There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.


@[email protected]

Abandoned this profile due to’s federation with Threads. I have moved onto as they are the only instance I could find defederated from Threads, hexbear, and lemmygrad.

I’m happy with my new home.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

What's a decently fancy coffee that's still affordable and will be well received even by non-coffee snobs?

I have been making the occasional coworker a cup of aeropressed coffee with good reviews thus far. Being that it is shift work, most of my coworkers are used to drinking the reduced syrup of a pot that’s been left on the burner too long (one coworker thanked me for leaving it for her!). Many don’t even know coffee doesn’t...


I don’t know if it’s available where you are, but a decent but more entry level brand IMO is Cameron’s Best organic, shade-grown.

I like their breakfast blend and Columbian. If you didn’t know, lighter roasts have a little more caffeine. Source I always go for the light roasts.


Someone did that to my grandma with a huge knife in her bag. My mom was eventually able to convince them someone put it in there, asking them what possible reason would this old lady have to smuggle a giant knife.

I think it was either just to get rid of it, or to see if she got thru, and maybe they’d try to take it back out of her bag on the other side of TSA. We gave her a lot of crap for it.


Oh for sure… This was two white ladies flying from Florida to our home state of New Jersey for a funeral. This was also before peak TSA insanity.

But yeah, they passed the melanin check.

GONADS125 , (edited )

I’m pasting an old comment of mine from the official post discussing potential future federation with threads/meta:

I would like to start by expressing my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the hard work you’ve done with But I am strongly opposed to federating with Threads. Please read this comment in full, as I believe it outlines the sentiment and reservations held by many within our community.

I think it might be helpful to use an analogy that I think will help express the feelings of many of those within our community regarding the problem with the “wait and see” approach.

What’s to say Threads won’t follow in their very well-established footprints under Meta as a company?

If I go to a friend’s house and their child spits in my face every time, I don’t want to go to my friend’s house. I tell them this. The friend again says, “Well this time just might be different, let’s just wait and see!” Meanwhile, this kid spits in my face without fail, every chance they get. There is a very consistent and pervasive pattern of this.

Why should I believe this kid won’t spit in my face all of a sudden, when they’ve taken every single chance they could repeatedly, knowing that it was wrong and not caring what repercussions would befall them? Do you really think this kid is going to refrain from spitting in my face this time?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein -someone.

Meta/FB have continually demonstrated their core business practices are unethical and that they will continue carrying them out without regard for laws or their users’ well-being. There’s no reason to wait and see. It’s not logical to believe this time will be different.

Threads would bring such a large influx of hateful, racist, violent, bigoted political extremists to the fediverse. They will also do whatever they can to exploit users on this site for their own gain. Their modus operandi has been to exploit their users.

Instead of just conjecture and analogies, I will now provide factual information regarding Meta’s practices as a company.

This really should be obvious by now… but Meta mines and sells their user’s information. Just look at the permissions you have to grant them for Threads… That alone should tell you there’s no reason to “wait and see.” Just look right now. They haven’t changed…

FB users have to agree to all sorts of unethical things in the TOS, including giving Meta permission to run unethical experiments on their users without informed consent. Their first published research was where they manipulated users’ feeds with positive or negative information, in order to see if it affected their mood. It did, and they successfully induced depression in many of their users!

Meta has played a very key role in spreading misinformation, perpetuating dangerous conspiracy theories, and radicalizing the alt right. This is present across nations, but it certainly contributed heavily to the climate of political extremism that led to a mass of insurrectionists to attempt to overthrow my duly elected government…

I will now turn to an article that surmises well the core practices of Meta as a company:

  • Elevates disinformation campaigns and conspiracy theories from the extremist fringes into the mainstream, fostering, among other effects, the resurgent anti-vaccination movement, broad-based questioning of basic public health measures in response to COVID-19, and the proliferation of the Big Lie of 2020—that the presidential election was stolen through voter fraud [16];
  • Empowers bullies of every size, from cyber-bullying in schools, to dictators who use the platform to spread disinformation, censor their critics, perpetuate violence, and instigate genocide;
  • Defrauds both advertisers and newsrooms, systematically and globally, with falsified video engagement and user activity statistics;
  • Reflects an apparent political agenda espoused by a small core of corporate leaders, who actively impede or overrule the adoption of good governance;
  • Brandishes its monopolistic power to preserve a social media landscape absent meaningful regulatory oversight, privacy protections, safety measures, or corporate citizenship; and
  • Disrupts intellectual and civil discourse, at scale and by design.

I ask you now if you truly believe this is the sort of player you want on the Fediverse? Do you really want to federate with such a blatantly immoral and detrimental corporation?

