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LaggyKar , to linux in Are we Wayland yet or Whats missing?

Already daily driving it on my laptop, which uses AMD graphics, and my work laptop, which uses Intel graphics. For Nvidia, there’s missing explicit sync (which should be fixed soon), and Steam completely freaking out (might get fixed by explicit sync). Kwin also seems a bit unstable on Nvidia, but I haven’t tested it for extended periods of time.

I also have a computer with display on an Nvidia card via reverse prime, which suffers performance issues on Wayland. Might be improved on Plasma 6, but that computer runs OpenSUSE Leap, so it won’t get that for some time.

There is also the issue of picture-in-picture, but that can be worked around with Kwin rules.

neutron ,

No problems running on the AMD graphics?

PlexSheep , to linux in Are we Wayland yet or Whats missing?

It’s not in xfce yet, so no. Also I have some weird bugs with the UI of plasma glitching out on LMDE/Debian.

We’ve come a long way but we’re not yet at stability.

KindaABigDyl , avatar

If I could use xfce4-panel on Hyprland instead of the dissatisfying bars currently available that would be so clutch. It’s what I used back on i3

dsemy ,

You can if you build it from source, though menus didn’t work for me on River (other than Whisker Menu). Worked great apart from that.

KindaABigDyl , avatar

Yeah I tried. It wasn’t working for me back then. It was a while ago tho, so maybe I should try again

LeFantome ,

For Wayland, I think you need the unreleased xfce-panel from GitHub ( 4.19+ ).

possiblylinux127 , (edited )

Pretty much all the Xfce4 apps support Wayland natively

dsemy ,

They technically support Wayland but a lot of stuff is still missing or incomplete, there’s still a lot of work to be done.

sgibson5150 , to programmerhumor in what u actually signed up for

I like the joke but I suspect the levels for “young programmer”, “adult programmer”, and “old programmer” would all look a lot like “programmer”. It’s true at least in my case. The occupation does seem to attract the more spicy-brained among us. 😆

zqwzzle ,

✔️reduced interaction with people (mostly)
✔️work with systems with well defined rules

sgibson5150 ,

Don’t stop I’m almost there. 😆

treadful , (edited ) avatar

That might be what I believed when I first started but it’s so far from the truth…

entropicdrift , avatar

Only if you plan to let your career stall out at Senior Engineer.

gerryflap , to programmerhumor in what u actually signed up for avatar

I’m supposed to have energy as an adult?! I have way more time than energy. Most of that time is spent doing useless shit like watching YouTube because I’m too exhausted to do anything useful

cynar ,

I used to think that. Unfortunately, you’ll be proven wrong with time. I really did have a lot of energy, when I was younger. I’m now having to be ever smarter with what I have, just to tread water.

MentalEdge , avatar

No, I’m willing to bet you have plenty of energy. Society has simply deemed that all of it must be spent on being productive for the sake of everyone except yourself.

“If your employees have energy to spend on meaningful activities during their own time, you’re leaving money on the table. Squeeze them harder while they are on the clock.”

SturgiesYrFase , avatar

Agree to disagree, I likely have a sleep disorder, so I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in nearly 10 years! Check, and, mate! Fuck I hate my life…

gerryflap , avatar

Disagree. I used to spend time on more energy-intensive hobbies like programming and music production. But I’ve had mono and COVID in 2020 and I’ve never felt the same thereafter. Also working 40 hours a week drains a lot of energy

AtariDump ,

“No, I’m willing to bet you have plenty of energy. Society has simply deemed that all of it must be spent on being productive for the sake of everyone except yourself.”

“Also working 40 hours a week drains a lot of energy”

Hence the first comment. What if you only had to work 20 hours a week? You’d have the energy then.

gerryflap , avatar

True. Guess I misread. I’ve already switched to 36 hours and I totally aim to go lower once I earn more. Work to live, not live to work

Rinox ,

If you have time then try working out and doing sports. It sounds asinine, but I’ve found that exerting yourself increases your levels of energy in the long term. Even something small, a little bit at a time will be greatly beneficial. Also try doing it with someone else and try having an active social life that will motivate you to go out of the house and stop spending all the evening alone on the couch watching YouTube (which is really detrimental, ask me how I know it).

