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Outsourcing emotion: The horror of Google’s “Dear Sydney” AI ad | The company suggests using AI to write a child’s fan letter and the ad is so bad that Google turned off comments for it on YouTube

If you’ve watched any Olympics coverage this week, you’ve likely been confronted with an ad for Google’s Gemini AI called “Dear Sydney.” In it, a proud father seeks help writing a letter on behalf of his daughter, who is an aspiring runner and superfan of world-record-holding hurdler Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone.

“I’m pretty good with words, but this has to be just right,” the father intones before asking Gemini to “Help my daughter write a letter telling Sydney how inspiring she is…” Gemini dutifully responds with a draft letter in which the LLM tells the runner, on behalf of the daughter, that she wants to be “just like you.”

I think the most offensive thing about the ad is what it implies about the kinds of human tasks Google sees AI replacing. Rather than using LLMs to automate tedious busywork or difficult research questions, “Dear Sydney” presents a world where Gemini can help us offload a heartwarming shared moment of connection with our children.

Inserting Gemini into a child’s heartfelt request for parental help makes it seem like the parent in question is offloading their responsibilities to a computer in the coldest, most sterile way possible. More than that, it comes across as an attempt to avoid an opportunity to bond with a child over a shared interest in a creative way.

mozz , avatar

This is one of the weirdest of several weird things about the people who are marketing AI right now

I went to ChatGPT right now and one of the auto prompts it has is “Message to comfort a friend”

If I was in some sort of distress and someone sent me a comforting message and I later found out they had ChatGPT write the message for them I think I would abandon the friendship as a pointless endeavor

What world do these people live in where they’re like “I wish AI would write meaningful messages to my friends for me, so I didn’t have to”

Khanzarate ,

The thing they’re trying to market is a lot of people genuinely don’t know what to say at certain times. Instead of replacing an emotional activity, its meant to be used when you literally can’t do it but need to.

Obviously that’s not the way it should go, but it is an actual problem they’re trying to talk to. I had a friend feel real down in high school because his parents didn’t attend an award ceremony, and I couldn’t help cause I just didn’t know what to say. AI could’ve hypothetically given me a rough draft or inspiration. Obviously I wouldn’t have just texted what the AI said, but it could’ve gotten me past the part I was stuck on.

In my experience, AI is shit at that anyway. 9 times out of 10 when I ask it anything even remotely deep it restates the problem like “I’m sorry to hear your parents couldn’t make it”. AI can’t really solve the problem google wants it to, and I’m honestly glad it can’t.

mozz , avatar

Yeah. If it had any empathy this would be a good task and a genuinely helpful thing. As it is, it’s going to produce nothing but pain and confusion and false hope if turned loose on this task.

Serinus ,

They’re trying to market emotion because emotion sells.

It’s also exactly what AI should be kept away from.

assassin_aragorn ,

A lot of the times when you don’t know what to say, it’s not because you can’t find the right words, but the right words simply don’t exist. There’s nothing that captures your sorrow for the person.

Funny enough, the right thing to say is that you don’t know what to say. And just offer yourself to be there for them.

ArbitraryValue , (edited )

If I was in some sort of distress and someone sent me a comforting message and I later found out they had ChatGPT write the message for them I think I would abandon the friendship as a pointless endeavor

My initial response is the same as yours, but I wonder… If the intent was to comfort you and the effect was to comfort you, wasn’t the message effective? How is it different from using a cell phone to get a reminder about a friend’s birthday rather than memorizing when the birthday is?

One problem that both the AI message and the birthday reminder have is that they don’t require much effort. People apparently appreciate having effort expended on their behalf even if it doesn’t create any useful result. This is why I’m currently making a two-hour round trip to bring a birthday cake to my friend instead of simply telling her to pick the one she wants, have it delivered, and bill me. (She has covid so we can’t celebrate together.) I did make the mistake of telling my friend that I had a reminder in my phone for this, so now she knows I didn’t expend the effort to memorize the date.

