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limeaide ,

I have a couple from the a warehouse job I worked at when I was 16. That place was wild lmao

  • Fired from unplugging security cameras to charge his phone
  • 30yo man harassing a 17yo girl
  • That man’s wife fighting the 17yo girl for “flirting” with her husband even though she wasn’t
  • Got on top of some shelves and took a nap. These shelves are really tall and you need a lift to get on top of them

These weren’t on their first day, but I thought they are worth mentioning

  • Racing during lunch in the parking lot
  • 10+ person brawl in the parking lot over a guy stealing another guy’s girlfriend
  • A guy left his keys in his car so another guy just broke the window. He said he thought it was funny and that he got the bit from a movie, tv, or comedian or something
  • A couple people got caught taking lunch on top of the shelves in a corner because the lunchroom was too loud. They also had a bed up there made up bubble wrap and yoga mats
  • Going full speed into a door with a forklift while the forks were fully lifted
  • Doing BMX tricks off the truck dock. I think people were riding skateboards off it too but I can’t remember 100%

That’s all the entertaining ones I can think of right now lol

festus ,

There was some TV show in the 2000s that was a workplace drama / comedy set in a warehouse (or like a Costco?) and I remember something about two characters making like a hide-out at the top of some shelves. Does anyone remember the name of that show?

Hudell ,

I don’t know anything from the early century but there’s Superstore from 2015 which had a lot of stuff on that level.

quicksand ,

The movie Employee of the Month had that

funkajunk , avatar

My boy Dane Cook

FooBarrington ,

This is a subplot in The Office.

Sheldybear ,

I worked at a pet shop for two glorious days not knowing that I was the backup in case the boss’ nephew was accepted into his preferred college program. He was not accepted so I got the boot to make room for him on the team.

The manager doubled my first/ only paycheque because she felt bad. I’m still bitter 17 years later

Armand1 ,

Ah nepotism.

Not sure where you live, but I find it pretty wild you can fire someone without notice with no egregious misconduct.

Numuruzero ,

Not sure if it counts as a first day, but a third interview had me gone. I was quite late and they told me I was out of the running. Reasonable enough, but the company was in the middle of a move, so this interview was in a different location across town from the first two, and the only indication of where it was taking place was a tiny sign stuck in the ground. I must have circled the parking lot 10 times.

It was for the best because I later learned the work conditions there were rotten.

KaiReeve ,

Back in 2007 I worked in an office that required basic MS Excel / Word competency. The office manager led her to her desk and instructed her to turn on her computer (nothing fancy, a basic workstation with a large round button).

She couldn’t figure out how to turn it on. The office manager sent her home and she never came back.

sunbeam60 ,

But she said she was amazing at KOMputers … clicking … double clicking.

fred ,

Maybe even triple clicking

OceanSoap ,

Opening emails, sending emails…

sunbeam60 ,

Maybe she could be relationship manager.

blackluster117 , avatar

Just remember, don’t search for Google on Google. I have it on good authority that this will break the internet.

Little8Lost ,

there was a joung guy like 4 years ago in the job orientation (it area)
he could not turn it on either
He called the pointy finger of the teacher “magic finger”
he never got into the it apprenticeships but likely he got into another job orientation

Matt_Shatt ,

I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, but at my last company, they were so intense on the “we are family” indoctrination for new-hires that I saw many leave for lunch on their onboarding day and then just never return. Including mid-level managers.

TentacleKitten ,

It was 30 minutes into day 2.

I was accused of cheating on their personality quiz (honestly why?) and then was told I wasn’t to have labeled the boxes I was expressly told to label the day before…

She then had me tear out the 2 pages of notes in front of the office before she marched me out.

This was for an accounting position at a small HOA. So I feel like that was enough of an explanation. Everyone else was terrified of that woman.

Donebrach , avatar

I still do not understand how HOAs are a thing. I know why they are a thing (Karens gotta Karen) but its insane to me that people allow these weird racist and fascist little hamlets to exist governing their private property.

dingus , (edited )

It was one of the phlebotomists (person who draws blood) at the hospital I worked at.

