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Hegar , to world in Norway says Israel response to Hamas attack disproportionate avatar

Disproportionate response has been Israel's policy for decades.

sirboozebum ,

It is literally their stated policy of “Mowing the grass”

rengoku2 ,

They learned it from the best teacher, big bro murica.

Ya know, atomic bombs, 20 years of Afghan, Vietcong war blah blah.

Sarmyth ,

Disproportionate responses end some conflicts faster because they remove the illusion of a fair fight your enemy might still believe they could win.

Of course, it makes you look like a psycho, but thats kinda the point.

Linkerbaan , avatar

America sure ended Iraq and Afghanistan fast.

SaakoPaahtaa , (edited )

The first gulf was so effective it saved countless Iraqi lives. Presenting airpower so goddamn unfair thousands just ran into the desert rather than stay and get killed. It really is as fast and humane as it can be, as long as the execution is perfect

ArianaGrande ,

Found Dick Cheney

SaakoPaahtaa ,

He didn’t really have nothing to do with the execution of the attack, gen Schwartzkopf or however the fuck his name is written was in charge of that. I mean I know you’re memeing but I’d just like to make that point. Really interesting guy too check out his memoirs.

ssboomman ,

Bro really just said “war crimes sure makes war much easier!” What???

Sarmyth ,

A disproportionate response is not necessarily a war crime. That said, you are right that war crimes make war crimes easier!

Sarmyth ,

People didn’t like this post, but the truth is unpopular. It’s not like I’m encouraging war crimes after all, but you just haven’t been paying attention if you think they don’t make additional war crimes easier.

War crimes have definitions, though, so lots of terrible things aren’t war crimes… they’re just war.

olafurp ,

Wikipedia search gives some results. Wiki search for “Disproportionate response”

ShittyBeatlesFCPres , to world in Norway says Israel response to Hamas attack disproportionate

The comments on that article are really missing the point that leveling a city block to kill a few terrorists almost invariably means you created more terrorists than you killed.

logi ,

That is certainly one point and how we are, still Here after decades. Another point is that if you do that, you have become the bad guy.

sab ,

Unfortunately I'm not so sure they're missing the point. I'm afraid there's quite a few people who are just excited to see their scheduled genocide put into motion.

TWeaK ,

Far too many people seem to be itching to find an enemy, all so they can justify their desire for vindictive bloodlust.

Killing is a bad thing, and can only ever be justified when it prevents something worse. But that doesn’t mean you should enjoy it.

cley_faye ,

Far too many people seem to be itching to find an enemy, all so they can justify their desire for vindictive bloodlust.

Finding an enemy, anyone, to rally angry and hate-fueled people has been a solid political staple for at least the last decade or so. The only “new”-ish part is that a lot of people are dying as a direct result of that now.

donuts , avatar


The ultimate tragedy of the last few weeks is that the average Israeli will only be more radicalized against Palestine, while the average Palestinian will only be more radicalized against Israel. It's a perpetual cycle of anger and violence that has no end in sight, and I don't feel any hope for a better future for the region and the innocent people on either side of the conflict.

What should have happened, like yesterday, should be obvious to anyone with a brain and a heart: Hamas should free all of their hostages and turn over anybody who participated in the terrorist attack on Israeli civilians, and Israel should cease fire immediately, call all settlers back and return the Gaza borders back to what they were a month ago. Terrorism and genocide are inexcusable, and the simple fact is that both sides have the blood of the innocent on their hands, all because of the politics of greed.

Browning ,

There is much more Israel should be doing. Not least is allowing travel between Gaza and the West Bank.

donuts , avatar

We are a far cry from free travel between Gaza and the West Bank.

The likelihood of that is lower now than it's ever been.

Browning ,

We shouldn’t be.
The only solution to the region is a Palestine that is prosperous and free. So long as people have nothing to lose, they will continue laying down their lives.

lolcatnip ,

Neither Hamas nor the Israeli government want peace. They’re not going to try to fix a situation neither sees as a problem.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Hamas wants peace but as you can see in the west bank being nice to the israeli colonists will only get you killed and your land stolen.

Violence starts when a party isn’t willing to come to peaceful agreements and in this case the israelis are the ones who keep seeking war.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Hamas wants “peace” in the form of a repressive Islamic state which is run by Sharia law. They are not friends to the Palestinian people. They are Iranian puppets.

meekah , avatar

As Bibi himself said, supporting hamas makes sense if your goal is to prevent a palestenian state.…

PersnickityPenguin ,

Also Israeli funded.

anlumo ,

Hamas wants peace by eradicating Israel. I don’t think that the two can find common ground there.

