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xilliah , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message

Maybe private airplanes aren’t such a bad idea after all.

WtfEvenIsExistence ,

Yea good idea. This way I wouldn’t have to yeet the fetuses off the plane. They can cry all they want when the climate change accelerated by my use of private planes eventually kills them.


xilliah ,

You’ve made me see the good in climate change /s

razrabotka , to memes in I will bear your burdens forever

Jeez, no need to call me out like that!

yoz , to memes in Team Xavier

Bro Xavier is an absolute legend

nonfuinoncuro ,

Fuck xavier OG pakalu papito gang represent

nyakojiru , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message avatar

Seems that everyone forgets they were kids once . I mean, we were not born adults and intolerant, right?..

Fjaeger ,

Tbh, I don’t have a single memory from when I was an infant.

Chariotwheel ,

Most babies are born crying and yelling for a manager, they're just bad at forming sentences.

Anamana ,

That’s so true lol

crossal , avatar

Is it a Sync problem or a Lemmy problem that comments seem to be in wrong threads? 🤔

minikieff ,

Fine in Jerboa.

RealEarthHuman ,

That’s irrelevant. Yes, we were all kids once. That doesn’t make children any less annoying to travel with.

dopeshark , avatar

I used to think that way until I had my own baby. I understand the parents a lot more now. We don’t bring our babies in flights/places to annoy anyone (some parents might do it, Idk :v). It’s a complicated situation where we want to stay with our loved ones and at the same time don’t be yelled by strangers who can’t handle baby noises, trust us, we try to calm them down, if we could, babies wouldn’t annoy so much, but they kinda have a mind of it’s own 🙂 (stubbornness at its peak) I don’t expect anything to change, specially in the terms lf having patience with strangers, but… idk :v

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

I think perhaps you misunderstand. Most people don't think parents bring their kids along to deliberately disrupt travel. At least, I certainly hope that's not what people think.

But, intent is irrelevant. It doesn't stop it being annoying for some/many people.

As for the picture here. I suspect the reason more people are looking this way than usual. It looks to be a business class cabin. I know many people book business class because it more likely puts you at some distance from the noisier cabins. This looks like they probably have a dedicated business class boarding door. So they likely realise they're coming to sit in the same cabin.

If you book in economy, you're used to and expect it more, I think.

dopeshark , avatar

The main point here was: parents wants their children to be quiet as much as strangers do

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

Yes, and I'm agreeing with you. But the animosity is a general illogical (but human) thinking of "Why did you bring them on MY flight?"

Like I say, when people reflect, they're not angry at the people, they're angry at the situation they're in. At least, I hope that's what normal people are doing.

riceandbeans161 ,

just stay home then

you chose to have children, in this day and age where all they’ll ever know is suffering and pain

so don’t make everyone else’s life worse because you just had to creampie someone.

Blank ,

Believe it or not, we’re not all despondent nihilists, hell bent on self fulfilling prophecies of negligent apocalypse incapable of empathy and compassion for those who still gently carry that same flame that brought us all here, not yet lulled like so many into a dark shroud of self doubt and loathing by gluttonous corporations who grow fat on the grief and despair of those who are content to take what is given and slip through life soundless and meak, refusing to create change, however individual, however small, so sure that three hundred thousand years of humanity is unquestionably doomed to the darkness you choose to wallow in.

Some of us want to fight and we love our kids (and yours) and this world, and yes, we even love you nihilists, and we’ll fight for you too.

pulsereaction ,

I’m one of those nihilists but it doesn’t mean I’m apathetic, it just means I’d rather help other people survive this shit than add another number to the count.

Also damn, are you the reincarnation of Hemingway or something? here I am checking out lemmy and you wrote a full on award winning post.

ArcticLynx ,

and we’ll fight for you too.

how will you fight for nihilists?

RoquetteQueen ,

Or like, you could stay home if normal things that happen in public bother you so much.

ArcticLynx ,

here’s a solution:

don’t take planes for a few years until the child doesn’t cry for no reason anymore

Anamana ,

And you think you didn’t annoy the fuck out of your own parents when you were one?

