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I like to ask a variety of questions, sometimes silly, serious, and/or strange. Never asking in an attempt to pester or “just asking questions” stuff.

I’m generally curious and/or trying to get a sense of people’s views.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

What are some alternatives to bars that stay open late for folks that don't drink alcohol?

Bars are notable for staying open late, but I’m not really familiar with alternatives that might operate similarly. I think many cafés (at least around my area) tend to close a few hours earlier by comparison, which would be my go-to for an alternative otherwise, so what other options are there?

ALostInquirer OP ,

Is hackerspace the common term for these? I think I’ve also seen makerspace, or at least it sounds like there’s overlap. I may have to do some more searching along these terms, but any time I’ve read of these it seems like they’re more around larger cities or university towns/cities, which I don’t happen to live in at the moment.

ALostInquirer ,

What if your hobbies & interests don’t lend themselves to meetups? I tend to have a lot of those that are more solitary in nature, which means others with them were probably drawn to them for similar reasons, being relatively content alone.

Up until they have that nagging feeling that they may benefit from socializing, anyway.

ALostInquirer OP ,

Thanks! Fwiw in this context I’m thinking of the outdoor, completely(?) enclosed type of booths, but your reply includes those as well I gather.

ALostInquirer OP ,

Wait, Australia, the place notorious for dangerous critters, made small, public enclosed spaces…Without doors? 😂 I’m guessing these were mainly in cities, so maybe the critter problem wasn’t as much of a concern, but I love the image this produces of an Aussie going to make a call and some snake or spider is sitting there around the phone.

ALostInquirer OP ,

Thanks for the book suggestion! I checked and it’s available via my library, so I may have to give it a read sometime!

ALostInquirer OP , (edited )

Have you heard of Bookshop? For physical books they seem a decent option, albeit their reach is limited at the moment to the US, UK, and Spain.

Outside of that, and suggesting folks check their libraries, I’ve nothing else to add to your good suggestions.

ALostInquirer ,

Doesn’t Google Photos produce something similar from stored photos? I don’t use it much myself, as I don’t take many photos, but I’ve used it to view screenshots & such on my phone & I seem to recall something like that.

If so, would definitely be an option to avoid posting while producing a similar yearbook/photo album.

ALostInquirer ,

Have you tried incessantly asking them why? It probably won’t do any good, but it’s easier & possibly more fun than entertaining their position with more thought than they may have put into getting to that position.

ALostInquirer OP ,

How much effort is ‘run command with parameter’ documentation […]

Tbh it’s less so the effort and moreso, how understandable is the documentation? A good GUI has the benefit of visual design explaining without words what may take a lot of documentation that may or may not be easily understood depending on the writer, which in many technical situations is someone deep in the jargon that has forgotten the way back to more accessible language.

Once you’re familiar with the commands, no doubt as many others have said it’s more efficient (especially once you’re knowledgeable enough to write scripts for frequent sets of commands), but there is a learning curve at play as one muddles through documentation in a similar way to an unfamiliar GUI.

ALostInquirer OP ,

This can be true. Part of the reason I ask is that as more data is visual in nature, it seems like it might make it more difficult to manage strictly via CLI, especially since metadata is likely to be lacking in description and even with a descriptive filename and details, it’s a picture/video for a reason.

I’m sure there are existing arrangements to handle that though, like web GUIs for any visual media review as needed.

ALostInquirer OP ,

Same idea for GUIs/terminal, it has a higher learning curve but if you try to avoid the curve you’ll never be able to do it fast, so the time investment is worth it if you’re going to be doing this daily (like most server admins do)

Yeah, part of the thinking behind this question was with those doing this more as a hobby in mind (e.g. self-hosters) where it’s sort of a limbo. You may be doing it daily as part of your hobby, but also never on the level that really demands the degree of proficiency or efficiency you describe as you’re not going to be casually handling a large network of servers (probably), so on one hand learning the CLI may simply be part of the fun, but on the other, it may also lean into overkill depending on what you’re aiming to do.

