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Police say University of South Carolina student fatally shot while trying to enter wrong home

A University of South Carolina student was shot and killed as he apparently tried to enter the wrong home on his off-campus street early on Saturday, police said.

Nicholas Anthony Donofrio, 20, of Connecticut, was dead by the time police responded to reports of a home burglary and shooting, according to a Columbia Police Department news release. Officers found his body on a front porch around 2 a.m., and Donofrio had a gunshot wound to his upper body, the release said.

Pratai ,

Jesus Christ America is so fucking trigger happy. Pathetic.

nutsack ,

pussies with guns

Pratai ,


yenahmik ,

This happened to a guy I went to high school with. He did the responsible thing after partying and got a ride home. Unfortunately his ride dropped him off on the wrong block and he got shot by the person who’s home he was mistakenly left at.

starman2112 , avatar

Just imagine if they were a robber though. Clearly we all need to own guns just in case that happens!!

BaroqueInMind , avatar

I know you are being sarcastic, but this is a reality in remote rural areas where cops don't respond immediately.

starman2112 , avatar

Cool! Totally irrelevant! This was a 1.5 mile drive from the nearest police station

BaroqueInMind , avatar

South Carolina

starman2112 , avatar

South Carolina

Literally 1.5 miles from the police

We’re talking about a city with a population in the 6 digits. It is not the rural backwoods of Antioch.

BaroqueInMind , (edited ) avatar

Antioch in Europe?

starman2112 , (edited ) avatar

I’m talking about Antioch, South Carolina you dimwit

Cool edit. They originally said something along the lines of

I used to live near Antioch. It’s a large suburb with 5 BART stations and is home to many tech entrepreneurs in the Bay Area. Hardly what I would call a rural area.

You had a shit take, deal with it.

I wasn’t being mean to someone politely asking clarification, I was being mean to someone who was being an ass.

MataVatnik , avatar

If you’re close enough to shoot, you’re close enough to talk to the person you’re shooting. It’s pretty easy to gage what a person’s intentions are that way.

reverendsteveii ,

But what if some hypothetical that doesn’t apply to this situation at all, huh? Checkmate, lib…

PoliticalAgitator ,

You mean the remote rural areas where the chance of being violently assaulted in your own home by a stranger are at their lowest?

Good thing America sells guns to neo-nazis and domestic abusers with minimal requirements for safe handling and storage then. Otherwise some poor farmer might have their iPad stolen.

BaroqueInMind , avatar

That's a fair counterpoint and I'm not going to dispute that because I agree with you. Doesn't change the fact that it's not up for debate that the U.S. Constitution identifies and protects firearm ownership.

wintermute_oregon ,

I’m a responsible gun owner. I’m not going to shoot someone on my freaking porch. They have to be in my house before I’ll shoot them unless they’re shooting from porch. Someone knocked on my door at 4am this morning. I didn’t go blasting. I went back to bed. wtf is wrong with people. This happened in NJ and somewhere else recently.

MrZee ,

The article is really light on details - all I see is the guy was trying to enter the wrong house and was dead on the front porch. Hopefully (for lack of a better term), the student was actively entering the house and threatening the shooter. Maybe he was shot in the doorway and collapsed on the porch, or was shot inside the house and retreated to the porch before collapsing.

And, of course, it could be a psycho who just shot at the first perception of a possible threat.

Situation sucks no matter what.

wintermute_oregon ,

I agree it’s light on details but this has been a trend. Shooting people over a little bump in the night.

I sleep next to my rifle but I’m not grabbing it at every bump in the night.

People need to calm down and be responsible.

I had someone walk into my house once drunk as skunk. We ate pizza together. Nobody got shot but I’m religious about locking my doors now.

MrZee ,

I hear you. I’m trying to be hopeful, but agree there is a good chance the shooter was looking for a reason to shoot.

nilloc ,

Drunk students try end to up in the wrong house worryingly often actually. Anyone who’s live near off campus housing has had someone on their it their neighbor’s porch.

MrZee ,

Yeah, that’s my first assumption when a college student is coming home after midnight. Especially if something bad happens.

GiddyGap ,

You may be a “responsible gun owner,” but, overall, the US gun culture is completely ridiculous. A society that has people living in such fear that they feel the need to be armed and ready at all time is a failed society in my book.

wintermute_oregon ,

I agree. Why I moved from a blue city to a red city. The crime is so much less here. It isn’t irrational fear when the crime is real.

GiddyGap ,

There aren’t any red cities in the US. Certainly not big ones.

Do you think the crime is lower because the city is smaller or because it’s red?

wintermute_oregon ,

It’s definitely the red culture. The north part of the city is more blue. The crime is rampant. The south part is more red. Much less crime. People know we will call the police in the south. Blue cities need to figure out police are needed but need to be retrained. I’ve been working with my police chief on doing that. I’m working to show how to improve our community policing model.

