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Fondots , (edited )

Gator- tastes like chicken, kind of tough and chewy, but come on, have you ever seen an alligator? Of course it was going to be chewy.

Frog legs- pretty much a dead ringer for chicken wings if you didn’t know what a wing was supposed to look like. Maybe just the tiniest hint of something fishy going on there.

Escargot - an excellent excuse to eat a bunch of butter and garlic and for some reason it’s fancy even though you’re eating a garden pest

Squirrel - kind of greasy, but not bad, darker meat than I expected. Not really enough meat on them to be worth it though, at least not the squirrels we have in my neck of the woods, I’ve seen some pretty big squirrels in other parts of the country though, so maybe they’re a little more worthwhile. If you had a handful of squirrels I suspect they could make a pretty good soup or stew though.

Rabbit- tastes like chicken, I’ve had it a few different ways, I don’t know that I would know the difference if you swapped rabbit for chicken in any of them, but I had a rabbit pot pie at a restaurant a few years ago that has been my happy thought ever since, probably the tastiest thing I have ever eaten.

Deer venison - very similar to beef, a bit gamey but I dig that.

Quail - tiny chicken, that’s pretty much all there is to it.

Pigeon- much darker than chicken, a bit greasy, overall pretty tasty (these were country pigeons, I don’t recommend eating city pigeons) a single pigeon breast is pretty much exactly the right size to make a pigeon nugget.

Bison- lean beef, maybe a bit stronger tasting but overall pretty well within the beef spectrum. If you didn’t tell me it was bison, I’d probably assume it was either really cheap or moderately expensive beef.

Wild boar- pork but not, kind of hard to explain this one, and the way I had it prepared had a lot of spices and seasoning so I can’t really give a straight appraisal of the meat itself.

Kangaroo- it tastes like it evolved on a different continent than any other mammal you’ve ever eaten. It’s still very much in the red meat family but there’s something else going on there that’s kind of hard to place, sort of gamey and stronger tasting.

Goose- kind of like a mix of duck and turkey, leaning more duck-like, and yeah, that tracks, you could probably just about assume that from looking at a goose.

I wouldn’t really consider these to be exotic, but a surprising amount of people don’t seem to have tried them, and they’re some of my all-time favorite meats.

Duck- its more like a red meat than chicken, can be kind of greasy/fatty but in a good way

Lamb- red meat, kind of a strong gamey taste (that again, I personally really like) oddly somehow gamier than venison despite venison actually being a game meat and lamb being domesticated. You could probably serve me deer and tell me it was beef and slip it by me, but I don’t think you could pull it off with lamb.

Goat- lamb, but moreso.

Liver- it’s kind of hard to describe liver in any way but livery, but iron-y and minneral-y are probably the best adjectives I can come up with. I’ve had beef liver and chicken liver, beef is definitely a stronger flavor but both are recognizably livery. Chicken liver is probably mild enough that as long as it’s prepared well most people could enjoy it, beef liver is definitely more of an acquired taste.

Chicken hearts- stronger flavored and tougher than regular chicken, but still recognizably chicken, imagine dark meat but lean. Little bit of a irony/mineraly taste, but not in a livery way, can be a little tough/chewy, and if you’re inclined to batter and fry them, they are the perfect size to make sort of a popcorn chicken thing with, or if you want to have little bits of meat for a stir fry or something and don’t feel like chopping up the meat yourself. They are also dirt cheap, at least around me.

Tripe- a bit chewy, honestly not too much going on flavor-wise, there’s something going on that tastes/smells of a barnyard but in a very pleasant way, but it’s almost more of a suggestion of a taste than an actual flavor.

Beef tongue- recognizably beefy, but definitely has something going else on, not quite livery but leaning that direction. Definitely something you need to braise or sous vide or something for a long time because it will be damn near impossible to chew otherwise, and it has its own unique texture, it will probably make you think a lot about your own tongue while eating it.

Chicken feet- look, there’s really no meat worth speaking of on a chicken foot, it’s basically all skin and connective tissue which is tasty and an interesting texture, but not worth it to me to eat themselves, some people do, but it’s not for me. ut if you want to take you chicken stock to the next level, use some chicken feet.

And these are probably the opposite of exotic, just weird or have bad press

Pickled pigs feet- salty vinegary vaguely porky jello with bones in it. I like salty vinegary things, so that’s not a bad thing in my book.

Scrapple- local delicacy for those of us in the Delaware valley, if you’ve ever heard spam described as everything but the oink, well scrapple has some oink in it too. It’s soft and mushy and fries up to a real nice crisp on the outside. Taste is sort of in a similar vein as a breakfast sausage, really nothing too wild about it.

Pork roll (you north jersey folk calling it Taylor Ham are crazy, it says pork roll right on the package, you’re wrong) is basically just spam with a better PR department, less salty, slightly different spices, doesn’t come in a can.

And on that note- spam, it’s delicious but very salty. If you like ham you’ll probably like spam.

