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Ecksell , to gaming in Was Unity lying yesterday or are they lying today? avatar

Relevant username is relevant

crossmr , to gaming in Was Unity lying yesterday or are they lying today?

This is wizards of the cost all over again. Unity learned nothing from them.

ag_roberston_author , avatar

It’s just capitalism.

dom , to gaming in Was Unity lying yesterday or are they lying today?

Ok so if they are now only charging for the first install, why aren’t they just charging an extra fee per sale? Wouldn’t that accomplish effectively the same thing? (And actually work out in unity favour since not everyone who buys a game downloads it)

dudewitbow ,

It work for paid games, youd have to apply it to microtransaction level if by f2p game, which is the real target for the change.

TwilightVulpine ,

Which is why Unreal Engine charges by revenue rather than by sale/install. It doesn't matter if the game if F2P, money earned is money earned.

skullgiver , (edited ) avatar


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  • amju_wolf , avatar

    That’s probably pretty negligible numbers. In fact I’d suspect that the number of people who buy a single copy that they then install on multiple devices is lower than the number of people who buy a game and never play it.

    It’s also much simpler to implement and the numbers are verifiable. Unless… that’s exactly what Unity wants; just “trust me bro this is the correct number” kind of deal.

    narc0tic_bird ,

    People eventually upgrade their computers. Swapping out mainboards and/or reinstalling Windows probably counts as a new device.

    rikudou ,

    Also Steam Deck - every install and uninstall is considered a new computer. That’s true for Linux gaming using Proton in general, but the rest of Linux gaming is not as relevant.

    lukas , avatar

    Trust me bro won’t work when devs phone home custom install analytics tho.

    Mkengine ,

    The only major reason I can think of is people playing on PC and Steam Deck, using the cloud save to play on both. Sometimes I want to play the same game on the big screen and sometimes in bed.

    TwilightVulpine ,

    I don't think so. Even casual players reinstall their favorite games on everything they can manage. Think of Stardew Valley.

    Veraxus , avatar

    Because they realize that a huge number of their customers are small indies, and they want to be able to squeeze them - the majority of their customer base - not just the minority of big companies (who are also the most likely to fight back legally).

    Just look at how their scheme squeezes smaller, poorer developers way more than big ones. If Unity went by points like, say Epic does with Unreal, they could shake down the big developers… but wouldn’t get much out of the indies.

    Damage ,

    Which is the opposite of what smart companies like Adobe do. You facilitate the small players in hope that they grow big and keep using your products at a larger scale.

    ellabella , to gaming in Was Unity lying yesterday or are they lying today? avatar

    The fact that they went forward with this decision means they’re not so wise at lying. It sounds more like last-minute damage control, but I doubt this will stop their greed. What I’m wondering now is how will the Chinese game companies react? Everybody get your popcorns ready.

    webghost0101 , to gaming in Was Unity lying yesterday or are they lying today?

    So does this mean every single unity game will have unity online drm now? Or how else will they be able to tell? Seem so much more convenient to take a cut from sales instead

    GammaGames ,

    Considering it applies to games released before 2024… they would have to already have their own tracking built in

    mojo , to games in How to improve the gaming industry

    $10 may seem like nothing and all you can spare, but it definitely adds up and is very important. That $10 is still very important and making a difference.

    emanresu , to games in How to improve the gaming industry

    I like the idea of Bevy.

    colonial , avatar

    Bevy is definitely nice, but it’s probably a bridge too far for (say) an indie team moving off Unity. (Rust learning curve + ECS learning curve + no editor yet + still pre 1.0)

    Love it for personal projects though.

    OsrsNeedsF2P , to games in How to improve the gaming industry

    Bigly based

    neaba , to games in How to improve the gaming industry avatar

    my two braincells thought it said Snitching Godot, not sitchting Godot

    marduk ,

    I don’t think it says either of those things :/

    akatsukilevi , avatar

    I read it as 'stitching'(as in sewing) and I was like 'wtf? did it ripped apart?'
    But it actually says 'stichting'(with the 't' before the 'ing').

    According to wikipedia: A stichting is a Dutch legal entity with limited liability, but no members or share capital, that exists for a specific purpose.
    It makes a lot more sense than 'stiching' tbh

    Mereo , to gaming in Was Unity lying yesterday or are they lying today?

    The whole thing seems rushed because the CEO of Unity, John Riccitiello, was the leading advocate of microtransactions when he was at EA, and now he is instilling the same culture at Unity.

