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Dark_Arc , avatar

I don’t, and is kind of social media… but I think could help you with this.

Sam Altman feels Silicon Valley has lost its innovation culture, saying great research hasn't happened there in a 'long time' (

Sam Altman feels Silicon Valley has lost its innovation culture, saying great research hasn’t happened there in a ‘long time’::“Before OpenAI, what was the last really great scientific breakthrough that came out of a Silicon Valley company?” Altman said on a Wednesday podcast.

Dark_Arc , avatar

The RCA story is really interesting. Technology Connections has a video on it.

I’m not sure it’s fair to say that they couldn’t afford it, but they couldn’t afford undirected research.

Dark_Arc , avatar

It’s a shame idTech is no longer released publicly. It would’ve been amazing to see what people could do with the beast of an engine that powered DOOM Eternal, especially modders.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Unless you’re a literal slave (which is a different problem) you’re free to leave those jobs, just you might have to move (leaving family and friends) or you might never make as much money/your lifestyle suffers. That’s vastly different from “if you leave your job we may literally kill you or throw you in a prison cell where you won’t see daylight for days, weeks, months, or years.”

Don’t get me wrong, those people trapped in their jobs by circumstance are not in envious situations (and in many contexts their issues should be taken seriously), but they’re still way better off than many in true dictatorships.

You can argue that both don’t provide “real choices” but one really doesn’t provide choices.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Reddit/Lemmy just leads to the same questions getting repeated again and again because it’s easier to ask again if you don’t see a discussion on the subject that interest you in the first few results.

I wonder if this just comes down to moderation strategy more than anything else.

Reddit does have post archiving, but there’s nothing otherwise stopping dead posts from being repeatedly revived. A lot of old forums would request a fresh thread as well when one got “necro bumped.”

Dark_Arc , avatar

I feel like part of that might be the subtly of the avatars here vs forums where people tend to have unique large pictures and signatures

Dark_Arc , avatar

How I wish you could buy digital copies… the only option is pirating or buying physical copies and turning them into digital copies.

Dark_Arc , avatar

What are you talking about “every lock pictured”? There are two pictured that are a keypad and a 9-volt battery terminal.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Think we all need some more context. Tunnel assassination plan? Points of contact diffused?

Dark_Arc , avatar

Really? First I’m hearing of it, are you sure you just don’t have an HDMI 2.1 cable?

Dark_Arc , avatar

Have you tried enabling the ribbon interface?

Dark_Arc , avatar

I did some of my gaming for like 2 years for basically free thanks to Google’s refund, and got free gaming hardware (controllers)… call me an idiot or call me a genius, but, that was a heck of a deal. I’d do it again.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Why is tech struggling for qualified workers?

Because it refuses to acknowledge them.

This seems to be a common problem with industries that just can’t find talent. “Qualified” is used in place of “they meet our desires perfectly.”

It’s the same idea even as absurd incel dating ideals. The issue may be the candidates sure; but maybe just maybe, the issue is you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you’re being (un)reasonable.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Going to plug inoreader. Feedly has IMO lost its way, they’re way too focused on selling thousand dollar annual “AI” powered monitoring solutions.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Inoreader for a great cross device experience

What are your go-to brands for any electronic, networking, computing accessories or peripherals?

Hi all, since ya’ll are self hosters, I’m sure you all deal with all sorts of different pieces of hardware, accessories, peripherals, and what not; just wondering if you could please share your favorite, solid, “go to” brands for overall things you need for your setup such as cables (all types), adapters, dongles, power...

Dark_Arc , avatar

The feeling I get from Belkin is that the hardware is decent, but their software is always atrocious

Dark_Arc , avatar

I’m okay-ish with this but let’s not make the “empowering a foreign authoritarian government” mistake again… don’t buy made in China or Vietnam if you can find a similar product made elsewhere.

Dark_Arc , avatar

You say that, but most of the time when somebody gets hacked it’s operator error and not a programming issue (i.e. the account was given to the person via social engineering not by the person defeating the authentication system).

Dark_Arc , avatar

The problem is Amazon puts everything with the same SKU in the same bin. So your “xingwang productions” Pixel phones are in the same place as the official “Google Store” stuff.

