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eran_morad , in Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate

I fucking hate republicans and will vote D no matter what (check my comment history). That was an abysmal performance on biden’s part. Appearances really fucking matter in this age of the mindless, post-facts voter. Biden needs to GTFO.

NoSuchAgency OP ,

They have you trained well

eran_morad ,

Go suck some russian dicks.

AbidanYre , in Oklahoma public schools leader orders schools to incorporate Bible instruction

Ban the gay agenda! Instead, read this story about Lot’s daughters getting him black out drunk so they could fuck him.

bolexforsoup , in Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate

He shit the bed but this is blatant bait. There hasn’t even been time to poll this, and those would be limited in value regardless.

Again, terrible performance. But this headline is nonsense.

sunzu , in IRS plans to make its free tax filing program permanent

Aint it limited to destitute wage slaves pretty much?

W2 only?

Lodra , avatar

I only have anecdotal info for based on some reading I did last year. As far as I recall, the program and software are new. So they’re slowly building up features for more complicated tax scenarios an in turn, slowly making it accessible to more of the population.

It’s just a matter of time before this is widely available. I read the post title as “we succeeded in this first year’s test and plan to continue the program”.

mozz OP , avatar

So I thought to myself, well that's a weird comment. It's nonsensical in a couple of different ways.

  1. Creating a program that does something good that wasn't there before doesn't somehow become a bad thing if there are ways in which it doesn't do enough. Almost every real action which takes place in the real world represents some kind of imperfect step towards an ideal future, not like a "we got it perfect the first time and every single nook and cranny of the objective is satisfied by this, the first attempt we made to improve things."
  2. People who draw mostly W2 income actually aren't "destitute" necessarily. I don't even know where the connection came from. Most people who are struggling in life have simple taxes. Most people who are doing well have complicated taxes this doesn't apply to. Your complaint, even taking the rest of it at face value and using some un-addressed population as a reason not to address things for the 140,000 people in the pilot program or however many millions will be addressed by this second phase, is backwards.

So I sort of wondered to myself: Why would someone be so aggressively negative in this specific way about something that almost any normal human being would look at and say "hey that's good," and for such weird and counterlogical reasons?

And so I looked three comments back in your history and said oooooohhhhhhhh okay I get it it all makes sense now.

NoIWontPickAName ,

Normally I would disagree with you, but yeah This Guy is actually probably a plant and a shill, but you guys throw that at so many people who don’t worship the ground Biden walks on that it is hard to trust you

mozz OP , avatar

I looked back in my history as an exercise in self criticism, and I found many many recent instances of me arguing with people I'm pretty sure are shills without bringing that accusation into it in any capacity, because usually, it's not relevant and I think just dealing with their arguments at face value is more productive. And then, I found a comment from a few days ago where I called the Biden administration "fuckin assholes" about their support for Israel.

I won't say that back further ago than that, you won't be able to find me accusing someone of being a shill, because you will. I will say something about it in cases like this where it's (a) hilariously obvious and (b) relevant to the conversation on a level that makes bringing it up productive, in addition to dealing factually with what they're saying. But I actually don't say it nearly as often as I think it. I won't speak for how anyone else likes to do their internet arguments, but just as far as my conduct is concerned I'm pretty sure you're just making up a convenient reality that doesn't exist. Both of your main accusations here have nothing to do with the actual reality that exists in the real world.

I'm not sure why you're committed to saying something "rebuttal-like" here, instead of just "yeah that guy's full of shit" without any "but" attached afterwards, athough I have a theory.

(Also, this conversational pattern -- where one person who is pretty clearly a shill expresses a statement, and someone does a rebuttal, and then the first person disappears completely and someone different instantly jumps in and starts conducting the conversation or attacking the rebutter -- happens often enough and is slightly-unusual enough that I think that pattern is worth pointing out, also.)

homesweethomeMrL ,

Doesn’t look like a plant or a shill. Looks like a tankie.

mozz OP , avatar

The truth is, I have no idea and I don't think it's all that productive in most cases to try to sort it out or talk about it. I didn't actually say anything at all about what the person was; I simply highlighted flaws in their argument and linked to one of their other comments and let the reader draw their own conclusions. In this case I think they were so self explanatory that I didn't really need to indicate any of what my conclusions were.

But... to deal explicitly with my conclusions, I'll say that in almost every case where there's some kind of weird nonsense-logic, and then poking through the person's history instantly yields some "let's not vote for Biden" advocacy, I do personally tend to draw the conclusion that they're a political shill. If I saw a bunch of geopolitical stuff or extended arguments about Marxism then that would tilt the scales in favor of tankie (although like I say, this is only my private logic about it, not like anything I would present as conclusive, because it's basically impossible to tell.) Going into mainstream political forums and getting real vocal about how people involved with mainstream US politics are supposed to engage with it doesn't strike me as real common tankie behavior.

homesweethomeMrL ,

Going into mainstream political forums and getting real vocal about how people involved with mainstream US politics are supposed to engage with it doesn’t strike me as real common tankie behavior.