Another problem that only the AI message has is that it doesn’t contain information that the receiver wants to know, which is the specific mental state of the sender rather than just the presence of an intent to comfort. Presumably if the receiver wanted a message from an AI, she would have asked the AI for it herself.

Anyway, those are my Asperger’s musings. The next time a friend needs comforting, I will tell her “I wish you well. Ask an AI for inspirational messages appropriate for these circumstances.”

Emerald ,

Ask an AI for inspirational messages appropriate for these circumstances.

Don’t need to ask an AI when every website is AI-generated blogspam these days

candybrie ,

Another problem that only the AI message has is that it doesn’t contain information that the receiver wants to know, which is the specific mental state of the sender rather than just the presence of an intent to comfort.

I don’t think the recipient wants to know the specific mental state of the sender. Presumably, the person is already dealing with a lot, and it’s unlikely they’re spending much time wondering what friends not going through it are thinking about. Grief and stress tend to be kind of self-centering that way.

The intent to comfort is the important part. That’s why the suggestion of “I don’t know what to say, but I’m here for you” can actually be an effective thing to say in these situations.

Rolando ,

I would abandon the friendship as a pointless endeavor

You’re in luck, you can subscribe to an AI friend instead. /s

mozz , avatar

You’ve seen porn addiction yes, but have you seen AI boyfriend emotional attachment addiction?

Guaranteed to ruin your life! Act now.

Emerald ,

Those AI dating sites always have the creepiest uncanny valley profile photos. Its fun to scroll them sometimes.

Steve ,

Don’t date robots!

flicker ,

Brought to you by the Space Pope.

synae , avatar

Shut up! You don’t understand what me and Marilyn Monrobot have together!

AFKBRBChocolate ,

The article makes a mention of the early part of the movie Her, where he’s writing a heartfelt, personal card that turns out to be his job, writing from one stranger to another. That reference was exactly on target: I think most of us thought outsourcing such a thing was a completely bizarre idea, and it is. It’s maybe even worse if you’re not even outsourcing to someone with emotions but to an AI.

dan1101 ,

These seem like people who treat relationships like a game or an obligation instead of really wanting to know the person.

gibmiser ,

So in the spring I got a letter from a student telling me how much they appreciate me as a teacher. At the time I was going through some s***. Still am frankly. So it meant a lot to me.That was such a nice letter.

I read it again the next day and realized it was too perfect. Some of the phrasing just didn’t make sense for a high school student. Some of the punctuation.

I have no doubt the student was sincere in their appreciation for me, But once I realized what they had done It cheapened those happy feelings. Blah.

Xeroxchasechase ,

You should’ve asked Gemini what to feel about it and how to response…

kamenlady , avatar

That’s the problem with how they are doing it, everyone seems to want AI to do everything, everywhere.

It is now getting on my own nerves, because more and more customers want to have somehow AI integrated in their websites, even when they don’t have a use for it.

blanketswithsmallpox , (edited )

… But why did it cheapen it when they’re the one that sent it to you? Because someone helped them write it, somehow the meaning is meaningless?

That seems positively callous in the worst possible way.

It’s needless fear mongering because it doesn’t count because of arbitrary reason since it’s not how we used to do things in the good old days.

No encyclopedia references… No using the internet… No using Wikipedia… No quoting since language and experience isn’t somehow shared and built on the shoulders of the previous generations with LLMs being the equivalent of a literal human reference dictionary that people want to say but can’t recall themselves or simply want to save time in a world where time is more precious than almost anything lol.

The only reason anyone shouldn’t like AI is due to the power draw. And nearly every AI company is investing more in renewables than anyone everyone else while pretending like data centers are the bane of existence while they write on Lemmy watching YouTube and playing an online game lol.

KairuByte , avatar

I’m curious, if they had gone to their parent, gave them the same info, and come to the same message… would it have been less cheap feeling?

