There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Dirk , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you? avatar

They’re not your friends, even if they act like that.

The management just sees you as expense factor and does not care about you except for how to get the most work done for the least amount of money. Your team leader does not care about you and only cares if their numbers look good. Your colleagues do not care about you and only see you as competition or the idiot they can give their work to.

If someone is nice to you they want something from you not because they like you.

darkstar ,

I’m so sorry you see things this way. I just left my job after many years at the company, and while my goal wasn’t to make friends I definitely ended up collecting a few along the way. I was in upper management and definitely cared about my team, and so did the directors under me. I befriended some of the people in the C-suite as well. They threw a nice, big surprise going away dinner for me, which they definitely didn’t need to do. I’ve met up with former coworkers in other departments to catch up, because we genuinely enjoy each other’s company. I hope you find a place that values you and that you can find a friend or two that you can keep in your life.

derHolz , to memes in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis

How could the creator of the image miss the opportunity for it to say “we live in a society”

thesprongler ,

Or Skill Issue

Viking_Hippie ,

Good point. That’s probably the libertarian gamer’s answer to all of it 🤦

ramble81 , to lemmyshitpost in Look again

That took me way too long…

WtfEvenIsExistence , to cat in At least there are cats!

“Come here kitty, let me love you”

Cat walks away


metaStatic ,

likes: attention

dislikes: attention

Holyginz , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message

If you unable or unwilling to take care of your child to keep them from making a scene and bothering people your child has no business being on a plane.

state_electrician ,

It is an option to not post anything instead of dumb bullshit like you just did. Maybe keep that in mind in the future.

Holyginz ,

Lmao, it was an option to keep your mouth shut and not have people realize your ignorance and lack of self awareness but here you are. I dont care about self absorbed peoples opinion. Educate yourself so next time you have a worthwhile response, then maybe there’s a discussion to be had.

Sheeprevenge ,

How don’t you know how children work?

Holyginz ,

I know how children work. I also know they are the parents responsibility. I find it amusing how many parent with no control over their kids are trying to come after me like they should be bent over backwards for.

Dr_pepper_spray ,

Depends on the age really. A child under one who’s wailing uncontrollably might be different than a misbehaving four year old. For instance my six month old couldn’t take a car ride without losing his shit and no amount of consolation would work. So we aren’t taking him anywhere, obviously. I have no idea how he’d take a flight and I’m not willing to test it out. Now if there was suddenly an issue with say, extended family that required us to get across country fast then I’m sorry, you gotta deal homey. It’s no fucking fun for me either.

The short of all this is you don’t necessarily know where people are at in their lives or why they are traveling and everyone is different. Kids aren’t one size fits all or work the same way for everyone – and a flight isn’t like going to a movie theater.

Holyginz ,

In one of my other comments I mentioned no one with intelligence expects a child to be perfectly silent at all times. However if you know your child cannot sit still or remain at least moderately quiet, then it has no business being on a plane. And of course there are nuances to this, but the number of parents who seem to think the world should conform to them for having a child is frankly gross. I am not a fan of kids and i hage no desire to bring any into the world for a numbrt of reasons, first of which is i understand the responsibilu involved in having kids. Drive if your kid isn’t able to handle being on a plane. Simple as that.

Dr_pepper_spray ,

I’ve never been on a flight where a child has been the issue. I suspect when most of you say children, and what this meme is referring to is Babies. Children can be mitigated and distracted. By five most can be reasoned with. Babies are a completely different situation. I can tell you from experience, it’s not fun to be the parent of a wailing baby you can’t calm down. I can’t imagine what that’s like on a flight - and you might not know what they’ll do until they get there. - They might just fall asleep! Flying is a unique experience. In those cases all you can hope for is the patience and understanding of those around you.

mnemonicmonkeys ,

You sound like an entitled parent.

It’s fine to want and to have kids. But if they are at an age where they are going to make an awful ruckus and you bring them on an airplane for several hours then you’re being a selfish piece of shit to everyone else.

