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corroded ,

I truly believe that these license plates actually work but not for the reason these idiots think.

As soon as a cop sees your plate, they instantly know you’re driving an unregistered vehicle, probably dont have a license, insane, looking for an argument, and impervious to reason. Good chance they’re going to say “Fuck it, I’m not dealing with this crap today.”

Shortstack ,

And once posted in the local gossip group, they’re now forced to deal with it

some_guy ,

Should have spelled it PR1VATE to really win. /s

bassomitron ,

This is probably the correct answer. I drove around without a front license plate for over 4 years (my state requires front and back) since my car didn’t come with screws for a front mount. It was one of those things I put on my to-do list but never got around to and eventually just kind of forgot about it.

Anyway, I live close to a couple of police stations (I live near a border to another city, so my city and the next city have PDs within a couple miles of each other) and never got pulled over. Hell, I have even went through several traffic stops over the years and none of them ever said a word to me. A few months ago I finally ran into a cop that actually gave a shit and pulled me over. He was obviously a new recruit, as he was very young and did everything very by-the-book. I got a warning and the next day I ordered a mount for my other plate, but I was just amazed I’d gone so many years without any cop caring. I figured it was because most cops just can’t be bothered to care about small shit like that. Though, if I was a minority (I’m in the US), it’d probably be a different story.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

If you were a minority you’d be pulled over every day, probably each way to and from work with that as the reason. Given expensive fix-it tickets each time. And most likely had your vehicle searched or impounded for multiple failures to comply. Not being hyperbolic, this has happened often. One guy it was 1 day, 3 tickets and then impound because he failed to fix the issue in a day.

When the rules are applied on a whim by whatever person with authority feels like, you live in tyranny. That isn’t an orderly system. It is a failed nation.

Waraugh ,

Fix it tickets everywhere I live give you three days to a week from when it was written to get it fixed, you just show the next cop that pulls you over your dated ticket and tell them you ordered the part or have an appointment with a mechanic or whatever. I believe the first half of your comment but the second feels a lot like one bell end to the whole “three sides to every story” saying.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

“Fix it tickets” are not a national thing. Some places do it, some places don’t. It’s just easier to say with a general meaning like Kleenex versus tissue paper.

Many places just issue you a ticket. End of story. Once the ticket is issued you are on notice that your vehicle is not considered legally roadworthy. You are legally supposed to park it and not drive on public roads until fixed. Tow it to the shop if you have to.

Obviously this is onerous and stupid. But it is the law. If you have a minor issue, 99% of the time the pig will let you go and get it fixed like you said. But they don’t have to. “Officer discretion” is a fancy way of saying applying laws on a whim. Picking and choosing when to enforce laws and against whom.

In some countries it is much more clear cut. If you need to fix something the police escorts you to a staging area, like a big parking lot and that’s where your car sits until it’s fixed. Once fixed the popo there check it before you drive out. People in the lot changing bald tires, burned bulbs, fastening new side mirrors, etc.

Riven , avatar

I’m chancing it with my front plate right now too. Been over a year and nothing said yet. I do carry it in my car just in case. I think it’s one of those addon charges, if they catch you for something else and want to just slam you with everything.

figjam ,

Carrying it in your car implies that you know its wrong, leave it in your house and if you get pulled over claim ignorance. “Oh shit. Its not on there? Guess I never knew.”

Unless you ware already doing something illegal like possession or driving without a valid license they won’t care. Usually

Riven , avatar

I figured I would just say “I’ve been meaning to screw it in but haven’t gotten around to it, I’ll do it right now officer just gotta go buy the mount” but good call I’ll just leave it at home.

ivanafterall , avatar

To really sell it, remove the back plate, too. That way it’ll just look like you didn’t have a screwdriver, at all. Maybe also bust out a tail light, so the cop will be like, “This guy clearly just doesn’t have the necessary tools for at-home repairs! I’m sorry to bother you, here’s a little something to help with these difficult times!”

Riven , avatar

Lul, that’s my old car. Really I just need to buy the mount and screw the holes. I just like how it looks without it better. Lots of cars here don’t have the front one so hopefully I’ll be fine for now.

y0kai ,

Or don’t talk to the cops.