I have really enjoyed my time here on and have so greatly appreciated the hard work of you and your team. I have been donating to you to help with the costs of running this instance.

However, federating with Threads contradicts my philosophy and ethical principles, and I will be sadly canceling my donations and finding a new home should we federate with Threads in the future. I firmly believe that most users on share this sentiment. I hope this comment helped express the resistance and fears of our community.

Once again, I appreciate all the work you guys have done. But I respectfully and severely dissent on this issue.


TIL. Edited my comment to be more accurate.


The examples I listed were to demonstrate the fact that meta/FB is a bad actor, not that all are applicable to lemmy.

Also, the team admitted that lemmy lacks the moderation tools required for federation with threads.

This doesn’t pair well with the extremist content popular and promoted on threads. And I’m tired of hearing about the false solution people keep pretending exists in the form of personally blocking instances.

That may solve me not seeing the content, but what about my fellow users? What about people browsing without a profile/not signed in?

I care about more than myself. I care about the health of fellow human beings on this site, and I don’t want Threads to increase the amount of radicalization and extremism on this site. I don’t want more people to fall victim to radicalization. I have lost family to qanon/maga cults and I think we need to protect the integrity of the fediverse.

When players like threads/meta try to join in, I believe it is the responsibility of admins of the large instances to protect their users and refuse to federate with them. Period.


Okay but, we all know that already. This discussion is about federating with Lemmy/Fedi.

Tell that to the astroturfers simping for FB/Threads…

And do you understand how you reinforce an argument with supporting evidence? I wanted to establish factual information supporting a clear history of the company’s bad practices. That was/is relevant to consideration of federating with a platform.

In fact, has already defederated with instances due to failure to moderate far-right extremism. So why would they federate with Threads when far-right extremism is already a systemic issue and they have admitted lemmy lacks the necessary moderation tools to manage Threads federation?

It seems obvious to me that is a bad idea and it would cultivate a more toxic user experience with more recruitment for radicalism/extremism.


There’s no hypocrisy; you’re just stating a false equivalence. Not to mention totally ignoring the entire argument about radicalization on threads/inability to moderate it on lemmy.

And you keep stating that my points establishing character in regard to Meta/Threads are irrelevant, but you aren’t making a good argument as to why. You fixate on that as a strawman argument while ignoring my point that lack of moderation on threads will negatively affect fediverse communities with toxic/extremist content.

You’re arguing like a petulant middle schooler with ad hominem and strawman tactics. Get back to me if you can speak like a grown-up. Otherwise I’m not going to engage with you. (Before you “no u” me with another false equivalence, my remarks were not on the same personal attack level.)

GONADS125 , (edited )

I wasn’t referring to people disagreeing with me. I upvoted users I disagreed with in this post’s comments to promote discussion (such as upvoting your downvoted comment here).

I was referring to people that engage in disingenuous argumentative tactics clearly pushing an agenda, whose presence is also accompanied by what seems like blatant vote manipulation/brigading. This was present when Threads federation was originally a being discussed a little while back. That’s what I was referring to.

I don’t think I’m going to go out of my way to track down examples, but you may be able to find some from the link to where my comment is originally from.

You can also assume I’m wrong, and that’s okay by me. But astroturfing is absolutely a tactic Meta employs. Source


I believe the users within instances should play a role in the instances’ decisions on the topic. I believe you should have as much say as I do in arguing your perspective.

I’m simply making a case for why I think it is the wrong decision. I believe Threads should be treated like exploding heads and not be federated with.

If you want to see such content, you still can. You can subscribe to that source, an instance federating with it, or host your own instance. But refusing to federate with it insulates the community from propoganda, misinformation, and radicalization.


I’m pasting part of a comment I made a few days ago on a different post:

This is called implicit racism, and it permeates our society to a systemic level. Healthcare can be a good example, and the U.S. criminal justice system is the best example imo.

One thing that really drives home the systemic implicit racism in this country are studies that have people rate black and white men on how strong/large/muscular and threatening they perceive them to be. The black men were perceived to be more threatening and that use of force was more likely to be viewed as justified. Black and white Americans both perceived the black men to be stronger, taller, and more muscular than their equal-sized white counterparts. Source

Another study found that people view black boys as older than they are, and that they are more responsible for their actions than white boys, whose actions were more likely to be excused by the belief of childhood innocence. So our society essentially strips black boys of their perceived childhood innocence. Same Source

Also should definitely be pointed out that Black Americans are incarcerated at a nearly 5 times greater rate than are White Americans. Source


*and cancerous (like the comments)


When I would take clients to a smoking cessation therapist, one fact that she would cite was the fact that quitting cigarettes is more difficult than quitting heroin.

