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Rachelhazideas , to memes in no las chanclas, por favor

I love memes that normalize hitting kids

redDEAD , avatar

Are you dense? What kid has their own apartment? The meme is about being a lazy Latino adult.

Rachelhazideas ,

The implication here is that this person has been beaten as a child before and understands what ‘la chancla’ means.

No, I’m not dense. I’m just capable of understanding context.

gens ,

I love hitting kids. Wanna be friends ?

itscozydownhere , to lemmyshitpost in Chat GPT avatar

Reading an English word with the French pronunciation is exactly what I would expect from the French

rusty ,

It’s fucking obnoxious, especially working in the tech industry. Hearing the French pronounce things like “Python”, “Java”, “JBoss”, “WildFly” etc for prolonged periods of time was just plain painful.

Don’t know if that was just at my company, but first conversations were wild and at first I thought we were using some in house produced software.

suction ,

I (involuntarily) work for a French company, because they bought us, and it’s not just the pronunciations that will get you. They also like to use certain English words which are currently fashionable (it seems) and apply them to every thing, thereby creating misleading statements…for example, for them “Backend” (as in a server based service) is always “Backend for Frontend (Bee Effe Effe)”, which is a specialised term, but now in France a synonym for just “Backend”. Another one is “actually”, they love to say it. This or that is ACTUALLY correct. “Oh so there was a different way to do it beforehand?” - “no, what are you talking about?”

MasterCelebrator ,

I mean its not like a lot lf Americans put a lot of effort in promouncing foreign words and names correctly as well

Corkyskog ,

Source? The vast majority of Americans I know would just avoid the name or word to avoid embarrassment.

Syrc ,

As an Italian, you people americanize pretty much every food name pronunciation.

ReluctantMuskrat ,

Let me introduce you to Versailles, KY and Vincennes, IN

thereisalamp ,

Every person who goes by an American name because their real name is just to hard for their American friends, Co workers and neighbors to pronounce. Pretty much everyone in the US who says Cordon blue, Ganache, bolognese, prosciutto, Bon Marché, Coq au Vin, Verde, the name Guy, and dozens of other things I can name off the top of my head.

Corkyskog ,

Now I am interested in the varying ways people incorrectly pronounce Prosciutto and Bolognese? I can see most of the others because there aren’t similar rules in English.

wieson ,


thereisalamp ,


brianorca ,

As an English speaker, I would not even know how to pronounce a French acronym such as UTC in French.

GPT is an acronym, not a word.

itscozydownhere , avatar

Yeah but it is (or should be) expected that to live in this world in 2023 you should know English and at least how to pronounce an acronym made by an American company

I’m Italian so not a native speaker either, I just hate ignorance and pride of one own language to the point that you don’t want to learn anything else. Happens often in my country

JamesConeZone , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message avatar

Repulsion at the thought of sharing space with the most vulnerable humans literally unable to communicate or control their emotions is a sign of a deeply sick society

autismdragon , avatar

Thank you for saying it. Its frustrating how common revulsion towards children is.

JamesConeZone , avatar

There’s also a complete contradiction in how these people see children. Children are not an individual issue, as if the only input they get is from their caretakers. They are moulded and shaped by society like everyone else, and a society that teaches them that being a normal kid is wrong because it inconveniences adults actively harms everyone. So by even thinking children can behave in ways they physically can’t – their brain isn’t even developed for Christ’s sake – by making the individual choice to belittle or shame children for being kids, these individuals actively make society worse, thereby continuing the cycle of sickness.

I’d bet in many cases that people who resent children existing are actually resentful they weren’t allowed to be children.

autismdragon , avatar

People complain about science denial a lot but then those same people will act like young children are capable of active malice when its scientific consensus among developmental psychologists that they are not. I’ve had this argument so many times.

balderdash9 ,

They do make a lot of noise and shit in their pants.

JamesConeZone , avatar

Yes that is developmentally normal behaviour

airlinefood , (edited )

Lots of things are normal that I’d rather not spend extended periods of time in a small space with.

JamesConeZone , avatar

My sibling in Christ, it is public transport not Noma

airlinefood ,

whats noma?

JamesConeZone , avatar

A restaurant where people pay money for an exclusive experience that is focused around pure enjoyment, important to note that it is not transporting a family to go see Grandpa before he dies

airlinefood ,

I was expecting a ‘ligma’ joke lol

JamesConeZone , avatar

I typed out “noma deez nuts” but erased it in case someone else didn’t know what it was lol

Draedron ,

Them being unable to control it doesnt make them less annoying.

