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uBlock Origin developer recommends switching to Firefox as Chrome flags the extension…/~~

EDIT: Apologies. Updated with a link to what gorhill REALLY said:

Manifest v2 uBO will not be automatically replaced by Manifest v3 uBOL[ight]. uBOL is too different from uBO for it to silently replace uBO – you will have to explicitly make a choice as to which extension should replace uBO according to your own prerogatives.

Ultimately whether uBOL is an acceptable alternative to uBO is up to you, it’s not a choice that will be made for you.

**Will development of uBO continue?**Yes, there are other browsers which are not deprecating Manifest v2, e.g. Firefox.

dan1101 ,

IIRC the Google crackdown was supposed to happen this past January so Chrome users are lucky they got some extra time to switch.

NutWrench , avatar

UBlock for Chrome is going away, no matter what Google says about Manifest.

Suavevillain , avatar

Welcome to Firefox to anyone who is switching. I use a fork for Firefox (Floorp) Becuase I like it’s features.

LowtierComputer ,

What does that do?

ILikeBoobies ,

Mozilla telemetry disabled (you can do this on normal firefox)

Some themes

Sidebar extensions

More easily move titlebar (firefoxcss)

LowtierComputer ,

Thank you fellow Boob liker.

gwen ,

umatrix better

Lets_Eat_Grandma ,

from the umatrix chrome store reviews:

It’s great for advanced users, for the time being. The project is no longer being developed (since 2021) and the Github repository has been archived. It will probably, mostly, continue to work for years. Probably. Apparently you can get some support from uBlock github site, I have no knowledge on the details of this.

github backs that up

From the looks of things it still works but i’m afraid to recommend something that isn’t maintained to normal users.

ILikeBoobies ,

It’s going to have the same problems as uBlock

gwen ,

fair enough, ublock is absolutely better for regular users.

FlyingSquid , avatar

So many kids with assigned school Chromebooks are going to get fucked over by this. You can apparently install Firefox on a Chromebook via the Google Play Store, but that was disabled on my daughter’s Chromebook. I don’t want her exposed to constant advertising while she’s doing her schoolwork. It’s bad enough that she’s exposed to it the rest of the time just being in America.

ILikeBoobies ,

It’s normal for system admins to not let their users install non-whitelist software

You should PTA to switch from Chrome to Firefox

FlyingSquid , avatar

I think it’s very unlikely that they would pay for the IT department to install Firefox on every Chromebook. You’re talking 14,000 students in this county and only the kindergartners don’t get Chromebooks.

GnuLinuxDude , avatar

That’s really wild to me. They give each grade school student a chromebook? That is honestly terrifying.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Why is it terrifying? A lot of kids don’t have computers of their own and this gives them access to the internet. It’s also, in my opinion, a far better way to give kids tests than filling in bubbles on a sheet of paper.

I mean I wish there were other good, cheap options, but there aren’t.

GnuLinuxDude , avatar

I really hate to “back in my day” this but we had computer labs for that when I was younger. And that didn’t require giving a monopoly company my name or any other information about me. And I wasn’t being ad-tracked all day long going to websites.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Computer labs aren’t going to help the kids going home at night to study and I don’t really think shuffling kids into a computer lab every time there’s a test in any class makes much sense.

CaptainSpaceman ,

I mean, both can be true if we’re living in a cloud-based world.

Schools can provide workstations and households can either opt in to using their own computer at home or be assigned a laptop or laptop credit. Choice is the important part here, and limiting kids choices at the benefit of major oligarchy organizations sucks big floppy donkey dick.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Schools are not about choice, they’re about an even playing field. You cannot give students the kind of education you can give them on a per-classroom basis if they don’t all have access to the same technology. What if a parent chooses to not give the kid a laptop even though the kid doesn’t have a computer at home?

You don’t advocate for that for the same reason that you don’t advocate for parents to choose whether or not their kids get taught about evolution.

CaptainSpaceman ,

What if a parent chooses to not give the kid a laptop even though the kid doesn’t have a computer at home?

Why would that happen? What weird strawman scenario is this?

FlyingSquid , avatar

Who knows? Maybe because they don’t allow that demonic technology in their house. People are crazy. It doesn’t matter why. Assuming parents, given the choice, will make the correct choice for their child has been shown to be wrong again and again.

But let’s say all the kids with notebooks at home don’t get them and all the kids without notebooks at home get them. Ok. Now, the software we’re using for art class this year runs in Windows. Your kid has a Macbook.

CaptainSpaceman ,

Virtual environments exist and are the backbone of modern IT. Surely we can teach kids how to boot Docker?

Also your demonic line doesnt add up, the ye can still say the Chromebooks are demonic and make the kid leave it outside the house or something.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Except they have to use the Chromebook to do schoolwork. I’m not sure why you are acting like this is some weird rarity when it’s really standard.

And no, expecting a six-year-old to understand much more than clicking on the default home page is not something we can “surely teach.” Because they’re six.

CaptainSpaceman ,

What about 7 year olds?

