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Hotspur ,

Go all in on milking generational divide and do like a Taylor Swift / Kendrick Lamar ticket. I definitely think either of them could do a better job at being president than our current batch of options.

Hotspur ,

Everything about this screams fake. It also all sounds like a horrible idea. They’re basically discussing traumatizing inmates at 10x speed. Given that a lot of criminals come from a background of trauma, I’d wonder here if you’d be doing more harm than good. There’s claims in this article that are absurd, without some form of clarification. What the hell is a “creative scientist” as a title—I’m not familiar with that discipline. Also, let’s uhh say am that all this was real, and possible. This tech would be a net evil in the world. If you can use it to brainwash inmates into cringing when they think about doing crime, you can also use it to torture dissenters into conformists. Given that the tech is already aimed at an element of the state security apparatus, there’s like no chance this wouldn’t get used for much worse purposes. I think they’re also misunderstanding how prison is used in many places. In NA, prison does not seem to be about rehabilitation, but just punishment and getting free labor.

Hotspur ,

I watched the video from the “creative scientist” has on YouTube and unless someone has further info, this looks like a completely speculative fiction project.

Hotspur ,

I would say that based on whatever calculus/evidence they have access to, Canada has decided that the threat of an all-out war, or least Israel carpet bombing Lebanon with munitions the US just sent them is high enough to warrant evacuation. That’s an above-average signal that something bad is about to happen, because it’s a big deal to evacuate all those people. It doesn’t mean something is definitely going to happen.

That said, bibi needs forever war for the time being because he’s facing jail if he gets punted from his position, and they’ve pummeled Gaza about as much as they can at this point while still pretending that they can end Hamas, so murdering civilians in another country is probably starting to look pretty appetizing to him. They’ll still keep slamming Gaza but he needs something big and existential for his domestic audience to keep them from taking him out.

So long story short, I’d say the probabilities of something like regional conflict happening have been raising pretty sharply lately. Hopefully the Canadian evac will prove to be alarmist, but our timeline hasn’t exactly been going the way I hope last few years so…

Hotspur ,

Hahaha came here to say: this is some serious warhammer shit

Hotspur ,

Dude I don’t think even the democrats would float this sort of plan. It’s one of those weird moments between planning the three stooges reich where he just glomms onto some idea that is actually super progressive without knowing it. Ultimately trump is apolitical personally I think—he acts based on narcissistic self interest, which is why it’s possible for weird shit like this to happen. He also just takes notes from whatever whackos are around that day, so you can be sure that any actual good or progressive ideas will get removed from the platform by one of the far right grifters he has in perpetual orbit, but still amusing to see.

The democrats would say they wanted to do this, then complain they’re not allowed to, and then produce a plan that provides green cards to foreign grads if they agree to live in an underserved neighborhood for 5 years, have a specific blood type, and complete a post-secondary degree within 5 years with the intention of working in green energy development after. Like some caveated-to-hell means tested crap that lets them say they tried, while effectively making it near-impossible.

Hotspur ,

Hmmm. I want some weird neolib romcom based off this picture. “This Summer. Pushed away from Brussels for doing their job, these two type A’s might just be tumbling into each others arms. They say climate change is going to make the Mediterranean hot, but they didn’t account for these two!”

Hotspur ,

Yeeeaaaah baby

Hotspur ,

Yeah you’re not wrong, he’s not as absurd as Austin powers. But he definitely looks like a time traveler from the 70s. I have another actor in mind, can see his face, but also can’t quite pull the name or movie up. But a British guy with sideburns and similar haircut. One of those staple actors of the 50s-70s that my parents would know, but was likely dead before I was born haha.

Hotspur ,

“It’d be a real shame if something happened to your work file. If you pay us monthly, we can make sure your work is protected

Hotspur ,

I don’t know about the particulars of this one, but these electrification mandates usually have exemptions for critical facilities and backup systems. It seems to be more about never using nat gas powered appliances like say a water heater. This also keeps in line with the new DC energy codes that are becoming mandatory in two years, and those have exemptions for diesel generators and such.

Hotspur ,

Haha went in blind and was… appropriately surprised. Pretty cool.

Hotspur ,

My thought is Its a strategic choice to enhance visibility/awareness. The people you’re protesting rarely care, but it creates a higher stakes scenario that makes people pay attention and makes it more likely for your cause to get engagement.

To some degree, it also serves to legitimize your commitment and make the opposition look weak—I’m willing to die for this cause, and they won’t budge or make sacrifices, etc.

When prisoners do it, in certain circumstances, it has more leverage, because the captor might not want them to die in their care, as this would make them a martyr or cause them uncomfortable political blowback or scrutiny.

Hotspur , (edited )

It’s almost worse than actually just laying off x% of a workforce—you stress everyone out and force them to contemplate leaving, some amount do (achieving the ulterior motive) and the rest who didn’t leave now have increased workload and are also immiserated by being forced to commute to a stupid cube farm some portion of the week. It’s like they found a way to make layoffs affect everyone more than they already did in the past.

