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TopRamenBinLaden ,

You do realize that the Torah, the book that gives the penis chopping instructions, is included in the Old Testament, right? This whole non-consensual penis mutilation tradition is definitely a Christian practice, too.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

I had a friend who had a circumsion in his teens, and the way he speaks about it, it sounds like he got PTSD from the ordeal. This dude is one of the toughest people I have met in my life and he said it was the most painful thing he had ever endured.

I mention this, because it kind of adds to both of your points. Yes, circumcisions are extremely painful, and it is messed up to do to a baby who can’t consent, in most cases. At the same time, I have never met anyone who has PTSD from being circumsized as a baby. If the procedure is inevitable for a person, its probably better to do it to them as a baby, because the trauma from it will be forgotten.

That being said, the procedure should be much rarer than it is now, at least in the US. It should only be done for medical reasons, not cosmetic ones.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Public consensus is that vaccines for diseases like measles, polio, etc., are a good thing. Even most of the people and doctors who were against taking the covid vaccines seem to be in agreement with this, or at least the ones I have heard speak on the subject. Its just an extremely small outlier that claims otherwise.

Still, I feel like you are sadly right about the likelihood of any sort of prosecution happening. I would also love to see logic prevail, every once in a while.

TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

Idk, Gandhi and MLK Jr most definitely led peaceful movements that made change happen, and that’s just the two most obvious examples. You could say that civil disobedience can lead to violence, especially from the side of the oppressors, but one of the main tenets of civil disobedience is nonviolence.

I would say that once the protestors or oppressed resort to violence, themselves, it is no longer just civil disobedience.

I agree with you that the Houthi attack isn’t an example of this.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

They were just jealous of how rad Mohawks look. In all seriousness, though, I’m sorry you had to deal with that racist bullshit.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

You make some good points. They most definitely have currency and a lower working class with an upper government official class. I would not consider them communist at all. North Korea is just an authoritarian capitalistic hellhole, that tries to sprinkle in one or two socialist policies to maintain the illusion of pursuing communism.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

They do regularly employ capital punishment for white collar crimes like corruption, bribery, and fraud, unlike most first world countries.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

This is a good theory. I scored high on the ASVAB and recruiters would call me telling me I’d have an awesome technical career in the military where I’d get to play with James Bond style gadgets. I just so happened to be a bit of a nerd, but I still told them to fuck off.

It would make sense that they tailor the recruitment process to kids based on how they score on the ASVAB, and the score doesn’t really matter. I wouldnt be surprised if they just use the lower scoring kids as some sort of cannon fodder.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

You educated them about it. Maybe the answer is education after all.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

This mentality comes from the “warrior” and “killology” training methodologies that many, if not most of, US cops follow. They basically are convinced that they are warriors in a warzone, and any suspect or perpetrator is their enemy. They treat everyone as if they had a gun and are trying to kill officers.

This CNN video gives a decent example of some of their training, and helps explain why US cops are so scared and eager to shoot at everyone and everything.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Being a cop isnt that dangerous compared to other jobs. I have had 3 guns pointed at me from working retail and being a delivery driver. All robberies. I was armed for 2 of them. All 3 times I managed to not get shot or not shoot anyone by making the right decisions and realizing that material things are not worth more than life. Why can’t cops be held to the same standard?

These cops could’ve retreated to cover down the stairs or to the sides of the door and attempted to make actual communication with the home owner. They are paid well and have great benefits. They know what they signed up for. We should be able to expect them to be competent in situations like these.

TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

I don’t even think the Palestinian movement would have to be non-violent to get massive support from the world at large. All Hamas needed to do was not go after soft civilian targets, like the October 7th attack.

I think they would have much more support if they kept their military focused on the IDF and Israeli government, not Israeli civilians.

If Israel has shown us anything, Hamas could still get away with killing civilians, as long as they were collateral in an attack on the IDF and Israeli military. They lose people’s support by focusing on terrorizing non-combatants.

None of this is to say that the IDF or Israeli government are the righteous ones in this war. They have done disgusting things to the Palestinians, themselves. Both regimes are terrible in their own ways, and they kind of deserve each other. I just feel terrible for all of the innocent Palestinians and Israelis caught up in this mess.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

The money donated to Palestine was mostly used to save people from the many crisises and famines that the Palestinians have endured. A lot of it went to rebuilding the education system, providing health care, and social services in a war torn, open air prison. Sure, some bit of it went to building missiles and weapons, but that doesn’t mean that they haven’t tried to “build up” Palestine.

