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Taleya , in The IRS plans to crack down on 1,600 millionaires to collect millions of dollars in back taxes

Token victims chosen to placate the masses.

Millionaires are still fucking peasants to the ruling class.

treefrog ,

and 75 large business partnerships that have assets of roughly $10 billion on average are targeted for the new “compliance efforts.”

From the article.

Anyway, I think billionaires are millionaires. Have to be to have billions. Which is to say, I doubt they’re not targeting billionaires too and that I’m thankful that AI will help the IRS keep the rich accountable.

CosmicTurtle ,

The difference in disposable capital between a millionaire and a billionaire is substantial. A millionaire might be able to drag out an audit and find clever loopholes.

A billionaire will simply fund Republican candidates that will defund the IRS so that they never even see the audit.

tjhart85 , avatar

Q:What's the difference between someone who has 1 million dollars and someone who has 1 billion dollars?

A:Roughly a billion dollars.

Really, it's practically the same at 10M.

A billion is just so fucking much more that our brains have a hard time even conceptualizing it.

Pretzilla ,

Yes very true. 0.1% and 1% respectively

treefrog ,

I hear you my turtle friend.

I guess I’m saying this is a step in the right direction and I hope that the IRS is operating in good faith in regards to billionaires too.

But yes, the gop is corrupted by greed and have a long history of betraying their constituents for campaign donations.

SlopppyEngineer , (edited )

If you have a million, you can spend $1.9 every minute to spend it all in a year. If you have a billion, it’s $1900 every minute. A millionaire is just a rounding error for a billionaire.

treefrog ,

I get that.

But I think it missed the point of what I was saying.

Millionaire includes Billionaires. If you have 999 million, you don’t stop having millions of dollars because you rob people of one more million.

It’s an inclusive term of billionaires, and was probably chosen as the title of the article to save on space rather than to imply billionaires are somehow excluded from these new procedures.

wagoner ,

There’s surely a name for when people react with disdain to even the slightest move in the right direction.

“Should have done it earlier” “Not enough” “It’ll probably get shot down in court” “Why bother”

elscallr , avatar

Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

mosiacmango ,

“Doomer” is a recent aphorism. It’s deeply self defeating, and I’m sure at least partly pushed on purpose keep people weak and compliant.

LetKCater2U ,


Natanael ,


TenderfootGungi , in Huntington Beach City Council approves banning mask and vaccine mandates

Did they exclude medical facilities? Most hospitals have strict rules for staff.

verdantbanana , in Nancy Pelosi: Democrat and ex-Speaker, 83, to seek re-election avatar

another canidate question what has your past politics done for me locally? even nationally? if the answer is unsure or maybe some tv propaganda answer that was fed to you then why do they deserve votes

GiddyGap ,

You don’t think Pelosi has done anything to advance the Democratic agenda? I don’t live in her district, so I’m not sure about locally, but I do think she’s been highly influential nationally, and I personally think she has done a good job.

That being said, her district is safe Democratic even if she doesn’t run. She should retire, enjoy the rest of her life with her family and leave feeling good about her accomplishments. It’s someone else’s job to carry on the work.

Gargantu8 ,

She’s the reason democrats won the 2018 midterms for starters.

afraid_of_zombies ,

That was half a decade ago.

TurboDiesel , avatar

Nice disingenuous framing there. That’s 2 elections. Pelosi needs to go but saying shit like that doesn’t help anyone.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Would you perfer I pointed instead to it being about 1,825 days ago?

TurboDiesel , (edited ) avatar

Why? A congressional term is 2 years. A Senate term is 6 years. Saying “it was x years/days/weeks ago” is totally unhelpful to the larger conversation. It’s reductive for no reason. And I think we both know you chose “hAlF a DeCaDe” for gravitas.

Now, if you had said something like “Pelosi hasn’t sponsored any major legislation since x”, sure. Let’s talk. Honestly, fact is she’s a fundraising dynamo. I fucking hate it, but that’s the framework we’re working in. She brings in money and is thus valuable to the DNC. In an ideal world she’d be replaced with a progressive who isn’t an octogenarian. But that’s clearly not where we are yet.