Hotspur ,

I feel like originally it was a semi-safe taboo to break that made a standard porn setup seem more forbidden/risqué. It always seemed weird, like how many people have step siblings that also fantasize about them sexually, how big could this be? But it just kept on coming, so to speak.

Now I think it’s just a meme/SEO thing, where you have to include it even if the video is not even pretending to be about that. Also it happened around the same time that websites were pushing/pivoting into more content creator type things, and so it’s probably related to that as well. Like the annoying face+exaggerated reaction thing on YouTube…

Either way, always seemed whacky that everything the sites serve is almost completely step-porn on the front page.

Hotspur ,

I haven’t read the article, so just spitballing here: I have to assume the approach here is to electronically govern the engine to go no faster than the highest speed limit. I don’t know what the limits are in California, but where I live that’d mean the car would be limited to 80mph. If it was electronic, it could be adjusted if then limits were changed.

Otherwise, it’d be insane, and require the crazy infrastructure you describe. And they simply don’t have the money or the wherewithal to build an actual coverage that would allow the limiter to dynamically scale all the time.

Alternatively, I suppose you could imagine a hybrid system—ie an overall limited engine to the max limit, and then some sort of transponder that would throttle the limit down if you were near an important speed limit zone, like a school, which they could manage to deploy a transmitter at… still seems technologically challenging for the state to really pull off consistently though.

Either way, yeah not a fan or including more required tracking tech in vehicles. I don’t think I’d really hate a reasonably limited car—I really can’t justify needing to drive over 80 ever really, even in an emergency, but it would drive me insane to have the car just magically throttling down whenever it thought it was time to. See

Hotspur ,

I read the article, it definitely doesn’t bother to think about how something like this would be implemented, but certainly seems to be referring to a dynamic Limiting system… good luck.

Hotspur ,

This is a garbage website/source, but adds some more context:…/ar-AA1mOoN9

Apparently a big concrete dome where loads of radioactive shit from old tests has cracked due to weather/climate related wear and tear.

Hotspur ,

An article from 2019, highlighting the risks of this thing becoming a problem:…/marshall-islands-nuclear-testing-se…

Hotspur ,

The radiation warning is near a different atoll, so hard to say if the above is related or not, but it’s kinda blowing my mind how limited reporting is on the subject. It feels like it’s being suppressed in English language media.

Hotspur ,

Yeah that’s certainly what it seems like.

Hotspur ,

Alternatively, it’s a clever way to disguise himself. Be a fascist dickbag at work, but vacation as just another bald Estonian dude.

Hotspur ,

I mean, they are occupying a section of the border of the entire country, and denying, through threat of violence, the federal government/military access to said border. At some point, this simply has to be read as insurrection, and put down. A country only gets to exist and enforce laws by virtue of the implied violence (physical or otherwise) that it can leverage to back it up.

Of course there are complications to this, like the thought that steamrolling these troopers would then spark a greater revolt. But when you have a state doing things like this, particularly a state that has made it abundantly clear they desire to secede and have prepared for secession, I think you need to play hardball. This could be either by forcibly bringing them back in line through state violence, or giving them what they want, in such a way that it ends up being a pyrrhic victory; imagine aggressive border protocols and removal of free travel along the Texas border, intense tariffs and duties on Texan goods, etc… honestly a Texit could be quite beneficial for the country, shifting congress balances somewhat. Add in some statehood’s for PR, Guam and DC and now you’re really cooking with gas.

Who knows though, I’m still finding it hard to believe that the Jan 6 insurrectionists weren’t mowed down in machine gun fire when they penetrated the capitol, so clearly my expectations of government reaction and what actually happens have some daylight between them.

Hotspur ,

Yeah I mean that’s fine, but you’d run the same risk there with bluff-calling and standoffs. Like clearly Texas is trying to bait the feds into either rolling over for a cheap win, or doing something that they might be able to use to spark something more significant. Not sure which is worse, but I know which one will look more weak/will incite further escalators acts on Texas’ part.

Hotspur ,

I mean I’m sure plenty of Texans have no desire to succeed. But there are multiple real actions that suggest the state has it in mind: separate border enforcement forces, isolated power grid, the Texas rangers/trooper or whatever they’re called. It may all just be maneuvering/bluster, but when you see the state power structures trying to create Amon Bundy-standoffs it does make one wonder.

There also nascent secession movements elsewhere, California has a visible one.

Hotspur ,

Look I agree—I doubt very much they have a real intention of seceding—it would be a shitshow—but they do do things to float the spectre of secession. But I agree it’s about extreme states rights, and leading by example, since among the red states, Texas has the largest GDP after California in country (or perhaps they’re more now, not sure depending on gas/oil stuff)

The gdp thing is the same reason that there is a marginal Californian secession movement.