Fondots ,

I’m sure it’s a quite different experience, but there are people whohave gotten magnets implanted under their skin in order to feel magnetic field.

I’m not quite ready for that myself, but I did do a little experiment my supergluing some tiny neodymium magnets to my fingernails. I suspect the implants are probably more sensitive since they better able to wiggle around but I could feel some things. The forklift charger and pencil sharpener I had at work got probably the strongest responses I noticed for the week or so I had them.

I also got really used to picking up paperclips and such with them really quick, I caught myself trying to do it now and then for probably about a month after I no longer had the magnets.

Fondots ,

Somewhat related to that, certain Australian aboriginal languages don’t have words for relative directions like left/right and use cardinal directions (north/south/east/west) so they tend to keep track of their orientation subconsciously.

So if you were to help one of them, for example, move a couch, they might tell you to move your end a bit to the west and avoid any “my left or your left?/No your other left” shenanigans.

Probably also a very helpful thing to be aware of if you find yourself trying to navigate the outback.

Fondots ,

If you’re careful and can’t just get it off with your fingernails, a razor blade is young best friend for scraping off stickers, if you’re less careful they sell plastic razor blades for scraping stuff that also work pretty well.

For residue, goo gone, cooking oil, isopropyl alcohol, lighter fluid, or just some soap and water if you’re careful. Or just let the residue wear off on its own if you’re lazy.

Fondots ,

I don’t know the ins and outs of how they work, and I’m sure there’s some catch and they overall skeeve me out a bit, but I have seen a few companies that offer very limited free service, something like 25 mb/month. I don’t know how much data a gps tracker would use but that might be doable

I’m sure those companies do everything in their power to get you to pay more than nothing, automatically change your plan if you go over, deceptive emails, etc. so definitely something to be careful about. I also wouldn’t have a whole lot of confidence in those companies sticking around for very long.

And while not free, there are some pretty affordable prepaid plans and such that may be competitive or slightly cheaper than what a regular subscription might cost.

Depending on where you live, it may be possible to forego the call plan entirely, in a dense urban area with lots of open public WiFi networks, you may be able to work it entirely off of WiFi.

If you wanted to get real weird with it and jump through the loopholes to get licensed, there might also be some options using ham radio stuff like APRS, though that’s probably going to leave your dogs location exposed to any ham who happens to be playing with their radios in your area.

Now I’m not saying that any of that is necessarily a good idea or worth the hassle of setting any of that up, I’m just spitballing some ideas for what someone could potentially do if they did want to homebrew such a thing.

Fondots ,

GPS is one-way though, your device isn’t sending anything up to the satellites, it’s just looking for where they are.

You still need a way to get a signal from the collar to your phone or computer or whatever device you’re using to track it. Things like airtags and tiles use Bluetooth to talk to nearby phones that relay it onto the Internet. If no one is close enough with a phone they’re basically useless, and if the cell service is spotty, the location can’t be updated until the phone has a signal, and depending on the area, that could be a while which means your dog could be miles from where they were when a phone last picked up the signal from their collar.

If the collar itself is hooked up to the cell network, then you don’t have to rely on someone being nearby with a phone to pick up the location, but it is still reliant on having cell service, which may not be a given if you’re out hiking in the mountains for example.

Other than that, you would have to use other satellite services, or rely on having a direct radio connection to the collar, sort of like a walkie talkie except carrying the GPS data instead of voice.

Fondots ,

Depending on where you are and where you hike, you may have a very different idea of what a large forest looks like than some people. Unless you’ve really traveled to go camping and hiking, or just happen to live in a very heavily forested area, what you think of as a large forest patch and what others think of may be in entirely different leagues. And just being in the woods is only part of the issue, geography has a bigger effect than all of the trees.

I’m from the Philly area, we have a pretty big wooded park, something like 2000 acres, that is entirely within the city. It’s also in a valley, so when you’re in the park there’s usually steep hills or even cliffs all around you. Cell service gets spotty in a lot of the park, even though there is probably no place in the park where you’re more than about a mile or so from major roads and cell towers and all the other stuff you expect to find in a major city, the signal just can’t get through all the dirt and rock surrounding you.

It gets even worse when you get up into the mountains, driving along a winding mountain road you can see your signal going bonkers bouncing between full bars and no bars based on what mountain is in the way of a tower at any given moment. And towers and everything else are just more spread out in general, one area I go pretty regularly to you’re often driving a good half hour or so between anything you’d really recognize as being a town, without much but woods and mountains in-between.

By contrast, I’ve also done some hiking in the NJ pine barrens, some of the sections I’ve been to absolutely dwarf that park in Philly I mentioned, and are generally more remote, but they’re mostly pretty flat, trees aren’t great for cell signals but they’re a hell of a lot better than mountains, so I can usually get pretty deep into the woods before my signal starts failing me.