3TH4Li4 , (edited ) avatar

That’s irrelevant. Yes, we were all kids once. That doesn’t make children any less annoying to travel with. Source: RealEarthHuman

Anamana , (edited )

Huh? Maybe you should reread my comment

Edit: I love it when people just downvote without providing context

Xariphon ,

One of the best things about moving here from the bad place was how their senseless, rabid hatred of young people didn't carry over. It's heartbreaking to see sentiments like this starting to spread.

GreenMario ,

Come on. It’s not that bad. Plus “maybe don’t take babies on plane trips” doesn’t equal “kill all babies” or “fuck Dem kids”. There are many subtle levels.

bermuda ,

I definitely recommend revisiting this post about 12 hrs later. It’s kind of wild in here. Saw a comment with 19 upvotes referring to children as “cum pets.”

Xariphon ,

I don't think I could bear it. Activism for the rights and freedoms of young people has been such a big part of my life for such a long time that that kind of anti-child attitude burns my soul.

toxicbubble ,

yes but they chose to have children

Enigma ,

Not anymore in some states.

mnemonicmonkeys ,

Except people don’t hate the babies for screaming on the plane. They blame the parents for bringing them on the plane.

Honytawk ,

I was never a kid on a plane, because I don’t have bad parents.

oregoncom , avatar

I’m sorry your family was too broke to ever leave whatever shithole you come from. If your parents were good at your job you wouldn’t be threatening to hurt children.

FiskFisk33 , to memes in This is the way

no, fuck murder.

Don’t get me wrong, fuck poachers, but murder is never the solution, it just breeds escalated violence.

ramenshaman ,

Endangered-animal lives are much more precious to me than humans-who-are-willing-to-murder-endangered-animals lives, so I disagree.

Stumblinbear , avatar

What a great way to gun down any random civilian without proof of any wrongdoing. Just say they were poaching!

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Yeah that’s not how it works. Random citizens don’t traipse around the bush hunting for rhinos and elephants and such.

FiskFisk33 ,

I am more alluding to the risk of collateral

pm_boobs_send_nudes ,

Actually they tried the normal way, where they didn’t shoot and asked the poachers to surrender / tried to arrest them. But the rangers would get shot and the animals would continue to get poached.

Seeing this as a problem, a new executive order / law was passed allowing shoot at sight orders at national parks / protected zones.

Poaching has reduced, the number of rangers getting shot has reduced. The number of poachers getting shot has reduced (they don’t wanna fuck around anymore).

Overall it has increased peace.

psud ,

It’s not murder, it’s legal punishment. The poachers use gun violence against rangers, so it’s a reasonable escalation.

PosadistInevitablity , avatar

It clearly says “on sight”

You don’t want to wait for them to shoot first, you just want to murder them.

No society on earth considers shooting on sight to be legal punishment


Murder is bad, but humans are the problem. And humans being stupid chaotic creatures, it often devolves in to dirty things like killing. You can say all you want about right and wrong but this is a messy situation and this is the solution they have been forced in to using, after trying the peaceful method for years

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

That’s a terrible and quite frankly untrue take

robocall , to memes in I will bear your burdens forever avatar

I always thought my phone was obese

Lazylazycat , to memes in I will bear your burdens forever avatar
computerscientistI , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW

I try using Linux on my desktop PC from time to time. Whenever I buy a new rig, I try Linux, as I want to reinstall the system anyway. It never worked. I always tried with brand new hardware -> something is not properly supported -> install current windows. Rinse and repeat every 4 or 5 years whenever I get my hand on a new desktop or laptop. That never changed for the last 20 years.

JimBean ,

I don’t mean to be rude, but you are likely the problem—not Linux. If you haven’t tried using them, there are lots of great YouTube tutorials.

racketlauncher831 ,

Most likely. There are distros that just works namely Mint. Follow the official guide and the computer is ready for use in less than an hour. And ‘for the last twenty years’? I just don’t believe it.

limelight79 ,

I struggle to believe it, too. I can think of four laptops I’ve installed Linux on - one Macbook, two Dells, and one Lenovo, and all four of them worked perfectly without additional tinkering. Even the touchscreens on two of them worked without intervention. I’d talk about my desktop and server, but I haven’t upgraded the hardware in them in …a long time. 8 years would be my guess. I’ll have to look it up.

norapink ,

I mean it’s not surprising if theyre not actively trying to troubleshoot their problems. I run Linux on both my desktop and laptop and I never had a perfect experience with either. On my laptop a few years ago I tried installing Ubuntu but my trackpad sensitivity on linux was way too high with no easy way to change it. I also needed fractional scaling and at the time Ubuntu used X11, I found some command on the Ubuntu forums to enable scaling in the settings and it gave me screen tearing. After a few hours of playing around with different commands I gave up and weny back to Windows.

