumBlazer ,

Ketchup tastes good with literally anything.

UraniumBlazer ,

Awww… Good for u mate… good for u…

UraniumBlazer ,

Wake up babe… Spintronics just hit the market!

UraniumBlazer ,

Okay, let’s look at several arguments that have been presented here in favor of this law:

  • “Display of religion must be banned for a secular learning experience”: Firstly, how do you even define “display of religion”? If I say “Merry Christmas”, is it a display of religion? If I grow my hair out, is that display of religion? If I wear a steel bracelet, is that display of religion? Because the last two actions are actually associated with Sikhism. If I wear the Mormons’ holy underwear, is that display of religion? If I say “Jesus fkin Christ” when I hear about a fascist law like this, is that banned too now? Secularism is respecting all religious classifications and allowing them to coexist. Secularism is NOT forcing everyone to look and behave as if they are in the same religious classification.
  • “The abaya dress isn’t even French/Respect the culture of the country that you are in:”

Individuals who say this seem to have what is known as the “conventionalist” ethical framework. This framework has maaany problems. However, even if we look at this law from the point of view of this framework, it becomes unethical. The official national motto of France is “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”. This law seems to contradict all three of these principles.

It contradicts “liberty”, as it literally permits the government to tell its citizens what they can and cannot wear on their body. Abayas are not even inherently religious. It is like the government banning polo t-shirts because they are “Christian”.

The law contradicts “equality” as it unequally affects Muslims and Sikhs, as their religious expression involves the use of clothing more than other religions. Sure, harmful clothing must not be permitted (like the knives that Sikhs are supposed to carry according to their religion). Abayas are not harmful in any way. Hence, they do not fall into this category.

Finally, this law contradicts “fraternity”, as fraternity literally means “brotherhood” in this context. “No matter how different we are, we are still brothers with a goal to work for the people of France” is what this implies. Banning something as harmless as clothing attributed to a given religion is not a sign of brotherhood.

  • “Just have school uniforms”: Clothing is one of the most important mediums of expression for humans. All humans have their own individual identities. The goal of schools should not be to make Stormtroopers. Rather, it should be to make students better versions of themselves. Having school uniforms goes strongly against this idea. One may argue that this also goes against the idea of “liberty”.
  • “Did you know that Abayas and Hijabs are the result of an authoritarian religion?” Firstly, no. Abayas have nothing to do with religion. Sure, it is possible that a parent(s) may force their child to wear a particular type of clothing that aligns with their religious beliefs. In that case, the school can provide support to such students. However, what if a child themself wish to wear a particular type of clothing? What’s the harm in that? This argument for the ban is similar to saying “some individuals are buttfucked without their consent. Therefore, let’s ban buttfucking”.

I’m atheist and socialist. I’m sad to see some of my fellow socialists arguing for the ban as well. Atheists have and are presently being persecuted in many countries in the world. By supporting the persecution of other religious classifications, we are essentially doing exactly what is being done to us. There is no moral difference between us and the individuals persecuting us in this case.

UraniumBlazer ,

Ehh… Doesn’t prove this by any means. For example, a type of clothing called a “kurta” is worn by Hindus and Muslims both. In religious ceremonies in both religions, attendees usually wear it. Now, this doesn’t mean that the garment suddenly is a religious garment, does it? It just is a cultural garment that is usually worn in the Indian subcontinent.

Now, even if the abaya is a religious garment, the points that I mentioned above still apply. What if I started a new religion called “Religion of yellow clothes”? Let’s say my religious clothes are all yellow clothes. Does France ban everyone from wearing yellow clothes now because of me?

UraniumBlazer ,

I can never understand how a grown ass adult (heck, two grown ass adults) can fight in front of a child… I rlly hope we become better parents when the time comes…

UraniumBlazer ,

Fair… Although in my mind, I was thinking of a fight as an escalated disagreement. Disagreements are fine. In fact, they are inevitable. In this context, I define a “fight” as “a disagreement involving raised voices, shouting, cursing and even violence at times”.

It just seems that we share slightly different definitions when we refer to a “fight”. Either ways, the advice “don’t forget that you love the people hearing your words” is extremely useful in such cases. Let’s hope that we can live by it to the maximum :)

Exclusive: US to send depleted-uranium munitions to Ukraine (

The use of depleted uranium munitions has been fiercely debated, with opponents like the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons saying there are dangerous health risks from ingesting or inhaling depleted uranium dust, including cancers and birth defects.

UraniumBlazer ,

Oh well… The amount of health risks that these rounds would cause would pale in comparison to the mines that the Orcs have planted everywhere. Anything to drive out the invaders!

UraniumBlazer ,

A fr moment

UraniumBlazer ,

Top ten tips and tricks to de-Russofy a maximum amount of countries as fast as possible (the last one is VERY effective).

UraniumBlazer ,

Right… So thinking that the Tzar’s invasion of Ukraine is unjustified is Nazi shit. Thinking that the Holodomor was a genocide is Nazi shit. Cuz that’s what ur tankie buddies called me. This is what OP was referencing to.

UraniumBlazer ,

Uhhh the “National Socialist” Party was fascist, right? Entities posing as socialist CAN lie and actually be fascist, correct? Or is this western propaganda too?

UraniumBlazer ,

I really wonder if they’re CCP sympathizers using VPNs to bypass the Great Firewall, just to bitch about “Western Authoritarianism” lmao.

UraniumBlazer ,

Of course /s. Germany, with Fuhrer Schultz, Denmark with Grand Admiral Frederiksen (I had to look it up lmao), and Canada with Supreme Commander Trudeau. All of them are actively involved in passing legislation against socialists and Muslims. All of them are involved in gathering Muslims into re-education camps. When socialists protested their respective governments for starting to become capitalist, they were run over by tanks. Also, all of these governments prevent their citizens from accessing the internet outside their own countries. Agreed! Very fascist indeed!

UraniumBlazer ,

those countries are lights in the dark

That’s what North Koreans see at night when they look across the border towards South Korea.

UraniumBlazer ,

Dayum… That’s shameful for Denmark. As for the German far right, polls tell many different stories. The German government is still very democratic. What about Canada? You also accused them of fascism.

UraniumBlazer ,

Quite an interesting read! Thanks for your input :)

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