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Roundcat , avatar

I'm sure discussion here will remain pleasant and mature with no problematic views, opinions or suggestions being thrown around at all.

Roundcat , avatar

Depending on the country, depictions of fauxbait can either be ay okay or borderline illegal. In places like Australia and Ireland, they have laws that are aimed at hentai, but because of the way they are worded, could also include fauxbait as well.

Roundcat , avatar

I guess it beats not liking the conversation and it becoming locked.

Roundcat , avatar

It's amazing how much of fundamentalist Islamic culture is putting restrictions on others because these men have no self control.

Roundcat , avatar

Except that their business model of "bUt EvErYoNe Is HeRe" or "Mastodon/Bluesky is too complicated" seems to be keeping them afloat.

Roundcat , avatar

Hell no. If there is one thing I learned from moving over to fediverse, it's that people are what make the site enjoyable or frustrating. As it is now, I enjoy the userbase here and on Mastodon, and the last thing I would want is for the most insufferable of Twitter users to come and ruin it. I'm happy most people who are quitting Twitter are joining the other alternatives. I would rather people join the fediverse as a more deliberate choice based on what we offer.

Roundcat , avatar

I don't know about "MOST" as there are still a good amount of mainstream companies that advertise on the site. At least you wouldn't know it if you are still on the site constantly. And I'm mostly going on about the users there who don't like the changes there and constantly complain about them in articles or youtube, yet it is the only way they insist on engaging with their followers still.

The thing about Mastodon and Lemmy to users who exclusively use those sites is they are themselves a bubble. There are weeks I spend most of my web activity on kbin, and would believe reddit is on its death spiral. Yet I peak over there, and it's about as active as when I left it. I even see articles about reddit or twitters activity recovering that I never see get shared here, because at the end of the day, the narrative we want to hear is "Corporate site is dying, we are the future!"

Roundcat , avatar

I can't believe the entire vita fanbase is here. (Not me, but I'm happy to meet the both of you!)

Roundcat , avatar

Same here. I would have been excited if Sony made a vita follow up, because Nintendo proved there was still a niche for handheld gaming. My biggest problem with the switch is even the lite models are too bulky to justify carrying everywhere. The Vita is the perfect size, but the platform is dead, support all but dried up, and the potential unmet.

If Vita 2 was announced tomorrow, with the same capabilities of the switch or steam deck, but with the form factor of the vita, I would preorder that day.

Roundcat , avatar

I'm starting to feel better about boycotting them after the unaddressed sexual abuse cases.

Roundcat , avatar

I enjoy Smash Bros. Both in playing Ultimate and watching Melee. But I never want to go to another smash tourney, or hang out with other smash fans again. I used to be part of my university's smash group, and looking back I only got a long with a few of the people there, and everyone else was a fucking toolbag, or an incompetent manchild. I remember having an enlightening conversation with someone who tried to convince me women were incapable of playing melee competitively due to the shape of their heads and motor skills. I remember the smell being soo bad at one tournament, that I ended up forfeiting one of my matches so I could go home cause I couldn't take the smell anymore. One of my best friends, who was a brilliant Robin player in Smash 4 was called the "N" word multiple times cause people couldn't handle losing to him, and the tourney organizers would do nothing about it. I main Ness in both 4 and Ultimate, and almost got a controller thrown at me cause the guy kept running into my pk fires. and a local game store stopped hosting smash tourneys cause people wouldn't stop breaking shit after losing, and shit kept getting stolen after tourneys.

Roundcat , avatar

That's part of the reason I love Splatoon. No voice unless you are playing with friends, and it's not a total sausage fest. Though for whatever reason, the squid bagging and griefing gets cranked up to 11 during Splatfest.

Roundcat , avatar

I think you hit the nail on the head. There is almost no recourse for anyone being a dick, and some people consider it part of their "strategy" to get under people's skin.

Roundcat , avatar

I hear that. It's just a shame some consoles and carts are starting to need service due to their age, especially for handhelds, and retro gaming has gotten more and more unaffordable. Glad I picked up most of my collection when it was cheap.

