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DeathWearsANecktie ,

I like the game

kn0wmad1c , avatar

Starfield is fun to me 🤷‍♂️


People keep saying it’s Skyrim in space. Great, I got a good 400-500 hours out of Skyrim.

iheartneopets ,

It’s not. No exploration or interesting story, no ‘wow’ factor like Alduin flying down on you for the first time. Don’t expect Skyrim. Not even close.


No exploration? Isn’t there a class built specifically around it?

iheartneopets ,

You are mistaking true exploration for unlocking new locations


I guess I will find out tomorrow.

iheartneopets ,

Have you not been watching gameplay?


I don’t really do that anymore. Gameplay footage vary rarely gives me what a actual gameplay feels like.

I seen gameplay for Minecraft and shrugged it off originally. Ended up being the best game in the world a year later.

iheartneopets ,

Fair enough, I guess. I like to know what I’d be buying when I pay $70, personally


I have gamepass.

10_0 ,

Is it really that bad?

mayo ,

No it’s just another video game. The core competency of this developer is dialogue interaction or dialogue puzzles that help create a sense of immersion in a world with lots of RPG mechanics. It is more or less in line with their previous games. There are quite a few tacked on features.

There’s so much media coverage of video games these days I think it makes it hard to just have them stand on their own merits without having every detail examined and compared across every game that has ever released. People who are spending the money on video games as entertainment will be entertained, but this isn’t a genre defining product and it isn’t a flop either.

TrousersMcPants ,

No, I actually like it more than I liked fallout 4 on launch so far. It’s just really popular to call Bethesda games shit on the internet

peopleproblems ,

To be honest, they really improved on what they built with F4.

The outpost mechanic, the ship building (oh my God I live ship building) the exploration, jet packs, missions, etc. It’s exactly what I wanted.

TrousersMcPants ,

I haven’t gotten into the outpost and ship building quite yet, but the exploration is way better than I expected from mostly proc-gen worlds

Amaltheamannen ,

Only watched like 2 hours of gameplay footage but seems to have learned from the mistakes of Fallout 4 while keeping the fun stuff like legendary items and weapon customization. If you like Bethesda games and sci-fi I think you’ll love it.

daellat ,

Having a hard time putting it down but Lemmy seems quite negative on it

SadTrain ,

I am having fun with it. The only thing I’ve been super aggravated with is surveying planets. I love the concept, but it kinda sucks having to run thousands of meters to try to hunt down the last little space roach you need for completion. Traversal in general is the game’s weakest aspect. Lemme fly in low orbit to pinpoint where I want to land.

I ran into some storage issues and I’m working to fix that now. The ship building tool is VERY clunky, but I love the ability to upgrade certain parts to my ship and junk.

dmrzl ,

Never even tried surveying as it seemed to be the obvious collectible time waste. Fun as usual lies in the faction missions…

Cold_Brew_Enema , (edited )

Lemmy is like Reddit In that the popular thing to do is shit all over a game you haven’t even played. The hivemind circlejerk is real here, too

WarmSoda ,

I haven’t seen anyone here shitting on Baulders gate, Armored Core, or even Elden Ring. Seems to just be Starfield.

And most of the negative responses have been pretty fairly laid out. Not shitting on it.

totallymojo , avatar

At least I thought so. Refunded after 10 hours on Steam.
Did not feel like a game from 2023. Did not want to pay that much for that quality.

Vingst , avatar

they let you refund over the 2 hours limit?

totallymojo , avatar

Yes. There is no limit with pre-purchase early access offers I think. Thank god for Steams refund policy. Saved me 100 bucks.

ace , avatar

Personal thoughts - being about 15 hours in; the exploration part is far from exciting, the gunplay is not much improved since Fallout 4, the crafting systems have not really evolved at all, the outpost construction system feels very disconnected from any other gameplay - being a completely optional resource sink more than anything else, the ship construction system is clunky as anything and has a bunch of drawbacks to it, the usability of the UI is mediocre at best - probably slightly worse than the original Skyrim UI, the economy seems completely broken - you’re very obviously meant to have 2-3 digits fewer in your credits than what the game awards you for regular play even without heavy looting, the characters are rather weakly written and seem strangely delayed in reactions to the story, your chosen backstory never has an actual role in gameplay - only been able to skip two 1k credit payments and a “put the cube in the cube hole” puzzle with it so far, etc.
It’s very much a Bethesda game. I’m definitely going to finish the main story - and probably poke into a bunch of the side content as well, but this is definitely not looking like a game I’ll have more than a single playthrough in.

