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Do I Need to Watch Discovery To Enjoy SNW?

Hi all! Long time Star Trek fan here with my first post. I’m gonna start out by saying that I promise I’m not a hater of Discovery at all. It just has done nothing for me and from what I read, has not made any changes that would have solved my personal issues with it. I’m fine with others liking it and honestly wish that I...

Cagi , (edited )

Yes. Not all of it, just the first 2 seasons. People saying no are forgetting Pike learning something about himself in Discovery is basically his prime motivator throughout SNW. It is a fundamental pillar of his character.

Spock has some important backstory in Disco as well. Good for general star trek edification but not necessary to enjoy spock as a character in SNW.

Cagi ,

When the Captain finds Neelix and Tuvok intertwined in an intimate coupling, she is forced to order them to break up.

Cagi ,

Porsche Unleashed! That game taught me how to do real life 180s and 360s and that may favourite car colour is deep green. Great race replays too.

Star Trek shows come in varying degrees of quality, but one thing that has remained consistently good is the casting of Amanda Grayson, Spock's mom.

She’s always this small, fair skinned dark featured woman, but more importantly is her strength and gentleness, and how they empower eachother. The subtleties are differently from series to series, but they’re all good portrayals of a complex, interesting character.

Cagi OP ,

They really nail him, yeah. Nimoy had many female admirers but was not your typical handsome man. But his portrayals have been getting more and more traditionally sexy. I’m a straight dude, but only when it’s humans. 🖖🍑🥕

Cagi ,

What are the bad faith laws in the US like? In my province (BC) here in Canada the courts would publicly flay you for such blatant bad faith coverage. When I worked in insurance we had regular seminars with the lawyers on bad faith; the punitive damages can be (intentionally) ruinous to insurers.

Should I text him back if we've each ghosted one another for a month at a time and had great phone calls before even going on a date that didn't go well? Please read post for full context

I would really appreciate any help! I connected with this guy on a dating app a few months ago and we started texting. It naturally paused while I was traveling during the holidays, and he said update him upon my return. However, I had to deal with a traumatic personal matter and needed time to decompress after the loss. I was...

Cagi ,

There are more compatible people for you out there, life is too short to waste on someone with whom you have this many issues after only 1 date.

Cagi ,

Here in BC, wine is one of our biggest industries. Winter killed off 99% of our vines. They have been given money to replant and survive, but we might be looking at the end of a major industry if these cold snaps are going to be an annual thing. And it’s not like you can just replant and go on as normal, this will take multiple growing seasons to recover. These are some of the best spots for summer seasonal work and a big part of BC tourism, it could all evaporate.

Cagi ,

The holes have been apparent for ages and they are being kept open. If they fixed their laws, great, but it is a country full of sexual violence because those laws are kept broken. I will absolutely judge India on its sexual violence problem that has existed in the global spotlight for decades without improvement. It would be silly not to.

Cagi , (edited )

Cherry picking the one example in a sea of extreme sexual violence isn’t helping. India has a rape problem and it’s laws are to blame, new ones and old ones alike.

Cagi , (edited )

I agree social issues are a primary factor and I’m famiar with its rape statistics compared to other nations, I am just not someone who can comment on the social issues as I am not a member of any of Indian cultures I don’t feel qualified to comment on them. But my thoughts on the legal side of the issue aren’t unfounded. The Last few years has seen some improvement in rape legislation, but it is not like they are fixing everything and all is well on the legal side. India just had an opportunity to define marital rape as rape but didn’t. This is the most common form of rape. There absolutely are attempts to keep some laws open and in this case, maybe the most potentially impactful, those regressive voices won. That stastic is low because of the narrow definition of rape, not just social attitudes preventing reporting. Enforcement and judicial systems are both negligent in solving the rape problem too.

So things are getting better, but they still have a long way to go before it I’ll be convinced the legal system is up to the task of easing the rape problem in good faith.

Cagi ,

Because it’s a meme, not an essay.

Cagi ,

She is a billionaire in her own right, she doesn’t need to be paid off, she’s rich enough to do what she wants without consequences. Like blatantly break hate crime laws solely to flaunt her legal immunity.

The only billions that corrupted her were her own, but all they did was expose who she is deep down.

Cagi , (edited )

She can also do what she wants without social consequences. Trans allies don’t mind gifting her another few million here and there in royalties for spin off products like Hogwarts Legacy. She has outright said she feels justified on being a bigot because people keep making her richer, “allies” included. Allies are only allies when they don’t have to contend with even the most minor temptation.

With discord planning to show ads, how can the fediverse/lemmy benefit from another proprietary program making itself worse? (Like it was with reddit)

Do you think that the fediverse has something to gain with the enshitfication of discord? Are there voice chat programs in the fediverse that can benefit from it?