And do you know that isn’t the case? “Hey mom, I’m trying to write something nice to my teacher, this is what I have but it feels weird can you make a suggestion?” Is a perfectly reasonable thing to have happened.

candybrie ,

I think there’s a different amount of effort involved in the two scenarios and that does matter. In your example, the kid has already drafted the letter and adding in a parent will make it take longer and involve more effort. I think the assumption is they didn’t go to AI with a draft letter but had it spit one out with a much easier to create prompt.

mctoasterson ,

Glad to see others have also keyed in on just how lame this ad was.

My immediate thought was, if you (the guy doing the voiceover as the father) are so mentally deficient that you can’t even put together a four sentence paragraph of your own original thoughts for fanmail, then what hope do you have of doing anything else as a functioning adult?

Worse yet, what does this teach the kid?

barsquid ,

It should be like a core memory for the kid to do this with her dad. It’s like having an LLM to play catch or do tea parties with her.

KairuByte , avatar

You… you joke, but I know a few parents who would absolutely fail at something like this. Hell, they fail at basic math, and are barely literate.

I’m not saying this is a great idea for everyone, or that the ad is good. But the idea that “no one needs this” is extremely short sighted. Hell, the literacy rate in America alone isn’t even 95%, and over 50% of Americans aren’t proficient in English.

Again. This ad sucks for lots of reasons. But don’t pretend idiots can’t make it through adulthood, never mind become parents. The idiots are usually the ones with the most kids.

Angry_Autist ,

It teaches the kid to rely more and more on AI for everything, just like Google wants.

They’re already ‘thanking’ siri and alexa, this will be a very dangerous development.

habitualcynic ,
Angry_Autist ,

Roko’s basilisk is kind of bullshit but the meme is funny.

webghost0101 ,

Thanking a personified character doesn’t strike me as a bad thing.

Surely theres a more positive perspective where people are just naturally polite in their words and would struggle to communicate differently to a language bot.

helenslunch , (edited ) avatar

Honestly they could have avoided this by asking the daughter to input some legitimate sentiments and had AI help her express them.

Instead they offload the task entirely, removing any thought or sense of legitimacy.

systemglitch ,

Well said.

ArchRecord , (edited )

The people making these ads can’t fathom anything past pure efficiency. It’s what their entire job revolves around, efficiently using corporate resources to maximize the amount of people using or paying for a product.

Sure, I would like to be more efficient when writing, but that doesn’t mean writing the whole letter for me, it means giving me pointers on how to start it, things to emphasize, or how to reword something that doesn’t sound quite right, so I don’t spend 10 minutes staring at an email wondering if the way I worded it will be taken the wrong way.

AI is a tool, it is not a replacement for humans. Trying to replace true human interaction with an LLM is like trying to replace an experienced person’s job with a freshly hired intern with no experience. Sure, they can technically do the job, but they won’t do it well. It’s only a benefit when the intern works with the existing knowledgeable individuals in the field to do better work.

If we try to use AI to replace the entire process, we just end up with this:

barsquid ,

That flowchart example is idiotic but I love it. The formal cover letter in between is more idiotic. It would be cool if we could collectively agree to just send “I’d like this job” instead of all the bullshit.

BigPotato ,

But, you and everyone else would just say “I want this job” but they want the best person for the job. Putting up with bullshit is invariably going to be part of the job.

barsquid ,

They can compare my resume with the other applicants’. I don’t mind.

ArchRecord ,

A lot of what we do as a society is redundant, but I do think fully written emails or cover letters have merit (even if it’s the same template replicated for multiple applications,)

It helps the reviewer understand if you’re articulate with your speech, gives them additional context to your resume, and lets them better match applicants with their current work environment.

That said, a lot of the process is still redundant anyways, and considering many hiring processes are now entirely automated, a more concise, standardized method of providing the same information would likely be more manageable and efficient for most people.

Imgonnatrythis ,

That’s not fan mail. That’s spam.

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar

Okay. I’m a transhumanist. I like AI, automation, and the abolishment of involuntary labor as well as obligatory adversity. Even I thought this ad was super fucking creepy. How the fuck do you justify sending your daughter an auto-generated letter? Now, not only do you not care enough to do it yourself, you’re lying to her about it.

festus ,

Other way around - the AI is writing a letter “from” the daughter to be sent to the athlete. Still BS though, and I’m sure famous people just love getting spam fan mail where the person couldn’t be bothered to draft it themself.

