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photonic_sorcerer , in for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there avatar

Right, so your solution is to get the people you like to do the terrorizing? Genius play. Really smart. I see no downsides.

volodya_ilich ,

What’s the alternative? Ending up like Allende, or the Spanish second republic, or Rosa Luxembourg? “The only good socialist movements are those who fail”

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

You need to take power in a way that doesn’t make a majority of the population hate your guts. Democracy is the worst system of government, except for all the others.

volodya_ilich ,

You say that as if communists don’t want democracy. I want the highest degree of democracy possible, I just understand that the material conditions that allow revolutions don’t always allow for extremely high democracy at the beginning, and how a vanguard party of communist intellectuals can initially serve well to guide an uneducated populace or, worse, educated against communism as we are now.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

The way to such a system can’t be through a violent uprising, you’ll be seen as illegitimate and opportunists. Revolutions themselves are very volatile points in history, and it can be very easy for the wrong person or set of people to take the reigns of power. We don’t want another Stalin or Mao.

volodya_ilich ,

You’re insulting all the people who suffered even more oppressive regimes than Stalin or Mao as a consequence of NOT arming themselves. Chileans suffered Pinochet as a consequence of lack of oppression of the fascist opposition during Allende. Spanish suffered Franco as a consequence of lack of oppression of the fascists during the Spanish Second Republic. Oppression is sadly a tool that must be used, as sparingly as possible that’s true, to prevent reactionary elements from maintaining or reinstating even more oppressive structures.

People everyday in post-colonial countries suffer immeasurable despair as a consequence of lack of revolution. If you criticise Stalin or Mao and consider them undesirable and illegitimate, you should be even more convinced of the illegitimacy of current western governments that impose imperialism on the global south. Every day that we delay or refuse these armed revolutions, we’re perpetuating this system which is even more harmful than the USSR or communist China by any metric possible.

davel , avatar

We don’t want another Stalin or Mao.

Speak for yourself.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

Oh, so you’re into fascists?

davel , avatar

To ask that is to understand neither fascism nor communism.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

Definition of fascism

Your heroes tick all the boxes.

davel , (edited ) avatar

Thank you for Merriam Webster’s definition of fascism; now I am enlightened. jagoff

I don’t know why I wasted so many hours studying communism and fascism when I could have simply looked them up in the dictionary.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

Do you want anybody else’s? Or do you deny what words mean? Thanks for the insult. At least I don’t worship fascists.

OurToothbrush ,

Oh look, holocaust trivialization from an “anti-authoritarian”

GeneralVincent ,

So we just need super smart authoritarian communist to lead a bloody revolution backed by the uneducated masses that will then be handed over peacefully to the uneducated masses once communism is firmly established?

I support communism, I want revolutionary change, and I’m an idealist. But I don’t understand how that’s realistically possible. Theoretically possible, but the number of complications that would arise, the number of variables that could go wrong and destroy the entire movement, how easy it would be to corrupt… It’s never happened before for a reason, and having violent, bloody revolutions every few decades in the hopes it finally works perfectly this time doesn’t seem constructive or intelligent to me. There has to be a better way to balance how fast the change happens and how fragile and volatile the system will be during the change

Cowbee , avatar

Have you read Marxist theory? Marxists don’t typically identify themselves as idealists, preferring instead Materialism, specifically Historical and Dialectical Materialism.

Reading theory may help you better engage with leftists online.

GeneralVincent ,

Right, sorry for the confusion. I was referring to the definition of idealist "One whose conduct or thinking is influenced by ideals that often conflict with practical considerations. "

Not that I necessarily am “An adherent of any system of philosophical idealism.”

But yes, I’ll read more Marxist theory specifically. I don’t have trouble interacting with leftists online very much, it’s just when I see leftists who are strictly authoritarian. The “by any means necessary” just ain’t it for me

Cowbee , avatar

I understand what you meant, it’s just that Marxists don’t take on that mantle whatsoever. Same with your notion that we rely on some “super smart authoritarian,” that goes against revolutionary theory.

That’s why I suggested reading theory. You seem to have an idea of what you want your end to be, and why current Capitalism is bad, but you lack organizational and Dialectical Materialist theory.

GiveMemes ,

There’s a reason we have realism in political science though. Theory isnt the truth of how things play out in real life, especially when it comes to the social sciences. We need descriptions just as much, if not moreso, than prescriptions.

