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Chickenstalker , in The UFO congressional hearing was ‘insulting’ to US employees, a top Pentagon official says

Ufo nut jobs please gb2 reddit

pectoralis ,

I would actually prefer them over you… So goodbye.

soloner ,



This but socialists.

Smatt ,

Lol wut? Socialists under every rock and behind every tree?


There are tons of socialists on Lemmy. There was a front page thread about why lol

I literally have two spewing nonsense at me right now

Butters , avatar

There was a sub r/UFO I would check in on occasionally. The arguments people would get into there were … interesting.

BilboBargains , in Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it

The collective noun for threads users is ‘a pot of turds’

porkins , in Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it

Haven’t gotten any notification messages about it. I don’t think I turned them off either.

Lemmylefty , in Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it avatar
ProcurementCat , in Biden signs historic order moving prosecution of military sexual assault outside chain of command |

Notice the absence of people telling you that Democrats and Republicans are the same. Wonder where those are…maybe too busy ignoring reality.

Kittenstix ,

By the recent actions of lefty content creators i’d say that group has almost completely lost relevancy.

We are seeing a sort of ‘cooling’ of bad leftist politics like refusing-to-vote and all-or-nothing mentality.

Which is good because if we have any hope to mitigate the worst of climate change for the disenfranchised in our society it’s with the democrats.

irkli , avatar

Your post bends like a pretzel to assert some thing or other ,but it reads like nonsense. And I don’t think I need to know more.

Kittenstix ,

It’s my understanding one of the groups that say democrats and republicans are the same were the Bernie-or-bust crowd that sold their viewers a black pill towards voting, an example would be Kyle Kulinski, he recently spoke on how he loves biden and how biden-pilled he is.

Huxleywaswrite ,

Those were right wingers though, the were just trolls that were trying to convince the left not to vote so they would win.

Kittenstix ,

Ahh, i suppose that makes sense, but it’s not like they really needed to considering prior to 2020 voters under 30 turnout was abysmal.

TransplantedSconie ,

Someone program this bot wrong?

It replied to a sexual assault topic with barfing up a climate change ummmm…response?

Kittenstix ,

I was responding to the comment about the people saying democrats and republicans are the same, does no one remember Bernie-or-bust? Those people said both parties are the same, but more recently those content creators are pulling way back from defeatist mentality. It’s a good thing.

mayo , avatar

Lol. Trolling never really gets old does it.

Sethayy ,

Hot take, but as bad as rape is - its nothing compared to the systematic fucking that is still running with flying colours both red and blue.

I’m sure we’ll see a million LGBTQ rights and bike lanes before a single major problem is solved - shit even if the FTC broke up a single super monopoly today I’d be suprised.

So I mean hey at least one of us is here

gmtom ,

Do I need to call your nurse?

Sethayy ,

Nah I’m just tired of the constant heatwaves that line our overlords pocket.

Tbh to put it in simpler terms I feel like were in a sinking ship hand bildgeing out water when there’s an asshole on the other side of the ship ripping out boards for his own benefit - scoop all you want but the problem is never gonna be solved until we look at the root cause. Both red and blue are contributers and will never make a law against those with capital (who had an entire island dedicated to rape??).

Never mistake the lesser of two evils for good, path to hell is paved with good intentions

irkli , avatar

You’re catastrophizing here, and hijacking a thread. Please stop.

mayo , avatar

Oh man, thread hijacker. I haven’t heard that term for a LONG time.

@Sethayy you should make a post about this somewhere

Misconduct ,

LGBTQ rights and the damage we’re doing with excessive cars are things that need to be addressed and solved though? If people would get over gay people existing and stop being so easily led to outrage about it we’d be done with it by now and moving the fuck on. To the detriment of not a single person. It’s an issue because people insist on making it an issue. God forbid you mind your own business and stop worrying about what random people do with their genitals.

Imagine trying to “both sides” something and starting your comment with “as bad as rape is”. Both sides my ass. Only one side is trying to make slavery out to be a positive thing for black people (teaching this IN SCHOOLS btw), obsessing over where people take a shit, and trying to make women barefoot and pregnant again. Both sides is a lie people tell themselves to try and pretend there’s a valid reason to be a bigot.

