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frauddogg , to worldnews in Biden: I ‘didn’t ask for a ceasefire’ in today’s ‘private conversation’ with Netanyahu avatar
DarkGamer , avatar

I suppose you'd rather he support the explicitly genocidal Hamas by binding Israel's hands and forcing a ceasefire before they are deposed.

frauddogg , (edited ) avatar

Since when are the colonized the ones who are ‘explicitly genocidal’? How you gon’ react when a bunch of fascist peckerwoods come to annex your land, force you out your house at gunpoint, and start occupying what was, is, and should forever be yours? You mean to tell me you’re not gonna crusade for every peckerwood scalp you can lay your blade on?

What galls me is you really bout to cape for the terrorist IDF that shoots children, medics, and journalists so regularly it might as well be day-in, day-out business as usual to a colonized subject of empire. Far as I’m concerned, Hamas is doing to their colonizers what my community is too broken, blinkered, fettered, and misled to do to our colonizers. From the river, to the sea, koupe tet boule kay.

DarkGamer , (edited ) avatar

Since when are the colonized the ones who are ‘explicitly genocidal’?

Read this, you are simping for the genocidal while claiming you oppose genocide.

You really bout to cape for the terrorist IDF that shoots children, medics, and journalists so regularly it might as well be day-in, day-out business as usual to a colonized subject of empire?

The predictable consequence of electing a terrorist government that starts a war while hiding behind Palestinian children and using hospitals as military assets.

Shit, far as I’m concerned, Hamas is doing to their colonizers what my community is too broken, blinkered, fettered, and misled to do to our colonizers. From the river, to the sea, koupe tet boule kay.

Oh, so you're genocidal, too. Reported and blocked.

frauddogg , avatar

Typical kbinner-- proving they belong in a bin too. Hope I live to watch your nation and way of life fall, cac.

PolandIsAStateOfMind , avatar

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

Hyperreality , (edited ) to world in Syria’s Assad claims Holocaust was a lie fabricated to justify creation of Israel

Entirely unsurprising. Relevant wikipedia article:

The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP)[a] is a Syrian nationalist party operating in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine. ... is the second-largest political party in the pro-Assad National Progressive Front led by the ruling Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party ... Political rivals of SSNP have commonly labelled Antoun Saadeh as a fascist ideologue who formed relations with Nazis during the Second World War. ... Saadeh remained a strong admirer of Adolf Hitler and introduced Nazi symbolism into SSNP insignia. Similar to the "Fuhrer" title, Saadeh took the designation of "az-Za'im" and the party set him up as their "leader for life". The party adopted a reversed swastika as its symbol and the party anthem was sung to the tune of Deutschlandlied. ... Saadeh adopted many themes related to fascism: pushing a personality cult around the party leader, establishing a totalitarian state that policed all aspects of life, belief in "the organic whole of the Syrian Volk" ... Throughout the Second World War, Saadeh was rumoured to have close contacts with officials of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. ... Western journalists also describe it as fascist. Terry Glavin writes that it "sports its very own stylized swastika [and] sings an anthem to the tune of Deutschlandlied", while Bellingcat calls its a "rabidly anti-Semitic, fascist organization [with] international ties to the far-right." ... According to historian Stanley G. Payne, interwar Arab nationalism was influenced by European fascism, with the creation of at least seven Arab nationalist shirt movements similar to the brown shirt movement by 1939, with the most influenced ones being the SSNP ... SSNP wanting the complete control of Syria, belief in the superiority of their own people (with Saadeh theorizing a "distinct and naturally superior" Syrian race) ... Anglo-American journalist Christopher Hitchens and his team were assaulted in February 2009 by SSNP paramilitaries ... The attack left Hitchens with body injuries and a limp in his leg. Reporting to Vanity Fair in May 2009, Hitchens described SSNP as a "suicide-bomber front" that carries out terrorist operations in Lebanon on behalf of Ba'athist Syria. He asserted that SSNP was a violent fascist movement; noting its irredentist ambitions of creating "Greater Syria"

why don’t we talk about the 26 million Soviets who were killed in that war? Are the six million more precious?