    How will they differentiate between pirated copies and legitimate copies? How will they distinguish first-time installs from repeat installs? Can we trust their algorithm? It just doesn’t seem possible.

    nothingcorporate OP ,

    Unity: Everyone really seems to hate EA

    Also Unity: Let’s hire the CEO of EA


    Ertebolle ,

    It may have been more like:

    Unity: "We love money and hate our customers, who can we hire to realize that vision?"

    EA CEO: "Finally, a job that understands me"

    ech ,

    Unity: Everyone really seems to hate EAEA sure is making a lot of money

    Also Unity: Let’s hire the CEO of EA



    ampersandrew , avatar

    You can usually tell a unique machine apart from another via MAC address, but even that has issues, and that's giving Unity the benefit of the doubt when they haven't earned it.

    BlameThePeacock ,

    MAC addresses are per network Interface, my computer has three technically and uses two of them on a regular basis.

    A terrible tracking method.

    Dyf_Tfh , avatar

    And nowadays you have randomized MAC addresses on IPV6.

    lukas , avatar

    Vendors also re-use MAC addresses to cheap out on costs.

    Swedneck , avatar

    MAC addresses are absolutely trivial to spoof, to the point that it’s just a drop-down option on linux lmao, so yeah good luck with that one

    driving_crooner , avatar

    Are MAC address even shared ocer IP? as I understand MAC is for routers and other equipment to connect themselves, what MAC address are they going to receive? The one of the PC or the one of my router?

    jmcs ,

    The game could read the Mac address and send it. It would probably violate GDPR because it’s not required for the game to perform its function, but it’s technically trivial.

    ReversalHatchery ,

    GDPR would probably allow it under “legitimate interest”

    Silvus ,

    If I buy a new computer, they shouldn't be charged again because I installed on the new machine.

    his is ignoring the "we don't collect personal data" but "we will definitely know if you install it once or multiple times "we have ways""

    wim ,

    Except iOS will randomize its mac adress at each boot / after a while to prevent users being tracked by rogue WiFi networks, which is actually a thing being used to track consumers in commercial spaces etc. So that wouldn’t work.

    maynarkh ,

    So did Windows at one point at least.

    Lojcs ,

    I don’t think it randomizes its actual mac address, it just gives a different one to different wifis

    ReversalHatchery ,

    I think this is rather about checking the MAC “from the inside”, as a program running on the computer. This will work on a PC, as I think neither Windows or Linux systems restrict reading the MAC addresses of network interfaces and such, by default at least. On phones, I don’t know. But the point is that now the “attacker” is not on the wifi network you want to connect to, but inside your computer, and wifi mac randomization is worthless. Not just that they might have access to the original MAC of the wifi interface, what about the MAC of other interfaces like the cellular data interface or ethernet (over USB, when its supported), and then theres tons of other info too by which they can identify the device.

    wim ,

    Well, if your mac address changes every time you connect to a different network, Unity would be detecting and billing for a lot of false positives, so it would be a bad method to identify unique devices.

    echodot ,

    There is still a lot of questions. How many components can I change and it still be the same computer and not a new computer? If I replace one component every two months after about a year I’ll have a new computer I’ve kind of ship of Theseused may way to a new rig. At what point would I have to buy a new licence?

    If I don’t ever have to buy a new licence in that scenario why do I have to buy a new licence if I buy a new computer outright, it’s functionally the same difference.

    ampersandrew , avatar

    You're asking all the same questions we asked 15 years ago, when DRM started limiting installs on games like BioShock.

    jarfil , (edited )

    The MAC address is the address of the network card, which can be either built into the motherboard, or on a replaceable card… so if that was the only thing they tracked, you could replace everything except that… unless you have a network card with an editable MAC (they don’t need to be unique worldwide, only on the network they directly connect to).

    Microsoft seems to use a slightly different system, where they’d generate a sort of hash for all the components, then allow a limited number of changes per year, so you can change the while computer a limited number of times a year… but they call home all the time.

    echodot ,

    My phone at least has a setting where I can choose what it does regarding a MAC address.

    It can either use a randomised MAC address or it can use the MAC address of the router itself (can’t really see why you’d ever want to do that). So while I am sure traditionally the MAC address comes from the network card it’s clearly not the only way to derive one.

    Also I’m almost positive that I went to change my graphics card and that changed my MAC address. It was years ago so I can’t remember the details but I remember it causing some problems with some work software until I realised that’s what had happend and just remapped the licence.

    jarfil ,

    The MAC address is the Ethernet address of a network card endpoint, whether fixed or not. Multiple network cards, multiple MAC addresses. A single network card can also respond to more than one MAC address, or use randomized ones like in the case of your phone. They still tend to come with a factory fixed one, that is just used as a default when nothing else is changing it.

    it can use the MAC address of the router itself (can’t really see why you’d ever want to do that)

    That’s… are you sure is what it says? There are MDM managed networks where a router can push an MDM profile to a device, and set its MAC that way, maybe it’s something like that?