Gargantu8 ,


Grant_M , avatar


ZenkorSoraz ,

She also helped pass loads of legislation in Obama and Biden’s first term.

IHaveTwoCows ,

No she isnt.

Gargantu8 ,

I don’t even like her but I’m willing to admit the fact lol

IHaveTwoCows ,

Except it isnt a fact. Trump led to those wins. That’s because some of us know a Nazi when we see one.

Gargantu8 ,

Agree to disagree. Her strategy for the house was fantastic, focusing on popular ideas like health care and avoiding dangerous losing topics like others in the party wanted. She’s great at being an election whip.

IHaveTwoCows ,

And what hapoened to campaign finance and lobbyist reform? I dont know anyone in either party who thinks we shouldn’t “get money out of politics!!

Gargantu8 ,

Whataboutism. How many campaigns have you volunteered for? Go do that instead of argue anonymously online.

IHaveTwoCows ,

That isn’t “whataboutism”, you potato. I am pointing out Pelosi’s blatant hypocrisy and need to suck off that sweet sweet lobbyist grift and insider trading wins.

The investing app tracking Pelosi trades - “every trade … inevitably … a winner”!/…/amp/

Gargantu8 ,

I literally campaign for the most progressive people possible. Go do that instead of wasting your time doing this. I wouldn’t ever campaign for pelosi in a primary if it makes you feel better.

IHaveTwoCows ,

I have a blind person to take care of and do not have that freedom. Since she has lost her sight and cannot work, she will lose her insurance soon. Thankfully we have to deal with multiple for-profit third parties who couldn’t care less whether she lives or dies in trying to keep her under some sort of umbrella because none of the taxes she paid all her life went towards health care.

Gargantu8 ,

Deepest sympathies to you. That is so awful. I battled cancer/lymphoma during the pandemic and was able to get my incredibly expensive healthcare paid for in (nearly) full due to MinnesotaCare and I will do my part to get that for everyone in the US. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and sharing your experience. If you ever need someone to talk to, please dm me.

IHaveTwoCows ,

Thank you. And I am haopy things worked out for you after that battle

Fades ,

Well we sure know she used her position to advance her wallet

But yeah go off, defend this geriatric corrupt traitor. She’s not fucking special she’s a literal enemy of the people due to said corruption

GiddyGap ,

Keeping it classy, I see.

30mag ,

I do think she’s been highly influential nationally

That’s correct. She opposed impeaching Bush 43.

verdantbanana , in Nancy Pelosi: Democrat and ex-Speaker, 83, to seek re-election avatar

maybe US voters who should take more than colors and letters into consideration such as job resume over the years, what are they financially invested in, past examples of experience, et cetera

verdantbanana , in Nancy Pelosi: Democrat and ex-Speaker, 83, to seek re-election avatar

American Dissident and unable to vote here WHY THE F##K DO Y’ALL PEOPLE KEEP VOTING THESE F# BACK IN ? IS IT TO HAVE SOMETHING TO B###H ABOUT LATER ONLINE? talking to y’all will definitly vote biden this fall because his name does not start with T sounds like Pakleds voting

Shikadi , in The IRS plans to crack down on 1,600 millionaires to collect millions of dollars in back taxes

Good but can we also do the billionaires?

atzanteol ,

No. They’re just going to do it to people who have exactly 1 million dollars.

RedditWanderer ,

They won’t go after those from fear or being defunded further…

Conservative’s are agreeing to go after millionaires just to anger their base, the poor who think they’d be millionaires if it wasn’t for all this “socialism”.

MNByChoice , in The IRS plans to crack down on 1,600 millionaires to collect millions of dollars in back taxes

Good. Please do pay one’s taxes and pursue those that do not.

FlyingSquid , avatar

If Wesley Snipes can do time for not paying taxes, so can some of these other millionaires.

Burn_The_Right , in The IRS plans to crack down on 1,600 millionaires to collect millions of dollars in back taxes

Conservative SCOTUS ruling making taxation of the wealthy unconstitutional in 3… 2…

FuglyDuck , avatar

I wonder, given the whole equal protection thing….

Could we sue the IRS for damages? I mean, this is the fed government’s revenue. Them running out of money…. And running up the debt affects us negatively….

