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30mag ,

Originally billed as legislation that would prevent children from seeing drag shows, SB 12 eventually landed on language that doesn’t directly reference people dressing as the opposite gender. Instead the legislation prohibits any performers from dancing suggestively or wearing certain prosthetics in front of children.

I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me the law doesn’t prohibit merely wearing certain prosthetics.

Sec. 43.28. CERTAIN SEXUALLY ORIENTED PERFORMANCES PROHIBITED. (a) In this section: (1) “Sexual conduct” means: … (E) the exhibition of sexual gesticulations using accessories or prosthetics that exaggerate male or female sexual characteristics.

Good luck overturning it. We got too many bullshit laws.

Compactor9679 ,

The fuck they are not hahahhahah. Me showing my dick to small kids is protected by the 1st amedment hahahhaha lol

Apollo ,

It might be worth checking out these drag shows rather than just basing your fears off of what appears to be a deep seated fantasy for you (how disturbung that it involved someone exposing their genitals to children?).

phej ,

That’s not what happens, but ok honey

oldbaldgrumpy ,

I hope not. Why do we waste so much time on this stupid shit.

Viking_Hippie ,

Username checks out. Fuck off, fossil.

BiNonBi , avatar

Yes, why waste so much time trying to prosecute obviously protected expression?

kredditacc ,

The longer the Americans focus their attention to the culture war, the less likely they pay attention to economic issues.

NuPNuA ,

Same tactics the Tories are using in the UK now, their deputy chairman has even admitted their record is so poor, the culture war is all they have left.

CitizenKong ,

Or an ongoing, exponentially worsening global climate catastrophe.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Shame that it seems to be working…

sturmblast ,

it seems to be a lot more effective on the right wingers

kredditacc ,

Both sides demonize each other. Both sides pay the large part of their attention span to the culture war and hate each other for it.

US politics is 2 parties on paper, but in reality, it is a 1 party state with the purpose of dividing the common people by groups so that they are weak against the ruling class.

havokdj ,

US politics is multi-party on paper, bipartisan to the public eye, and one party in reality. Don’t know why you are downvoted but it is the truth. I’ve been saying for years that both Democrats and Republicans are the same pieces of shit with the same goals, but they have different methods and as such separate from each other.

kredditacc ,

Don’t know why you are downvoted but it is the truth.

Most visitors on are liberals (and by “liberals”, I don’t mean “democrats”, I mean followers of liberalism, supporters of NATO, participators of the culture war). Liberals don’t like changing their way. They rather hate the “other side” than revolutions, as you can see in under this comment section (my first comment which mentioned “culture war”, lemmy seems unable to link comment), where all the people here rather blame the “Republicans” than self-reflect. Yet miraculously, both sides will unite when it comes to the so-called “authoritarian regimes”.

havokdj ,

It’s not so much about changing ways as it is acknowledgeing that our system is not what it says it is, but you are right though.

Also, most democrats tend to be center right in my experience

assassin_aragorn ,

Only one party has to pull this shit to drag everyone down. You can’t just ignore dehumanization of LGBT people and continue to talk about the economy.

It reminds me a bit of comic book superheroes. The nature of Good means the hero needs to watch out for everyone, and prioritize protecting people and saving lives. If forced to choose between saving a bystander and the crippling the villain, they pick the bystander. On the other hand, Evil doesn’t give a shit. Villains aren’t usually bothered by morality or collateral, especially if the ends justify the means.

I know it’s a cartoonish viewpoint on the topic, but I think it’s applicable. We can’t ignore persecution of minorities, even when it’s very obviously an astroturfed cultural issue. Economic policy changes may help a greater number of people overall, but we can’t achieve that at the cost of the bystander in danger.

sturmblast ,

and all the other issues

bankimu ,

Economy is gone, look at the cumulated inflation over the last few years. And depleting Treasury.

phej ,

The economy is great, if you’re a rich billionaire, according to Bloomberg -…/us-economy-is-strong-so-americans…

But the everyday person is struggling and Republicans aren’t going to do anything about that.

phoenixz ,

Ding ding ding!