JamesConeZone , avatar

Do some self-crit. Why do you feel that way and why has our society applauded that idea? Where did the idea of kids should be seen but not heard come from and why did our society so quickly adopt it? Why are kids seen as an inconvenience instead of learning to exist in society? What affect does this have on you and on kids you interact with?

Stuka ,

Stop taking screaming babies on airplanes.

JamesConeZone , avatar
autismdragon , avatar

“Oh no. I live in Los Angeles and my kid’s beloved grandfather from Boston just died. But I have a newborn and they cry sometimes because they’re a newborn, and [email protected] doesn’t want to hear babies being normal babies so I guess we’ll just have to miss the funeral.”

AhismaMiasma ,

Yeah, sometimes we miss events. The priveledge of being a parent.

autismdragon , avatar

The idea that a person should have to skip their father’s funeral because they have a newborn is absolutely fucking bonkers. Public transport is for everyone that needs to be transported (or should be).

JamesConeZone , avatar

Privilege? Our society actively punishes and shames parents, what are you talking about

Stuka ,


JamesConeZone , (edited ) avatar

Americans pay close to 20% of their income for childcare which the richest country in the history of the world chooses not to pay for.

For Americans, giving birth costs thousands of dollars for the hospital visit if nothing goes wrong, nevermind the OB visits or testing necessary.

Again in America, most people have no maternal/paternal leave. This is legislative punishment. Removing productivity from the economy must be punished and barriers to people having kids must be put up. Children cannot contribute to the economy, so are treated as burdens and a nuisance. Children are not allowed to interact in most of society because they are “loud and obnoxious” and are expected to be neither seen nor heard. When they are, parents are shamed by people like you.

And then there’s little shits like those in this thread who sneer at the very idea of kids being around them.

ETA: for comparison, communist East Germany had

  • 6 months of paid maternity leave while pregnant
  • 1,000 marks up front for your kid (about a month’s wages)
  • 1 year of paid maternity leave after birth of child
  • Job guarantee after that time away
  • 23 days PTO annually to care for sick children. Shift workers got additional 10 days
  • Guaranteed free childcare for 3-6 yr olds and for those under 3 if you qualified

And they had no where near the wealth or resources that the USA does. This was in the 80s during heavy political pressure too!

motherfucker , avatar



oregoncom , avatar

Your lack of basic human empathy is infinitely more annoying. I hope that you yourself are a child with an underdeveloped brain, because the alternative is that you have no soul.

sp00nix ,

I don’t think I could be on a flight with this guy.

platysalty , to memes in Projected growth

Engineering vs Marketing

Salmoon , to cat in Naughty and nice

We all know a Popsicle in our lives

ChewTiger , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW

I know hardware compatibility has massively improved, but back when I was messing with Linux in high school compatibility was a huge issue. I managed to end up with two laptops and some desktop hardware that were truly difficult to get running. It’s like I somehow found a list of incompatible hardware and chose the worst options.

The most frustrating were an evil Broadcom (I think) wireless card and an AMD switchable card (they did actually make a few). That graphics card wasn’t supported for very long and was a bother even in Windows.

Edit to add: I was just saying that to point out why some people might have that opinion, even if it isn’t valid anymore. I’m actually thinking of jumping back on the Linux bandwagon.

bastion ,

It’s definitely worthwhile for me, although I keep windows around if I need it for work (rarely) or play (occasionally).

I use Lenovo laptops a lot anyways, so it’s pretty straightforward to chose one that supports Linux.

Tbird83ii ,

To be fair… Mac works 90% with Mac hardware. It’s third party things that can screw you up… Like that pesky “USB” everyone is talking about. Who knew reading the official documentation and creating a USB driver for your own chipset would break all the USB devices not made by Mac? Who would have thought? At least there is an Intel emulation layer you can run in…

wheeldawg ,

Linux will be my next OS. Win11 is a nightmare, and now with the huge progress Linux has made in the gaming space, is just a no brainer.

I’m not very experienced with it yet, but I did dial not it for a while back in college, back when Ubuntu’s Feisty Fawn was the newest shit, and Edgy Eft was the more established version. I didn’t do a whole lot with it, because I mainly used the PC to write papers for classes and gaming. And Linux gaming back then was mostly non existent.

But I did ok with using it for browsing and research and using LibreOffice to write the document. Actually had to manually write a cfg file to get the extra buttons on my mouse to work like they were supposed to.

Long story short, I don’t have much knowledge of it these days, that was back in 04-06ish. But I know enough to know how to look for what I need. And I have a friend who’s already made the switch for the same reason. I’m just paranoid to switch to it completely, as I’ve never done that, but I think I’ll be building a new rig soon anyway, so I might just start fresh with Linux for that.

