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Snapz , in 2-year-old Arizona girl dies after dad leaves her in car during triple-digit heat: Police

Looks like that’s a tesla roped off there, because of course that’s the type of person that would have this level of thought and irresponsibility. Person was probably watching YouTube videos about babies being too woke and not enough high temperature exposure being the coddling culprit. Or “natural vaccines with heat exposure therapy!”

The only appropriate sentence for these types of crimes is for the “parent” to be sealed in a glass box for all to witness, in the center of town, without water, in the Phoenix sun, until they experience the same avoidable fate.

Child protective services need to remove any other children from these homes.

FooBarrington , in An arriving plane and a departing one tried to use the same runway, spurring an investigation, FAA says
TheRealKuni ,

This really should be the Marge Simpson “force of habit” meme. 😂

FooBarrington ,

That would also have been a good one - it’s never too late!

Maeve , in Biden stands firm on critical night - but gaffes mar fightback

Do Freudian slips happen more with age?

HotsauceHurricane , in Israel ordered thousands to ‘safe’ areas in Gaza City — then bombed them

Classic dick-move.

TheRealKuni , in An arriving plane and a departing one tried to use the same runway, spurring an investigation, FAA says

Runway incursions have become more and more common. We don’t have enough ATC, and the ones we have are overworked, stressed, and tired.

If things keep up this way it is a matter of time before a major incident happens on a runway. Fortunately we aren’t generally operating many jumbos near one another, so it’s unlikely to be as tragic as the Tenerife Airport disaster, the worst aviation incident in history, which involved two 747s colliding on a runway. But it will still involve significant loss of life.

EmpathicVagrant ,

Aren’t the control towers down to minimal staff that’re all overworked too?

TheRealKuni ,

I’m using ATC as a blanket term. I’m not 100% sure if that’s accurate, but I would think ATC includes like, tower controllers and approach controllers and ground controllers and en route controllers and whatnot.

EmpathicVagrant ,

Copy, my bad for skimming honestly

LordCrom , in Israel ordered thousands to ‘safe’ areas in Gaza City — then bombed them

What the actual fuck?

If only they had oil that they sold to the US, we would be all over that. But they don’t, so no country cares.

Being human is sometimes embarrassing

Doorbook ,

Why blaming all humanity for what the zaionist, UK, and US are doing?

flicker , in Tennessee elections chief accused of intimidation for telling 14,375 voters to prove citizenship

How did they determine who got one of these letters? Name? Location?

AmidFuror ,

Party affiliation?

afraid_of_zombies ,

Latino last names I am betting. That is what that fucker Kris Kobach did

IamSparticles , in Tennessee elections chief accused of intimidation for telling 14,375 voters to prove citizenship

This shit sickens me. It’s an attempt to deprive people of their constitutional right to vote while doing an end-run around due-process. They don’t have to prove anything, just say there’s suspicion and boom, you’re off the registry. And they intentionally do it this close to an election in the hopes that it will help swing the results in their favor. It’s blatantly obvious and I don’t understand how any court lets them get away with it.

intensely_human ,

These people are off the registry?

IamSparticles ,

If they don’t jump through whatever hoops they are supposed to to prove they are citizens, then yes, they will be removed from the voter registry. I don’t know if you’ve ever had to prove you are a legal citizen before, but it isn’t super easy. It takes time and money to get the proper documents.

BillDaCatt , in Democratic billboards stress Trump link to rightwing Project 2025 manifesto

No matter how much the orange man pretends to distance himself from it, one detail will always be true: Democrats and liberals will never support Project 25. So the only way Project 25 has any viability is with a conservative in the White House.

So, Comb-over Donnie, tell me again how you have nothing to do with it? It won’t happen without you!

Fiivemacs , in Nearly all AT&T cell customers’ call and text records exposed in a massive breach

They waiting 2 years to let their customer know…2 YEARS. Any small business or individual would be instantly jailed. Demand the same

DxK ,

Corporations are people… except when those people need to go to jail.

Reverendender ,

The article does say that the Justice Department ordered them not to disclose immediately

gAlienLifeform , avatar

Cool, jail them too

gAlienLifeform , avatar

It actually seems like it was three months. From a different article

The company wrote that it first learned of the incident in April, but the U.S. Justice Department determined in May and again in June that “a delay in providing public disclosure was warranted” until now.

Either way, we deserve a full answer on that delay

SeaJ , in Hakeem Jeffries says he met with president; big Democratic donors reportedly freeze money in objection to Biden candidacy – live

Honestly, donors pulling money is the only way Biden will drop out.

gAlienLifeform , avatar

It might just turn me into a Biden supporter*, I hate how much influence rich fucks have on our politics

*I was/am going to vote for him or whoever the Democratic nominee is anyway, but I have always thought Joe Biden was a racist-rehabilitating credit card company loving piece of crap and take every opportunity I can to point out that I think the Democratic party needs to do way better than this, but the whole reason we got stuck with President Biden in the first place is because of big money donors like this who think they know better than everyone else

goferking0 ,

Wait the donors acknowledging they were dumb to stuck us with him is the reason you may turn into a supporter?

