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_number8_ ,

i am so tired of this old fucking man pretending we have to worship him and his career just because he barely beat trump last time

LemmyIsFantastic ,

What fantasy land are you living in where he is asking you to worship him?

TigrisMorte ,

Only cult45 thinks everyone worships their chosen candidate.

Ensign_Crab ,

There’s a guy on this very thread saying that amy criticism of Biden is an endorsement of Trump.

TigrisMorte ,

That is simple reality of a two party system and is in no way praise much less worship. Perhaps you should look words up before you assume things?

Voting between a Giant Douche and a Shit sandwich should be easy since at least the douche is trying to clean something.

Ensign_Crab ,

All criticism of the douche isn’t endorsement of the sandwich. No matter how much you want to use it as an excuse to silence all criticism.

TigrisMorte ,

Enjoy coup2. I'm sure the Fascists shall respect your superior morals.

Ensign_Crab ,

I’m voting for Biden. That doesn’t mean I have to buy his supporters’ bullshit.

someguy3 ,

We got this guy Not Sure.

DogMuffins ,

He’s got a higher IQ than every man alive.

teft , avatar

He’s going to fix everything.

aelwero ,

Jesus fucking Christ…

Is this to suggest that out of all the options in the DNC, Biden is not just the best one available, but the only person in the DNC capable of winning an election against fucking trump?!?

That is a hella sad implication.

It’s kinda sad as well that after four years at the helm (arguably), the best the dude can go with as a campaign is to just drag out the same lame ass “I’m not trump” he ran on last time… Not that “I’m not trump” isn’t worthy of a vote, it is in my opinion, but shit man, you can’t hold up anything else, after 4 years?

Anyone know who’s going on the libertarian ticket next year?


Hillary Clinton already ran on “I’m not Trump”. So yeah, during an entire decade, the Democrats’ only winning argument is “we’re not literally criminal fascists”.

Candelestine ,

Democracy involved compromise, unless you just wanted to be defeated in detail in the political arena. You may wish that boomers and their views didn’t exist, but for as long as they do, they are a reality that needs to be faced.

If you just ignore them and push them towards the repub candidates, then it isn’t progressives that win, but republicans. Who can then do away with democracy at some point and secure their position despite dwindling demographics, in classic Realpolitik fashion.

Gramps may not get all the nuances of the modern world, I doubt any 80+ yr old does, regardless of how good their briefings are. But he does understand why moderates are important. And he’s good at diplomacy in general.

Yes the system sucks. This is not news to anyone already past their teenage years. It’s what we got though, and to reform it, you need progressive politicians, which will need moderates in order to win vs entrenched repubs. Reality is a bitch, and it doesn’t treat purity very well.

queermunist , avatar

Democracy never involves compromise for the rich.

Kecessa ,

Older generations have a role in it but let’s not forget one thing, a whole lot of people much younger than the boomer generation also support the right, the boomers present at the Capitol on January 6th 2021 were the politicians, not the terrorists. The 18-35 y.o. crowd is extremely politically divided, probably more than any of the previous generations currently living.

Candelestine ,

This is why we have to meet each other, not as public faces talking to audiences, but where people are, where they go to talk about these things when they’re in the mood. As people just like them, maybe even that know how they feel and can still listen. It’s not like their foundational complaints aren’t legitimate.

Places like right here. Or better yet, the structure of the Fediverse as a whole, in a more systemic way. But that’s long term goals, that won’t be ready in time.

We have a real outside enemy now, though. Few of em. They’ve just been pursuing a divide-and-conquer strategy on us, and even began to see results. There’s not a whole lot of counters to that strategy, it’s one of the most tested and effective in all of history. There’s a few though.

TigrisMorte ,

Hate to tell y'all this but there are large groups of Millennials that share the same views as the boomers everyone whines about.
The reason the Republicans have been in charge isn't because of any large chunk of the populace supporting them, it is because a very significant chunk does not Vote.

eltrain123 ,

Well, that and gerrymandering…

TigrisMorte ,

gerrymandering is a means to manage those that Vote and moves the Electorate a tiny fraction which only works because so few Vote.

