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I’m an Australian, I’m probs fking with you, we can’t help it, I think. Probably something to do with all the hostile shit around us and adapting to it, or something. All meant in good spirits! If you think we’re laughing at you, think about the stupid shit we just did to get that laugh.

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LavaPlanet ,

Omfg. What a trash article. Great examples of the spin the politicians are trying on, of tiktok. because people can use it to unite against an unjust system and that made them scared and therefore launch a negative campaign and force a take over of the whole app. I mean, come on!! Such a bad article.

There’s more misinformation on fb. Marky Z, when asked why he let’s all a that just spread around, said, he thinks people can just tell stuff is lies by looking at it. He knows that isn’t true.

LavaPlanet ,

Idea is good, in principal. Can I just offer some thoughts to get things happening smoothly.

Bullying, what type? I can only offer general overall advice without specifics. So I’ll offer some food for thought, What if that person is neurodivergent and doesn’t understand they’re bullying, or coming across too blunt. I would suggest, address the behaviour directly, succinctly and without judgement.

Talk as if they’re an alien and don’t understand our culture, and you have belief once they understand they will step up. But say it as plainly, in the least amount of words possible. Don’t leave room to debate, just straight plain facts. This causes this. Please don’t.

Ask how you can help them be more effective in positive engagement.

On a personal note it’s always a good idea to listen to the messages your body is giving you, those emotions are a need your body has, it isn’t about anyone else, it’s about your lived experience and how comfortable you are in your environment. Times you haven’t felt safe can be a trigger for you in the future, and then bullies words hurt more. If you feel you have unhealed trauma or a low sense of self and self worth because the world in general has chewed you up, (which it does so often it’s almost a universal experience) find and build on yourself in those areas. It doesn’t minimise that the bullies are harmful, just utilise their efforts to find places you can up skill and heal, if they are being highlighted for you. They still suck. You just take what they give you and turn it into a tool to build on yourself and build yourself up. Be genuine, curious and open and deep dive on your feelings. Eventually, after studying what’s freely available out there and uplevelling your sense of self, you start to see all of the bullies behaviours are entirely about their own broken insides and damage. It’s really hard to be upset by words from someone you pity.

Avoiding toxic environments is a better way to live. Finding ways to make that environment non toxic is a good life philosophy. Do your labour laws already have protections built in to protect you from psychological abusive type behaviours in the workplace?

LavaPlanet ,

Ooooh! And and! Apparently they contain newly discovered flavours of nano plastics too! Exciting stuff, gals!

LavaPlanet ,

You would probably drive more carefully with cake, than “the weather is bad”, anyway. So probably a better way to advise. Cake and half full fish tanks, because you’re too lazy to empty them the whole way…

LavaPlanet ,

It doesn have to have exactly the same number of people die. It’s a genocide and they’re literally trying to kill all of the Palestinians. It’s not about matching numbers, it’s about the definition.

LavaPlanet ,

All we have to do is unite. There’s more of us than them. And we don’t even have to protest or leave our homes. They all bow down to the mighty dollar, all we have to do is plan not to buy from ‘company A’ unless they ‘insert world fixing demand that they’re currently doing the opposite of’ ’ knock them down one by one. We could even pool together a dollar or two each, that’s all we’d need if we got enough people together and buy ourselves our very own Politician!! We may even be able to buy them all back… That’s probably pipe dreams. We need to make Poole’s union.

LavaPlanet ,

I’m doing a course for cyber security at my local tafe, and thier website only works on Chrome. Go. Figure.

LavaPlanet ,

They really just see people as ants in a display, don’t they.

very upsetting (

captiona screenshot of the text: > Tech companies argued in comments on the website that the way their models ingested creative content was innovative and legal. The venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, which has several investments in A.I. start-ups, warned in its comments that any slowdown for A.I. companies in consuming...

LavaPlanet ,

Piracy / stealing content is ok for big corps Piracy / stealing content punishable by life in prison for us proletarians

Psychiatric wards in Korea filled up with depressed teens and 20-somethings (

Shin (14), a middle school student in Daegu has been addicted to gaming for years. He stayed up all night in his room playing games. He was always late for school, and his friends teased him, calling a “game otaku(maniac)”. Shin blamed himself for being “someone unnecessary.” Late last year, he was diagnosed with severe...

LavaPlanet ,

I’m fighting a similar parenting battle myself, currently. I’m a sole parent, tho. So I’m just fighting with myself. I’m trying to set limits for my kids, but I’m just not able to enforce them. I have my grandson living with me in kinship care, and he is extremely high needs, my 15yo is high needs, so my 12 yo gets no attention and has slipped into device addiction, I set limits, very minimal limits, mind you, because I’m trying to weeny her down, she still sneaks around them, then I take them away entirely. I took them away for a month, after warning her about 10 times that I would if I caught her again. She was absolutely fine after a week. Maybe make your partner a bet, lol. Is your partner the one at home with them mostly? Or do you both work long hours?

