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Nougat , (edited ) in Elon Musk to strip headlines off news links on Twitter in latest overhaul

Way to get people to interact with your platform: show them less pertinent information.

Backspacecentury , in Meta putting profit ahead of safety by blocking wildfire news, says Trudeau

This is the dumbest argument.

If you want to stick it to facebook, tell people to stop using it and direct them to better sites for news. This guy is so tone deaf.

fisco , (edited ) in Elon Musk to strip headlines off news links on Twitter in latest overhaul avatar

This tosspiece becomes a bigger arsehole with each passing day…

protist , in Elon Musk to strip headlines off news links on Twitter in latest overhaul

The platform will no longer display headlines and other text from news links and show only the main image, limiting a user’s ability to see the contents before clicking.

Couldn’t news sites just make the main image an image of the headline? Honestly though, this will only pressure commercial news to make their images more ridiculous to drive clicks

flossdaily ,

No, because that would mess up all the other social sharing that is the bread and butter of online news.

I mean, for ask Twitter’s popularity, it was only ever a fraction of the size of Facebook. So it would be ridiculous to cater to Elon and ruin how their news displays on larger platforms.

PupBiru , avatar

they can pretty easily serve a slightly different image for twitter only though

FlyingSquid , avatar

That would take time and time is money. They don’t want to spend the money or the time.

Zeppo , avatar

It wouldn’t be difficult to set up a site to automatically generate an image of the headline text.

WarmSoda ,

You know how every movie trailer now starts with a mini trailer for the same movie because of YouTube? Now imagine that but with news articles.
It would be 100x worse than what you just imagined.

reallynotnick ,

I hate this so much, a preview for a preview.

Grant_M , in Elon Musk to strip headlines off news links on Twitter in latest overhaul avatar
SuckMyWang ,


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  • Grant_M , avatar

    Yep. Along with all of his other deranged qualities, he’s also a liar.

    PupBiru , avatar

    which shocks absolutely nobody

    lntl , in Meta putting profit ahead of safety by blocking wildfire news, says Trudeau

    Canadians got news before Facebook and they’ll manage to get it again without Facebook. They’re clever folks.

    Coming out with story this makes JT sound like a fool.

    mateomaui , in Biden faces brutal backlash for ‘poor taste’ jokes while visiting Maui wildfires site: ‘Comic relief tour’

    Where was that?

    “drew ire on social media”

    oh, nowhere important.

    SheeEttin , in Elon Musk to strip headlines off news links on Twitter in latest overhaul

    Next can we strip Elon off news headlines? Let him fall into irrelevance already.

    Fester , in With lawsuit dismissed, student loan debt forgiveness begins for 800,000 borrowers

    I am literally banking on the 20-year IBR forgiveness not being fucked up in the next 15 years. There is no way I’ll pay the loans off at this rate, especially with the interest. The loan terms should be locked in as a worst-case scenario, at least, including forgiveness. These political games are ridiculous.

    Now it will be interesting to see if these borrowers are hit with “tax bombs” upon forgiveness. If the forgiven amount is treated as income, like usual on debt forgiveness, it could mean they owe taxes on it come April next year. What are the chances that someone who’s been on an IBR plan has ~$20,000 in cash to pay a tax bill?

    stealthnerd ,

    Well they wouldn’t so they’d end up having to setup a payment plan with the IRS but that would still be better than the debt load. I’d rather owe 20k to the IRS than 100K in fed loans. At the end of the day it’s all money owed to Uncle Sam.

    Personally though, I wouldn’t bank on IBR, I’d much rather consolidate my loans privately at a better rate and pay them off as quick as possible rather than pay a high interest rate to the fed in hopes that they forgive it one day. I understand that’s not an option for everyone though and some value the risk/reward differently.

    Changetheview ,

    You’re not wrong that private consolidation is great for those who can afford it, and I can see you acknowledge this doesn’t work for everyone. You seem quite reasonable about it.

    But one of the biggest pain points for the entire student loan crisis is specifically those who truly can’t afford to get out of their debt.

    For these struggling Americans, IBR plans aren’t being used as a savvy financial decision. It’s a lifeline. If that’s stripped from them, you’d see another wave of people who can’t afford basic necessities like housing. It’s sad that it even needs to be an option. And worse that for many, there’s no easy way out.

    Changetheview ,

    You’re absolutely not alone. Not by a long shot.

    Many PPP loans were forgiven without being considered taxable income, so there is precedent and there are many excellent arguments in favor of applying this for students who successfully paid income-based payments for literally decades.