Ensign_Crab ,

Hate to tell y’all this but there are large groups of Millennials that share the same views as the boomers everyone whines about.

Hate to tell you this, the party’s singular contempt for younger voters has caused them to look elsewhere.

TigrisMorte ,

enjoy coup2. I'm sure you'll get along great with the Fascists being so pure and superior.

Ensign_Crab ,

I’m describing the results of the party not taking younger voters seriously.

As always, you’re pulling the “everyone to my left is all the way to my right” shit that centrists pull whenever someone points out that their messaging is garbage.

Ensign_Crab ,

Democracy involved compromise

When was the last time centrists compromised with anyone to their left? All I see is centrists collaborating with the right.

Viking_Hippie ,

This right here. The DNC always fights hard against the left and when negotiating with the fascists, they start from a barely acceptable compromise (at best) and give tons of concessions from there.

Ensign_Crab ,

And then demand praise from progressives for the “compromise” that is capitulation in all but name.

Viking_Hippie ,

Absolutely. Their (DNC leadership) policy objectives might be a lot better (in theory, if not always in practice) than those of the fascists, but they’re lying corporately owned demagogues most of the time all the same.

TigrisMorte ,

That is all the Media reported upon. Much like is happening today.

Ensign_Crab ,

Cool. What else is Biden running on?

24_at_the_withers ,

A continuation of what he’s already done, here’s accomplishments from his third year in office only.

What Biden Has Done: Year Three

Got republicans to publicly take Social Security and Medicare cuts off the table

Reduced unemployment from 18 million when he took office, down to less than 2 million now

Banned Tik Tok on government sites

Vaccines for tetanus, whooping cough, and shingles (costing up to $200) are now free for seniors on Medicare

Requires utilities to remove perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) from drinking water

Makes $450 million available for solar farms and other clean energy projects at current or former coal mines

732-mile high-voltage transmission line across the Western U.S. that will help transport renewable energy

Directs federal agencies to find ways to make child care cheaper and more accessible

IRS answered 2.4 million more taxpayer calls for assistance due to new funding

$197 million for 100 communities across our nation to invest in wildfire resilience

Safeguard mature and old-growth forests on federal lands, in a science-based approach to reduce wildfire risk

Strengthen reforestation partnerships to support local economies and retain forest ecosystems and sustainable supplies of forest products for years to come

Combat global deforestation to deliver on key COP26 commitments

Comprehensive efforts to deploy nature-based solutions that reduce emissions and build resilience

Added threat of detention and kidnapping to risk factors of travel warnings

Increased consequences to terrorists who engage in the practice of kidnapping

Rail companies grant paid sick days after administration pressure in win for unions

$4 billion effort to electrify U.S. ports and cut emissions

Average job creation almost double any recent president

To date has forgiven $42 billion of student loan debt to borrowers of public service

Record 10.5 million new business applications were filed in first two years of Biden administration

Invests $11 billion for renewable energy in rural areas

US is now building factories at a wildly fast rate

Construction spending by US manufacturers more than doubled from last year

Offered billions of dollars in subsidies in the electric vehicles, semiconductor, and solar panels industries

Added 800,000 jobs in manufacturing in last two years to compete with countries such as China

Got Ticketmaster and Seat Geek to dump junk fees

The Inflation Reduction Act will provide one million solar and wind jobs by 2035

Doubled previous all-time high of new manufacturing construction

Continues negotiations and gets paid sick days for rail workers

Executive order to guarantee women access to contraception - (more will need to be done to make it permanent)

Eliminates US stockpile of chemical weapons

Largest offshore wind project in the US

Round 10 of student loan cancellation: $39 billion for over 800,00 borrowers

Gets big tech commitments to voluntary follow AI guidelines (Including Google, Meta, Microsoft and Amazon)

Stock Market gains in 2023 are the best in decades

Creates Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument - One million acres

Construction of manufacturing facilities in real terms (adjusted for inflation) has more than doubled since 2021

