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FatTony ,

This thread feels like everybody is pointing guns at each other.

Spaceinv8er ,
Rolder ,

I’ve got about 15 hours in it. So far so good. Not 10/10 GOTY material no, but good. Probably about a 7 maybe 8/10

Guster ,

Says it comes out tomorrow for me? How are people playing it

sturmblast ,

early access or piracy

Rolder ,

If you bought the deluxe edition you got a few days early access

esadatari ,

bethesda announces game concept.

people freak.

bethesda announces game. 

people hype.

bethesda starts hyping the game.

people go fucking nuts hyping the game as a result. their social media team plants those seeds to make it look organic.

a year or more of speculation occurs.

todd howard being his little schmuck self comes out and boasts about their new game.

people lose their god damn minds.

whispers of shitty gameplay start occurring closer to launch.

the masses tell those people to fuck off how could they know, dishonest review etc etc.

the big names in game reviews all review it and give it out of the park amazing reviews.

people go batshit crazy. people are out in the streets killing their parents for a chance at the new bethesda god game.

the game is released and is somewhat playable but jesus fuck is it lacking, it’s buggy, and every character looks like they’ve been updated from skyrim graphics of yore. the story sucks. the game play is empty but goddamn is there a lot to explore.

everyone rushes in like a madman.

everyone realizes the gameplay sucks.

people start bitching.

others say “oh don’t worry, DLC and user created mods will fill the game out nicely.”

years pass.

the unpaid modding community pours their heart and soul into making the game not fucking suck.

after all the DLC has come out (all with mostly positive or mixed reviews on steam) the game will go dark for a year or so.

todd howard wakes from his capitalist vampire coma needing fresh life force. the blood money of his unsuspecting idiot fans.

todd howard makes it into the office and says we could make a new game or we can milk this game for the next decade and a half. quick come up with names to rerelease the game under. game of the year edition. complete edition. master edition. elite edition. remastered. remastered complete. anything works!

over the course of the next three decades, todd howard is fed the blood of bethesda’s fan base.

he is swollen, like a fat tick upon his harkonen throne, waiting to burst.

“the people. they call for a NEW game”, he says, a devilish sneer contorts his face.

and the cycle continues.

and these fucking idiots. every goddamn time.

OutlierBlue ,

This comment is better written than the game itself.

Crabhands ,

That comment or this comment?

Rekonok , avatar


OutlierBlue ,

No, the other one.

PerogiBoi , avatar

I enjoyed this display of literary art.

Seraphin , avatar

This is one of the greatest comments of all time

dubyakay ,
esadatari ,

holy shit this broke me 10/10

WereCat ,

Sixteen times the comment!

qwertyWarlord ,

Str8 facts

eochaid , avatar

If you like Bethesda games, you’re gonna like this one. If you don’t like Bethesda games, you’re not going to like this one. I don’t know what else to tell you, bud.

Don’t mistake the bitching of a vocal minority of lemmy/reddit posters and YouTube influencers (who bitch primarily for clicks) as “everyone”. There are actually a lot of people who like these games - myself included - and a lot of them aren’t on any sort of social media. I loved vanilla Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 and love modded versions even more. I’m having a blast with vanilla Starfield right now - easily dozens of hours over the long weekend. And I’ll probably love modded Starfield even more as well.

sturmblast ,

agreed lol

Awoo ,

The game has incredibly bad performance issues and dogshit politics.

For a game they’ve dubbed “Nasa punk”. There’s no punk at all. It’s 98% corporate fantasy wish fulfillment for musk-brained techbros and 2% punk. The criticism of capitalism is so paper thin that you can barely notice its presence anywhere at all.

The space pirates use guns with anarchist symbols on them and say anarchist slogans but are clearly not anarchists in ideology and instead are straight up thugs and raiders.

The UC military is presented as real professionals, which is not really correct. If they accurately represented the US military that they’re based off of then they’d being jarheads, except for the recruiters and media where the professional show is put on. This is fantasy wish fulfilment at best, or propaganda at worst.