Linkerbaan , avatar

They want to eradicate the illegal occupation of their land, not the israelis themselves

Israel however seeks to eradicate the Palestinian people. This is a huge difference.

Sparlock ,

Wow look at all those downvote for stating a fact. The pro-Israel crowd sure is sensitive when facts that don’t agree with their propaganda are mentioned.

mwguy ,

Hamas wants peace

I’m going to need a source on this.

I think this would be news to most, including Hamas.

HenriVolney ,

Like in any war of occupation: the ever more militarized government of the occupier and the ever more militarized force of the occupied are objective allies.

ghostdoggtv ,

Wow you must have like, really smart

Linkerbaan , avatar

The first thing that should have happened is the dethroning of Netanyahu. The fact the guy who let it happen is still in charge is by far the biggest cause of this.

Szymon ,

They know this, that’s the point, they want a biting dog that you can euthanize instead of the calm golden lab everyone will be upset with you for putting down

mwguy ,

In the past Israel beloved that. But the organization of Hamas has scared them. They believe that they need to destroy the Command and Control infrastructure Hamas has for its 40k person military or Hamas will simply organize followup slave raids.

Kanda ,

Not to worry, we will kill these up-and-comers too

Linkerbaan , avatar

Maybe israel can beat the previous high score of 6 million

meekah , avatar

palestine only has 4 million people… so they will have to add other minorities to the mix if they wanna beat the high score

Sparlock ,

I feel like that fact won’t stop them from trying anyway.

Szymon ,

Sure, sounds like a well thought out and good pla…

Wait a sec, is that your mom and sister that just got kidnapped and raped? Is that your baby’s dismembered head lying at your feet?

Oh shit, maybe your stupid decisions will actually affect you and you’ll see how it’s not such a good one to begin with.

If you’re cool with suffering as long as it’s not your own, you’re a piece of shit.

rdri ,

Is this the only thing that troubles you? Hamas creates terrorists anyway. Palestinians are being told they need to kill Jews in order to become heroes, which will get them money they really need. It’s not much different from Russia where people are led by propaganda but ultimately decide to abandon peaceful life for a chance to get big money.

blitzkrieg ,

Palestinians are fighting for their land and their freedom against a war-crime-comitting occupier.

rdri ,

Whatever that “fighting” involves, it doesn’t seem to work well for them, does it? Why would you stub yourself with a knife if you want to cure a flu?

blitzkrieg ,

Are you suggesting that they shouldn’t fight for their land and freedom?

rdri ,

Are you suggesting to be able to cure a flu by stabbing yourself with a knife?

blitzkrieg ,

Your terminology is idiotic and useless.

rdri ,

You prefer calling a truth you don’t like useless? Because it’s the truth that hamas will not be able to achieve its goals (kill all jews and destroy Israel) using what they have and receive as aid, even if they build tons of missiles they usually build. This is not how you “fight for freedom” because the freedom will never be the result of it. They need to change a lot in order to even try better. For example build defenses along with missiles for a change etc.

Sparlock ,…/index.html

It’s really insane and the comparison pics are from over a week ago now.

dangblingus ,

I think they don’t mind if everyone in Gaza dies.

tsonfeir , to world in Norway says Israel response to Hamas attack disproportionate avatar

Eye for an eye for an eye for an eye.

scottmeme ,

That’s it, no more eyes for anyone

tsonfeir , avatar

They went blind long ago 😞

HootinNHollerin , avatar

Religion will do that to ya

dingleberry ,

A hundred eyes for one eye and your enemies will run out of eyes before you.

tsonfeir , avatar


HootinNHollerin , avatar

There’s an onion news parody video from the future and they show the Israeli - Palestinian conflict and it’s just 2 guys left fighting over a stray cat they both claim

tsonfeir , avatar

Wow, that’s…. So accurate. I’m beginning to think ONN can really predict the future.

HootinNHollerin , (edited ) avatar

I lost it with Gay Texas and the stray cat! Oh man it’s genius, albeit dark

One of those videos that you pick up more and more detail with each watch

Need more episodes

alvvayson , to worldnews in Surveillance soldiers warned of Hamas activity on Gaza border for months before Oct. 7

It seems pretty likely that Israel let the attacks happen to have a casus belli for land grabs and genocide.