I would also be told anecdotally by many of my clients that it was harder to quit than other hard drugs like meth and one person even said crack.

It can certainly be broken, but addiction is a disease and your comment could come off as condescendingly minimizing an incredibly difficult task.


Nicely done! That’s how vapes should be used; as a means of harm reduction/tapering off, not as a ‘healthy’ replacement as some people view them to be.


Yes, I can count…

Someone voiced struggling with addiction and your overly simplistic response could easily be interpreted negatively in a demeaning way.

Person 1: “I’m having so much trouble with my obesity…”

Person 2: “People can lose weight.”

Can you see how that is not very helpful and potentially demeaning? How someone can feel that trivializes their struggle?

If you had stated something like “Addiction is so difficult, but it can be broken. Don’t give up hope.” That is totally different.


What are you even talking about? Making what up?

Are you confused by my analogy I put in quotes?


Man… I’m having deja vu…


Haha, you’re either trolling or can’t comprehend use of an analogy. I hope for your sake that you’re trolling me.

My policy is not to feed trolls, so I’m not going to keep fueling this. This obviously isn’t going anywhere anyway, seeing as how you’re arguing in a circle.

Feel free to get the last word in and feel like you “won” an argument or whatever you think.


That’s what I meant by harm reduction.

Another big problem with vaping is electronic waste/pollution (especially with the cheap disposables).

You also have to worry about cheap atomizers leeching heavy metals into the vapor.

GONADS125 , (edited )

My stance is still a hard fuck no to Threads entering the fediverse.

Edit: My reasoning can be read in my old comment here. It’s all still applicable in regard to meta/Threads federating.

There’s no logical reason to give them the benefit of the doubt or have unrealistically positive expectations given their overwhelmingly consistent track record.


The absolute worst artificial flavoring to me is banana Runts. Literally gag-inducing. Someone showed me banana vodka they said tasted like it and I wanted to puke just imagining it…


Kendall Almerico, an attorney for the brewery, disagreed.

“Our company is made up of 9,500 people that are white, Black, Hispanic,” Almerico said, referring to the number of shareholders. “We have gay couples, lesbian couples. We have every single — anything you can imagine — in this company. Just like the United States military does.”

That language use not only sounds like bogus justification for thinly veiled bigotry, but it sounds like a disjointed sentence trump would mutter…


Damn, that is so similar…

Thanks for the TIL.


Don’t forget the brain drain once they officially declared war (special military operation) against Ukraine. There was a mass exodus of scholars and intellectuals not wanting to be trapped in russia.


This is why we need continued/more support for Ukraine. I want this to be over for them as soon as possible, but the US/NATO should see the strategic advantage of russia continuing to exhaust their resources and military/prison population being thrown into the meat grinder in Ukraine. The longer russia wages war with Ukraine, the more definitively impossible it becomes for them to invade any NATO nations.

I mean, let’s be real… it’s already an impossibility for russia to wage war with the US or European NATO countries alone… But it doesn’t make any strategic sense to stop supporting Ukraine in a fight against our greatest enemy, who continues to threaten their neighbors with invasion. Let them further erode their military, munitions, and resources. Then maybe they won’t be able to commit/assist in genocides like they have in Syria.

The Republicans fighting aid bills for Ukraine are just traitors. It’s in the world’s best interest to support Ukraine.


This is what happens when you’re an incompetent dictator/military whose only strategies are war crimes/genocide and throwing numbers into the meat grinder.

They try to take entrenched Ukrainain positions by throwing 100s at them to be slaughtered, hoping they will overrun them. If that fails, they try again! They literally have been sending their prison population to the front line to be meat shields for their infantry.

The fact that they have to supplement their infantry with prisoners tells you all you need to know about their incompetency and how dire their situation is.


The kind of person who overdoses on bovine/equus de-wormer?

Donald Tusk becomes Poland's prime minister with the mission of improving European Union ties (

Donald Tusk, a leader of a centrist party, returned as Poland’s prime minister for the first time in nearly a decade after a vote in parliament on Monday, paving the way for a new pro-European Union government following eight years of stormy national conservative rule....


I hate to be the one to make a useless comment, but that name…

Can’t not think of a fusion of Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

A gigantic new ICBM will take US nuclear missiles out of the Cold War-era but add 21st-century risks (

A gigantic new ICBM will take US nuclear missiles out of the Cold War-era but add 21st-century risks::A new nuclear missile is coming, a gigantic ICBM called the Sentinel. It marks the largest cultural shift in 60 years in the land leg of the Air Force’s nuclear missile mission.