Hotspur ,

Basically exactly what I think also—it’s not an activity that just stops at some arbitrary point, it’s a power negotiation. They’ll push it as far as they can.

Hotspur ,

I remember that. Such a weird and excellent name for a loony military operation.

Hotspur ,

It’s probably just accidental, but when I see actual news headlines like this, I wonder if they were purposely meant to be wrong, so that it would confuse and catch your attention, driving engagement. I literally thought they had arrested a dead guy in a tub for my first two scans of the headline. And now I’ve commented on a link to it, etc. it’s just kinda hard to believe it’s accidental since they’re writing professionally, and have tools at their disposal that can prevent this like editors and software checkers.

That said I suppose the other explanation is that they’re using software to produce their stuff, and in such a quantity/so few employees that this kind of weirdness just slips through all the time.

Hotspur ,

From another article I read, this is a nuclear-powered sub, that is one of a handful that has been retrofitted from ballistic middle duty to cruise missles. So basically it’s a cruise missle platform. The headline is playing a little fast and loose for effect.

Also worth considering that subs that launch nukes are assumed to be out, patrolling in enough areas to ensure last-word MAD deterrence, so you can just assume that US nuke-launching subs are already able to strike most major population centers and don’t need or want to broadcast their specific location (unless, like, a very intelligent former president specifically puts their location on a new broadcast for clout)

Hotspur ,

This is something I always wonder about—is there a good source for realistic market share of mobile os?

Hotspur ,

Wild, so understandably android is a much greater share, given the wide variety of phones it can run on… I’m guessing iOS is a favored app market because it’s more monolithic or stable? Or put another way the android share is fragmented all over the place?

Americans failed to pay record $688 billion in taxes in 2021, IRS says. Look for more audits. (

Americans failed to pay $688 billion in taxes on their 2021 returns, a record level, according to a new estimate from the IRS. The agency said that it is taking “urgent” steps to increase compliance such as auditing more high-income taxpayers as well as businesses and partnerships....

Hotspur ,

I’ve literally heard that they’re on record about this—they simply don’t have the resources to take on big fish and their extremely well-funded legal protection, so they default to low income and middle income audits. It’s a total joke.

Hotspur ,

The authors really approached the subject with vigor—highly enjoyable prose style.

Hotspur ,

I’m in a similar boat. The use case where I really would use it regularly, simming, is hamstrung by two things. One, it’s so damn fiddly and laborious doing settings non stop to make it playable, and two, even if I get the settings right—I start noticing weird crap with my eyes after a couple sessions. Like you end up basically crossing your eyes all the time inside the visor, and I’ll notice fatigue/trouble focusing after using it a lot, what I would imagine it feels like to have a bad prescription or something (don’t personally have glasses).

And as you say, it’s bloody uncomfortable. Something like big screen beyond with good AR/passthrough would go a long way to fixing that I guess.

Hotspur ,

There is a cooling strategy like this called “chilled beam” but has all the issues listed below by other posters; condensation management and power usage.

PC control over ethernet adapters

I’m looking to connect my PC in my home office to my living room TV. Right now I’m looking at unpowered usb over cat5/6 and powered HDMI over cat5/6. Both of the adapters say they’re good for ~150’ and I’d be doing a 40’ cable run with pre terminated cat6. Cost of about $70 for adapters and cable on amazon....

Hotspur ,

Yeah, before you install all this hard infrastructure, would really recommend trying out LAN streaming. If you have a spare laptop that you can link up to the tv with hdmi you could try it out and see if it functions for you. I’m very impressed with how well moonlight works (shield streaming you can enable via GeForce experience I think)

The use case I’ve thought about for the hardwire connection is that I’d love to be able to able to mirror what my wife is watching on tv on my second d monitor sometimes. My assumption there is that I’d need to run a video out to a capture card I guess and have that output up. Otherwise I’d have to set the tv up as an additional monitor and play the stuff she’s watching for her.

Hotspur ,

Yeah I don’t understand the clamour. This sort of situation has happened many, many times. I remember reading about a guy dying in a cave near the Everest summit. Other climbers sat with him and shared water, comfort, but from that location, if he couldn’t move on his own, there was no way he was getting down. Also the numerous “landmark” bodies that the climbers pass right off the trail… there’s no safe way to remove them.

I think people assume that you can just carry someone out on a stretcher or arrange a helicopter—but people are literally operating on bleeding edge of oxygenation and helicopters can’t get up their for the same reasons… you aren’t going to be able to remove an incapacitated person who needs total physical support from others to move.

You could say, well it’s fucked up that people are paid to support these climbs, because they need the money, and there’s some validity to that, but in that case it’s not that different from something like deep sea welding or being in a combat unit of a military, etc.

Hotspur ,

Well I see the comment, if that helps.

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