It was her first day going off on her own. She accidentally went to the wrong floor/area that morning. She drew many patients’ blood that morning for the morning blood draws. The entire time she was there, she did not double check even a single patient’s name at any point. They were all wrong. All were mislabeled. All patients had to be re-drawn and she was fired for gross negligence.

Things happen and I’ve seen things get mislabeled many tines before. It’s not good obviously. But if you do it once and no one ended up getting hurt, you just get reprimanded and move on. You generally don’t get fired for a one off. But never before or after have I seen that level of mislabeling.

TheHalc ,

Doesn’t it take months of training (at least!) to become a phlebotomist? How can you screw up that badly on day one?

thepeople ,

Draw blood A+

Labelling O-

dingus ,

Like the other user sort of said…I’m sure she drew the blood just fine. It was the caring about patient safety that didn’t happen.

TheHalc ,

My assumption would be that the training would put a huge weight on precisely that.

I really don’t think they’d spend all that time just learning how to mechanically draw blood and not have entire courses and exams on patient safety, record keeping etc.

dingus ,

Unfortunately you can’t force people to care about things they don’t care about. She obviously didn’t care. Or was maybe on drugs. Or both. Who knows?

railsdev ,

No one got fired but my favorite story similar to this is from back when I worked in fast food (McDonald’s).

We had someone on their first day scoff when asked to roll breakfast burritos.

Toward the end of their shift she was asked to wash dishes and at that point she took off her apron, threw it on the floor and walked out saying things like “I can’t believe they have me doing stuff like this.”

Really? You can’t imagine preparing food and washing dishes in a fast food restaurant?

Tathas ,

When I worked at a movie theater, I was showing a new hire how to prepare pretzels. After I sprayed a little mist on them and was dribbling some salt over them, he said something along the lines of, “Man this is too much,” took his vest off, and went to find a manager to hand it to.

Erk ,

Jeez I want to go to your movie theatre that seems to have fresh pretzels

Tathas ,

Well this was like, 1997 so…

Erk ,

Reasons to invent a time machine

railsdev ,

Oh that is hilarious. I always wonder what people like this expected would happen.

MrBusiness ,

Tbf when I worked at BK they told me everything I would be doing as a line cook. When I started my shift the first thing the supervisor told me to do was clean the washrooms. I told them no, I was hired as a line cook and no one told me about washrooms. So the supe says I can clean them or he’ll get the manager involved and I’ll probably be fired. I said sure call him. Supe comes back and tells me to start in the kitchen. Turned out line cooks were not supposed to be cleaning washrooms and the manager came in the next day to explain everyone’s duties.

But later turned out that supe was going out with one of the cashiers.

railsdev ,

I worked at a BK too as a shift manager and that place was a zoo. Now whenever I go to a BK I notice the same problems: severely understaffed, manager stuck working multiple “team” positions, etc. BK sucks; their entire operations are light years away from where McDonald’s was at.

Not to say one or the other has better food. McDonald’s is faster and more efficient because they limit the amount of prep necessary, but a FRESH Whopper tastes much better than anything McDonald’s sells (IMO).

Cjwii ,

I hired a woman once to work in the retail store I was managing at the time. After lunch, I noticed one of my long time employees crying in the break room. She had lost her wallet and whoever took it had wiped out her bank account at the Walmart next door. I called the manager over there and he pulled up the video and low and behold it was the new lady over there buying up gift cards. We called the police and after verifying what happened, they asked me if I wanted them to handle it quietly or to make a scene. I chose make a scene and they went into the backroom handcuffed her, told her why she was being arrested in front of everyone and marched her out. Needless to say HR agreed it should be an immediate termination.

Lewistrick ,

Wait you can choose whether you want to make a scene? That’s awesome!

Kyoyeou ,

The Theater Kid that became a cop is so happy too!

Feathercrown ,

Enter COP, left.

Exit COP and SUSPECT, right.

Nath , avatar

Why were you fired?

  • I stole a coworker’s wallet
  • I defrauded Walmart buying gift cards
  • I am very stupid

That’s an impressive trifecta.