GONADS125 , (edited )

Certainly not explicit evidence of intelligent life, but the UAP situation makes me wonder. I have compiled a tremendous amount of evidence supporting the claim that UAP/UFO are real intelligently controlled objects. Once again, because often people cannot separate the two, this does not prove aliens are real/that is not my argument.

The sources of information are all legitimate and you can verify them for yourself. I sourced the actual government documents from the National Archives. There’s no debating the authenticity of the documents. I also included bipartisan quotes supporting the topic, including Schumer and AOC. There is also verified goverment footage of UAP.

For the people whose first instinct is to mislabel me as a crackpot and ignore the link: If you are so sure of yourself, I challenge you to read it and see if you think I’m crazy. You wouldn’t say that about other pieces I write. I’m about to start my Master’s in Clinical Counseling. I’m not some wild conspiracy theorist.

The amount of denial to the point where people won’t even consider evaluating evidence feels like Don’t Look Up.

Edit: This is an excerpt from my post for those who are so sure of themselves to consider:

I admit I had difficulty suspending my disbelief in the possibility of UAP, but there is an important example from history that ought to give the skeptic pause in unilaterally dismissing this subject before reading on. I’m referring to the discovery of handwashing, in which everyone originally rejected the antiseptic procedure and surgeons didn’t even wash their hands prior to operation.

Despite his research, Semmelweis’s observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. He could offer no theoretical explanation for his findings of reduced mortality due to hand-washing, and some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and mocked him for it. In 1865, the increasingly outspoken Semmelweis allegedly suffered a nervous breakdown and was committed to an asylum by his colleagues. In the asylum he was beaten by the guards. He died 14 days later from a gangrenous wound on his right hand that may have been caused by the beating. [43]

Like Semmelweis’ research, this subject is being discounted and rejected on the basis of preexisting beliefs; not lack of reasonable evidence or ability to to study UAP. And like Semmelweis, rational individuals and scientists studying this subject are being mislabeled as crackpots, and their research misconstrued to have to do with aliens, rather than the very real phenomenon at hand.

GONADS125 , (edited )

If you read the information in that link, there were crafts in our atmosphere beginning in 1947, which had capabilities that outperform our current (publicly disclosed) most advanced aircraft. The performance capabilities included speeds of thousands of miles per hour, 90-degree turns, instantaneous acceleration, and silent operation.

Many of these sightings around the world were accompanied by radar which confirmed the visual observations. Some have left detectable levels of radiation. All of this is cited in that link. Also in that link is the Nimitz Event, in which a UAP outperformed F/A-18F Superhornets and left the Top Gun pilots shaken.

I’m not stating this is technology from outside our planet. I’m not saying this can’t be human technology. Look at Project 1794 in that link. That was the United States Airforce’s secret contract to Avro Aircraft to build a literal ‘flying saucer’ powered by 6 Siddeley Viper turbo-jet engines.

It’s important to note, however, that the aircraft from Project 1794 was not capable of the performance capabilities of the UAP/UFO that began being mass sighted around the world in 1947.

So either we have kept aircraft technology so far advanced that it outperforms modern declassified tech secret since 1947, or something else might be responsible.


Ha! I appreciate it. I stay far away from abduction stories and stick with declassified documents and former military/DoD/Intelligence officials.

I ultimately believe UAP are real objects, but their origin is total speculation. Could be secret government tech. I personally can’t rule out non-human intelligence, but there’s no evidence of that. But there is evidence that UAP are real objects under intelligent control, possessing disruptive/breakthrough technology.


To your AOC edit, the kind of thing I believe she is referring to are secret projects like USAF Project 1794 that could involve modern contractors like Boeing and Lockheed Martin.


Eh, I’m happy breaking through to a handful amid a hundred. I don’t care about downvotes. To me, it’s just a display of ignorance and avoidance here.

I’ve convinced a decent few people with that write-up so far. Went out of my way to use credible sources and stay away from alien/abduction claims. The witnesses directly quoted are all from within our military and government.

I believe most rational skeptics would be compelled to believe there is truth to UAP (not necessarily aliens…) if they read it. Problem is getting people to read it. Seriously feels like Don’t Look Up.


The metal from the rock in the Falcon Lake incident was a piece of scrap metal that was already on the rock when the alleged craft landed on it, and partially melted it into some cracks in the rock.

The scrap metal was definitely human scrap metal, nothing special. But it was partially melted into the rock and irradiated.

I also find it intriguing that the Falcon Lake craft was apparently very hot, whereas we have modern thermal readings indicating modern UAP are very cold. The UAP of the Nimitz Event is one such example.