WhatAmLemmy ,

Silly rabbit; thinks we don’t live in oligarchies masquerading as democracies.


And in what venue would such a lawsuit be entertained?

FuglyDuck , avatar

Us district circuit to start. I imagine we could shop around for sympathetic judges.

Make a class action… everybody gets a few Pennie’s. A few lawyers make oodles….

solstice ,

They actually are about to review an interesting case which could have huge tax ramifications:…/4140521-historic-supreme-court-case…

It’s hard to summarize but basically they’re trying to decide if part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is constitutional or not. It’s the part requiring taxpayers to pick up income for their share of income earned internationally that hasn’t been repatriated yet, essentially unrealized gains. This has broad implications on whether a wealth tax on unrealized capital gains (looking at you, Musk and Bezos et al) would be constitutional under the 16th Amendment which only authorizes an income tax.

I haven’t done a deep dive on that case though so I could be wrong, comments welcome.

twistypencil , in Musk's interference to protect Russia allowed Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities, and resulted in the deaths of civilians including children - Zelensky advisor.

Piss of Elon, now he takes away starling completely for Ukraine, giving Russia the edge they need

Something_Complex ,

If he did that he would become an open enemy of the state. Which means starlink would become propriety of the USA gov?

unexposedhazard ,

I think if you interfere with a military intervention of the currently most important proxy war party of the united states then you are already an enemy of the state. the question is if they will finally do something about him…

FaeDrifter ,

Fucking lol, obviously they won’t. That’s not how liberals work. Biggest consequence Musk will face is not getting future government contracts.

whostosay ,

Why did you decide to assign this to liberals here? Serious question

FaeDrifter ,

Liberal idealism, with all it’s positives and negatives, dominates the way America thinks and American government works. Personal freedom and private enterprise are much more highly valued than state loyalty.

unexposedhazard ,

yeah no im not expecting them to do anything but it would be nice if they did :)

jarfil , (edited )

He has a contract with the DoD now, he won’t breach it.

He didn’t have a contract before… didn’t breach it either.

FlyingSquid , in Artists want complete control over their public exhibitions. Governments say it’s not that simple avatar

His painting that led to the suspension of the Mesa art exhibit, titled “My Florist is a Dick,” is seen by some as anti-police. It depicts a police officer in riot gear holding a baton with a flower growing out of it. The phrase ‘when his day starts your days end’ appears at the top right of the painting.

Sounds pretty fucking awesome to me, and I don’t even like Shepard Fairey’s work much.

Fuck the police.

EDIT: I looked it up. One of Fairey’s better works, for sure, but I’m still not a fan. Fuck the exhibitors though.

cristo ,

Its a cool piece of art. Kind of derivative of Banksy. Idk why people are being so pissy about it.

FuglyDuck , avatar

Well. It’s evocative. That’s for sure.

I like the style, I don’t think I like the way it makes me feel- and don’t think I’m really supposed to.

FlyingSquid , avatar

See, I don’t like his style. Apart from (including this, I bet) appropriating other artists’ work- many of them black artists, not a good look for a white man- I just think the idea could be executed better. The cop doesn’t look menacing enough even though he’s dressed that way because the baton is at rest. The flower just looks bad. The idea itself is, shall we say, remarkably similar to a scene in the film Yellow Submarine, where the Blue Meanies try to fire their guns, but flowers grow out of them instead.

Regarding his work overall, the Andre the Giant Has a Posse thing was interesting as a meme, but I’ve just never thought of him much as an artist. Even the Obama portrait- which he also appropriated- didn’t do much for me.

But my personal feelings about Shepard Fairey has nothing to do with whether or not his work should be exhibited.

FuglyDuck , avatar

If you really wanna get down to it, the vast majority of art is derivative.

Would I buy it? No. Is it similar to others? Absolutely. That doesn’t necessarily make it bad.(Also, check out cop’s face. That’s a skull.) (also? This guy is Native American, not white. This is an exhibit of native art.)