Cjwii ,

The worst part to me was that before the girl whose wallet it was checked her bank account and saw all the charges, this lady was “helping” her look for it in the store.

blackluster117 , avatar

What a cunt.

dingus ,

I love that they asked you if you wanted a scene. I would have chose it too!

thepeople ,

If the “handle quietly” option was chosen in a movie, they would have taken the thief out the back, laid down some bubble wrap, put the silencers on their glock service pistols…

Empricorn , (edited )

I actually think that’s a little disgusting. The police are choosing Corporate Interests over simply following the evidence and upholding the Law, no matter who broke it, or where they were employed…

dingus ,

What??? The police were going to arrest this person regardless. They just asked if OP wanted attention drawn to them or not.

JackbyDev ,

Lo* and behold.

I got your back. 👍 Please take the emoji as a sign of this not being condescending.

Cjwii ,


EvilBlackCat ,

A week or so in Flipkart, 2 new trainees were caught kissing on the top office floor. Fired at spot.

Psythik ,

Why were they fired?

torvusbogpod ,

Manager wasn’t included

bcore ,

Wrong floor. 3rd is the designated trainee kissing floor in most buildings, anything else is a fire hazard.

thepeople ,

Maybe it wasn’t each others’ lips they were kissing

CADmonkey ,

I assure you I was kissing her lips.

DavisJ3608 ,

I was a contacted technician at a retail store. They hired a new salesperson, immediately gave me weird vibes. On his lunch break, he came over to show me what I thought was going to be a meme on his phone - it was porn.

He was asked not to return for a second shift.

diskmaster23 ,

Lmao. This dude is sharing porn on this first day of work, like that is a totally acceptable thing to do.

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

Well… I’ve run into people here on Lemmy that legit believe that it’s okay to take your workers out to a drag show as a corporate event.

So I’m sure that there’s plenty of people that believe that softcore porn is on the table during work hours.

Cypher ,

Drag shows are not necessarily pornographic, they’re often just theatre and comedy, and I’m confused how you got this impression that they are pornographic.

The most well known drag queen in Australia for decades was Dame Edna (now deceased) and no one would have batted an eye at going to watch her perform with work colleagues.

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

Drag shows are not necessarily pornographic,

Sure… But you’re using a bad example. And I think that’s part of the point… lots of people are lumping things in that just isn’t a “drag show” into it to make it out that people like me are anti-whatever.

If we use your example… It’s not a drag show… it’s a character. One that was put on specifically for comedy. “Drag” isn’t even mentioned on the page. Dressing in drag and putting on a comedy show isn’t the same as a “drag show”. Eg. RuPaul’s proclivity to pole dance and emulate sexual acts on that particular televised series.

Cypher ,

If you think Dame Edna wasn’t a drag performance you’ve lost the plot.

The way you’re equating all drag performance with pornography or “lewd acts” is equally ridiculous. Not all drag shows are dancing.

You must think that all women on streaming sites are cam girls by that logic.

You are very clearly anti-something, by the looks of it anti-intellectual might be a start.

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

The way you’re equating all drag performance with pornography or “lewd acts” is equally ridiculous.

I specifically AGREED with you that you were right that all shows are not necessarily pornographic… The fuck dude? Are you dumb?

Cypher ,

Oh so my example of a man, dressing as a woman, and doing a performance is a bad example because it doesn’t fit your clearly borderline pornographic concept of drag shows but I’m missing the point?

Please elaborate.

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

No… mandating a corporate retreat to be at any potentially sexual shows are or anything even remotely related to those topics. But you’re so hung up on some random fucking minutia that you can’t see the forest for the trees.

Cypher ,

that all shows are not necessarily pornographic

You’re on the right track…

mandating a corporate retreat to be at any potentially sexual shows

Ahh you were so close to spotting your doublethink.

Remember when I said?

You must think that all women on streaming sites are cam girls by that logic.

We can’t endorse people in the office sharing Youtube videos because it’s potentially sexual!