On my desktop I use Nvidia and have two monitors with different refresh rates. That causes a lot of issues and I just have to put up with it.

Edit: I use Arch on both of them now and have found solutions to my problems but especially my laptop issues were very annoying.

GamingChairModel ,

Desktop linux was my daily driver from about 2006 to 2016, then I was dual booting from 2019 to 2021 or so before it became my daily driver again. Choosing Linux-friendly laptop hardware is a compromise.

From 2006-2009, I had a few issues with a shitty wifi driver. Then I bought a “built for Linux” laptop that worked well enough for my purposes, but still had a few minor limitations: shittier battery life, no Bluetooth, and a video card that NVIDIA eventually dropped support for. Even when using the proprietary driver, I couldn’t use Wayland or KMS. During that era, it took a while for font rendering to look as good as Windows, and it never quite caught up with font rendering on Macs.

Then I bought another laptop and had to deal with trying to get the user experience with High DPI screens not to suck (it’s OK now, but took a while to get here). I don’t have a Wifi 6E access point yet but I’ve seen from the forums that it’s sometimes buggy with the 6E channels.

Basically, Linux support for laptop hardware and experience seems to lag behind, and actively selecting for best Linux compatibility is also a seriously limiting filter when buying hardware.

SaltyIceteaMaker ,

One thing to note is that there are different distributions some of wich use older software an focus on stability (debian for example) and some use bleeding edge software (arch for example)

Johanno ,

Linux is open source and often only donation financed. They can’t always support brand new hardware. If you want support for your hardware you have to pay a company to do it for you (or do it your self if possible)

torpak ,

You are doning it wrong. Whenever I buy new hardware, I read up on linux support before. Formated my last windows partition at home 5 years ago.

LogarithmicCamel ,

This. No one would buy an arbitrary computer and expect MacOS to run on it, for example. Buy a computer with known Linux support. Ask the vendor.

computerscientistI ,

Nah. The OS is not important enough to me. I buy according to specs and price/performance-ratio. If Linux won’t easily run, I will just run windows on it. It’s only the OS after all.

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

I actually switched my desktop from Windows 3.11 to Linux. It’s always worked fine to me (even if it was a bit hand on at the start) on vast numbers of hardware configurations. I’ve never used Windows for actual data since, only for games (not really an issue nowadays).

silent_water , (edited ) avatar

when you say “something is not properly supported” what do you mean? like nvidia/amd haven’t released graphics drivers yet for linux? or some peripheral isn’t recognized?

basically, by buying new hardware just after it launches, you’re effectively one of the very first people to boot that hardware with linux. you can usually make it work but most hardware manufacturers don’t work with the linux devs to make sure support is in place. so devs have to get ahold of the hardware retail and then fix whatever is broken. the exception to this is AMD and Intel - both companies have people working on linux so they will merge support for new hardware into the kernel before that new hardware is even announced to the public. so if you stick to cpus and video cards from those two manufacturers, you’ll make your linux life easier.

even then, though, the support might exist in the latest version of the kernel, but the last Ubuntu or Mint release is still several versions behind. so you’re effectively forced to use a distro that releases updates much faster (ie rolling release), or be willing to make modifications to the system post-install to get it to work.

tl;dr: you’ve got a constellation of requirements that can’t all be met at the same time. either give it 3 to 6 months after release of new hardware or be willing to learn how to make it work. expecting software to work with hardware it hasn’t yet been designed to work with is always going to be a recipe for failure.

computerscientistI ,

either give it 3 to 6 months after release of new hardware or be willing to learn how to make it work. expecting software to work with hardware it hasn’t yet been designed to work with is always going to be a recipe for failure.

No thanks. I can’t be bothered with that. I’ll just run windows.

Galli ,

I did the same thing starting probably around the same time as you except that did it start working for me 5 years ago and I haven’t gone back to windows.

Tiuku , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW

Now I’m interested in seeing that Win11 $upported CPU list. Anyone got the full link?

