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Aria ,

Are you taking the piss mate??

The is the UK government. They are not the Russian military. I’m confused why you thought they’d be. So no, they are not a primary source. isn’t the Russian military either. Did you think they were part of the BBC maybe and since BBC is Russia, Politico would be Russia too? Anyway, they’re actually a German private business. They aren’t a primary source either obviously.

ABC News also isn’t the Russian military. Did you really think the Russian military controlled all the major Western news sites?? is also not the Russian state. They are the government of Qatar. It’s a completely different country. Not a primary source. is not the Russian government. They’re a lobbying group in the USA. You need to scroll down to see where it says, but it’s on the page you linked, so it’s weird you didn’t notice. As a general tip, Russian government websites are on the .ru top-level-domain. is the UK government again. They’re still not Russia and still not a primary source. Did you think the UK was part of Russia? isn’t a primary source either. The “ny” is short for “new york” which is a city in the USA. The USA and Russia are different countries. is a Canadian thing, the .ca means Canada. If you thought Russia owned the UK maybe that’s where you went wrong, since The UK owned Canada at some point in the past, but actually Canada is a sovereign country now. They’re not part of the UK or of Russia. is the website for the Philadelphia inquirer, it’s the same situation as the nytimes one, where it’s named after a city in the USA, because they are not Russian. The Russian military didn’t name themselves after a city in the USA. It’s really strange you would think they did.

Washington post is named after another city in the USA. “Washington”. Did you really think all of these outlets were the Russian military, or did you perhaps just not know what a primary source is?

Aria ,

I was just showing that the world outside russia agrees putin has on a few occasions threatened the use of strategic weapons.

Why? Why are you showing this? Your evidence is weaker than that shown by [email protected] and pushes the same agenda as that post. Your post is completely superfluous unless you can address the specific shortcoming of that post, which is a shortcoming of proof.

This is [email protected]’s reply to [email protected]’s post.

Pretty much none of those were actually stated by Russia. The trend has been that it’s the west that make up these red lines, then crosses them and says, see nothing happened. Last I checked, the actual red line Russia set out was Ukraine joining NATO, and when that red line was ignored the war started. This notion that you can just keep pushing a nuclear superpower and nothing bad will happen is imbecilic beyond belief.

If you bother reading the sources, then you’ll see that these aren’t primary sources of anything the Russian government said. These are articles and interpretations by western analysts and think tanks. Feel free to link statements from the Russian government though.

To which you replied. Now given that your message is a reply and not a new thread, it’s should be expected to actually respond to the criticism that there was a lack of proof. A proof of a statement is very easy to get, since all you need to do is link the statement or a recording of the statement. This isn’t a case where you’re asked to prove something where proof wouldn’t exist or could be ambiguous.

Now in this most recent reply, you pretend that you didn’t realise the current topic was about finding primary sources. But if we go further back in the thread, this reply from you shows that you do actually understand that you’re being asked to provide a primary source:

Where are your primary sources?

I’m using “you’re” to include your side of the argument, not “thou”. You also claim to have a primary source available. Linking this source with a timestamp should be easy for you. This would completely win the argument in your favour. The only reason you wouldn’t do this is if you are deliberately lying.

They did and some of us watched it live (we are told) on russian state TV in 2022,2023 and just last month. Please provide primary sources that contradict what I witnessed. But yes, if you want to have a official statement watch the victory day parade speech putin made.

Putin is a primary source on the statements Putin has made. This is excellent for you because if he said something to the effect of what was alleged by [email protected] then you will have addressed [email protected]’s two comments. [email protected] made a strong emotional argument which you agree with, its only shortcoming is that it’s lacking supporting evidence. You joined this thread to provide supporting evidence, because emotional rhetoric was already supplied by [email protected]. Do you see now how adding additional and weaker emotional arguments is not further strengthening the emotional argument? This is because the emotional argument is already strong enough, it simply needs to be supported by evidence so that it can be considered.

You recognised this in the past and are now deliberately lying about your intentions. You wrote:

Should be [easy to find], go nuts look it up.