Thats some logic

gAlienLifeform , avatar

What the donors and the party need to acknowledge is that letting donors rig our party in favor of their own preferences kills our voters’ enthusiasm and keeps them home. This shouldn’t be happening because Rob Reiner and George Clooney suddenly had a change of heart, if this was going to happen it should have happened months ago when Biden’s approval ratings were already in the toilet, or when the college student voters we need to be campaign volunteers were protesting Palestinian genocide, or any one of a dozen other moments.

kaffiene ,

Well the Dems care more about cash than voters

PugJesus , in Hakeem Jeffries says he met with president; big Democratic donors reportedly freeze money in objection to Biden candidacy – live

He needs to step down. I fought this for a while, but he’s lost the confidence of his party, and you can’t come back from that. Not in a few short months. Any path forward for Biden from here will be a monumental struggle to get the support needed to beat Trump.

Reverendender , (edited )

Who is the best replacement and how do we choose?

EDIT: It was a collective “We,” people. As in, all of us who aren’t fascists. I’m well aware of how the democratic party chooses candidates.

PugJesus ,

Harris is the obvious choice, though I would be thrilled if it went to someone else. The DNC, unfortunately, will have to discuss amongst the delegates who will get the final nod. What’s important is that we have unity going forward - which is one of the reasons why it’s so important for Biden to step down and get onboard with this.

ZombiFrancis ,

He could full out resign, putting Harris in office and be able to appoint a new VP that inspires more confidence than Harris. Could satisfy party brass who want to control the appointment for getting Biden out.

Or he could drop out of the race and endorse Harris at an open convention which would be more democratic.

Hold a national primary over the next month.

protist ,

The problem is the convention is happening after the ballot deadline in Ohio, which has historically been waived by the Ohio legislature for both parties, but which has not this year with Republicans in charge. That’s why there was going to get a virtual roll call before the convention to nominate Biden. There needs to be a nominee solidified and nominated before the convention or risk having no Democratic candidate for president on the Ohio ballot

polonius-rex ,

people want to replace biden because they don't think he can win the election, not because they want harris as president

why would biden saying "no totally trust me guys i'll step down for harris after i've won" make him any more likely to win, especially after he already told the world he'd be a one-term president?

prole ,

I think they were suggesting that he resign before the election, and Harris chooses a new VP

TokenBoomer ,

That makes too much sense so it will never happen. My vote is for a “Thunderdome Convention.” And we all know Buttigieg would wipe the floor with his Gramsci quotes.

protist ,

Harris is the only candidate who would be able to access all the money the Biden campaign has already. Anyone else would start from scratch

PugJesus ,

Which is why Harris needs to be onboard too. And, unfortunately, one of several reasons why she’s the most likely candidate.

Zaktor ,

The issue is contribution limits and what it can be spent on. Harris in control of the money, but not a candidate, means $5k goes to the new candidate and the remaining hundreds of millions become an outside funding entity. That can’t pay for staff’s salaries or do other sorts of direct spending. It’s not an insurmountable hurdle, but it is a pretty meaningful concern. On the plus side, people’s donation limits would be reset.

ShepherdPie ,

She’s just as unlikable as Biden and Clinton. It would be pointless to switch to her when she doesn’t bring any enthusiasm from voters.

protist ,

She’d troll the shit out of Trump in a way neither Biden nor Clinton ever did

TokenBoomer ,

Obamna 2.0 and I’m here for it.

tiefling ,

Man, if only they had given us a real primary 🙄

PugJesus ,

Yeah. Or rather, Biden shouldn’t have announced he was running for a second term, since as soon as he announced, any serious contenders cooled their ambitions. I understand that you don’t get into politics without a little bit of an ego problem, but it really fucked us.

CaptainKickass ,

Harris would lose. She has too much baggage, real.or imagined. And as much as I hate it, this country isn’t going to elect a black woman any time soon. 🤦🏽

PugJesus ,

We elected a black man in 2008. A woman won the popular vote in 2016.

I’m inclined to agree she has an uphill fight, and that I would much prefer other candidates - if we’re going to have an uphill battle, let’s at least have a charismatic candidate - but Biden is… not really viable at this point.

TokenBoomer ,

I appreciate the weight “viable” was carrying in your comment.

polonius-rex ,

she has baggage for the left, but that the right would probably find it very difficult to attack

"she went too hard on criminals" isn't exactly something they can use to their advantage

bobs_monkey ,

While I agree, the cold unfortunate reality is that a black woman is a nonstarter for a significant portion of the US population. Being a woman is a hurdle enough, being a black woman is a hell of a climb.