    Hopefully progress against this incredibly dysfunctional system will keep happening. Would be nice to give the non-wealthy Americans a better chance at home ownership, retirement savings, and other crucial financial progress. Rather than just saddling them with federal debt while taxes are slashed for the wealthy.

    mjhelto ,

    As a millennial, I’ve all but given up on seeing any meaningful change in what remains of my life. I’m tired of living on hopeium that boomers will get the fuck out of positions of power so some of the very obvious lies the wealthy told them, of which was regurgitated and believed by them and us, can start to be fixed. They lied about everything from going to college to get a better job, to the TWO, “once in a generation” economic crashes, to the over-bloated military industrial complex, to a botched global pandemic, to the gaslighting about fossil fuels and global warming, I’m done. I just try find candidates and causes that seem to genuinely want change and throw what little extra money my wife and I have at them.

    My hope is that the Gen-Z kids continue to not give a fuck about shaking up the system and use their superior knowledge of technology to finally out these dinosaurs in Congress and enact some real change. I just don’t have any fight left in me, especially after COVID and the very obvious lies being told, to our face this time, that COVID was no big deal, all so some wealthy boomer could eat in a restaurant and get their hair done.

    I see this attitude reflected in many of my peers, too. It’s a generational burnout on life, and the best I can muster is to throw support behind those with fight left in them.

    I’m tired of being tired, ya’ll…

    PatFussy ,

    Ive just come to terms that my student loans is just another tax

    evatronic ,

    Part of the American Rescue Plan specifically exempts amounts forgiven through 2025 –…/text

    Section 9675 (a):

    <span style="color:#323232;"> `(5) Special rule for discharges in 2021 through 2025.--
    </span><span style="color:#323232;"> Gross income does not include any amount which (but for this 
    </span><span style="color:#323232;"> subsection) would be includible in gross income by reason of the 
    </span><span style="color:#323232;"> discharge (in whole or in part) after December 31, 2020, and 
    </span><span style="color:#323232;"> before January 1, 2026, of--

    … blah blah federal college loans only. But the jist is, no, there’s no “tax bomb”, that’s a red herring.

    dragonflyteaparty , in Sam Bankman-Fried living on bread and water because jail won't abide vegan diet, lawyer says

    I think it’s crazy the number is people here who think that jail/prison is supposed to primarily be about punishment. Do they not understand the concept of recitavism?

    Chunk ,


    the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend.

    “the prison has succeeded in reducing recidivism”

    some_designer_dude ,

    Good bot.

    octoblade ,

    I… think that is a human

    toolverine ,

    Goodest bot.

    NuPNuA ,

    W’ell compromise, Good Cyborg.

    lntl ,

    If SBF was free, he would clearly not be able to reoffend. Some folk go to prison for “rehabilitation,” some to die, but his sentence is a punishment.

    ZodiacSF1969 ,

    He hasn’t been sentenced or convicted yet.

    Default_Defect , avatar

    Grifters find a new way to grift all the time. He’d reoffend as soon as he was able.

    lntl ,

    Then he should not be released.

    endofheatwave ,

    Nah, the vegans absolutely will demand Sam Bankman-Fried’s release on the basis that he’s not getting gourmet vegan meals anymore, simply because all they really care about is their veganism and not other people.

    All the loonies care about are themselves.

    NuPNuA ,

    I think that’s an American thing compared to the rest of the world. Their prisons seem to be very much about punishment over rehabilitation.

    faerydaes ,

    Former Christian fundamentalist here. I think it’s a religious thing, actually. It’s very common in conservative religion in America to believe that there are good and evil things and people, and all you need to do is punish evil things and people. Any problems that exist are punishment from God for allowing evil instead of punishing it. Everything will be solved magically by God once you and your society are “righteous” enough (disapproving enough of evil), something which will never actually happen because this will literally just make things worse, providing more evidence of God’s wrath.

    This religious belief has influences far beyond the fundamentalist religion it came from, and it really helps explain why so many right wing movements are so contradictory and hypocritical.

    Everyone else is out here thinking things like “if there’s a problem, we need to figure out the solution” while a solid third or more of the American people is literally thinking that they just need to hurt the right people and God will fix it.

    (Source: I grew up in the Christian right)

    driving_crooner , avatar

    By rest of the world you mean Europe? Latinamerican, African and Asian jails are nightmares compared with US’s ones.

    NuPNuA ,

    I assumed I was largely dealing with Americans on here. Are those other countries jails bad due to a desire to punish or lack of funding available as they aren’t rich nations?

    driving_crooner , avatar

    I would guess that’s depends on the country, all of those have problems with funding, but they differ on the punitive philosophy. For example argentinean prisoners can get jobs that pay the legal minimum wage and all the normal labor rights any worker enjoys, in Brazil they can read books and wrote essays about them to commute prison time, but their jails still lack proper infrastructure and are overcrowded.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    I am all for mitigating recidivism. I also think some people are just evil and won’t reform. Someone who did the things SBF did won’t reform.

