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An itinerant squirrel poet, aka

New to the whole word smithing thing so don’t be too harsh.

Write as the muse hits me in the face, so output will probably be irregular, but I want to explore a world of art n poetry that has previously eluded me so will be boosting along those lines.

Boosting is the algorithm here, so if you like my stuff please get it out there 🙏

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Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 205 , Tuesday 21/05/2024

TL:DR Late up today , so was more or less ignored. Clues to whether I’m AuDHD & if I’m going thru a burnout period came to light from fellow ND Peeps.

I had a somewhat enforced lay in this morning, in that I was so exhausted that I simply slept thru all the noise that would usually wake me up.
I finally got up around 07:30. Life obviously went on without me, even though Mrs S. was working from home.

Me: I’m a total introvert & wish to be alone.
Also Me when wife zones me out because I was late to get up: I’m so lonely !!!
Is the mind of an ND bananas or what ! (Possibly some for of nut in my case 🤦‍♂️ )

I risked a ‘proper’ breakfast this morning - I seem to have survived it 😊

I would normally have cleaned the bathroom today, but because I’m not feeling so good that didn’t happen. I know from past experience it won’t get done until I feel well enough, be that days or even weeks 🙄🤦‍♂️

I wrote a little while back , when I got the results of my assessment thru , that the Consultant Psychiatrist had suggested that I be assessed for ADHD too. That is currently on hold.
But , & here’s the thing I read a toot ( linked below) from @ashleyspencer that totally spoke to me & I recognised EVERYTHING she was talking about !
Well call me a Squirrel & bounce a walnut off me ‘ed !
I number of other folk on here have suggested that I had ADHD symptoms , but I could never put the whole package together in my own head to the point that I ‘felt’ it!
Maybe I need to pull the whole ‘getting ADHD assessment’ off the back burner ?

I also realised ,based on a toot from @pathfinder (again see the link below) that I may well be experiencing a period of autistic burnout - it seems to be so similar , in key ways to where I am at the moment. No wonder I’m struggling!

Got back into the post-apocalyptic world of Fo4 this afternoon, I had forgotten how enjoyable this game is.

Final Thoughts.

I am struck once again how much I am coming to depend on the @actuallyautistic community to help me progress on my ASD journey and understand more about me!

Special thanks to Ashley & Kevin for pointing the way today. 🙏

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@PixysJourney @ashleyspencer @pathfinder @actuallyautistic Thank you Cynni , I keep thinking I need the books you recommend & keep forgetting them!

With the ADHD I hear there are some meds that might help - but I guess I have to be diagnosed with it before the GP can try them 🤔.

It’s lovely to have you as one of my main helpers on this journey of mine ! 🤗🥰

pathfinder , to actuallyautistic avatar


Burnout is a bitch. I think all of us who have experienced it, or are experiencing it, will agree with that. But, how it presents and how long it maintains its hold over us, seems to be as variable as so much else about us.

I can now recognise the many times I have experienced burnout in my life. Each one marked by my constant refrain of, "I'm just tired" and with me doggedly plodding on with my life as best I could. Even now, in the deepest and longest burnout of my life, I am still doing the same.

Of course, I at least know to try and pace myself now. To let the unimportant things slide until their time comes and to spread out what has to be done, to the best of my ability. I know to dedicate time to self-care, to rest and recreation and to acknowledging my needs as an autistic person. This much, realising you are autistic can teach you. It can also help you to spot the signs of burning out sooner and hopefully mitigate its effects that way.

When that's possible, of course. For what caused my current burnout was unfortunately a series of overlapping events that I could not avoid, or do anything about. It was almost as if life chose to keep throwing things at me, each more intense and impossible to avoid, until I broke. But then life can be like that sometimes.