There is no bigotry, patriarchy, etc in this universe and it’s absolutely absurd. The universe would have these, capitalism provides an incentive to exploit. Marginalised people are the easiest to exploit. Capitalism has an incentive not to solve marginalised people’s problems fully and the further away you get from states enforcing laws to try and mitigate these problems the bigger they would get. So in space and because of the colony wars these issues would have gone through the roof.

It is bizarre that there are wars occurring and yet there are no space refugees anywhere? Where are they? Also there’s no homeless people which is fucking weird again. Also no slums or self-constructed accomodation on the periphery of the cities which really ought to exist given that the player can do just that. It’s all so idealised to a ridiculous extent.

Everyone doesn’t have the money for a starship, there is one absurd mission where you apply for an admin assistant job. You’re expected to fly into space and to a space station with your own starship to apply for an administration and assistant job? There should be a private shuttle company that people use to taxi around space for things like this.

In short, the politics are dogshit and the performance is bad. But, the gameplay is good if you like other bethesda titles it plays just like them. Additionally, I think it’s probably the strongest ever game they’ve released for modding… And probably their best title since Oblivion (not counting New Vegas which they didn’t make).

sentient_loom , avatar

I think it’s a fantastic game.

sturmblast ,

I literally spent my entire Labor Day weekend playing this game so anybody that says it’s boring I’d really don’t understand what they’re talking about

Asafum ,

I have so many hours on my save for a game that just released Thursday night that I should be ashamed… It’s literally in the days, not hours anymore.

I can’t stop lol

gnufudgecc ,

Kinda reminded me of Hogwarts Legacy, except it was a great game.

Renacles ,

Why are people pretending the game isn’t getting glowing reviews? Is the Bethesda hate circlejerk still going on?

mind ,


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  • Renacles ,

    Yep, he just added a few panels because he didn’t want to look like an idiot.

    Kushia OP , avatar

    Oh no I’ve been found out 🥹

    AOCapitulator , avatar

    this game is a negative -5/7 in my heart

    circuitfarmer , avatar

    It didn’t come out on PS5.

    Tankiedesantski ,

    I like the game, but reviews are pretty unreliable these days. Cyberpunk 2077 also got a load of 8/9/10s on release and that game ran like shit and was full of bugs.

    JackbyDev ,

    Every game gets and 8, 9, or 10 lol.

    Sasagoxialan , avatar

    …not 100% clear on the point of this comic…

    iterable , (edited ) avatar

    Rule of thumb. Wait until you see top ten mod lists for Bethesda games and is at least on sale.

    DmMacniel ,

    Well… MxR just dropped an immersive mod list.

    qarbone ,

    Impossible. There is no time to have created a list of mods. Unless the list is just BetterHUD and a few options for Reshade

    AlexWIWA ,

    I hear the word immersive in his voice now

    b3nsn0w , avatar

    i have gamepass unrelated to this game, i’m probably going to try it out if the dlss mod can be installed on the gamepass version (which looks like it can be). if the game sucks, i’m happy, nothing kills excitement better than actually experiencing the thing and getting disappointed, so i can finally evict this game from my head. and if the game doesn’t suck, i’m also happy because all these years later i finally get to play star citizen, i just apparently had to wait for bethesda to make it.

    DragonNest_Aidit ,

    I’m waiting for the Moddinglinked (Viva New Vegas and Midnight Ride) guide before I starts torrenting it

    AlexWIWA ,

    Me as fuck. Though I just keep it to myself instead of trying to ruin my friends’ enjoyment.

    Sinister Bot , avatar

    Damn starfield is bad? With its premise being Another basic america glass towers neolib united federation in space, while also made by bethesda? Who could have known.

    Hadriscus ,

    Probably not very class conscious. But I have not played it

    Tankiedesantski ,

    Yes but this game is political because it lets you pick pronouns. Give me back my wholesome, unpolitical, giant stars and stripes robot spouting anticommunist catchphrases, Bethesda game!

    ErinCrush ,

    Stop complaining. Play it if you want, don’t if you don’t want to. People just like to be popular and liked. Everyone bandwagoned on Baldurs Gate being good but I can’t think of a type of game I hate more than that. Now everyone is bandwagoning on this because A- they don’t have an Xbox or a PC, or B- they want to be cool and alternative.