SatanicNotMessianic ,

I did this kind of work for a bit. I really do think this was more of a 9/11 slash Pearl Harbor kind of thing. It has that feel all over it. I think it was an epic and world (or at least region) changing fuckup.

I do not doubt the current government of Israel has used Hamas as a cat’s paw. I think the constant low level violence cost them little and produced huge political returns for the most far-right government in the history of the country. But I think this was unanticipated in scale and scope, and that both the attack and the response were far beyond what anyone - Israel and Hamas included - would have intended.

There will always be the Monday morning quarterbacks who will quite rightly point out that the information was just there. Looking backwards, we can reverse-solve the problem and say that we could have (or even did) know about Pearl Harbor, 9/11, or Oct 6. The truth is that we know shitloads of things, all the time. We have a constant flow of information, from all corners of the world. We even have constant fire hoses of information from our allies and even our own citizens.

The paradox of the panopticon is that when you’re looking everywhere, you’re really looking nowhere. There’s not ten thousand people in a bunker in North Dakota watching monitors. There’s a few thousand people in cities like Langley around the world who commute to work and get there around 9, and read through what happened yesterday and overnight, and write up summaries that themselves get summarized. If they have too many sources of information, it’s all processed algorithmically first, but it’s still a process of sorting the wheat from the chaff.

We need to fix that. We cannot surveil everything, even with our best and brightest working on technical solutions. But at the end of the day, these are human in the loop systems, and sometimes people fuck up. Sometimes they fuck up royally, and they lose the playoffs or they start a war.

I think it’s done at this point. The system fucked yo, and now a lot of people are going to die, afraid and in pain, because that’s what we do and we just don’t have it in us to stop doing that kind of thing quite yet. I quit the business and know others that did, but at the end of the day there’s still people who think other people need to be killed, and a second group of people who buy the argument and are good with doing it.

I think that the conspiracy theories will continue to fly as they tend to do, but this really just smells like a colossal fuckup in which 20-30k civilians are going to die, and it’s just a train that doesn’t have the ability to stop at this point.

alvvayson ,

I appreciate your well thought response, but I think the comparisons with 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are weak.

For 9/11, the USA had no incentive to let 9/11 happen. And it was a very novel attack that nobody was predicting. Conspiracy theories on 9/11 have no credibility for those reasons.

Pearl harbor is a little bit different. The USA was definitely pushing Japan and could have expected them to respond. But US leadership thought the Japanese wouldn’t want to drag the USA into the war through an obvious act of war. History is clear that US leadership could have expected it, but gambled on Japanese leadership making a different choice.

This attack is different. The only surprise is the extent of the success.

Israeli leadership has been baiting and nurturing Palestinian terrorism for decades in order to have support for land grabs and ethnic cleansing.

This time they just got burned harder than they expected.

aniki ,

Yo we spent like 4 trillion dollars on war. What the fuck do you mean there was no incentive? The billionaires accumulated like half of the countries GDP for 2 decades.

livus , avatar


There’s a few thousand people in cities like Langley around the world who commute to work and get there around 9, and read through what happened yesterday

You're speaking as if Palantir etc didn't exist. In a world where every 10 year old in the West can get Chat GPT to help with homework, why would we believe that govt level networked surveillance is like something straight out of an old John Le Carré novel?

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

That would be more believable if the head of Egyptian intelligence hadn’t personally called and spoken with Netanyahu.

thatsage , avatar

Conspiracy theories.

If only because no way Bibi would actually bomb his political career forever, and go down in history as a failure, for this. This current government is finished, they will put the keys on the table. The majority of Israel already wanted them out of office, especially Bibi, now? They’re responsible for the worst event in Israel’s existence, to its existence…

There are warnings all the time. The intelligence failed, the protections failed, and we paid the price.

aniki ,

How long has Bibi been in power? I don’t believe anything you wrote is even remotely correct.

ShroOmeric , to world in IDF releases recording of Gazan saying Hamas shooting at people trying to flee south

I mean, the IDF burned that little credibility they still had some time ago…

Why9 , to world in IDF releases recording of Gazan saying Hamas shooting at people trying to flee south

Even if this is true, which… I mean I have no salt left anymore…

That would be the target you want to take out. But no, that refugee camp, that school with children in it? Yeah that’s the target because… uhh “Hamas are using civilians as shields”.

masquenox , to world in IDF releases recording of Gazan saying Hamas shooting at people trying to flee south

The IDF is right above Marjorie Taylor Greene on my trustworthiness list.

xmunk , to world in IDF releases recording of Gazan saying Hamas shooting at people trying to flee south

Putin says Ukrainians are all secretly sleeping with your wife and nazis and are doo-doo heads.

