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Gamoc ,

Sounds like you don’t like open worlds. Maybe don’t play them?

Gamoc ,

… He thought it was a prop gun. Literally the whole point of a prop gun is being able to point it at people.

Gamoc ,

But there’s already so much facial porn!

Gamoc ,

The issue seems to be that he was dating and fucking them.

Why Are Rap*** & Ped** Protected In Jail?

It’s actually sick, they already get a light sentence and also getting protected by the justice system while the victim they violated is heavily traumatized, probably for life. And what’s crazier is it’s happening more, I’m seeing it daily now every time I scroll, there’s another case. Just a few days ago a middle aged...

Gamoc ,

Uhuh and when an innocent person is murdered by a group of vigilante morons, because murderous groups never, ever stop to check, every single one of those vigilante morons can go to prison so they can do the crime for their time. Law and order exists for a reason, imprisonment is the consequence of their actions. If they’re assaulted, that’s assault, if they’re murdered, that’s murder.

Besides. Why the fuck would you want to lower yourself like that? Why go to prison for a rapist, is it worth it? If you think so, that just means the rapist will take your life as well.

Gamoc ,

That might be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen.

Gamoc ,

As if fifteen year olds are buying phones themselves. Discussing this was a waste of time even before you consider that parents need to do some parenting and social networks need some regulation.

Gamoc ,

Not overusing screens was a constant when I was a kid decades ago and it doesn’t take a genius or even paying much attention to notice the effect it and social media has on kids.

Gamoc ,

Losing interest? How do they even have any in the first place?

Gamoc ,

This is a false argument. They ARE profitable when they bother to try and make a good one. It’s when they fill it full of mtx and drag every aspect of the game except the enjoyment out for as long as possible to try and convince you to buy shit to make it actually enjoyable after you’ve already paid full price. They don’t get create poor games and then complain they’re not profitable enough - bad products aren’t profitable because they are bad products.

Gamoc ,

I suspect there wouldn’t be as many releases if they were only releasing good ones.

Gamoc ,

That’s just another symptom of chasing perceived profits. If they were dedicated to releasing good products they’d understand retaining good talent that has experience working together is an important part of it.

Obviously that’s a pipe dream because they’re all vultures circling over a games publisher, picking off what they can until they can feast on its corpse, but still.

Gamoc ,

Yeah I got rid of Signal when they got rid of SMS because literally nobody I’ve ever met uses it and they’re not gonna switch.

Gamoc ,

If we get him outside of the atmosphere and throw him in the direction if the sun, he won’t eventually get caught in it’s gravitational pull?

Gamoc ,

That’s why I suggested shooting him directly towards it, wouldn’t he just keep going unless he somehow manages to hit something on the way there? Surely he’d end up hitting the sun?

Gamoc ,

How about if you leave the earth’s atmosphere first, come to a stop, then fire him/accelerate directly at the sun? Or I guess just leave him there so he falls into it slowly? I’m not trying to be difficult or anything I’m just interested.

Gamoc ,

Cool, thanks for the info, it’s very interesting. I, for one, vote for trying it with Musk, even if it goes wrong he won’t be here anymore.

Gamoc ,

Ha, bias. You don’t need to be biased to dislike Tucker Carlson, you just need to be unbiased.

Gamoc ,

…but not before launch? The game launched and they weren’t there? So they released a game and there were only three servers available? Hours later they added a bunch of servers? AFTER LAUNCH? Is there another way I can phrase this so you realise how stupid it is that you’re defending it?

Gamoc ,

I recall there being plenty of talk about Helldivers servers. About a month’s worth. Meanwhile I haven’t seen a single person say this is the worst thing that’s ever happened or that it’s never happened before with other games, just that releasing a multiplayer game and only having three servers available is absurd. That and the apparently poor port at least on Switch detailed in another comment.

Believe it or not, shit happening before doesn’t change anything. Shit’s still shit. And we all already know the only actual obstacle to ensuring a smooth multiplayer launch (assuming a competently made game, of course) is paying for enough servers to handle the initial surge. They just prefer not to spend that money and present a poor experience to customers who buy the game at launch instead, because fuck them right.