I’ve also been to Quetico Provincial Park in Canada, which dwarfs pretty much any other forest I’ve personally ever been to, just an absolutely massive tract of natural area, and relatively flat at that, but it’s just so big and remote that there is really no cell service to speak of.

Fondots ,

Your comment was true, but not exactly relevant since we were talking about airtag-like devices that don’t have connectivity besides Bluetooth, saying that a device like them exists that has GPS built-in is kind of moot since they don’t have any additional ways to send that location info.

The thing you linked would fall under the walkie-talkie-like device I described.

Fondots ,

My high school had block scheduling, we’d have 2 90 minute classes in the morning, then “I Block” in the middle of the day which was essentially our homeroom, then 2 more classes in the afternoon.

When they first started it, I block was a pretty freeform thing, you had to check in with your homeroom teacher, but could then go pretty much anywhere in the school and do whatever, go see your other teachers to get some help or just hang out in their room, go to the library, etc.

They slowly cracked down on that, first one day a week you had to be in your homeroom for SSR (Sustained Silent Reading, you weren’t allowed to do homework or anything else, you had to sit there reading silently) and they slowly cut down on reasons you were allowed to be out of your homeroom room during I block without a note or hall pass to the point that when I graduated they were making announcements at the beginning of I block that anyone caught in the halls without a hall pass would be written up for, and I vividly remember this specific wording, “defiance and insubordination”

What the actual fuck was that shit? That feels like wording they would use in an actual prison or in the military or something?

We were a relatively safe, solidly middle class suburban district, we didn’t have rampant gang issues, violence, drug use, anything of the sort, the odd troublemaker or prblem child sure, but overall we pretty much kept ourselves in line, there wasn’t any need to crack the whip on us.

Fondots ,

I was at a music festival, we were camped out across from a bunch of really obnoxious frat bro types. They weren’t causing any real issues and we were an decent terms with them as campsite neighbors, they were just really loud and obnoxious and had a different sort of energy than my group.

One guy in my campsite had one of the big 1 litre German boot glasses. Frat bros found out about this and wanted to give it a try, so we let them.

We watched them pour 2 12 oz PBRs into it (it will hold about 3), and fail to chug it.

I’m a pretty proficient chugger, so I decided to show them up. Filled the glass up with a considerably heavier beer, started to walk over to demonstrate how it’s done. As I’m walking out of our site though, it dawned on my already slightly innebrated brain that it had been a while since I’d chugged a litre, so I wanted to make sure I could still do it, so I downed a full test boot, immediately filled it back up, and walked over to demonstrate how it was done for our rowdy neighbors and executed the maneuver flawlessly.

So with 2 liters of beer in my stomach, I then went into my tent to have a little power-blackout to recharge my batteries for a night of debauchery.

Fondots ,

Dr Bronners peppermint soap and classic Old spice deodorant.

Dr Bronners because it’s cool and refreshing and I’m a sweaty dude, plus I can buy it in a big jug that lasts me forever.

Old spice because I’ve used it forever, it works for me, is widely available, fairly affordable, and I get a surprising amount of compliments asking what kind of cologne I have on (I don’t normally wear cologne.) I’m pretty sure I got a little sample stick of it back in 5th grade when we had a sex ed/wear deodorant because some of you stink assembly, and I tried a couple others over the years but always find my way back to old spice.

Fondots ,

I think my online voice is pretty similar to my IRL voice, probably the biggest thing is that my accent doesn’t come through

I’m from outside of Philly and while I don’t necessarily have the most strong, stereotypical accent, I do have a lot of the typical linguistic quirks, but a lot of it tends to be pronunciation differences. As far as actually words and phrases, I use "jawn” and “youse” or “youse guys” a lot less online.

For example I might grab myself a cup of cawfee or an ahrnge juice and a begel for breakfast, before I head down to the crick to do some fishing. Before I go I’ll leave a note for my wife telling her when to expect me back, but I can’t find a pen so I use some crowns. Then when I get back I’ll warsh off my boots with wooder from the spicket outside, maybe wipe them off with a tal, and put them inside by the rattyator to dry off, while I sit down to watch the iggles game (go birds!) Maybe I’ll hit up my friend, and ask him “Jeet?” and he’ll reply, “No, jew?” so I’ll stop at Wawa and tap MAC so I can buy us some hoagies, probably paired with a lager, and maybe get some wooder ice or maybe some ice cream with jimmies for dessert.

Fondots ,

I had a warehouse job for a textile company that made mostly work clothes, chef coats, table linens, etc, and part of my duties was processing returns. Once in a while we got stuff back that couldn’t be put back into stock for one reason or another (items had been altered, discontinued, slightly damaged) so I took home some chef coats, aprons, cloth napkins and such that otherwise were going in the trash.