And no, it’s not the kid’s fault. It’s the parent’s fault for putting everyone in that situation. Just because your kids are disruptive to you doesn’t mean you have to make everyone else suffer

Sheeprevenge ,

I am not a parent. But if somebody is entitled, then it is the person that thinks that every public space should cater to their needs only. It’s a baby, they sometimes cry. You can’t do anything about it. What should the parents do? Never leave the house with the child, because its crying could annoy an adult?

mnemonicmonkeys ,

What should the parents do? Never leave the house with the child, because its crying could annoy an adult?

Depends on where you’re going. The park? Feel free to bring the baby. A movie theater? Doing that makes you an asshole since you can hire a sitter for an evening. Going on vacation to an area close enough to drive? Go ahead and bring the baby. Going on a plane for a weeklong vacation in Hawaii? You’re being an asshole to the others on the plane.

It’s not that hard to get.

Sheeprevenge ,

Yes, it depends on the situation. A Movie Theater needs absolute silence during all of the movie, but a plane don’t. If the child doesn’t cry during the whole flight, I don’t see a problem with bringing them along.

ArcticLynx ,

I know how they work: if the parents don’t take it at the plane, it will not annoy other people

Lafuma300 ,

Am guessing you don’t have kids…

Holyginz ,

Of course not. Because I understand what my responsibilities as a parent would be and neither my partner or I want to deal with that. Those expecting people to automatically love their babies or kids and just be ok with whatever they do are inconsiderate at best. And as someone who has had to fly a decent amount, very few things are more disruptive than a screaming or out of control child. And I can tell the ones who immediately started going after me in the comments are likely parents that see no problem subjecting other passengers to their children. And their responses don’t change anything either.

vzq ,


Oh wait you are serious.

Holyginz ,

Duh. The number of people who expect to be catered to because they had a child is just pathetic. Grow up and take responsibility for your own kid.

traveler , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message

If you’re going to travel, use ANC headphones instead of complaining about people’s children.

miz_nocturnal , avatar

Agreed. I don’t have kids and I feel that it’s my responsibility to bring earplugs and headphones if I want a quiet flight.

traveler ,

I don’t have kids either, but I know having them isn’t easy at all, specially having them stuck in a plane for hours.

minikieff ,

ANC headphones don’t work against shrieking cum pets.

mnemonicmonkeys ,

Or maybe people shouldn’t bring toddlers on a plane. You don’t need a plane to have a perfectly fine vacation.

jcit878 ,

your second sentence is a solution for you too

mnemonicmonkeys ,

As if that’s a good reason to make a flight completely miserable

jcit878 ,

so you want freedom to fly but think others don’t. A+ hypocrisy

mnemonicmonkeys ,

You know how everyone has the right to free speech, but saying some things makes them an asshole? Same situation. Legally you’re allowed to bring babies on a plane to to a movie theater, but doing so makes you an asshole.

If you can’t understand that then you’re an entitled prick.

jcit878 ,

nah I just think complaining about I makes someone a wanker

Honytawk ,

If the option is between:

“Kicking out everyone except for the bad parent with noisy children”


“Kicking out the bad parent with the noisy children”

I know which option I would pick.

AeroLemming ,

That’s not how active noise cancelling works. Any difference in sound you may notice is either due to the headphones simply having good padding or due to the noise cancellation making things seem quieter in general because it will be effective at cancelling out the plane’s engines.

Empricorn , to memes in Lemmy since the reddit collapse

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Bad is the enemy of good, and right-wingers are bad.

krolden OP , (edited ) avatar


  • Loading...
  • Asafum ,

    But we only ever have 2 evils. There is no “other” to choose. The old folks make sure of that during primaries, they vote and they choose people who look like them and are their age, so we always end up with the 2 worst choices.

    krolden OP , avatar

    yeah, thats been going great so far

    Gormadt , avatar

    The right loves anti-electoralism on the left, it means that they have less of a fight from the left.