Like the Romans said “mens sana in corpore sano” (you need a healthy body to have a healthy mind)

gerryflap , avatar

Yeah sports were my first attempt to solve it. I’m running twice a week usually and have done a few half marathons now. It’s helped a bit, but my energy is still not amazing. It’s probably related to having issues with mono and COVID in 2020, I’ve never been the same since then. Working 40 hours per week didn’t help either.

AtariDump ,
UFODivebomb , to programmer_humor in "I want to live forever in AI"

That’s why I’m going for brain in a jar.

sirico , to programmerhumor in what u actually signed up for avatar

This is warm fuzzies level of jpg

gianni , to linux in Are we Wayland yet or Whats missing?

I’m happy with Wayland

avidamoeba , to programmerhumor in Asking the important questions avatar

That goose should be made mandatory in all customer meetings.

Honytawk , to programmerhumor in Asking the important questions

If that were true, you’d have more front end devs being able to do backend instead of the other way around.

avidamoeba , avatar

Backend devs can do frontend?

PrettyFlyForAFatGuy , (edited )

<span style="color:#323232;"><!</span><span style="color:#63a35c;">DOCTYPE</span><span style="color:#323232;"> html>
</span><span style="color:#323232;"><</span><span style="color:#63a35c;">html</span><span style="color:#323232;">>
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  <</span><span style="color:#63a35c;">body</span><span style="color:#323232;">>
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    <</span><span style="color:#63a35c;">p</span><span style="color:#323232;">>Hello World</</span><span style="color:#63a35c;">p</span><span style="color:#323232;">>
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </</span><span style="color:#63a35c;">body</span><span style="color:#323232;">>
</span><span style="color:#323232;"></</span><span style="color:#63a35c;">html</span><span style="color:#323232;">>

here i wrote you a frontend

imgcat ,

And yet it still works better than a MB of JS

NigelFrobisher ,

How are you managing the state?

uis ,

Join the dark side. We have cookies.

lastunusedusername2 ,

They think they can.

JoYo , avatar

yes, according to every project manager i’ve worked with.

CanadaPlus ,

As a backend person, lol no. I mean I can make a thing that works, but it will require eye bleach afterwards, and I’ll hate every moment of building it.

frezik ,

Yes. It’ll look like a Geocities page, but yes.

xmunk ,

Pah, as if Geocities had the good taste to use courier new.

Also, more seriously, if all the client needs is a geocities page is it reasonable for a front end developer to build it in react?

Honytawk ,

Not all, but more than front enders being able to do backend is my point.

yogthos OP , avatar

These are completely different types of skills. Front end is complex because there’s an explosion of different states driven by how the user interacts with the UI. On the other hand, backend workflows tend to be a lot more structured. You get a request, do some processing, fetch some data, and return a response.

CanadaPlus ,

From where I sit, it seems like frontend is closer to being a graphic designer than on backend.

yogthos OP , avatar

Then you haven’t developed a non-trivial user interface before.

CanadaPlus ,

I’ve made UIs, and at least one I’d say was complex, but it was also really ugly. What am I missing?

This wasn’t a put-down, BTW. I couldn’t be a graphic designer either.

yogthos OP , avatar

The complexity of dealing with different states a UI can be in. The user can navigate the interface of an app in many different ways. The US has to be able to handle all the different combinations of actions the users takes. This means maintaining a consistent state, loading data that’s needed, keeping track of navigation, etc. The logic in an interface of an app like an email client is far more complex than most backend workflows.

CanadaPlus ,

Yeah, that could be reasonably complex I guess. I’ve never dealt with more than one navigation structure in a UI, like that would have. All the memes are about clients wanting it to look different.

xmunk ,

I mean… the browser can do all that shit itself, just give it some HTML and stylesheets. It’s incredibly important to realize that nearly all this complexity is optional - it may make sense for Facebook to invest this much in a UI but most companies could get away with plain ol’ html with a bit of styling.