I also was in charge of ordering our supplies from uline. If you’ve never ordered from uline (not that I recommend it, last time I checked their owners’ politics were trash) when you hit certain order amounts you can get free stuff. The previous guy in charge of ordering was a manager or supervisor or something, and would give those freebies out to people, when he left they didn’t really hire a direct replacement and most of his duties fell on me without any real promotion or raise so I started keeping those freebies for myself. There was never any official policy about it, and I just never really mentioned it to anyone and did it on my own since I was the guy receiving the packages anyway. Just before I gave my two weeks notice one of the other warehouse employees asked me about giving out the free stuff like the previous guy did, I wasn’t there long enough to make another order after that, but if I had been she always kind of treated me like trash so I might have started giving stuff out to everyone but her.

I also probably walked out of there with a few box cutters and pencils and such, not intentionally, just putting things in my pocket and forgetting about them until I got home.

Fondots ,

It’s not necessarily the weirdest, but it has a pretty great story behind it

I have a relative, I believe he’s like a second cousin or something along those lines who has an actual coffin that he uses as a Halloween decoration.

He decided he wanted a coffin, so he goes to one of the local funeral homes to see what they have around that’s not too expensive and looks a bit spooky.

It just so happens that he’s has a pretty nice wooden coffin that’s just been kicking around in storage for a couple decades.

Why has this coffin been kicking around in storage? Because some local guy died back in the late 80s while visiting family in Poland. They had to scramble a bit to figure out how to get his body back to the US and pretty much got the cheapest wooden box they could find to ship him back in, and then buried him in a different casket. And it had just been kicking around since then since he had no use for it but also didn’t want to get rid of it.

And that guy that died in Poland was my grandfather.

My mom’s a bit salty about the situation, she thinks it’s disrespectful or something. I personally think it’s a cool piece of family trivia, and although I never had the opportunity to meet him, from what I know of him I think my grandfather would have gotten a kick out of it.

Which Life Pro Tip disappointed you?

For me it was “buy high quality pillow” because you sleep for one thrid of a day etc. I needed a new pillow anyway so I came to the store and bought the best they had. And it was … ok. Like it’s a fine pillow but my sleeping haven’t improved really, it’s basically the same. So I was disapointed :(...

Fondots ,

I’ve always been partial to “hazard fraught”

I disagree with it being garbage though. It’s true, most of their merchandise isn’t the highest quality, but when you need a tool for just one project that you don’t already own and can’t seem to borrow from anyone it’s a great place to get that tool on the cheap, and for some oddball tools there’s may be no convenient place to track them down.

I was recently working on a small project I needed a router for. In this case I was able to borrow a router from a friend but he only had one bit for it and it wasn’t one I needed. If you haven’t priced out router bits recently, they tend to go for like $20-30 a piece from the usual big retailers.

I was able to get a set of 15 bits from harbor freight for about $30-40 and they did exactly what I needed them to.

I’m sure they probably won’t last as long as the good bits, but for how often I need a router these will probably last me the rest of my life.

Needed a rivnut tool for a different project a few months ago, and nowhere else around me carries them, beat waiting a couple days for one from Amazon.

Also have a bike rack from them that’s doing the job just fine, and a handful of little weird tools for various hobbies.

I wouldn’t trust them for anything my life or livelihood depends on, but for little incidental things I can’t borrow or find anywhere else they do just fine.

Fondots ,

I have no idea what the antelope situation is in Kazakhstan, but sometimes culling is necessary. Populations can rebound, and if there aren’t enough predators or suitable habitats left, they can even reach a point where they’re damaging the environment.

I live in Pennsylvania, a bit over a century ago, white tailed deer were in bad shape here from overhunting and deforestation. There was even one man who believed that he may have shot the last deer in Pennsylvania.

The state implemented a lot of regulations to help the deer population recover, and now we have tons of deer, and in some cases it’s more than the environment can support.

Local to me is Valley Forge National Historic Park. If you spend any time in the park without seeing deer you must have your eyes closed.

And that was a problem. With no predators and no hunting allowed in the park, there was nothing to keep the deer population in check. They over-grazed and destroyed a lot of vegetation, which negatively impacted lots of other animals in the park, and even the deer themselves since there wasn’t enough food to support the population. I vividly remember seeing lots of sickly-looking deer in the park when I was a young child.

About a decade or two ago they started a deer culling program which has done wonders for the park environment, more and more varied vegetation, new trees have a chance to grow as well as other plants, which in turn improved things for other animals in the park, and the deer are healthier as well.

Now in an ideal world, we’d have predators and an environment to sustain them and let nature manage itself, but that’s not always feasible unless we start actively relocating people, bulldozing developed areas and replanting forests (which I’m not exactly opposed to, but it would be a tough sell for anyone being relocated by such measures)

A deer will spend pretty much it’s whole life within about a one square mile area. A few little wooded patches and fields and you can sustain pretty solid deer populations in the middle of suburbia. Wolves on the other hand have home ranges of over 50 square miles, and often over a hundred, or occasionally even over 1000 miles. That kind of space is a lot harder to find.