This is because you knew that if the evidence existed, it would’ve completed [email protected]’s argument, which you agreed with. You didn’t deny the existence of the proof because you understood that it would cause the argument to not be considered. You also didn’t provide the proof yourself because didn’t want to. Potentially because you knew it didn’t exist, which would be a second lie. But regardless, you have lied once during this argument.

[email protected]’s next comment which you responded to is the following.

I can’t look up what does not exist. There is no such statement, you made it up and now you’re asking me to prove a negative.

This is the comment which you chose to respond to by “showing that the world outside russia agrees putin has on a few occasions threatened the use of strategic weapons.”

This makes no sense. That is not a sensible reply to that comment. Why would you assume anyone else would follow when you switch topics unannounced? You wouldn’t. You are lying about the intention of your comment. Your comment was meant to be interpreted as primary sources. You were hoping no one would notice that you failed to provide them.

This is the evidence for you now claiming to not have intended to provide primary sources. This is a quote from you, so it’s a primary source.

My “pithy one-liner” was a dig on how another .Ml person just so happens to show up to have the argument as the russian apologist. No where did I claim to provide any primary sources, in fact if you look you can see me making fun of that requirement.

Neither [email protected] nor I are users. [email protected] can’t be described as a Russian apologist since no Russian claims were addressed or apologised for. The only claims that have been substantiated in this thread with evidence were western ones.

You end by saying you were making fun of the requirement to provide evidence. This is a stupid statement. This is clearly a lie because no reasonable person would think it is anything but expected for evidence to be part of an argument or statement.

Aria ,

The two sources [email protected] provided are for a NATO statement, a primary source, and the Wikipedia page for burden of proof, a concept that doesn’t have a primary source. In this thread [email protected] has a perfect track record of using 100% (1) primary source, and 0% (0) secondary sources.

Aria ,

Cars, including EVs are bad. Climate tax on EVs to encourage public transport use is good climate policy. I’m not trying to imply that’s what’s happening here. European EVs aren’t* better. I just want to push back against EVs being a viable strategy for fighting climate change.

*In theory it’s possible for a European made product to be made with the same emissions as a Chinese made product, and then there would be one fewer ship journey involved in delivering it to customers. But in reality, European production has higher emissions because of laxer environmental protection mandates.

But I agree with the sentiment of your comment 100%. There’s evil desire among our policy makers to limit Chinese solar panels in the EU. Everyone’s priority should be to maximise solar panel use, even if that means having to fully subside production. There shouldn’t be any scenario where a manufacturer in China is willing to sell us solar panels and we put up barriers to that sale.

Aria ,

He also came with some pretty good receipts that appear to show .ml mods removing criticism of China that, whether you agree with it or not, didn’t seem to violate any rules, and was well within the bounds of what most people would consider civil discourse.

but what he showed seems legit, and I’m not sure he could have provided more evidence without encouraging brigading.

Based on just your link, it just kinda looks like he was posting unsourced gore. That doesn’t feel like civil discourse to me.

I don’t really see any criticism being removed. If Katana314’s message was congruent with reality it would count, but otherwise just making accusations isn’t criticism.

Aria ,

Alright hold on setting up my GOG dead man trigger. I wonder what info I need to include. So far I have an email going to support with the text “I AM DEAD”. I hope they don’t change address between now and when I die.

Aria ,

Firefox has ads. Very many ads. Out of the box, Firefox sends everything you type into the URL bar to a ‘search provider’. They also place traditional ads in the New Tab page, in the URL area chrome, and in your bookmarks. And probably other places I’m forgetting right now.

Aria ,

Why do you pronounce “le” as “el”?

Aria ,

Would be better if they bought Chinese trains

Aria ,

Making Assassin’s Creed? That’s where you draw the line?

Aria ,

This is a mirror. The uptime is bad, so you might need to refresh a few times or try again in 10 minutes if you get an error.…/1379986675103789058

Aria ,

How do I read the rest of this article?