Launches “Saving on a Valuable Education” (SAVE): An income-driven repayment plan cutting borrowers’ payments in half, and some with no monthly bill

Creates bilateral collaboration helping Vietnam develop high tech in semiconductor production and artificial intelligence, countering Chinese efforts to do the same in the region

$800 Million to Strengthen Rural Infrastructure and Create Jobs

Round 11 of student debt forgiveness: 12,000 Wisconsinite Student Loans Forgiven

Siemens Kenosha factory to produce solar using tax incentives and will create a half million clean energy jobs

Suspends Trump-era authorization to ship natural gas by rail

Cancels oil and gas leases in Alaskan wildlife refuge that were allowed by Trump administration

Restores power of states and tribes to review projects to protect waterways

Creates 9-state offshore wind supply chain pact while funding $72m towards manufacturing

American Climate Corps launched

DOD to review DADT discharges

At-home COVID tests return

EPA announces $4.6B climate grants

TPS redesignated for Venezuela, protecting additional 450k migrants

$37M University of Phoenix debt forgiven

EO for East Palestine recovery

Prohibits Americans from investing in some Chinese companies

Directs Agencies to Account for Climate Change in Budgets

Creates new office of gun violence prevention

Commits $200 million to reintroduce salmon in Columbia River

$230 million for suicide prevention and behavioral are programs for at risk communities

Cuts funding to college programs leaving grads with unaffordable loans and/or low pay

All schools must provide prospective students with a framework outlining actual costs to get a degree and financial outcomes students can expect

Today’s announcement brings the total approved debt cancellation by the Biden-Harris Administration to $127 billion for nearly 3.6 million Americans.

Round 12 of student loan forgiveness of $5.2 billion bring total to $127 billion

Updated federal prevailing wage for first time in decades, raising wages by thousands of dollars

During very tense times, visits Israel and gets them allow humanitarian aid to Gaza

Creates the largest ever offshore windfarm of Virginia’s coast

Supports UAW strike resulting in a 30% increase of wages

October economics report shows stunning improvement

—34th consecutive month of job growth (150,000 jobs in October)

—Longest stretch of unemployment below 4% since the 1960s

—GDP surged this past quarter 5% (seasonally adjusted)

—Federal Reserve announces interest rates are holding steady

—Auto Strike over! Workers get substantial pay raises (30%)

Eliminates co-payments, enrollment fees and monthly premiums for WWII veterans

Climate Corps sees 42,000 sign-ups since inception

Establishes White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research

Reestablishes open and direct communication with China

Brokers deal with Israel & Hamas for release of hostages

Brokers deal to allow Humanitarian aid into Gaza

Child poverty rates fall from 12.6% to 5.8% due to Biden’s Expanded Child Tax Credits

2.9 million kids escape poverty

Another 813,000 people have their student loan debt wiped out

Supply chain backlogs are now at the lowest levels in 25 years.

Inflation is at the lowest rate since Biden took office early 2021

New small business applications continue at record rates:

Delivered largest economic recovery plan since Roosevelt

Delivered the largest infrastructure plan since Eisenhower

Confirmed the most judges since Kennedy

Delivered with Obama the second-largest healthcare bill since Johnson

  • delivered the largest climate change bill in history
Ensign_Crab ,

Holy fuck, that list is padded. Just at a glance, the post-strikebreaking concessions for rail workers are in there twice. It gives him credit for Obamacare. It credits him for 2.9 million kids escaping poverty, even though that program was canceled and those kids were plunged right back into poverty. It gives him credit for work the UAW did. Twice. There’s duplicate entries giving him credit for humanitarian aid for Gaza. It gives him credit for actions taken by the fed.

All the dishonesty in your Gish Gallop of a list casts doubt on any serious entries.

TigrisMorte ,
Ensign_Crab ,

I pointed out how the list was dishonest.

Is criticism of Biden’s supporters also now an endorsement of Trump?