“Yes” “no” “my name and information are” “here’s my license” “you do not have my permission to search” “have a nice day”

Not a word more. Anything else runs the risk of being incriminating whether you’re doing anything wrong or not. Note that Miranda rights, when they’re read, say “anything you say will be used against you…” Not might or could be, but will. So, don’t talk. 5th amendment and all that.

Here’s an excellent video on the topic if you have the time to watch.

Also, this all applies to the US I don’t know about legal systems in other countries.

Artyom ,

Some states don’t require front plates, so they have to check frontera and back to notice.

Granite ,

Yep, I’m in a state where no front plates are required and anything you put up there does not count. I’ve seen people with one state on the front and current state on the back, and it’s fucking legal here.

st3ph3n ,

Also sov cits are probably more likely than the average driver to be carrying concealed weapons and stuff, since they don’t think the law applies to them.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

Literally one killed a cop last week in Dallas.

TheBat , avatar

Idk why but ‘not for commerce use’ sounds like broken English. Why it isn’t ‘not for commercial use’?

surewhynotlem ,

If you don’t use exactly the right words, the spell is broken. You have to cast it properly for it to work.

Sharkwellington ,

They messed up by not signing it in red pen at a 45 degree angle, that’s how they got em.

thr0w4w4y2 ,

probably didn’t write their name in all caps

thesporkeffect ,
  • wet ink
  • official stamp
  • thumbprint

There’s probably still more …

wjrii ,

As always, I welcome any corrections from those who think they can keep this shit straighter than I can, but the gist as I understand it is this:

Many of them actually believe the entire legal regime of the united states is actually a function of private commercial law and that the “real” government is a sort of suppressed by a corporation that was created under its rules, so if they can successfully opt out of their involuntary commercial relationship with the “Corporation” that they are not bound by its rules, including taxes. Because they’re so very smart, they understand you have to be careful, so making sure that you explain that you’re not engaging in “Commerce” as the corporation’s founding document states is important so they don’t rope you back in. The US Constitution gives the federal government the right to govern “Interstate Commerce” so in the spirit of the law being a series of magical incantations, they want to keep consistent. The various US states are either in league with, or under the thumb of, the “corporation.”

CileTheSane , avatar

the entire legal regime of the united states is actually a function of private commercial law

I mean, they aren’t entirely wrong…

Granite ,

I saw my first SovCit plate in the wild yesterday! They also had a tinted cover over it, I assume to hide it. Such a lack of confidence, tsk tsk.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

Wow haha. I would love to see one but they’re not really a thing here I don’t think.

toasteecup ,

I also don’t seem to have them near me, but I might start carrying a hammer to break the tint of I see one. Sovereign citizens can get fucked and pay taxes.

m4xie ,

I think you could still get in trouble for that.

Granite ,

Yeah, debated trying to get a pic, but never had a chance given that we were both driving and I didn’t want to get too close to a truck that I was sure wouldn’t have insurance.

Nuke_the_whales ,

What kind of help is he expecting anyways?

saltesc ,

I assume they’re travelling on “private” roads and not trespassing on state property. Or they’re an idiot.

Rhynoplaz ,

Definitely the second one.

Chip_Rat ,

So this was percolating in my brain for awhile, these dense people have a hard time understanding the law but it’s very easy to explain even if they magically are a sovereign citizen which means they don’t have to do all the regular things humans do in a society.

If you are driving on publicly funded roads that you didn’t contribute to with taxes and did not licence your vehicle to drive on, you are just trespassing. Your options are: pay the fee/fine for trespassing, and then stay off the roads you don’t own, or buy the “ticket” (pay your taxes and ensure your vehicle is licenced.).

What’s the response to that? Like I know they think a lot of weird and crazy stuff, but I get why they don’t understand some of it, bevause it is complicated and based on law and generations of social contracts. This isn’t that. This is “you can’t trespass, no matter how sovereign you are.”

ramble81 ,

I was thinking that further and they would say “well foreign visitors can drive on our road and don’t pay taxes”, to which my thought is “yes, but we have bilateral agreements for certain countries which convey certain privileges, please show us your agreement or visa to be in this country”

Chip_Rat ,

Right - those visitors either have a passport and were granted permission to enter for a set period of time, or they too would be picked up and deported back to their country.