BackOnMyBS , avatar

Ukrainians are all secretly sleeping with your wife

Her boyfriend is gonna be pissed

avater , to world in IDF releases recording of Gazan saying Hamas shooting at people trying to flee south avatar

I don’t know but sites like this or Al Jazeera are not my sources of choice for this conflict…

blitzkrieg , to world in IDF releases recording of Gazan saying Hamas shooting at people trying to flee south

People believe this garbage?

xmunk ,

Might be true, might not. I sure as hell want a better source than the IDF though.

blitzkrieg ,

Any source is better than the IDF.

hassanmckusick , to world in IDF releases recording of Gazan saying Hamas shooting at people trying to flee south

Ohh more garbage for to rip appart

Jaysyn , (edited ) to world in IDF releases recording of Gazan saying Hamas shooting at people trying to flee south avatar

And why isn't the IDF dismantling the roadblocks? Sounds like a good place to find terrorists. Should be obvious from a drone's eye view.

that_guy2611 ,

My god ! You are too clever for the idf propaganda

ryathal ,

Then they can get accused of bombing escape routes again.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

What the shit? They weren't just "accused". They actually bombed escape routes.

ZhaoYadang , to world in Poll: 80% of Israelis say Netanyahu must take public responsibility for Oct. 7 failures

Unfortunately for the Israelis, 0% of Benjamin Netanyahus think he should take responsibility for October 7. Public opinion doesn’t matter much when you’re spiraling towards a dictatorship.

floofloof , to world in Israel halts UN staff visas as officials pan Guterres’s ‘truly insane’ Hamas remarks

People would probably react more positively to your post if you didn’t put your own editorial rant in.

some_guy OP ,

What the fuck do I care about that? Fuck Israel. They’re monsters.

TokenBoomer ,

You might be interested in this. No babies were actually killed during the Hamas incursion, or even be headed, or burned. The youngest death was 3.

NOT_RICK , avatar

The youngest death was 3.

Ah ok, totally cool then

TokenBoomer ,

It matters, when compared to 2,000 dead Palestinian children.

NOT_RICK , avatar

This isn’t the suffering Olympics, both actions are heinous and indefensible.

TokenBoomer ,

If you can’t understand why more deaths are worse then your beyond reason.

NOT_RICK , avatar

It’s pretty easy to support the cause of Palestinian statehood without minimizing the murder of Israeli civilians.

fosforus ,

Tell us what you really think.

floofloof , to world in Israel halts UN staff visas as officials pan Guterres’s ‘truly insane’ Hamas remarks

“The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing,” Guterres said.

He later added that “the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.”

It kind of sounds like they’re deliberately misinterpreting what he said.

BaronVonBort ,

Id say this is one of the most measured and diplomatically appropriate statements I’ve heard regarding the situation and couldn’t agree more.

Saying this is antisemitism is a stretch.

Fried_out_Kombi , (edited ) avatar

When you’re a thin-skinned fascist conducting ethno-religious cleansing, any criticism must be met with absolute resistance. Fascism requires extreme black-and-white thinking and complete rejection of nuance.

We see the same pattern in the US with the MAGA movement, where even dyed-in-the-wool conservatives like Liz Cheney get demonized for “betraying” their “side”. Facts and nuance are rejected, and the only thing that matters is team loyalty.

banneryear1868 ,

Saying this is antisemitism is a stretch.

They openly say antizionism is the same as antisemitism, even that Jewish peace groups protesting at the US capitol for a ceasefire weren’t Jews.

Having experienced the news cycles for the previous 3 escalations of this conflict, this time around it’s very different. The Israeli press and propaganda is making it very obvious how they’re trying so hard to control the perception of this conflict, and that alone draws suspicion because it’s of such low quality.

vlad76 , avatar

Sounds reasonable

agressivelyPassive ,

It sounds like the reaction of angry children.

dustyData ,

Except, those angry children command the largest and most technologically advanced army in the Middle East and possess several dozen nuclear weapons.

agressivelyPassive ,

And that’s exactly why “we” shouldn’t let that kind of behavior slide.

The impulse for revenge is understandable, but a statesman shouldn’t use the diplomatic equivalent of autistic screeching as a political tool. That’s pathetic on a personal level and not helpful on a political level.

bookmeat ,

This is the fascist playbook.

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