    A graphics card “shouldn’t” have a MAC address… unless it has an output which can push Ethernet traffic (FireWire, HDMI HEC, etc.). A bit weird to have a licence locked to the GPU’s whatever-port MAC, but possible.

    otter ,

    Key bit feels like “can we trust their algorithm”

    It’s hard to enforce a “just trust me, this is what you owe”

    peter , avatar

    If there was a foolproof way of checking for a pirated copy they wouldn’t be making a game engine they’d be making DRM

    Hadriscus ,

    Guy just sank the ship

    SkyeStarfall ,

    Seems like every tech company lately

    echodot ,

    I’m not sure why they hired him.

    “Hey we’re looking for a new captain, why don’t we go for the guy who repeatedly sails into rocks? He’ll be good.”

    Obi , avatar

    Unfortunately a story as old as Wall Street. CEOs designed and hired to kill companies are a thing.

    iso ,

    Meaning that this is on purpose? If so, who would profit from this? (besides the incompetent CEO themselves)

    omeara4pheonix ,

    Short sellers, and the corporation that absorbs them at bargain prices.

    nothingcorporate OP , to games in How to improve the gaming industry

    €10 may not be much, but as a broke gamedev student, I’m really hoping this Unity exodus is just the boost Godot needs to become more competitive with Unity.

    elouboub , avatar

    Is there really an exodus? That would be great !

    BEZORP ,

    Can't say personally, but for many it's the first time they're even looking at what other engines have to offer.

    Elderos ,

    Too early to tell, but it could signal the start of a trend where developers and game studios at least entertain the idea of having a look at other engine before going with unity.

    Don’t underestimate the sunk cost of Unity. The commitment to Unity it big. Unity is taught in game classes, people are formed and specialized in it, and you might have years of in-house tools which you couldn’t re-use.

    I can see hobbyist switching and game studios with games that are easy to port, like arcade-style 2d games. For a lot of studio switching is a real risk of bankruptcy, more so than the extra fees. It will take more than a few days for Unity to fall, or even have an “exodus”.

    dojan , avatar

    Blender was around for decades, with big name studios poking around and using it here and there along the way, then it more or less exploded. Hoping to see something similar for Godot.

    Honestly, I rather hope the same for most software. FOSS is the way to go. Fuck privately owned, proprietary, spyware bullshit.

    Platform27 , to gaming in Was Unity lying yesterday or are they lying today?

    Lying about collecting that data, because they do (and I block it). Not lying, but backtracking on everything else.

    nothingcorporate OP ,

    You’re right, they’re absolutely collecting data, but saying they can’t differentiate between activations and then saying “oh yeah, actually, we can when it comes to (piracy/bundles/charity/etc.)” less than 24 hours later tells me that not only do they not care about game devs, but they think we’re stupid too.

    Tick_Dracy , avatar

    Can you share, how are you blocking it? On the firewall?

    Platform27 , (edited )

    There’s a couple of ways to block it.

    1. Via an application Firewall, which will run on your PC. Safing’s Portmaster works on both Linux and Windows. Objective-See’s LuLu is a good Mac option. Both of these tools are free and open source.
    2. If you know Unity’s IPs, you could block it in your firewall. I’m guessing you do not. Though, with a little work, it can be done.
    3. If you can’t do either, you could at the very least block it at the DNS level. This will stop the software getting those IPs. It doesn’t really work if the IPs are already baked into the software, but that is incredibly unlikely in games. A great configurable DNS provider is NextDNS. If you have the know how to self-host a Pi-Hole or Adguard Home are great options.

    There’s also ways to analyse that traffic, which I won’t go into here.

    Tick_Dracy , avatar

    Thank you for the inputs. I guess that it can also be blocked at a router level, I guess?

    MrPoopyButthole , to nostupidquestions in Will This AI Go to Heaven?

    As your Lord and savior Jesus Christ, I can only tell you that all of my children who accept me into their hearts will gain entry into the kingdom of Heaven.

    ryathal , to nostupidquestions in Will This AI Go to Heaven?

    Does it reject Satan in all his forms and acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins?

    artisanrox , to nostupidquestions in Will This AI Go to Heaven? avatar

    ask it if it loves Muhammad

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