Autistic burnout is, of course, different from normal burnout, in what causes it and how it presents. It is, more often than not, a breakdown of our ability to cope with the demands being placed on us and not with how much we can carry. We are used to carrying insane loads and with having to work so much harder than most other people, just to keep putting one foot in front of the other through life. In fact, I know that I never really rest, not even now. My life is one long and continuous assessment and checking on whether the routines I have in place are being maintained. Whether I have done everything, on what needs to be done and finding new ways to blames myself for why it hasn't been done yet. There is no such thing as not working as far as my brain is concerned. And because I never stop, I don't know how to stop. How to heed the signals of tiredness and exhaustion and how to not knuckle down and continue anyway. It has been the story of my life. In work and everywhere else, always push, push, push.

And perhaps this is why autistic burnout is so common and possibly even inevitable. The sheer effort that life already is. The constant raggedy edge we walk just to get through a day and how in doing this day after day, all we end up doing is teaching ourselves to ignore the warning signs and that our needs are even important. And end up learning instead, that all that really matters is the next plodding step, no matter the load we are already carrying.

Tim_McTuffty , avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Morning Kevin 👋😊

You are pretty much my ASD guru & I’m so very much at the start of my journey learning how to cope (also btw , just realised that ,despite my previous doubts , I am probably AuDHD ) so I’m at a loss when it comes to supporting others at the mo.

That said:
I totally recognise where you are because I now realise that is where I am too at the mo.
I’m not sure if an autistic burnout shared ½s it but maybe there is some vague sense of comfort in sharing the struggle?

I will help in anyway I can , even if only as an additional someone to vent to.

You’re in my thoughts my friend , I hope that you (well ‘we’ if I’m being honest) pull thru to the other side of this soon!


Tim_McTuffty , avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic That all makes sense & the ADHD thing keeps ticking boxes.
I hope that you come out the other side soon my friend 🫂

See I told you you were my guru 😊 🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 205 , Monday 20/05/2024

Was up till the early hours of this morning with stomach cramps after last nights daring attempt to eat scrambled eggs & beans for tea.

Spent the day getting lots of exercise up & down the stairs to take a pew, if you get my drift.

Attempted to interact on here a couple of times but my brain is apparently on sick leave so it didn’t go exactly to plan 🙄🤦‍♂️

Hopefully tomorrow will be better !

Final Thoughts.

Is the babel fish truly a fish if it spends most of its life out of water ?
This & other great questions of our age will have to wait until I can think straight!

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar
Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@si_irini @actuallyautistic On the way sweetie 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@EVDHmn @actuallyautistic Hey Derek 👋😊

Sorry wasn’t ignoring you, just behind on catching up !

Interesting questions !

I imagine that as far as colour goes it was a predator / pry thing . As with so many other adaptations (hearing for instance) those that can recognise either prey or predator quicker get to survive to procreate.
Deep sea animals use color (red particularly) a lot for just this reason.

BTW Mantis Shrimp have the greatest range of wavelength recognition of any animal (I believe) , no-one quite knows why it needs to be so extensive !

For me (& any number of experts will beat me to death with a kipper for saying this I suspect) the brain doesn’t process light, anymore than it processes sound, or taste - the organs convert the signals into a brain compatible signal & the brain processes that . I do know that it’s an RGB signal mixed with light n dark (rods n cones in the eye).
As to how it processes the received signal , that is a whole other kettle of fish !

Oh I love easy questions like what is consciousness 😆

I could wax lyrical on this , but it’s an area of interest so I’ll get hyper focused & we’ll be here till Xmas !

Have an excellent day my friend 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@zeolith @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏

I’m well on the road to recovery (at least from the stomach bug !) I can even string semi-coherent thoughts together today 😊

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@eonity @EVDHmn @actuallyautistic I feel I know where the root of your insomnia lies … 😜

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar
Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 204 , Sunday 19/05/2024

Up around 8am , Sunday turned out to be a lovely sunny day , which I enjoyed, relaxing & recovering!

Caught up on Mastodon, there are some tremendous folk on here !

Still struggling with the old appetite , exhausted as buggery but I am defo on the way back up !

Apparently there are albino badgers out there ! This is a wonder of the world !

Final Thoughts.

You know when you’re a kid & you dream of your future …

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@si_irini @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 203 , Saturday 18/05/2024

Ruff as a bears bum today, no energy, no appetite, everything I do hurts.