GONADS125 , (edited )

Yeah it certainly takes a while to reduce the stigma in situations like this. This subject is so heavily and systematically stigmatized.

The Robertson Panel determined our government agencies should gaslight us on the subject to avoid mass hysteria that the Soviets could exploit to cause panic (think along the lines of The War of the Worlds radio broadcast panic).

It’ll take years to make progress reducing the stigma, but scientists and both commercial and military pilots around the world are beginning to facilitate that shift by providing their testimonies.

Edit: nice username by the way.


America, land of the free

Free to the power of the people in uniform


Ugh, the blind hypocrisy here has reached The Office level… Sweeping generalizations and prejudgements based on sex, by someone claiming to condemn sexism.

Our society has made leaps and bounds in women’s rights and equality, but there’s still so much room to grow and improve. I am a man, and I believe there is still an unfair advantage to being both white and male sex. I believe this is due to inherent explicit and implicit sexism and racism that still permeates our society.

But you are making sweeping generalizations that you claim as a fact. Cite yourself then. Find some reputable research that supports your sexist claims.

There’s a difference between making statements as I have done above vs asserting sweeping generalizations as fact, as you have done.

The historic sexism against women doesn’t mean that in any given situation, men are default at fault, or the greatest offender by number. It’s especially absurd here, where you are making it out like women do not have conflict with one another.

Were you homeschooled all your life? Do you live in a bubble? This is a blatantly false and truly absurd statement that everyone can laughingly dismiss, based on countless counter-examples throughout their personal lives.

The most cunningly ruthless insults I’ve ever heard in my life have all been from women, who I considered to have more emotional intelligence than the average man.

I don’t know… maybe you’re just trolling and I bit…

GONADS125 , (edited )

It blows my mind how much the boomers and this current teen/early adult generation seem to have in common… A real step back in technological literacy, critical thinking skills, and ability to scrutinize reputable sources.

Also like many of the boomers is their inability to handle dissenting information/evidence counter to their internalized beliefs. They just shutdown and reorient themselves with comforting information/reassurance seak from their in-group (e.g., FB, reddit echo-chamer).

This is my subjective perspective of course, and I want to point out I’m not asserting it as fact like a jackass.


Not condoning this by any means, but everyone ought to be an organ donor. I find the people who refuse on the grounds of “I don’t like the idea of my organs being harvested…” are demonstrating insufferable selfishness. Multiple lives can be saved from one donor. And you’ll be dead anyway! You won’t care then…

Especially all bikers should be mandatory organ donors.


I specifically said I wasn’t justifying what happened here. My point was just an aside on the importance of organ donation.

I don’t condone stealing people’s organs. What happened here was clearly fucked up.


Are you directing this at me? If so, a swing and a miss.

I do not feel entitled to your organs. I feel that people ought to donate them, and that those who do not donate are inherently selfish.

Big difference. Be a decent human being and share your organs when you die, so that others can live. Let’s use analogy so you can see how inherently selfish this is.

Suppose you have eaten until you’re full and decide you don’t want the rest. Since you have no more use for the food, you will throw it away in your garbage can at home.

But then you come across 3 or 4 other people who are starving to death, and your food makes the difference between life and death for them.

Do you feel morally compelled to stop and share this food, which has no more use for you? Do you feel like a piece of shit imaging driving past them to throw the food away in your garbage can?


It’s not surprising, but it’s disheartening to see people downvote you for this comment. Blind hate. Plain and simple.


They’re like that annoying kid who no one keeps in check, that just pesters people while being too weak and pathetic to be a real threat.

All China can muster up is petty shit like this and fistfights with India on their border. Their military is only tested thru genocide. They’re a bully that’s trying to hide the fact that they’re just a paper tiger.

This package of bagels I bought expired on a date that doesn't exist. (

I originally posted this on the other site back when I took the picture, and it resulted in a lot of confused comments, especially from Americans, eventually getting removed by overzealous mods. Either way, I promise you that this date does not exist, and has never existed.

GONADS125 , (edited )

Man I swear I remember this on reddit… or a post similar to it.

I remember many of my fellow Americans couldn’t understand the date format.

Edit: And it looks like the same thing happened here…


It’s just the EU date style.

I find my brain reads dates the US way first and then immediately rereads the EU way after, when that doesn’t make sense. It’s pretty automatic.

Not even tangentially related… but I replaced the dumb American (and I know UK as well) 3 fingers gesture with the German 3 when I learned of it as a teenager. It’s so much more efficient and reasonable compared to stretching our fingers out unnaturally…


I understand that… I’m just talking about the users fixating on the date format. Look at all the examples in the comments.

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