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UnicodeHamSic , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message

I really feel like society has advanced to whre headphones or ear plugs are a thing you should be able to expect to provide for your self like sunscreen. Maybe you don’t need it or want it for every mission. However if you are on a mission where it would have benefitted you to have that’s on you for lacking.

nekahat , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message avatar

I’ve been in a 10+ hour flight with 6 young children sitting next to and in front of me recently and It’d only make me look like an immature piece of shit if I were to complain because I have childhood memories about those kind of adults and that’s all what I thought of them back then.

June ,

The exception being when one of those kids is running around the plane spitting on people. Happened to me on a return trip from the Philippines. That was neat.

keepcarrot ,

I remember the main complaint against me was trying to fall asleep on the floor during a flight to Japan.

OneRedFox , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW avatar

The only real hardware problems I come across these days with Linux is WiFi cards being shit. As far as I’m concerned, carefully selecting hardware is a problem for the *BSDs at this point. Am I missing something?

dobesv ,

I bought a new PC recently and put Linux on it. It didn’t work with the on-board Bluetooth until I did some research and digging through the logs and compiled and installed a kernel driver and edited some config files as root.

Also the fps on my Nvidia graphics card is really bad in games.

So it does still have driver issues, I’d say.

torbjoern ,

Also the fps on my Nvidia graphics card is really bad in games.

Are you sure you have the official Nvidia driver installed? Most Linux distros, if not explicitly configured otherwise*, use the open source “nouveau” driver by default. Since that driver doesn’t support some vital aspects - such as frequency scaling - of the hardware, the performance is bad.

*Some distros, like Pop! OS and EndeavourOS, offer a “Nvidia install”, meaning that the official driver will be installed and configured upon OS installation.

pbjamm , avatar

I would place the blame for poor driver support directly on the chip/device manufacturer and not on Linux (whoever that is).

ForbiddenRoot ,

Am I missing something?

No. I think you are correct and mostly even wifi hardware works fine, at least compared to *BSDs. I use Linux across a wide-range of machines, both desktops and laptops, with mostly very recent components. The only other unsupported hardware I have personally come across is some gaming hardware (e.g. Thrustmaster racing wheels) and an add-on sound card (Soundblaster AE9). And of course, some things like DLSS3 with Nvidia do not work.

absGeekNZ , avatar

Yep, really new hardware is still an issue.

My new Zenbook (AMD CPU/GPU) had pretty major issues until the chip family was around a year old.

Previous to this laptop, I always got older hardware when it went on sale (usually from Dell), chip sets and CPU’s that have had a while to “mature” I never had any issues with. Except of course with Nvidia drivers, those are always shit.

If you stick with older hardware, you very likely wouldn’t ever experience hardware issues.

I’ve been running various distributions at my primary OS since around 2006. Hardware support these days is amazing.

torbjoern ,

Except of course with Nvidia drivers, those are always shit.

Doesn’t that depend on the distro? In most cases they should be supplied as a (meta)package and only require installation through the package manager, kernel modules should be built automatically then.

While this is ofc only anecdotal evidence: I haven’t had problems with different models of Nvidia GPUs on different distributions (OpenSUSE, Debian, Pop!_OS, Elementary, EndeavourOS) in the last years. With a small workaround, even Wayland works flawlessly - the problem with missing GAMMA_LUT support and night light notwithstanding here.

absGeekNZ , avatar

To be fair I haven’t had a Nvidia card in about 4 years.

So things could have changed, but over the preceding 15 odd years, no other thing caused me more issues than Nvidia drivers. But I put up with it, that is what you had to do to get good graphics.

The AMD GPU I have now, has been great, no issues at all. I had chipset issues mainly on the new laptop.

Chekhovs_Gun , to memes in Can you Americans pass the test?

That’s Updog

Pissnpink ,

What is Updog?

federalreverse ,

Elmau Gotham, ya Balzac!

oatscoop ,

Looks like a graphic design, marketing, and printing company that caters to businesses. Either that, or a company that makes toys and leashes for dogs.

littlecolt , to memes in Can you Americans pass the test?

We all know that’s Old Orleans.

RagingRobot ,

Did they know it was going to be old when they named it?

littlecolt ,

It was always old.

speaker_hat , to memes in 🙃😵💀

It’s fun and games, but lately I’ve seen 2 colleagues eating from the office kitchen the leftovers of extra bread and cream cheese, instead of ordering. It’s actually sad.

can ,

Damn, I wish my break room had bread and cream cheese 😋

spiderman ,
Reverendender , avatar

You guys go into the office?

jabib , to memes in 🙃😵💀

Instead of planning for retirement, consider dying instead!