GiddyGap ,

Crime usually has root causes like poverty, inequality, poor education, etc.

If you look at Europe, the crime rate is much lower than in the US. Gun violence is near non-existent outside of gang-related crime.

Most of Europe would be deep, deep blue if transferred to the US political scale. They have heavy gun control and redistribution of wealth results in much less financial inequality. In turn, it causes much lower crime rates.

I don’t think US crime rates have anything to do with culture. It has to do with rampant inequality and easy access to weapons. Combine that with mental health issues, and you got a real toxic cocktail.

wintermute_oregon ,

If you look here, you’ll see the total crime rate is higher in Europe than America.…/2017-Crime-Statistics-Compariso…

For some reason people think Europe has less crime which isn’t true. I’m much more likely to be assaulted in Europe than I am in America.

We have murder problem but it’s very isolated.

GiddyGap ,

Europe has a lot of petty theft issues. Always have had.

In this thread, we were specifically talking about gun violence, which is through the roof in the US and almost non-existent in Europe. It’s also the most dangerous type of crime, which often turns otherwise non-violent, petty crimes deadly.

And for some reason, conservatives don’t want to look at the tools being used for gun violence. The guns.

wintermute_oregon ,

Most of the people killing each other are not conservatives. As a conservative, I don’t want to restrict my constitutional rights. I would prefer we focused on solving the crime issue. In the 90’s, Biden pushed for longer prison sentences, more police, and more enforcement of the laws, which saw our murder rate decline. We need to do that again.

GiddyGap ,

As a progressive, I’d prefer to look at the tools that enable the gun violence: The guns. It’s just very clear that the US has an enormous problem with gun violence compared to other parts of the developed world. The thing that stands out is obviously easy access to weapons.

Fresh example: Jacksonville, where a rightwing nut went ballistic with an AR-15 in a racist rampage. Weapons bought legally, since he seemed like “one of the good guys with a gun.”

Sorry, but I’m not willing to sacrifice school kids and my fellow Americans’ lives to defend some “right” invented in a completely different time with very different types of weapons available.

wintermute_oregon ,

To change it, you would need an amendment and that would be hard to pass.

Children dying is a rare thing, most gun violence is in the inner city.

Most murders are committed with handguns and not with rifles. In the 90’s they banned assault weapons and the DOJ report said it did nothing to lower crime…/factchecking-bidens-claim-that-as…

GiddyGap ,

I’m all for an amendment.

I just find it unreal that conservatives defend their guns over the lives of children. Especially after what we’ve seen in Uvalde and Sandy Hook and Columbine, etc. Zero change. Unreal.

wintermute_oregon ,

It is a false argument. Firearms rarely kill children.

The left wants to defund the police, as such, that means I need to defend myself from crime.

You can’t have it both ways. You either need to have more police or allow the citizens to defend themselves. It’s why I moved out of the blue city to a red city. I would rather have a strong police force to defend my from crime rather than have to carry a firearm to defend myself.

GiddyGap ,

Firearms rarely kill children.

So, not reaction to Uvalde, Columbine, Sandy Hook? Nothing? Seems on par.

You seem completely blind to anything outside the US.

Create happy populations and you don’t need any of it. Europeans don’t have guns and they don’t have the violent police forces you see in the US. Yet, they are the happiest populations on earth year after year. Highly productive, highly educated.

Great equality. Create opportunity. Get rid of the desperation.

wintermute_oregon ,

As the DOJ pointed out, a ban didn’t solve anything. It didn’t help the problem.

Parading dead children isn’t going to impress me when the facts say it wouldn’t have changed anything.

You want to ban something that is proven not to help and claim victory.

GiddyGap ,

How do you want to prove it when we haven’t tried it? It works in the rest of the developed world.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Why didn’t you use your cool guns to save those children? You promised us that America would be safer if we sold you guns.

You didn’t even offer to help clean them up after you failed them. You know someone has to right?

The Ulvade shooter was a legal gun owner. Do you think the people who had to pick up children’s bones and brains were too?

wintermute_oregon , (edited )

Not my job. That’s why we pay police.

My guns are for my defense and the defense of my family.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Oh well taking a page out of your book, I don’t care about you and your family either, so I’ll just take your guns away for the safety of mine.

wintermute_oregon ,

You don’t have the ability and scotus has clearly said I have a right to own firearms. So nice try troll.

But if you want to vote to make new laws, knock yourself out. I fully support your right to vote to change things but just realize it would require a new amendment which won’t pass in our lifetime.

I live in a very blue state and everyone I know carries a firearm. When the most liberal people I know own guns. It’s part of the culture of the state and it would be hard pressed to get anyone to change it.

PoliticalAgitator ,

So what are your plans if you’re wrong?