Fondots ,

I’ve been known once or twice to find my keys (or phone, that wrench, etc.) get distracted immediately after, then go back to looking for thembecause that’s what I remember doing before I got distracted while they’re right there in my hand.

You could arguably say that I re-lost them and started a new search, but I think it’s funnier to say I kept looking after it’s been found.

Fondots ,

Cold helps to numb pain and reduce swelling

Heat increases bleedflow and can help relax muscles

Bodies are complex, there’s a lot of systems all connected together which means injuries often have multiple aspects to what’s wrong.

Probably some of the most common injuries you’ll see this kind of treatment for are things like sprains and strains, where you’ve stretched muscles, tendons, or ligaments a bit too far and maybe tore them a bit. Ligaments are tissue that connects your bones together, and tendons connect muscles to your bones.

Your body responds to this by swelling, it sends extra blood to the area to start working on repairs. It may also help somewhat to cushion and/or immobilize the joint slightly to prevent you from making it worse. Heat opens up blood vessels and gets even more blood flowing through the area, so it can help speed up the healing a bit, and if it gets your muscles to relax it can take some of the stress off of whatever’s injured, don’t want your muscles pulling on some damaged ligaments too much, you want them to relax so they can heal.

But that swelling can be pretty damn uncomfortable on top of any pain from the actual injury itself, your skin, muscles, and other tissues can only stretch so much to accommodate that extra blood so it’s putting pressure on everything around it. Cold sort of slows down your nerve cells so they can’t send as many pain signals to your brain. And like how heat opens up your blood vessels, cold makes them contract so you don’t get as much bloodflow and so less swelling.

So you can see that both have their benefits and drawbacks, overall cold is more of a pain management thing, and hot is more to expedite the healing, and depending on the type of injury, how much pain you’re in, etc. it can be beneficial to do one, the other, or alternate between both.

This is sort of an ELI5 answer, im sure there’s a bunch of special cases or ifs, ands, and buts that could be sprinkled in there, but I’m no medical professional, but hopefully that gives you the general gist of it. If anyone spots anything I got wrong, please let me know.

Fondots ,

No commercials was once one of the big selling points for cable, and we know how that turned out

Fondots ,

The thing about Nazis (and other flavors of racist shitbags if anyone wants to play the “well akshually they’re not Nazis, theyre…” game) is they don’t care, they’ll pretend to be reasonable, break bread with their enemies, etc. as long as it’s convenient for them. But they don’t view those others as being equal human beings, so once they’ve accomplished whatever they set out to do, they’ll turn on them as soon as they think they have the upper hand without a moment’s hesitation.

That’s the Nazi playbook and always has been. You can see it happen in WWII, you can see it in the lunatic fringe taking over the Republican party over the last century or so, it’s how these types operate.

They’ll happily throw their lot in with whoever is convenient to their cause in the moment, why should they care? They’re just planning on turning on them down the road anyway, hell, it probably even gets them a better look at how these temporary allies/future targets for extermination operate and gets them in closer for when they eventually make their move against them.

Fondots ,

The only question is if our intended outcomes actually align at all.

I can answer that question for you- They don’t.

Fondots ,

When they do, that means your goals include extermination, segregation, and subjugation of different races

In which case, you’re not allying yourself with Nazis, you are a Nazi.

Fondots ,

That is your end goal, it’s not theirs, their plans go much deeper and throwing your lot in with them makes you a part of those plans, even if just as a pawn.

I’m all for holding the Israeli government and netenyahu accountable, but if I see a Nazi I tell them to go follow their leader regardless of what they happen to be saying at the moment. There’s plenty of people who aren’t total pieces of shit who are sympathetic to or could be converted the cause, but most of them are going to be turned off from it by the presence of Nazis.

Fondots ,

I, meanwhile, will not embrace ignorance

The irony is lost on you I see

Fondots ,

Purely annecdotally, I definitely haven’t done any serious research on this, but I work in 911 dispatch and every time we change the clocks it seems like we get more weird calls from people who probably have mental health issues for a few days. My pet theory is that it screws up some of their medication schedules and/or throws off their circadian rhythms.

Fondots ,

Off the top of my head

This tenant is predisposed to cancer (or other medical issues), which means an increased likelihood of them getting stuck with massive medical bills and financial hardship so they would have a harder time paying rent on time, better Jack up their rent so I can get my money’s worth out of them while I still can or just deny their application altogether

This tenant appears to be part black, Jewish, or some other ethnicity I don’t like, better find a reason to jack up their rent or kick them out

Fondots ,

Whether it’s the core truth or not

▶ 4. Post titles should be the same as the article used as source.

I believe the mods of this community usually choose not to actively enforce that rule, but if I’m in a news community, I want news, not memes and jokes. If we want to discuss it and even joke about it, that’s what the comment section is for.

Fondots ,

Accurate or not

▶ 4. Post titles should be the same as the article used as source.

I believe the mods of this community usually choose not to actively enforce that rule, but if I’m in a news community, I want news, not memes and jokes. If we want to discuss it and even joke about it, that’s what the comment section is for.