It’s probably only man-flu again, I seem to catch every bug going at the moment & regular Squirrel Spotters will be aware that I’m a bit of a wuss when it comes to common or garden illness. 🙄🤦‍♂️

I keep plodding along, hoping that I catch a break at some point.

I am better this afternoon, this morning I felt like death warmed up, lunch was 5/6 of 2 rounds of toast - don’t ask - & tea will be venturing into the dubious gastronomic delights of a can of tommy soup.
I am a little brighter & well enough to write my diary, so that is an improvement.

Final Thoughts.

Please can someone hail a Delorean to transport me back to my 40s ?

I have to say that I am in total awe of those folk I know who live with chronic pain, chronic depression is a walk in the park in comparison, you peeps are the bravest folk I know!

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

I take fish oil pills every day & they are prolly why I haven’t got scurvy etc.

I suspect part of it is that ‘Man (or gender type of your choice) cannot live on pizza / Chinese takeaway alone!

I need to get shopping again so I can have a decent diet, Mrs S. cant shop for toffee (or anything else ! ) & not that its summer time salads beckon !

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

18+ Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 201 , Friday 17/05/2024

The number of things that trigger me that I have to keep bottled up , for the sake of a quiet life ! l
Like her taking just the stuff out of the dishwasher she needs (sometimes moving other pots out of the way & then putting them back in the dishwasher ! ) & just the stuff she needs - generally to make her morning snack, which she then leaves for me to tidy away!
It’s even more triggering on days when she is working from home!
No wonder all motivation is dead well before mid-day!

Once upon a time men were criticised for going to work & leaving everything else to their wives, well I have news for the world, that never went away & has achieved true equality! Certainly in our household!
It’s 09:12 & my day is fecked & I still have the dishwasher to empty, her dishes to wash / put in the newly emptied dishwasher & then hang out the laundry.
Don’t get me wrong I fully appreciate that I have to contribute , but I never signed up for this & I don’t know how to tackle it.
GP suggested marriage guidance - yeah sure that’ll work well with my autistic nature & dislike of humaning !
Sometimes it’s all too much & I just want my head to explode & get it over with !

Oh now I’m coughing & aching all over, gimme a break !
Seems I’ve come down with another bug ! Achy, stomach rebelling at the thought of lunch, freezing cold - got a warm top on and wrapped in a blanket. Had a warm Ribena™ (my hot drink of last resort) which appears to have helped a little.
Is it normal for hot drinks to mean you feel colder when you initially drink them - my body thinks so at the moment!
Ahhhh !!! I cannot get a break this year !
And another thing my tinnitus is so loud ! *grumpily snuggles deeper into blanket.
I refuse to go to bed at 13:54 on a moderately sunny summers day !
I shall kill baddies instead & hope I don’t die too much.

Ok it’s 18:30 I’m on the brink of falling asleep.
No appetite , which is a damn shame it being pizza night!

Final Thoughts.

I’ll be the one at the taxidermist….

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


18+ Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar
18+ Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@HeatherMJ @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

18+ Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Feeling much better today thanks Kevin, hope you’re having a good Sunday my friend 😊🫶🐿️🖖

18+ Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Thanks Kevin 😊

Bugger on it being a work day , I did wonder !

Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 201 , Thursday 16/05/2024

Up early again , the weather was miserable again, bouts of heavy rain interspersed with showers in the very occasional burst of sunshine.

The weather absolutely affects my mood, so it has been a challenge to interface with the world today.

At least it’s still fairly warm, having the windows open, if only a little , is really nice for me, a bit of a sensory high. 😊

Final Thoughts.

A quiet early summer day , with classic UK weather.

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Thank you CDP 🧚‍♀️🥰💜

Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 200 , Wednesday 15/05/2024

Up early again , breakfast, chores , whole 9 yards.

I’ve been referred to the local cardiology dept for my dizzy spells , phone appointment next month, I don’t hold out much hope that they will get anywhere, but never say never hey !