What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

Have you ever played a game and wondered what if you could do something that it doesn’t really allow you to do, for example being able to move around blocks in Minecraft fluidly instead of in sectors, edit the world in Hogwarts legacy with spells, be able to fly in a world like Elden Ring or Elder Scrolls with epic sky...

Roundcat , avatar

I want to know what Jet St Radio for the Wii could've been. Apparently one was tossed around, but at the end of the day was rejected. Tbf, this was 2006~ Sega, and it probably would've been trash. But I will still never not be curious about what could've been.

Roundcat , avatar

Ikr! I'm surprised it took so long for an indie project to fill the gap. If it's even half as good as jsrf, I'll be satisfied.

Roundcat , avatar

Shit! a community complaint post already ??

Roundcat , (edited ) avatar

I mean, the expectation was there would never be an artificial intelligence capable of coming up with its own ideas, having it's own inspiration and be able to create based on its own experiences.

The reality is it didn't have to. All it took was mass work theft, and machine able to take the bits and pieces of those works, and shuffle them into a production that matched the user's parameters.

Honestly, I wish we were dealing with actual "artificial intelligence" that was capable of its own thoughts, inspiration, feelings, and experiences. That could paint a picture or write a story based on its own experiences, and maybe give its own perspective as a machine that would further push the boundaries of what is possible in art and story telling.

Instead, I get to realize that in reality, all art and storytelling is mixing and matching the same parts into something different, and that we have built a machine so efficient at doing it, there is no need for humans to do it.

I already kinda knew that I was never going to have a career doing anything creative, but all this "AI" boom has shown me is that no matter how "skilled" or "creative" I become, those bits and pieces can be broken down into something cheap enough that my involvement is no longer necessary.

Mastodon or Lemmy

So I’ve been starting to look further into the Fediverse and using it a lot more than any other part of the internet at this point. I wanna know the reasons why people might prefer Lemmy or Mastodon, I have both but seem to lean towards Lemmy for some reason, but not sure why maybe it’s the simple design and you can find...

Roundcat , avatar

I like them for different reasons. Mastodon is somewhere I check on my phone for updates on things I care about, random posts, memes, or interesting topics that make it into my feed.

Lemmy on the other hand is somewhere I actually hang out. Sure, there are the memes, but there's more room for in depth discussion here, and I can spend hours here while I usually browse mastodon in minutes. In a way they are both how Twitter and Reddit used to be before they got massively popular and I find it refreshing.

In the end, I went with kbin because it combines features and integration of the two platforms while having stuff unique to it. I definitely recommend it if you like both platforms.

Roundcat , avatar

Someone find out which lemmy dev it was.

China logs 52.2 Celsius as extreme weather rewrites records (, July 17 (Reuters) - A remote township in China’s arid northwest endured temperatures of more than 52 Celsius (126 Fahrenheit) on Sunday, state media reported, setting a record for a country that was battling minus 50C weather just six months ago....

Roundcat , avatar

To the celciaphobic, that's about half way to boiling, or 2 Popeye's Kitchen's worth of heat.

Roundcat , avatar

Ready to go to prison?

Roundcat , avatar

Individual pokemon fans are sweethearts, but forever reasons, most major online pokemon communities are dens of awful where some of the worst people gather and make you question why you're even a fan in the first place.

Roundcat , avatar

Different perspective: "I am the content!"

Roundcat , avatar

If he was American, he'd be bringing coffee.

Roundcat , (edited ) avatar

As someone who is still on reddit and other mainstream sites as well as fediverse, here are my impressions.

There is definitely a frustration around the enshitefication of most of the major platforms, which is causing users to seek out alternatives to these sites. A lot of this has translated into increased traffic and membership on fediverse sites like Lemmy and Mastodon, but the reality is the situation still hasn't gotten bad enough for most general users to abandon the platforms entirely, or they stick around because despite everything, they are still the platforms with the most reach, and are still easy to use for most users.

Mastodon seems to have waves of activity based on the latest major fuckup by Elon Musk, but because of the learning curb and the differences in how Mastodon works, combined with the lack of user activity compared to twitter, most users don't stick around. Meanwhile, Bluesky is advertising itself as twitter pre enshitefication, and Threads is promising a userbase comparable to twitter without it being ran by Musk, which to a more casual person may seems more appealing. Fediverse is more appealing to people like you and me because we're nerds. Like we are interested in the technology, and want to dive into it to create the web experience we want. That's not going to appeal to the average user though.