Cagi , (edited )

Yeah, there are some glaring issues with account and content deletion. Lemmy too, for that matter. If I delete something, I don’t want it to be just slightly obscured and easily recovered, I want it to be erased, unseeable forever. But that aspect of privacy doesn’t count in the FOSS circle jerk hive mind. “Keeping illegal revenge porn online forever is worth it so long as they don’t tell advertisers what colour I like”.

Jon Stewart takes aim at his former Apple bosses on ‘The Daily Show’ (

This week, Jon Stewart devoted his edition of to tackling a topic that he claims his former bosses at Apple barred him from exploring. “I wanted to have you on a podcast and Apple asked us not to do it,” the late-night host...

Cagi ,

Common misconception, it’s actually “toe the line”. I used to think it was tow too.

Cagi , (edited )

Your reach and mass are doing you way more favours than vulnerabilities in a violent situation.

Cagi ,

Spying on your nudes with their illegal stingray vans between beatings of the mentally ill. The VPD SOP.

Cagi ,

Different winds. There’s a gust over the wavier bits.

Cagi ,

Hath not the potter power over the clay, to make one vessel unto honour and another unto dishonour?

Cagi ,

Honestly, especially games made by big, publicly traded companies. They make games based on marketing algorithms. Buying good games only improves the algorithm.

Cagi ,

HVAC. Takes just as much to learn as other trades but you make way more money.

Cagi OP , (edited )

There’s lots of info on the Kickstarter page, but yes, each role will have lots to do. In the tech demo, there’s a tutorial where you start the ship up from a cold start to give you a taste of the engineering role. It takes a long time, you gotta start up the main reactor and distribute power. The ship has kilometers of pipes and wires that deliver power and resources around the ship, all of which need maintenance and repairs over time. When they go down, the components they supply go with them. Every role will have tasks, except passengers. Every role will be fillable by NPCs. If you want to be the lone head chef player on a ship of NPCs, go for it! Just pick the job that has the right amount of task time and type for you.

Landing on planets will be achieved by using shuttles, the big starship doesn’t land. I’m very excited about flying shuttles.

Combat is definitely going to be a thing, ship to ship as well as small arms, repelling boarders or boarding something else yourself. Ship to ship combat is lasers and railguns, nothing that requires storing explosive chemicals for munitions.

Other races will be procedurally generated, as will their attitudes. They might want to hug you and give you cool technology to use or they might shoot strangers on sight, or something in between. If LLMs get their training sources sorted, costs down, and are able to run locally within the game client, then alien races might have lots to say. But those are big ifs.

Essentially, the story is we’re humanity’s first long range exploration vessel. We’ve only ever been to alpha centauri, and that took a long time. Now we need to go out and explore. Players will have the option to share game databases, so while we are in our own games and locally hosted servers, we can explore the galaxy together like it was an MMO.

This game isn’t intended to be wall to wall excitement, this is going for a simulation, which means immersion, roleplaying, believability, and atmosphere are more important than constantly engaging in gameloops. It’s going to be more exciting than flying a jet liner in flight simulator, but this isn’t a very arcady experience. There is downtime, so I prefer bigger multiplayer servers to fill that time with hanging out or making our own emergent fun. That makes it more niche, not for everyone. But it is for me :).

Cagi OP , (edited )

The ship is really Star Trek looking, truly, but it’s getting replaced with a much less infringy looking one. We can all see this is the off brand version of the Star Trek game we wish we had, but they are very safe from a lawsuit. Once you get into it, you see enough of a difference that it’s riffing on Star Trek, certainly, but it’s still enough of its own thing. The new ship will really do this game a lot of favours in setting it apart instead of leaning into it.

Cagi OP ,

They’re already almost half funded on day 1, so they’ll at least get their shot, which is always nice.

I don’t think they plan the same level of fidelity as other games, the character models and rigs are pretty basic, the bulk of it just building content like art for planets. Going from ship to planet in a shuttle, for example, will have a loading screen and it will load you into to a flat word that uses trickery to appear to have a curved horizon. Procedural generation of terrain and stuff is actually pretty easy these days, engines have it all ready to go.

So I’m fairly optimistic! We may not get every feature, but I do think we’ll see a 1.0 in a few years if funding keeps going this well.

Cagi OP ,

Poor old girls. I do love them though. And the constellation. Two small elderly ladies full of character.

Cagi OP , (edited )

I’m just a fan, I just have been following it for a while. The dev is very active in their discord, does weekly livestreams, lots of the game ideas have been discussed, and these aren’t new questions. These are the same questions everyone asks, so I know the answer. You can see on their discord I’m just a fanboy if you search my username, same one I use here.