I actually ended up bringing out a USB dancepad I’ve got laying about to play with, since I had to do a bunch of on-planet stuff, and standing and drinking tea while waiting through the traversal for those missions felt much nicer.

drcobaltjedi ,

No nor is it “buggy” by any real stretch.

People like to shit on every Bethesda game since they don’t like their brand of RPG. For them roll playing means you can do whatever the fuck you want. Do you want to go off and kill every person in sight, well it’s a bethesda RPG so yeah go for it. Do you want to go into people houses at night and steal all their food and mess up the place? go for it. Do you want to… etc. Hell this idea runs so deeply, there’s a mechanic in oblivion I beat you didn’t know existed, goblin warfare. It’s real, it’s just also buggy.

Yeah it’s another bethesda RPG, now with space. I’ve been having a blast with the game so far.

yoink , avatar

I’m about 20 hours in and enjoying it immensely, for what it’s worth

I think a lot of people had expectations way too high for it, expecting to have a life replacement ala Star Citizen - I didn’t follow any of the marketing, and I’m genuinely enjoying the story and the atmosphere a tonne

It is very Scifi Fallout (love to pick up trinkets) and imo it’s come out really well

robot_dog_with_gun ,

fallout was SF fallout.

kinda gutted that “pick[ing] up trinkets” is all those games are now

yoink , avatar

i mean its more than that, I was just making a joke about my need to pick everything up cos there’s a lot of stuff in the game lying around

Rayzor ,

lol, this is basically my take on it right now…

Poggervania , avatar

I’m not surprised. I haven’t seen vids or played Starfield, but just judging by how Fallout 4 and Skyrim play, I was gonna expect the game to get old and boring really quick between the bland gameplay and milquetoast writing of those two games.

Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Morrowind were probably their last good games, with Morrowind being Bethesda at their absolute best imo.

GigglyBobble ,

I'm quite sure you're in the minority judging Skyrim as boring.

PillowTalk420 , avatar

I can get the sentiment about the combat being uninspired and a bit bland, and things being formulaic but… There is still something that draws me in. I really have no words for what it is, but somehow these games suck me in despite their problems and “boring” mechanics.

Poggervania , avatar

Probably. I haven’t played any of the DLCs, but I just can’t get into Skyrim nowadays because I get quickly bored of it all. The only time I managed to complete all of the quests and the main quest was back at release, but now whenever I play it feels like a slog to go through a painfully bland world and setting. I usually give up after a few hours of playtime, and now I just haven’t played in years.

Meanwhile, I was around 30-40 hours into my latest Morrowind playthrough before BG3 dropped, and was putting a fair whack of time into Battlespire, so maybe I’m finally becoming old lol.

Goblin_Mode ,

I mean I’m gonna have to agree with the guy though. Skyrim was all but earth shattering… In 2011. Have you tried playing it recently? It feels old and repetitive. There is obviously still some fun to be had and some memorable bits but on the whole it’s just outdated plain and simple.

I think the vast majority of enjoyment people derive from it is nostalgia driven which I can totally respect, but that only lasts for like 4-5 hours once a year tops. I feel like a new player who never touched it in the golden years would likely get bored fast

GigglyBobble ,

No, I haven't played it recently. I also don't play Pacman anymore but it still is one of the cornerstones of computer games and a great game. Yes, Skyrim may be bland compared to modern RPGs but so are the others @Poggervania listed.

Poggervania , avatar

You say that, but you also have younger people who play Bethesda’s older games like Morrowind and Daggerfall to this day and are able to enjoy them in their own right.

It’s hard to put into words because another poster was right - there’s still some sort of draw to not just Skyrim, but their games in general. It might be nostalgia, it might be the atmosphere, no idea - but when you play the games, it’s just so… blah. Like it’s so close to being good, but they just miss the mark in some capacity.