Are you going to surrender your guns because you didn’t actually need them like you claimed?

Will you submit to more thorough training, background and health checks as part of obtaining a firearm license, like you could have done 5000 mass shootings ago?

Will you become an illegal gun owner, like all the criminals you imagined gunning down in your hero fantasies?

Or will you go full terrorist, firing on the law enforcrment and going out in a hail of bullets, sacrificing yourself for your country like all the gun owners promised they would, even though they wouldn’t even wear a mask protect their countrymen?

wintermute_oregon ,

I am exempt from most training requirements as I’m prior law enforcement and military but sure, if I had to do training I would.

I already did the extended training in Oregon even though it wasn’t a requirement.

Of course I wouldn’t go full terrorist. I’m not a liberal.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Of course I wouldn’t go full terrorist. I’m not a liberal.

Aww, what happened to Captain Facts-Over-Feelings? We know what the history and political views of the vast majority of domestic terrorists are – far-right men who beat their partners.

Which makes it surprising there’s not more John Snowlings. I guess when you’re a cop, there’s plenty of “body cam malfunctions” to work with.

wintermute_oregon ,

I don’t remember the right rioting much in the past 50 years. I do remember the left rioting every time they didn’t get their way.

It’s why we need the second amendment. The left like to riot while the rest of us want to live our lives without the hassle.


The Capitol riots on Jan 6 don’t ring any bells?

Protesting isn’t rioting by the way. The majority (not all, but most) of the BLM protests were non-violent until police (acab) escalated the situations by attacking unprovoked.

wintermute_oregon ,

The one where nobody died from being murdered and lasted a few hours? Yeah I remember that one.

Compare that to all the others from the left and it’s a blink of the eye.

The right just never riots. Jan 6th was as much the right as idiots who should go to jail. Far right are just nuts but even they don’t riot.

The left on the other hand loves to riot.

Non violent? Over two dozen police people were killed during the riots. I man was murdered in Portland. I saw people pulled out of their cars and beat.

We most have a very different term for non-violent.


So when the right riots and invades a government building it’s not a riot, but when protesters are attacked by police and turn violent it is?

wintermute_oregon ,

Do you realize both sets of riots attacked government buildings?

I clearly said Jan 6th was a riot, and they should be punished. I won’t defend those turds at all. Just nobody was murdered, and it lasted a few hours. It didn’t impact my life one bit.

PoliticalAgitator ,

It’s why we need the second amendment. The left like to riot while the rest of us want to live our lives without the hassle.

There you go! Mask off at last! “We need the second amendment to kill leftists”.

Do you want to share with the class which “riots” you’re talking about specifically? Apparently, you’ve got 50 years worth.

Or should we just connect the very obvious dots ourselves? You’re an ex-cop, still seething about the BLM protests that put Derek Chauvin in jail, just for openly murdering a minority on camera.

And in a not very shocking plot twist, you’re a staunch supporter of gun laws that routinely arm far-right shooters who fire into crowds of black people with their legal weapons.

wintermute_oregon ,

Strawman much? You just made up a whole fantasy story and ran with it.

Apollo ,

Firearms rarely kill children?

Hundreds of children have died after being shot at school since Sandy Hook alone. Hundreds. That was only 13 years ago.

In that same period, do you know how many children died after being shot at school in Europe? It’s a number between 0 and 0.

wintermute_oregon ,

Zero ?

There was one last year in Germany.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Oh burn. He didn’t even realise that Germany saw a 600th of the gun violence of America before talking shit like it was a largely solved probably with a solution that isn’t even difficult.

Apollo ,

You mean the one where nobody died, still leaving the european number at 0?

Oh hey that’s what firearms rarely killing children looks like!

No comment on the rest of my point?

PoliticalAgitator ,

Firearms rarely kill children.

People rarely fuck your wife when you’re at work. What number is acceptable for you then?

Since she’s not my wife, I’m comfortable insisting that a few hundred is nothing to get upset about. It’s only a tiny fraction of the overall population.

PoliticalAgitator ,

To change it, you would need an amendment and that would be hard to pass.

Getting easier every day. Do you think the kids are going to forget you sold them out to the gun lobby? Do you think they won’t vote?

The pro-gun crowd has proven themselves completely incapable of addressing the danger to society their hobby creates. When they no longer have the power they need to stop progress, they’re going to be shown exactly the level of compassion they showed victims of gun violence and traumatised children.

If they want to get all “cold dead hands” about it, they can go right ahead and die in a hail of bullets after firing on police. As far as I’m concerned, that’s just the consequences finally meeting the cause.

wintermute_oregon ,

Maybe you don’t understand how hard it would be.

You’d need 2/3 of the states to pass an amendments. It’s not happening anytime soon.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Tell that to your slaves.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Did you even make it to the end of that paper? It openly states that the discrepancies could be due to flawed data or that fact that widespread firearm ownership has resulted in criminals that will straight up execute you if things get out of hand.