    Can you imagine how bad things would be if people didn’t vote if they felt like they were picking between the lesser of 2 evils?

    This nation would look a whole hell of a lot like modern Florida with it’s politics because Republicans in general turn out way more often than anyone else to vote.

    krolden OP , avatar

    Then why have things been getting so much worse over the past 50 years even with plenty of blue boys and gals getting put in office?

    AnarchoYeasty ,

    Because Republicans? We’ve not had plenty of blues elected. We’ve seen abysmal showings from the left and republicans being elected across the nation who are setting out to destroy people’s rights.

    Gormadt , avatar

    What about the good that has happened?

    Do you think gay marriage would have been protected?

    Access to birth control secured?

    Anti-sodomy laws getting struck down?

    The Affordable Care Act passing?

    Disability rights?

    Do you think any of those things would have happened if Republicans been able to seize power and hold it unopposed over the last 50 years? No. None of those things would have happened. Those things happened because people further left than them got elected, the lesser of 2 evils won some elections.

    Don’t let perfect be the enemy of better.

    GreenTeaRedFlag ,

    disability rights were fought for by disabled people, not fucking democrats. Gay people rioted to get their rights.

    and do you actually think contraceptives are secured?

    Gormadt , avatar

    Do you think any of those things would have passed in a country where people didn’t vote?

    And all those rights secured by supreme court rulings are sitting on shaky ground, why? Republicans stacking the courts.

    Frank , avatar

    They’re sitting on shaky ground because Obama refused to seat a justice, RBG refused to retire when she could have been replaced, and because Biden et all refuse to stack the courts.

    : |

    Gormadt , avatar

    Obama didn’t refuse to seat a justice, he was blocked by Mitch McConnell. Who also blocked every single judge appointment that Obama should have been able to make in the last 2 years of his presidency. And Republicans were talking about leaving that seat open until a Republican won the presidency. This is why trump has the most judicial appointments of any president.

    And RBG reduced to retire likely out of pride during the Obama years, but smartly didn’t retire during the trump years.

    Biden refusing to stack the courts is pretty shitty, but if he does so it’s going to open the flood gates for that being a possibility. Do I think he should? Yes. But I also think that if he does so their should be a cap put in place, but to put a cap in place would require a constitutional amendment, and there’s no way that will get through our current Senate.

    infuziSporg , avatar

    It would have been on a state-by-state basis, which is what we’re coming dangerously close to anyway.

    We don’t go around campaigning specifically to discourage people from voting. Our project is to get people to see beyond the seesaw spectacle.

    When someone offers you two poor options, the right thing to do is to create a better option, even if you take the less bad option in the short run. Voting a Democrat into office and then congratulating ourselves on doing it is how progress slips and how we lose sight of what’s needed.

    Frank , avatar

    Gay marriage isn’t protected. Scotus can shoot it down on a whim

    Lol Biden lost Roe

    Court decision


    What rights? SSI tops out at 700$ a month, I can never have more than 2k in assets, and if I get married I lose it all. Just happened to a friend of mine, they’re going to have to annul their marriage so they don’t starve to death. “disability rights”.

    Lightor ,

    Ummm because nuance is a thing that exists. Global conditions, etc. I mean the guy in power during the pandemic saying we should inject bleach or nuke incoming hurricanes sure as shit helped things be worse.

    SmokinStalin , avatar

    The crux of the issue is, where you see a democracy that is keeping fascism at bay, we see through the illusion of choice that keeps allowing the slow steady march towards fascism.

    It’s a ratchet. Gop moves everything rightward (including the Dems) and the Dems refuse to push left in the name of “bipartisanship”. Then conditions get worse (because the policy is further right than before), Dems eventually lose because they allow gridlock and the ratchet suddenly frees up and cranks to the right again.

    Gormadt , avatar

    And how much worse would it be right now if Dems never won elections due to people saying “this dem isn’t far enough left therefore I won’t vote”?

    How far right would things have flown?