Asafum ,

That’s my retirement plan! Murica! 🇺🇸😏🔫 🇺🇸

eezeebee , avatar

Consider it? I’ve already accepted it

jabib ,

RIP in peace

0x2d , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg

I like yyyy-mm-dd and dd/mm/yyyy

robot_dog_with_gun ,

eww not ddmmyyyy

andthenthreemore , avatar

Go largest to smallest or smallest to largest. Not medium, small, large.

robot_dog_with_gun ,

give me iso 8601 or give me death

dingus , to memes in Running, on our way, hiding, you will be dying, one thousand deaths avatar

Let the Metal Memes flow, my dark brothers and sisters!

R4sjd1 , to memes in Look like this

I have been trying to find that colour of lipstick for ages. So I guess I am not quite there yet, but it hopefully won’t take too long!

eran_morad , to reddit in Just deleted my reddit account, along with all my posts and comments.

Reddit is a fucking cesspool. Deleted that shit after they killed 3rd party apps. Wish I had fucked off outta there sooner.

Evirisu , avatar

People were saying see you in a week like this was only an API issue and not that the site became incredibly toxic and infested by bots and low quality content

woddy ,

Ill pop in maybe monthly to make sure my stuff stays deleted/edited and Ill check in on /r/all…its a shit show, who is entertaining this? Its karma farming or garbage across the board. Lemmy is super young but it feels like reddit a decade ago. Ill gladly deal with its shortcomings to not deal with whatever reddit turned into.

u202307011927 , avatar

Tell me why sooner

happyhippo , (edited ) to technology in I just wanted to take a minute to appreciate interchangable batteries

Invest in a solid charger (30-40€ will do). You’ll keep it for years, it’ll charge an odd number of batteries as well (unlike some cheap ones that only charge in pairs) and it charges just the right amount, then stops. Some even have battery test/discharge function, and charge more than just AA/AAA.

Then invest in a bunch of rechargeables, possibly Eneloops or something good from Amazon.

Now profit for years to come. The planet will thank you as well.

Honestly single use consumer batteries should be banned.

user224 , avatar

The Liitokala charges seem nice. I’ve got Lii-PD4 for €13 on AliExpress. Unfortunately I didn’t have any extra money to spare for one with discharge capacity testing, otherwise I’d get the Lii-500.

Just be careful not to accidentally press a button on it right after inserting the battery, while the percentage is still blinking, otherwise you may happen to accidentally override the charging voltage and e.g. give the battery 4.35V instead of 4.2V. boom.

kent_eh , to technology in I just wanted to take a minute to appreciate interchangable batteries

The 18650 should have become the ubiquitous replacement in most applications, but nooo, the manufacturers had to go all proprietary and enforce even more planned obsolescence

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

18650s can be pretty explosive if not properly handled though compared to traditional Lithium based rechargeables though, no?

nyan , (edited )

There’s more than one lilthium battery chemistry. LiFePO4 is pretty safe even when mistreated. Lithium-cobalt chemistries are the ones that tend to catch on fire, make their pouches inflate like balloons, and so on. I’ve seen 18650s labelled specifically as LiFePO4, so safe ones do exist.

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

Sweet, I wasn’t sure of the polymer carpets or the lithium nickel ones were more or less explody and murdery

nyan ,

Well, the rechargeable batteries that are least likely to blow up in your face are the ones with the old-style NiMH (nickel metal hydride) chemistry that they use in rechargeable AAs and such. They have lower energy density than the lithium chemistries, so there’s less there to explode. They’re pretty inert unless you stuff them into a charger that doesn’t work properly—a busted charger can set just about any battery on fire. (Why is the NiMH chemistry still used for AAs? Because the normal voltage of a single NiMH cell falls nicely in the middle of the voltage discharge curve of a single alkaline cell. Lithium chemistries don’t have that property.)

oldfart ,

If they’re safe enough for teenagers with ecigs, they’re safe enough for general use I’d say

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

Adult devices != children’s toys for obvious reasons

AnyProgressIsGood , to memes in The US of A

Oh boy the enlightened centerist postings are here.

Yep no difference between fascists and imperfect governance

explodicle ,

There’s generally two types of criticism against both parties.

  • The speaker is centrist and dislikes both equally (enlightened centrism)
  • The speaker is leftist and is criticizing both right wing parties for doing something right wing

(Right wing critics usually just pretend to be centrist)

xerazal , to memes in Google taught me it's OK to be evil

This is what neoliberalism does. It privatizes everything, including the individual. Everyone is a product. Everyone has a “brand”.

traveler01 ,

Had to come the commie of the area 😅

Money doesn’t fall from trees, if you’re not paying a service they must be making money from somewhere else.

