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Corvid , to memes in Choice
Linkerbaan OP , (edited ) avatar

This is a few people not the party as a whole.

Notably there is a platform out there for the Democratic candidate. Unless I missed something RCV is not on the agenda.

Psychodelic ,

Do those goalposts have little feet on them?

“Democrats wouldn’t do this”

Democrats do this

“No, not like that”

Look, I said it in a dumb meme format so you know it’s true

(I appreciate you for posting here, just making fun of you 😊)

Linkerbaan OP , (edited ) avatar

This is like saying Republicans oppose sending weapons to israel because Thomas Massie exists.

The meme says implement. If you think a small minority of a party can implement RCV you don’t understand how the system works.

Especially if you actually look into what was linked and see that this is not the first time. The Democratic party has already shot it down in the past.

nondescripthandle ,

So three of the more than 250 elected democrats are trying, not for the first time by the way, to get the rest of their party to take it seriously. Talk to me when more than 2% of the Democrats do something about it because otherwise its basically just a platitude.

Rhaedas ,

Bills are often started by one or a few people to get voted on by others. It will be resisted, but not by the side that would do well with a ranked choice with other left-sided third parties.

nondescripthandle ,

That would make more sense if this was their first time putting this bill forward, but it’s not. They’ve tried this before and none of the other Democrats could be chuffed to stand behind it. This isn’t new.

Rhaedas ,

Bills don't often get passed on the first try. If anything you should be critical that this is only the second time, it ought to be a constant attempt to change a system that seemingly everyone not making a profit from is against. I'll also say that the only way anything like this will get passed is through the left, the right does not want everyone to get a vote. So it will likely fail again somewhere unless the ratio of left-right shifts. As is true of any bills that favor the public good.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Meaningful RCV implementation and meaningful gun control in the US are like talking about alien contact. Fun to talk about, but it’s not going to happen in any of our lifetimes.

JackGreenEarth , to linuxmemes in One big happy family.

Manjaro and Debian

Dagwood222 , to memes in Choice

New York City established Ranked Choice voting in 2020 under a Dem Mayor and majority Dem City Council.

antmzo220 , (edited )

Alaska has a Republican Governor along with a Republican Majority in the house and Senate, they have no restrictions on abortion.

Does this mean the Republican party is pro-choice or that by voting Republican we can secure abortion rights? The answer is no.

Dagwood222 ,

Does this mean that by voting Republican we can secure abortion rights? The answer is no.

Actually, by your own post, in Alaska it does.

echo , to memes in Choice

No, and it’s stupid to suggest they would.

MyPornViewingAccount ,
nondescripthandle ,

I bet dems would be more open to ranked choice if more people voted for third parties, because as long as the population believes they must vote Democrat or Republican and no one else, neither of those parties have any incentive to change. If lesser evilism stops getting people to vote for the two ruling parties, then there would be incentive for them to change. Short of that you’re relying on politicians to do the right thing instead of the profitable thing, which is a fools game.

KoboldCoterie , avatar

The problem is really that republicans keep putting up the worst possible candidates and policies. If the choice was “A sort of bad candidate or another sort of bad candidate”, we’d all happily vote third party and if the slightly-worse-but-not-appreciably-so candidate won as a result, it wouldn’t be a huge hurdle and over a few election cycles we could maybe effect change.

Instead, in that scenario, it leads to Trump and Project 2025 and I’d love to hear your explanation of how that helps us get progressive candidates into office, because I just don’t see it.

I’m a “single issue voter” and that “single issue” is that I don’t want another Trump presidency, so I’ll vote strategically to prevent that from happening, even if I’d much rather have someone else.

mogoh , to linuxmemes in One big happy family.

Red Star OS, commrad!

finestnothing , to mildlyinfuriating in One car accident, endless spam calls

Highly recommend getting on the national do not call list . Doesn’t stop all spam calls, but it shrunk the amount I got at least

SerpentPeaked , to linuxmemes in One big happy family.

Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912 Distro

funkajunk , avatar

Sick Emo Philips reference, bro.

RickRussell_CA , avatar

What? Why would you choose that over Baptist Church of Missouri SynodOS, you heretic?

mxcory , to games in Help me to settle on a face design for the character I've just added to my game, called The Humorless Toaster. (It's only here to make toast, not listen to your nonsense.)

Number 1 but the upper line is the mouth and the lower line is the chin.

atmur , to linuxmemes in One big happy family.

For as much as Linux nerds (myself absolutely included) complain about distros like Ubuntu and Manjaro, I’d still take either one over Windows or MacOS any day.

OpenStars , avatar

Mac OSX isn’t bad… so long as you sell it your soul, and don’t want freedom in return, it’s great 👍.

