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Geek_King ,

As a full time remote worker, I can confirm, I’m driving so much less. My commute prior to the pandemic was 18 minutes (12.7 miles one way), so 25 miles round trip with 36 minutes spent driving each work day. My commute was short compared to a lot of other people I worked with who’d drive 45 minutes one way, some 1 hour one way! That’s a lot of driving that can be cut out if the role allows for remote work.

Ryan213 , avatar

I find I’m less angry too. A lot of bad drivers out there. Lol

steebo_jack ,

Ah yah...lots of stupid drivers here just piss me off...lots of traffic compared to last year too...

ThePantser , avatar

I have a theory about the increase of bad drivers that seems to have happened after the pandemic. So most of the higher paid desk jobs where usually people are more intelligent mostly went to WFH. So there are less intelligent people on the road than there used to be. So now it’s all idiots in cars taking free reign of the roads. Less traffic causes the idiots to be able to more freely speed and run reds. I know since working from home I drive about 90% less and when I do I am scared for my life.

SheeEttin ,

As someone who works a desk job, no, there are lots of idiots in those jobs, and lots of smart people digging ditches.

fluxion ,

Just being stuck in traffic when you could be getting shit done is what gets me. Time/money/carbon emissions… just wasteful in every way

travysh ,

I’m lucky enough to have multiple routes to my office.

During the times that taking the back roads is dramatically slower, I’ll go on the interstate. Holy hell my stress and anger levels rocket when doing that.

AlexWIWA ,

I also eat at home a lot more which has a far lower ecological cost than going out to eat

dingus , avatar

And healthier, since restaurants tend to go all out on sugar, fat, and salt to make their meals tasty.

metaStatic ,

Food isn't medicine, it's allowed to be healthy and tasty

dingus , avatar

For sure, it’s just that restaurants more often than not take shortcuts that aren’t healthy to achieve the tasty. I fully agree that you can make healthier and still very tasty food at home, they’re not mutually exclusive.

AlexWIWA ,

Oh I never said anything about eating healthy 😅

Ryan213 , avatar

Yeah, we make large portions when we cook so I can freeze the leftovers for lunch.

LastoftheDinosaurs , avatar


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  • 0110010001100010 OP , avatar

    I changed mine before a ~1500 mile road trip summer of 2022. Flipped to the percentage (Honda) the other day just out of curiosity and it’s still at 60%, lol. I put so few miles on that thing it’s crazy. I sometimes go a few miles to lunch. Outside that we use it for hardware store runs here and there. I guess I did drive it to a wedding a couple weeks back but that was because I knew we would be parking in a farm field and it’s my only 4 wheel drive vehicle. Probably should change the oil before winter just for good measure.

    Thurgo ,

    It’s a good idea to change your oil every 12 months even if you don’t reach the mileage for the maintenance interval. The heat cycles from the engine creates condensation in the engine and the water reacts with the petroleum in the oil and produces some not nice stuff. I haven’t been reaching my interval but my car will still beep at me 30 days before the last oil monitor reset.

    jcit878 ,

    i just worked out im saving 2160 litres of fuel a year by not driving every day

    DrunkenPirate ,

    People who live in caves all the time cut emissions by 95%.

    DrunkenPirate ,

    This is far better: People who live without social media all the time cut emissions by 66%.

    dingus , avatar

    People who eat more beans cut the cheese.

    idiomaddict ,

    Only at first

    AlwaysNowNeverNotMe , avatar

    People who die cut emissions 100%

    a4ng3l ,

    Wouldn’t the decay of one’s be a source of emission?

    Event_Horizon5 ,

    Yeah but that only takes a couple months even in bad conditions.

    Montagge , avatar

    In the two weeks since my work mandated three days in the office I've spent $150 on gas. Awesome.
    Granted part of that reason is the car broke down and I had to drive the truck.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

    One criticism of WFH is that you'll have increased energy bills since you're home all day. Aside from the obvious reasons that's wrong, this provides hard data showing that WFH is better for the environment in addition to being better for literally everyone except commercial real estate investors.

    dingus , (edited ) avatar

    I would assume it takes far more energy on heating/cooling/ventilation systems for large buildings in general than it does for a series of small buildings that have classic ventilation systems called “windows that open to let in fresh air.” Something that is pretty rare in office buildings.