JungleJim ,

Why’s everything gotta be about money? Good things happen without it. Rain falls, feeds a fruit tree, makes a fruit, I eat it, poop out the seeds, new fruit tree grows. Money doesn’t fall from trees, but I can’t eat money.

The whole system is poorly prioritized to protect people’s things instead of people. Even then it does a poor job and only protects the things that belong to those with the most things. It’s not even about those people, just their wealth, because if somebody else got their wealth no one would care about them anymore.

I don’t care about communists or capitalists or any ists you can name. To hell with Mao and Thatcher and Lenin and Reagan and Trump and Biden. Fuck em. My question is why can we always find money for war, and for rich people to do stupid shit, but never enough for health care, or food for hungry children, or anything like that. Fuck anybody okay with hungry babies.

nilloc ,

Eating and apple and pooping out the seeds might grow new trees, but none of those trees are likely to make apples like you ate.

Money is a convenient way to trade your work or skills for someone else’s. Like the guy who grafts apple tree scions together to make the apples that taste good grow in their orchard.

Now when the guy who knows how to grow hood apple trees decides he doesn’t want to compete against anybody else’s apples and squashes them, we have problems, and need rules to keep that from happening.

TeenieBopper ,

I like how you equated money as a goal to money as a tool and that because the latter is a good idea then the first one must also be a good idea.

JungleJim ,

I found this list of true-to-seed fruits and vegetables I thought you might find interesting. I found it on The Spruce.

Certain heirloom apples, such as Antonovka

Polyembryonic mango seeds








Heirloom tomatoes

There are tons of other heirloom vegetables, I don’t know why they only mentioned tomatoes on their list but yeah.

norawibb , avatar

haha silly commie. if there’s no money, where you gonna get your money?

Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

Right liberalism is about individual rights, economic freedom and freedom in general. Left-wing countries will give big tech more power cause they’ll have advantages over other companies and groups cause they have the money to pay for unnecessary laws that the left likes and they’ll be friends with the government. In countries even more on the left the problem will be the same but added that you won’t have any economic freedom and individual rights, small groups and companies will most likely not exist or die in the minute they’re created and you won’t be able to support them cause you basically doesn’t own your own money and the money will he spent on useless taxes that you supported. Your ideas give big tech power, you’re not the resistance but the perpetrator. Big techs have grown more and more as the world has become more leftist and you insist in not noticing the base of your mentality is helping big tech.

Loulou ,

Wow man, bet you think it’s the LGBTs fault too and that the EU is some leftist place with less freedom than the US.

Travel a bit, helps heaps for people like you, I mean if your freedom includes stuff like holidays…

Hadriscus ,

Travel a bit, helps heaps for people like you, I mean if your freedom includes stuff like holidays…

ouch, right in the freedom 😁

HumanBehaviorByBjork , avatar

Right wing countries do this. What do you think South Korea is? “Economic freedom,” is freedom commensurate with economic power, which means freedom for people with money, and “personal responsibility” for people without. The opposite of government regulation of business is corporate domination of government. You’re conflating these opposites to falsely align organized labor with “big business.” The entire right-libertarian political project is a smokescreen for the Kochs and their economic class to baffle morons into thinking the policies they want benefit the little guy.

Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

A company can only thrive above all others without good products is if it has support from the government or is a company owned by the government, right-wings want to reduce the State as much as possible while the left often wants to give the State more power. I don’t know how you think people having control of their money instead of giving it to the government for them to do whatever they want is some conspiracy by the corporations but you must note that the last thing a big company wants is that the people have choices and control over their own money, they want people to be babysitted by the government and that they’re their own choices. We act with the principle that anyone can be bad and the power can corrupt people so we work for the power to never be concentrated in the hand of one person or group.

HumanBehaviorByBjork , avatar

You’re right, True Capitalism has just never been tried!

Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

We already live in a true capitalist society but it’s fastly leaning to the the left. People were happier in the past and capitalism was full on its tracks and countries were more conservative.

HumanBehaviorByBjork , (edited ) avatar

are you talking about the years of economic prosperity in North America after the New Deal, the end of the second world war, and the establishment of the United Nations? are those the small government policies that created “real capitalism”? or are you talking about the decline and destruction of global communism at the hands of the Reaganite social order that immediately preceded a half century of malaise and the destruction of the working class? this conversation cannot produce anything for you if you cannot come to the realization. don’t wince. open your eyes and turn your head to the mirror, stupid american. the corn syrup teeth rotting out of your head are the reward they gave you for winning.

Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

You like mental gymnastics.

HumanBehaviorByBjork , avatar

you like gargling my balls

Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar


Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

I really wish to know how people having total control over their lives is some evil capitalism conspiracy.

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