I kid… mostly - it’s iOS that is horrifying, but Mac OSX is still Unix (tho not GNU), so not anywhere within leagues of Microdick.

And - possibly dumb question - couldn’t you always just run a Linux VM at near-native speed, and get the benefits of both?

nightwatch_admin ,

You can use UTM on an M1 or up Macbook and iOS/iPadOS:
It is not VirtualBox yet, but it is moving fast. And thank $deity it’s not Oracle… like VirtualBox

aniki ,

How does this work with containers?

Petter1 ,

I’d say iOS is still unix too, just rootless.

GregorGizeh ,

“always” in this case is when you have two or more gpus in your system, which limits the ability to “just” run a vm considerably.

OpenStars , (edited ) avatar

Ah, for gaming, yes Macs are not fantastic gaming machines that’s for sure.

Then again, Linux has long been known to have issues with gaming as well, especially with an Nvidia card…

Unless you use Steam, and then both work, kinda?

Still it seems like it’s Linux and Mac OSX on one side, and Microsoft left behind thousands of years in the past, except maybe for gaming where literally an old Windows running on a VM may run the widest selection of games?

But I still don’t see the logic of grouping Macs together with Windows, even for gaming.

For VMs, I expected more someone to bring up the switch to the M1 chipset, a huge setback for VMs definitely even if temporary, though I’m old enough to remember that Linux and Macs both running Intel were often easier to get things running on than Linux on Intel vs. Linux on AMD. But things definitely change over time, as to what is easiest at any given moment.

Microsoft sucks tho - now THAT’S universal. Can’t we all just get together, united in our hate for it?! (/s, or, well, actually… not!)

Edit: hey, anyone want to start like an anti-Windows or I-fucking-hate-fucking-Windows community? I’ll join it today if you do!? :-)

RmDebArc_5 , avatar

A VM doesn’t change the underlying OS collecting data from you

abfarid , avatar

Privacy and data collection-wise MacOS is fine. It’s their main selling point. Doesn’t even force updates on you. I know it’s a low bar, but damn Windows bar is at the floor at this point.

RmDebArc_5 , avatar

MacOS collects a large amount of data compared to Linux (although not even close to windows). Take a look at their tosdr page and this

abfarid , avatar

I didn’t say it’s perfect, but it’s not terrible. And I think that page is mostly about Apple services, like iCloud and stuff, not MacOS specifically. It’s not necessary to use the services.

helenslunch , (edited ) avatar

Privacy and data collection-wise MacOS is fine

At best it’s “okay but not great”.

It’s their main selling point.

The millions of people who log into Facebook on their MacBooks prove that’s not true.

abfarid , avatar

I mean, if you log in to Facebook at all, whatever MacOS collects is a drop in a bucket in comparison.

helenslunch , avatar

Yes that’s my point

aniki ,

You have no point.

SnotFlickerman , avatar

Yeah, that’s what network-level blocking is for.

OpenStars , avatar

I had to look it up (e.g.…/317371-evaluating-apples-data-c…) and damn, I didn’t know that they collected and sent THAT detailed of info!? (and perhaps they didn’t, until Big Sur)

Even so, as the other reply mentioned, it’s still leagues away from Windows at this point. But yeah, fair then that both Windows and Mac OSX are doing it, while Linux is not.

Still, if you had to pick a machine for your grandma to use, or like either Windows or Mac at work (but not Linux, though lets say that there is a terminal SSH option to Linux available from either), I would pick Mac OSX. It’s fine if others would pick Linux for the former, but I don’t think Mac OSX is a bad choice there.

While Windows… urg, is basically synonymous with being a cuss word nowadays. Witch: “a pox be upon thee - nay, moresooth, may you be cursed to only use Windows for the rest of your days!” (Onlookers: “gasp! what could anyone have done to be cursed with that bad of a punishment!? I would not wish that upon even my worst enemy!?”) hehe:-P

aniki ,

That link doesn’t say what you think it does.

OpenStars , (edited ) avatar

That Apple blocks you from running every program you put onto it until/unless it can be properly certified, and that “Big Sur can bypass any firewall restrictions the end-user attempts to create”? It’s true that it’s not nearly as bad as it may sound at first, and they even released a statement that:

We do not use data from these checks to learn what individual users are launching or running on their devices.

Notarization checks if the app contains known malware using an encrypted connection that is resilient to server failures.

These security checks have never included the user’s Apple ID or the identity of their device. To further protect privacy, we have stopped logging IP addresses associated with Developer ID certificate checks, and we will ensure that any collected IP addresses are removed from logs.

