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Vuraniute , avatar

Even a stuck digital clock is right once a day.

Vuraniute , avatar

If, say, the RTC dies or similar, then yeah

Vuraniute , avatar

“$35 hobby toy”

Well yeah, cheap drones can be used for war, but that’s not all drones really are:

Vuraniute , avatar

Are you alright? Is everything okay at home? Trying to hurt random people on the internet seems like a bad coping mechanism.

Vuraniute OP , avatar

Well, compare this to 2009 Microsoft. Their downfall itself is oniony.

Vuraniute OP , avatar

wine program.exe

wow scary.

Vuraniute , avatar


Vuraniute , avatar

Not “lots of”, more Russian soldiers died than Ukrainians, as is typical for this conflict.

Vuraniute , avatar

emphasis on the soldiers part but alright

plus, in war casualties are what matters. I’m only looking at this from a strategic perspective, not a humanitarian one.

Vuraniute , avatar

until you get one with an i5-5300U soldered to the board T~T

Vuraniute , avatar

until it gets completely fucked due to a form-over-function cooling system and hits 101C (NBLK-WAX9X)

Vuraniute , avatar

…because HUAWEI doesn’t ship their laptops with thermal paste, apparently.

Vuraniute , avatar

here it’s typically early-to-mid 2010s thinkpads being sold, so you’re probably getting a laptop with horrible performance

Vuraniute , avatar

well, the i5-5300u definitely is, at least for my use cases. it took so long to compile a diesel-actix rust project that the battery died before it finished (it was at 100%), and it can’t even run fucking Minecraft. even a raspberry pi can run Minecraft!

Vuraniute , avatar

my experience: power governor on balanced and somehow i’m at like 90c.

Vuraniute , (edited ) avatar

Wait why are you compiling on battery?

power strip died and i hadn’t realised.

In what way? My wife plays minecraft with several hundred mods on a (desktop) i5-4560

different cpu. I’m talking about the i5-5300U specifically. Not some other i5 of the era. Also, this doesn’t really matter but you’re addressing 4th and 6th gen, while the i5-5300U is, obviously, 5th gen.

Vuraniute , (edited ) avatar

I was originally planning on getting a Surface Pro 11 or other ARM laptop as my next laptop, but one day I was thinking about an old CLEVO P150HM1 which tore everything apart, and outperforms my 2015 T450, while being made in 2009. Needless to say, I got a lot more tolerant of the idea of buying an X86 laptop as my new laptop. I also realised that the price range an SP11 involved also allowed for a Framework Laptop 13. I’m saying all this to not conflict with the rest of my comment history, but in summary: Long live the Framework!

EDIT: This probably won’t happen, I’ve been seeing some γαμάτα deals for newer ThinkPads here lately.

Vuraniute , avatar

had a Ryzen laptop that was really good, except it did not have the thermal capacity to maintain a workload, and would throttle itself all the way down to 600Mhz

something something NBLK-WAX9X.

I don’t think it’s the processor, I suspect you either have a configuration issue, or a thermal budget limitation.

i have no idea what it is. I have tried everything.

Vuraniute , avatar

It was actually a midrange HP provided by my school

no i was actually referencing a laptop I had that did just that.

I’m not sure what to tell you on Linux since I’ve never had good luck monitoring throttling on processors on Linux,

Yeah, I’m starting to believe it’s thermal throttling too. Perhaps watch -n1 sensors in one terminal window and watch -n.1 “grep ”^[c]pu MHz" /proc/cpuinfo" in another?

Vuraniute , (edited ) avatar

UPDATE (putting this in a separate reply so you’ll see it): So I just dusted the laptop again, it actually performs somewhat well, turns out my first pass where I also changed the thermal paste didn’t get all the dust.

EDIT: This probably won’t hold, I’ve been seeing some γαμάτα deals for newer ThinkPads here lately.

Vuraniute , avatar

no he isn’t he’s just at a cliff !!!

Vuraniute , avatar

define “they” or u wrong !!!

Vuraniute , avatar


Vuraniute , avatar


Vuraniute , avatar


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Vuraniute , avatar


Vuraniute OP , avatar

failing igpu (igpu == gpu is part of cpu) but the cpu is soldered on

Vuraniute OP , avatar

“peak build quality and repairability” not anymore. repairbility by 2015 standards isnt great, by today standards its average to good. that’s a problem because the aging CPU can’t be changed.

Vuraniute OP , avatar

that’s why I said “by 2015 standards”, thats when the t450 released.

Vuraniute OP , avatar

“peak build quality and repairability” not anymore. repairbility by 2015 standards isnt great, by today standards its average to good. that’s a problem because the aging CPU can’t be changed.

Vuraniute OP , avatar

any in greece?

Vuraniute OP , avatar
Vuraniute OP , (edited ) avatar

Thing is everywhere i look says otherwise, reviees say the SP11 is quiet and doesnt overheat, and is quite performant. Plus, my main use case is going to be development, which i cant find anyone writing about, but I’ve heard the DX is on par for Windows. Rust doesnt seem to have issues with ARM as you have stated the heaviest I’ll be running in games is going to be ULTRAKILL at most, which runs on a T450 smoothly so there is minimal doubt the x86 emulator can’t take it. I’m not keen on buying an Apple laptop, but I’ll consider it should a guy I know who has an M1 Macbook convince me well enough, and if I’m buying x86 again its either a newer Thinkpad (as in, not with a slow CPU and seemingly a long lifetime with a precious user). I’m increasingly eyeing up the Thinkpad P1 Gen 1/2 ( I know another guy who had one and even in 2024 it would RIP AND TEAR UNTIL ITS DONE ), is it still good?

Also, since I feel I haven’t dismissed your “M4 is better” point: There isnt an M4 Macbook yet, and the M3 is beyond my price range, costing over 3k€. The SP11 is 1.25k€ for comparison 1, 2, 3, while an M1 Mac is 1k€.

Finally, a small side note: you haven’t really “backed” or provided sources for any of your arguments, whereas I’ve linked sources for as many statements as I can. If you want, I can also provide screenshots of my friends’ testimonies)

EDIT: Weird, you stated the M4 makes the X1 bite the curb, but that doesn’t seem to be the case[X1] [M4]

Vuraniute , avatar

but to get there NixOS needs proper documentation

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