As a front end developer you should know when things like infinite loading dynamic tables with a search bar add significant value and when <table> is good enough. Maintaining complex systems costs money and developers should always advocate for the simplest most sustainable solution to a problem. I think we have a real issue with pursuing shiny new technologies.

yogthos OP , avatar

I mean… the database does all the shit itself, just give it some SQL queries. It’s incredibly important to realize that nearly all this complexity is optional - it may make sense for Facebook to invest this much in their backend infrastructure but most companies could get away with plain ol’ script that on top of Postgres.

As a backend developer you should know when things like load balancing and and complex db schemas add little value, a single table is good enough. Maintaining complex systems costs money and developers should always advocate for the simplest most sustainable solution to a problem. I think we have a real issue with pursuing shiny new technologies.

xmunk ,

Absolutely, it’s why at our company I laid the groundwork to eventually adopt a read replica based database approach but didn’t push to actually set up such an environment until about six years later when we had a compelling reason to switch. I work in PHP and the language itself is pretty irrelevant because most pages are just some validation and then shuffling the request off to the database - it doesn’t make sense to over engineer since you’ll end up paying to maintain things that don’t benefit you.

Using a single table is almost always a bad idea though - for prototyping it can make sense but strong typing ends off paying off quickly in not having to write defensive code.

People on all sides are guilty of over complicating things and it’s not helpful for building an agile product. I’d say that there’s a generally accepted assumption that “modern web” means react or some other flavor of SPA - these are amazing tools but aren’t always necessary. Tools are powerful, but you should understand what you’re using and have a justification as to why (or at least make it obvious that decisions were made arbitrarily since sometimes you’ve just got to choose one).

yogthos OP , avatar

Nobody is arguing for overcomplicating things, and it’s true that a lot of projects out there are in fact overdesigned. However, there are also non-trivial applications out there, and front-end can in fact be complex in such apps. For example, I worked at a hospital at one point, and my team built an application that allowed multiple users to work collaboratively on shared documents seeing each other’s changes in real time. That’s a kind of app that is non-trivial, and where there’s plenty of legitimate complexity to be found both on the frontedn and the backend.

pingveno ,

A simple web app will be okay with some HTML forms, sure. But something like a multi step wizard will lead you down the path of storing a huge amount of state on the server side, which turns into a mess. We have a wizard that uses Django’s forms and django-formtools’s wizard. You have to put the state and complexity somewhere. We put it in the backend and I can’t say I like how it turned out. The code is spaghetti and we get a stream of errors from people not acting how they’re expected to act.

Grandwolf319 ,

How about UIs that are essentially web apps. I’m talking about needing to handle drag and drop, graphs and the like.

There is also the mess that is responsive design, multi browser support and proper accessibility.

firelizzard , avatar

Making good UX is fucking hard. I say UX because making it good is really about the user’s experience, not graphic design. An ugly front end can be good if it’s intuitive and easy to use. But a visually gorgeous front end will still be garbage if it’s clunky and confusing.

It’s really something you have to experience to fully understand. Ultimately it comes down to this: front ends have to deal with people, backends only have to deal with computers. So backends can be cleanly organized and well structured. Applying backend design principles to a front end will get you a CRUD interface - something that’s usable but no one really wants to use.

hglman ,

You need to be able to do layout design to do good ux. The visual presentation is a critical aspect of usability. Also backend code needs to be consumable future readers (including the author). That’s something that is very often lost and you get terrible unorganized backed code.

CanadaPlus , (edited )

This is kind of what I meant. Appearance isn’t just colours and alignment, but also things like flow, organisation and layout. I can make the data theoretically accessible, but with all that stuff I’m completely out of my depth.

Write-only code can be an issue for either, while on the other hand complexity theory, big data structures and high math make me think backend.

lorty , to programmerhumor in Asking the important questions avatar

Backend developer: “The new functionality is done!” PO: Looks at tests “Seems good, ship it!”

Frontend developer: “The new functionality is done!” PO: Looks at his screen “This spacing could be a little to the right, also I think I didn’t really like this text, also it should probably auto-scroll to the top and this button should change colors when I click it and also don’t forget to change the error messages I was happy with before and also I think it should…”


Lol - POs looking at backend tests, as if

criticon , to programmerhumor in Asking the important questions


ulkesh , to linux in Are we Wayland yet or Whats missing? avatar

I’m going to buy an AMD video card this weekend solely so I don’t have to deal with the NVidia bullshit anymore. I’m eager to give hyperland a try.

dev_null ,

How’s the AMD drivers situation on Linux? I always used Nvidia since they have official drivers, but might change for the next card if AMD works better. I don’t use Wayland so never ran into the issues.