Though I also understand that if someone wants the ultimate in privacy, it’s difficult to trust such a corporate promise, especially one like Apple known to hide or lie about such things. (Edit: also… “developer ID certificate checks”, so if you don’t register with Apple as a known developer then…?)

I still use Mac OSX myself, but if someone wants to avoid that and use Linux for this reason, I’m not going to argue with them - whereas I would push back a little bit if a friend were to tell me they planned to put Windows (as the primary OS) onto a machine.

helenslunch , avatar

MacOSX is great, other than the fact that it only runs on insanely overpriced, un-upgradeable and irreparable hardware. And that you have what I would consider limited control over it.

OpenStars , avatar

Other than all that, yeah:-)


Still not comparable to Windows though, imho.

Its sins are just of a different sort - e.g. you don’t need to repair or upgrade those machines so often, bc they work so well for so long as it is, plus other than for gaming, who even upgrades machines these days to begin with?

For non-gaming, Macs are great machines. So too are Linux. While Windows sux ass no matter what. Thus that’s the dividing line, imho.

aniki ,

Mac is BSD, and the Darwin kernel is open source.

OpenStars , avatar

I forgot about the latter, thanks for the reminder:-).

abfarid , avatar

Ubuntu has Snap and ads and stuff, but I thought Manjaro was considered good. What’s wrong with it? It’s supposed to be Arch based.

puppycat ,

new to Linux, my first distro was and is Manjaro. what do people complain about? i love it and am glad i left windows for it :)

Euphorazine , (edited ) to memes in Choice

Alaska, a red state, is reportedly trying to remove their rank choice voting. This isn’t a “Dems” problem, it’s a two party problem.,_Repeal_T…

Even if state and local elections are ranked choice, the presidential election will still be a first past the post election and the electoral college is still designed for a two party system.

antmzo220 , (edited )

Alaska, a red state, is reportedly trying to remove their rank choice voting. This isn’t a “Dems” problem, it’s a two party problem.

This is a counter to the Democratic party supporters you see everywhere who always get irrationally upset at third party voters, not about Republicans.

The point is, if the Democratic party never plan to address it, then how will it ever get done through voting Dem? The same goes for all the other issues people claim we should ignore in the name of “vote blue no matter who”, including their genocide.

Kalkaline , avatar

So don’t participate in the system, got it. Just stay home and give up on Democracy.

antmzo220 , (edited )

So just accept your place in a broken system, got it. Just go support more increasingly right wing fascist policies and give up on any hope for Democracy.*

Pure strawman.

Pretty sure voting for a write in candidate/third party is, by definition, participating in the system.

You just accept the system is broken and undemocratic and believe others should accept this as well and give up.

You are more devoted to “order” than to justice; you prefer a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; you constantly say “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; you paternalistically believe you can set the timetable on progress and constantly advise the progressive to to wait for a “more convenient season”.

You are the “white moderate” MLK warned of, as is the vast majority of the party, though not for long, as the party increasingly seeks the support of the right to avoid allowing any policy victory for the left.

You are increasingly the Republican party of Cheney, as demonstrated by, not only his support for the party, but by the party and Kamala herself touting the endorsement, rather than ignoring it/distancing themselves.

Cowbee , avatar

Do you think voting is the entirety of political expression for the working class?

venusaur , avatar

It is a two party problem but dems and their cult-like followers act like the politicians they worship can do no wrong. Both parties are businesses and that’s it.

GarbageShootAlt2 ,

Obviously the Republicans are completely hostile to rcv, but the nominal progressives here aren’t hoping the Republicans will implement rcv, they think Dems will. I have someone arguing exactly that to me in another thread because three congresspeople are currently setting a proposal up to be shot down.

marine_mustang , to linuxmemes in One big happy family.


cRazi_man ,

That’s Arch BTW

MimicJar , to games in Help me to settle on a face design for the character I've just added to my game, called The Humorless Toaster. (It's only here to make toast, not listen to your nonsense.)

#2 because it allows you to later give them a mustache (#1), which is funny but the toaster isn’t amused.

KingGordon , to cat in My clawful kitty

Black cat is best cat.

Diplomjodler3 , to linuxmemes in One big happy family.

I’m an unwashed Mint peasant. Tell me how inadequate I am.

Sanctus , avatar

There is nothing wrong with Mint EZ mode. I got a computer illiterate buddy with a 8 year old shittop running it like its new.

slacktoid , avatar

You’re completely adequate as you are my minty friend!

Cowbee , to memes in Choice avatar

Some will at small, minor levels, but never enough to cause a serious threat. It’s like how it’s socially permissible and legal to make worker co-operatives and the like, the fact that it’s non-threatening to the status quo keeps it a useful carrot that will never arrive at a scale that causes drastic change.

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