I agree that theory is important tho, so I’ll do my part by linking a free resource:

volodya_ilich ,

We need, as commies, to establish grassroots movements that will improve things locally, create safety nets, organize labor to get progressively better victories through strike and if necessary through other means, and to have a growing sector of workers that are class-conscious. When the material conditions arrive, we need to have a critical mass of class-conscious workers so that we can organise as best as possible, and help to educate the rest of people, and to discuss the wants and needs of the workers and translate those needs to the vanguard party. But we also need the vanguard party.

You talk about how things can “go wrong and corrupt the entire thing”, but by doing so you’re forgetting that that’s already the case, that we live in a corrupt, bloody and oppressive system, which kills millions every year worldwide through violent and less-violent means. You say it’s never happened, but I disagree with you. Ask an anarchist and they’ll tell you about Zapatista and Rohinya movements. Ask a Marxist-Leninist like me and we’ll tell you about Cuba and the USSR and why we believe they’re inherently more democratic and less oppressive than the current system, although admittedly not perfect. Our best tool to prevent the system from being corrupt, is to have as many class-conscious workers as possible. So let’s organise labor, let’s create communities and activist organizations, and let’s improve things on a local level, so that people’s material conditions start to improve and as a bonus we can draw more people to the movement that actively improves their lives.

Cowbee , avatar

Revolution can only effectively happen with a mass worker movement, yes. Communists aren’t advocating for coups.

Please read any revolutionary theory, even Lenin. None advocate for coups.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

Remind me, what exactly did the red army do to put the communists in power?

Cowbee , avatar

Took advantage of a wildly unpopular government during WWI to hold a revolution, taking the Winter Palace.

It wasn’t just a random strike and coup, but a revolutionary movement backed by a mass of workers.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

That’s what a coup is.

Cowbee , avatar

A coup is a revolutionary movement with mass support? Are all revolutions coups?

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

A coup is the violent overthrow of a government, so if the revolution is violent, yeah.

Cowbee , avatar

That’s a bit goofy, but then I will amend the original statement with clarity: revolutionaries do not necessarily support random individual movements, but mass revolutionary action among the workers.

yogthos , avatar

You’re contradicting yourself little buddy, just earlier you were claiming that mass popular support is democracy. But apparently an uprising of the oppressed is just a coup. 🤡

fl42v , in Israel doesn't have the right to exist

Well, duh. All governments are cancer

SatansMaggotyCumFart , in Feel my scorn

I remember when I was feeling powerful and great because I had just beat the Moon Presence in Bloodborne, so I loaded up a new game plus and died to the first enemy.

somenonewho , in for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there

Seriously. I might not be a great “Marx Scholar” and I don’t think the revolution will just be a peaceful process “whished into existence” but I don’t think Marx was Dunkin g on anti authoritarians here and to presume the “dictatorship of the proletariat” is the long term free society of Marx ideals is utter garbage. Communism will be anti-authoritarian or it will not be.

davel , avatar

I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

Cowbee , avatar

Marx and Engels considered the mere act of revolution to be authoritarian. Advocating for a worker state is at some level authoritarian.

Jumping straight to statelessness is Anarchism, not Marxism, and has a much lower success rate at lasting any amount of time.

yogthos , avatar

The thing is that anarchism fundamentally doesn’t scale. There’s a reason we see central authority arise in every functioning society regardless of its political system. It’s the same reason complex animals evolve things like nervous systems and brains. Large organism need a way to coordinate actions towards a common purpose, and a human society is no different. This is why we see anarchist style societies at small scales, and then as they grow they develop central coordination mechanisms. The fact that anarchist can’t wrap their heads around this simple concept is frankly depressing.

Cowbee , avatar

Anarchists tend to fall for idealism, and see only Anarchism as “good” and therefore acceptable. That’s really the key point, they feel like they must unify means and ends, and that the microscopic chance that one day Anarchism may be established is worth fighting for.

It’s idealism to the core and puts the individual over the well-being of the group.

yogthos , (edited ) avatar

Indeed, and this is why anarchism is really just an offshoot of the liberal ideology at the end of the day. Idealism holds that existence is inseparable from human perception and that reality stems from the mind. This leads them to think that they can just will reality into existence through sheer force of will. The general premise most anarchists seem to believe is that the state is responsible for all the problems in society, and if it was somehow abolished then people would just naturally act in cooperative and enlightened way. This appears to be premised on the assumption that most people think the way anarchists do.