Really? Hm. Maybe I’m using it wrong, it seems like that’s a big thing they do. Like we don’t support third parties because we’re terrible liberals who love war, and not because third parties have zero chance and almost always hurt the chance for progressive reforms. (Also ‘liberals love war’ is just Qanon level batshittery, I just can’t)

mozz OP , avatar

I classify most of those people as shills. The people who want to talk about communism or anarchism or pro-China/Russia-ism, and lack of any interest or hope for US electoral politics as kind of an outgrowth of that but US electoral politics is not the main thing they are interested in focusing on, I classify as probably authentic tankies.

Like I say, of course, I have no idea. That's just how I write it down in my head.

homesweethomeMrL ,

Fair enough. I just think of “shill” in a context of paid advertiser or, well, useful idiot. Yeah, ok I could see that.

sunzu ,

A tankie... Do you even what the term means lol

sunzu ,

I didn't say it wasn't good, just highlighted the programs's limitation. U weaved this story around it lol

Let's see if the tax prep lobby will allow them to love beyond pure w2 wage slaves.

mozz OP , avatar

So you think it's a good thing, just doesn't go far enough / needs to be extended further in the same direction in the future?

sunzu ,

My bigger concern is that it won't happen due to the strong lobby, yes

W is a W, and starting from the bottom makes sense.

But between income restrictions and complexity thresholds...

Why does it have 79k agi limit? What purpuse does this limit serve beyond sending people earning more to paid clowns....

If limit is w2 then just make it w2 jfc

mozz OP , avatar

Sure. My question is, why such a concerted effort to look for bad things about such a clear win?

Like would it work the other way? If the IRS was making life more difficult and expensive for everyone making W2 income under $79k, would you be out here saying well I guess an L is an L, but let’s remember it only applies to W2 earners and only some of them and anyway it’ll probably get overturned later on and I want to highlight the program’s important limitations and etc etc, instead of just saying “that’s a bad thing” like a normal person?

sunzu ,

It seems your issue is my delivery which is all good but that's how I choose to deliver my message.

I don't provide factually incorrect info, if I do, please correct me.

I have no issue with learning!

Chainweasel ,

78% of Americans make what you call “destitute wages” and live paycheck to paycheck on W2 income.

sunzu ,

78% of American taxpayers* only have a w2?

Kinda hard to believe but I guess half does live pay check to pay check.

Lemming6969 ,

Despite the downvotes, yes. The IRS should be obligated to put out software that can service everyone, in every tax scenario.

Zedstrian OP , in [Suggestion] Disallow the use of sources deprecated by the Wikipedia editing community for unreliability

For those worried about blocking certain viewpoints, it’s important to note that the sources on the list aren’t there for the unpopularity of their opinions, but rather the frequent publication of misinformation. For instance, Fox News, despite its frequent bias, is not one of the publications on the list.

As others have noted, the list can essentially be summarized as state-sponsored, tabloid, and extremist media outlets that, intentionally or not, have editing standards that result in misinformation on a regular basis.

CeruleanRuin , in Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate

Best case scenario at this point is one of them croaks before November. It’s insane to me that Biden even contemplated a second term, when the whole point of picking Kamala Harris as his VP was so she could be the young fit successor. It’s time to roll out plan B, guys.

catloaf ,

Personally I don’t want a career prosecutor as president, either.

disguy_ovahea , (edited ) in UK: Rights group wins appeal over investigation into 'slave labour' cotton produced in China's Xinjiang region

What is the likelihood that the NCA will act? I’d love to see more global resistance against the treatment of the Uyghurs.

I’ve been trying to avoid purchasing Chinese imports for years. It’s near impossible in the US, but it will become easier with more nations reducing the global reliance on Chinese manufacturing. The Chinese treatment of the Uyghurs is horrific.

In Xinjiang, the government is the trafficker. Authorities use threats of physical violence, forcible drug intake, physical and sexual abuse, and torture to force detainees to work in adjacent or off-site factories or worksites producing garments, footwear, carpets, yarn, food products, holiday decorations, building materials, extractives, materials for solar power equipment and other renewable energy components, consumer electronics, bedding, hair products, cleaning supplies, personal protective equipment, face masks, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and other goods—and these goods are finding their way into businesses and homes around the world.

nondescripthandle ,

I only know what I read about the NCA but are they the right organization for the job when it comes to allegations against a foreign government of a crime committed under said governments jurisdiction? Im not aware of how international their scope is.

LordCrom , in IRS plans to make its free tax filing program permanent

Article says some states may refuse to participate. Well since it’s a program that helps people and provides a free option instead of using a corporate tax preparer, then I assume all GOP states will hate it and call it liberal socialism somehow. Betcha we hear the same argument we get with healthcare … " The libs want to force you to use this and take away your ability to choose"

homesweethomeMrL ,

like hateful racist clockwork

solsangraal ,

GOP rule #1: oppose anything and everything that’s provided at no cost to the end-user if someone somewhere can charge too much money for the same product. and no, instatwitbooksnaptok isn’t included because the end-user IS the product

chiliedogg ,

Texas must be soooo mad they don’t have income tax so can’t really do anything about it.