    Voting for the lesser of 2 evils reduces harm now. And when the lesser of 2 evils isn’t pushed that things are allowed to shift further to shit.

    SmokinStalin , avatar

    Let me be more blunt. We do not live in a democracy. Voting is fundamentallly unable to change that.

    Frank , avatar

    idk man there’s a literal genocide going on right now I think we’re past the point of quibbling over minor differences in the deree of evil.

    Gormadt , avatar

    A genocide being perpetrated by Republicans.

    Who can forget these 16 states (blue states) introducing trans refugee bills. Does that look like something republicans would do?

    The parties are not the same, there are differences between them.

    iie , (edited )

    Study: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens:

    From the abstract:

    Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.

    further down:

    In the United States, our findings indicate, the majority does not rule — at least not in the causal sense of actually determining policy outcomes. When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the U.S. political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favor policy change, they generally do not get it.

    What is it, like, 70% of Americans want single payer healthcare?

    Frank , avatar

    No the right actually hates that. Democrats have been shrieking at us to vote for years even though the entire left in the US is a tiny fraction of the registered electorate. But the right wing won’t stop screaming at us about it.

    Gormadt , avatar

    And the right is currently openly talking about raising the voting age because younger people tend to vote more progressive.

    Sure sounds like voting works and has republicans scared.

    krolden OP , (edited ) avatar

    If you always vote for the lesser of two evils, you end up with the worst evil imaginable.

    i accidentally deleted my comment ahhhhhhhhh sorry for double ping

    Lightor ,

    Could you explain this?

    If I have a truly evil person, say a Hitler like figure. Then I have a guy who is kind of an idiot. How does voting for the slight idiot end up way worse than a guy who wants to commit genocide. The slight idiot becomes the worst evil imaginable, but how?

    CyborgMarx , (edited )

    Biden doubled Trump’s deportation numbers and gave record breaking funding to corrupt police departments all over the country, also striped one of the largest unions in the country of its right to strike, something Republicans haven’t managed to do since the Traffic Controller firings in the 80s

    Yeah keep telling me about the “bad guys” wonder-who-thats-for…/biden-haiti-deportations-texas……/biden-administration-appeals-judge-…

    So easy to find these sources, but as you can see below me, libs don’t know how to read basic statistics

    abraxas ,

    Biden doubled Trump’s deportation numbers

    2021 was the lowest deportation year on record (owing to COVID). 2022 was the second lowest deportation year in modern record.

    Biden moved to prioritize ICE focusing on criminal immigrants, and the Texas Republicans blocked that behavior in the courts, a block that only failed in June of 2023 when SCOTUS gave the only reasonable result (a phrase I can’t say very often anymore).

    So 2 years of record low deportations and 1 year of his hands tied in the courts (of which I can’t find numbers anyway). How exactly is he “doubling” Trump’s deportation numbers?

    What you MIGHT have misunderstood is that the number of border crossings have gone up dramatically under Biden, likely because he’s against the draconian and horrific policies of his predecessor. More border crossings than ever. Fewer deportations than ever. Whatever your opinion is of that, your claim was wrong.

    And I’m pretty sure it would be turn into a shitfest if I tried to discuss the rest of the issues because I know you see them with Marx colored glasses. But you’re making some factually incorrect statements and it can’t be more clear than the deportation numbers. And more refs.…/ice-arrest-deportation-number-biden-i……/biden-administration-has-reduced-depor… (I love the “not by much” when they show a graph depicting an 80% drop! I love propaganda mags)

    autismdragon , avatar

    And I’m pretty sure it would be turn into a shitfest if I tried to discuss the rest of the issues because I know you see them with Marx colored glasses.

    Honestly this bit makes me extremally curious what your response to the other two issues are. Do you think they’re both good things? I just want to know what I’m dealing with here.

    CyborgMarx ,

    He didn’t even know about Title 42 and its use by the biden admin to deport twice as many people as Trump, I doubt he has informed opinions on police funding and strike breaking lmao

    abraxas ,

    And this circlejerk is why I block hexbear on the apps I have that allow me to. There is no point in continuing conversation at this point. I’m less than human to you and yours.