That’s what your logic boils down to. Each drag show needs to be judged based on its actual content and not preconceived notions.

Also there are absolutely workplaces that include borderline sexual content in after work events, including movies! Some movies even have sex scenes! We can’t go watch Shrek because they kiss and imply inter-species relations!

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

Also there are absolutely workplaces that include borderline sexual content in after work events, including movies!

Any place that MANDATES this would be sued. So no. You’re wrong.

You can bring up whatever platitudes you want about “cam girls”. Mandating ANYTHING sexual in any form is literally company authorized sexual harassment. It’s a big no-no.

GlitzyArmrest , avatar

Why is drag sexual to you?

rez_doggie ,

Homie is to far in the closet. idk if he can hear you.

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

Shows can range from burlesque-style, adult themed nightclub acts to all-ages events with sing-alongs and story times.

From their own link. It’s not “me”.

GlitzyArmrest , avatar

Hmm, seems like all ages isn’t sexual.

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

So you ignore the former due to the latter? And then expect to have a reasonable conversation on the matter.

So Hitler was okay because in his life he ranged from Genocidal maniac to an artist?

You guys are fucking crazy.

GlitzyArmrest , avatar

Yeah, it’s almost like there’s nuance with this topic. Drag is not inheritly sexual.

You didn’t just bring up Hitler in a conversation about drag, right? That’s pretty fucking crazy.

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

Yeah, it’s almost like there’s nuance with this topic. Drag is not inheritly sexual.

And yet it’s used by a source that I didn’t bring up to help describe it. Almost… like… it actually is. But you do you.

GlitzyArmrest , avatar

What you just said makes no sense, but I assume it’s you trying to do mental gymnastics to make drag sexual even though it’s not inheritly sexual.

You gunna being up Hitler again?

Cypher , (edited )

Yes we must all remain fearful of the MANDATED Shrek movies.

rmuk ,

Man, tell me you didn’t know the world was gonna roll you without telling me you didn’t know the world was gonna roll you, amirite?

jpreston2005 ,

Dressing in drag and putting on a comedy show isn’t the same as a “drag show”.

yes it is?

you’re thinking of burlesque. Burlesque has implied nudity, drag shows are comedic.

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

From the link @cypher linked at this post

A drag show is a form of entertainment performed by drag artists impersonating men or women, typically in a bar or nightclub. Shows can range from burlesque-style, adult themed nightclub acts to all-ages events with sing-alongs and story times.

Using sources that people have linked AGAINST me… It shows the same thing I’ve been talking about. Just because all of them aren’t this way doesn’t mean that it’s magically okay to do as a mandated corporate event.

Kellamity ,

Just because you don’t highlight ‘all ages events’ doesn’t mean it’s not part of the quote

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

It’s in the quote as a RANGE of possibilities. Meaning that the show ranges from NC17 to PG. The fact that half of the range is inappropriate for corporate events is literally sufficient evidence that it’s not suited for a MANDATED corporate event.

I_Has_A_Hat ,

Is going to a movie theater inappropriate for a corporate event? After all, movies range from NC17 to G also. You might say no, you can choose what movie to see and it’s simple to pick one that’s not graphic and appropriate for work. And I would say, it’s the same way with drag shows.

ZodiacSF1969 ,

Yeh there is a huge double standard on this site.

SnowBunting ,

Sometimes I wonder how some people get hired.

altima_neo , (edited ) avatar

Our hiring coordinator hires any idiot that applies. We ask her not to. She continues to do it.

thepeople ,

Her time will come

blackbrook ,

Not so good at hiring. Is she really excellent at coordinating?

bhez ,

On the technicians line of an electronics manufacturing facility, had a new hire come in on his first day. He was friendly. So much so that he wanted to use my workstation to log into his Yahoo mail and show me some pictures some female sent him. He calls up the photos and it’s full nudity real big on my computer monitor. I tell him “dude, we can’t have porn at work, close that out.” He panics and turns off the monitor. At some point I have to turn the monitor and close out of the browser, when no one is looking.

