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Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case

The Israeli government has failed to comply with at least one measure in the legally binding order from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in South Africa’s genocide case, Human Rights Watch said today. Citing warnings about “catastrophic conditions” in Gaza, the court ordered Israel on January 26, 2024, to “take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian aid,” and to report back on its compliance to the specific measures “within one month.”

One month later, however, Israel continues to obstruct the provision of basic services and the entry and distribution within Gaza of fuel and lifesaving aid, acts of collective punishment that amount to war crimes and include the use of starvation of civilians as a weapon of war. Fewer trucks have entered Gaza and fewer aid missions have been permitted to reach northern Gaza in the several weeks since the ruling than in the weeks preceding it, according to United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

“The Israeli government is starving Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians, putting them in even more peril than before the World Court’s binding order,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. “The Israeli government has simply ignored the court’s ruling, and in some ways even intensified its repression, including further blocking lifesaving aid.”

Human Rights Watch found in December 2023 that Israeli authorities are using starvation as a weapon of war. Pursuant a policy set out by Israeli officials and carried out by Israeli forces, the Israeli authorities are deliberately blocking the delivery of water, food, and fuel, willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, apparently razing agricultural areas, and depriving the civilian population of objects indispensable to its survival.

LyricChatter ,


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  • Linkerbaan OP , avatar

    I would currently suggest donating to media like Zeteo or GDF for more exposure on the war so it stops.

    Getting single people out is just donating 30k to the corrupt Egyptian government.

    NigelFrobisher ,

    Every genocide attempt ever they think they can just stall it out until they’ve finished the job. Every time the next generation pays for the sins of the fathers.

    rottingleaf ,

    they think they can just stall it out until they’ve finished the job.

    And they are usually right

    theotherverion ,

    Will we have any ICJ decision about it? It told that after one month, it will re-check Israel’s actions.

    cumskin_genocide ,

    Why would they? Might makes right

    nexusband , avatar

    So, if i remember correctly, doesn’t that mean Israel could get the status of state deprived?

    Linkerbaan OP , avatar

    This is Human Rights Watch, Amnesty international and every major NGO saying it.

    The ICJ has yet to undertake any real action.

    nexusband , avatar

    Ah, my bad…thanks for clarifying

    TIMMAY ,

    Well I for one am shocked

    John_McMurray ,

    Did Israel even ever sign the treaty establishing this court? I’m not pro Israel but i feel this is misleading.

    Iceman ,

    They withdrew from the ICC International Criminal Court

    This ruling is from the ICJ International Court of justice with they are members off.

    They represented themselves in the court, which would have been absurd if they didn’t recognize it in the first place.

    John_McMurray ,

    Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s what i was thinking of.

    CileTheSane , avatar

    So what are the consequences for them not obeying?

    Clubbing4198 ,

    well since the US is still backing this project, there are none.

    Flumpkin ,

    Yes, the Genocide Convention.

    I believe even without signing it, other signatories still have to everything they can to prevent genocide.

    mwguy ,

    Didn’t Israel recently open up another crossing and increase the amount of aid trucks allowed to cross over the border? They deployed military forces to stop aid trucks from being stopped by protests. They have increased the amount of aid allowed in.

    Linkerbaan OP , (edited ) avatar

    No the amount of trucks going in are actually dropping.

    The north has not received an aid truck since 23 January.

    UNRWA says that after the ICJ said “don’t do Genocide’” last month israel reduced the amount of trucks entering by 50%

    Current estimates are 85 out of the “normal” 500 trucks. And Palestinians in Gaza were already underfed with 500.

    NatakuNox , avatar

    Yuppy now only 80% of Gaza residents will be starving!

    ZombiFrancis ,

    The mechanism that prevents Israel’s genocide, Russia’s invasion, Chinese expansionism, North Korean brinksmanship, and American taunting and provocative Imperialism is the same: international law.

    As long as the US as the military hegemon rejects international law and courts: efforts to restrict or prevent any of the above will ultimately fail.

    rottingleaf ,

    I’m not sure whom do you expect to enforce that international law. And the concept itself sucks, for example, some morons would say Western Armenia and Artsakh are parts of Turkey and Azerbaijan in that.

    ZombiFrancis ,

    I mean, the existing framework would be the United Nations. Doesn’t have to be, but it’d have to be one where the permanent members don’t just reject the legitimacy and jurisdiction of international courts to enable invading countries. Those courts should be able to review and perhaps rule on such things like border issues and separatist movements for both standing and substance.

    Pragmatically speaking I would much rather borders change via things like Brexit, Kosovo (after 1999 when UN intervened), and the Crimean referendum vs Donbass-Donetsk, Kosovo (before 1999), or Gaza.