Nia , (edited ) avatar


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  • merthyr1831 ,

    Most of the unsupported CPUs are based on their TPM support. Windows can boot on much older CPUs if you bypass TPM.

    That being said, Windows already chugs on current gen hardware depending on your usecase so I’m not gonna recommend you try it lmao.

    Sarsoar ,

    Yea I have a 2011v3 haswell e proc that isnt supported but the mobo has a tpm slot so I got a 7 dollar tpm2.0 module on ebay and was able to install win11 last year. Its fine for basic gaming.

    circuitfarmer , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW avatar

    I upgraded my Intel system to AMD today. And I didn’t have to reinstall a damn thing, because my existing Linux installation Just Worked™. It really is to the point that I could never imagine going back to Windows.

    merthyr1831 ,

    CPU vendors are usually pretty seamless to swap on Winblows, other than the fact that Windows will possibly whine that you’ve modified your system too much and need a new license 🤓

    Bulletdust ,

    I’ve encountered issues swapping a Windows install between machines equipped with an Intel processor to one equipped with a current AMD processor.

    In the meantime, my KDE Neon install has been swapped between four different PC’s now without a single issue.

    circuitfarmer , avatar

    Same, I’ve always had issues with swaps on Windows. Never a single one on Linux – plus no chasing a license/activation.

    circuitfarmer , avatar

    Windows will possibly whine that you’ve modified your system too much and need a new license

    If the MAC address changes, Windows activation will always fail. I just don’t see any of that as worth the trouble anymore since The Windows Difference™ is just telemetry overhead and updates that need to happen while I’m trying to get something done.

    TheMadnessKing , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW

    Well, I did have the issue of horrible range on my Qualcomm WiFI Drivers under linux leading to shitty WiFi range overall. Eg. Laptop just below WiFi router and it shows 90% range.

    argv_minus_one ,

    Wi-Fi is pretty atrocious even with Windows or macOS in my experience. I hard-wire everything I can.

    TheMadnessKing ,

    Nah, the same laptop on W10 had a lot better WiFi range.

    merthyr1831 , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW

    Windows requirements: sprawling list of unsupported hardware based on an arbitrary requirment for a security chip that doesn’t actually improve security at all

    Linux: CPU (optional)

    MonkderZweite ,

    I don’t think microcontrollers count as CPU, right? Do they have an ALU?

    nachtigall ,

    Yes they do. Microcontrollers contain a microprocessor that is optimized for branching instructions and already include memory and peripheral interfaces which are connected directly to the processor bus (opposed to general purpose CPUs).

    DestroyMegacorps ,

    As a person who has used linux i can confirm that my daughter runs linux

    taiyang , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message

    I have a dysfunctional baby. We took an 8 month old on a plane to Japan because of a family tragedy and she freaking got excited when we hit turbulence and when we landed. Five other babies lost their shit but my kids all giggling.

    Actually, she also lost her shit in a literal way, Jesus fucking Christ the amount of poop that came out after the pressure change or someone. Ain’t nobody talks about that but all babies shit their pants at landing— pretty sure.

    GreenMario ,

    Get her a dirt bike and a ramp. You may have a future stunt woman on your hands.

    PseudoSpock , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message avatar

    Please don’t fly with your kids, especially babies, and if you do, please for the love of all that might be holy, don’t do it in business and first class!

    Colour_me_triggered ,

    Rich people deserve to suffer. Always fly first class with your kids and give them caffeine pills before the flight.

    GreenMario ,

    Based and energy pilled.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    People in business class or first class are almost never rich. Sky mile programs, travel credit card point programs, gaming point relationships between airlines and affiliates can make business and first quite affordable. And for when it can’t be affordable, if someone is paying for it, it’s not usually for luxury. I try to always send my wife at least business class so she is treated MUCH more as a human being than she normally has been in coach, as she is a minority and disabled. Rich people charter planes or own them. Those in business class are usually people who just plan ahead better than you. And if you’re jealous of that, then you’re a jealous piece of something.

    abc , avatar

    People in business class or first class are almost never rich. Sky mile programs, travel credit card point programs, gaming point relationships between airlines and affiliates can make business and first quite affordable.

    person who flies so much they are able to game point relationships between airlines and affiliates: actually I am living in poverty and not what you’d call rich. 🤡 🤡 🤡