DreadPirateShawn ,

I mean, LGBTQ rights are only “not a major problem” to those who aren’t LGBTQ. But to many they’re absolutely critical too.

There can be multiple horrifying problems to fix. “All” would be stellar to fix, but “some” is still better than “none.”

someguy3 ,

LGBTQ rights and bike lanes

Giving people rights and building infrastructure. Major problems being fixed.

Sethayy ,

'course, but to quote the age old adage people are starving in Africa? shit we essentially funded government run in slavery in the mdidle east, but no of course everything is fine cause you’re able to get outside on your ride to work.

Sorry if this sounds a little harsh, I just worry the human brain gets some floating point rounding error when thinking about these issues, aka we can’t compare such big and small things - so things like this although positive are to most more of s distraction from greater issues like the super rich, than an actual solution (and like shit the rich had a rape island where we were just like dang, too bad no one can be convicted :/)

someguy3 ,

Not allowed to fix anything but the things of your choosing! In the order of your choosing! Bring everything else to a screaming halt!

Sethayy ,

I mean this post is able rape right? Obviously a horrible thing, then what do you think of the zero epstien convictions? Or is it OK to rape as long as its not directly in your face, so you can feel good about yourself.

someguy3 ,

See my previous comment.

Oh here I’ll copy it:

Not allowed to fix anything but the things of your choosing! In the order of your choosing! Bring everything else to a screaming halt!

I think this will work for your next reply too. And the one after that. Etc.

Sethayy ,

See keep thinking like that and the worlds gonna crumble around you while you organize some pebbles or some shit. We aren’t infitnite in capabilities, and surprisingly there is a middle ground where prioritization matters.

Apologies I assumed a greater than kindergartener level of rationale - I can use dumb dumb words if this is all a bit much to comprehend

someguy3 ,

Other way around, because you don’t want anything solved because some other item of yours isn’t solved first! Looks like I was right, see previous reply (so that will be my closing message)!

mayo , avatar

Ya I get how it feels like nothing ever gets done, or only the ‘little things’ but that seems to be how it works. I have some things I harp on about (first past the post voting in Canada) and everything else to me is something small. We all have our major issues we’d like to see handled (anti-trust/corruption is high on my list as well).

But you can still count this as a win and complain about what is left to do. It is a huge deal to some people, for those people it was probably their #1 major issue, potentially life changing. Not you or me, but doesn’t mean we have to be angry about that.

And just an aside, but I’d kill for more protected bike lanes. I don’t know if you are able to bike where you live, but it makes getting from a to b not a total pain in the ass.

Sethayy , (edited )

Yeah and I have no issue with solving problems of course, I come from small town Canada and an lgbt so I’ve seen a fair share of homophobia, but like if these tiny issues are used as smoke shields I don’t think people can properly rationalize that nothing I’d changing about the controlling powers, they’re only dangling such things in front of us like a carrot on a stick.

Get 80 year old crusty men out of office and we’d have climate change solved in a year and starvation in too - but you gotta walk before you run. I only see this as a (net) negative, because its convincing people ‘things are getting done’ while the scotus is actively saying they’re above the law.

That being said I do love biking and I’d die for an entirely bikeable city. But I’d be wrong to not first die for the people around me that can’t even afford a bike, nor could their farther, grandfather and most likely their children.

Rom , avatar

I must have missed the wording in this order that says Democrats no longer serve capital. Can you point that part out for me?

ODuffer , in Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it avatar

I was ahead of the curve and didn’t sign up

Butters , avatar

I’m an early adopter.

mrbubblesort , in Biden signs historic order moving prosecution of military sexual assault outside chain of command | avatar

oh oh!!! now to the police next please!

BenDoubleU , in The UFO congressional hearing was ‘insulting’ to US employees, a top Pentagon official says avatar

Who should we trust more:

the 3 military personnel/whistleblower who requested to be sworn in under oath

Or the person who frequently denies to be put under oath and instead vents on LinkedIn

dreadedsemi , in Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it

Because it lacks a lot of features.

JTode , in Justice Alito says Congress lacks the power to impose an ethics code on the Supreme Court

This is just… wow. The breathtaking arrogance of it.

It’s not often these swine can actually get a visceral reaction from me anymore, but wow. Time to get back to work on that Novelty Giant Cigar Chopper I’m working on.

fearout , in Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it avatar

It’s what should have been expected though. Lots of people check it out during the hype, and later only those who actually found it useful/interesting/fun remain.