    EDIT: Furthermore, large buildings usually have automated systems that keep it roughly the same temperature throughout the whole building while individuals in their own homes might try to keep heating/cooling bills low by choosing to only heat/cool specific rooms that they’re actually physically using. I know I certainly do this at home, no sense in doing temp control in a room no one is occupying (other than making sure it’s above freezing for pipes, etc.).

    Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever ,

    It really depends. For larger systems you can start taking advantage of economy of scale and a LOT of homes have those shit-tacular window units. Also, during the winter you can take advantage of body heat and residual heat a lot more to not have to run the heat as much as someone in a room with poorly insulated windows would.

    And that ignores offices co-located with servers where you likely already have a pretty strong HVAC system that needs to run anyway.

    And then there is just the personal impact. Employees tend to not (knowingly) pay the heating/cooling bill in an office building. They do at home.

    fireweed ,

    I once worked in a high-rise office that would get uncomfortably cold (for me) in winter. I thought they were just being stingy with the heating, until I went into the office on a Saturday and found it was pleasantly warm. Turns out all the computers were keeping the office nice and toasty, and they were actively cooling the place during the winter to keep things at a “business temperature.”

    scytale ,

    Yeah. Having a laptop and extra monitor on all day at home probably uses less electricity than the fridge.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

    Ostensibly you could turn down your thermostat during the day to save money, but almost no one does this

    hellishharlot ,

    Not if you have pets at home

    dingus , avatar

    Maybe I’m weird but I get my doggie sweaters and socks to keep him warm.

    hellishharlot ,

    And when it’s 100+f in the summer? AC has to run enough to keep them cool

    Trainguyrom ,

    This depends greatly on the home and how the home is used for how effective changing the thermostat during the day actually is. You have to keep it mildly in a comfortable temperature range to prevent damage to the home, plus any people or animals at home during the day will reduce the savings available by adjusting the thermostat. There’s also the problem of the fact that if you let the home get too far outside of the desired range the HVAC then has to “catch up” for when you get home which may be enough to not only negate but use more energy and if it just stayed at one set temperature.

    All of the increased energy use at home is nothing compared to the energy use of a personal car. My family was able to go down to a single vehicle thanks to hybrid work. Literally an entire car off the road. We live in a rural area where traveling between towns is a requirement and driving your own car is the only way to reliably get between towns, so being a single car family and not missing having a second car is a rare luxury where we live

    ShadowRam ,

    The main causes of remote workers’ reduced emissions were less office energy use, as well as fewer emissions from a daily commute.

    I mean yeah, that makes sense,

    But I wonder what the numbers are when it comes to everyone keeping their homes heated/cooled all day compared to communal heating/cooling of a building.

    People working at home will increase their personal emissions to keep their home office heated/cooled, and I suspect you get more bang for your energy buck if they are all in one spot instead of spread out into multiple buildings.

    So sure.. less office energy use, but increased home energy use...

    I wonder how the study calculated that or even bothered...

    jjjalljs ,

    I don’t know about your home and office, but every office I worked in had atrocious heating and cooling. People wear hoodies inside all summer because the AC is set too low.

    WarmSoda ,

    Yup. You need a work hoodie for summer.
    And there’s always that one girl that has a blanket.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , (edited ) avatar

    Or the lady who keeps bringing in a space heater and plugging it into their computer power strip despite being told repeatedly not to do that

    AlwaysNowNeverNotMe , avatar

    Or who keeps triggering the breaker because her space heater is melting things under her desk.

    frickineh ,

    It’s me. I’m the lady with the space heater (and the blanket, and the hoodie). I have garbage circulation, so I have to warm up my frozen fingers and toes a few times a day or I can’t get anything done. If there were any other outlets, I’d use those, but there aren’t because my building is old as balls.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

    I pray that you may find a job that lets you work from the climate that suits you best. Probably tropical.

    frickineh ,

    No joke, I was born on a Pacific island, and I swear that set me up for life to crave 85 and humid all year round. Unfortunately, I live in CO, and I love this dumb state, so here we are. With space heaters and office blankets.