EddyBot ,

If your AMD card is older than your latest linux distro release it’s plug and play, no driver installation required
Wayland works pretty well on most desktop environments too

beware fresh released AMD cards in combination with long term release distros like Debian stable, you most likely will need the driver from the AMD website (not recommended)

kogasa , avatar

Mesa is usually pretty quick to update, it’s just that stable distros won’t update mesa all that quickly. I assume most of them have some way to install a newer mesa from a community repo or something.

LeFantome , (edited )

This has long been the best advice. However, just in case you are not aware, some pretty important NVIDIA changes are expected to drop in the next 2 months. It will take a while to work into every distribution but NVIDIA should finally work as well as AMD.

ulkesh , avatar

Yes I know. I have read all about explicit sync. It’s going to take at least a few months to trickle into the various packages and distributions and we’re still trusting NVidia to give us a proper driver with it as well. And we’re assuming there’s nothing else that will cause yet more problems with Wayland/etc.

I’m at my wits end trying to be patient with them (on the order of years). I now understand why Linus flipped them off with a loud “F you”.

LeFantome ,

Not disagreeing

ADonkeyBrainedFog , (edited )

I love hyprland, but plugging my laptop into a projector for a presentation and forgetting to mirror displays was a fun time. Hard to explain the default anime girl away without people knowing what you’re talking about. Since then I’ve learned you can disable that background lmao

isVeryLoud ,

Oof that sounds hella unprofessional though

bamboo ,

That’s the hyprland community, for good and mostly bad

isVeryLoud ,

I have a feeling most of these people are either NEETs or never used a work computer.

ADonkeyBrainedFog , (edited )

I’m on the gay side of the community (and have only seen Ghibli and Cowboy Beebop which takes away a ton of credentials). Still rough, but a tad better. Downloaded a premade setup from github because it’s cute and left it with that. Outside of adding some keyboard shortcuts

ADonkeyBrainedFog ,

It was just a presentation for peers in grad school. For a fun project unrelated to my thesis. Would never have used my personal for a work related presentation. Just a funny story nonetheless. Getting mad shit from buddies beats being fired or passed for promotion anyday lmao

GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

Judging people’s backgrounds is 100x more unprofessional imo unless they’re like seriously questionable

linuxPIPEpower ,

Idk what specific image was shown. But anything described as “anime girl” could have strong csam vibes assuming this grad school student is older than 11 themselves.

For some reason its normalized in some parts of the Linux community to have sexualized images of children.

GolfNovemberUniform , avatar

The stock wallpaper is not NSFW in any way as I remember

rwhitisissle ,

Sounds like a hell of your own making. Always change the background to something generic. Like a nice tree. Always. Nobody gives a shit about trees.

nexussapphire ,

You could set certain ports to automatically mirror or set all other monitors to automatically mirror. The resolution will be the same as your primary though.

<span style="color:#323232;">monitor=,preferred,auto,1,mirror,DP-1```
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">hyprland wiki - monitors #extra args
ZeroHora , to programmerhumor in Asking the important questions avatar

É você que financia essa merda!

flashgnash , to programmerhumor in Asking the important questions

Made the mistake of using react for a mobile app and my god why is it this convoluted, why are the error messages always along the lines of “something went wrong with networking 🤷”

Unfortunately I’m stuck with it now

lowleveldata ,

react is better than the days when we jquery everything

xthexder , avatar

Am I the only one left writing pure JS webpages? I swear for the stuff I’ve done recently, adding React or even jQuery makes things 10x more complicated and bloated. The base JS support browsers have now is actually great. It’s not like the old days trying to support every browser back to IE6

flashgnash ,

I like base JS and I like jQuery. Only reason I’m using React is for native cross platform mobile/web but I’m beginning to regret choosing it for that

Cqrd ,

I assume you mean react native, not react, unless you’re using something like capacitor. React native is a far shot from react and is much more annoying to deal with.

flashgnash ,

Yes I mean react native

Wouldn’t be bothering with it if I were just working with web

Cqrd ,

Using capacitor as a native shell for your web app can be very nice, actually. It lets you hook into native API calls and build native apps while hardly ever having to write native code, unless you want to, which presumably you don’t since you’re writing react native.

flashgnash ,

Honestly doing it again I’d just write in xamarin or something not web orientated because as it turns out the web app is going to need to be separate anyway

I might look into capacitor but is that not basically just electron?