    CyborgMarx ,

    ??? You literally didn’t know what Title 42 was, and you were spreading poorly researched misinformation about an important issue, also “less than human to you” ??? bro we’re debating on an Internet forum chill out

    ShimmeringKoi , avatar

    I’m less than human to you and yours.

    Dude, you’re commenting on a thread about the liberal tendency to write off communist human beings as literal robots, the irony of you being so bad at taking corrections that you immediately jumping weepily onto the cross and play the victim just to avoid having to type out “damn, I didnt know that” is powerful and embarassing.

    abraxas ,

    Dude, I was commenting on specific fabrications someone was spreading, and out came all the responders to tell me how ignorant I am because I disagree with them. I’m not a liberal who writes off communists. Neither “a liberal” nor “write off communist”.

    Do you believe it is possible for a person to be a communist and also spread something that is not 100% honest truth? Do you all take the Three Oaths?

    Sorry, but no. Nice comic, if only it were accurate. You drew yourself with a chad face, so I lose.

    Look, nothing personal, but you can still treat someone like shit just because other people treat you like shit.


    Truly providing sources is the most violent thing one can do to a liberal

    flan , avatar

    The critical mistake was using “unbiased” sources like the LA times. Shoulda stuck with the original source material

    SmokinStalin , avatar
    ShimmeringKoi , avatar

    Dude, I was commenting on specific fabrications someone was spreading

    Like someone else said, it’s incredible, you got proven wrong to your face, in public, and didn’t even blink. Just erased the interaction from your memory to preserve what is evidently a load-bearing smugness on your part. You’re like a terminator tbh, if you simply acquired a more factual worldview to argue from you’d be a posting juggernaut.

    Look, nothing personal

    Oh my bad nevermind. Great bit, carry onstalin-approval

    abraxas ,

    Like someone else said, it’s incredible, you got proven wrong to your face, in public, and didn’t even blink

    By bringing up something that isn’t deportation? Ya’ll are willing to lie together. But as someone else JUST reminded me, you don’t care about my vote. We socdems are going up against the wall with everyone else.

    Frank , avatar

    Ahh. Right. Of course. Retreating in to semantics. It’s only deportation when you’re literally removed from a commercial port facility.

    ShimmeringKoi , avatar

    We socdems are going up against the wall with everyone else.

    Its so fucking funny that you’ll concoct a whole politically illiterate persecution fantasy just to avoid having to admit you didn’t know what Title 42 is. Do you also fake your death to get out of doing the dishes? You’re the second lib to do this in as many days, you guys can stop being scared any time, I’m not gonna send the Stasi.

    ebenixo ,

    You should block all instances where your bullshit is called out and you have nothing left you can parrot back at them

    abraxas ,

    That’s funny. I hear people lying and want to avoid turning this into reddit 2.0, and you think this is about people calling out my bullshit.

    You know what happens if you call out a lie and 100 zealots claim it’s “bullshit”? You still have a fucking lie. Apparently, if I don’t think every single American is literally as bad as Trump, I’m a fucking moron.

    Well, working on “having nothing left” by blocking you.

    Frank , avatar

    No, I assure you incredible confidence in your own unfounded beliefs and complete ignorance of the depths of your ignorance is extremely human, as is retreating in to cliches and retrenching when you’re confronted with evidence that contradicts your ideological beliefs.

    Flaps ,

    Buddy you were proven wrong on various points and now you’re pissing and shidding your pants saying we don’t treat you as human?

    abraxas ,

    Not sure why I’m stupid enough to reply.

    WRT police, the budgeting is not unprecedented. I, too, support defunding police, but as far as all the metrics I’ve seen, nothing about Biden’s budget effect on police funding is out of the ordinary.