Octopus Energy , after an initially promising start, have totally failed to get our smart meter system working properly. Both meters appear to be transmitting so that at least is an improvement but the IHD is only showing electric readings. In the latest episode the help desk lass - ‘Edna’ gave me the instructions to set up a budget …. Despite me sending her a photo showing that the IHD is NOT seeing the gas meter at all!
I mean will setting a budget magically get the comms going between the gas meter & the IHD ? I think not !

Final Thoughts.

Why is it so hard to get seemingly simple things done in this world ?

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@DoubleTreble @actuallyautistic Grumble, grumble , grumble !

Oh ok I’ll give em the benefit of the doubt , but only ‘cause you say so ! 😊

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Thank you for all your encouragement Cynni, it really helps keep my spirits up 🤗🥰

Hopefully the transition to the new house will go smoothly for you ! 🤞

Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 198 , Tuesday 14/05/2024

Up just before 6am for some reason that will have scientists puzzled long after the Unified Field Theory is discovered!

Breakfast is done & coffee is drunk.
I sit looking at my TL & feeling a strange reluctance to engage. It’s not that anyone has upset me or that I’m particularly triggered by a toot . I just shy away from interaction with the rest of the Fediverse.
Some of it is that I feel overwhelmed by the number of folk I have to respond to - I have to respond to everyone who mentions me or who greets the world at large, it’s an unconscious imperative for me.
Most days I love this level of interaction, it energises me & elevates my spirits, but not today.
I will engage with folk, because I feel that I will failed them & myself if I don’t.
Maybe a shower first though, prevaricating ….

Ok so the day got better & SM was engaged with !

Hit Fo4 this afternoon then the usual evening activities.

Final Thoughts.

Ok struggling at the moment , thank Nuggan it’s warm & mostly sunny otherwise it might be quiet grim!

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar
Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Thank you Cynni 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@DoubleTreble @PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Hey DT 😊

It’s hard to manage sometimes , sometimes I just don’t have the energy to deal with anything, but then I feel guilty & lazy so I push myself to at least answer mentions & say hi & bye.

If it helps I always wanna read your stuff sweetie 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 198 , Monday 13/05/2024

Up early for some reason beyond this simple squirrels reasoning.
Tidied up after herself, did my chores & went for a walk in the warm early summer sunshine !

I cannot seem to find the impetus to get stuff done, I work best to a deadline & the only person pushing me at the moment is me, which would be fine but I have minimal motivation levels at the moment.

I’m wondering from day to day like a leaf blowing in the breeze, no direction, no purpose.
At least the days are warm now & a lot sunnier, saving energy is easier , my lone mission to drag our energy bills down is less onerous in the summer.

Final Thoughts.

I suspect that I am going through a depressive episode, I hope I come through to the other side soon.

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Thank you Kevin🙏

Hope you’re well my friend 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar
Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@skyfire747 @actuallyautistic Thank you Anthony I do appreciate it my friend ! 🙏

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@Tooden @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@Glenlivet @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 , hope you feel better soon 🫂🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 197 , Sunday 12/05/2024

Finally managed to get a lie in , up at 8am. Breakfast, a few chores & then got abused by the cats demanding brushing & snuggles !

It’s been a lovely warm day , have had a really relaxed day.

Currently waiting for the promised thunder storm … I love a good thunder storm but have been sadly disappointed recently !

Final Thoughts.

Is it time for bed yet ?

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@si_irini @actuallyautistic Likewise !

Much prefer to watch them from indoors 😊

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@DoubleTreble @actuallyautistic We have it in the forecast but yet to actually get rain let alone a thunder storm !

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar
Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 196 , Saturday 11/05/2024

Woke up around 6:30 to the sound of Oliver exercising his lungs again & Mrs S. deciding that stupid early was a good time to get up on a Saturday!

It has been a gloriously sunny day, I have had the patio doors open & passively enjoyed the warmth.

MiL is still in hospital , she is ok , just awaiting discharge which is currently due on Monday.

It has been a quiet day.

Watching ‘Shang-Chi & the legend of the 10 rings’ , not a bad movie at all.

Final Thoughts.

I hope I get to see the Aurora tonight !