This is the answer right here. Conservative politicians don’t give a shit about any of this but as per usual they found het another irrelevant issue that they can use to rile ou their constituents to ensure the sheep folk votes for them and against their own interests.

afraid_of_zombies ,

We need to start hammering them. The media clearly is unwilling or unable to do it. Every time one of those right-wing family value fuckers starts talking about this stuff yell some catchphrase at them like

“How about rent?” “What about the rising debt?” “Why isn’t insulin free?”.

I am going to start with my local ones.

Adeptfuckup ,

Don’t forget the infrastructure failures either. You know… the train derailments, the collapsing bridges, the tens of thousands of people killed on our roads everyday. Point out that the right is waging a culture war at the expense of public safety. This is really fucking dangerous. Good luck as I am not sure much can be done because words have become meaningless.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Big hunk of my workload is for infrastructure. Doing my part every day I stagger into work.

For no reason whatsoever: If you are ever in Toronto ON, drink bottled water only.

postmateDumbass ,

A classic 1st amendment case for inspiration. (video)

dhork ,

Maybe they can pay for Rudy Giuliani to go down there and testify about that time he dressed up in drag and got motorboated by Donald Trump. Rudy’s low on cash right now, I bet he would do it.

Wahots , avatar

Do you have a link? xD

dhork , (edited )

You asked for it…

… Rudy was still the mayor of NYC at the time

Wahots , avatar

That was…something. Surprised that isn’t being used as political ammo.

TheJims ,

Don’t let Republicans pretend they care about children while allowing them to get slaughtered in the classroom and raped at bible camp and forcing them to give birth,

spider ,

allowing them to get slaughtered in the classroom and raped at bible camp and forcing them to give birth,

while restricting the books they can read.

First things first.

RegularGoose ,

Oops, too late!

phoenixz ,

They don’t give a shit about children.

They care about people voting for them (and with that, against their own interests) and the only way to get that done is to rile these people up with irrelevant issues like drag queens. Why do you think fox news all of the sudden jumps on top of issues like this?

If people have nothing to freak out about they might look at real issues and notice that the conservative parties are working hard to thing their lives. Can’t have that, so let’s ruin the lives of others too by demonizing them. In the past it was the gays, this time it’s the drag queens because let’s face it: easy target and gays are acceptable now. Colored people and people with “funny” languages are also always a popular target for this bullshit.

victron , avatar

This feels so stupid. There are people out there that really want to ban such shows? It’s an art like any other. What’s next, ban street mimes? Make improv ilegal?

ArmoredThirteen ,

I mean they’re already implementing what is next: Making it illegal to look/be trans in public

iforgotmyinstance ,

Men portrayed women for thousands of years until western societies began allowing female actors join their troupes.

NuPNuA ,

In the UK, it’s still traditional for a bloke to play a female character comedicly in Pantomimes each Christmas.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Imagine even suggesting drag be banned in the UK. Even the church would be saying, “what about Widow Twankey?!”

NuPNuA ,

I mean, wankers like Lawrence Fox and Calvin Robinson are trying to push all this stuff in the UK, but it doesn’t seem to be picking up as much steam as in the US.

Viking_Hippie ,

*reads up on Fox *

What an asshole! Hilarious though that he ran for mayor and, in spite of having the name recognition of being an actor from a prominent family, he didn’t even get enough votes for his deposit to be refunded 🤣

bankimu ,

Now that women can play women, we don’t need that anymore.

lolcatnip ,

It’s part of the Republicans’ strategy to stir up trans panic and use it as a wedge issue. Drag is only tangentially connected to trans people but their voters don’t know that.

FlyingSquid , avatar

What’s next, ban street mimes?

I might be in favor of that one…

Compactor9679 ,

Not ban, just make sure if you have adult content only adults can attend. Simple as that

Boddhisatva ,

That is already the case.

bankimu , (edited )

Who is banning such shows? Nay, why, let’s all also make lap dances and pole dancing available to kids in school. Sure they are art forms and first amendment applies there too. /s

Stinkywinks ,

Lap dances and pole dancing are not the same as a drag show, but while we are on the topic. You cool with me whipping Jesus in public, then nailing him to a fake cross with fake blood running down his face?

bankimu ,

The topic was first amendment. Stay in context. Either acknowledge that it’s not a good argument, or accept that they are “the same as drag show” within that context.