    ShadowRam ,

    definitely a perk working from home, you decide temperature/sound/etc.

    But I'm talking from an overall society energy use perspective.

    I'm curious if the energy efficiency of having people in one building compares to the energy efficiency of them spread out.

    It will greatly vary, as some are already in apartment buildings sharing that efficiency, some are in better eff rated homes, some are in worse eff rated homes.

    Not sure this study can accurately claim 54% .. even if they said +-10%, it's still probably way out to lunch.

    jjjalljs ,

    Don’t forget about all the useless TVs and monitors running in offices all the time.

    And heating/cooling/lighting all the empty rooms.

    Plus staff for cleaning and security.

    You’re not wrong that it’d be interesting to see some data, but my intuition is offices are extremely wasteful in a lot of ways. I could be wrong though!

    Trainguyrom ,

    I remember reading about a study pre-pandemic that found remote work was greatly better from an emissions standpoint than in-office work and it mostly came down to the massive amounts of resources spent commuting, and if I remember correctly it even found the emissions cost of commuting by public transit to be significant enough to see improvement by remote work

    sbv ,

    I wonder what the numbers are when it comes to everyone keeping their homes heated/cooled all day compared to communal heating/cooling of a building.

    District heating is popular in parts of the world. We could lower emissions caused by commuting and lower emissions due to shitty tiny furnaces.

    Trainguyrom ,

    District heating (and cooling) would also alleviate the problem of people continuing to run ancient furnaces and air conditioners that are simply too old and worn down to be effective

    neanderthal ,

    In the US, people typically drive cars to work. These cars are 3000-6000 pounds that move 20-30 miles by burning oiil at 25% efficiency while also polluting the air with brake and tire dust.

    krayj ,

    Corporations should be held responsible for the emissions caused by their employee’s commuting.

    This would really change the discussion about return to office.

    AllonzeeLV ,

    Lol they spent decades doing the opposite, generating the vast majority of emissions with big manufacturing and big livestock, and then successfully shifting blame on poor peasants claiming the planet is heating because they’re not sorting their recycling well enough.

    Chivera ,

    Yes and also by telling us to buy expensive electric cars because the environment needs us to.

    Duxon ,

    How about buying electric instead of combustion while trying to not buy a new car unless it’s really necessary? That should reduce emissions, shouldn’t it?

    zcd ,

    This is the way

    NOT_RICK , avatar

    Companies should be on the hook for all negative externalities. Make them internalities and watch how quick things change

    Malfeasant ,

    But then how would they exploit the poors?

    Asifall ,

    It seems simpler to just tax gas at a more rational rate.

    krakenx ,

    Simpler perhaps, but not really better. High gas prices hurt the poor disproportionately because it’s a larger part of their income, they don’t have as much control over WFH policies or their locations for reducing commutes, and they can’t typically afford to upgrade to fuel efficient vehicles. Plus since almost everything is transported by truck, high gas prices make the cost of everything else go up too.

    I think part of the labor shortage is from people who did the math and quit after realising that they weren’t actually earning anything after subtracting transportation costs.

    Asifall ,

    If we’re talking about some sort of tax on employers based on the commute of their employees, it’s going to disproportionately affect the poor anyway. If you tax employers though you’re incentivizing further control of their employees lives.

    Yes, higher gas prices would increase the cost of shipping and therefore most products, but there’s no world in which we hold corporations accountable for their externalities and consumer goods remain as cheap as they are.

    ntzm ,

    In Nottingham, UK they made it so companies have to pay for every parking space per year over a certain amount, and that money gets invested in public transport. Over time congestion has grown much slower in Nottingham than similar cities, I’m amazed that more cities don’t do the same.