    Firipu , avatar

    Please don’t leave your house, and if you do, please for the love that might be holy don’t do it in areas actually inhabited by people.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Please tell that to parents who can’t keep their kids polite in public. Being a child is not an excuse to be a monster.

    kneel_before_yakub , avatar

    Babies cry. It’s what they fucking do, you misanthrope

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    That’s why you keep them at home.

    oregoncom , avatar

    Your parents not letting you go outside is why you grew up into a redditor manchild who whines about literal babies. Your presence is 1000% more irritating than any baby. I’d tell you to stay at home but you never leave the basement anyways.

    mister_monster ,

    I’m going to do it and then laugh at your annoyance.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Up to you. May or may not go well for you. While I won’t do anything to you except an unkind look, you don’t know who else we’re flying with and what they might be going through. You really want to risk you or your child’s well being just be right? Have you seen the crazy’s on planes lately? I’ll tell you this, if someone does read you the riot act or worse, I sure as hell won’t come to your aid. And despite wanting to film such a happening to see you miserable or worse, I won’t, because I won’t want to contribute to giving you evidence you could use against your attacker(s). If you think it’s terrible I wouldn’t try to protect your baby, not my fault you were such a terrible parent that the child would have been better off being aborted than being your child.

    mister_monster ,

    If someone attacked me or my child on a plane I would fuck them up real bad.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    While we popcorn and watch your inflight entertainment.

    Honytawk ,

    Ah, so you are as unmannered as your kids, good to know.

    ShrimpsIsBugs ,

    Lol. I’m also not the biggest fan of children, but what are the parents supposed to do? Not having vacation? Leave them home alone? Throw them out the window on the drive to the airport?

    _CottonCandyUnicorn_ ,

    Don’t have vacations or visit family even if it’s for a wedding or funeral. Stay inside your house until your kids graduate high school to be sure. Having a life is not worth the possibility of inconveniencing other people for a few hours every so often. You’re ruining other people’s lives if you do so.

    riceandbeans161 ,

    get a sitter. If you can afford a holiday, budget for a sitter.

    Or don’t have holidays until the snot factories are old enough to behave if you can’t afford a sitter. You chose to have children.

    Firipu , avatar

    Let’s see who will pay for your retirement and medical care eventually… (unless if you live in that US hellscape ofcourse)

    CaptFeather ,

    If that’s all you’re having kids for please do not have kids.

    Firipu , avatar

    Oh yeah, one hundred percent. The only reason I got kids was to make sure they can take care of my retirement.

    Just as I’m taking care of my parents. I have totally absolutely 100% not broken off all contact with them because of their shitty behaviour. No sir, absolutely not.

    CrabLord , avatar

    Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

    SuddenDownpour ,

    If you’re having kids with the express intent that they care for you when you’re old, you’re already doing it wrong.

    riceandbeans161 ,

    well most likely be dead before anyone under 30 reaches that age.

    Enigma ,

    Yes, because it’s perfectly normal to leave your young kids with strangers for a couple weeks while you go on holiday, or visit family.

    cheenis ,


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  • Enigma ,

    For a night, for a couple days maybe but for weeks? Hell no, that is not what babysitters are for. And you’re delusional if you think so. A parent who leaves their kids with a stranger for weeks is not a good parent and could be brought up on child abandonment charges.

    CaptFeather ,

    Then don’t go on vacation until they’re old enough to be well behaved lmao

    Enigma ,

    The same can be said for adults.

    CaptFeather ,

    Couldn’t agree more lol

    coaxil ,

    Why do you need to fly for vacation? When did flying for vacation become mandatory?

    Enigma ,

    It’s not. But it’s much easier to deal with kids on a 2hr flight than it is to deal with them on a multiple day drive. And just because I have kids doesn’t mean I have to choose the more difficult option. I say this as a parent who has driven across the country with my kids, multiple times.

    ArcticLynx ,

    But it’s much easier to deal with kids on a 2hr flight than it is to deal with them on a multiple day drive

    “I’ll make everyone’s flight miserable because I don’t want to experience the bad consequences of my choices”

    And just because I have kids doesn’t mean I have to choose the more difficult option.

    you did choose the more difficult option the moment you chose to have children. having children comes with inconveniences and because that’s your choice to have children you have to deal with the consequences, not others

    Enigma ,

    Lmao yes, I have to make my life more difficult because I chose to have kids. That makes perfect sense.