Schmoo ,

You’ve claim to know with great detail and certainty what anarchists believe without citing any anarchist thinkers. All you are doing is constructing a strawman of anarchists based on vibes hoping that none will be here to refute it. Anarchy is more than the absence of the state, and none who are knowledgeable posit that anarchy will materialize without effort. Anarchists are idealists not out of naivete, but necessity. It has been born out of history that when means and ends are not unified, the means become the ends. This was true of the Russian revolution when “all power to the Soviets” became hollow words and “war communism” became the new oppressor of the people.

yogthos , avatar

Nah, I’m going by the actual tangible achievements, or lack of thereof as the case may be, of anarchists based on the teachings of their thinkers.

This was true of the Russian revolution when “all power to the Soviets” became hollow words and “war communism” became the new oppressor of the people.

Having actually grown up in USSR, I can tell you that listening to anarchists regurgitate this nonsense is incredibly offensive. It completely discredits your argument and shows that it is you who’s opining on a subject you have no understanding of. All people like you accomplish is enable capitalist oppression by rejecting real world solutions.

Schmoo ,

Nah, I’m going by the actual tangible achievements, or lack of thereof as the case may be, of anarchists based on the teachings of their thinkers.

The Bolsheviks discount anarchist achievements by claiming them as their own. Anarchists fought alongside the Bolsheviks because they promised to realize the anarchists’ goal of all power to the Soviets. When it became clear the Bolsheviks lied in order to selfishly establish themselves as the intelligentsia, a privileged class, the anarchists resisted and were violently repressed by their former brothers and sisters in arms.

I would like to hear about your experiences growing up in the USSR as I know there were many positive aspects, but by betraying the values for which many of the revolutionaries fought they created a society with an unstable foundation, as evidenced by its’ eventual collapse. Anarchists did not reject real world solutions, they defended them with their lives and lost. The Bolsheviks have themselves to blame for the collapse.

yogthos , avatar

This clearly illustrates that anarchists are not capable of organizing in effective ways that can protect their ideology. The same way anarchists ended up losing to Bolsheviks, they end up losing to capitalists, and fascists. What Bolsheviks achieved was to build a socialist state that was able to defend itself and greatly improve the lives of the working majority. Anarchists simply aren’t capable of doing that as the past century has shown beyond all doubt.

USSR was the first ever attempt at building socialism at scale, and while it may have collapsed, other socialist projects live on today and continue to improve lives of over a billion people on this planet.

Schmoo ,

You’re using the same argument capitalists use to dismiss socialism, namely that socialism clearly doesn’t work because all socialist projects ended in collapse or continue in a state of poverty. This is, in essence, victim-blaming. Just as socialism struggles under the oppression of capitalist hegemony, anarchism struggles under the oppression of both capitalists and statists.

What Bolsheviks achieved was the betrayal of all who fought for the liberation of the proletariat. If power had gone to the Soviets as the Bolsheviks promised then the USSR would not have collapsed under the weight of its’ contradictions. You speak as if the USSR only repressed the forces of reaction, but it also repressed the very same workers it claimed to support when they tried to claim the worker control of the means of production they were promised.

yogthos , avatar

What I’m pointing out is that all ideologies compete with others. That’s the reality of the world. If Anarchists are not able to defend the way they want to organize society then their ideology ends up being trampled by others. That’s the world we live in. Calling this victim blaming doesn’t change the material reality of the world.

The difference between anarchists and communists is that the latter actually managed to build functional societies, and to effectively resist capitalism. Anarchists failed to do that, and the reasons for why anarchist approach fails time and again are well understood now.

What Bolsheviks achieved was the betrayal of all who fought for the liberation of the proletariat.

Repeating nonsense over and over will not make it true.

You speak as if the USSR only repressed the forces of reaction, but it also repressed the very same workers it claimed to support when they tried to claim the worker control of the means of production they were promised.

This is an idealist position that’s divorced from realities of the world. USSR existed under siege from global capitalism throughout its whole existence, and that was the reason it was organized the way it was.

Schmoo ,

What I’m pointing out is that all ideologies compete with others. That’s the reality of the world. If Anarchists are not able to defend the way they want to organize society then their ideology ends up being trampled by others. That’s the world we live in. Calling this victim blaming doesn’t change the material reality of the world.

The Bolsheviks’ had the ill-gotten might to push their agenda, but might does not make right. The Bolsheviks lied to and used the anarchists to achieve what they did, but anarchists have learned from their past mistakes and will prove you wrong.

USSR existed under siege from global capitalism throughout its whole existence, and that was the reason it was organized the way it was.

Capitalist aggression did not make necessary the regressive views on social issues and science the USSR had (which resulted in famine), nor the widespread corruption and bureaucratic inefficiency of state officials. You cannot simply excuse all flaws of the USSR by blaming global capitalism.

yogthos , avatar

The Bolsheviks’ had the ill-gotten might to push their agenda, but might does not make right. The Bolsheviks lied to and used the anarchists to achieve what they did, but anarchists have learned from their past mistakes and will prove you wrong.