He was showing a pretty inattentiveness to his first day on the job training just not seeming to want to have anything to do that’s any kind of actual work.

Before the lunch break, he announced that he’s going to the restroom, then is never seen again. All I could tell the supervisor was that he said he was going to the restroom hours ago then haven’t seen him since.

altima_neo , avatar

There’s so many lazy as fuck people like that. It’s incredible. I wonder how they survive?

Over the years I’ve seen about a dozen people who just walk out while claiming they’re going to the bathroom.

verve ,

Ctrl+W closes the current tab in most modern browsers. For the future.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

Not at any workplace of mine but at school. We had a substitute teacher for a day in I think in our sophomore year. Teachers save the easy teaching sessions for when they can’t show up, which means all a substitute teacher has to do is occupy the class with a documentary or something from the handy dandy wheeled video projector and make sure everyone behaves. However, she got a substitute who didn’t understand a word in English. And again, doesn’t really seem like a problem if you’re just there to hit a few buttons. But she got us a documentary with, well, let’s just say wildly inaccurate closed captions that looked ripped from a 50 Shades of Grey AI crossover fanfiction.

flashgnash ,

Why would you apply to a job having to manage children without knowing any English? That sounds like a nightmare to me

butterflyattack ,

Sounds kind of like my experience when I ended up in Spain teaching English to a class of fifteen 7 and 8 year old Spanish girls. My Spanish was terrible, their English wasn’t great, it was carnage. Eventually I more work teaching adults and learned Spanish but it was a messy time.

hactar42 ,

When I was in highschool me and a couple of my friends got hired as waiters. We were required to attend these training sessions before we could start. It was your typical fake upbeat corp BS and we were a bunch of edgy teens, so you can imagine how it went. About halfway through the first session they tell my buddy he can change his attitude or leave, so he left.

rbesfe ,

I used to be a kitchen trainer at McDs in high school, one of my trainees got fired on her first day without me because she couldn’t remember what the different types of meat were. This was not only after spending my last 4 hours with her running through it repeatedly, but even directly after someone told her what they were she wouldn’t be able to point any of them out. I felt kinda bad because she was otherwise really nice, but it really was impossible to get her to retain any information.

lagomorphlecture ,

Ok like… hamburger, bacon, chicken, sausage? Like those kinds of meat? Omg…

lobut ,

I worked in McDonald’s a long time ago, but there was reg meat or regular meat that is the one they use for hamburger. Then there’s the quarter meat (quarter pounder). There used to be big Xtra back in the day that was different too. Probably also, crispy chicken, mcchicken those are different.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Now I’m hungry

Erasmus , avatar

Was hired at a company as a designer. Went to the production meeting and sat down beside another designer (introduced myself and we started chatting). In comes everyone else and sits down. We all start chatting and do introductions.

Five minutes into the meeting the company owner comes in, chatting with a salesman. He glances around the room, then his face freezes on me - he then looks at the guy beside me and keeps looking back and forth. He finally motions for me to come outside the conference room. I walk out and he asks me what I was doing there. I tell him ‘remember, you hired me and my start day was today??’

He turned pale and just said ‘oh yeah I forgot’. He let me go back in the room but then I heard him call the guy beside me out.

The guy never came back. Apparently he had intended on firing him and forgot.

Needless to say I didn’t stay long before I found another job. The place was complete chaos.

Microw ,

Omg he had hired the replacement already and forgot to fire the guy… what a mess, and what an idiot

Erasmus , avatar

Yeah, I was young and it was my first job out of college (technically I worked thru college but this was my first after graduation) so I was very inexperienced still and also didn’t know what to look for when it came to red flags.

The owner’s wife worked there in a ‘higher up’ position and was the major cause of a lot of conflict at the company. Basically he would give people orders then she would come along and contradict them.

If anyone disagreed with her then she would go to hubby and complain about said person(s) making it impossible to please either because you couldn’t prove her wrong. That designer in particular was just the latest of ‘trophy wife’s wrath’. The place had an insane turnover rate I quickly found out.

At least it was a good learning experience and taught me to ask questions and meet people during the interview process.

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