    ArcticLynx ,

    ‘your choices, your consequences’

    not ‘your choices, everyone else’s consqeuences’

    it isn’t that hard to understand is it? your entitlement is insane

    Enigma ,

    Lmao dude. Get off your high horse. Your comfort doesn’t trump mine and vice versa. If anyone is entitled here, it’s you, believing that parents have to always go out of their way to make sure everyone else is comfortable just because they have kids and you don’t.

    ArcticLynx ,

    parents have child => parents are inconvinienced by child => others who have nothing to do with parents and their child should be inconvenienced instead of the parents

    following your logic, complete strangers should have to pay the kindergarten for your child. after all just because you chose to have children doesn’t mean that you have to be inconvenienced (by paying money for it) and others don’t, right?

    Enigma ,

    First of all dipshit, you do pay for kindergarten. Via taxes. What are you, 12?

    Like I said, my comfort doesn’t trump yours and your comfort doesn’t trump mine. Either deal with the fact that kids will be on flights or stop flying. Or become a member of congress and try to pass a law barring kids from planes.

    ArcticLynx ,

    First of all dipshit, you do pay for kindergarten. Via taxes. What are you, 12?

    of course tax money is used to pay for kindergarten too but at least in my country you pay something like 15 euros per day yourself

    also, I could’ve said babysitter too. or clothes. or food. or something else, it doesn’t matter. my point still stands

    Like I said, my comfort doesn’t trump yours and your comfort doesn’t trump mine. Either deal with the fact that kids will be on flights or stop flying.

    Like I said, your choice your discomfort and my chioce my discomfort. Either deal with the fact that cartain choices have consequences or make different choices

    seriously tho, you’re making your self-made problem everyone else’s

    that’s like me burning my car and saying “yeah I made the choice to burn my car and I knew of the consequences, but why should only I have to pay for the damage and not others as well? their comfort doesn’t trump mine”

    coaxil ,

    You require a multiple days drive for a vacation?

    Enigma ,

    Oh, I was speaking for other people. I’ve never actually been on a vacation.

    CaptFeather ,

    They can pick a vacation where they don’t have to fly… They chose to have kids and that comes with a lot of baggage.

    veng ,

    Why would they care about your opinion enough to not go on holiday where they want? If you want to fly without the chance of noisy kids then fly first class, or better still, private jet.

    No? Can’t afford? Suck it up then lol, people are going to live their lives regardless of a bit of noise that you can easily cancel out with headphones.

    ArcticLynx ,

    No? Can’t afford? Suck it up then lol, people are going to live their lives regardless of a bit of noise that you can easily cancel out with headphones.

    hell yeah, fuck them poor people

    CaptFeather ,

    Lmao How about the parents suck it up and choose a different vacation where they’re not subjecting the public to their terrors? I didn’t choose to have kids, I should not have to put up with other people’s kids. Too many people have kids who have no business being parents.

    jcit878 ,

    last flight I was on had a crying kid and a guy who kept trying to slip booze into his coffee and had to be confronted several times.

    guess who was the most annoying one.

    point is, flying fucking sucks, most mature adults realise this and just get through it despite the discomfort. complaining about it like an entitled prick demanding certain people can’t fly is frankly pathetic

    CaptFeather ,

    Screaming children are half the reason flying sucks. If your kid does not do well in public, pick another vacation or have someone watch them. Part of the responsibility that comes with having kids.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Usually, yes. Stay home or have a sitter or nanny. If it’s a family emergency or tragedy, benedryl for the child before the flight. Do NOT change the child outside of the plane’s lavatory. Premium economy, not business class, as premium has some perks for bringing your baby, is more affordable than business class. Daytime flights if possible. Red-eye’s people want to sleep. Be prepared, binkies, blankets, diapers, quiet toys, etc. Try to fly when you will have the most energy, hard to parent if you yourself are sleeping from exhaustion. (not always a choice, we know.) Insure your flight. If the baby is sick, colic, or especially if it has inner ear problems, don’t go or again, arrange care for the child. No need to make the baby suffer, and in turn making you and everyone else miserable, too. Many people will not be kind if the child wasn’t feeling well and kept them up 14 hours, which will be hard on you in addition to your own exhaustion.

    foksmash ,

    If you have to fly business with the rest of the poors that can’t afford a private jet, you don’t get to complain.