Either way I’ll switch by the time Win10 ends support. I will not be installing 11 on anything of mine. I’ll probably still have family that will need it, but I’m not doing it.

oozynozh ,

Those Broadcom wireless cards gave me PTSD. The only way I got one of them working was compiling the raw firmware blobs into my kernel on a Gentoo stage 3 install… I shutter imagining administering that system as my daily driver. It was a good learning experience but I’m not cut out for that level of effort just to surf the web, open some documents, and play DOOM.

TomBombadil , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW avatar

People say that Nvidia just doesn’t work right on Linux. I’d never know that except for everyone saying it. My desktop has Nvidia and all Linux distro I’ve tried on it are like perfectly fine. Yes for gaming also.

eleanor ,

It’s a combination of Nvidia not supporting mixed refresh rates and mixed DPIs until like really recently and the open source driver not being nearly as performant as the closed one.

pastaq ,

I think that’s probably a bit of misunderstanding. Nvidia doesn’t work right in gamescope due to some missing vulkan extensions. Linux gaming is primarily focused around using gamescope as a compositor, specifically with gaming focused distros. You can see where the idea comes from following that trend.

But also, fuck you Nvidia.

Barbarian , avatar

I don’t think I’ve heard very often that “Nvidia doesn’t work right on Linux”. It’s more that it’s missing features compared to Windows and because it’s a closed source binary blob you have to wait for Nvidia to release a new driver every time a new kernel comes out.

Dubious_Fart ,

Congrats, You’ve been blessed with good luck.

Doesnt invalidate other people (like me) who have had tons of trouble with trying to get nvidia cards working/nvidia drivers installed over the years. Even with new distros that bake the drivers in, like Pop!, I still had issues and and headaches that ultimately made it not worth the effort.

TomBombadil , avatar

Won’t deny luck is involved. Everytime I turn any piece of technology on im amazed it works at all considering the fact it’s all a cobbled together mess.

Shinji_Ikari , avatar

What card do you run? I went from a 970 to a 3080ti and both drivers just automagically worked. The 970 used to have dkms issues but it randomly stopped at some point.

inetknght ,

I have an nvidia discrete GPU in my laptop. It works fine.

deadbeef ,

I’ve been running Linux for 100% of my productive work since about 1995. Used to compile every kernel release and run it for the hell of it from about 1998 until something like 2002 and work for a company that sold and supported Linux servers as firewalls and file servers etc.

I had used et4000’s, S3 968’s and trio 64’s, the original i740, Matrox g400’s with dual CRT monitors and tons of different Nvidia GPU’s throughout the years and hadn’t had a whole lot of trouble.

The Nvidia Linux driver made me despair for desktop Linux for the last few years. Not enough to actually run anything different, but it did seem like things were on a downward slide.

I had weird flashing of sections of other windows when dragging a window around. Individual screens that would just start flashing sometimes. Chunky slideshow window dragging when playing video on another screen. Screens re-arranging themselves in baffling orientations after the machine came back from the screen being locked. I had crap with the animation rate running at 60hz on three 170hz monitors because I also had a TV connected to display network graphs ( that update once a minute ). I must have reset up the panels on cinnamon, or later on KDE a hundred times because they would move to another monitor, sometimes underneath a different one or just disappeared altogether when I unlocked the screen. My desktop environment at home would sometimes just freeze up if the screen was DPMS blanked for more than a couple of hours requiring me to log in from another machine and restart X. I had two different 6gb 1060’s and a 1080ti in different machines that would all have different combinations of these issues.

I fixed maybe half of the issues that I had. Loaded custom EDID on specific monitors to avoid KDE swapping them around, did wacky stuff with environment variables to change the sync behaviour, used a totally different machine ( a little NUC ) to drive the graphs on the TV on the wall.

Because I had got bit pretty hard by the Radeon driver being a piece of trash back in something like 2012, I had the dated opinion that the proprietary Nvidia driver was better than the Radeon driver. It wasn’t til I saw multiple other folks adamant that the current amdgpu driver is pretty good that I bought some ex-mining AMD cards to try them out on my desktop machines. I found out that most of the bugs that were driving me nuts were just Nvidia bugs rather than xorg or any other Linux component. KDE also did a bunch of awesome work on multi monitor support which meant I could stop all the hackery with custom EDIDs.

A little after that I built a whole new work desktop PC with an AMD GPU ( and CPU FWIW ) . It has been great. I’m down from about 15 annoying bugs to none that I can think of offhand running KDE. It all feels pretty fluid and tight now without any real work from a fresh install.

TomBombadil , avatar

My next build as it stands will be AMD. of course who knows what will be good by the time I get to do that.