Aria ,

Over 10000 civilians have been killed because it couldn’t be done sooner, but I really hope this and France’s position will finally mean the end of this cursed war. This is obviously good news and I’m grateful to Italy but it’s difficult not to be angry and bitter with the state of the world thinking about how easily it could’ve been avoided or stopped at any point along the way.

Aria ,

I used to use Gnome with a tiled window manager. It was a good combo. Don’t see why they have to be exclusive. No hate from my side, KDE and Gnome are both incredible. I can spare some hate for the Gnome-haters though.

Only Cable News Viewers Think Israel isn't Committing a Genocide, Survey Finds (

Americans who get their news primarily from cable are the only people who believe that Israel is not committing a genocide in Gaza, according to a new survey that examined the relationship between attitudes toward the war and news consumption habits....

Aria ,

Cable news viewers and Redditors.

Aria , (edited )

That’s actually not true. When you cut/paste a file on your computer (for most computers), it’s much faster than copying the file. Deleting the file is also not instant, so copy and delete should be the slowest of the three operations.

When you cut and paste a file, you’re just renaming the file or updating the file database. It’s different how that works depending on your file system, but it typically never involves rewriting much of the data of the file.

Edit: Fixed typo.

Aria ,

Oh yeah I did mean cut/paste, my bad.

Aria ,

I mean, you can trust them if you are Samsung. Samsung is gonna sell you out to the USA, but they’re not gonna sell out the South Korean military. The South Korean military exists to protect the Samsung/Lee family and the other six Chaebol.

Aria ,

The rest of America might hate Isis, but the USA is Isis’ primary employer.

Aria ,

In elementary school, when the teacher is teaching what the Holocaust was, someone usually raises their hand and asks “Why didn’t anyone do anything?”, hence “What would you do during the Holocaust?”. There’s something equivalent to the Holocaust happening in Gaza, and yet most people aren’t stopping it.

Aria ,

Communism and Linux are completely unrelated.

Aria ,

No part of open source puts value in collaboration and democratising the means of the production. Free software is definitely not about reducing inherent contradictions and exploitation that arise from your livelihood being dependant on someone else’s private property.

Though sometimes you get confused randos like this saying stuff they don’t understand, probably where the confusion stems from.

Aria ,

The Akkoma instance hosted on

Aria ,

The Russian capitalists did hate this. This war is incredibly unpopular among Russian capitalists.

What PolandIsAStateOfMind is saying is that among those who were on the west’s side while still living within the Russian economic system, more than before will flip to embracing Russian finance, because their money will be irretrievable lost to western thievery. As long as the money hasn’t been spent, there’s a possibility that they’ll stick to liberal principles of private property. That means returning the money after the war. It’s naïve because the west already stole Afghanistan’s money as retaliation for Afghanistan winning the war against the USA.

But some Russian capitalists might’ve been holding out upon the belief that the west’s racism was why they would steal Afghanistan’s money, but not do the same to white and west-worshipping capitalists oppressed by Russia’s state-oriented actions.

Aria ,

No defending Russian capitalists here, I want them all to be stripped of their wealth and the whole Russian state dismantled and replaced by a democratic socialist one. Those rich Russians should be eaten.
But the fact that the Russian state currently is letting their money get stolen (which they knew would happen when they started this war, and those capitalists knew would happen when Russia started this war, which is why they were begging to avoid it) shows that they aren’t oligarchs.
Only the countries stealing this money has oligarchs. And this is also evident by the fact that the money is getting stolen, since it’s hurting western governmental institutions. The world’s trust in the western system is being traded for more money to the capitalists.

Aria ,

Am I being stupid? That’s a caiman and two alligators, no? Crocodiles have forward eyes.

Aria ,

What about that time they sneaked bombs onto a civilian lorry and blew him up with his family as he was crossing the bridge out of Crimea?

Aria ,
Aria ,

Arsène is most likely referring to the Israeli flag printed on the bottom, meaning that every step you take is a step on the Israeli flag.