Texas_Hangover ,

Nope. Not mad at all about not having state income tax.

Snapz ,

some states may refuse…

Fucking Hawaii, it’s always Hawaii.

Jyek ,

A lot of GOP led states don’t have state taxes anyways. Worst case scenario, people in said states only need taxes prepared for federal anyways.

Papergeist ,

Texas was one of the states that could participate in the trial. But it is Texas, so I’m not holding my breath that they will continue being cool with it. Fingers crossed though.

chronicledmonocle ,

As a Texan, there is no state income tax here. Texas can’t say shit.

brbposting ,

I want to choose to fund lobbyists working against me to make every April a little bit harder and more expensive :(

homesweethomeMrL , in IRS plans to make its free tax filing program permanent

Interestingly this is all part of a trump-administration effort to help consumers file taxes without having to pay $100 or whatever to tax filing software companies.

Ahhhhh almost had you with that huh? Almost? no? Yeah okay fair enough. It was a stretch.

MyOpinion , in Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate

I would vote for a walking corpse over a fascist like trump.

Zorsith , avatar

Honestly doesn’t even need to be walking. You could absolutely Weekend at Bernies him in a very obvious way and I’d still prefer him over trump

catloaf ,

Isn’t that very nearly what they’re doing right now?

distantsounds ,

Thanks to the DNC you are required to make this choice

NoSuchAgency OP ,

Bidens your guy then

Cosmonauticus , in Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless people sleeping outside, even when shelter space is lacking

In true American fashion dating all the way back to its founding, you only matter if you own property.

sunzu ,

you only matter if you own property.

While technically true... There is a difference between a guy owning a factory and a guy owning a home.

They are not the same lol

inb4_FoundTheVegan , avatar

This is pedantic and totally irrelevant to the topic of homeless having no place to simply exist.

Unless of course you are trying to highlight the billions of unhoused factory owners?

sunzu ,

Point being "home owner" is a temporaly housed person ;)

You got own right property to be part of the right class.

Learn to read

inb4_FoundTheVegan , avatar


You’re not adding anything useful, insightful or relevant to the conversation. Just being pedantic so you can feel smug.

sunzu ,

You can look at it like that...

My value add here is clarifying detail was that was lost in that statement.

I am not hurting the reader or the OP thesis, just adding to the body of work.

AbidanYre ,

unhoused factory owners

Are you counting the fact that Elon lives in a trailer down by the river launchpad?

rockSlayer ,

Yes. Homeless people are an underclass.

sunzu ,

Many people are few pay checks away from being homeless

System works as intended

disguy_ovahea ,

Seems that way. Empowering local governments to determine legality will inevitably allow NIMBY to criminalize homelessness across the nation, with each city pointing fingers as the next.

JimmyBigSausage , in Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless people sleeping outside, even when shelter space is lacking

Trying to decide if the war is on homelessness or on the homeless. 🤔

CaptainSpaceman ,

Why decide when you can just make it illegal to be homeless?

FlyingSquid , avatar

If we make it illegal to be homeless, everyone will have a home! It’s brilliant!

ghostdoggtv ,

Literally? Both

DessertStorms , avatar

Well, no, they aren’t fighting homelessness at all, that would mean trying to reduce, not to mention eliminate it.

Capitalists want homelessness, so that they have a whole under class of people to lock up and exploit, and that also serve as a warning to the rest of the working class.

The war is definitely against the homeless, not homelessness.

Neato , avatar

We have more empty homes than we do the homeless. If this country wanted a war on homelessness, it’d be over in a year. And that’s just the time it’d take to organize the moves. It isn’t even entirely correct to say this is a war on the homeless, either. It’s much broader than that and this conflict has been going on since time immemorial.

This is the class war and we’re losing.

sunzu , in Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless people sleeping outside, even when shelter space is lacking

How long until we get "government ran camps" to help us "solve" the homeless?

When will gen pop say it is enough ?

Asking for friend... History ain't looking good folks.

Dran_Arcana ,

Sometime between now and September, obviously.

FlyingSquid , avatar

The Bell Riots were supposed to result in things getting better. I don’t know that I see that happening in November regardless of who wins. It will either be worse or status quo.

I’m guessing the post-atomic horror of the pilot episode of TNG is more likely. I mean I guess both ended up happening, but the Bell Riots still apparently made things better.

Jaysyn , in IRS plans to make its free tax filing program permanent avatar

This program will exist until the next administration.

einlander ,

Why wait until then? There are plenty of non existent people affected by this that the GOP can help bring to court so the Supreme Justices Mullahs can strike it down.

FlyingSquid , in Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless people sleeping outside, even when shelter space is lacking avatar

I’m going to misuse a couple of lines from Star Trek: The Next Generation, but I still think they work. Just imagine Q is all homeless people, and not evil, and Worf is SCOTUS:

Q: What do I have to do to convince you that I’m human?

Worf: Die.

Eeyore_Syndrome , avatar
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