This situation is a bit too complicated to solve by just throwing money at it, anyways. Even if Hamas didn’t spend one penny of Palestinian aid on weapons, they would still be in a pretty similar situation.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

They are exceedingly difficult to get away with using, nowadays, unfortunately.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

99.999 percent of us here would never have this problem because we will never be close to owning a private jet, even if we wanted to for some reason. I also think most of us here agree that owning a private jet is selfish, and since its kind of a problem brought on by her own selfishness, it’s kind of hard to feel bad for her.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

I just looked up some images out of curiosity and you aren’t lying. It looks like a little spider/robot/drone thing with the sole purpose of injecting it’s syringe full of DNA into things. Thanks for the rabbit hole.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Idk where you are from or if you are trolling, but in the US they have school districts, and kids are supposed to go to the specific school designated for the school district where they live. It’s bullshit in this case, because the kids are homeless.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Cool name. I have nothing productive to add, but Sage against the machine just came to me as I was reading your comment. Please feel free to do with it as you wish.

TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

they’re just lead to believe that 8 year olds are getting their penises lopped off.

This is a huge part of it. A lot of these people have a huge misunderstanding of gender dysphoria and seriously think that people are convincing 8 year olds to have a sex change. It’s a lack of education and critical thinking skills that the leaders of right wing politics and religious/cult leaders have been perpetuating for a long time. Stupid people are easier to control.

That and a lack of empathy to even try to understand what another human is going through, especially if they are different from themselves. This too, probably stems from the same fascist playbook.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

The word, Autistic, is just beginning this journey. I’ve seen people use that as an insult, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it is considered antiquated and insulting by the time I am old.

Music Piracy Is Back, Baby (

“Muso, a research firm that studies piracy, concluded that the high prices of streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music are pushing people back towards illegal downloads. Spotify raised its prices by one dollar last year to $10.99 a month, the same price as Apple Music. Instead of coughing up $132 a year, more consumers...

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Do they actually have the same selection as Spotify and Apple music? I checked their website, and it appears to be catered to Arabic listeners, but I saw one of the pictures at least has Taylor Swift on there. I listen to a lot of niche stuff, though, and I don’t feel like downloading the app just to see if it’s there. That is a good price if they have all of the same artists, though.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Thanks for the response and info, I really appreciate it! I will definitely let some of my family know about Anghami, because some of them actually listen to Arabic music, unlike myself.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

I think Western people just have a bias where it’s fine if their own country does it, but when their boogeyman China is doing the same exact thing, it’s all of the sudden scary and bad.

I, personally, think TikTok is not great for people or society, but I have the same exact feelings about Facebook, Instagram, and all of the major Western run social media stuff. TikTok is by no means any worse than them. For that reason, Lemmy is the only social media account I have at this point, but I dont judge anyone for using any of them. The majority of the people criticizing TikTok are hypocritical, for sure.

The 'God's army' convoy traveling to Texas to stop migrants has seen a vehicle get lost, tires slashed, and someone stranded on the highway: report (

A convoy of vehicles headed to Texas, organized by a group called “Take Our Border Back,” has had a chaotic start, including slashed tires and a stranded participant, according to WIRED....

TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

You kinda gotta poke and make a mark and then cut horizontally. The sidewalls of the tire are easier to get through. Also stand back because the air pressure can still fuck you up a bit, especially larger car and truck tires.

TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

Interesting and cool to know! In Minecraft, of course. There are probably varying levels of tire quality. I imagine the quality of the knife probably helps a bit, too. I bet something sturdy like an ice pick would make it pretty easy.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Obviously, the fact of whether or not there is a creator cant really be disproven, but I would say that any of the gods conjured up by humans have a pretty substantial amount of evidence going against their existence.

If there is a creator of some kind, it is so far beyond our comprehension that it is pretty much useless to ponder on.

Also, I’m not the person you were going back and forth with. I apologize for jumping in the conversation at a strange point.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

I have never had an athiest knock on my door and tell me I needed to stop believing in God or I am going to suffer for eternity.

The thing convincing people to be athiests isn’t other athiests. Facts and logic are the missionaries for athieism.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Whoever designed that site and chose those colors needs to find a new path in life. Graphic design and front end development are not for them.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Just play Kerbal Space Program for a day and you will understand.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

The club is not very good at what it does.

