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What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?

I’m not saying the worst, otherwise I would need to include the star wars sequels or transformers movies… Just some really dumb movie that somehow got praised.

For me has to be Ready Player One. That movie message is so “uhuh” obvious that is stupid, the whole nerd that saves the world in a thing that otherwise would be useless to know in real life… The so over the top evil gaming corporation. The whole 80s and 90s movies and games references get old after half an hour… And it’s so pandering towards the geeks and nerds, they really want the viewer feeling really cool for knowing that is the Shining hallway, or that is a Monty python reference… Or look a GUNDAM! YOU’RE SO COOL FOR COLLECTING THOSE GUN PLA! Look we have also overwatch and halo in the background! You’re so cool modern gamer!

Also the obviously attractive “nerd” hacker girl that thinks she’s ugly and deformed for having a small hard to see red tint in one side of her pretty face… Cmon man. In no universe anyone would think that actress is ugly.

And the message at the end is so hilarious: Look man, you’re cool for getting these references and being a real gamer is cool, but go outside more!

Is like the creators have no self awareness.

4grams , avatar

american beauty. it was everywhere, and everyone seemed to LOVE it. feels like history kinda agrees though since all I hear these days is people making fun of it. guess I’m just ahead of the times.

getoffthedrugsdude ,


LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

I liked it, but it could have been a 90 minute film

dditty ,

One of the most common criticisms levied against Oppenheimer is its blistering pace that crams in as much detail as possible, so I find it hard to believe that it could’ve been condensed into 90 minutes.

Catoblepas ,

La La Land. Musicals are already on thin ice, but a musical about some arrogant, self obsessed people complaining about how hard it is trying to be (and ultimately succeeding in being) successful?? UGH. Shut it all down.

pjwestin , avatar

More importantly, >!they just gave up on their relationship because one of them was leaving the country? For what, less than a year? After all that, they just threw it all away because they didn’t want to deal with FaceTime for a couple of months? Bet they felt real fucking dumb when the pandemic hit.!<

CyberMonkey404 ,

Right?! “Oh no we are so brilliant and talented and smoking hot, but the world won’t just give us success on a silver platter and now that we made our dreams come true we miss being together”.

krolden , avatar

Ready player one and also Scott pilgrim or whatever its called. That whole “needs are cool, buy funko pops” craze is super cringe.

scops ,

Out of curiosity, how old are you? I hold up Scott Pilgrim as the Fast Times at Ridgemont High of my generation (older millennials). I could see it not hitting the same for older and newer gens.

Of course it’s a perfectly valid opinion even if we are in the same gen. I’m sure Fast Times had its detractors, too

krolden , avatar

I’m in that same generation but I like to think I have some taste and am quite able to critique bad writing and stupid stories

Out of curiosity, how many funko pops do you own?

scops ,

1, given to me in a Secret Santa exchange. I’m not following the connection you’re trying to make between a goofy action movie and a toy line.

some_guy , (edited )

Doctor Who

Edit: Gdi I meant Doctor Strange.

spittingimage , avatar

Which movie are you talking about? Peter Cushing or Paul McGann? I don’t know that I’d call either one a blockbuster.

KISSmyOSFeddit , (edited )

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

I’m a huge Tarantino fan and enjoyed every single one of his movies, except that one.
Maybe you had to have been in the Hollywood scene at the time to understand the humor, but I was bored out of my mind the whole time and wondered whether he’s making fun of the audience and seeing if he can get away with a movie without a real storyline if he just includes his signature foot shots, long conversations about nothing and a massacre at the end.

krolden , avatar

I never finished it j just got bored

DeltaTangoLima , avatar

I’m a huge Tarantino fan and enjoyed every single one of his movies, except that one.

Are you including Jackie Brown in this assessment? Because that’s the one Tarantino film I’d never return to. Bored the shit out of me.

I can see how Once Upon a Time in Hollywood wouldn’t do it for a lot of people. The storyline was pretty bloody thin.

From memory, my wife and I had only just recently watched the Aquarius TV series (a few years after it was made) followed by Mindhunter (we were on a true crime kick back then), so the intersection with the Manson murders kept us hooked. Also, Tarantino using the same Aussie actor from Mindhunter to reprise the role of Manson felt like a really cool Easter egg.

But, that’s the thing about Tarantino - he’s always going to be polarizing. You either love or hate a given piece of his work, I guess.

demesisx , avatar

I disagree entirely. Jackie Brown is actually my favorite Tarantino film.

Tasteful and interesting.

DeltaTangoLima , avatar

See? That just illustrates my point perfectly. I reckon Tarantino intentionally sets out to put people firmly on either side of the love/hate fence, with each film.

scops ,

It was hugely freeing for me to realize this. I didn’t really care for Death Proof and I absolutely hated Inglorious Bastards. My friends thought I was crazy. After loving Kill Bill and everything I had seen before it, I thought Tarantino had just gotten too far up his own ass. Then Django came out and was just fun and cathartic and I realized I just needed to take each project as it came

Xer0 ,

Yeah Jackie Brown is my least favourite Tarantino film by a mile.