    WRT the Union stuff, it’s complicated. He used a law meant to protect the country for the way it was indended, and empowered 8 of 12 unions to sign a deal they agreed to. There has never been any evidence of overt or covert threat of actually arresting members of the other 4 unions if they did strike. You might disagree with that, but it was a bold faced lie to say he “(sic) striped one of the largest unions in the country of its right to strike, something Republicans haven’t managed to do since the Traffic Controller firings in the 80s”

    You get to decide whether someone on your side lying is better or worse than someone who is merely far-left non-communist calling bullshit what it is. There is exactly one way to guarantee never having my vote, and it’s lying.

    GreenTeaRedFlag ,

    There is exactly one way to guarantee never having my vote, and it’s lying.

    Do you…do you actually think we intend to vote communism in?

    trudge , avatar

    They still don’t know how communists gain control after all these years che-laugh lenin-laugh landlord-sus sankara-shining

    GreenTeaRedFlag ,

    It’s not like we’re even remotely subtle here about this fact, we literally glorify the revolutionaries daily, and constantly spit on the idea of electoralism

    abraxas ,

    Then why all the lies and standing by them?

    But no. I’ve been reminded hundreds of times that you intend to bring communism by putting guns to the heads of the majority of your fellow proles like myself who don’t want what you do. I know I’m going up against the wall, along with over 90% of my country, if you ever win.

    But that’s why I know you won’t win. You can’t execute 400M people, and you can’t turn their hearts by threatening to.

    Frank , avatar

    Communism is when you shoot 90% of the country and the more 90% you shoot the more communism it is.

    abraxas ,

    With all due respect, I was replying to someone who made perfectly clear that the will of the majority (vote) was meaningless to them. How exactly do you intend to seize control from 90% of a country who wants something different if not at gunpoint?

    Don’t worry about responding. I blocked you too. I’m mid-migration towards servers that defederated the /c/thedonaldmarx communities, so blocking individual people is all I have right now.

    TheLepidopterists , avatar

    What a tantrum, asking someone a question then insulting and blocking them so they can’t answer it and you get to have the last word.

    You know that if you just ask us to disengage without a little snipe thrown in, we will? It’s literally part of our instance rules.

    Instead you post this childish nonsense.

    GreenTeaRedFlag ,

    you severely misunderstand who we intend to shoot.

    CyborgMarx ,

    Try again, you’re simply counting arrests and deportations, I’m talking about Title 42 which was also Trump’s primary deportation method

    “Given the grave harm that the Title 42 policy inflicts on desperate, asylum-seeking families, and the public health community’s view that the policy is not necessary, we would have hoped the administration would simply accept the ruling, especially given its repeated claim that it wants to distance itself from the Trump administration’s asylum practices,” said Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s immigrant rights project.

    Customs and Border Protection said 25% of the 209,000 people it encountered in August had been stopped at least once over the previous year, compared with 14% in earlier years.

    Hmmm funny how numbers change when you account for all avenues of abuse

    What you MIGHT have misunderstood is that the number of border crossings have gone up dramatically under Biden, likely because he’s against the draconian and horrific policies of his predecessor. More border crossings than ever. Fewer deportations than ever. Whatever your opinion is of that, your claim was wrong.

    Nope incorrect

    The “expedited removal” process is one where asylum seekers are quickly denied entry based on a brief interview process with Border Patrol officers who have the final say on whether a migrant has a “credible fear” of returning to their countries of origin. With “expedited removal,” migrants are deported without a hearing or appearance before a judge–in effect, without due process.

    During his four-year term, Trump used Title 42 to remove 500,000 asylum seekers. In under a year, Biden has deported almost 700,000 migrants.

    That was a year and half ago, and before the Biden admin intensified the deportations of Haitians especially

    the weekend show U.S. Border Patrol agents on horseback violently grabbing Haitian migrants attempting to join the Del Rio encampment. This, the Biden administration claims, is in the name of safety: The mass deportations have been authorized under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Title 42, which enables expedited deportations in the name of public health during the Covid-19 pandemic. Under Trump, nearly half a million people were removed under the law; the Biden administration has already used it to deport nearly 700,000.