Fondots ,

I suppose he could call for another crusade or maybe dispatch the Swiss Guard to the region. /S

Somewhat more seriously, though not something I’m actually suggesting or would necessarily want to see, he is a head of state and a prominent public figure, it wouldn’t be out of the question for him to play a role in some sort of negotiations as an intermediary or something.

He also has the ears of potentially every Catholic in the world, as well as non-catholics who may want to hear his perspective, and while I’d personally very much rather the church mind their own business and not get involved, he could potentially give guidance to them about how they should feel about the situation, what they can/should or should not do to help, what they should be asking of their governments, etc.

Again, I personally would rather the church keep out of it, but those are some options available should people feel that the Pope should involve himself.

Fondots ,

The answer probably needs to have a whole lot of “it depends”

What kind of firearm, what kind of glass, thickness of the glass, how far away was the gun when it was fired, etc. will probably all have an effect, and maybe even some more exotic variables, resonant frequencies, atmospheric conditions, temperature,angle you fired the gun at relative to the glass, etc.

Glass absolutely can be broken by vibrations and pressure waves similar to those made by a gunshot, and I would probably expect a high caliber supersonic round fired within inches of a thin piece of weak, brittle glass to break the glass, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, a low powered subsonic round fired far away from a thick piece of strong tempered glass I would expect to have little to no effect whatsoever.

Those are both fairly extreme examples, and I certainly don’t have the science/mathematic background to tell you where the limits are in the middle.

Russians storm airport in attempt to attack passengers of Israeli flight (

Footage reportedly from the scene shared on local Telegram channels showed rioters chanting “Allahu Akbar” and stopping cars in order to check the documents of passengers to ensure they were not Israeli or Jewish. The Russian state-owned RIA Novosti outlet reported that police officers and the National Guard were present at...

Fondots ,

I love that video because it really shows how casually a lot of people will embrace racism/antisemitism, but I also hate it because Throw the Jew Down the Well is kind of catchy, and is probably going to be stuck in my head now

Fondots , (edited )

I live in the Philly suburbs, our highways are all a bit of a clusterfuck but if I had to choose

I476 (Northeast Extension to the PA turnpike) between about midcounty and Lansdale, maybe Quakertown isn’t usually too bad traffic wise, above that is probably the prettier drive but there is always some mind-breakingly bad traffic and/or construction whenever I go that way.

I76 (Schuylkill Expressway) between the city and Conshohocken is kind of nice if you’re on it at like 3AM when there’s no traffic, some really nice views of Manayunk and Boathouse Row and such, most of the rest of the time it’s a parking lot.

I76 (PA Turnpike) is usually pretty nice further out west when you’re away from major cities

It’s an absolute madhouse of different lanes and is always busy, but the NJ turnpike somehow manages to keep traffic moving better than nearly any other highway I’ve ever driven on.

A lot of the smaller highways further up in the mountains (usually) don’t have too much traffic and are very scenic, but you have to be at least an hour and probably 2 or 3 out of Philly to get the most of that, and at that point I often can’t recommend getting off the highway to interact with the locals.

Is there any christian religions that don't believe in space?

So I have a born again christian family member in their mid twenties who stated with complete confidence that there is a dome in the sky called the firmament and beyond it is where heaven is. She believes space doesn’t exist and rockets just blow up because the bible said so. She is not the brightest and normally I would let...

Fondots ,

I can’t find anything about this dome in a google search

I gotta question your methodology here a bit, because just googling “firmament” will get you quite a lot of results and you don’t have to read very far into the actual Bible to come across the term (depending on the version of the Bible you read, different translations use different terms, sometimes I’ve seen “vault” used instead) its probably going to be right there on the first page of Genesis.

Now the Bible doesn’t exactly do a great job of describing the firmament. Coming up with an actual model for for the heavens and the earth kind of fell to various scholars over the years trying to make sense of it.

In general, if you take it literally, the firmament is normally interpreted as a sort of solid structure somewhere up above the sky that separates heaven and a whole bunch of water from the rest of creation and probably more or less resembles a dome above a flat earth. The exact structure of all of that will vary quite a bit depending on which denomination and scholars you listen to.

Even the word firmament should kind of clue you in that it’s supposed to be kind of solid, you can really go down a linguistic rabbit hole through all manner of English, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, etc. words with this but for the most part you’ll get the impression that you’re supposed to believe there is some sort of physical barrier there

Most of the mainstream sects have adopted somewhat less-literal interpretations over the years because obviously the science doesn’t support that interpretation at all.

But of course there are a whole lot of absolutely wacky Christian denominations (all of them are at least a bit wacky, but some really go the extra mile into the heart of crazytown) and even in the less-insane denominations some individuals pick and choose and come up with their own batshit interpretations of things.