    See also: This asshole.

    MBM ,

    I’m surprised there are no prison rape jokes this time, people love those

    Draconic_NEO , avatar

    It is certainly odd, though I bet that’s going to change. For some strange reason people love talking about that stuff and even though it hasn’t appeared in this thread yet it probably will soon.

    Edit: it already happened, someone decided to say that they wondered how chewed he’s going to be. You all just can’t help yourself with the rape jokes, can you?

    Coreidan , (edited )

    It’s because most people saying this shit live in America where all prisons are for pure cruelty and punishment, not rehabilitation.

    You see, here in America prisons are an industry that generates profits for stakeholders. True rehabilitation would cut into their profits, therefore they do everything in their power to ensure you never leave, and if you do they will leave you with enough mental trauma and behavioral issues that you will return.

    Corporate media propaganda ensures americans continue to support this shit just like all the rest of the fucked up shit around here. Thanks corporate America!

    Draconic_NEO , avatar

    What does the idea of punishing people even solve in the first place? It doesn’t help them, in fact it actually hurts them. It doesn’t teach them how to be better people, so they’re likely to do the same thing again. Oh yeah and it wastes resources on punishing these people, resources that could be going to regular people but are instead essentially being wasted to torture someone instead of trying to help them.

    I bet somebody’s going to come out of the woodwork and try and argue that prison helps people somehow, by punishing them and making them scared, though I’ve found that making people scared is the wrong way of going about making them into a better person, because scared people just like animals will react, and it’s not pretty when they do.

    fabulousflamingos ,

    Punishing evildoers doesn’t hurt me, it only helps me. What does hurt me and millions of other Americans is when looney-bin cultists like you take the worst offenders and exploit them to manipulate and bully their victims and the victims’ supporters into caving to your insane demands just so you can make yourself feel better. That’s what actually hurts people.

    abbotsbury , avatar

    That’s some mental gymnastics to claim someone disagreeing with you is hurting people.

    Kalkaline , in In session reacting to school shooting, Tennessee GOP lawmaker orders removal of public from hearing avatar

    Classic Republicans, can’t face the victims of their policies.

    bob_wiley , in With lawsuit dismissed, student loan debt forgiveness begins for 800,000 borrowers avatar


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  • BettyWhiteInHD ,


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  • CmdrShepard ,

    Same. Stuff like this is about headlines and making lists of ‘accomplishments’ to point to later, but they never affect any real change.

    FinalRemix ,

    *effect any real change.

    CmdrShepard ,

    Damnit thats originally how I wrote it and my Samsung keyboard told me it was the incorrect usage.

    xkforce ,

    Oh fuck off with that shit. He tried to forgive 10 to 20k and it didnt work because the supreme court are a bunch of sociopaths and most of the stuff that would even have a chance of fixing the system would have to be done by congress.

    Pissnpink ,

    Yeah, I mean the reality we need to not be lazy fuckers and rely on the president to fix this issue. These structural issues only get changed by our personal political actions. Call your representatives, donate time and/or money to political campaigns and organizations you belive in, find out ways to get involved. Some person or organization out there right now is probably trying to achieve something you think would make this place better to live. Stand with them. Do something, do anything, just dont bitch and be cynical online about how nothing is can ever be done. Does that attitude help you get anything done in your personal life?

    cloaker ,

    The presidential system is incompatible with the state of American education. Most people believe the president has lots of power when he really doesn't. There really needs to an education campaign letting people know Congress is invested with the power of creating laws.

    Pissnpink ,


    FlyingSquid , avatar

    No one watches Schoolhouse Rock anymore.

    Rodeo ,

    That education campaign used to be called Civics class.

    BettyWhiteInHD ,


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  • milkjug ,

    Way to gaslight him back and diminish the fact that he seems to be the only one trying his best to patch up what appears to be an utterly broken system. He isn’t a god emperor and cannot unilaterally enact laws on his own. Put the blame on congress where it is due.

    ThwaitesAwaits , in Growing share of Americans favor more nuclear power

    Good! We need more nuclear now more than ever.

    ohlaph , in Meta putting profit ahead of safety by blocking wildfire news, says Trudeau

    Umm… Maybe people shouldn’t get their collective news from Facebook.

    dmtalon , in An elementary student died and 23 others injured after their Ohio school bus was hit on first day of class

    Terrible :(

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