Using Morrowind as an example because of how much I like the game, the environment, the atmosphere, and the writing are really well done - but god fucking dammit, I have to game the system in order to maximize my attributes on level up so I don’t die to RNGesus. As a mage, I don’t want to level up Long Blade or Heavy Armor - but I kind of have to because I need more carry weight from Strength and the HP gain from Endurance is not retroactive, so I have to get that to 100 as soon as I can so I don’t die to a sneeze. In Skyrim, they made leaps and bounds in the general combat - which is great, but holy fuck who gives a shit about the world when it effectively goes on pause for you and everybody is as wooden as the trees surrounding them? Fallout 4 is actually a really good gameplay loop and settlements are fun, but I’m not even playing a character - I can say “yes” in three different ways or “not right now” to pretty much every dialogue option and quest, and everybody is “quirky” in the way the cast of The Office is “quirky” it feels like. The writing really misses the mark 90% of the time.

I think it’s that, at least for me personally, is what makes them boring but still have that draw.

Goblin_Mode ,

I’m not denying it’s impact on modern gaming, I’m just saying it’s old. Like it certainly deserves a spot in the gaming hall of fame but it doesn’t really stack up against more modern RPGs. Technology is moving forward and so should games, yet Bethesda is so stuck on Skyrim they have refused to innovate for a comically long time

SimplyATable ,

I mean, recently I played skyrim for the first time and it was far from boring

BigBananaDealer , avatar

yeah i never thought super mario bros was a good game, maybe in the 80s it was but its just boring and repetive today

Kuma , avatar

It depends, I think as unmoded would many say it is boring. The whole game is kinda of a meme even tho it wasn’t supposed to be. like killing a chicken and hell breaks loose, and how sweet rolls are an addiction to all the guards, how they keep saying the same thing and seem to live the same life. All of them could just have been one person (or two because there are female guards too). Some npcs are a bit interesting the first few times but it gets old quick.

I have played skyrim a lot but it is heavily moded. Every new playthrough do I throw in new quests and places, try a different mix of combat mods and Ai mods to make my enemies actually enemies and not just obstacles, everything to make it less monotone. I tried to play it again last month but my motivation just fell and I never felt like playing again.

Ser_Salty ,

I’d say Starfield is in a lot of ways a return to form. So far, none of the actual quests I got from NPCs were as simple as “Go there and kill bandits”, like the majority of quests in Fallout 4. Those proc-gen quests have been relegated to Mission Boards for various factions (and there’s also more variety of them. Beyond killing, you have smuggling missions, cargo transport, passenger transport, surveying and some other stuff). Most of the quests I’ve done so far have also been very interesting, I’ve talked my way out of multiple confrontations/bossfight and I’ve robbed a valuable trophy and bank credentials from a luxury cruise ship with not a single shot fired, just using my cunning, persuasion and a little bit of blackmail and bribery. I keep thinking that I am going to get those “please kill those raiders” quests, like when I got a distress call from somebody having trouble with spacers (this games version of generic raiders or bandits), but instead I had to repair communication satellites and negotiate a mutual defense pact with the settlers of that system. Like, I’m 50+ hours in (yes, genuinely) and the game keeps surprising me with new and interesting content. I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of the content available.

Sure, you can’t completely fuck everything up and go murder everyone in the game like in BG3 or FNV or something, but it is actually a really solid RPG. The writing isn’t as deep, philosophical and politically charged as New Vegas, but it’s good. Way better than Fallout 4s main story (and better than Fallout 3s main story, which secretly sucks.) I actually had some interesting conversations in the game and chuckled quite a few times at some of the responses I could choose. My background and traits actually do come up in conversation, even had one of my traits help me win a persuasion minigame (which is actually quite interesting in this as well). Skills like Persuasion, Intimidation and Bribery actually matter and allow you to finish quests in different ways. I get a little bit angry everytime somebody calls it Fallout 4 in space, because unlike Fallout 4 Starfield is actually a roleplaying game, even if it doesn’t live up to the heights of Baldurs Gate 3. If you’re gonna call it anything in space, Oblivion would probably be the most apt comparison.

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

Lol even the title screen just looks like the Starbound logo

Destraight ,

I doubt that OP has played starfield

Jyrdano ,

So how much R is in this RPG game? Is there any character customisation? Like at least Skyrim-level (which is already a pretty low bar to conpare to)

Cabrio ,

More than you expect but somehow still less than you want. Just look at the beard options and that will describe the whole game experience so far.

WarmSoda ,

Are there 3 beards and 17 mustaches again in this one?

Cabrio ,

Closer to 16 stubble, 2 beards, and your choices are short growth or carnival magician.

