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Michelle Obama says she’s terrified about potential outcome of 2024 election

“What’s going to happen in this next election? I’m terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter. Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit, it affects us in ways sometimes I think people take for granted,” Obama told Jay Shetty on his podcast “On Purpose.”

“The fact that people think that government — ‘eh, does it really even do anything?’ — and I’m like ‘Oh my God, does government do everything for us, and we cannot take this democracy for granted.’ And I worry sometimes that we do. Those are the things that keep me up,” she said.

“The bars are different for people in life. That I’ve learned,” she said.

Without naming Trump, she continued: “Other people can be indicted a bunch of times and still run for office. Black men can’t. You just learn to be good. And in the end, you benefit from that extra resilience.”

chunklefurnk ,

The Dems need a candidate who will annihilate Trump.

badbytes ,

Michelle said a thing

spyd3r , avatar

I’m terrified of the outcome no matter who wins… Our system is seriously broken if these are the best candidates we, the supposed bastion of freedom and democracy, can come up with.

ZK686 ,

Oh brother…her and her elite inner circle will be fine. When I say BOTH sides are guilty of using scare tactics to get votes, this is what I’m talking about. Democrats and the Left want to scare people into thinking the world will end if a Republican becomes President. They all said the same thing when Trump became President in 2017.

Snowpix , avatar

“Both sides” is a tired old argument that doesn’t hold water. If you haven’t seen the damage Republicans have done in the past 8 years on the Federal and State level, you need to look harder, my dude. The Democrats aren’t amazing, but they aren’t actively stripping people’s rights away and trying to erase minority groups from existence. There is no Democratic “Plan 2025”.

ZK686 ,

It’s a balance. I don’t agree with everything that the Republicans do, just like I don’t agree with everything the Democrats do. However, both parties are flawed and both parties are doing things in the interests of different groups.

paddirn ,

Can she run for VP and we just swap her out instead of Kamala Harris? Hell, they could go back to reusing old Obama/Biden signs from the 2008/2012 campaigns. Otherwise Harris is just deadweight for this campaign, she’s been absolutely useless the past 4 years (though that’s probably been the traditional role of VPs anyways).

Blackmist ,

I’d be concerned whatever the outcome.

You reckon Jan 6th was a one off?

adrian783 ,

yes, if the next leader doesn’t sell conspiracy as hard as maga.

chitak166 ,

If the democrats ran just about anybody but Joe, they’d be a shoe-in.

Brace yourselves for Trump 2.0, everyone. The Clinton lineage must go on!

dangblingus ,

He was popular enough to beat Trump the 1st go round, why would people not vote for him now when the alternative is 4 more years of god knows what fresh hell?

TheDannysaur ,

Because Trump’s approval numbers are higher than Biden’s.

To be clear, I don’t support Trump at all but we have to look at cold hard facts. Biden does not look like a great candidate right now at a macro scale. Democrats have a real problem of loving to self-hate, and they end up skewering their own candidate. The prevailing opinion amongst my friends is “well Biden didn’t do anything”. Personally I find that to be untrue, but that’s the narrative.

The real key is that Democrats lose when voter turnout falls. Biden is not an exciting candidate, and for some people it is an ordeal to vote, and they may not do it for Biden. A lot of people forget this… It’s not that Trump would get more votes, it’s that Biden will get less.

Democrats are formulating a perfect way to fumble this to Trump, and I’m terrified.

Sanity_in_Moderation ,

The campaign hasn’t started yet. Right now, it’s a one sided conversation. And the polls are all based on people who answer unknown numbers and land lines. It’s a built in selection bias.

Every single election both large and small since 2020 has been heavily skewed to the left. I’m not saying don’t worry, but dont despair. And work on convincing your friends. That’s the single best thing you could possibly do.

TheDannysaur ,

I think you’re selling the polls a little short. The good ones have corrected a lot of that kind of bias, though nothing is perfect. And bad polls are always bad polls.

The scary reason is that we need a campaign or conversation to get people away from Trump. The dude sucks. Any president of the past 40 years should have a higher approval rating than Trump.

Though I secretly have a theory that the Supreme Court is going to rule against Trump and kick him off. It’ll give Republicans the exit that they need from him, but they can blame the courts and capture all his followers. All the candidates will run on pardoning him, and they’ll keep that radical part of the party but just redirect them.

linearchaos , avatar

3 years of propaganda, most of their base complaints against Biden arent true, but perception is reality.