There are weeks where I spend most of my time online on kbin and mastodon, and if I go by word and news posted, it would seem like reddit and twitter are on their final ropes, everyone is rushing to the fediverse, and we are about to enter another wild west period of the internet. But then I go back to reddit, and most of the communities I was apart of still seem as active as they have ever been. Most people I followed on twitter still post regularly with similar amounts of likes, retweets and comments, and most content creators will still point people towards these platforms for further engagement.

One space I have seen a major shift in is the LGBTQ community. There is definitely a diminishing of activity on major platforms mostly because the recent enshitefications have made these platforms more hostile places. Fediverse is a popular alternative for these communities, which is probably why you see a large amount of queer users within the fediverse. A lot of tech communities have also flocked to the fediverse and other communities because these spaces attract a lot of tech savy nerds, and are a great place to find fellow techies who know what you're talking about.

Overall, There is definitely a shift in how people use the internet and how they interact in Social media. The echochambers within the fediverse though would make it seem like it is bigger than it actually is. I would say we are seeing the dawn of the expansion of the internet, where instead of everything being centralized on 4 or 5 major sites, there will be a number of smaller sites that host their own communities. It probably won't be anywhere near as decentralized as the pre youtube and facebook era of the internet, but you'll at least have other places to go to when you get sick of a site, but still want to find like minded people to discuss your interests with.

Roundcat , avatar

I'm just wondering what you are sharing that is getting you censored off of most of the major instances. Something illegal? Something morally reprehensible that most regular people take objection to it? Like I understand Beehaw being very uptight about what they allow (to the point of defederating most major instances) but world just seems free for all but the most extreme views, ml will allow straight up genocide and warcrime denial as long as it's China or Russia, and shitjustworks seems to be gamers in general, left or right.

Like there are instances that are just basically unmoderated free speech zones if that's what you're looking for. There are even instances that are echochambers for your political leanings if that's what you are actually looking for. But most of the major instances are going to be catering for a more general userbase. Afterall, part of the reason world became the biggest is because it's the one most former redditors were pointed to.

And the reality is, and part of the reason I'm apprehensive about Meta joining the fediverse, is because even in a decentralized environment, communities, opinions, topics and activity all becomes centralized around whichever community is the biggest. The internet itself is a decentralized network, but since everyone gathers in the same places, it ultimately became centralized around sites like reddit, insta, youtube, and twitter. That's one of the reasons we are encouraged as fedi users to join smaller instances. Not just to save on space and traffic, but to encourage the activity in our local communities to grow.

Roundcat , avatar

As long as I can help it or afford it, I will always prefer human art over machines.

The reality is works produced by humans are going to be a luxury for the rich, while the poor have to setting for AI generated crap.

Roundcat , avatar

As a furry art appreciator, I want to do what I can to make sure the community's artists aren't struggling.

Roundcat , avatar

I don't. Most of the people on Mastodon seem pretty cool, and honestly I would rather not see half the people I see on twitter.

Roundcat , avatar

people complaining about the smallest slight

How is this different from here or reddit?

Roundcat , avatar

Huh. I thought this is what Risky's Revenge ended up being. Didn't know the GBA's story was completely different. Wonder if they'll be using some of the Godzilla: Domination music tracks that were used in the prototype.

TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance (

For all the newcomers that aren’t aware, I just stumbled upon this insane drama. Apparently is the result of a reddit sub ban of a bunch of pro-china bots who vigorously defend the Chinese government, and the two top admins are also the top devs of the Lemmy source software. Pretty terrible stuff!...

Roundcat , avatar

Welp, tells me everything I need to know about you.

Roundcat , avatar

I like kbin. Modern interface, built in Mastodon integration, cool mascot, and the dev isn't a nazi that insists on the communist label (afaik)

Roundcat , avatar

Probably so. That and 196 is a very active community.

Is there any more ethical solution to our current circumstances than "murder all billionaires"? (

Not that I'm particularly against that - quite the opposite, in fact. But I'm wondering if anyone sees, or had seen a path to social and climate recovery/progress that could occur without first eradicating the class of people who most enjoy the present status quo.