Cars need immobilizers, like every other first world country has figured out and regulated.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Just leave then if you are really that bothered. You are taking fake internet points way too seriously. It does not seem to be working out too well for your mental health there.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

No not interested in kicking you while your down. You are still replying to every comment on this post, so have you really left the sub? I seriously hope you have a better day and learn to not take everything so personally.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

And I upvoted the article because I thought it was an interesting read. I think you are confused on the definition of diminish there. Sorry you have the mentality of a 12 year old, life’s gonna be rough. Best of luck.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Only 8 percent of US prisoners are in for profit prisons. This is definitely a problem, but it’s not the main problem with our justice system, by any means. The way we focus on punishment instead of rehabilitation is a bigger problem than the fact that for profit prisons exist. I mean, getting rid of for profit prisons is a start, but the whole thing needs reform.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

The reason nobody young is ever is involved with primaries is because it’s driven by corporate lobbyists. How are the youth supposed to get involved with that when they are competing against billions of dollars? The choices will always be trash until we end the lobbying. It doesn’t work with just promoting candidates that represent you. It involves massive sums of money that 99.9 percent of Americans will never touch.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

To be fair, I’ve voted my whole adult life and don’t really feel like anything is better off because of it. I will continue to vote for the lesser evil, but I also completely understand why people are frustrated with this system. We just keep voting between a turd sandwich and a giant douche, and it gets old. So it doesn’t surprise me when people feel like voting is useless, it feels like it’s hopeless by design. We need a new system.

Gen Z falls for online scams more than their boomer grandparents do. The generation that grew up with the internet isn’t invulnerable to becoming the victim of online hackers and scammers. (

Gen Z falls for online scams more than their boomer grandparents do. The generation that grew up with the internet isn’t invulnerable to becoming the victim of online hackers and scammers.::undefined

TopRamenBinLaden ,

That’s wild to me that people consider using an android device to be technical in anyway. It’s literally designed to be user friendly enough for grandmas and grandpas to use. iPhones have really rotted some people’s brains.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

I was really hoping we’d have the phasers from star trek by now, and we could just use the ‘stun’ setting for defense. Though, I’m sure conservative gun nuts would make a little club dedicated to only using the ‘kill’ setting on their phasers, because it’s their God given right to murder someone over inanimate objects.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

The bear community has something to say about that.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Don’t ignore the blue fluid or we will turn you into red fluid.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

I mean it’s really not as bad as real opiates/opioids. It is pretty impossible to overdose on the kratom leaf, itself. It is addicting, and there are withdrawal symptoms, but nothing like actual opiate withdrawals. It can be a helpful thing for opiate addicts to get off of harder stuff, or as pain management. I have an ex who is clean and sober thanks to that stuff, so maybe I am biased by that experience.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Speak for yourself, I am just an entity created by OPs mind.

Alabama readies never-before-used execution method that some veterinarians won't even use for pets (

If Kenneth Eugene Smith is brought to the Alabama death chamber to face execution next week for his role in the 1988 murder-for-hire of a pastor’s wife, the state plans to use an untested and untried method to end his life, suffocating him with a stream of nitrogen gas to be delivered through a face mask....

TopRamenBinLaden ,

100 percent with you on Nitrogen being a very soft form of execution. If I was forced to choose how I would be killed and could choose any method possible, I would pick the Nitrogen unquestionably.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

While I will agree that the occasional death sentence is warranted, wanting them to have a poor final experience is not a good look. The judicial system is not supposed to be sadistic and cruel. The reason we sentence people to death in the first place is often for sadism and cruelty.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

As a millennial I can say that Gen Z is bussin fr fr no cap

TopRamenBinLaden ,

I do see a lot of justified Lib hate on here, but a lot of the complaints I have seen on Lemmy have the complainer claiming that they do begrudgingly vote for the dems, despite the criticism. I am not a fan of Biden at all, and I think there are tons of better candidates for the job, but I will still vote for him when I am forced to choose between that and Trump.

Just because people criticize the Dems, doesn’t mean that they completely opt out of the voting process.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

To be honest, my uncivilized self doesn’t even know what a pine nut is, so if you say it’s a luxury item, I’ll take your word for it. In that case, I can agree that it’s a bit ridiculous and selfish. Still I wouldn’t call the cops or anything. If it was my friends or family I’d most definitely give them a hard time about it, though.

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