EmperorHenry , to memes in Lemmy since the reddit collapse avatar

Shitlibs think I’m MAGA racist misogynist

Right wingers think I’m a communist

Zyansheep ,

Horseshoe theory!

Draedron ,

Horseshoe theory is bullshit. One side has extremists who burn down cars the other has extremists who burn people. It is not the same.

Dinodicchellathicc ,

The third side has people who burn themselves.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

🤔 Isn’t there a logical fallacy that addresses erroneously comparing two things in such a manner? If not, we badly need to make a new one.

gowan , avatar

It is called a false equivalence but you can argue that the extreme left/right are much more inclined to violence without making a false equivalence.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Ehh. There are centrists and people from other factions who support violence too, snd extremists who do not. There’s a lot of nuance in the situation

gowan , avatar

I’d argue if they are arguing for violence they aren’t centrists.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Really? The guy who thinks both sides are the same and wants them to kill each other so they’ll all shut the fuck up isn’t a centrist?

Nonviolence is not a requirement to be a centrist. Believing both the American left and right are the same or very similar, and/or believing in horseshoe theory is all that’s required.

gowan , avatar

You are adding the bit that they want them to kill each other. That’s not a centrist attitude. The centrist would be asking everyone to try to work together rather than forcing others to toe our specific line.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

That’s simply not how centrism works. Centrism is not and has never been about nonviolence. It has been about viewing the two major factions in the U.S. as the same or similar, and honestly trying to view or portray oneself as superior to both. Nonviolence can be used for such purposes but is not required.

I used to be a centrist and know many more than you. I’ve dealt with this crap for decades. I know more about it than you do. I’ve rolled with both factions, and there are many centrists who feel the way they do without the nonviolence. Just because you are a centrist and nonviolent doesn’t mean all centrists have to be nonviolent to be a centrist… but that self - centered way of thinking on your part shows centrism is largely about feeling superior to others.

gowan , avatar

So the issue is you have no idea what centrism means.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

The issue is you think centrism means being like you when it is anything but.

MadBob ,

Are you thinking of equivocation? The very first one here:

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

No no, not that one. I think it’s like a genetic fallacy but I am not sure. It’s like when dumbasses say fighting evil is the same as being evil.

MadBob ,

I’m quite sure it is, because equivocation often occurs by boiling down two disparate concepts to the same vague and simple description, in this case “using violence against those you disagree with”. Genetic fallacy is guilt by association.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,


Wage_slave , avatar

But everyone’s mom thinks you’re super.

EmperorHenry , avatar

Everyone’s mom does think I’m super. Especially your mom.

Lightor ,

The fact that your statement insults the left by calling them “shit libs” then you just call the right “right wingers” kinda indicates where you land imo.

EmperorHenry , avatar

Shitlibs are right wingers and right wingers are extremely extreme right wingers

TheBeef , to lemmyshitpost in Corpse:water ratio

Bodies of Water

Beautifulboobs , avatar


redballooon ,

Aren’t we talking Water of Bodies here?

peopleproblems , to memes in Ketamine Street

The fucked up big bird is amazing. A yellow cheap poncho with feathers lazily glued on it, orange pants, then he goes out of his way to paint a PLAGUE MASK yellow.

Now I have this idea of a short skinny dude wearing torn up red clothes and a mangy pattern of red fur glued on it as Elmo. Having a tough time imagining Cookie Monster, but it would be funny

HootinNHollerin , avatar

Cocaine Monster

some_guy ,

Burt looks like a psycho killer and Ernie looks like the demon that haunts nightmares.

slem , to memes in The time has come.

I want to be hugged by a giant swole duck

SpiderFarmer , avatar

Pokemon: best I can do is a duck with a juicy ass.

autismdragon , avatar

Can’t complain.

pommes , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg
Ellvix ,


DreadPirateShawn , to memes in Jiv me a break

Like the G in “gigantic”.

MobileTechGuy OP ,

And “gigolo.”

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

Fun random fact: the portmanteau word “ginormous” dates to WWII RAF slang.

SilentStorms ,

I did not realise until now that “ginormous” is a portmanteau

toxicbubble ,

and the letter ‘G’

Darth_Vader__ , to memes in So happy this is something we left behind (mostly) avatar


Cinnamon3431 ,

underrated comment

Rumo , avatar


Bierbock , avatar

Second that

Darth_Vader__ , avatar

Third that

sirico , to memes in Even in the afterlife, it was useless avatar

What year is it?

e033x ,

981st of december 2020.

Sotuanduso ,

Math checks out.

idegenszavak ,

2021-03-23 never forget

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