I basically stopped buying on Amazon unless there’s no other way to get what I want (or it doesn’t matter that much) because of this. Definitely not touching any food, skin cream, etc from there or expensive electronics.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Just bought from them for the first time the other day, good all around experience 🙂

Dark_Arc , avatar

(Just for those unaware, this is a reference to the show “The IT Crowd”, great sit com style comedy)

Why are people hyped about RSS regaining relevance? (

According to Google Trends, during the past few years, there has been nothing but a few minor bumps that faded away as quickly as they came. I love RSS because i do not have to scroll through dozens of different news sites all day and i would love it to return....

Dark_Arc , avatar

Yup, Twitter was the awesome condensed RSS alternative with great short summaries by necessity that melted down.

Dark_Arc , avatar


Can you share any details about what you like about it? :)

Dark_Arc , avatar

What are you interested in? I have lots of feeds haha

They’ve grown up online. So why are our kids not better at detecting misinformation? (

They’ve grown up online. So why are our kids not better at detecting misinformation?::Recent studies have shown teens are more susceptible than adults. It’s a problem researchers, teachers and parents are only beginning to understand.

Dark_Arc , avatar

The serious stuff is increasingly nation states, and there are for sure psychologists involved in that.

The influence operation was the seventh from China that Meta has removed in the last six years. Four of them were found in the last year, said the company, which published details of the new operation as part of a quarterly security report.

The effort appeared to “learn and mimic” Russian-style influence operations, Meta said. It also appeared aimed at a broad audience. At times, posts were in Chinese on websites such as the Chinese financial forum Nanyangmoney. At other times, posts were in Russian, German, French, Korean, Thai and Welsh on sites such as Facebook and Instagram, which are banned in China.

Reddit users are reporting Christian websites for violating Virginia's new porn identification law, citing vulgar passages in the Bible (

As more and more states pass laws targeting "pornographic material" in books and online, they are repeatedly running up against a problem: The Bible has not just a few passages that could be considered indecent

Dark_Arc , (edited ) avatar

It’s not a broad generalization at all. It’s a widespread pattern of hypocritical and contradictory conservative outrage, statements, and laws.

  • “I should be able to teach kids about the Bible in school, but you can’t teach them about Yoga”
  • “we can’t have vulgar language, oh unless it’s from our religious book”
  • “I can’t make a cake for you because you’re gay and that’s against my religion. What do you mean you won’t make a Christian cake? That’s religious discrimination!”
  • “Happy holidays!??! Happy holidays??! You monster, how dare you wage war on Christmas! We have religious liberty in this country! What do you mean that protects other religions? There’s only one God and one religion!”
  • “It’s totally fine that the polling places in large democratic areas have hours long waits so long as my polling places are quick and easy”
  • “it’s totally fine that a county with 10,000 people has the same number of ballot drop boxes as a country with 3,000,000 people”
  • “marriage is between a man and woman … and may include 17 divorces; they gays can’t have it”
  • “we need to teach kids (i.e., indoctrinate them in the ways of) Jesus not this woke (black history, trans, etc)”
  • “let’s let white kids off with a slap on the wrist while we throw a black kid in jail for smoking a plant”
  • “I can’t believe a president could have such a scandal in the white house as to have had an affair with an assistant! We need to impeach! No, I don’t think extorting an ally for information about an opponent is worthy of an impeachment! Trying to overthrow a legitimate presidental victor with a procedural trick? Nah that’s not worth an impeachment either! Oh but hey, this Biden guy’s son who lost one of his parents and a sibling in a car crash, that lost his brother to cancer, that has a drug problem, called his dad while he was in business meetings to show off… so you know his dad definitely was up to something! We’ve got to impeach him over that! What do you mean that was before he was even president and that’s completely unprecedented?”
  • “We should totally lock her up for those emails! What do you mean the guy screaming that’s son and law did the exact same thing?”
  • “We’re sorry we can’t appoint a supreme court justice just before the election! Psych! We totally can if it’s nominated by OUR president!”
  • "We need law and order in this country! What do you mean Trump broke the law? Nah, I’m not hearing it; this is clearly a partisan witch hunt and the majority conservative staff of the FBI is out to get conservatives! Oh but we’ll DEFINITELY weaponize the federal government and go after our political rivals full steam if we get the presidency in 2024"
  • “I believe abortion is amoral, that’s why I hid the fact that my ex/current lovers have had one”
  • “I believe homosexuality is amoral, that’s why I am one in the closet”
  • “we’re going to be the party of health care, but don’t watch as we strip you of your federal protections for your health care”
  • “we’re the party of the little man, but don’t watch as we cut taxes for the rich (and you but make sure that expires under the next term (probably while the Democrats are in power)”
  • “the national debt is an outage! Oh let’s spend as much as Obama did in half the time! Oh Biden is in power again, spending is out of control!”
  • “the problem isn’t guns it’s mental health, but we’re not going to do anything about that either! Must be because the kids aren’t in church, the gays, video games, or hey look over there, a squirrel!”
  • “climate change? Nah. It’s not real. Okay maybe it is, but it doesn’t matter because look at China! Oh we could make a dent and get the ball rolling? Well, it’s too late anyways, we should’ve been building nuclear plants! What do you mean I just made that up? Clearly I’ve been trying to solve this via nuclear the whole time, and it’s not another dog whistle! Oh and btw all of my top presidential candidates say they don’t believe in man made climate change! But yeah, totally serious about this issue!!”