Spacehooks ,

Traditionally, Incumbent has higher chances of winning. DNC whole thing is taking “no risks”. I remember how people would say they loved Burnie and still voted for Biden in the primaries. I’m like wtf. DNC slogan should be “not the GOP”. Sad part is risk of Trump is too high for third party middle finger vote. people did that when DNC shafted Bernie the 1st time and we got trump. DNC knows this.

stormtrooper ,

It would be great to do the third party middle finger vote but that just gets the fascist elected. I see people complaining about Biden (even though I think he’s doing a pretty good job, despite the shortcomings) and say they won’t vote for him if he doesn’t do some single issue thing and I just can’t help but think that’s a super special level of privilege. Like really?

Spacehooks ,

I guess it really is super privilege to think third party route or abstaining is taking power back or “sticking to the man”. I think it’s lack of knowing the consequences and ideology thinking anything will change with the DNC. I really hope GOP crashes with soon so we can finally vote third party but I suspect That will never happen.

agent_flounder , avatar

Ranked choice voting is spreading. That’s our shot at having more viable options.

queermunist , avatar

I voted for Biden to stop fascism and now there’s a genocide happening with Biden’s full support.

stormtrooper ,

Yeah this is the biggest complaint I keep seeing. It’s completely true, it’s also really really dangerous to not vote or vote third party because of that at this moment. I agree that it’s totally messed up but it’s still better than what will happen if trump gets elected.

I’m just hoping the people saying this will at least vote blue while also holding Biden accountable.

queermunist , avatar

You can’t hold Biden accountable and also elect him President lol

Biden needs to reverse course on Israel or else he is going to lose. Does genocide Joe love killing Palestinian children more than he wants to stop Trump?

kent_eh ,

And how would that be any different with any of the last dozen presidents in power?

When was the last time the US didn’t back Israel while they’ve been shooting at the Palestinians?

queermunist , avatar

This is so much worse.

LemmyIsFantastic ,

I mean it definitely couldn’t just be people don’t want massive changes and want a dude in the center keeping most of the status quo.

osarusan ,

A centrist who has a long history of cooperation with politicians on both sides of the aisle is going to be a far more effective president than an ideologue who embodies the feelings of angry lemmy users.

Besides, realistically, big change for the country shouldn't be coming from the top down starting from the president. It should start locally and move up. All of these people complaining that AOC or Bernie would be some sort of political Jesus who would revolutionize the US if only the corrupt, evil DNC would pick them are completely out of touch with reality.

LemmyIsFantastic ,

Agreed. And it’s a shame it’s so hard in many locations to stay up to date with local politics.

rambaroo ,

Spoken like a true neolib technocrat.

osarusan ,

Spoken like a troll who isn't here for honest conversation.

teft , avatar

Just like Hillary was the only person who could beat him in 2016…

I feel like we’re sleepwalking into a dictatorship because of old fucks thinking they know better and that now is their time.

Chainweasel ,

Unfortunately we’re in a position this election cycle where our options are vote for old fuck, or let Nazi old fuck win.
I’m not thrilled about it either but it’s something we can sort out after this election cycle. There’s a much larger and important issue on the table than age and it needs to be dealt with first.

Viking_Hippie ,

I’m not thrilled about it either but it’s something we can sort out after this election cycle

Said everyone who ever defended the preferred candidate of the DNC to someone with actual ideals and principles every single election cycle for the last 40+ years.

That’s how we got to a situation where a Trump presidency was anything but a throwaway joke from The Simpsons that was supposed to be over the top satire.

Chainweasel ,

Do you seriously think Biden’s age is more important than allowing the US to fall into a Nazi dictatorship?

Viking_Hippie , (edited )

No. His age is a minor thing. It’s (almost) everything ELSE about him that should preclude him from being the only alternative to fascism.

He’s for sure the lesser evil compared to Trump, by miles, and I hope everyone who can votes for him, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not still an evil.

An extremely ambitious politician from Pennsylvania doesn’t just move to tiny little Delaware for reasons unrelated to it being the most corporation-friendly state in the union and “the Senator from MBNA” is no exception.