Gamoc ,

I don’t own the game. It’s not a problem for me at all. It’s a principle, and a reflection of a publisher’s greed and disrespect towards its customers.

Do you know that people bought the game, downloaded it, installed it, sat to play it, and couldn’t because the publisher didn’t want to pay for the required servers for their most loyal customers to do so?

Sure, it’s good that there are servers now, but that’s the minimum I expect and I expect them there at launch. You know, so people who have paid money to play their game actually can. Far be it for me to think an online multiplayer game should have servers to play online multiplayer in when it’s available to buy.

Gamoc ,

Believe it or not it’s possible to gather information about things without directly experiencing it and I tend to do this with new games. I also already have the originals on steam.

Yes and it’s a multiplayer classic that they couldn’t play multiplayer in. It doesn’t ruin the game, it didn’t destroy the experience permanently, it’s not the end of the world, but it’s shit and only happened because of the publisher’s greed. No clue why you feel the need to defend it really.

[Edit] I also haven’t said a single word that even implies I’m an expert on it. I mentioned bugginess that I said I saw in a comment and talked about servers being unavailable. What level of star wars battlefront expert do you think I need to be to discuss specific star wars battlefront things like…bugs and servers?

Gamoc ,

But all people have said is that it’s buggy on switch (with screenshot proof) and that there weren’t enough servers for hours after launch. Is it you that’s overblowing it?

Gamoc ,

That’s a fair point. Though the actual people I’ve seen talking about it have said it’s buggy as well though, more than a few have refunded.

Gamoc ,

It’s been around since the 80s, we already know long term outcomes.

Gamoc ,

That first paragraph is the most cringe inducing thing I’ve ever read. If you had written guttural sounds and whines you’d have sounded less stupid. Go and learn something you embarrassment.

Gamoc ,

If ignorance is bliss you must be literally the happiest being in all of existence. If you were even a touch smarter you’d be embarrassed enough by this exchange you’re losing to delete your comments, but you’re not.

Gamoc ,

That isn’t what I said at all, but I can’t expect you to understand that I suppose. What I actually said was that if you were even slightly smarter you be so embarrassed by them that you’d delete your comments. Not sure why you think I’d want them deleted, the longer they’re here the more embarrassing it is. Or would be, if you weren’t so dense.

Practice some reading comprehension, judging by your comments you should start with Mr Men books, that’ll be about the right level for you.

Gamoc ,

I’m not talking for anyone, so you seem to have gotten a little lost again. It’s ok, go back and re-read, do it slowly and sound the hard words out loud so you can work out what they are. Maybe you’ll extract some of the actual meaning from the word, then you can finally make a comment that actually follows a conversation instead of this weird straw man about someone “not made for the internet.”

And dude, the conversations I’m responding to are literally right there above my comments, where is it you think that stupid line of thought is going? Everyone can see what you said. Are you struggling with object permanence as well?

Gamoc ,

You clearly don’t have even a single idea what’s going on here.

Gamoc ,

I think you’re thinking of that show, Whose Line is it Lemmyway?

Gamoc ,

Whittaker’s really good, she carried her run until the Flux, which I watched for the first time last week. It was shit, even she couldn’t save it. It was so bad that the Tennant episodes that follow it are better in comparison, despite them being pretty poor and repeating themes from RTD’s run, like he didn’t have any new ideas. A mysterious monster from the void of space that steals your voice and turns into you? That’s Midnight.

Gamoc ,

It’s a pretty significant drop in quality, I was enjoying myself until I got to Flux, even though there was a clear drop it the quality of the writing before it. It spends so much time trying to build a mystery but doesn’t give enough information to really make it intriguing for me, then it just solves whatever that was over the course of a few minutes and skips over to another.

Flux is poorly written throughout and it destroys everything we know about the doctor. Previously the doctor was basically a rogue escapee of a morally ambiguous and very powerful alien race, but now is instead the entire reason for that race’s existence. Powerful, immortal, and with a past we now know practically nothing about…it completely changed the dynamic of the show and retconned the doctor’s entire backstory just for a cheap surprise that goes completely against everything we knew, and they didn’t even manage to deliver it well. May as well make the doctor “the chosen one.”