Not even sure what the Jesus thing is about, but I suppose everything is being allowed under the pretext of first amendment so why not. It sounds like an enactment which is a - what did people call it - an “art form”.

Stinkywinks ,

Youre the one talking about lap dances dipshit

bankimu , (edited )

And you are the one talking about drag shows, and started verbal slurs “dipshit”.


Stinkywinks ,

You’re such a dumbass lmao.

ilex , avatar

You two were made for each other. If you were both dolls, now is when you’d start kissing.

This subbranch starts with a “/s” comment; it isn’t clear what is supposed to be sarcastic and instead reads like earnest illogic. There’s no spacing distinction between sarcasm and not, so is the entire comment sarcastic?

Then you jump in with a serious reply that immediately starts providing evidence for an unstated claim, which you presumably believe is “obvious.” The first girl is introducing the context of schools. Are you sticking with that or switching to the different context of public? If you’re pivoting to the general public, then you’re off topic.

Then the first girl replies as if she made an argument. She also doesn’t acknowledge you (maybe) changing the context to public. She seems to be fixated on exposing children who are in school to material unrelated to the curriculum.

As a note, the first amendment is context dependent. For example, shouting “Fire” in a crowded theater is not covered; this is because it would likely lead to injury via a stampede. A realistic re-enactment of a Jew being tortured and executed by a foreign government being performed for children at school might not be covered.

Then comes hurling of insults.

HawlSera ,

Ordinarily I’d say no shit. But with Clarence getting a free ride…

vlad76 , avatar

This is exactly why the 1st amendment is so important.

Adalast ,

I have no idea who down voted you, but here, have it back.

LostDeer ,

I know of a judge who would be happy to disagree… once he’s back from his 5th vacation trip this month.

hitmyspot ,

You mean happy to agree, happy to disagree. Depends on who is paying for the vacation this month.

Viking_Hippie ,

Well since his friend the nazi billionaire is the one always picking up the tap…

FlyingSquid , avatar

Oh I’m sure he’s far from the only one to bribe Clarence Thomas.

Viking_Hippie ,

Maybe, but even if so, the Venn diagram of the kind of person who’d want to have anything to do with him and the kind of person who thinks minorities should have rights is just two circles.

PatFussy ,

I care much less about the trans position on this as much as I see SB12 affecting things like strip clubs or onlyfans

AA5B ,

Yes, hopefully it would also affect those. If some people think that law could be narrowly used to oppress/repress drag performers, maybe they’ll change their mind after they see it applied consistently and it affects them.

Or I don’t know, maybe overall sexual repression is intended

NathanielThomas ,

They used to do drag shows in WW2 during downtime from killing Nazis and Japanese because there were only men in the enlisted.

Literally their own fathers and grandfathers loved drag.

Ensign_Crab ,

They used to do drag shows in WW2 during downtime from killing Nazis

You’re not trying to get republicans on board like that, are you?

NuPNuA ,

There’s a fantastic picture out there of British troops manning a gun emplacement in dresses as the alert went up during their show.

NatakuNox , avatar

You would essential have to outlaw all acting.

TheLowestStone , avatar

Hmm… better outlaw dancing while we’re at it.

victron , avatar

Hey, wait! I remember that one!

Soundhole ,

And what causes dancing? Music! Probly should add it to the list.

lorez ,

The hell is this? Footloose?