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar

I was remembering an ad that I saw yesterday(?), so either I mis-remembered, mis-understood, or mistook the ad mentioned in the article for the one I saw.

Regardless, ty for letting me know.

CrowAirbrush ,

If i look around me, the people have stopped caring and been lying about it for years.

Either Google knows it’s audience, or the ad was sent to the wrong crowd.

ch00f ,

Thank you! The ads from everywhere this Olympics have been so fucking weird. I even started a thread on mastodon and this ad was on it.

sunzu ,

They were always weird but it is getting to the point where even normies are taking notice.

All that sex traffic that occurs for their event alone make it an abomination.

314xel , avatar

My best friend, the Uber driver, which I prefer to shut up all the way home. But hey, what are friends for, he keeps me hydrated!

peopleproblems ,

Ever since I moved to an ad-reduced life, everything has been nicer. I can’t completely escape them, they are everywhere. But minimizing with ublock and pihole helps, then only using video services that don’t have ads. Unfortunately, a lot have added ads, so I have quit those. I’ll pay extra for ad-free, just because ads make my life so miserable.

I can’t watch broadcast TV, it’s too irritating. I can’t browse the web on a device outside my network or phone. I don’t use free apps. Hell, I don’t listen to the radio.

I like to think it has made me a calmer person.

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

Once you realize that everyone that works in marketing is a soulless demon, the world starts to make a lot more sense.

Qantumentangled ,

This! I was appalled when this ad played, suggesting that ANYONE comes out of that fictional scenario pleased is ridiculous. No one wants to receive a crappy AI-written email, ESPECIALLY when the primary topic is emotional. Using an LLM to write a message for a loved one tells everyone that you don’t actually care enough to write it yourself. And Google is putting their big check of approval on the whole scenario saying, “This is what we want you to use Gemini for.” Absolutely abysmal.

The ONLY version of this ad that makes any sense is if the parent writing the email is illiterate or has a medical issue where they can’t type. But I’d rather see them use AI to make dictation better and more powerful instead.

We’re all switching to Kagi Search and moving our email to ProtonMail or the like right? I don’t need this kind of crap in my digital tool kit.

breakingcups ,

Hate to say it, but Kagi is not great. Both in results and in stewardship.

ChickenPasaran , avatar

Proton recently introduced an AI "writing assistant" for emails called Scribe and a bitcoin wallet sadly.

AbouBenAdhem ,

The obvious missing element is another AI on Sydney’s end to summarize all the fan mail into a one-number sentiment score. At that point we can eliminate both the AIs and the mental effort, and just send each other single numbers via an ad-sponsored Google service.

thesporkeffect ,

Which they will unceremoniously murder after it fails to get enough traction in a month after launch.

Serinus ,

Hey, my buddy’s work is already doing that! Management no longer has any idea what the company does, but they know how often you click. It boils down to a decimal number, which is what they really need. Higher numbers are better.

BigPotato ,

I said all these things to my partner when I saw the ad as well.

I’ve spent more time helping my kid write Steam reviews of the games they’re playing than this Dad did on writing a letter to his daughter’s hero.

Simple as. Don’t be surprised when the kid puts you in a crappy home to afford more Gemini credit or whatever.

pineapplelover ,

It’s like the South Park episode about using chatgpt to message their SO

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Was kinda suprised I forgot about this one lol. Such a great episode.

Evotech ,
yesman ,

It’s 2027, the AI killer app never came, but LLMification has produced an unimaginable glut of mediocre media and the most popular AI application is to use it to find human sourced material.

The stock market is like a ship on fire, but you can buy video cards for pennies on the dollar.

Modva ,

Yeah, fully agree. This is one of the reasons big tech is dangerous with AI, their sense of humanity and their instincts on what’s right are way off.

Oozes superficiality. Say anything do anything for market share.

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