Trump is hard lining who he’s going to hurt. They love that

The Dems will still vote dem other than hating Bidens Gaza stance, because they see Trump as awful.

But gerrymandering and shenanigans being what they are, the fight isn’t fair and the GOPs thumb is heavily on the scale.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Anyone who votes like that really doesn’t understand the difference between the two at all.

AA5B ,

It’s never going to be that easy. I’m sure each of us can find a candidate we like better but a successful run is more than that:

  • fund raising - to some extent whoever raises the most money wins, and I’m pretty sure President Biden has
  • name recognition - is everyone familiar with your favorite candidate? You really can’t beat the familiarity of someone who is already President
  • middle of the road enough to attract many different voters, especially those independents sitting in the middle
  • has beaten Trump before

While I think the President is doing a great job, I’d prefer someone more progressive. However that might alienate more voters than it would attract. I will not risk another trumptastrophe by insisting on more Progressiveness over electable, “progressive enough” and not insane

The age thing does bother me, but I can only dream of doing that well at that age.

We should focus on VP. We want someone in the wings and we want them to build name recognition, and that hasn’t worked for the current VP

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

So after this, if trump loses and runs again, you’ll be ok with continuing to support candidates you don’t fully align with just to stop the boogie man? What about once trump is gone and the Republicans have some new piece of shit boogieman in the running? What will it take for you to be comfortable voting with the people that you most closely align with?

AA5B ,

I never understood this absolutism. I’ll vote for the candidate closest to my views every time, and have voted for third party candidates in the past. But it’s ridiculous to vote based on only one issue

HipHoboHarold ,

What other choice do some of us have? I would love a centrait president. Like actual centrist. I know going further left that that is impossible at this current point, but even centrist is a super long shot to even win the primary. Bernie can’t even get enough people who support him to vote for him.

So let’s say Project 2025 becomes P2029. P2033. P2037. As a gay man, I need to keep pushing that back. If not, me and my community get even more fucked than we are. That’s when things like genocide start to happen. I don’t get the choice of risking a republican being elected. The only hope I have is either as younger people start getting to voting ages, and older people die out, and religion starts to disappear, that maybe things will change.

It’s either that or I leave. Granted, me and my boyfriend are highly considering it, for multiple reasons. But it won’t be something we can consider. It’s something we will need to do.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

Bernie was robbed of the nomination by a last second rule change on the floor of the convention where the votes weren’t even accurately represented in the final decision.

The left keeps moving to the right to try to appeal to voters, while aligning independents. They could stop, and move the far right further left. But dems are too concerned with appealing to the wrong people.

The best you can do is arm yourself and participate in your local elections and communities. At the end of the day you can only completely rely on yourself and those around you.

HipHoboHarold ,

I don’t disagree, but it also only works out so well for many, many people. Like depending on where someone lives, their community is largely the people they needed to be protected from. I’m lucky in that I live in Portland. A fairly progressive, if not at least performative prgressives, but at least we won’t be the first to go. But since I have sympathy and empathy for people, I would rather it not come to that. Accelerationsm is just sacrificing marginalized communities. And I get you’re not much of an ally, and that’s fine. I’ll take people who don’t care but are willing to let us live our lives. But for the rest of us, I can’t get behind the mentality of just throwing people in the fire and saying “Well I’m just gonna watch over myself.” That’s a part of how things like dictators happen. And once that happens, participating locally won’t be enough, because things like local elections wont be a thing anymore.

nymwit ,

I don’t disagree with your logic in general, but Trump isn’t a boogeyman. A boogeyman isn’t real. A boogeyman can’t hurt you. We all saw how Trump ran things. It’s not an imagined threat.

What would it take to be comfortable voting FOR someone and not AGAINST the other one? Easy: ranked choice voting.

Bonskreeskreeskree ,

I fully support ranked choice and we have mountains to climb in many states before its enacted

njm1314 ,

Like who?

chunklefurnk ,

So Biden is a Clinton now? Is everything you don’t like a Clinton?

rusticus ,

As much as I share the same concern with Michelle, I would selfishly respond to her that if she just fucking ran for president she would win in a landslide and put an end to fucking Trump. Barack can spend the entire 4 years ridiculing the orange bezoar as first man.