Is it just 6 year olds we need to handhold docker image launching?

I understand Chromebooks are standard and I desire that to change, hence this entire thread you’ve been commenting on.

I seem to interact with you a lot, and sometimes it feels like you get lost in all the posts and comments you make and lose focus of the entire conversation at hand.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Expecting all, or even most, children in an elementary school to understand that is silly.

All I can think is you’ve never raised any children if you think most six or seven-year-olds could understand that.

School, again, is supposed to be about fairness, not catering to the smartest kids.

ILikeBoobies ,

Should be able to do either remotely or by including it in the image

I imagine personal work is saved to a server not locally

But it doesn’t hurt to try

_tezz ,

You might be surprised! This type of change is usually automated and centralized, so an administrator shouldn’t ever have to even touch any of those Chromebooks. Might be worth having a chat with your school administrators.

FlyingSquid , avatar

My own daughter is in online school now (it’s still a public school, it’s just not in a physical location) so she can use her own computer… but I have to do the user agent switcher thing because the school’s own website testing software isn’t Firefox-compatible. And the school is run by evil Pierson who basically has a monopoly on American public schools, so I’m guessing that’s true for all of those Chromebooks out there too.

Still, I might suggest it to them anyway just for the benefit of the other kids.

CaptainSpaceman ,

Yeah, they sign major contracts that have a lot of stipulations so they get the best deals since theyre govt funded. This backfires, ofc, by locking them into bad products.

Im not saying dont try, definitely do.

mwalimu , avatar

I think this is something most people rarely talk about but it strikes home to many of us. As a parent, I have a responsibility to defend my children against this persistent cognitive manipulation and experimentation. Just as I would not want a random stranger at the corner have exclusive attention of my kid and sell them insurance or grammarly or mesothelioma, I would also never want them to have that unfiltered access to my kids online. One can then say AdBlocks are a parental obligation.

CaptainSpaceman ,

there has to be collective voices and collective action taken. do parents unions exist?

boywar3 ,

Usually, they are used to burn books :/

ARg94 ,

*Limit access to pornography in grade school libraries. Translated your groomer speak to English for you.

boywar3 ,

What a weird thing to say

ARg94 ,

You think little kids need to view explicit material? I hope no one trusts you around children. Parents have a right and a responsibility to know and approve of the curriculum taught to their children by state schools financed by their taxes. If they do not approve they should have the right to send their children and their money elsewhere. This will be the law.

boywar3 ,

And, pray tell, what library or school has pornography in it that is easily accessible to minors?

Furthermore, having lived my entire life around educators and now working for an educational institution: parents are fucking stupid lol

The sheer numbers of videos of parents bitching and crying at school meetings or libraries about “X book is pornographic” or “this book has witchcraft and should be burned” is absurd. Those mouth breathers don’t even know how to critically examine a fucking facebook post for bullshit, let alone comprehend the difficulty in teaching children.

Don’t like your kid learning about how Trans people exist? Go fuck yourself and homeschool your kid so they can be permanently stunted in terms of preparation for the real world. Let the vast majority of regular people make sure their kids grow up socially aware and at least passingly prepared for the future.

Also, “this will be the law?” Have you seen the flailing Republican party? Guess what fucker - the average American thinks project 2025 is batshit and the republican party got hijacked by a manchild and ruined their stupid plans. It’s only downhill from here now that they went mask off - most people think they’re nuts.

ARg94 ,

Nah. I’m gonna keep advocating for sanity in public schools and for parents to have oversight of their children’s education.

boywar3 ,

Lol ok whatever you say. Enjoy the consequences of letting the uneducated run things

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

Wow, I was wrong. You’re even stupider than I thought!

suction ,

How about a DNS-based ad-blocking service? NextDNS is pretty good and not expensive. You should check if you can set custom DNS servers on that Chromebook, though.

kalpol ,

DNS over https bypasses much of that, right? till you find and block those DNS servers

r3df0x ,

I have Yunohost installed on my local network and they have DNS adblocking apps that you can install.

You can also very easily install apps like Owncloud to have your own version of Google Drive.

suction ,

That probably will not be suitable because the Chromebook could leave the home network.

mp3 , avatar


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  • suction ,

    Don’t tell me that, there’s a Dad yearnin’ to help his spawn?!?!

    Dettweiler42 ,

    I switched to Firefox last year when talks of chromium manifest V3 First started popping up. I had used Firefox many years ago when Chrome was first coming out. I was blown away at how well it worked compared to old Firefox, plus how easy they made it to switch. I even changed my phone browser and my desktop browser ties in with it seamlessly. Very happy with the switch and I wish I had switched earlier.

    Now, I just wish I could use it at work. Not sure how I’m going to block ads on my work browser.

    the_radness ,

    My work blocks all kinds random software, Firefox included. My workaround is using Brave browser and a service like NextDNS either as an app or as the DNS provider for my home network. It’s not perfect but it’s flexible enough.