ALostInquirer OP ,

It’s more on the hobbyist end of things, but as an example I was thinking like if you had a server you’re using to back up or store photos on, trying to parse it strictly via CLI doesn’t seem like it’d be terribly useful.

You’d also want to view the images directly, I’d think, but I’m guessing in that situation you’d just use whatever web UI the software you’re using might provide.

ALostInquirer OP ,

You got the gist enough despite the term I used & answered what I was wondering about (as did the other person replying), so I appreciate it! Parse was just another way of trying to say see the file in full, filename, additional metadata, & content. With visual media I’d think you’d have to do like you (& they) said, configure it to be opened via something else for a comprehensive review.

I tend to work with visual media more, so for me a CLI feels like more of a backwards approach to navigation & data management.

The Spotify Car Thing cost $100, but I can't use it anymore. (

EDIT: The only reason why I still had it at this point was because I could use it with other apps. However, now that my Spotify Subscription is cancelled, it doesn’t work with anything. It’s mildly infuriating because today, I can’t still use it with other apps like I was able to yesterday....

ALostInquirer ,

Under a rock question here, but do you know of any sites that map out radio stations so you can preview them or note them to check out when traveling about?

I mostly listen to my own music when traveling because I don’t know any radio stations that might click with me, and don’t really feel like or sometimes have the time to scan for them.

ALostInquirer ,

Oh, to clarify, when I said my own music, I meant my local files. I’m a weirdo that buys music & syncs it across devices.

That said, I did a little searching after asking this and found a cool little site called that helps find some radio stations around you, and found some cool stations I might give more of a listen to.

ALostInquirer ,

Out of curiosity, have the battery lives improved from older RC vehicles? I’ve looked at some current models and it still seems like they run only a short time, but I’ve not followed RC stuff closely enough to know if they’ve really gotten much better and I’m lacking the context.

ALostInquirer ,

Thanks for the reply and insight! I suspect some of the models I was looking at may have had some lower capacity batteries to try to balance out the costs, and I was overlooking that.

ALostInquirer ,

There is going to be , or should be , a full on schism in the US church. The parishioners I practice with are more for the Republican Party than for the pope. They basically are waiting for him to die and ignoring doctrine that does not match ‘how it used to be’ Ya know with all of the sexual abuse and bigotry.

How many schisms would that make now? There was the Protestant schism, the Anglican one, Eastern Orthodox one (I think?), and uhh…I’m sure there may be more but at any rate, I guess they certainly are due for another given it’s been awhile.

ALostInquirer ,

Ngl I wasn’t sure, it just pops out to me as its own thing, so thanks on the clarification!

ALostInquirer ,

I still have no clue what’s up with the holy trinity tbh 🤨

I chalk it up to, “well, glad i’m not christian” and leave it at that as much as I can.

ALostInquirer , (edited )

And omg, if you need to go with a feminine honorific and you don’t know whether the person is married, go with Ms, not Mrs. or Miss.

I understand what you mean here, except on the difference between Ms and Miss, do you mean this more in terms of writing than speaking? I ask only because I don’t know that I’ve ever been able to hear a particular difference between Ms and Miss when spoken, but that may be more related to my hearing or something that I’ve not realized.

Reading a little further, I see that it comes across as sorta creepy? I’d always parsed it as a more informal address compared to the more formal ma’am for femme folks, so this is interesting, to say the least! I suppose it reads sorta like someone calling an adult man, “young man” or “boy” despite their age, since I don’t think there’s something similar to miss for masculine folks.

That would come across creepy, unless from older folks and heavily dependent on context.

ALostInquirer ,

I’ve honestly heard Ms. pronounced both ways (and both have been accepted in my experience), so that probably explains the confusion 😅 Thanks though!