    Its use against migrants at the southern border sends a clear and vile message as to whom the U.S. deems to be the public, deserving of health and safety. Under Title 42 — in the name of safety, that is — those being rounded up and flown to Haiti were given no option to apply for asylum or temporary protection status.

    It is worth emphasizing, too, that the majority of deportees have not lived in Haiti for many years, having left to find work in South America after a catastrophic hurricane devastated their home country in 2010. Struggling to find enough work to survive in South America, thousands risked perilous journeys to the U.S. border, only to be summarily removed — to Haiti.

    Next time before you put on the lib tinted glasses, don’t just look for sources that only count ONE method of deportation and immigrant abuse, count them all, also you used, straight up a right wing source lmao

    CyborgMarx , (edited )

    Also because the Biden admin could no longer sustain the use of Title 42 because of the lifting of the final covid restrictions, they now are reviving an older and even worse Trump policy for the border

    The Biden administration is now turning away anyone seeking asylum who didn’t first seek protection in a country they traveled through, or first applied online. This is a version of a Trump administration policy that was overturned by the courts. Advocacy groups sued to block the new rule minutes before it took effect.

    The lawsuit, filed in federal court in San Francisco by the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies and other groups, alleges the Biden administration “doubled down” on the policy proposed by Trump that the same court rejected. The Biden administration has said its new rule is substantially different.

    And predictably, deportations have ramped up since Title 42 lifted back in May

    According to the Department of Homeland Security, about 85,000 migrants have been “repatriated” since Title 42 was lifted. That’s up 65% since the same period last year, which saw 51,246. During the same period the previous year, there were 33,087 repatriations, according to it.

    That’s just three months

    AntiOutsideAktion , avatar

    Democrats are right wingers. And they’re worlds away from anything I’d call “good”

    Frank , avatar

    I swear to god the next time tells me that BS I am going to shit myself, vomit, and cry.

    There is a literal anti-Trans genocide in the US. That’s “The good” you’re defending.

    itsgroundhogdayagain , to lemmyshitpost in Ouch

    mine told me I should be a priest/pastor. I had never been to a church service in my life.

    ivanafterall , avatar

    That's concerning.

    Jumi ,

    Do you love children by any chance?

    Geose , to memes in Can you Americans pass the test?


    Etterra ,

    Texas is at the bottom of the map, genius. That’s obviously West Nevada.

    moog , to memes in Berry Club

    okay but whats with the bulge in the paper on panel 3…

    Shady_Shiroe ,

    I think that’s the top part of the paper bent backwards a bit casting a shadow

    c0mbatbag3l , (edited ) avatar

    Its “accessory.”

    Lord_ToRA , avatar

    It is “accessory.”

    c0mbatbag3l , avatar

    Thanks, autocorrect.

    Hupf ,

    The worst kind of correct.

    FiskFisk33 ,


    nostalgicgamerz , to memes in The time has come.

    A-Quack on Titan

    PlantDadManGuy ,

    Mighty Ducks (part 2, the Quackening)

    AssortedBiscuits , to memes in Primes avatar

    The meme works better if it’s 1 instead of 2. 1 is mostly not considered a prime number because a bunch of theorems like the fundamental theorem of arithmetic would have to be reworked to say “prime numbers greater than 1.” However, just because 1 is not a prime number doesn’t mean it’s a composite number, so 1 is a number that is neither prime nor composite.

    Collatz_problem ,

    2 is a prime number, but shit ton of theorems only apply to odd prime numbers, and a lot of other theorems treat 2 as a special separate case, because it behaves weirdly.

    DaBabyAteMaDingo , to memes in This is the way

    Damn Lemmy is living in 2006 😂

    MoonRaven , to memes in So happy this is something we left behind (mostly) avatar


    phorq ,


    RQG , avatar


    Cube6392 ,


    isVeryLoud , to memes in So happy this is something we left behind (mostly)

    I also choose this guy’s dead wife

    Cyberwitch_7493 , avatar


    Rai ,


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