    Dettweiler42 ,

    What’s odd is that we have Firefox pre-installed on our computers, but installing uBlock causes a lot of websites to stop loading. I forget the error, but I recall doing a lot of searching and it quickly becoming more effort than it was worth at the time since I’d have to do it all over again almost every day.

    the_radness ,

    That’s by design. uBlock is blocking ad and spyware network requests. It’s common for sites to crash or error because of this. They’ll depend on a call to Google or Sentry or DataDog to succeed before continuing with their initialization. As a platform engineer for several web properties, I die a little inside every time I see this happen.

    Dettweiler42 ,

    It works flawlessly on my personal devices. I’m assuming the errors are due to something with our intranet security.

    the_radness ,

    Have you tried VPN?

    Dettweiler42 ,

    Can’t add that to work PCs, plus we already use our own VPN service for external devices

    aceshigh , avatar

    I have a Chromebook, what do I need to do to get ubo? From my understanding, Firefox is not supported in the browser so I’d need to get Linux? How does security work with Linux?

    nexussapphire ,

    Firewalled for limiting untrustworthy connections to the computer(public networks, hotels, even work).

    apparmor for protecting the kernel and controlling file access to applications. SELinux is also a good option but if you need to load kernel modules, it can take a few minutes to sign and register it. It is automated on redhat systems though.

    Other than that, do your research and don’t run random scripts and install random apps.

    aceshigh , avatar

    I wonder why you’re getting downvoted

    nexussapphire ,

    I don’t know, they’re just security measures you can take. Maybe some personal preference thing. I don’t bother with the app guard thing and SELinux is pretty annoying with my Nvidia graphics card but a firewall is something I always setup.

    dyc3 ,
    Swarfega ,

    They should update the Chrome extension to tell people to download Firefox instead

    r3df0x ,

    Imagine if Google’s decision to do this to fight adblockers results in them losing the lead in the browser war because everyone switches to other browsers.

    setsneedtofeed , avatar

    Dreaming is one thing, but I remain skeptical. Tech people always seem to vastly overestimate how much the average population will react to tech news. Most people don’t care. They should but they don’t. In addition to that, use of Chrome by businesses is heavily entrenched. The IT guys probably hate it on a personal level, but it takes a lot to make business bigwigs change direction away from a “trustworthy” big company like Google.

    r3df0x ,

    The vast majority of people aren’t even going to know or care. A lot of people will probably just continue on even when their adblocker becomes less effective. Of course the type of people who use adblockers are also more likely to wonder why their adblocker suddenly became less effective and then switch to a browser where it’s more effective.

    It takes a lot to change the inertia that already exists. People have been predicting the rise of the Linux desktop for at least a decade now and it still hasn’t really caught on.

    WereCat ,

    Tech people are niche but over time we will pre-install what we consider “good” on our grandmas, dads, moms, friends, etc… PCs

    setsneedtofeed , avatar

    The older generation demographic continues to shrink, while it seems the great majority of Gen Z and A are perfectly happy to use whatever ecosystem is built into their device. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t want better software, merely being realistic about the choices of populations.

    FiskFisk33 ,

    I mostly agree, but lets remember

    use of Chrome by businesses is heavily entrenched.

    So was internet explorer

    Llewellyn ,

    And we had it like forever.

    FiskFisk33 ,

    “like” being a very important word in that sentence.

    setsneedtofeed , avatar

    Chrome was backed by Google, a multifaceted staple of the Internet ecosystem and rolled out with a ton of marketing behind it.

    I remain skeptical that Firefox could plausibly overtake Chrome. The mere word of mouth of tech enthusiasts simply isn’t enough to make a population majority proactively switch.

    kartoffelsaft ,

    The thing that finally got businesses to finally get off IE wasn’t from the browser being worse than every other option. Heck, it wasn’t even because it was a decrepit piece of software that lost it’s former market dominance (and if anything businesses see that as a positive, not a negative).

    What finally did that was microsoft saying there won’t be any security updates. That’s what finally got them off their ass; subtly threatening them with data breaches, exploits, etc. if they continue to use it. I don’t see google doing this anytime soon, at least not without a “sequel” like microsoft had with edge.

    hOrni ,

    I know, that some day I will have to switch to Firefox. But I’m putting it off as long as I can, as I don’t like that browser. I will have to instal a shit load of add-ons to get the customisability of Vivaldi, and I doubt k will get it all.

    QuantumSoul ,
    drathvedro ,

    Do you even need uBO on vivaldi, though? A friend of mine recently had an issue of sites breaking, even with all addons disabled. As we found out, vivaldi already has a built-in adblocker, which uses pretty much the same lists as uBO. In the end it turned out to be one of the easylist’s borked rules…

    pewgar_seemsimandroid ,

    PPAPI really ruined this all NPAPI FTW

    sturmblast ,

    I haven’t used Chrome in years now. Firefox has always been my home.

    BarbecueCowboy ,

    Did I miss a piece? I don’t see anywhere in the original statement where firefox is actively recommended, just mentioned as an example.

    Aatube ,
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