ALostInquirer ,

bunny hopping

Hol’ up, you mean to tell me we could have hoppin’ cars all this time? And you’ve been helping hold us back? Forget bumper cars, I want the hoppin’ cars!

How do people find good information on the internet these days?

It used to be that you would do a search on a relevant subject and get blog posts, forums posts, and maybe a couple of relevant companies offering the product or service. (And if you wanted more information on said company you could give them a call and actually talk to a real person about said service) You could even trust...

ALostInquirer ,

How to verify? I just printed the above comment. Printers have an objectivity-gizmo that disallows the printing of anything incorrect, y’know!

ALostInquirer , (edited )

Interesting, was the timing and community chosen for this query better than mine a couple days ago? Regardless, this post provides me more responses to a similar question to sort through, so no complaints here!

ALostInquirer ,

Have you looked into personal wikis like Tiddlywiki or Zim, by any chance? They may be a little better suited to the task than your .docx document.

Personally I’ve found for a local, offline only approach, Zim is rather nice & pretty easy to pick up. Nevertheless, if your method is working well for you, disregard this!

ALostInquirer ,

Do you happen to know how long it may take the “adaptive learning” feature to kick in? I gather it may take some extended usage, however if that feature does seem to work I may have to reconsider Nunti, as I was initially put off by the absence of some other features when last I looked at it.

ALostInquirer ,

This post “feels” a great deal more relatable, I don’t think AI applies, or at least, I’m not familiar with the issue you are outlining.

As can be seen in some other replies here, and in some other threads, some have taken to using AI in the sense of ChatGPT to aid in finding/researching/summarizing info, hence my mention of it in my thread.

Appreciate the feedback btw, I was in a drier headspace with my questioning a couple days ago, so it does read more detached.

ALostInquirer ,

Absolutely, that’s why in my thread I was specifically asking how to go about researching online given search engine commercialization/“optimization” and AI “hallucinations”.

In a funny twist, my question may have been better suited to this community, given its specificity, and OP’s question may have been better suited to asklemmy with its more relaxed phrasing. In any event, it’s been reassuring to see that others are muddling through similar problems lately and trying to rethink how we approach navigating the web.

ALostInquirer ,

I think in English that term might be media literacy, but as you observe, it’s not terribly common, which is frustrating given that it’s been needed even prior to the internet’s emergence.

Is “media literacy/competency” taught much in Germany, but perhaps not well? Either way, your advice is good even if it wasn’t taught or taught well!

ALostInquirer ,

Thanks! I must’ve missed or forgot that since I only briefly looked into it (and looking with a different feature in mind).

ALostInquirer ,

Also, don’t forget paper exists. For smaller documents, it could be worth printing them, and putting them in a water/fire resistant safe.

Before paper, and somewhere in-between the digital and analogue, maybe go weird with discs or magnetic tape drives (if you’re really into your electromagnetic data storage)?

And for the sillier side to this: don’t forget to laser etch the most important records in stone. Don’t think it’s worth the trouble? Wouldn’t have some of our ancient records if they weren’t literally carved in stone, so…Incidentally, would anyone happen to know of any personal robotic stone engraving tools one could get?

Would be fun to pass in some text and let a machine go to work on some stray stones.

What film, show or game that is not necessarily 'underated' didn't have the level of social impact it deserved.

What’s the antithesis of Arrested Development, Firefly or The Big Lebowski? Those may never have ‘found their audience’ but over time seemed to recognised by everyone. What are the deep cuts that you liked but it feels like everyone has completely forgotten they even existed.

ALostInquirer ,

Any insight into why in the world they’d greenlight Jericho to begin with if they seemed so uninterested in supporting it? It’s certainly not the first show to run into a situation like that, but it’s always kind of interesting to see how the reasoning may vary across businesses with each show.

ALostInquirer ,

There’s the porn, and then there’s some bot instances, right? And then there’s the pornbots that bring you a little mix of both.

Maybe it’s a lesser issue on world, but on some other instances I’ve found that bot instances are arguably worse than porn by sheer volume of posts, but they can be pretty close.