AA5B ,

And MTV … no more music videos. Oops, already done

SamHamilton ,

I find the whole concept of drag queen story hour confusing. Drag is this kind of specific performance art that seems like it is custom tailored for stage performance, so doing drag queen story hour seems as random as doing “the cast of the broadway musical cats!” story hour or something like that. What’s the idea behind putting drag queens + story hour together at all?

ron ,

It teaches children about acceptance and that they can be anything they want. Some children find it a calming environment to learn social skills because of dress up

Franzia ,

Well, it started with libraries not having people volunteering to read to kids. And then adults who did read to kids wanted to make it fun and engaging for them, so they began dressing up in fantasy outfits and effectively cosplay. And then the gay community heard of it and likely just naturally fell into it. Some gay people grt very very excited about dressing up, doing theatrics, and drag.

luthis ,

Really?? Huh, well there you go. I’ll switch my status from ‘indifference’ to ‘supporting.’ No one ever took me to the library to have books read to me.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That’s really sad. I have treasured memories of going to the library and having one of the librarians read a picture book. I took my daughter to the library for the same reason when she was little.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to libraries these days, by the way. My wife is a library administrator. This town has less than 80,000 people, but the library has three 3D printers 100% free for use, take-home kits of things like a ukulele with an instruction book, an HTC Vive and a PS5 for teens to play with any time they want, and they’re building a new branch that includes a room (one person at a time with a lockable door) with a free washer/dryer and a shower!

Support your local library. Go there. Have fun. Buy something at the book sale to throw them a few bucks.

luthis ,

I might just do that.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Great! I hope your library is at least as good as ours.

AA5B ,

Ours is arguably too good about being online. I haven’t been there since before COViD, but read library books on my Kindle all the time

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yep. Libraries have ebooks for free. And audiobooks. My wife hasn’t paid for either in years. I only have once because there was no other way to get a specific BBC radio drama I wanted.

Some libraries even have streaming movies!

SamHamilton ,

Our library is awesome in that way too. They have 3d printers as well, and they invest a lot in online resources as also. LinkedIn learning, Rosetta stone, O’Reilly’s entire learning catalog, and a ton more, all free with a library card. AND they have a lot of good services for the homeless as well. I actually sent my city councilwoman a letter asking to increase funding to the library.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Awesome! That’s great of you to do that!

SamHamilton ,

That’s pretty interesting! Do you know of any good articles that trace the history going that far back? Seems like it would be a good read.

chumbalumber ,

I find the comparison to clowns quite helpful, as they fill a weirdly similar niche – in most cases a performance art with clearly defined tropes, based on exaggerated makeup, carefully choreographed routines, while retaining an ability to improvise with a crowd, and of course some people have an irrational fear of them. From that perspective, it makes perfect sense to have them do the reading for kids. The makeup turns them into a cartoon character that kids find exciting; the practice with improv means children, who aren’t always the best listeners, can be managed without harshing the vibe; and their general stage experience and presence helps them retain that tough crowd to get them to listen to the story.

Madison420 ,

The same as an astronaut reading a book about space or a mechanic one about cars rather then a nurse reading a book about ancient archeology. They know what they’re talking about when someone asks a question when they read a book about gender or body dismorphia etc.

luthis ,

Yeah that’s where I fall as well. I’m not inherently opposed to it, it just seems like a wierd thing to exist.

Apparently 10 people think we’re transphobic wrong word, uh… dragphobic? for having this opinion too.

Khotetsu ,

I think both drag performers and Broadway actors have the perfect skill set for reading books to kids. It’s like the difference between reading the lyrics to a song and hearing a musician sing it, regardless of whether they’re a country singer or an opera singer or a movie music composer. An actor, whether Broadway or not, would know exactly when to pause to create dramatic tension, be able to give characters their own unique voices or personalities, etc. And the fantastical, exaggerated costumes of drag I imagine just make it all the more exciting for the kids.

As for how drag performers reading books to kids started, I have no idea, but somebody else said it started from people volunteering to read books to kids at local libraries, and the LGBT community got into helping out in that way, which led to drag performers doing it. And that makes sense to me. The LGBT community seems to be heavily made up of people who want to support their communities. Probably because they’ve often had to band together and create their own.

luthis ,

Yeah another commenter explained that to me so it makes sense now.

AA5B ,

I can definitely see it. When I read to my kids when they were little, I’d at least do the voices and sound effects. However I would never do that in front of people I don’t know, let alone an audience. But I can see putting on a persona would help me drop that inhibition. Maybe that persona is represented by a funny hat or vest or glasses or something, or I can see drag being similar

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