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Thanks Cynni 😊

Missed the aurora entirely , hey ho, maybe next time.
There’s another big solar storm due Tuesday , so one never knows !

Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 195 , Friday 10/05/2024

I woke when herself decided that 05:45 was a good time to get up - must get in the hours reading time before we go to work!

Managed to get out for another walk , a bit earlier today & those I came across were a lot friendlier than yesterday , everybody responded & smiled 😊 .

Did the daily chores but was in a funny mood, I really felt the need for isolation today , I had a quick spin on Masto but then hid away for the day.

I was strangely chuffed by being visited by 3 bees today , one was a seriously tubby bumble bee !
In contrast I noticed this evening that the 3 spiders who had taken up residence in the top outside corners of our kitchen window have vanished, they left egg balls but either they haven’t hatched or the youngsters have hatched & left. Point being , that for the first time in several years no spiders - & barely any midges from the pond . So I wonder if the spiders left due to lack of prey ?

Finished the day with a pizza, a couple of pints of cider & a ‘Silent Witness’ or 2 .

Final Thoughts.

I had a thought yesterday following a conversation with a neighbour:
I find it ridiculously hard to start conversations , but once started I find it more difficult to end them, I don’t seem to recognise the body language that says ‘bugger off , we’re done here’ & continue to witter on, until it gets awkward or the other party (as happened yesterday ) gets interrupted by a 3rd party.
I wonder if this is related to my autistic self. I wonder if other autistic folks have a similar experience ?

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@HeatherMJ @DoubleTreble @actuallyautistic Hey Heather, love that you have so many bees !

Probably best me & Mr J don’t get to know each other then, you n Mrs S. would become gossip widows 😆

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@DoubleTreble @actuallyautistic I tend not to engage but then struggle to disengage 😆

Tim_McTuffty , to actuallyautistic avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 194 , Thursday 09/05/2024

Woke to a possibly the best , sunniest day so far this year.

Sorted breakfast & tidied up after herself, then almost in-spite of myself went for a short (2km) walk.
For the first time, in a long time I had a good walk! I was not pushing all the way, a steady pace didn’t wipe me out ! The birds were singing & the sun was warm & bright!
Shame about the dog walkers - I was out a bit later than normal so maybe it was a different crowd, but what an ignorant , arrogant bunch of stuck up … one person responded to my greeting one!
What happened to good manners ? Maybe they are too woke ???
It’s little wonder I don’t do people in the flesh !

My sudden burst of energy persisted thru today , (I hope this isn’t a manic phase, I hate dropping off the end of those !
The kettle was brutally descaled to within an inch of its life & then because the solar panels were maxing out in the sunshine I went wild & gave the washing machine a deep clean. Of course by the time that I had cleaned the powder dispenser & the seals & started the cleaning wash cycle the sun went behind the clouds ! 🙄🤦‍♂️

Hit Fo4 this afternoon sure in the knowledge that I actually achieved something today !
It’s pitiful when you look at it objectively , but in comparison to recently it was a good day.

Cooked beans & scrambled eggs for tea, partially because we had some eggs to use up & partially because I wanted something easy.

Finished the evening watching ‘Masters of the Air’ , same crew that made Band of Brothers - but as with the one they did on the Pacific its not of the same quality as BoB !

Final Thoughts.

I miss companionship sometimes , I’m about as social as a polar bear with shingles but sometimes it would be nice to just be with someone, not worry about masking , not pretend to be fine, not fake enjoyment of another’s pastime.

Hey ho, it is what it is.

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏
Went out a bit earlier this morning & it’s a whole better class of folk before 9am ! 😊

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @actuallyautistic Awwww Thank you Rose 🙏 🤗🥰

I try my best.

You far too fierce to be a Lab 😆

Tim_McTuffty OP , avatar

@RosePuckey @actuallyautistic Morning Rose 🤗🥰 😊

I remember how cross you were with those car drivers the other day ! 🫣😉

You never met Mrs S.’s dog ‘Rug’ he was a terrier of sorts , vicious little bastard when he was in the mood.

But in general I would agree.

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