Aria ,

Whether a corruption of or supremacist splinter of the feminist movement exists should not dissuade you from supporting the true feminist movement. Equality has not been reached, feminism is necessarily both in material reality and ideologically in the event that equality is reached. Feminism also uplifts men in areas where men are underprivileged and is not a matriarchal or misandrist movement.

Aria ,

I should hope a matriarchal society would also resort to violence in response to Israel’s violence.

Aria ,

I watched the 20 minute podcast you linked and I remain unconvinced by your position. I don’t shy away from the reality that men are disproportionality represented amongst those who have committed suicide. But this isn’t an anti-feminist position. The gendered nature of suffering and conditions that lead to suicide are precisely what feminism is about and works to destroy.

‘The feminists of today’ are not predominately radfems and terfs and Tumblr agitators. I can’t provide statistics on this, as I assume you also can’t, but they aren’t popular positions I regularly encounter in my life. Though I do also encounter them. Feminism is a mature movement with theory and scores of academic study. It’s not so niche that it can easily be co-opted by a few years of malicious branding. If you feel it has, I recommend changing your scene. If you do a good faith dive into feminist theory, feminist academia, or a local organisation, you’ll find empathetic people analysing through a lens of intersectionality or dialecticism.

While women’s issues get far more coverage and mindshare, that’s simply because women have a larger role in the movement than men, and women naturally are more cognisant and affected by women’s issues. Men’s issues are fully the responsibility and care of all feminists. Sometimes there are just biases and blind spots. Men don’t need their own movement, and neither does pretending patriarchy doesn’t exist solve any of men’s problems, or help your women comrades.

And I do recognise that the capitalist system both attacks and attempts to co-opt feminism. But they only do this because feminism is a threat to capitalism. By not engaging and fighting for feminism, that co-opting can take place.

With all of that said, I’m not hugely well read or invested in this area of the proletariat liberation. If another comrade would like to chime in, that would be helpful. But to cover my shortcomings, I’d like to point you towards the Revolutionary Feminism community on Lemmygrad.
Will you please consider visiting and having a chat with the folks there?

Aria ,

I already have my reasonable message removed above, and grad left a bad taste in my mouth last year regarding the situation of men and their rights.

I think your world view is common and one I’m completely empathetic towards, and that you expressed it reasonably, and that you didn’t violate rule 1. But it was deleted by mods, not grad.

It is always about reading theory,

As with communism, you need theory to have a common understanding and starting place before discussions are fruitful. And the theory gives you the tools to analyse, and addresses the common situations and topics. The same way not reading economic theory makes it easier to become a liberal, not reading social theory leaves you vulnerable. When you preach communist principles to your friends and family, you probably don’t demand they read theory, but you yourself having read and understood theory is surely paramount. Consider all the cases where liberals would claim Marxist-Leninists ideas are only applicable in hypotheticals, where understanding theory allows you to apply the ideas to practical and real scenarios because you have a framework for addressing contradictions.

which does not seem to concern men, or atleast in real world there is horrific treatment and intentional isolation of men.

It does! It absolutely does. Isolation and atomisation are key topics. As is the gendered nature of what jobs are socially allowed to demand from workers with or without paying them.

I do not think leftists care about men at all and will only care as long as men socially remain inferior to women and trans people.

Men hold up half the sky. Men are not inferior to anyone. But the concerns of trans people especially, but also women are more dire and pressing and have more clear solutions. That’s why those issues are talked about more. But jihad for men’s liberation must continue as well. Until those issues have clear solutions, and then starts the jihad to implement the solutions as we strive to liberate trans comrades, as we strive to liberate women.

I am not going to surround myself with feminist yesmen that are thirsty to oppress men.

But you’re encountering those thirsty to oppress men now in your current scene. You feel they’re omnipresent. That’s what you described above. This is an illusion perpetuated to keep you out of the fight.

Patriarchy exists. And now, matriarchy also exists, and is amplified by social media disease that also houses redpillers, liberals, fascists and other factions.

I am not aware of matriarchy existing to scale anywhere.

And why do men not need a supportive movement of their own? Women should not need a movement of their own either. Feminist movement is not for men, and does not concern men. It is made for women, and to bolster and protect women.