    I mean come on, last week everyone was saying “omg Baldurs Gate has no microtransactions! Roleplaying! GOTY!” And now with Xbox/Bethesda making a game just like that, you guys instantly roast it for being…a Bethesda game.

    fosforus ,

    Yeah, I’ve been wondering about BG3. It seems like the main game mechanics are horrible, but perhaps the story is good. So it sounds to me like a fantasy Disco Elysium.

    ErinCrush ,

    My GF played it a lot and I saw so many bugs, quests breaking, and crazy difficulty spikes. But when Bethesda has some bugs? Oh my gosh, people start rioting. People just love to hate when they get the chance.

    MindSkipperBro12 ,

    What did you GF play it on?

    Meowoem ,

    Yeah it’s weird, I’ve seen a few really annoying bugs in bg3 and a fair bit of plot confusion and quest muddling - if Todd had made it people would be screaming about that and ignoring all the great parts.

    Half my inventory is full of random things I don’t know if I need, most from weird side quests that were never really explained or resolved in any meaningful way and I’ve forgotten about. The writing isn’t bad but it’s often confusing, I often find myself having to pick at random because I haven’t memorized enough weird names and background lore to know what I’m actually saying.

    The leveling and combat system is top notch though so props to them for inventing that.

    And I’m certainly not saying it’s not great, it’s a great game and a lot of fun but if it had been the target of a anti circlejerk rather than a pro one we’d be seeing a totally different side to it.

    ErinCrush ,

    Exactly. It always seemed to me like the game was held together by tape and toothpicks. If Bethesda, EA, Ubisoft or some other bigger company had made the game, people would give it a 6-7/10 and would complain up and down about the mechanics.

    bandario , (edited ) avatar

    I cannot stand turn based combat and generally avoid RPG’s these days and even I think this is a ridiculous take.

    I don’t own BG3 but I’ve played at a friend’s place and that game is about a thousand levels deeper than Starfield. If you like RPG’s and mucking around with dice whilst you play computer games, BG3 is a god damn masterpiece.

    couragethebravedog ,

    I hate those types of games and I’ve still managed to sink 50 hours in bg3 and I’m not even done with the first act yet. It’s the new standard for AAA gaming.

    bandario , avatar

    The larger studios need to take notice. All of the positive press and heartfelt words about this game have been heard the world over.

    You CAN deliver a complete product with no microtransactions and have people absolutely frothing over it and make a big pile of cash.

    It’s REALLY not my cup of tea, but I can’t pretend for one second that the game isn’t the absolute tits. It’s fucking amazing, really. I just can’t do turn based. At that point I may as well get a DND group together.

    Hadriscus ,

    Oh, it’s turn-based?? I thought I would buy it but turn-based completely ruin the immersion for me. I never understood how you’re supposed to suspend your disbelief when everybody politely waits for the opponent to strike.

    bandario , avatar

    Worse than turn based my dude/ dudette. It’s roll for attack with in-built twin die. Ruined it for me too but I’m not going to stand in the way of the target audience enjoying a truly great game.

    Hadriscus ,

    Yea neither am I

    NathanielThomas ,

    Nobody bandwagoned on BG3, it’s a masterpiece

    PreachHard ,

    Exactly all the hype started after the game released and people banged on about how fucking amazing it is. Nearly 200hrs later and I concur.


    It’s was a game that was in development for 4 years and they released it still in beta. Only 3 of the 7~ game destroying bugs have even been addressed yet. 4 of them existed and were reported on in the Early Access.

    The writing is sub Bethesda, typical of LS.

    Enemy base is very weak. Only like 10 different types of enemies in a world with hundreds.

    pm_boobs_send_nudes ,

    Alright, you had me convinced until the sentence “the writing is sub Bethesda”.



    You honestly think BG3 has good writing? It may have had it back when Chris was writing. Not anymore.

    bitsplease ,

    Enemy base is very weak. Only like 10 different types of enemies in a world with hundreds

    This alone tells me you barely played the game lol, there are well over 10 distinct enemy types in the first act alone. Hell, I think you might run into close to 10 enemies before you even get off the Nautilus

    The writing is sub Bethesda, typical of LS

    And this either tells me the same as the above, or that you just have awful taste. The writing is one of the strongest points about the game, and nearly every review of the game agrees, whereas shitty writing is practically a cornerstone of Bethesda at this point.