Off the top of my head, I don’t know which sects stick to a literal interpretation of it being a solid dome, but I’m absolutely sure they’re out there, but most of them are probably not very mainstream, most of them are probably independent churches not affiliated or only loosely affiliated with any larger organization. And a lot of people who believe it are probably picking it up outside of any organized church and either coming up with their own interpretations or getting it from some wackadoo on the internet.

Trying to talk sense into her is probably an exercise in futility and I would not have even the faintest idea of how to go about doing that. If you do want to learn more about her specific beliefs though, a good place to start is probably going right to the source and figuring out which church she goes to and where she’s getting her info- what websites, books, YouTube channels, etc. and the best way to do that is probably just to ask her. Don’t try to argue with her and convince her she’s wrong, you’re not going to get anywhere, just get some links and recommendations, she’s probably going to view it as a chance to convert you and born again types are all about that, she’ll probably dump a whole bunch on you.

Fondots , (edited )

A fish bowl is a solid barrier, how do fish swim in it?

Fondots ,

I had a teacher once who used to work at a school for the deaf and he told us about their school dances. Apparently they would crank the bass way up so everyone could feel the vibrations, and apparently a lot of the kids would carry balloons around because you can really feel it in the balloons, it actually sounded like a pretty cool experience

Fondots ,

I work in a 911 dispatch center, we had a shooting at a bowling alley a few years ago, it was probably one of the craziest, most stressful incidents we’ve had since I’ve been working there. So that hits a little close to home for me.

The incident we had wasn’t a mass shooting, just some assholes who shouldn’t have had guns got into a fight and started blasting.

It was right after shift change, we had pretty much all just sat down and logged in, usually at that time of day there’s not too much really going on, and then suddenly everyone in the room’s phone went off at once and everything became chaos for the next hour or so.

The shooting was over by the time we got the first call, the shooter was probably even long-gone, out the door in a car speeding away.

My first caller was just hysterically screaming, I couldn’t really get any useful information from them, but from what I could hear in the background it sounded like they were close to the victims, maybe even had been part of their group.

We had about 3 or 4 wildly different descriptions of the suspect. Was it one person or was it three? We’re they old or young? Black or white? We’re they wearing trench coats, hoodies, military style jackets?

We had a caller who had grabbed some kids and pulled them into a utility closet to hide.

We had calls coming in for the rest of the night and even the next day from people who were there and fled as soon as it started.

Just absolute chaos.

Fondots ,

I don’t think you’d see a shoe size drop from that (since it’s more volume loss than length)

For people with wide feet, it can sometimes be hard to find shoes that fit properly and you may have to go up a size or 2 to get shoes that work for you

I normally wear a US men’s size 11 wide and my shoes tend to be a bit long for me, but my feet aren’t fitting in anything much smaller comfortably. Wide shoes are usually an E or EE width, if I could more reliably find EEE width shoes I could probably go down to a size 10 or 10½, so I could definitely imagine someone in a similar situation going down a size by losing some weight

It’s especially frustrating when I go looking for safety toe shoes because usually that toe cap isn’t actually doing much to protect my feet and just kind of makes the shoe more uncomfortable

It’s also only about half the battle for me, because my toes are pretty wide but the rest of my foot and especially my heels are actually kind of narrow, so trying to find shoes that actually fit me well is basically impossible unless I start shelling out big bucks for custom made shoes.

Fondots ,

I support the merge for now, but I’d want there to be a plan in place to reopen them at some point if/when there is enough of a user base to support them

Ideally those communities do serve different niches even though there’s a lot of overlap and it would be kind of a shame if we reach a point where there’s enough of a community ready to use them but they’re stuck with the community locked up

Fondots ,

I have no idea what the mod tools and such are like on Lemmy, so I don’t know how feasible it is, but I feel like a good way to do it would be to enforce tagging posts, and once we hit a certain threshold of users using that tag the relevant community gets reopened

Making up numbers on the fly, but maybe something like after 100 different users have made posts with a certain tag and at least 10 of them have made at least 5 posts the relevant community gets reopened, and the main cooking community makes a stickied post and makes some automod comments or something advertising that it’s back open.

A lot of online communities get a lot of their content from a handful of power-users, so making sure that you have a handful of people who are repeatedly making relevant content I think is just as important as making sure you have bulk people who may only contribute occasionally, which is why I included having some users who have made multiple posts

Also when that critical mass is reached, some strategic timing for when to reopen them may be a good idea. Might get some extra buzz and activity to kick things off by reopening BBQ a couple weeks before memorial day when people are getting ready for summer cookouts and ask culinary around November as people are starting to plan for thanksgiving and Christmas

Fondots ,

I lost interest in AVE during COVID when he started supporting the Canadian trucker protests. Wasn’t surprised that he was conservative but that definitely didn’t sit right with me and haven’t watched him since.

I also felt like his quality was going downhill around that time anyway, not sure if he picked it back up since then or not.

Fondots ,

For me instant coffee is for backpacking, because when you’re busting your ass on the trail for a few days literally anything you can eat or drink tastes amazing

Hypothetically speaking, what alterations to our biology/genome would need to occur in order for us to be able to safely drink saltwater?