Reverendender ,

I have to say : I think AOC is FAR more electable right now than Harris. And we definitely need the most electable person we can find.

girlfreddy OP , avatar

If the DNC doesn’t like Sanders - enough that they manipulated his defeat to Clinton - just how receptive do you think they are to AOC being their candidate?

TokenBoomer ,

I’m subscribed to DNC donor lists and get texts 3, sometimes 4 times a day for donations. Lately, I’ve been getting surveys about Biden’s performance.

Today, I got a survey asking if I would support Kamala Harris. The entire survey was about Harris. Not sure if that means anything, but it was unexpected. I said I would support her btw, she would enrage Trump.

Blackbeard , avatar

I’m not opposed to the idea of a contested convention. The risks today aren’t what they were in 1968, and the internet mediasphere makes that kind of spectacle really valuable for generating high levels of media coverage. I think a 4-day contest that resulted in one person coming out on top would do a lot to bring disengaged voters into the conversation. Whether we like it or not, politics are all about showmanship, and there’s value in generating buzz and anticipation.

mozz , avatar

So… I don’t disagree, and a contested convention (after Biden agreeing to release his delegates saying that he’d love to re-win the nomination but recognizes that the complaints are valid and wants what’s best for the Democrats as a whole) sounds like not a bad strategy.

There’s one pretty chilling thing though: How difficult to do think it would be for a Russian influence operation, or a GOP one working with a few friendly players in local politics / law enforcement in Chicago, to create a giant violent shit show of cops assaulting protestors and creating the exact types of events that will overshadow anything good that comes out of the convention and turn off a whole bunch of left wing people, because they can’t tell the difference between the Chicago cops doing something and the Democratic Party doing that same thing, if it happens at the convention?

I don’t think it would be difficult at all. And that’s before even adding in whatever any boogaloo people who want to show up might do.

I think the DNC could easily be where the fighting in the streets fireworks that continue into November get started for real, and in a way that depresses Democratic voter turnout a lot more than the debate did.

girlfreddy OP , avatar

How difficult to do think it would be for a Russian influence operation

That is the biggest worry rn, esp after The Guardian just reported today there was massive “coordinated networks of accounts spreading disinformation (that) ‘flooded’ social media in France, Germany and Italy before the elections to the European parliament.”

Blackbeard , avatar

Yikes. I hadn’t even thought about the possibility of violence. Maybe the fact that they’ve got a slightly better handle on these clandestine operations now than they did in 2016 will help with the Russian ops. I think the risk of right-wing agitators provoking a violent clash is higher, to be perfectly honest. They’ll certainly have to take security very seriously if this is the path they choose.

mozz , avatar

Man I fuckin hope so. Their efforts on Lemmy are just kind of comical, but that’s because those are the 2-ruble-a-day clowns sitting in a big cube farm somewhere. The real pros are perfectly capable of cultivating an online friendship with some armed right-wing loons in or out of the CPD, and nudging things along very effectively in a terrifying direction, I think.

prole ,

The risks today aren’t what they were in 1968

Are you saying there’s less risk now than 68? Because, if you weren’t aware, we are on the cusp of literally losing the Republic.

Blackbeard , avatar

No. I’m saying the risks of a contested convention turning sour are not what they were in 1968 when this happened.

ShepherdPie ,

Which is why we need to do this. Polling shows Biden losing this election. To continue to support him is to hand Trump a victory this fall.

TokenBoomer ,

I’ll find your treasure one day, I know it’s there.

oxjox , avatar

We don’t choose - the DNC does.

the choice of a nominee is party business — not state law, not federal law, and not constitutional law.…/qa-how-biden-can-be-replaced-as-t…

Ensign_Crab ,

Why are we still pretending that it’s our choice?

crusa187 ,

Lighting round debate showdown at the convention, it’s gonna be great!

FattestMattest ,

Good or bad, no one is going to beat Trump except Biden. I’ll take the last 4 years we’ve had, where he’s had times that he seems out if it, but the country is doing a lot better and doesn’t seem like we are at each other’s throats. If he dies the day before election, I’ll vote for his corpse.

pntha , in Israel ordered thousands to ‘safe’ areas in Gaza City — then bombed them


Noodle07 ,

I don’t see how different it is from the other weeks, I don’t see anyone reacting differently than last week either. Genocide genociding as always

Bluefalcon ,

Again again

Deceptichum , avatar

Soon we can look back on this moment and say Never Again, Again

SlightlyNormal , in Naked men save tourist from random assault in Castro

Not all heroes wear capes

finley ,

Or even anything at all

insaneinthemembrane , in ‘The new normal’: work from home is here to stay, US data shows

I keep coming back to how it’s beneficial for the corporate overlords financially to not have to have massive offices, overheads, and all those in office perks. This keeps me believing WFH is the future.

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