    Totally with you about the bugs, and I also find it frustrating that a lot of bg3 fans are willing to just pretend those bugs don’t exist when disgusting it. Everything else you said is just idiotic though


    The writing is very mid. It’s cute that you’re still in the honeymoon period with the game.

    Predictable main story, shoehorned characters and short boring responses.


    The wiki lists 23 distinct enemy types. Again, in a world with hundreds of classic monsters: where are they?

    ErinCrush ,

    It’s boring

    GoodEye8 , (edited )

    Well if you want to get nitpicky there’s no “roleplaying” in a Bethesda games because there are no bad outcomes. Minor spoilers about BG3.

    For instance in BG3 I went into a camp swords blazing and murdered everything in sight. Turns out I killed a recruitable companion along the way that I never would’ve found out if I hadn’t read about it online. Technically speaking that’s an undesirable outcome because I’m going to miss out on some content but at that moment I didn’t give a fuck and similarly the game just went along with it. At no point did the game even hint that maybe I shouldn’t kill that character, if anything the game told me the objective is to kill that character. Had it been a Bethesda game I 100% would’ve been prevented from just murdering that companion and the game had given me a chance to recruit them.

    Similarly I reloaded one hard fight 4 times to save a character who was relatively important to the story. That bitch just kept on running into AOE effects and getting herself killed. BG3 didn’t give a fuck if that character lived or died because the story would’ve continued without her. We all know how Bethesda handles characters that are important to the story, they literally cannot die.

    And finally I’m currently at a point where the game gave me 2 choices, either I send one of my companions into eternal servitude or another character important to the story dies. Maybe there’s a third option that lets me save both but I might’ve missed it. If this was a Bethesda game there wouldn’t even be such a situation because it doesn’t matter what you choose, either option has a bad outcome.

    And those are just examples from my current playthrough. From what I’ve seen others play you might not even get to those decisions, which means some decisions will lock out other decisions down the line and that’s once again something Bethesda does less and less with each game

    Baldurs gate 3 gets praise because it’s a great game, Starfield gets shit because underneath it’s just Skyrim in space. Are we supposed to give praise for a game that follows a decade old design philosophy? If Doom 93 came out today should we lose our collective minds? No, because the industry has moved forward. Our expectations should be higher than Skyrim. There are good things about Starfield. The moment to moment combat seems excellent and Bethesda clearly has improved the visuals compared to FO4 and FO76. But the rest of the game seems it could’ve just as well been released back in 2011.

    And before you think I’m some hyped up tweeb who is now disappointed that Starfield didn’t live up to the hype, I haven’t been hyped about a Bethesda game since Fallout 3. I’m well aware how easily Bethesda springs up hype and how the final product doesn’t really match the hype they promote. I had pretty basic expectations of what Starfield might be and I feel like Starfield was pretty much in the ballpark to the expectations I had: good shooting, lots and lots of loading screens and menus and very little of actual “space”. That’s to say I didn’t have high expectations in the first place.

    szczuroarturo ,

    That would explain why out of all of Skyrim i only remember the fact that you could kill the girl that invites you to dark brotherhood amd subsequently destroy it.

    ErinCrush ,

    All that gameplay you described? Is ancient. The industry has moved on as you say. You clicked through menus and virtually rolled dice to do that. That’s so old, it predates video games themselves.

    At least Starfield is more modern than turn based gameplay.

    bircelak ,

    Was looking for a legit review and this seems to be it. Thank you :)

    BG3 freedom gaming forever

    mranachi ,

    I think the microtransactions praise was more are, non predatory marketing / extracting every last cent praise. Didn’t Stanfield have a premium cost to pay a week earlier or something? Is that not a similar concept, albeit nowhere near as shit as microtransactions.

    Are we not all tired of being wrung out for our cash? What’s so wrong with just charging what you need so that you can make a game.

    Nioxic ,

    Its like the 3d version of starbound

    Cqrd ,

    So… No Man’s Sky?

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