    Flyberius , avatar

    don’t do it in business and first class!

    Lol. If you’re wasting those sums of money to fly, I hope you do get noisy kids right next to you.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Here are some reasons for business class and first class:

    • Certainly treated better by staff when flights are delayed or cancelled - They took excellent care of my wife and her food and lodging needs when her flight was disrupted by a volcanic eruption at her intended destination.
    • The airline lounge - food, drinks and comfortable places to wait while stuck at airports
    • More and heavier checked bag allowance - Super important if bringing things to family
    • Laying down on long international flights to sleep
    • Most importantly, if you are a person of colour or disabled, the staff treat you a hell of a lot better - Shouldn’t have to pay more to be treated like a human being, but on a lot of airlines, you do

    So it’s not a waste, especially when my wife is flying alone 7600km, 10,500km, and even 11,700km as both a person of colour and a disabled person to deal with family tragedies. For you to want to screw with people for that… Yeah, don’t care for you.

    Flyberius , avatar

    There’s plenty of people who have to do all of that and don’t have crazy amounts of money to blast on a plane ticket. My heart is not bleeding. And all this over someone bringing a child on a plane.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Children are usually fine. Let me be more specific. Babies. Babies are often a problem on flights. Often it’s because of the cabin pressure hurting their ears because of their under developed eustachian tubes. All babies? no. But a lot of them. Learn how to help manage the child’s ear pain if you must bring them. Otherwise, you’re just being mean to your baby.

    As for your plenty of people / heart not bleeding comment. Nice to meet you, Karen.

    raven ,

    What should people do exactly? FedEx their kids?

    Yes, PSA bring teething toys and gum if your child is old enough to help equalize their ear pressure that’s fine, but kids are people too and they have a right to travel with their parents. The flying experience is aggressively uncomfortable and kids complaining isn’t even the half of it.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    No. Just don’t go. You chose to raise a child, part of that includes not dragging them where they don’t belong until they are old grown enough to behave. If you have to go, arrange care for the child while you are gone if they aren’t mature enough yet. Bringing a baby on a plane says, “I refuse to pay money to take responsibility for my choosing to have a child, so I’ll bring it with me and put that burden on everyone trapped with me on a plane.” Gee thanks.

    Flyberius , avatar

    Could you just not go instead?

    PseudoSpock , avatar


    Adkml ,

    Thanks for explaining to everybody why you deserve to be treated better than everyone else because you have more money.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    I don’t. Paycheck to paycheck. Learn to use the tools of airline mile programs, credit cards with points, and airline mileage affiliate programs. Use your brain, not your money.

    Adkml ,

    K I did all that and decided with my brain I’m gonna bring my kid too and I don’t give a shit if the rich assholes in first class complain even if they insist they’re “paycheck to paycheck” after airing a list of grievances about how they hate having to interact with plebs on an airplane.

    I mean seriously you said in another post rich people own planes. If everybody who doesnt own a plane isn’t rich I’m gonna go ahead and say you’re completely out of touch.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    I said charter or own. Wealthy people often charter. Who said anything about interacting with plebs? This thread is about mother freaking babies on this mother freaking plane! :) Now, if you think the definition of plebeian is just someone who has a crotch goblin traveling with them, that’s a totally different problem for another post. Your assumption first class is only for the rich is in error. It might be someone with some savings, but very likely not rich. What is your definition of rich?

    Now, as to you being angry and just wanting to use your child to piss off other people, keep that doing that. See how that goes for ya. While rare, parents have gotten themselves banned from airlines for being terrible people. Let’s see if you fit that bill.

    dat_math ,

    Really putting the pseudo in pseudospock, there lol

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    What, did you think I was the real McCoy? ;)

    SuddenDownpour ,

    I’m going to go with the very opposite opinion. Don’t fly with your kids, especially babies, but if you do, do it ONLY in business and first class. Working class people have enough shit without having to deal with your baby.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Uh, we’re working class people who are paying to avoid your baby.

    Neil , to linux in Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW avatar


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  • MenacingPerson ,

    You need better eyesight then, because there are more than 2 in that photo

    Shady_Shiroe , avatar

    He was talking about the 2 windows users

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