WarmSoda ,

It’s like dreadlocks. For some reason games always have 20 different types of dreadlock styles. I know like maybe two guys that have had dreads.

Who tf are all these devs sporting dreads?

WereCat ,

Red Dread Redemption devs in action

XanXic ,

I think it’s fun, but I’m a run and gun kind of guy. So I’m having a blast shooting dudes in the face. The shooting is much better than Fallout. I LOVE fighting in the zero gravity arenas. It’s so cool like floating between pillars and headshotting a guy off in the distance and his body is now bopping around. Those are so rare though. Idk how I can find more.

But overall I find the game frustrating outside battles. It’s like death by a thousand cuts though. There’s no one thing that’s egregious but there’s just stacking outdated design choices that continually build up. The games indecision around flying your ship being an easy catch all for the multiple failures in making your ship mean anything outside of battles and the map system. For the love of God fix the slide, you slide like 2inches. There’s also a constant battle with backing out of menus. Idk.

But then I find some spacer trap house and have a good time blasting away. Excited for when I can actually can craft bespoke weapons.

Zeth0s ,

Apparently id software helped with the shooting part. They are the best in town for it, I am not surprised that it’s improved compared to fallout games, that have pretty bad shootings

jdeath ,

maybe i just haven’t gotten ‘the feel’ for it yet, but it seems much worse to me than FO4 or FO76


They also helped with the gunplay in FO4 as well. There is a clear improvement over it than FO3.

Frozengyro ,

Yea menu navigation is terrible, lack of explanation on how to do anything is confusing, basically no map isn’t great. I’m about 10 hours in and enjoying it, but could have been a lot better.

Also, maybe it’s just me but I can never tell if I’m buying or selling to a vendor and end up totally messing it up and needing to reload multiple times.

jdeath ,

yeah inventory management is the worst! i don’t get it

rishado ,


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  • XanXic ,

    “not a failure” I called it frustrating and death by a thousand cuts. Just because I don’t screech failure and send Todd Howard death threats doesn’t mean I’m not being critical of the game. Get some reading comprehension and don’t set the bar at hyperbole. Saying the thing you do 75% of the time is fun isn’t calling it a rousing success either by any means.

    moonsnotreal , avatar

    Am I the only one who noticed the gun animations are just the fallout 4 ones? Like the pistols use exactly the same animations. I know because I played hundreds of hours of 4.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    I mean, you don’t always have to reinvent the wheel: if 4 achieved realistic-feeling energy weapon animations, why fix what isn’t broken? Third folksy saying.

    CordanWraith ,

    Yeah, Elden Ring for example has tons of DS3 animations. It’s just more sensible to use the existing ones rather than completely remaking the same thing.

    MindSkipperBro12 ,

    Yes but we need to go vertically, not horizontally.

    Tofu_Lewis ,

    Uhh just play Outer Worlds you nerds

    GeneralEmergency ,

    When this is the first meme I see a community make. I know the game is mid as fuck.

    deft ,

    thanks for summing me up

    yoink , avatar

    hmmm people seem to like this thing i don’t like

    ah it’s because they’re actually lying for the purposes of fooling me, the objectively correct main character

    UlyssesT ,

    Surprise twist on an old comic chefs-kiss

    Papercrane ,

    I didn’t play starfield but watched around 2 hours of gameplay. The story was kinda nonsense, the gameplay I can respect but I know it wouldn’t be for me. Like everyone says it’s fallout in space, but it seems like it takes itself much more serious

    PillowTalk420 , avatar

    With how many call backs, jokes and references I’ve seen in the main plot: it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Half of the jokes have been directly related to the lack of dialogue options and having a silent protagonist.

    FMT99 ,

    I wish it took itself more serious. It’s tongue in cheek non stop but the jokes rarely land.

    PillowTalk420 , avatar

    Fully agree. Lots of jokes; they’re not very funny, tho. IDK… Maybe it will get more interesting the further I get. I still wanna check out Neon (the cyberpunk city) and do deep space exploration (can’t even get out there yet). I’ve been to a museum ran by the Starship Troopers faction that gives a ton of exposition on the lore and it was a chore to stay awake through all that.

    bennieandthez , avatar

    It’s “fallout in space” but without the stuff that makes fallout good.

    UnverifiedAPK ,

    “fallout in space but without the stuff that makes fallout good.”

    So Fallout 4 in space.

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