Cagi OP ,

I’m also a windbag.

Cagi , (edited )

But games journalists are the most ethical and truthful of all journalists and definitely haven’t been misrepresenting this project to drum up drama and clicks for years. It’s just a coincidence that Star Citizen drama makes their shareholders richer.

No need for an informed opinion here, I will keep the opinion The Escapist and the Reddit Hive Mind told me to have, they’re never wrong. Derek Smart? More like Derek Genius.

Cagi ,

I invite discord to create a gaming chat app that is lightweight and highly optimized so I can use while I game without a noticable hit to my resources, not a badly optimized, bloated platform unto itself that keeps on fattening up with useless features.

Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' (

Well, I mean, I would have launched it first (as an AAA game), but I’m no game developer. 🤷 And neither are they, from the looks of it. Good at perpetually raking in money for himself and his family, though!

Cagi ,

Y’all have been burned too much, so when you see someone creating something bright and exciting, all you see is fire. Stop reading clickbait headlines, stop taking the word of tinfoil hat loonies just because it satisfies your irrationalinal desire to hate this game. They get so much wrong and manipulate the rest you’ll feel like a fool when you see for yourself. Try the next ree fly, face the cognitive dissonance and make up your own mind. Then get frustrated with the manufactured outrage that tricked you from having fun with us this whole time.

Gaming journalism is about generating clicks for shareholders, full stop, but you’ll believe them over an independent studio run by a guy whose career is full of beloved, well made space games. You have fallen into an enshittification trap and are missing out because of it.

Cagi ,

Look at the number of comments on posts about hating star citizen. If you were an unscrupulous gaming news company, generating Star Citizen drama equals clicks and money. Go watch the weekly Inside Star Citizen episodes or dev livestreams, read the massive monthly reports, use the dev tracker to communicate with one of their thousand employees on the forums. This is a game being made in good faith. How is a constantly growing playerbase and financial success somehow considered a sign this game is bad? How does spending that money on development , pushing out massive quarterly updates and inventing new gaming tech mean this project is dead? How does the most openly developed game out there mean they are clandestine fraudsters? It’s the shareholders of gaming news who are trustworthy here? Think critically, don’t just feed your initial reaction.

Cagi ,

Even if a satisfactory product come out the other end, it’ll still be an internet legend.

No doubt on that score, lol.

Cagi ,

Have you ever played it?

Cagi ,

Phew. Poe’s law.

What is a gender neutral replacement for man, guys, buddy, etc?

So I’ve realized that in conversations I’ll use traditional terms for men as general terms for all genders, both singularly and for groups. I always mean it well, but I’ve been thinking that it’s not as inclusive to women/trans people....

Cagi ,

I’ve statted using it and I’m Canadian.

Cagi ,

Dude isn’t quite there yet. The phrase “I fuck dudes” has only one interpretation still.

There are still lots of reasonable women who don’t want to be called dude as it is still associated with masculine people.

Cagi , (edited )

Without providing an alternative, this infographic (not a meme) is useless to me. For all I know, every other kind of trouser is worse. Without a source for the data, it could all just be lies.

Cagi ,

Did you ever play SimCopter? Fly around your simcity 2000 city in a helicopter doing jobs? It was my favourite game for a long time.

Cagi ,

Yep! Every building has a 3d representation in sim copter.

Cagi ,

Respecting others privacy isn’t a judgement against you. If it doesn’t involve you, it’s not your business, your own curiosity will have to go unsatisfied. That’s how you respect others’ privacy too, by staying out of it. If you need to know, you’ll know. And by asking someone to betray a secret puts them in an awkward place. Trying to learn others’ secrets is just all around rude. Be trustworthy, not a sneaky gossip.

Cagi ,

Here’s a link to the site built for regular users who don’t know GitHub:

Cagi ,

I feel this way too. You find premium currency laying around all over the place. You can buy everything in the store and the premium warbond for free if explore around as you play, just like any of the other in-game currencies.

Cagi ,

They were simply hired by the Roddenberry Estate to do it legit (VR for more devices soon):

They also did this: ……/The_Orville__Interactive_Fan_…

And for those who dig this sort of thing, their affiliate studio’s upcoming rad Starship Simulator game:…/Starship_Simulator/

Cagi ,

What is the practical, measurable impact on my life of big corpo knowing my info? Seems like a lot of ass ache for without any measurable benefits beyond some principles stand big corpo doesn’t care about. It’s not like Big Corpo isn’t getting your info. Using Chrome and a VPN on the Google spy drone in your pocket isn’t hiding anything from Google. If Big Corpo wants your data, they will get it. They are better at getting it than we are at hiding it. The only solution is legislative, not individual nerds putting up knee high fences and feeling morally superior about it.

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