No amount of moralizing will change the fact that anarchists fail to organize effectively time and again. If anarchists actually learned anything then we’d see that put into practice. The lack of any actual achievements is the elephant in the room here.

Capitalist aggression did not make necessary the regressive views on social issues and science the USSR had (which resulted in famine), nor the widespread corruption and bureaucratic inefficiency of state officials. You cannot simply excuse all flaws of the USSR by blaming global capitalism.

Yes, it absolutely did as anybody with even minimal historical knowledge would know.

Schmoo ,

This is getting repetitive and we’re just talking past each other so let’s just agree to disagree about the USSR. I just want to make the point - which I hope we can agree on - that the revolution wouldn’t have been successful without political pluralism within the ranks, and no future revolution will either. Dismissing the contributions of anarchists will only harm your cause.

yogthos , avatar

Revolutions require a critical mass of people to come together, and sometimes people who have different vision for the end goal find opportunities to work together as Bolsheviks and anarchists did. Lenin wrote extensively on the subject of when alliances should be formed. MLs don’t have a problem working with anarchists, recognizing that there are common interests and that a time may come where such alliances may need to be rethought. The hate largely comes from the side of anarchists who refuse to work with MLs and spend their time trying to discredit the accomplishments of existing socialist states.

It’s also worth noting that the reality in the west today is that both MLs and anarchists are an insignificant political minority. If the current system does end up collapsing in the near future, then fascism is the most likely outcome. While the left bickers, the right is rapidly growing in power in vast majority of western countries.

Schmoo ,

The hate largely comes from the side of anarchists who refuse to work with MLs and spend their time trying to discredit the accomplishments of existing socialist states.

You have been discrediting the accomplishments of anarchists while I have been acknowledging the accomplishments of marxists.

While the left bickers, the right is rapidly growing in power in vast majority of western countries.

I agree, but remember this conversation was started because you were insinuating that anarchists never accomplished anything.

yogthos , avatar

You have been discrediting the accomplishments of anarchists while I have been acknowledging the accomplishments of marxists.

I’ve been pointing out that anarchists have not managed to put their ideas into practice on any appreciable scale while Marxists have done this. Ultimately, what I’m telling you is that anarchists need to show how they can actually make their ideas work and withstand the challenges that they face in the real world. This is a problem that anarchists have not been able to solve in my view.

You say that it’s the fault of Bolsheviks that anarchists didn’t get their way in USSR, but there’s no reason to believe that anarchists would’ve fared any better against the capitalist invasion that followed in 1918, or against the nazis a couple of decades later. In fact, the centralization of power that you decried was ultimately what allowed USSR to rapidly industrialize and come out victorious in WW2.

Meanwhile, I completely agree that the socialist projects that Marxists managed to build are not without their own problems. Yet, I think they are a strict improvement over capitalism as imperfect as they may be. My view is that the threat of fascism is very real and that it grows by the day, and in face of that the left should focus on using tools that have been proven to defeat fascism in the past.

OurToothbrush ,

The dictatorship of the proletariat literally just means that the bourgeoisie are suppressed politically until they can be integrated into the rest of society, it doesn’t mean a dictatorship, it means a democracy where the former oppressors don’t get a seat at the table.

DogWater , (edited ) in me whenever hbomberguy uploads a new video


*Architect of games

*Nakey Jake

*Gamer makers toolkit

*Curious archive


*12 tone

*AI and games

*Alpha Phoenix

*Barely sociable

*Be smart

*Branch education

*Brick immortar


*Cgp grey



*Eckharts ladder


*Every frame a painting

*Lessons from the screenplay

*History of the earth

*History of the universe

*Internet Historian





*Cold fusion


*Minute physics

*No clip documentaries

*PBS spacetime

*Pursuit of wonder

*Real engineering


*Secret base


*Technology connections

*The b1m

*The history guy

*The squidd

*Throttle house

*Tom Stanton

*Tom Scott (retired now)



*Wendover productions

Edit: things I forgot or didn’t know about and had suggested to me below

*Half as interesting

*Undecided with Matt Farrell





*Sam o’nella

*Alternate history hub

*Road guy rob

*8-bit guy

*Modern vintage gamer

*Bobby Broccoli

*Jenny Nicholson


*Captain disillusion

*Driving 4 answers

*Engineering explained

*Jeff geerling (raspberry pi type projects)

*Kings and generals

*Michael Reeves

*Noah caldwell-gervais

*People make games

*Pointless hub

*Smarter everyday

*The engineering mindset

*The great war

*The operations room

*The modern rogue

*Zack Freedman

*The backyard scientist


*I did a thing


*Stand up maths

There i think that’s it. That’s a ton of stuff but I really follow more quality YouTube than anything else and I like sharing great YouTube channels. If you enjoy interesting YouTube I would honestly just check a couple of these out and see if the topics fit your interests.