FlyingSquid , avatar

You need to re-read the article. The guy I am talking about, Shepard Fairey, is white. And it was his art that was the issue. And by ‘appropriate,’ I mean he directly takes their pictures, slightly modifies them, then sells them. He got sued for doing it for the Obama photo because it’s just a copy of an AP photo he added some colors to and the word ‘Hope’ at the bottom.

FuglyDuck , avatar


So he’s a copycat of Andrew Warhol.

FlyingSquid , avatar


match , avatar

The picture that AP provides is Thomas Breeze Marcus, the other artist mentioned in the article

match , avatar

I don’t think it’s very good but apparently it was impactful enough as a criticism of the police to get the exhibit delayed (and expose the Mesa city government’s bootlicking)

Honytawk , in Antarctica warming much faster than models predicted in ‘deeply concerning’ sign for sea levels

Ice melting isn’t the part that makes the sea levels rise. Since ice displaces the same amount of volume as the melted version.

The part that makes the water rise is the fact that warm water increases in volume.

I feel this needs to be said more since I have had instances of right wingers thinking that because they know of the first fact (and believe climate scientists don’t), that the rising seawater is a hoax.

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

The ice is on land, it doesn’t displace anything.

SheeEttin ,

Fun fact, the weight of ice on land does push the tectonic plates down. Some of them are still rising from the loss of the weight of the glaciers after the last ice age.

Anyway, we’re killing the planet.

randomperson , in New York state providing COVID tests, masks to schools

Oh dang. We’re all gonna die just like the last time.

Crismus , in New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque

All this is going to do is waste money on lawsuits that could be used to benefit the people.

When in reality this won’t do anything to slow down crime in Albuquerque. The most murders done in Albuquerque is by the police. Targeting legal gun owners won’t stop criminals from carrying firearms. Weaponizing the health system to deny constitutional rights really worked out well in the past.

I’m so glad I moved in 2020 from a city/county that is fine with police burning kids alive in their homes because they think a criminal is inside.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Targeting legal gun owners won’t stop criminals from carrying firearms.

I hate this talking point. You could say that about practically any law. “Targeting legal car owners won’t stop criminals from drunk driving” or even “targeting factories won’t stop some of them from criminally polluting.” That’s not the point. The point is to add charges once they’re caught to maximize their sentence.

SupraMario ,

It’s already illegal to carry a firearm and commit a crime…you wanting to make it double illegal? No this talking point is exactly that, a spot on assessment that laws like this only attack the law abiding gun owners. That’s exactly what they’re designed for, to create more criminals.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Do you really not understand the concept behind adding charges to extend sentences? It’s why Trump has been indicted so many times.

sudo22 , avatar

This is great if you assume all gun carriers are going to commit a crime with their gun.

The problem is this order can be used to attack people who are otherwise doing nothing wrong, who might be caring explicitly because they want to protect themselves from the crime wave this order is trying to address.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Maybe the answer isn’t more guns.

sudo22 , avatar

The answer to the drug abuse epidemic isn’t more drugs either. But banning drugs didn’t do anything to help communities nor will banning guns.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

So what accounts for the difference between the US and the rest of the developed world when it comes to gun crimes?

sudo22 , avatar

Social safety nets.

Things like: Universal health care, stronger worker protections, better welfare support, better maternal/paternal assistance.

People making enough money to support themselves, aren’t in constant danger of layoffs just to boost profits, can access physical and mental healthcare cheaply, aren’t financially ruined because they have a baby and new a few months off work, and aren’t in danger of losing everything over an emergency room visit aren’t out committing violent crimes.

Focusing on “gun” violence ignores the root cause of violent crimes regardless of the weapon of choice.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Every other country has problems too.

That’s just pointing to another problem and hoping people get distracted by it and not pay attention to the guns.

sudo22 , avatar

I didn’t say those were problems to distract from gun violence. I said those things are a solution to violence more broadly. And as a bonus, those social nets help everyone while not violating this country’s fundamental rights.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

But that fundamental right has already been violated, there’s plenty of places you can’t bring guns and plenty of people who can’t own them.

Every country has problems, the states are not unique that way. But they are unique among developed countries with their gun crimes.

sudo22 , avatar

And I’ve pointed to strong solutions to help being us in line with other nations. Adding more violations to our constitutional rights is not something I support.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Guns, surprisingly enough, are a major contributing factor to gun problems.