Gamoc ,

See it didn’t feel briskly paced to me, it felt pretty slow because I never knew what was happening up until the end of the episode, then it’d go into high gear for five minutes to setup a cliffhanger, often doing so in a cheap way as well. And what was happening wasn’t really interesting. It’s a cloud destroying the universe, it’s the Nothing from Neverending Story, meh. And the villains seemed like they were taken out of Destiny, yet more noble-ish scifi superbeings.

Maybe it if it was well written I’d like it more, but it’s poor and the way characters act is absurd even for Doctor Who. I mean, Yas can just walk onto an alien ship - one she’s never seen before - and knows how to use its systems. Nobody reacts to things they should find unbelievable to the point of freaking out beyond a sentence saying “what was that?” These issues pop up in the preceding few seasons, but Flux is just poorly written throughout, so maybe that’s why such a massive change is such an issue.

Maybe it’s because what was once a rogue timelord skipping about time and space and doing good, having adventures, and saving people is actually another superbeing that is the means through which the timelords were created, an immortal being of incredible power. It just changes the context, well-meaning roguish timelord versus immortal god.

There are brighter spots. I actually liked the dog alien guy, I thought that was going to be bad when it revealed what was going on but I turned out to quite like him. Of course he was paired with John Bishop who I just don’t think could pull off the role, which is a shame as I like John Bishop.

What other changes did 13 bring to the show?

Gamoc ,

Oh I see, no I’m happy with that.

I mention the comparisons to other media because that media did it well and Flux didn’t. You see the flux a handful of times but in the end it’s just something happening on the background whilst these immensely unoriginal and boring supervillains wander around being similarly uninteresting. Even on a more basic level, it’s yet another antagonist destroying the entire universe. Doctor gets between universes again, just gets jerked around constantly and only ever reacting to things because even she doesn’t know what is happening. And people get teleported around constantly, often as the means it escape from danger which is unspeakably cheap, a man who has barely seen a lightbulb steps inside the TARDIS and is only mildly surprised by how completely impossible everything he’s seeing is. Episode ending cliffhangers not resolved but subverted within a minute of the beginning of the next episode.

In what world is it too early to “jump” to immortal god, considering that’s basically what they said in the show? Thousands of lives, she doesn’t die she regenerates indefinitely forever. She IS immortal and that’s the power of a god. Previously there have been references to the doctor appearing godlike due to the basically magic-seeming TARDIS, her tech, being benevolent, helping out everywhere and then disappearing. Well now it’s not a naive, yet charming notion from a lifeform that’s not advanced enough to understand. She IS one. She is no longer the roguish timelord objector going on adventures, which is the dynamic I liked.

Future huge story reveals will be about her past, and it’ll just be unknowable, impossible to empathise with things like “oh it turns out I’m an ancient god” or “it turns out I’m the last of a different and even more powerful race now” which I think would actually be worse, imagine wading through all this shite just for it to basically be the same as before.

I like the traveller encountering problems and fixing them setup, I don’t really like the “person showing up to a random problem happens to be the most important person that’s related to that problem and also in the universe” really, especially when she’s a god. You say you won’t mind unless the doctor gets superpowers, but I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar turned up. I bet there’s a thing the doctor will have to do because they’re a powerful ancient race, the only that race could withstand it.

On the other hand I didn’t hate the Christmas special, so we will see. At least the butcher that wrote the flux is gone.

Elden Ring is getting a free-to-play mobile version with in-app purchases (

Action-RPG colossus Elden Ring is reportedly getting a free-to-play mobile adaptation with in-app purchases, which takes inspiration from miHoYo’s Genshin Impact. It’s being published by Tencent, who apparently acquired the licensing rights to Elden Ring back in 2022 and put a few dozen people to work on a prototype, even as...

Gamoc ,

Listen if you want to piss away money on transient shit you are welcome to go and do it, but the person missing the nuances here is you. The industry moving towards these models is negatively affecting gaming as a whole and it’ll only get worse, even if you’re too blinded by tacky skins to notice the reason why.

Gamoc , (edited )

When playing single player you can switch between all four characters at will outside of missions.