ALostInquirer ,

Uhh, how do you intend to mix the funyuns in? Grinding them up, or uh…Okay I’m gonna be real I don’t eat meatloaf so in my mind I have this image of a chunk of meat looking like bread but I know that’s wrong, so I don’t know what else to ask about this.

Is onion meatloaf a dish? That seems like that might be more appealing if you like the two.

If you were asked to think of something you never thought of before, what would be the most reliable way to do it?

When I read about how most of our thoughts are repetitive, I wondered if it would be possible for us to have a thought that is completely new or original by will. Is there some way we can have unique thoughts whenever we wish to?...

ALostInquirer ,

Also you should ideally be able to think of something new completely by your own, without relying on external factors like taking inspiration from your surroundings or words from a recent/ongoing conversations, looking at the content open in your device etc.

If it could be expressed in existing ways, would it still count as entirely new or unthought of?

ALostInquirer ,

Not necessarily, note that I wrote, “expressed in existing ways” and not, “spoken/written in existing ways”. Expression itself has a greater breadth than language alone, e.g. movement, drawing/painting, instrumental music arrangements, etc.

It includes language, absolutely, but it is not limited to language, which makes for a more challenging question imo. If not expressed in existing ways, it would meet the criteria of entirely new and unthought of, presumably, but it would also likely fail to be recognized as an expression at all.

ALostInquirer ,

Didn’t you know? The boulder Sisyphus rolls gives all the gods immense cramps. Sisyphus literally domming the gods for eternity.

ALostInquirer OP ,

For me, aside from picking initially between kbin and Lemmy and then picking an instance (and the whole concept of instances), it was not having an algorithmically created feed. It took a bit to wrap my mind around since all of the social media apps and sites I was used to (and still use) provides this.

This is kind of an interesting one to me, not because I disagree or anything, but because at least personally, when I’ve tried to use corporate social media, I felt like I also had to do a lot of manual feed building/curation to get it to be worth anything. However, I do think where some of the algorithmic stuff helped a little was in the suggestions of similar or related pages/users, albeit somewhat rarely.

More than the algorithms it was simply the fact that it was a single platform where you knew they might be & so could search for them, so maybe it was a mixture of those details for you too?

ALostInquirer OP ,

I’m a little surprised across the responses so far that there’s been no mention of the adoption of or migration to a fediverse platform of some prominent creatives or communities.

It’s understandable why they haven’t given many of the issues already mentioned thus far, but in terms of others jumping in to federated services, among the least technical stumbling blocks by far is probably the absence of those (or those communities) they’d like to continue following (or participating in) here. Some of that may fall under discoverability/onboarding & content or critical mass mentioned, but it still caught my eye that it wasn’t specifically mentioned.

I suppose by its lack of specific mention this mightn’t be seen as being as much of an issue?

ALostInquirer OP ,

There’s really no reason for them to prefer the Fediverse over the centralized corporate platforms that basically cater to their use-case.

Wouldn’t a couple, maybe niche admittedly, reasons be less advertiser-influenced rules/moderation and in certain cases more control? E.g. YouTube’s notorious for its algorithms affecting views abruptly & near inexplicably, whereas something like PeerTube (or for streaming, Owncast) lacks those and enables less restricted content (fewer worries about automatic ContentID noise).

Similar situation with Pixelfed instances not having to fret over folks post nudity 'cause advertisers supposedly don’t like their adverts next to nudity in some regions. Don’t get me wrong, I see where you’re (and they’re) coming from on this, you go where the audiences are & where, give or take, certain features play to your benefit (i.e. recommendation algorithms), but I’ve also seen so many creators also chafing against the awkward antics of the corporate platforms, be it YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

ALostInquirer ,

OP, are you a real estate genie? ‘cause if you can give address of residence you’re fulfillin’ wishes of a residence for cashiers! 😂

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