Dr_Fetus_Jackson ,

Apologies for my ignorance, but just why hasn’t she run for office?

rusticus ,
Dr_Fetus_Jackson ,

Thanks! I appreciate the information, and I apologize. I guess I could’ve looked it up.

I can’t blame her, but damn. Is it too cliche to say that’s why she’d be a great candidate?

chitak166 ,

Michelle would not win in a landslide.

Every election that is just an extension of the Clinton lineage is a bad play for democrats.

Fredselfish , avatar

No she would not win. I guess you just don’t realize how many Democrats are just as racist as Republicans. There is still to much racism amd sexism in our country.

And if you point to Obama I point to how many Democrats I know said Obama wasn’t to bad because he was at least half white and raised by whites.

Sick as that is its the truth and something we are long way from changing.

Plus she isn’t as popular as you think neither is Obama. I loath his neoliberal ass and is partly to blame for where we are now. Because he bailed out the banks instead of the people and turned a lot of blue couler workers into maga fanatics that Trump used to turn our country into a hell hole.

Linkerbaan , avatar

In terrified that these people support Genocide.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Which people?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Better question, which not?

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Answer the damn question and don’t waste our time playing childish games trying to turn shit around on others.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Genocide Joe and Orange Man both support Genocide. Read my statement again.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

So in other words, you don’t have an answer. Figured as much

blazeknave ,

Russian troll fuck. One called for a Christofascist task force today. Not the same, you tiny prick

nomous ,

The dumb nickname thing is straight out of the right-wing playboook.

If you’re not a troll you’re getting played like a fiddle.

Linkerbaan , avatar

No right wingers call him J*w Biden.

Genocide Joe is a nickname given to Biden by leftists that actually oppose genocide.

The only one getting played is you.

mriormro , avatar

You sound like a petulant child.

dangblingus ,

Fuck off with that shit. Every single US president, including Trump and Obama, has been vocal in their support for Israel.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Yeah that’s a great fact so maybe stop voting for those guys

Akasazh , avatar

Unfortunately to Trump supporters this is a grandiose endorsement and exactly what they want.

metallic_substance ,

The true trump idiots fucking love it. They are salivating for it. She’s black, a woman, and liberal which is the exact opposite of the people they care about. It represents everything they hate

crystalmerchant ,

We ShOuLd LiStEn To hEr GuYs, ShE iS a MaN aFtEr aLL

dangblingus ,

You’re being downvoted, not because you did a bad job mocking morons on the right, but because it was unnecessary and doesn’t add anything to the discourse.

Hackerman_uwu ,

I’m fucking convinced you guys are going to vote that chud in again. Or let him be voted in again. There is nuance but it’s the same outcome.

Witchfire , (edited ) avatar

The people who want to spite Biden’s genocidal support by not voting for him don’t realize that the alternative is a fascist dictator who actively relishes in the prospect of killing brown people. If you think Biden’s treatment of the Gazan war is bad, wait til you see Trump.

Same with the Ukrainian war. If Biden is milquetoast, Trump will guarantee your toast is forever black and inedible.

queermunist , avatar

By the time the election comes we might already be in WW3 😒

chitak166 ,

Why don’t democrats just play it safe and run just about anyone who isn’t Biden?

The vast majority of conservatives will never vote for a democrat. The best democrats can do is try to retain support of independents who have no problem voting 3rd party or even conservative if they feel disenfranchised by the democratic party.

kofe ,

I’m gonna ask my parents, both lifelong Republicans, if they’ll vote Trump again. I’m pretty sure after Jan 6 they won’t. Prior to that I would have agreed with you but I’m not sure now

dangblingus ,

Why would they feel disenfranchised by Biden? Who are these hypothetical people that would piss away their vote on a 3rd party because Biden did all of the things he said he would do. Supporting Israel is literally part of being POTUS. Every single POTUS has been an Israel supporter.

linearchaos , avatar

I mean yes they have always had the support of the US government, they’ve also historically not been quite as openly genocidal.

mriormro , avatar

What the fuck are you even talking about? Andrew Jackson was an actual president that directly initiated the forced ethnic cleansing of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee, and Seminoles.

And that’s just a taste of shit like that. You need to get your head out of your ass.

linearchaos , avatar

Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine. Did you actually read my post or did you just decide I needed to be attacked for things I didn’t say?