Gamoc ,

So you’re saying that if Microsoft hadn’t hoovered up another company due to being creatively bankrupt, almost two thousand people would still have a job?

Gamoc , (edited )

Yeah I messed with this before and everything you say is true, plus enjoy hitting the headset with your glass or whatever every time you want a drink, can’t really eat anything either. The only option is to sit still and watch, very disappointing.

Gamoc , (edited )

If you’re looking for similar games to move onto, Baldur’s Gate 3 is in its own tier, right at the top of the genre. Not only that but it’s a step forward mechanically and presentation wise for the whole genre as well. In this game I once threw an angry hyena at an enemy. Later just threw enemies at their friends.

Pathfinder Kingmaker and Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous are both excellent as well. Especially Wrath, though still with the aged style graphically speaking. You can cast touch spells through weapons! In the second one I became a lich queen with an army of undead, it might be my favourite CRPG ever because of that. It’s awesome.

Divinity Original Sin and its sequel are also brilliant, made by bg3 Devs Larian on their own ruleset. I’m currently replaying the second one with my sister (yep, it’s co-op), we are both playing undead. We are healed by poison and damaged by healing. Very cool.

This is my favourite genre, if you can’t tell.

Gamoc ,

Baldur’s Gate 3 is incredibly detailed in combat though, so much so that it takes sometime to wrap your head around it. I’m addition to pushing and jumping, which both sound so simple but have a huge effect on gameplay, there’s also environmental things that you just don’t think of because in other games in the genre it isn’t an option. As an example, there’s a giant spider that wanders around on webs and summons smaller spiders from eggs, you can sneak around to destroy the eggs before combat to stop summoning and destroy the webs whilst the spider is on them to cause it to drop and take extreme damage.

So you’re right that character building may be better in Pathfinder - I really do love casting touch spells through weapons, it’s great - the combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 is far more interactive and dynamic. It’s also way more accessible.

Either is a good choice, but I give the edge to Baldur’s Gate 3 because, well, every single line is voice acted and motion captured, and the freedom you get in the story is astounding. It’s such a profound improvement, a night and day difference from the basically everything else in the genre.

Gamoc ,

I think it’s simpler character creation-wise because DND has gotten simpler in the same area, definitely seems much less complex than before.

Wrath is going to be my favourite for a very long time I suspect because of the Lich thing. I’ve always wanted that since playing DND games as a kid and it’s the only game that allowed it. Then it went above and beyond, I could reanimate almost anything, it was great.

Gamoc , (edited )

Oh yeah, you’ve got to go full chaotic evil for the lich. I revived Staunton Vane (it’s been a while now, that’s the dwarf with the tragic backstory who works for evil woman whose name I’ve forgotten I believe) as an undead, I had a few lich only companions who were undead (they don’t talk much though, most of them whine about being controlled if I remember right), my city was dark and almost desolate, filled almost entirely with undead subjects. My councillors, the ones still alive, were a bit terrified and hopeless. By the end my Lich was so good at supporting the undead characters that I started to just go with a full undead party. Poor enemies must’ve been terrified.

It was incredibly macabre and grim, of course, but it was so damn cool.

Latest Adblock update causes massive YouTube performance hit (

Update 1/16 - Adblock has informed BleepingComputer that its engineers fixed the problem and released ABP 3.22.1 and AB 5.17.1 on the Opera and Edge extension stores. The same versions are currently in review on the Mozilla and Chrome add-on stores, and should be made available soon.

Gamoc ,

I use Flud on mobile and Transmission on PC, personally.

Mark Zuckerberg raising cows by feeding them dry fruits and beer, says he wants to create world's best beef (

Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s next passion is cows and beef. And to start with his passion, he has said that he is raising cows on an island in Hawaii by feeding them macadamia nuts and beer. The idea is, according to Zuckerberg, to create best beef in the world. Critics call cattle-raising project on Hawaii ranch ‘a...

Gamoc ,


Gamoc ,

I don’t care about Zuckerberg’s feeble attempts to cosplay as a human whilst using it as PR to try and make himself seem like anything other than the unbelievable monster that he is. I do care that supposed news sites are doing the last part for him.

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