LavaPlanet ,

They’re kinda telling on themselves, ‘no secrets’ what does watching an add have to do with secrets, unless they want you to have no secrets from them, and give you all a your data. Then that sentence makes sense. That sentence has some real twist / projection / gaslighty vibes. Why do corporations feel like my abusive ex.

LavaPlanet ,

They were the only 3 they looked at. It’s not about them being sub par quality, they measured for smaller nano plastics than have been tested before. I would assume all plastic containers do this, with a rate of speed relative to the medium contained within. All drinks with plastic, maybe the carbonated drinks move the plastic particles faster, even. How much of the food we consume is wrapped in plastic, and doing this.

LavaPlanet ,

It’s kinda not really the older generations, though, it’s more capitalism. Where does that start and end?

LavaPlanet ,

Eh, I think we have to agree to disagree on that point, friend. I’ve seen a lot of quotes closer to the turn of the last century warning about capitalism, it’s been going for quite a while. All through the industrial booms and a few wars were essentially fuelled by capitalist reasons. All that happened in India, British empire stuff, essentially capitalism. I could deep dive and find dates, but if you are interested, there’s just so much to read about it, I wouldn’t know where to start. You might find some fascinating (and troubling) stuff, once you start scratching the surface. I feel like I am only just scratching the surface. I’m looking for a good book to read on the subject so I have a more indepth understanding.

LavaPlanet ,

People tend to take out of shows what they want it to say. It’s very consistently acknowledged, House is an asshole. People are openly terrified of becoming like him. They consistently work to fix him. So he’s not like that. That said, I love House, I’ve been watching it repeatedly since it aired. I still find new layers to the subtext and relationships of the show. And the reason people tried to help House, not be like he is, is because he has a richly developed character with deep endearing empathy and sympathy for others, he consistently puts others before himself, sometimes risking his own life, just to save someone else. He might say the asshole thing, but it’s calculated and planned for a good outcome, he might be helping someone face an uncomfortable truth that will ultimately save a life. Like how he spoke to the family of the guy in the wheelchair who pushed himself into the pool. He needs answers that politeness wouldn’t allow, like the guy who refused to admit he was taking steroids. But was. He thinks his meanness is purposeful, even towards his team. He has that old school boomer gen attitude of toughing people up to motivate them. Which, during his character growth he comes to realise isn’t right. He deeply cares about the people closest to him. Often giving them kind and endearing comforting words when they need them. He is a balance, and he is in a lot of pain. Even the kindest person is a bit of an asshole when in constant pain. The show is a little dated, in the sense that we as a society have realised those jokes are beneath us and we strive to be better, so don’t make those references that hurt others when we realise. But there’s not too many spots like that, it does well for its age, mostly.

LavaPlanet ,

Be angry, also, at the people who have rigged the game, those in power, artificially inflating prices to line their own pockets. And I’m so sorry you’ve had such bad runs! I’m also a little proud of you for, not only getting as far as you did, but a few times! Well done! I say we fucking eat the rich.

LavaPlanet ,

Your true enemy is capitalism, tho. Don’t shoot the messenger.

LavaPlanet ,

The capitalism model doesn’t allow room for morals, so literally anything we want done morally or ethically has to be regulated.

LavaPlanet ,

Aww, man! I just got comfortable, now I need to pee, fml

LavaPlanet ,

Famously, the blue guys in Australia, defund our public infrastructure, go ‘oh no, broken now, have to sell, only private peeps can run this / it will run better / for everyone’s best interests’ (simultaneously pats themselves on the back for bringing money in, even though that thing they broke, brought money in, until they broke it) also, spoiler, they sell the things to thier mates.

LavaPlanet ,

Omfg. It put up an anti Vax post about eradicating autism. Holy fk.

LavaPlanet ,

It’s really not cool, man.

LavaPlanet ,

Imagine a world more inclusive, for them, first, then ask that question. Imagine if the world could be made more comfortable and less traumatic and painful, for them. And there are some who are of that category that do just fine. So do we force them to change too?

LavaPlanet ,

Or fend off the ablism of trying to eradicate autism, instead of just forming a more inclusive world.

LavaPlanet ,

So even when we all die out from climate change events, bad memes will go on. Actually that’s weirdly comforting. Feels like a less good version of Walle, or something.

LavaPlanet ,

Everything he does. It’s just so stupid, it has to be purposeful. Like how he rigged the market with doge coin and bit coin, just openly making statements he knew would effect the market. I bet he bought up before saying those. And now tanking Twitter, it’s already dead, we may as well stop calling it by his ridiculous moniker. But I bet he’s bought up whatever he’s replacing Twitter with. I wouldn’t even put it past him to be in cahoots with zuck, and the feud is pretend. It’s all just too obvious. It reeks of I can do whatever i want, I’m above reproach.