    CharlesDarwin , avatar

    Yes, but we need to see everyone in person!!!11111 There are intangible benefits and impromptu synergies, etc… /s

    electrogamerman ,

    Bro, I literally want to punch everyone in the office.

    sukhmel ,

    See, and how would you do that if everyone is at home? So office is clearly superior and totally necessary >!/s!<

    CharlesDarwin , avatar

    LOL - game, set, match.

    solstice ,

    Modern accounting techniques are amazing and super effective, barely unchanged since their codification in the 1490s by an Italian scholar named Luca Pacioli. The biggest weakness of accounting though is its inability to capture externalities. How does one company record the cost of their employees commute? How do you even begin to calculate that? How do you measure the cost of extra leukemia cases in a town ten years after a train derails nearby? How do you record that in your books? How do you calculate and record the distress these huge noisy shipping vessels cause whales? It’s just so subjective and impractical.

    krayj ,

    In the city of Seattle, for example, every year, companies over a certain number of employees are required to participate in an annual transportation survey. The employees are surveyed. The questions ask how far the employee commutes to work, how long it takes, and by what method (private vehicle, car pool, public transportation), how many days a year they work from home, or take off, etc. The effort is to assess the impact on environment, parking infrastructure, public transportation, roads, etc.

    Obviously, there isn’t a 100% response rate so the data is extrapolated from the responses to the total number of employees employeed at that site (probably why they only poll companies of a minimum size and larger).

    If they wanted to implement something like this in seattle, then the next step would be to take the data they already have and start sending those companies a new bill for a new annual tax based on the assessment.

    Lots of taxes work off of an estimated assessment rather than having to account for every nut snd bolt of the thing (property taxes, for example).

    So how do you do it? That’s how you do it. This isn’t rocket science, and you don’t need to invent new accounting methods or worry about the accounting-sky falling to accomplish it.

    solstice ,

    Regarding commuting specifically I meant how do you determine the cost of each extra pound of co2 in the atmosphere. It’s inherently incalculable because the effects of climate change are insanely complex. That’s my point about externalities. How do you price the value of standing in an open meadow at dusk?

    krayj ,

    The point of my earlier comment was that the inability to account down to the last carbon atom isn’t a valid reason not to start with more generalized high-level estimates and work just from those until/if a better way of doing it is either becomes available or becomes a necessity.

    It’s like arguing that we might as well not accept the existence of circles because we can’t calculate to the final digit of pi…when really, for most things, we don’t need that level of precision to still do a good job discussing roundness.

    solstice ,

    Pi can be rounded. It’s infamously difficult to compute externalities in any meaningful sense. Even more difficult to implement a fair and actionable policy for it. You can google “accounting for externalities” and read a bunch f articles and academic papers on the subject, which has been debated for decades.

    Beyond fines for dumping chemicals in rivers, and carbon taxes, etc, stronger EPA, etc, I don’t really have any good ideas for codifying a real actual plan into law. Probably easier to raise corporate tax rates up a few points from 21% to whatever and use it to fund green energy and cleanup projects etc, rather than change accounting methods to try and capture the costs that way.

    SmoothIsFast ,

    Modern accounting techniques are amazing and super effective,


    The biggest weakness of accounting though is its inability to capture externalities

    Oh so you mean it’s actually dog shit then, if you can’t properly look at external risks outside the clearly defined formulas and can game said fomulas to cook books to one’s liking.

    How does one company record the cost of their employees commute? How do you even begin to calculate that? How do you measure the cost of extra leukemia cases in a town ten years after a train derails nearby? How do you record that in your books? How do you calculate and record the distress these huge noisy shipping vessels cause whales? It’s just so subjective and impractical.

    You act like these are difficult tasks in the modern era. Commute is pretty simple, what type of vehicle, what are its maintenance costs at certain mileages, what are the crash statistics, etc. Once you have a general fomula you can add an increased payout to cover ireegular externalities to properly hedge against the edge cases. Same shit for the others. It’s not subjective and impractical, it’s just not the going to be perfectly effiecnt as you need to create a bigger financial bubble to account for edge cases. The problem is hyper fixation on extracting the most captial possible from a business. Stop trying to be the most clean cut business and focus on aiding your communities, working to better infrastructure and stop interference with local governments for tax benefits. Then progressive changes can be beneficial to both and reduce external unmitigated risks as we have a more nuanced model to work with.

    solstice ,

    That rant is unhinged, you’re not playing with a full deck. Not gonna engage with you if you can’t have a reasonable conversation in good faith.