If doesn't defederate from Threads, Meta and all things Zuck within 24 hours, I will shut down my subs and leave.

I didn’t come to a new service just to see it get taken over by the corporate beasts who ruined the internet in general, and I am sure as hell am not going to use an instance that doesn’t care about its users....

Roundcat , avatar

As much as I hate meta and hate the idea of threads federating with us, ultimately you should be able to find or create an instance that aligns with your idea of defeding with them. I would ultimately want the admin of my instance to side with the majority of users rather than drag users kicking and screaming into following their lead.

Besides, if you truly wanted more control over your web experience, we should be more decentralized. Like what the hell are we all doing on the same instance, and being shocked that the decisions of a small group of people is going to affect so many of us. Like we were all encouraged to join smaller instances or make our own precisely for this reason. Like hypothetically, if every popular community was in its own instance, rather than centralized around world, ml, beehaw and kbin, Meta federating with us would not be a big deal. Every community would be able to decide whether they wanted to associate with them or not, and we would be too spread out for it to be worth Meta's while.

Maybe this should be a wake up call for some of ya'll. Spread out and take your own actions, rather than wait for the big instances' admins to act for you.

YSK: Use this cool tool to find your favorite subreddit on Lemmy! (

This site lists the communities on -shall not be named- that have either migrated or are also located on different sites. It also lists whether it is the official community or a spin off. A very helpful tool for those who have rid of -shall not be named- and have forgotten communities they once followed.

Roundcat , avatar

SubHatsuneMikus. You know, Minecraft developer, EDM composer, and wizard novel author?

Roundcat , avatar

It's amazing, and highly recommended. I will say for the best experience, play it back to back with it's sequel Lost Age. They are basically 2 halves of the complete story.

Roundcat , avatar

I've heard mixed things about it, but my sister who the GS fan in my family swears by it.

hpkomic , to random avatar

The game went far harder than it had any right to.

Roundcat , avatar

@hpkomic Imagine a disney game, not only being a very solid Zelda-like, but one of the best couch co-op games on the SNES.

Capcom really knew what they were doing with Disney properties.

Roundcat , avatar

It is the right and the duty of every citizen to act without violence to stop the destruction of freedom, equality, and the rule of law.

It is the right and the duty of every citizen to act by any means necessary.

I am getting really tired of this milquetoast, noncommittal, theatrical as fuck approach to activism, especially when you trying to defend your country against a literal violent dictatorship from seizing power in your country. Do you think they will be swayed by your strong words, emotional appeals, and the sympathetic screams of those watching the bloodshed? No of course not! These are the same motherfuckers who bomb, rape, and murder mothers and children in an open air prison routinely, and feel no remorse or guilt. This is who you are up against, and until now, you were more or less comfortable with them around as long as they gave you the illusion of freedom.

Now even that is being ripped away from you, and you think your fates will be any different if you throw a punch or voluntarily get your head smashed? They want your full obedience, and they will make examples of you regardless of whether you turn the other cheek or take an actual stand. If you want even a inkling of success in throwing off the people who threaten what's left of your democracy, you better be prepared to throw hands, cause they'll have no hesitation in doing the same to you.

Roundcat , avatar

I go back and forth between Kbin and Tildes, with a toe still left in reddit for a few niche communities. I like the idea of the fediverse, but there are definitely a lot of growing pains that it seems to be going through, and kbin just seemed like the most modern, polished, choice. (plus the devs are much less sus than Lemmy)

Tildes on the otherhand feels a lot more close knit, and more about discussion specific topics rather than being a collection of different communities. I kinda like the smaller size, plus the overall tone there is very respectful, so it's great for more nuanced conversations. This is where I come for my memes and my random conversations though.

Roundcat , avatar

Honestly, I've appreciated the smaller community size here. Sure there are less niche communities with actual users like reddit, but there is just a much smaller concentration of idiots here than other social media sites, which makes actually talking about shit fun, rather than infuriating.

Part of the reason I stuck around even after all the redditors swam back is because I like the company here much more.

Roundcat , avatar

Reddit is so old news.

Bitching about Meta is the new hotness

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