BigBananaDealer , avatar

damn i loved jackie brown i thought it was fantastic. and i also loved once upon a time in hollywood

prole ,

Damn, Jackie Brown is great

MargotRobbie ,

just includes his signature foot shots

To be fair, those foot shots are … as good as foot shots can be, at least.


chunkystyles ,

That was the last movie I saw in theaters until two weeks ago when I saw Furiosa.

I enjoyed Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. Furiosa was better, though.

Artyom ,

I think the problem was that half of the movie was a memorial to the victims of the Charles Manson murders and the other half of the movie was about Brad Pitt and DiCaprio, and the two stories had absolutely zero synergy.

sanguinepar , avatar

The Matrix. So, so dumb. Dumb, lots of dumb.

Absolutely the most overhyped film I’ve ever paid money to see.

MrFappy ,

Well, everyone is wrong sometimes, you just chose today. That film is a masterpiece. And yes they ripped off a bunch of other shit, but they did so with proper style.

hightrix ,

And if you watch the matrix today for the first time, everything is cliche and done to death.

The reason for this is that every single action movie after the matrix has copied it. When it released, it blew people away. No one had seen anything like it. I remember going to see it after an event because of how much people wouldn’t stop talking about it. Even overhyped, I was blown away.

The Matrix defined action movies for a decade+

sanguinepar , avatar

When it released, it blew people away

I actually saw it on release in the cinema. Hated it. Ah well :-)

HelixDab2 ,

I saw it in theaters too. Two months later, I saw The 13th Floor. Dark City had come out the year before.

I think that all of this was just the zeitgeist of the time.

Damage ,

I mean, the post is literally asking for unpopular opinions, so… respect the honesty at least

sanguinepar , avatar

Thank you :-)

sanguinepar , avatar

Masterpiece, schmasterpiece. It’s a series of dumb set pieces tied together with a pseudo-philosophical plot and some impressive effects.

Just IMO, of course.

FookReddit69 OP ,

Ok no. The matrix, the whole trilogy, it’s a damn masterpiece. Misunderstood to the max. I won’t bother with a essay because I know haters never move from their place.

CanadaPlus ,

Hey, you asked for these exact kinds of takes.

sanguinepar , avatar

Hey, I’m not a hater, at least not in the trolling sense. I just genuinely think it’s a poor movie and massively massively overrated. Never saw the sequels as I had zero interest.

LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

I’d be curious to see what you think of the sequels because I only loved the first movie and hated everything that came after it. But I totally understand that you have no interest in watching them.

Passerby6497 ,

the whole trilogy, it’s a damn masterpiece

An unpopular opinion from OP themselves.

I like the matrix series, but the two sequels are far from being masterpieces. The 2nd was a good action set piece, but the 3rd one got a bit up its own ass at times trying to fit all the exposition in with the action scenes.

FookReddit69 OP ,

As usual people don’t understand the hidden message, every dialogue the AI characters say is ON POINT. Even Neo, becoming less human and more omnipresent and digital z everywhere, meanwhile Smith becomes more human. Is perfect, the antithesis, the one and the zero, binary code. Is perfect. Majority of people just don’t get it.

And the very hidden references in music and Hinduism… I stand in my position, the movie is too clever for the average dumb viewer.

CanadaPlus , (edited )

In a thread full of hot takes, you’ve picked the hottest. I’d expect Lemmy users and people who like The Matrix have a Venn diagram that’s just two nested circles.

sanguinepar , avatar

Ha, yeah, I thought it might not go down well, but I’m not trolling. I genuinely hated that movie.

AceFuzzLord ,

Not gonna lie, never seen the full movie(s) and probably never will at this point since it doesn’t interest me.

krolden , avatar

Using people as batteries never made sense since you’d have to continually use energy to feed them and they really dont make that much heat energy.

Iapar ,

If I remember correctly in the first drafts they used the brain for computational power but went for the battery idea because it was, for a then tech illiterate audience, easier to understand.

SeattleRain ,

I don’t think it’s dumb but very overrated and not anywhere near as deep as people make it out to be. It’s little surprise that “the red pill” had been embraced by so many arrogant people that are pretty ignorant.

the_doktor ,

It was dumb, but at least it was semi-fun dumb. Thank goodness they never made any more Matrix movies after the first one.

shut up shut up shut up shut up no they didn’t shut up shut up

ClassifiedPancake ,

Don’t Look Up. It felt like a movie made by a Redditor who thinks he’s really smart.

Sanctus ,

The Purge. They’re all dumb as fuck. “No lawz fur wun day. Halps soseyetti.”

Yeah no, trust in the government would break the floor and anarchy would reign instead. Not to mention businesses would probably refuse to operate here.