You can’t look at gun crime problems but dismiss any conversation about the guns themselves.

sudo22 , avatar

I haven’t dismissed any suggestions in this conversation. “less guns” is not an actual suggestion, its a vague platitude.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

You just dismissed the conversation about guns again.

sudo22 , avatar


r_wraith , avatar

Why do you think there are laws prohibiting the possession of certain items or substances at all? I mean, why should a law abiding citizen owning a bomb, a sample of smallpox virus or a few pounds of heroin be a problem? Crimnals will get them anyhow and if they use them, it`s already illegal. Why is driving while intoxicated illegal? Wouldn’t it be sufficient if only causing an accident while drunk driving would be illegal? That would certainly be way easier and cheaper to police. Why do we have building codes? Unless the house collapses or blows up, nothing bad has happemed yet.

SupraMario ,

Are…you assuming there are no gun laws out there? This is just dumb logic…there are over 20k laws on the books for guns…

macgyveringIt ,

But the additional laws take away rights from the law abiding only. The simple solution is to enforce the laws already on the books to the full extent.

These laws only harm the lawful exercising their constitutional rights! Prosecutors will add these on but not to maximize a sentence rather to make it easier to get the bad guy to plead at the cost of not filing on some of the additional charges. Just fully enforce the laws on the books already.

FlyingSquid , avatar

The laws on the books keep getting weakened.

macgyveringIt ,

I don’t know about every states gun laws or which laws you might be referring to but I feel it’s a safe bet to say that laws that pertain to crimes committed while using a firearm have not been weakened in very many places.

What may have been weakened are laws that restrict law abiding citizens from using firearms lawfully.

The laws are not “weakened” so much as pleaded down to less time or lesser charges. Prosecutors do this to get an easy “win” and clear cases from their dockets. There are a lot of gun laws that I agree with but more that I disagree that they solve any of the current problems. Again, enforce what is already law and leave the good people alone.

Don’t get me wrong, violence is horrible and should be stopped but as a realist I promise that it never will.

r_wraith , avatar

Targeting legal gun owners won’t stop criminals from carrying firearms.

Please compare the percentage of crimes commited with a firearm versus all crimes commited for the US and countries that have functioning laws limiting private gun ownership. In Germany (population about 80.000.000) in 2022 there were about 200,000 “crimes against personal freedoms” (this number is probably too low because I only added the numbers for the two main types of these crimes). In about 4500 cases (of all crimes) a gun was used to threaten somebody and in about 4000 cases (of all crimes) a shot was fired. So in the overwhelming majority of violent crimes (about 96%) no guns were used.

dhork ,

I agree with you, but for different reasons. I also think it’s an overreach to target everyone carrying guns, whether they are legal or not.

It’s the legal equivalent of calling “Time Out”. But it has to be enforceable, and I don’t see how this can possibly be enforceable, even if the local authorities wanted to enforce it. People who want to do dumb things with their firearms aren’t going to be deterred by this temporary measure. So it can only be enforced after someone does something irresponsible, and won’t do anything at all to prevent things and solve the problem the Governor is trying to solve. But you can be sure that the “Demoncrats want to take away your guns!!!” crowd will be citing this for the next 20 years. I bet they can use the Governor’s statements on this directly in campaign ads, just like the Biden campaign did with that MTG speech.

The only saving grace here is that this emergency measure is temporary, but we’ve seen this movie before…

Alien_Mortice , in Unborn girl sent signals from the womb of her mother and ‘doctors discovered something astonishing avatar

That website gave my phone cancer.

natecox , avatar

Did you make sure to call the tech support line and give them all your money and your mother’s maiden name before the 42 second countdown finished?

Alien_Mortice , avatar

Yes, twice, just to make sure.

JustAManOnAToilet , in Unborn girl sent signals from the womb of her mother and ‘doctors discovered something astonishing

What kind of no shit Sherlock headline is this?

Fosheze ,

This belongs in nottheonion.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I was expecting something more from the article, but nope. It’s literally just “these people listened to their doctors and their babies didn’t die.”

Chozo ,

It's bait. The page is loaded with malware.

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