LavaPlanet ,

Please let me be clear that I abhor this dipshit, entirely. I was just pondering, you know. Even the worst people have motives, and I find trying to find sanity, in anything he does, a hard task. He must have had some end game. He must have noticed he’s tanking Twitter. Continuing on and doubling down, seems purposeful. And he would want a way to rise out of the ashes ego unscathed. So I was trying to devise his exit plan. He has to have something (stupid af as it may well be) that he stands up and says ‘I did this on purpose, it actually proves I’m a genius’ because that’s his go to response to everything. I suppose I’m trying to predict his patterns of stupid. But that’s probably not possible for someone with a working brain, and or any sense of logic.

LavaPlanet ,

I really want to be able to read this and know wtf it means. I have so much skill to up.

LavaPlanet ,

Same has been said regarding the way we feel towards parents. I dunno tho. I think I Kindly disagree with both sentiments.

LavaPlanet ,

Question: did anyone notice, In TNG, anyone say “data” referring to information, but with the different pronunciation to “Data”, in the show? Why did I not think to look out for this till now!

LavaPlanet ,

Oh! Someone pronounced his name wrong! Bad form, on them.

LavaPlanet ,

Nah man, they’re not made up stories, can confirm. Australian. They defund the healthcare till it breaks. That’s where we are right now. We had ‘conservatives’ (not what we call them, but it’ll do) destroying the place for the last 10 years odd. Thier M.O. is, defund public infrastructure till it doesn’t work, then go ‘oh we had to sell it, it was broken, the private sector will fix it’ and simultaneously go ‘look at how good at money we are, we brought alll this cashola in from nowhere in particular’ and then their mates buy up public information for pennies, who then price essential things out of our reach. It’s fun times! Some of the last targets they were hitting were unemployment payments, people who worked, while receiving benefits, people who are disabled, hospitals and schools. So our hospitals are nearly entirely broken. But it’s been a shit show for a while, I had gallbladder attacks, sending me to the emergency room, once a month or more for two years, I was supposedly on the top of the waiting list for surgery. That was just what the wait for anything like that was like, they wouldn’t operate sooner, unless I went into septic shock and was literally moments from dying. Their words.

Amazon exec says it’s time for workers to ‘disagree and commit’ to office return — “I don’t have data to back it up, but I know it’s better.” (

Amazon exec says it’s time for workers to ‘disagree and commit’ to office return — “I don’t have data to back it up, but I know it’s better.”::“We’re here, we’re back. It’s working,” an Amazon Studios head said in a meeting, before acknowledging a lack of evidence.

LavaPlanet ,

Literally everything he said rebuked that last sentence.

LavaPlanet ,

There’s always that one sibling that you pass the controller to, who can easily do the thing, like it’s nothing, and you have been trying for hours. Also, I was born 1977 too! We had an Atari, tho. I spent full days on that thing trying to get that big block of attacking aliens down to none.

LavaPlanet ,

Hey man, that’s one of your secret superpowers!

LavaPlanet ,

You were the superstar cool kid! I bet you’re just as cool, now bud.

LavaPlanet ,

It worked when Australia did this back in the mid 2000. But it probably wouldn’t today, with today’s cost of living, job and childcare shortages.

LavaPlanet ,

Yeah, I wonder what they’re actually doing. Are they making it safer, or just shitty they aren’t taking a cut, and changing it so they can skim off the top.

LavaPlanet ,

Cool to know! What I’m wondering, though, is what changes the government are making, specifically. Why do they think it’s bad, and what are they changing.

LavaPlanet ,

I came here to say this too, but I did that thing where you look to see if someone else has said it. Hi, my people! I would sell my soul for this to become a thing.

LavaPlanet ,

But if you came across someone wearing a hat like that, would you really consider them a threat? Maybe that’s it’s defense level being higher.

Why do all the new TVs expect me to have a platform AS WIDE as the fucking thing?? Fucking shit!! God awful absolutely dumb thoughtless design choice (

luckily this is just a 32; i had a 70 from the same brand with the same INSANELY FUCKING STUPID STAND DESIGN that i had to find something for…literally at the most extreme edges of the thing, what the fuck is this? this is so fucking stupid, it cannot be meaningfully cheaper than a proper design and it looks fucking dumb as...

LavaPlanet ,

Came across the same issue when I set up my dads new bedroom telly for him, I bodged it up with a plank on top of the dresser it was sitting on.

LavaPlanet ,

$50 bucks says, he still never feels like it’s enough.

LavaPlanet ,

I can’t read the article, what did she say?

LavaPlanet ,

See I read what she said as saying is to people who are familiar with fear, understand that is how these other people feel too. And that’s because people can’t connect with others, well, but if you draw a similarity, then they can connect and care. And she very clearly says, no one should feel that way. Multiple times. You can’t take just a small part of what someone says, because that takes it out of context and can entirely change the meaning.

LavaPlanet ,

On a side note, that imaginary sky dictator, gaslighting ‘us’ into believing that the end of the world is a good thing, really reads capitalism vibes. I only relatively recently realised how deeply capitalism needed to imbed itself to really take off. It needs oppression, it needs war, it needs homelessness and joblessness, it needs racism, it needs misogyny, and so many of those systems are built using a bible (that is against most of that) to enforce it.

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