There’s a lot of rabbit holes that I can see people with poor reasoning/logic getting stuck down, but this one seems pretty easy to explain…

The_v ,

The do pay taxes. The rental vehicle they use is registered and taxed. Most regions have a tax on the rental fees as well. The gas they use has taxes included.

Chip_Rat ,

Even more straight forward and valid points.

I ‘get’ the “oh you are flying the wrong flag so you aren’t the boss of me” desperate misinterpretations of semi-related laws. It’s stupid, but it takes time to explain and honestly it takes a fair amount of trust in a system that usually is working against them (because they are deadbeat parents or idiots who don’t want to pay taxes).

The driving thing is so straight forward you could explain it to a 6 year old.

CileTheSane , avatar

“something something right to travel” ignoring the fact that if they aren’t under the law then they also aren’t granted the rights provided by the law.

rovingnothing29 , avatar

But buying things at the grocery store is commerce???

EleventhHour , avatar

Unless they’re driving their vehicle in the grocery store, I don’t think it counts, or something

CileTheSane , avatar

It’s like guys hugging, as long as you say “no homo no commerce” it doesn’t count.

cmrn ,

That checks out for the type of person using ROFLMAO in 2022

InEnduringGrowStrong , avatar

Here, buy my book of bureaucratic incantations.
Easiest scam targets ever

dogsnest , avatar

Does it come with a page of stamps? I’m fresh out.

InEnduringGrowStrong , avatar

BuyinG StAmpS is JusTliKe paYing taXes to the shaDdow gov acTuallY ran bYUSPS.

What you do is you print NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES and glue that, not tape, it needs to be on the same corner as the moon position when facing north.
Then somewhere on it, scribble in Sharpie the following Stat. st Law, Ch. 71, Sec. 23, circle that 3 times, not 2. Use red.
I also got mailing supplies including pre-made stamp-like sovereign labels you can buy, Bill’s been using them for years without issues, ask him.

Still probably too coherent, mb.

peto ,

You forgot that all writing needs to be done at exactly a 33⁰ angle. they have protractors to check you know.

InEnduringGrowStrong , avatar

Yes, but you have to keep it vague enough so that when it fails and they come back to you, you can have plausible deniabilty that they did it wrong.
Oh sorry I meant “it needs to be on the same corner as the moon position when facing north, including copying the angle with your sextant.”

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

It better have some coupons in it too

Lumisal ,

Ok, but you got me thinking it’d probably be possible to trick them into being pro privacy and green tech by using an “off the government grid” angle.

dodgy_bagel ,

If I graft this cancerous flesh mound onto my head, I’ll be a little taller!

blaue_Fledermaus , avatar

Bureaunomicon? Bureaumancy?

OhStopYellingAtMe , (edited ) avatar

Sovereign Citizens are the absolute most annoying people. You want to deport anyone? Start with them. Keep the migrants & refugees who want to be here. Send to Senegal Somalia.

CameronDev ,

Woah, what did Senegal do to deserve that?!?

criticon ,

Send them to DC, so they get taxation without representation

Reverendender ,

I vote American Samoa

harrys_balzac ,

What did American Samoa do to you? They don’t deserve that. Send the SovCits to Russia.

ivanafterall , avatar

What the hell did Russ…oh, right.

OhStopYellingAtMe , avatar

Oh shit. I meant Somalia, not Senegal. Too early in the morning for me. Sorry.

nickwitha_k ,

Every time I hear or read Senegal, I think of this gem from the last time that Jim McGuiness was coaching the Donegal GAA team, featuring the amazing Senegal Jimmy who can rattle off more Irish place names than most Irish people that I’ve met:

TheObviousSolution , avatar

See that’s what happens when you go to a country that does not have normalized relations with your sovereign citizen embassy to work out the sovereign citizen agreements and legislation to handle these sort of interactions.

Aurenkin ,

What a difference a day makes

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

That’s the most hilarious part.

tee900 ,

To spend your life mad about something that didnt happen.

Zachariah , avatar

I don’t think I can upvote these anymore. Just too sad.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’ve been smuggling cocaine for a decade! No one will ever catch me!

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