This is what the far right in Russia think, and is why they don't see the irony in calling Zelensky a Nazi. Relevant article:

The dominant version of antisemitism alive in parts of eastern Europe today is that Jews employ the Holocaust to seize the victimhood narrative from the “real” victims of the Nazis, who are Russian Christians (or other non-Jewish eastern Europeans). Those who embrace Russian Christian nationalist ideology will be especially susceptible to this strain of antisemitism. ... in a 2021 article, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev denounced Zelenskiy as disgusting, corrupt and faithless. The free democratic election of a Jewish president confirms in the fascist mind that the fascist bogeyman of liberal democracy as a tool for global Jewish domination is real. ... By claiming that the aim of the invasion is to “denazify” Ukraine, Putin appeals to the myths of contemporary eastern European antisemitism – that a global cabal of Jews were (and are) the real agents of violence against Russian Christians and the real victims of the Nazis were not the Jews, but rather this group. Russian Christians are targets of a conspiracy by a global elite, who, using the vocabulary of liberal democracy and human rights, attack the Christian faith and the Russian nation.

floofloof , to news in Heads of 3 top US colleges refuse to say calling for genocide of Jews is harassment

Here’s a fuller account of what was said:

(Original URL:…/3-elite-college-presidents-a…)

fosforus OP ,

I feel like there’s some weird context here. Why does Stefanik want to get that “yes” and why are they reluctant to say it? Would it be a declaration of some university policy that would lead to suppressing the demonstrations or what?

Stamau123 OP , to world in Fatah official: Oct. 7 is part of our ‘defensive war’ against Israel, Hamas is ‘part of our political and social fabric’

Rajoub is the head of the Palestinian Football Association, Palestinian Olympic committee, and the Secretary General of the Fatah Central Committee

Annoyed_Crabby , to world in Inside a Gaza bedroom, soldiers searching for tunnels find how low Hamas can go

The IDF has indicated it does not have plans to engage in tunnel warfare, as the passages are likely to be booby-trapped. Instead, it is demolishing the tunnels as they are being found.

Ahh, i thought the ground invasion is about saving hostage…

OprahsedCreature , to worldnews in Hamas official says North Korea is ally. Insinuates it could one day target the US

Imagine if the US actually had to consider the impact of its actions

ShroOmeric , to world in IDF releases recording of Gazan saying Hamas shooting at people trying to flee south

I mean, the IDF burned that little credibility they still had some time ago…

afraid_of_zombies , to world in Pipe bomb explodes near Israeli embassy in Cyprus, no injuries; 4 Syrians arrested


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  • luthis ,

    Although in this case, it’s not entirely religion.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Ok. Religion of peace 99.9999999% of the time.

    luthis ,

    /s I hope

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    I wonder why it is when people say how peaceful Islam is everyone assume sarcasm. Hmm there must be some reason, but I just can’t put my finger on it. Must be one of those weird things that has literally no good reason for it.

    guckfoogle ,

    Suck a fat dick

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Pretty sure that would be harem and that means I can be thrown off a roof.

    guckfoogle ,

    I don’t understand why it’s appropriate to make offhanded comments about Islam and blame a whole religion of people for the violent acts of a handful of extremists, but god forbid anyone say something critical about Israel and suddenly their an antisemitic Nazi. Case in point me being called antisemitic for calling “a CEO Jewish”

    afraid_of_zombies ,


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  • guckfoogle ,

    I’m sorry you feel that way, but violence would still keep on happening even if there were no more religions, it’s human nature. Religion does more good than harm (brings communities together, passing down of traditions/knowledge, charity, etc…).

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    but violence would still keep

    If cancer were cured tomorrow people would still eventually die, but I would rather live in a world without cancer than with.

    Religion does more good than harm

    By what metric?

    brings communities together

    Yeah in mutual hatred for outsiders and minorities and heretics.

    , passing down of traditions/knowledge

    It is called paper.

    charity, etc…).

    Government does more and does it better.

    guckfoogle ,

    you bleeding heart liberals are really starting to get more more intolerant and hateful by the day, I shall drink your liberal tears with my holy water, thank you and have a blessed day.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Not able to deal with the argument you made it about me. The last refuge of the theist.

    guckfoogle ,

    an argument can only be made between two competent parties, and you clearly are a child.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    How was group pretend time today? Which one of us spends time each week with other adults talking about their imaginary friend?

    guckfoogle ,

    Just please don’t shoot up a church or mosque, and try to meet and get to know people who have different backgrounds/cultures than you.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Try not to hand over your kid to a priest to get raped and voting for theology, and try finding some evidence for your belief in skydaddy

    guckfoogle ,

    I’m orthodox, our priests can get married and have wives so their not pedophiles. I’m really worried you might actually shoot up a church now 😅

    afraid_of_zombies ,
    Five , to news in Netanyahu, Gantz agree to form emergency unity government

    A position in the war cabinet has been left open for Opposition Leader Yair Lapid, who has refused to join the government if the far-right Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit parties remain in it.