The feminist movement isn’t a women’s movement. It’s a movement against patriarchy. Men and women need liberation from patriarchy and from capitalism, it’s the same struggle. Men’s unique issues, unique challenges and injustices done upon them are worthy of examining and eradicating. But it’s best done borrowing the existing knowledge and analysis of feminism.

The leftist movement has my full geopolitical support, but I will be on the fence as far as culture gender war goes

Okay. That’s your choice and I don’t fault you for making it. I believe this is the most popular position overwhelmingly. Imperialism and capitalism undoubtedly impact and devastate more people. I’m myself not very invested in culture war topics.

because there is negligible concern for men.

But I don’t think this is true. And even if there was, has there not been positive spill-over from jihad for gay people? From jihad for gender queer people?

And the end of the day, your geopolitical stance is what matters. But I would ask that you don’t launch criticisms of feminism without doing the proper reading. Most feminists are your comrades. Co-opters and specific grievances can be specified and attacked without sullying a popular movement.

Aria ,

Sounds like they can and should bankrupt the country honestly.

Aria ,

They absolutely do not draw the line at overt fascism. It’s already overt.

Aria ,

ITT people claim that a Google VPN is a bad product for all use cases because Google is not a privacy-respecting company. This ignores all non-privacy use cases for using a VPN.

And even for privacy, this would’ve been a product where the vendors interest in protecting your privacy and your interest in protecting your privacy aligned in the case where you were not hiding from Google. For example if you used a Chromebook laptop, used the Google Chrome browser, or used Google services like Google Search and Google YouTube, then Google would already know everything about you. You can’t hide your activity from them, but they can help you hide it from others.

Similar situations exist for other privacy disrespecting companies like Microsoft and Apple, where a user might reasonably want to hide from everyone other than their vendor of choice, whose product they consider good enough to allow them to see their computer activity as part of their payment. If you already subscribe to one privacy disrespecting vendor, it makes the most sense to go all-in.

Aria ,

A school? One? There’s one school? Don’t all schools use Linux?

Aria ,

Is this stepping on someone’s toes? “If we don’t hold rich people accountable, people will think we don’t hold rich people accountable”.

Aria ,

What are you talking about? The money is the combined output of the workers of Vietnam. It’s people’s money, they have the right to protect it from parasites. The people’s government went after a capitalist to protect the people’s livelihood.

I don’t think the death penalty is ever right, but acting like this person wasn’t the worst type of criminal, and that the legal system didn’t enact the will of the people here is wrong.

Aria ,

Not liars, criminals with tens of thousands of victims. If you don’t want the state of Vietnam to conduct executions then they need to fall out of favour with the people. This is an issue of societal values. If instead just the state felt embarrassed, then carrying out a punishment abhorred by the people would only embarrass them more.

Aria ,

In recent memory, the people of Vietnam have destroyed two coercive dictatorial governments. If they felt the state wasn’t subservient to them, they’d do it again. The government is subservient to the CPV, who are subservient to the people. The state of Vietnam is the people of Vietnam.

Aria ,

The overwhelming majority of states are not ‘the people’, but instead enforcers working for the bourgeoisie.

Vietnam has a market economy in complacence with IMF demands. This means capitalists are given extremely disproportionate power that they can abuse if they are criminals. Jeff Bezos owns 1% of the GDP of the USA for reference.

Aria ,

The person who makes Hyperland was blacklisted by freedesktop (Linux stuff) over saying something transphobic as far as I understand from a glance.

They made a post in response in which they said ‘This other person threatened to sexually assault people as revenge for something small. I’m not the only person deserving of shame’. I’m sure there’s more to this story, I don’t care.

A hexbear user in response to this story wrote there’s a false equivalence between a trans person calling for violence in a hyperbolic tweet and this app developer using their platform to spread anti-trans hate. I think, again, I do not care about the actual story, Fictitiousexistence’s comment doesn’t need context to be bad.

@fictitiousexistence replied with:

This leads me to believe that anyone who disagrees with Lyude is a Transexual Nobeards shithead.

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