Most of the hype-launched services should have similar numbers.

OldWoodFrame ,

It was absolutely expected, look at how Zuck frames it in the article. “More than they expected” stayed. They were parading the 100Million sign ups to brag, nobody thought all those people would stay.

harpuajim , in Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it

Doesn’t help that you can’t use it on desktop.

raltoid ,

At this point it has to be intentional from these companies.

Because some basic data analysis should show that while the majority of content are comments and shorter posts made from mobile devices, but posts with self-created media beyond meme-templates, longer text posts, etc. tend to be more from computers. And more extensive moderation also often comes from desktop.

Disgusted_Tadpole , in Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it avatar

Knowing how much personal data they harvest, why on Earth would you download this malware ?

harpuajim ,

Because most people don’t care about privacy.

dustyData ,

While this is true, early adopters—those who stay, use, promote new services and keep them active— tend to belong to the nerd and techies subgroups. Who are the most likely to care about privacy. Threads simply didn’t offer anything of value and demanded to take your soul and life for eternity. Ultimately, if the tech savvy people don’t stay to explain and ease the adoption of the platform, that’s when the people who don’t care about privacy leave.

CIWS-30 , in Most of the 100 million people who signed up for Threads stopped using it

Well, it's still Facebook owned after all, and given that Facebook still exists, it's kind of redundant with it. Many of the people who were on Twitter (like myself) were on it because it WASN'T Facebook or Facebook owned, and so we wouldn't go to that platform anyway.

Plus, it's not the only competitor out there, although to be fair, there's way too many competitors right now, and it needs to whittle down to like 3 big ones or so. And these ones should be friendly to apolitical types, moderates, and sane conservatives.

Like it or not, online liberals such as ourselves are the vocal minority. Most people in life (and even on the net, even though the internet trends more liberal) aren't as politically motivated as some in the Fediverse would assume. We're in a bubble / echo chamber. Especially on Lemmy / Kbin and Mastodon.

SupraMario ,

Reddit and Twitter are both heavily liberal, as is here in the fediverse. FB is a mixed bag, but I think you’re assumption that liberals are the vocal minority is incorrect. More liberals use the internet than the dying breed of conservatives.

LexiconDexicon ,

Reddit and Twitter are both heavily liberal

reddit is not at all liberal, it couldn’t be more of a racist website if it tried

SupraMario ,

What reddit are you talking about? Lol Reddit is so liberal that anything remotely resembles conservative opinion on literally anything will get you down voted and called a fascist or Nazi… support the 2nd amendment and you’re a liberal like myself… I’m all of a sudden a child killer and fascist racist pig

Phlogiston ,

Have you considered that the full text is:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the child killing and fascist racist pig State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The conservative deep state keeps that definition of “free” in the DL.

/j since humor is hard online

eric5949 ,

Maybe 10 years ago when I first signed up, certainly not now though.

Leeharveyteabag ,

People who say Reddit is liberal are telling on themselves… in more ways than one.

burningquestion , in Justice Alito says Congress lacks the power to impose an ethics code on the Supreme Court

Hey what do originalists think about the power of judicial review? What do they think about that section of the Constitution and the Framers’ intent behind delegating that power to the Supreme Court?

Oh wait…

elscallr , avatar

If Congress wishes to change the direction of the Court they have the ability to do so by amending the Constitution.

what_was_not_said ,

The Constitution declares that the House has the sole power to impeach, and the Senate the power to try the case. It does not limit the scope of such impeachments. Alito is just as subject to impeachment as any other member of the Federal Government.

burningquestion , (edited )

:) :) :)

edit: to cut to the chase, judicial review is not in the Constitution (go ahead, go find it), was not intended by the Framers, and was a power claimed by the court over a decade after it was set up, in Marbury v. Madison

Amending the Constitution to fix the problems with a court that’s been arrogating extra powers to itself from the beginning hardly seems workable.

From an originalist standpoint, the only consistent stance on judicial review seems to be that it shouldn’t exist. If we hew to the original ideas of the Founders and the plain text of the Constitution, the Supreme Court’s powers are at best poorly defined and not clearly enforceable.

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