    SmoothIsFast ,

    Lol, call out your bullshit and you have nothing but a reductionist argument, but sure bud I’m the one not playing with a full deck. Go lick some more boots if you can’t engage in constructive conversation.

    solstice ,

    Come back when you can codify your point into something that can actually be recorded on a balance sheet and P&L. Until then it’s not even wrong, it’s just…word salad…

    witx ,

    Well, for positions that could be moved to WFH perhaps. To others that would be unfair because companies would descriminate by distance to the office.

    SmoothIsFast ,

    So you also make sure location discrimination is illegal as well. There can be multiple parts to the legislation.

    OftenWrong ,

    Before we do anything else we should be working to end lobbying and put every single lobbyist leech on society out of a job. Otherwise this is all pipe dreams. They’ll just lobby it away.

    em2 , avatar

    I still don’t understand how bribery lobbying is legal.

    Malfeasant ,

    As they should…

    CharlesDarwin , avatar

    I’ve seen that already, at least pre-Covid and in the U.S. Even though I’m pretty sure that asking that during an interview is illegal, I’ve been on post-interview sessions where someone inevitably says “yeah, but this candidate lives nearly an hour away, while this other candidate lives 15 minutes away…” so they found out somehow.

    Nougat ,

    That's why I can sleep easy at night even though my house is heated by coal.

    Honytawk ,

    Because you are selfish? I mean good on you.

    Trainguyrom ,

    Ignoring all societal implications of burning coal, heating your own home by burning coal is super bad for your lungs!

    Nougat ,

    Yeah, but you should hear the cool sound it makes when they deliver a truckload of coal down the chute.

    sadreality ,

    You don't get to cut emission likes this, you will stop eating meat tho so better people can fly on private jets. They deserve it, peasants don't deserve anything. Slave bitches!

    Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever ,

    Its almost like people can do more than one thing.

    sadreality ,

    Correct peasants do all the things while better people do their jet setting and meat eating ;)

    This is only fair

    CharlesDarwin , avatar

    Well, meat eating should be cut way down; ideally to zero. But we’ll always have this disparity where some people will live better. It doesn’t mean the answer is to do nothing at all about systemic issues like meat.

    AllonzeeLV ,

    If the American owner class has taught Americans paying any attention the last century anything about how they operate, it’s “Fuck the commons/planet/species/future, burn it all if it makes me a dollar slightly faster!”

    Profit in this case being all the corporate park land they own. Propagating human misery at every step for nothing more than to run up their capital ego score, that doesn’t even effect their living conditions at all.

    Good thing they don’t consider their victims, people without significant net worth, human.

    AnonTwo ,

    Does it even make them any money if someone is inside the building? It seems more like justifying a purchase that didn't pan out.

    idiomaddict ,

    Corporate real estate is over represented in investments, so the loss is through the stock market, not the company directly

    Edit: I actually don’t know if that’s true, but it’s the theory

    Kichae ,

    While a lot of people work for big companies that may have commercial real estate holdings or are invested in REITs or something, most companies pulling workers back are not. And, indeed, they're run by people that are choosing to pay for the privilege of lording their station over the hired help -- though not to the employees, and many of them not purposefully.

    They're just taking productivity hits while swearing up and down that we're all lazy thieves who don't do a thing all day while not in the panopticon.

    AllonzeeLV ,

    It’s about holding value for them. Small/medium businesses paying rent in perpetuity to the corporate owners of business complexes. Yes, they’d rather others suffer and the planet burn if it means their capital investment is reaping dividends.