    The above are all complex issues with varied and unfavorable outcomes but the point being there is a very clear dividing line.

    rottingleaf ,

    Kosovo (after 1999 when UN intervened)

    It appears that this only happens when the aggressor has nothing at all to offer.

    and the Crimean referendum

    I hope you are aware there’s been no real referendum.

    Just Ukrainian military and police on the peninsula generally failed to react, and then under Russian military control there’s been something called referendum.

    ZombiFrancis ,

    Right, but the point being the degree and presence of violent military action.

    rottingleaf ,

    Suffering isn’t limited to violent military action, then murder, rape, looting, vandalism of cultural heritage may follow.

    In case of Ukraine - those “pro-Russian” forces were comprised of bandits basically, who would do extrajudicial executions of those they didn’t like, seize properties etc.

    affiliate ,

    i’m sure a little more paper work will fix this. we just need to find the right forms

    rammer , avatar

    Sure, a complete bloclade of all goods except for humanitarian that is verified by other paperwork to reach the intended recipient. So customs declarations and permits.

    doctorcrimson ,

    Technically, now that the Genocide ruling has come through, a third party invasion of Israel is justified and the invading nation can sue anybody who tries to embargo them over it.

    OccamsTeapot ,

    “The Israeli government has simply ignored the court’s ruling, and in some ways even intensified its repression, including further blocking lifesaving aid.”

    So what are we going to do about it? Because it better fucking not be absolutely nothing. History will not be kind to us for our response to this.

    If Israel is above the law, why not Putin? Why not Kim Jong Un?

    TokenBoomer ,

    We’re going to vote for Joe Biden, even though he has facilitated this genocide, because somehow Trump would be worse than 10,000 dead children. /s

    Visstix ,

    Trump would be worse yes. Cause the Palestine situation would most likely get worse. And a lot of other things as well, like Ukraine. I’m not sure what’s so difficult about it.

    TokenBoomer ,

    One is our present reality, the other is a hypothetical future. That’s what makes it so difficult.

    FlowVoid ,

    The purpose of voting is to improve the future.

    TokenBoomer ,
    FlowVoid ,

    We do, if “we” are European.

    By contrast, most Europeans tend to vote the opposite way from Americans, taking a “prospective” perspective.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    It’s not as difficult as your presentation makes it sound. This should be a lay-up for the Grand Old Party. I could accept a moderately conservative truly moral alternative to cosigning Israel’s strategic suicide. Instead the party heads are too scared of the base (must not have any guns) to put their true enemy in prison where he belongs.

    TokenBoomer ,

    If this election isn’t difficult for you, maybe meditate on why that is. 30,000 dead. 10,000 children. If Trump had done this, people would be apoplectic. Instead, we get rationalizations on why Biden is necessary. This is not an easy choice for me. And I’m not ashamed to admit it.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    False dichotomy. People are apoplectic and that’s why the rationalizations are happening. I’m not ashamed to admit it.

    TokenBoomer ,

    I’m not sure I follow your dialectic, or if I even want to.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    It’s not mine in the first place, you’re trying to tell me that I should have this extra manufactured tension weighing down on me about the general election and I’m telling you how you have it backwards and why.

    TokenBoomer ,

    I wouldn’t call 30,000 deaths, 10,000 of them children, “extra manufactured tension.” If caring about that is backwards, I don’t ever want to be straight.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    Politics requires sophisticated decision making. Do you think that body count would have been higher with Trump in office instead of Biden, lower, or the same? Don’t feel obligated to respond, just understand why your argument doesn’t seem to be working. You can read more of my comments if you want more of my perspective and positions or not. Your reply is perfectly rational but so is mine.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Fucking hypotheticals. People are dying now. Today! Fuck the election and your liberal comforts. Genocide Deniers aren’t rational.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    I have never denied it, but thanks for showing me your true colors. You should check out mine some day.

    TokenBoomer ,

    No thanks. Your apathy says enough.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    Bitch I even invited you to read what I’ve written on the subject you might even learn something from it.

    TokenBoomer ,

    “Extra manufactured tension?” 🤦

    ghostdoggtv ,

    Keep going, or don’t. Have a nice day.

    John_McMurray ,

    He means it would be covered entirely differently in the media and you know he ain’t wrong, that’s probably why you’re deflecting instead of responding honestly.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    lol, I’ve said plenty about the issue. I’m an open book, I don’t delete comments like some of the children on this board. By all means.

    John_McMurray ,

    …You’re doing it right now.

    ghostdoggtv ,

    Sorry, it’s been a full work day and I spent all day out skating yesterday. I am very tired and can’t figure out what you want anymore. The ball is in your court now, up to you if you want to see where I really stand on this issue or if you’re gonna keep harassing me about it. I’m not gonna perform for you just because that other tankie prick thinks he can insult me and expect me to go along with it.