… and that’s just off the top of my head. If you’re a conservative, wake up, your party is a mess.

Dark_Arc , (edited ) avatar

I’d argue it does, conservative lawmaking has consistently operated with a distinct understanding (and execution) that shows “this applies to them not us.” I’d love for conservative law makers to do what they say and say what they mean. However, they won’t and thus can’t build a coalition that gets them elected by being honest about their policy goals.

Conservative law making in the US has become at its core “outrage politics” (and that depends on selectively enforcing ideals, policies, and laws/antagonizing part of the population). I don’t make generalizations lightly, but this is the core and fundamental piece holding the Republican party together, and it’s an awful state of affairs.

This can be further demonstrated by Vivek Ramaswamy climbing in the polls despite, as Chris Christie put it, “sounding like ChatGPT.”

Dark_Arc , avatar

I’ll be honest, the point was less for him and more for lurkers, that might not pay as much attention and might benefit from an outline. I gave up on changing the mind of the person I’m replying to on the internet a long time ago (if it happens great!) … but I want to challenge and cut through the “noise” for the casual observer.

Dark_Arc , avatar

K. When you figure out what discourse you want to have come back without an empty argument.

You’ve just proven everyone else’s point that wrote you off. You’ve made no supportive arguments for your position and resorted to an opaque moral high ground where everyone else is an idiot.

College students are still struggling with basic math. Professors blame the pandemic (

Colleges across the country are grappling with the same problem as academic setbacks from the pandemic follow students to campus. At many universities, engineering and biology majors are struggling to grasp fractions and exponents. More students are being placed into pre-college math, starting a semester or more behind for their...

Dark_Arc , avatar

Yeah… I started college back in 2013 and had a roommate that didn’t know order of operations…

I think we’re failing trying to focus too much on quantity over quality. There were tricks I didn’t learn until college that someone should’ve taught me years ago. Things my parents learned that stayed with them for decades nobody ever bothered to tell me, and occasionally either they or someone from their generation would just say something like “9 * something adds up to 9 (e.g. 9 * 5 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9)”, “move the decimal place and multiply by two to calculate the tip”, “i before e except after c.”

But nope, didn’t learn that, instead I “learned” 3 different ways to do the same thing for solving various algebra situations and at 28 remember none of them. I feel very sorry for the common core kids, I expect them to retain even less with common core’s embrace of this approach. Teaching people multiple ways to do something is great, but ultimately the teacher is going to use one, and they’re going to move too fast for you to translate “their way” into “your way” (at least that was my experience in high school math when I tried to do it a way different than what the teacher was teaching).

Dark_Arc , avatar

Why? A drink driver was already going to be in a world of trouble before, this just doesn’t leave children hanging for their bull shit.

Dark_Arc , avatar

I don’t drink, but I’ve known plenty of people that can have a potent margarita, hangout for an hour or two, and then hop on one foot or do a cartwheel just fine.

I have serious doubts those folks are any more of a danger to anyone than the average driver or the average tired or emotional driver.

I guess what I’m saying is… it’s idealistic to never be impaired and always be at 100% but there’s a tolerable amount of impairment where realistically it’s not going to have an impact, and I think the law takes that into account appropriately as is; so as to say driving after a drink is not the same thing as driving while drunk. It’s not the folks genuinely having one or two, it’s the folks that had “one or two” (12) barely made it to their car and then went down the road.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Well coffee can be an interesting one. Some people use it to post about interesting coffees and others just use it in their “beautiful morning” post.