    That’s why we’re on the brink, it’s not like man made climate change hasn’t been known for half a century. Our owners only care about their capital scores. They destroyed our republic and captured our government that was supposed to regulate/check them for us to increase their capital scores. They’re destroying the climate and hobbling the species for generations to increase their capital scores.

    Why does everyone act surprised when our owner class acts like sociopaths? Thats why they’re in our owner class to begin with. Welcome to America, where practiced sociopathy gets you a corner office, and practiced prosocial vocations and empathy gets you a cardboard box on the sidewalk.…/the-wealthiest-10percent-of-americans-…

    baronvonj , avatar

    Your employer isn’t earning money by having you in the office. But they are losing money on the lease or mortgage for the property if you’re not in the office.

    eltimablo ,

    No, but it makes the cities where those buildings reside a boatload of tax revenue. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that a lot of the "return to office" propaganda was coming from local governments freaking out about the abrupt downturn in tax income from commuters.

    Ertebolle ,

    Yeah, but they deprive their bosses of the opportunity to walk into the building and have everybody who meets them say "Good Morning Mr. Analwart Sir" before shutting their office door and playing Minesweeper for 3 hours

    WindowsEnjoyer ,

    I am like infinitive times more productive when working from home. I am voluntarely coming to office usually 1 day per week and oh boy I don’t work in office. Vaping, walking around, chatting, meetings, vaping, snacks, walk outside.

    I think I will become pro-office at some point lol. 😅

    CharlesDarwin , avatar

    Yep, and if you have management that still values presenteeism over actual work (because it massages their ego), the 20%-40% reduction in productivity while AT work will go unnoticed, most likely.

    ohlaph ,

    And time. Instead of commuting, I’ll mow my grass, water the plants, do some chores, etc.

    My wife commutes and can’t work remotely. I try to consider that and do more chores to bring balance.

    That extra 20-30 minutes in the morning and 40 minutes in the PM is priceless, actually.

    guyrocket , avatar

    I agree.

    Time truly is our greatest resource as people and getting some back instead of driving is fantastic.

    Blackmist ,

    Took me an hour to get to work, so now I get an extra hour and a half in bed as I get up at 9:30 for my 9am start.

    Grumpy ,

    Wait… so you’re 30min late for work everyday because you sleep in?

    oroboros ,

    That’s someone properly refreshed, ready to do some quality work!

    3 day week, 4 hour day is doable, but my goodness would it cause wild upward pressure on wage levels……/downside-low-unemployment/

    Wage inflation is not good apparently…

    sukhmel ,

    So what they are saying is basically large companies have a ridiculous margin and can raise wages (but will not, unless unemployment rate is too low because efficiency) and small companies will go broke or loose all of their workers if bigger ones raise.

    That almost sounds like a systemic problem, ain’t it?

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

    If you didn't think this was the case in most offices I have a movie to show you

    AlexisFR , avatar

    Well if you think like this, it’s no wonder they are ending WFH.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

    Not everyone can be a happy little robot in a suit. Some of us are normal people.

    flames5123 ,

    Yep. I have to go into the office 3 days a week. I get up for my first meeting, do some light work, then shower and get ready during my working hours, and leave on the bus. I’ll get there around 11-11:30 usually. Then I’ll leave to be home around 5. I’m not wasting my time on this bullshit. Working from home is way more relaxing and efficient.

    Xenxs ,

    mild shock

    GissaMittJobb , (edited )

    That’s probably primarily a consequence of bad zoning and transportation policy in the U.S - higher density zoning and public transportation/cycling infrastructure would address this more than enough.

    Slapping a WFH-band aid on top of this mess doesn’t really address the root cause. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be able to WFH - work whichever way suits you best - but I don’t find this particular argument compelling as for a reason to advocate for WFH.

    0110010001100010 OP , avatar

    100% agree, we (the US) truly need better city layouts and public transportation. However, it’s nice to see more arguments that are “pro WFH” that aren’t just talking about the employees themselves or productivity. Not that it’s likely to change the path of management but it’s still welcome.

    underisk , avatar

    I’m not sure the people making the decisions about work from home have any concern for its effect on carbon emissions.

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