Congratulations, you traded “having your phone stolen” for “having your child die screaming in agony on their classroom floor because a legal gun owner shot them in the spine”.

wintermute_oregon ,

I’m fine with the compromise. All studies point out possible flaws. Nothing new.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Of course you are, you think it proves you right. You’d be fine with it being written in crayon.

The rest of us are justifiably more skeptical about a paper that doesn’t say what you imply it says and mispells “firearms” in the very first paragraph.

PoliticalAgitator ,

If permissive gun laws made places safer, America would be the safest country in the world by a large margin.

Instead, it’s crime rate is roughly the same as any other wealthy country, just with a layer of extreme gun violence on top.

We’ve waited 20 years for pro-gun bullshit to come true and it hasn’t made an inch of progress. People are being murdered the the street and authoritarians have never had more political power.

wintermute_oregon ,

Crime isn’t the same across all of America.

The area I live in is very safe. Everywhere I’ve lived has been fairly safe.

The solution is more police in the crime ridden areas to bring them the safety they deserve.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Yes we’ve seen your awkward talking point 50 times already. You moved to a “red city” and theres no crime and the police regularly ask if you’re in need of fellating and we’ll just have to take your word for it because you’ve never said it’s name.

I’m sure it’s very very convincing to people who have never looked at wealth, education and healthcare rankings ordered by how right wing a place is.

wintermute_oregon ,

I never said no crime. I said lower crime.

Safer areas tend to more affluent. Crime doesn’t pay.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Trouble with figurative speech huh? Nevermind, it’s only social media – I’m sure you haven’t built political opinions on things you didn’t understand but assumed you did.

wintermute_oregon ,

I understand firearms and crime well.

It’s not hard to grasp a solid police force reduces crime. Ifs always a factor I look at when I move to area. Do they have a well funded police department.

Affluent areas are willing to spend the money to have well funded department. Why I always live in affluent areas.

So unlike you I make decisions on facts and not emotions. I make informed decisions about where I work and where I live on facts.

We need to imprison more people to help lower the crime rate like Biden pushed for in the 90’s. It was very effective in lowering crime.

PoliticalAgitator ,

We get it, you’re a cop. You don’t have to keep writing romance novels about yourself.

MataVatnik , avatar

Shooting someone for knocking on your door is pretty fucking irrational to me, it has nothing to do with blue or red, neither party forced them to push the trigger.

PoliticalAgitator ,

Who cares what you would do? Those aren’t laws, they’re your personal suggestions that nobody is required to follow. Expecting gun owners to regulate themselves is clearly an abject failure.

Jax ,

Do you own a car?

Just curious, because cars kill more people than guns do. If I look through your comment/post history, will I see whether or not you’re a hypocrite?

Oh, and if you don’t live in the United States then shut the fuck up because you don’t understand what you’re talking about.

Edit: wow, fucking wild, dude has almost every single one of his comments centered on gun violence. Not a single fucking mention of cars killing people. Wild how you’ve fixated on the political topic and not one of the actual leading causes of death in the U.S.

Weird how the closest guns come to being a leading cause of death in the U.S. is suicide.

Why aren’t you talking about things that are actually killing large amounts of people?

PoliticalAgitator , (edited )

Do you own a car?

Yes but I only drive it when I’m completely sober, fully rested and wholly undistracted, like a responsible driver. I don’t see why we need all these laws and enforcement when we can just ask new drivers to pinkie promise they’ll be as cool and responsible and well endowed as I am. You may begin your applause whenever you deem it appropriate.

Of course, for my sarcasm to be accurate, I’d need to be telling this to people commenting on a news story about a drunk driver killing 4 people, and it would have to be the latest in a chain of daily drink driving fatalities that killed more than 4 people and drink driving would have to be legal.

Oh, and if you don’t live in the United States then shut the fuck up because you don’t understand what you’re talking about.

Yeah, America doesn’t need any fuckin advice about how to reduce gun violence from people who have reduced gun violence! They don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about!

Let me guess, you also think that pedophiles should determine the age of consent? After all, they’re the experts on having sex with kids. What would I know, having had sex with exactly 0 children?

Or is your “only the problem is entitled to offer solutions” logic strictly for gun violence?

Wild how you’ve fixated on the political topic and not one of the actual leading causes of death in the U.S.

You seem to have mistaken me for someone who is an enthusiastic member of a pro-car death cult, working hard to ensure no safety measures are ever introduced and threatening to run people down if they try.

Why aren’t you talking about things that are actually killing large amounts of people?

Why aren’t you assassinating tyrants and stopping crime? Stick to the talking points the gun-lobby feeds you, your attempts to think for yourself are terrible.

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