Rusticus ,

STFU. Name another presidency in the last 50 years that has been more progressive than Biden. We’ll fucking wait. SMH.

Viking_Hippie ,

That of Obama and even that of Clinton, when you adjust for the general public being much less progressive AND much less informed in the 90s than now.

That Biden made a good cabinet appointment or two on the advice of people more progressive than himself and his PR department hailed the infrastructure bill as saving the environment (even though it stipulates a manifold increase in federal fossil fuel leases before any new renewable energy programs are allowed to even BEGIN and privatizes more public infrastructure than it funds) doesn’t mean that Biden, a conservative barely if at all to the left of Joe Manchin, is progressive.

In conclusion, YOU are the one who needs to STFU and stop drinking the neoliberal kool-aid.

Rusticus , (edited )
Viking_Hippie ,

Your opinion pieces are not fact, boot licker. Now leave me alone.

Rusticus ,

Your opinion is from the bottom of the boot. At least the opinion pieces have references. Please include some of your own or STFU. I’ll wait.

Necronomicommunist ,

This election cycle? This will be the third election cycle where the only thing going for dems is “well you don’t want the other guy, so you???”

Viking_Hippie ,

4th. Second time, Obama had been governing as a neoliberal rather than the progressive he ran as at first, so Not A Corporate Raider Animal Abusing Religious Fundamentalist Hypocrite was the best reason the Left had to vote for Obama again.

twisted28 ,

Billionaires don’t want the geriatrics to give way to younger politicians without such antiquated ideologies

crusa187 ,

Yes this has big Hillary 2016 vibes.

If Biden is so confident he’s the best suited to beat Trump, why not hold a primary so the voters can back him up? There are some interesting challengers to the left of him with actual populist positions and meaningful intent to follow through on them.

The truth these geriatrics don’t want to hear is that Biden is one of the few Dem candidates who can LOSE to Trump. And he’s dead set on doing so.

mctoasterson ,

I’m going to go so far as to say Trump is the only person Biden can beat (but even that isn’t guaranteed if you look at current polling of likely voters). He is an supremely terrible candidate, like Clinton was, and people choose to ignore that at their own peril.

TigrisMorte ,

"the only person in the DNC capable of winning an election against fucking trump?!?", yes, since he is the only one going to be the Democratic Candidate, he is the only one with any chance. Glad you worked it out on your own.

Rusticus ,

Meanwhile this has been the best Democratic presidency in 50 years. Way more progressive policies passed than Obama but I guess none of that matters because he’s old.

TrickDacy ,

I am not sure I agree with best in 50, but I’m open to being wrong. I do know that each time I read a list of his achievements, it’s kind of impressive for someone who gets shit on constantly

Ensign_Crab ,

Meanwhile this has been the best Democratic presidency in 50 years.

How utterly depressing.

Rusticus ,

lol. How influenced by the social media algorithms do you have to be to interpret “best” as “utterly depressing”?

Ensign_Crab ,

Someone blithely asserting that this is the best Democrats are capable of is utterly depressing.

I’m sorry your standard for “best” is “some rando on the internet said it was best!”

Rusticus ,

Name a better presidency for progressives from a policy perspective in the last 50 years. I’ll wait.

Ensign_Crab ,

Obama. The ACA, even the version we got after centrist Democrats gutted it with zero help from Republicans, is still a greater accomplishment than Biden’s entire damned presidency.

And touting that as a great accomplishment is almost as pathetic as pretending that Biden has been a good president as far as progressive policy is concerned. If this is all we have to show for the past 50 years, “utterly depressing” is high praise.

Rusticus , (edited )
TrickDacy ,

It’s actually just resignation to the fact that people are so uninterested in their children’s futures that they couldn’t be bothered to learn about a new candidate. I don’t think he’s wrong about it, sadly.

Rusticus ,

STFU. Biden’s is the best presidency for progressives in 50 years. Go ahead, name another who has been better for progressives. Shame on you for feeding the Trump narrative.

CoggyMcFee ,

Anyone know who’s going on the libertarian ticket next year?

I know it will be an absolute moron

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