There was another I forget what it was, but it ended up pulling in startrek fans instead of whatever it was the hashtag was normally used for.

Dark_Arc , (edited ) avatar

These laws, castle doctrine, are not anywhere near that crazy. They’re the same idea as self defense… however, normally you have a “duty to retreat”, what castle doctrine says is if you’re in your own home you no longer have that obligation.

You still have to meet the bar for self defense, i.e., they need to be a threat… someone walking in your yard or knocking on your door that’s not brandishing a weapon is not going to meet that bar.

Edit: Wikipedia disagrees with me … though I’m not sure if that’s a factual disagreement or an editorial disagreement.

Justifiable homicide[2] in self-defense which happens to occur inside one’s home is distinct, as a matter of law, from castle doctrine because the mere occurrence of trespassing—and occasionally a subjective requirement of fear—is sufficient to invoke the castle doctrine. The burden of proof of fact is much less challenging than that of justifying homicide in self-defense. It would be a misconception of law to infer that because a state has a justifiable homicide in self-defense provision pertaining to one’s domicile, it has a castle doctrine protecting the estate and exonerating any duty whatsoever to retreat therefrom.

There’s a lack of citation here which honestly should probably be raised on the wiki. The cited source does not support that text (I’ve added the appropriate citation requests on the wikipedia side – if anyone can prove these claims, we should contribute the reference there as well).

Dark_Arc , avatar

I agree with the rage, but I personally – snowball in hell it may be – hope he and the others that participated in this come to realize why what they did is wrong and come to eventually speak against it.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Just FYI, Thomas Webster got 10 years and Stewart Rhodes got 18 years. (So as to say this isn’t the first that’s actually gotten some significant time behind bars)

Dark_Arc , avatar

I’m skeptical as well, but I believe in redemption

Fatal shooting of University of South Carolina student who tried to enter wrong home 'justifiable,' police say (

The homeowner who fatally shot a 20-year-old University of South Carolina student who tried to enter the wrong home on the street he lived on Saturday morning will not face charges because the incident was deemed “a justifiable homicide” under state law, Columbia police announced Wednesday....

Dark_Arc , avatar

That type of thing happens in the US as well. It doesn’t ALWAYS end with a gun. I’d say most of the time it doesn’t.

This person broke a window though and was actively forcing themselves into the home. That’s a pretty big difference from “trying a key and ringing the doorbell.”

It’s always going to be a judgement call, for a different intruder theirs would’ve been the right call. It’s not even about guns, there are knives, drugs, etc. They’re all relevant and the kinds of people that are breaking windows can be dangerous.

I forget all the details but a former neighbors son had an extremely traumatic experience when he was out with a trainee as a paramedic and a guy hopped up on some concoction of drugs incapacitated him (I think by throwing him against the wall) and then the dude spun around and beat the trainee’s skull in with some object.

Just because you haven’t heard of it… doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen in your country, but I hope you’re right. Idealistically you’re definitely right, this sort of thing never should happen, but sometimes there’s no good answer; you just do the best you can with the information and situation you’re in.

Dark_Arc , avatar

I mean, this is the issue with purity tests. EVERYBODY, even you, even me, has something about them or some take that a large number of people will be offended by.

(But yeah, use something else in this case because why wouldn’t you)

Dark_Arc , avatar

No. That’s not at all right. Accidents happen, no two countries are going to go to war over one random person accidentally shot.

It isn’t going to lead to a nice conversation, but that doesn’t mean it could (or should) lead to a war.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Well, it’s…? But yes he’s a clown.

Dark_Arc , avatar

Oh, I guess it does, I swear it was working as just for a while, I guess I was mistaken.

Dark_Arc , avatar

It’s still a crime. Taking the pictures is a crime. Sharing the pictures is also a crime.

In its first week, Immortals of Aveum had a peak count of just 751 players on Steam. (

After 5 years in development and heavily pushing Unreal Engine 5 technologies, Immortals of Aveum was met with a whopping 751 player peak. For reference, Forspoken was considered a flop but still had over 12,000 players peak total. This may be the biggest flop of the year.

Dark_Arc , avatar

That surely doesn’t apply to the situations I discussed above where the bathrooms are recessed (and/or just generally wouldn’t be blocking anything if the door was open).

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