Could we, in theory, use something like CRISPR to give a new baby replacement super-kidneys (or whatever organ it is that makes drinking saltwater be a bad time)? It seems like if we cracked that, we’d be set as a species....

Fondots ,

If you’re growing salt-tolerant crops and only ever intend to use that land as farmland, that could arguably be a benefit, don’t have to use as many chemicals to control weeds and pests if the weeds and pests can’t tolerate the salt

Probably need to make sure that the salt is being contained to the farm area, and I’d imagine you would need to periodically flush it with fresh water or something if too much salt begins to accumulate in the soil for even your salt tolerant crops.

Is there an alternative to "motherfucker" that people would actually use?

The word can have swearing but not genderisation which might be offensive (mother) nor allusions to sexual dominance (motherfucker). Nor, other possibly offensive connotations. It seems that the word is commonplace and people won’t stop using it, so an alternative to the word may be useful. But the problem with alternatives,...

Fondots ,

Jawn and motherfucker are probably the only 2 words I could consider to be general purpose nouns that can be used to refer to pretty much any person place or thing.

I feel like in the case of MF though, vulgarity is kind of the point, it’s meant to be insulting, whether seriously or playfully. Jawn doesn’t really have that same negative connotation, so it sort of falls short on that count.

And of course motherfucker has added utility as an adjective by swapping in the -ing suffix. You can have a motherfucking jawn, but you wouldn’t normally have a jawning motherfucker.

NY bill would require a criminal history background check for the purchase of a 3D printer (

NY bill would require a criminal history background check for the purchase of a 3D printer::Requires a criminal history background check for the purchase of a three-dimensional printer capable of creating firearms; prohibits sale to a person who would be disqualified on the basis of criminal history from being granted a license...

Fondots ,

I agree with all of your points but have a small nitpick that I really wish people would stop calling it the gun show loophole

The loophole is that private sales (depending on state laws) don’t require a background check (which, to be clear, I disagree with)

But all of those guys with tables set up at the gun show are FFL dealers, buying from them is just like buying from any regular gun shop with all of the normal background checks and other requirements you’d expect in your state.

Now any of the random folks wandering around the show, in theory, could sell you a gun without any background check, but that’s not unique to them being at a gun show, they could do the same from their garage, a Walmart parking lot, a random street corner, a TGI Fridays, etc.

I’m also pretty sure that most, if not all gun shows specifically prohibit those private sales from happening at their events.

Again, I’d like to see the loophole closed, but calling it a gun show loophole just leaves the door open for gun nuts to say “lol, there is no gun show loophole, see you don’t even know what you’re talking about” because there’s really nothing unique about gun shows as it pertains to the law.

Instead i’d say we should refer to it as the private sale loophole or the Brady bill loophole.

Fondots ,

It doesn’t matter what it’s called, they’ll continue to oppose addressing it

That doesn’t mean we need to make it easy for them to oppose it. Don’t give them a stupid way to dismiss the conversation before it even gets off the ground, make them actually defend their position that private sales don’t

IMO, getting stuck calling it the gun show loophole when there are better things to call it because that’s what everyone has always called it has the same kind of energy as conservative assholes who refuse to learn a person’s pronouns or old people who never bothered to scrub things like “colored” or “oriental” from their vocabulary. Language can, does, and should change with the times, and we need to keep up with it.

Fondots ,

I tend to make the same assumption.

I am by no means anti gun, I like guns, enjoy shooting, I don’t currently own any because I have other priorities for my money, but if I suddenly found myself with a lot more disposable income I’d probably own a couple. That said, I do support a lot of gun control measures that would make the average Republican voter call me a crazy gun grabbing communist.

Mostly though, I hate seeing people pushing for laws and regulations when they clearly don’t understand what it is they’re trying to regulate. You see a lot of liberals get up in arms (and rightfully so) about shitty Internet laws crafted by geriatric politicians who can barely manage to check their own emails, but then go and make the same kind of mistakes with gun laws

To name one particularly egregious example, McCarthy describing a barrel shroud as “a shoulder thing that goes up” had similar energy no Stevens describing the internet as “a series of tubes” except the tubes analogy could actually kind of work for some internet issues (though not the specific one he was complaining about) whereas I can’t think of any way to twist the shoulder thing comment to make it apply to a barrel shroud.

Fondots ,

Them getting caught up on you calling it the gun show loophole is bikeshedding, and you can solve it by the simple action of calling it something else.

Fondots ,

It’s not about changing the gun nuts’ minds, like you said, it’s not going to happen, but there’s a whole lot of people out there without strong feelings one way or another, who don’t know about what laws are out there, and who are potentially open to being persuaded to your way of thinking, and if you want to convince them of your position, you don’t want to give your opposition an easy opportunity to derail the conversation and make it look like you don’t know what you’re talking about and they do.

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