    John_McMurray ,

    Oh look. It has trouble with direct statements of clear meaning. Bullshit artists always hate those, nothing much to work with,

    ghostdoggtv ,

    Right back at you.

    John_McMurray ,

    You’re doing it again.

    postmateDumbass ,

    You think Trump would stand up to Israel?

    TokenBoomer ,

    No. Do you think Biden would stand up to Israel?

    GojuRyu ,

    So if neither would stand up to Israel, what makes Trump preferable to Biden?

    TokenBoomer ,

    Vote for Pedro.

    Tattorack , avatar

    I hear Biden getting shit over Israel all the time! The hell do you mean?

    TokenBoomer ,

    I have a difficult time responding to discordant logic. My mind doesn’t work that way.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    I could accept a moderately conservative truly moral alternative

    Too bad no such thing has existed in American presidential elections since the 70s at the latest.

    postmateDumbass ,

    The 80s had national morality prescribed by televangelists.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    Yup, all of which are of course thoroughly immoral hypocrites. The “trickle down” fiscal policies and the ramping up of the oppressive “war on drugs” were immoral as hell too.

    zerog_bandit ,

    It’s not difficult. Let me break it down for the smooth brained repubs with fewer brain cells than teeth:

    Orange Man want sell guns. Orange Man want brown people die.

    Biden use political pressure. Biden try slow down Israel.

    Pootin want orange Man. Pootin want use conflict to divide left.

    TokenBoomer ,

    With 30,000 dead Palestinians and 10,000 of them children. I’m not sure I trust your phrenology.

    zerog_bandit ,

    Shocked, SHOCKED that someone who supports Palestine thinks that Israeli lives are worthless.

    TokenBoomer ,

    How you inferred that from my comments is insane.

    zerog_bandit ,

    Absolutely, mention 10,000-30,000 dead or whatever made up number Hamas feels like giving today, but zero mention of the 1,500 Israelis that were massacred on 10/7.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Someone didn’t read the article. Let’s check the calipers…

    zerog_bandit ,

    Shocked, SHOCKED that someone who supports Hamas terrorism also believes in Nazi craniometry.

    TokenBoomer ,

    You’re a troll 🧌

    Mastengwe ,

    Says the person responding to comments with memes.

    zerog_bandit ,

    I can’t debate the point so I must resort to INSULTS!!!

    xor ,
    zerog_bandit ,

    Still waiting for anyone that defends terrorism to formulate an original thought.

    xor ,

    Alright, here’s a thought for you:

    Israel has progressively colonised Palestine, forcing the historical residents to abandon their homes or be victims to brutal violence at the hand of settlers, while Israeli police intentionally fail to act. Israel maintains a blockade of Gaza, massively restricting their access to basic necessities. After decades of what is, effectively, a modern apartheid state, with protests brutally suppressed, it was inevitable that the Palestinian population would turn to violence.

    Not only that, but Netanyahu’s government has directly supported Hamas in order to prevent legitimate Palestinian governance and cooperation.

    This is very literally an oppressed native population rising up against colonisers - by the sounds of it, colonisers supported by you.

    zerog_bandit ,

    Here’s a thought for you, Israel exists because Arab states around it ethnically cleansed all the ethnic Jews in the surrounding countries. Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Iraq all had thriving Jewish communities before 1945. They were all expelled by Arab states and the only place they could escape to was British mandate Palestine.

    Palestinians did not like that so they joined with the Arab League to attempt a genocide of the Jews living in British mandate Palestine. This thankfully did not work and the newly formed state of Israel (formed to prevent the genocide of millions of Jews) expelled these Arabs to present day Gaza and West Bank. What followed was 80 years of terrorist attacks on Israel by the Palestinian descendants.

    So yes, there is a modern day apartheid. The land that Jews owned in other countries was forcefully taken just like in the Holocaust. Jews are not allowed to live in these countries anymore. They cannot own land or worship freely in these countries anymore. The entire middle east is set up by Arab countries as an apartheid to segregate and marginalize Jews.

    xor ,

    Palestinians did not like that

    Yeah, no shit they weren’t pleased about Europeans seizing their land, expelling 700 thousand people from it, destroying hundreds of towns and poisoning the water supply of those who remained.

    None of that excuses the continuing colonisation of Palestine, the indefinite occupation of their land, the intentional destabilising of their government or the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian people.

    zerog_bandit ,

    Wow, look who is illiterate. Apparently couldn’t read a single word I said and instead espouses falsehood.

    Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Iraq

    I didn’t realize these were European countries. I guess I’ll go colonize those too!

    Get bent.

    SkybreakerEngineer ,

    Last time Trump was in office, he killed a million people in America alone with covid.

    TokenBoomer ,


    femboycuddles ,
    TokenBoomer ,

    I dispute the broad generalization that Trump killed 1 million people, not his contribution to the pandemic. From what I’m reading, @ 330,000 deaths could have been prevented.