These channels range from science, space, physics, to history, sports, cars, to tech, movies, games, to makers who build stuff seriously as well as builders who make stuff silly.

Not everything here is video essay, but it’s high quality content imo

driving_crooner , (edited ) avatar

Missing all the mathematics channels smh. (Numberphile, mathologer, 3blue1brown…)

DogWater ,

It’s true, I’m subbed to 2 of those

JasonDJ , (edited )

How you gonna have Wendover and not Half as Interesting (his shorter form side-channel)?

No Road Guy Rob? Or Practical Engineering?

No Extra History? (I only know him from Nebula but I think he’s on YouTube too)

Also recommend 8bit-Guy for retro computing and Modern Vintage Gamer for retro gaming.

DogWater ,

Oh shit practical engineering! I have Grady!

Also undecided with Matt Farrell

Phegan ,

Based on the names I know on this list, I am super excited to check out the ones I don’t. Thanks!

Also check out miniminuteman too. Good pseudoscience/conspiracy theory debunking.

DogWater ,

Nice! My list here is science, videogames, tech, cars, sports, spooky conspiracy stuffs, and space

So if youre interested in a topic let me know I can point you to the right channels.

Got_Bent ,

I know several of those. One I don’t see listed is stuff made here. If you’re a fan of backyard scientist, you’re gonna love stuff made here.

Smarter everyday is really a special one. The way that guy involves his kids and his own boyish excitement when he finally gets an experiment right is downright heartwarming. Then there was the whole episode checking in on physics girl. He had no particular incentive to do that. He just really seems to care.

DogWater ,

You’re right about stuff made here. Love that.

Saganaki , in I'm a ghost!
The_Che_Banana , in But who is the bad guy on the boat?..

Is this a boomer take on kids?

Marduk73 , in I'm a ghost! avatar

Oh i love your gma. What a treasure! Tell her Hi from me.

TachyonTele , in But can it run Crysis?

Mine ran Midlife Crysis on ultra settings

Viking_Hippie ,
TachyonTele ,

Sense of security, like pockets jingling. This song’s from nineteen hundred ninety two

Viking_Hippie ,

This song’s from nineteen hundred ninety two

Right in the middle of the golden age of grunge ❤️

TachyonTele ,


Klear ,

Mine is a far cry from being able to anything ultra.

TachyonTele , (edited )

That’s a good thing.

Edit. I failed hard recognizing your joke. I feel horrible.

SkunkWorkz ,

a just cause one might say.

TachyonTele , (edited )

Some might say your kingdom will come, after it’s deliverance. 30 minutes or less!

NigelFrobisher , in I'm a ghost!

She could have just written down where she hid her cash savings.

disguy_ovahea , in I'm a ghost!

“People have told me that Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with old friends. At my age, if I wanted to keep in touch with old friends, I’d need an ouija board.”

-Betty White

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

God bless Betty.

samus12345 , in But can it run Crysis? avatar
Jake_Farm , in But can it run Crysis? avatar

I can barely run crysis, mostly because its code is a mess.

foggy , in I mean it.

I explained to a police officer in my beer sharing circles during the George Floyd protests:

Damn near every kid in a high school cafeteria knows who the bad kids are and what tables they sit at. It’s no different anywhere in the real world. Every cop at every precinct knows which cops are the bad ones.

Unlike a highschool cafeteria, you, as a police officer, have a civic, professional, and moral duty to do everything in your power to get those cops kicked the fuck out. And the idea that doing so might somehow harm your career? That’s why “all cops are bastards.” It’s rotten from the top down. A few bad apples, in the case of police officers, spoils the whole bunch.

danc4498 , in But can it run Crysis?

Kind of like code injection but for the human brain.

Steamymoomilk ,


9point6 ,

Have you ever seen those videos of arbitrary code execution on a Gameboy with TAS tools? Where it spams every button for like 10 mins?

I’m now imagining a hypnotist flicking his pendulum around like it’s a yoyo

Jessvj93 ,

Like getting incepted by a Spotify ad during a binaural sleep longplay.

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