If you go back and read the context, I’m saying we have had bipartisan support for Israel for many years, but this year they’ve gotten significantly more genocidal than they normally are.

I didn’t say a fucking thing about what we did or didn’t do in the 1800s. Jackson was also a strong proponent of slavery, He was a well well-rounded bell end… Just because we were fuck wads in the 1800s doesn’t mean we need to openly support other people by giving them boatloads of money and guns so they can go and exterminate all the civilians they don’t like.

If you decide you still want to come at me I’m just going to block you.

Witchfire , avatar

Why don’t democrats just play it safe and run just about anyone who isn’t Biden?

Gods I wish they would. The DNC represents progressives like North Korea represents democracy

linearchaos , avatar

They won’t, because they have an entire presidential term in two vice presidential terms worth of relationship with him. They’ve got a lot invested in him and they’re not about to just walk away from that.

go_go_gadget ,

People like you want to have your cake and eat it too. During the primaries you swear up and down we should be okay with Biden winning the primaries because we can push him to the left. Then when that turns out not to be true you say we need to vote for him anyway.

You can’t keep doing this. You’re liars. You’re gaslighters. You’re enablers of the Republican party. You are the bad guys. You need to change.

njm1314 ,

It’s because those people that think that don’t actually care about brown people. Nobody who actually cares about Palestine is trying to vote Trump in. Not a single one. It’s all a smoke screen. We’ve seen it before same thing happened in 2016. Same players same game.

chitak166 ,

Blame everyone who thinks the democrats should run Biden again.

dangblingus ,

No. How about you tell us why not voting for Biden (effectively a vote for Trump) is the way to go.

Wahots , avatar

I hate all these articles, it’s like people want that asshole again.

“Man, wouldn’t it be CRAZY if this criminal won in 2024? He might ACTUALLY do it! It could happen! The courts might let it!”

Like bro, stop. Stop jinxing us. You are going to will it to happen. Stop giving him airtime. Don’t give him mindshare. Treat him like any other criminal and then drop interest. Focus on corruption or feeding the poor, anything else.

ExLisper ,

Michelle, if you’re reading this, relax. You have enough money to easily move to any country on the planet. You’ll be fine.

GoodbyeBlueMonday ,

Have you considered she may be empathetic to those who don’t have the money to easily move to any country on the planet? It’s a good thing to be concerned for the welfare of others IMHO.

ExLisper ,

Yes, I did and I think she absolutely can be “concerned” or “worried”. I just doubt she’s “terrified”. If she’s that empathetic to those in need what is she actually doing to help them? Her wikipage says that “In 2021, the former first lady announced that she has been “moving toward retirement”.[90] Though she continues to be active in political campaigns, the former first lady has said she is reducing the amount of work to spend more time with her husband.” It doesn’t mention any actual work she did since 2007. I don’t know them but for me she and Obama just look like another rich couple enjoying their lives and not engaging at all with common people. But now she’s terrified for them? I don’t buy it. Just my opinion though.

GoodbyeBlueMonday ,

When I say I’m dying to see the new Godzilla movie again (it was excellent, by the way), I’m not literally dying.

That said, I honestly don’t know what the Obamas are doing, and they certainly don’t need me defending them. I wouldn’t rely on what makes it to wikipedia as a source of how much they’re trying to improve the world, though. Given the backlash she received for trying to reduce childhood obesity, and the backlash Barack received just for existing, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re trying to donate/contribute with as little fanfare as possible to avoid further backlash. Just my opinion, though.

chitak166 ,

I’m sure she’s concerned about people until it fucks with her money.

Like most establishment democrats and their supporters.

dangblingus ,

I don’t think the paycheque is of any concern to her. She’s written how many multi-million selling books?

TrickDacy ,

I feel like this is so understated in this context it is almost physically painful:

Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit, it affects us in ways sometimes I think people take for granted

Stop talking about trump like he’s just another bad candidate. Jesus Christ.

Lesrid ,

If they acknowledge the depth of his depravity then they go too far in tarnishing the office. They desperately want to maintain prestige so they’ll never go as far as they ought to.

Omegamanthethird , avatar

If you talk about it in the way that you should, you will sound alarmist.

Potatisen ,

Oh, finally Big Mike chimes in!

SaltySalamander , avatar

Your sexism and misogyny is showing.

Potatisen ,

Lol, Americans…

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