CanadaPlus , (edited )

Really? I’d guess the opposite would happen, and the power vacuum would be quickly filled by alternate purge-day-only governments.

Postmortal_Pop ,

Don’t get me stated on how fucking dumb it is that everyone everywhere just immediately turns to murder. Crime isn’t something I have a problem with, so when I say I’ve never committed a murder it’s not because the pesky laws are stopping me. I just genuinely don’t see the need to kill someone. But no, everyone and their mom is going full zodiac all day all night if it went for laws!

MehBlah ,

I would be boosting high dollar items and parking them in my yard.

Zahille7 ,

That’s a plot point in the prequel one (I’ve only seen the first one, though) and from one of the trailers I remember seeing, during the very first Purge people were just throwing huge parties and getting all kinds of fucked up, and the people on charge were disappointed because they just wanted people to kill each other.

It was posed as some sort of secret government conspiracy to keep the population/minorities/what have you “in check.”

Omniraptor ,

That just sounds like a saturnalia

BruceTwarzen ,

I would say most people would just do nothing and the rest would go buy drugs

Klear ,

Are these highly praised? I thought they were at best considered fine examples of a genre that’s looked down upon.

SeattleRain ,

I love The Purge, especially election day. They really hit that sweet spot between exploitative horror and substantive political commentary.

Which is what the best B movies do.

HappyRedditRefugee ,

Chaos, not anarchy!

prole ,

Seriously, it’s always been the dumbest fucking premise of all time.

andyburke , avatar


ianovic69 , avatar

That’s a strange film. I watched it at the cinema when released and enjoyed the visuals, but it seemed like the story was purposely simplified to a wild west love yarn so that the audience would have to focus on the visuals. There’s so little to distract from the “cutting edge” CGI, any depth to the plot or characters would be detrimental to the six fucking years he spent making it.

Which I can understand as it does achieve that. And I didn’t hate it, mainly because it did look amazing and I wasn’t distracted from that. But I’ve never watched it again and wouldn’t want to.


classic ,

I appreciate this take

TexasDrunk ,

Dances With Aliens was a masterpiece, dammit!!!

Seriously, it was fine I guess. Agreed that it looked fucking amazing in theaters.

andyburke , avatar

Name a main character. Not the actor, the character.

If you can, you'll be the first person who has been able to that I have asked. (Though I have never asked online.)

TexasDrunk ,

You’ve asked the wrong guy. All I know is it’s Kevin Costner.

andyburke , avatar

So close, if only you had said Mary McDonnell.

billgamesh ,

John Smith?

Nath , avatar

I knew them (Sam & Zoe’s characters), but I watched the sequel only last year. I probably couldn’t have told you had you asked me in 2022.

I don’t remember any other character names from either movie.

ShepherdPie ,

Jake from State Farm?

Zahille7 ,

Same. I liked the movies for what they are: expensive, cinematic special-effects thrill rides with pretty much the loosest stories.

The second one looked absolutely gorgeous in theaters.

Rai ,

The key is to watch it in 3D… on acid. The dialogue and characters are hilarious and the world is beautiful.

blackstampede ,

I’m probably going to get some hate for this one, but Spider-Man: Across The Spiderverse. The story wasn’t as tight as the first movie, they introduced too many new characters to keep up with, and it ended with a setup for the next movie.

the_doktor ,

Why do both of the Spider-Man animated movies look like they’re something like 15 frames per second? It actually made me sort of nauseous to watch them when things were moving around really fast.

StrawberryPigtails ,

I haven’t seen them but it might be a callback to early animation.

To keep costs down and speed up production, cartoons (pre digital animation) would often be animated at around 15 fps, sometimes going as slow as 10 or 12 fps. Each frame was then photographed 2 or 3 times to bring the frame rate up to 24 or 30 fps depending on the media. Robotech, Scooby-Doo, Mighty Max and the original Duck Tales come to mind as examples. Hanna Barbara cartoons were also known for being on the lower end of the spectrum.

LarkinDePark ,

Inglourious Basterds - One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. About 2 very good scenes, the openeing and then another one in a bar and the rest was some kind of ridiculous Zionist porn garbage.

CyberMonkey404 ,

Zionist porn garbage

How is a movie about killing nazis zionist?

LarkinDePark ,

Yeah I don’t want to come across as someone who’s complaining about the brutalisation and killing of Nazis or something like that. I just meant that throughout I had the impression the the movie was written to pander to the Zionist demographic that runs Hollywood. It had nothing interesting to say.

CyberMonkey404 ,

Sounds like the usual “Jews run Hollywood” spiel but with extra steps

LarkinDePark ,

Zionists, and that’s fewer steps.

LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

I enjoy a lot of found footage horror, but Paranormal Activity was like watching paint dry

JimmyBigSausage ,

Pulp Fiction

spittingimage , avatar

Dumbest how?

Today ,

Raising Arizona and Forest Gump.

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