    Blackmist ,

    Oh that’s alright then.

    CileTheSane , avatar

    If I understand you correctly: Trump isn’t directly responsible for COVID deaths, but Biden is directly responsible for Palestinian deaths.

    Man, the mental gymnastics must leave you in knots by the end of the day.

    TokenBoomer ,

    You don’t understand me correctly. Trump is responsible for COVID deaths, and Biden is responsible for Palestinian deaths.

    CileTheSane , avatar

    Sorry: Trump is responsible for some COVID deaths. Biden is responsible for all Palestinian deaths. My mistake.

    TokenBoomer ,

    No problem. I’m not a moral absolutist. I don’t think Biden is responsible for all Palestinian deaths, but he is enabling the deaths to continue.

    CileTheSane , avatar

    I agree, but you are listing the number of deaths in Palestine as if Biden is directly responsible for all of them. Then responding to COVID deaths with “some of those people would have died anyway.”

    TokenBoomer ,

    Facilitate- to make something possible or easier

    CileTheSane , avatar

    Like how Trump Facilitated the spread of COVID?

    Kiosade ,

    Come on man. Don’t defend Trump, we all lived through that shit.

    TokenBoomer , (edited )

    Then stop making me. Posting misinformation about the number of deaths he caused is just as bad as the Q-anon conservatives. Trump could have prevented 330,000 or so deaths. So don’t exaggerate. It tarnishes credibility.

    underisk , avatar

    If you want to do this gross tragedy Olympics shit you should at least consider that there are around 600k people in Gaza and over 300 million in America.

    To make this argument honestly, you should either normalize the numbers against population (spoiler Biden is about 10x worse this way) or compare all the deaths worldwide that could be traced to either one. I suggest you actually do neither of those.

    dubyakay ,

    Gaza Strip has a population of 2mil. Gaza (the city) had a population of ~800k before the bombings.

    underisk , avatar

    My bad. That’s what I get for trusting what google plastered at the top of the results page. With that number figured in, Biden is just 3x worse.

    John_McMurray ,

    You would have to be literally retarded to believe who the president was affected that to any great degree.

    cyberpunk007 ,

    Trump will continue this and do worse things, don’t be naive

    TokenBoomer ,

    So the guy that self immolated yesterday was… naive?

    GojuRyu ,

    Did he advocate for Trump over Biden?

    TokenBoomer ,

    Some things are more important than elections, don’t be so naive.

    Atin ,

    How about the 1.2 millions Americans that died from covid while Trump down played a global pandemic?

    TokenBoomer ,
    Zaktor ,

    COVID is not really the strong point differentiator you may think it would be. Depending on where you draw the line of responsibility it’s a pretty close tally.

    Atin ,

    I would think that the president of the most powerful national on earth actively lying about pretty much everything falls very neatly on the wrong side of the line

    Zaktor ,

    What? That’s not even the type of line being referenced. It’s when in time you divide the deaths. Which would be obvious if you read the link.

    trebuchet ,

    Because those guys are on our team and those guys are on the other team.

    OccamsTeapot ,
    dan42O ,

    And china and other african countries

    Linkerbaan OP , avatar

    China gets condemned all day

    Africa gets condemned all day too and we don’t even mention that all their conflicts are caused by Western imperialism stealing their minerals and resources

    Doof ,

    History will be fine with us since we will be making the text books

    OccamsTeapot ,

    Well I know what I would write and it would not be fine.

    John_McMurray ,

    …They are? I thought we knew this.

    Muyal , avatar

    “History will not be kind to us”

    I mean, the US also supported the Guatemalan genocide and appartheid South Africa, yet nobody gives a crap.

    LordWiggle , (edited ) avatar

    Right wing extremists do whatever the fuck they want and don’t care about the judicial system. Haven’t we learned that from WW II?

    yamanii , avatar

    Who’s gonna make them stop? There are no war crimes if you are an US ally.

    arymandias ,

    I thought the ineptness with which the climate crisis is handled made me loose faith in the status quo. But this is just incredible, in the literal sense of the word. Watching the west openly support, what looks more and more like an active genocide, with words and with weapons. It makes my fucking blood boil.

    TokenBoomer ,

    And they wonder why we use drugs and alcohol. You can’t treat mental health if there is no healthy reality to return to.

    nobleshift , avatar


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  • yamanii , avatar

    They do have a decently popular vtuber agency so it muddles the water for me…

    Wodge , avatar

    Watching fake anime girls play videogames or act like morons, or not supporting a country attempting genocide…

    Doesn’t seem a difficult choice tbh.

    Caligvla , avatar

    Of all the things, vtubers? Really dude?

    Keeponstalin ,

    As an individual, the No Thanks app helps boycott buying Israeli products

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