    Yeah, this is fucked.

    Badass_panda , to world in Outcry over official Spanish definition of Jew as ‘greedy or usurious’ person

    I’m saddened to hear that there are still an appreciable amount of Spanish people talking about us that way, but I’m not upset at the dictionary for recording the way the language is used.

    I’m guessing it’s approached in something of a similar way to how English language dictionaries handle the word gyp, which is to give its definition and note that it is offensive.

    cosmic_skillet ,

    Exactly, dictionary definitions are descriptive, not prescriptive. They describe how words are used, not prescribe how they should be used.

    Railcar8095 , to world in Outcry over official Spanish definition of Jew as ‘greedy or usurious’ person

    Wait until they realise a female Jew is a bean

    some_guy , to worldnews in Israel protests after Belgian minister says Palestinian towns being ‘wiped off map’

    Ambassador to Brussels calls comments on settler harassment of Palestinians ‘libelous and defamatory,’ sends letter to foreign ministry as counterpart called for dressing-down

    They believe their own bullshit.

    soviettaters , to worldnews in IDF soldiers shoot masked settler allegedly hurling stones at Palestinians

    All settlements are illegal and all settlers are enemy combatants in the years of Palestinians. Off-topic but it’s something few recognize

    sunzu , to worldnews in Blinken reportedly promised Netanyahu to lift restrictions on US arms shipments

    Imagine US state dept official prioritizing interest of a foreign bad actor over our own national security needs.

    I wonder why Tony would do such a thing?!

    DolphinMath OP , (edited ) to world in Al Jazeera denies rumor that hostage was held at employee’s home

    Times of Israel – Bias and Credibility

    Bias Rating: Left-Center

    Factual Reporting: High

    Country: Israel

    MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: Moderate

    Media Type: Website

    Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

    MBFC Credibility Rating: High Credibility About + Methodology

    Ad Fontes Media Rating: N/A

    By: Gianluca Pacchiani

    Archive: 9 Jun 2024 19:06:44 UTC

    Viking_Hippie , (edited )

    Perfect example of how suspect MBFC is.

    Times of Israel has such immense bias in favor of the IDF and the fascist apartheid regime, and such lax fact checking on the one subject people outside Israel read it for that it’s not AT ALL credible and MBFC, being basically the hobby of a conservative Zionist, rates it left of center and highly factual 🤦

    Eta examples from the “detailed report”:

    minimally loaded language such as this: US envoy suggests world should rethink PA aid after Israeli teen killed by bomb.

    Failed Fact Checks

    None in the Last 5 years

    Both examples of absolutely atrocious levels of bias on the part of MBFC.

    goferking0 ,

    Fox news only being mixed rating is another big reason

    DolphinMath OP ,

    Fox News has a mixed score for factual reporting…

    But a “Low Credibility Rating

    goferking0 ,

    Low Credibility Rating

    For the made up rating mbfc makes then puts no reasoning in their actual post.

    MBFC tries to make itself credible then does shit like that where makes it fit what they want. like ranking higher pro Zionist publications

    DolphinMath OP , (edited )

    Want to see a headline from an Israeli source with a stronger bias?

    Arutz Sheva: IDF confirms: Al Jazeera journalist was terrorist who held hostages

    Their ratings from MBFC:

    Arutz Sheva (Israel National News) – Bias and Credibility

    Bias Rating: Right-Center

    Factual Reporting: Mixed

    Country: Israel

    MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: Moderate

    Media Type: TV Station

    Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic

    MBFC Credibility Rating: Medium Credibility

    Viking_Hippie ,

    The bias is strong in the case of TOI. This is extreme bordering on !nottheonion territory.

    And still MBFC rates them center right rather than far right and the factuality “mixed” rather than “low” or “very low”.

    DolphinMath OP , (edited )

    It’s all relative. Want to see something from a further right Israeli source?

    Israel Hayom:

    Report: Former hostage Noa Argamani held captive in Al-Jazeera cameraman’s house

    Their ratings from MBFC:

    Israel Hayom – Bias and Credibility

    Bias Rating: Right

    Factual Reporting: Mixed

    Country: Israel

    MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: Moderate

    Media Type: Newspaper

    Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic

    MBFC Credibility Rating: Medium Credibility

    goferking0 ,

    Al Jazeera journalist was terrorist who held hostages

    My favorite is the only source listed in every article is just IDF, totally credible

    wildbus8979 ,

    And they are subject to military censorship!

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