Cqrd ,

I guess you could see it that way, but web views are inherent in mobile operating systems, they don’t need to be bundled into your app, so capacitor apps aren’t big bloated memory consuming applications like electron apps are. There’s a lot of well made apps running on capacitor that you wouldn’t even know, especially if you use something like ionic framework to actually have the look and feel of native mobile apps.

flashgnash ,

Definitely need to look into this for future, would make dev so much easier to just write for web and not have to deal with react native’s bullshit

bitfucker ,

Why not try flutter then?

flashgnash ,

Had a look at it, looked worse than react

bitfucker ,

When you are writing some complex web app, you will wish you used a framework. Some web apps can have more than 50 pages with multiple states that depend on remote data to be locally cached and synced depending if you are online/offline. Framework can handle a lot of the heavy state management for you and even provide a nice UI component library. But I do agree that React is too much, but jQuery is being replaced by vanilla JS. That is why I usually use Vue. But for simple stuff, yes, Vanilla JS is pretty much good enough

uis , (edited )

No framework will make FSM for you. Managing state of web ui is not as hard as managing state of game.

Using TCP for networking? Loss, retransmit, lag, you’re dead. Using UDP for networking? Loss, desync, you’re dead. Sending full game state? Congestion, loss, lag, dead. Doing sync right, but still pushing too much data? Congestion, loss, lag, dead. Also keeping on server you need not only track game state, but what game state client confirmed to receive.

bitfucker ,

Strictly speaking, the original commenter is talking about website but sure there is an FSM JS framework too (XState).

traches ,

The biggest problem frameworks solve is “I need the value of this variable to be on the page and I need it to stay up-to-date.” If you don’t have this problem, or you only have it in a couple of places where hand-writing the necessary event listeners isn’t too arduous, then yeah you don’t really need a front end js framework.

sandman ,

I just have to say: designing a GUI in code in 2024 is asinine.

I feel bad for anyone who got suckered into learning convoluted bullshit like angular or react when they could’ve learned Godot or Qt.

uis ,

Linux has better error messages. “Dazed and confused, but trying to continue”.

flashgnash ,

I am spoiled by dotnet and rust error messages. They tell you exactly what the problem is, where it is, and in rust’s case sometimes even how to fix it

Then there’s C with “segmentation fault”

uis ,

and in rust’s case sometimes even how to fix it

Then there’s C with "segmentation fault"

  1. You are comparing compiler-generated errors and runtime errors
  2. Rust can trigger segmentation fault and bus error too.
  3. GCC’s error messages are very detailed, sometimes can contain suggested solutions.

For example if I will try to compile helloworld without including stdio.h, gcc will warn implicit declaration of function ‘printf’(by default, almost everyone make it error with -Werror=) and will suggest note: include ‘<stdio.h>’ or provide a declaration of ‘printf’. And runtime error reports are as good as programmer makes them, no matter language program was written in.

I am spoiled by core dumps(although rust technically has them too).

Also in context of kernel, it will print stack trace and (if used) will kexec into another kernel that can make core dump or continue working.

flashgnash ,

I do not code in C it was just a throwaway meme lol

onlinepersona ,

Then there’s C with “segmentation fault”

Successfully triggered a sea fan. (not me, another dude in the comments)

Anti Commercial-AI license

Seigest , to programmerhumor in Asking the important questions avatar

Often me. I make tools/interactions for learning management systems. So the back end is a thid party I have no controll over. Just take the api and make the magic happen.

You need me to save data somewhere but don’t want to buy server space? Sure we can cram that into places it’s not ment to go within the system. It will slow things down and likly cause issues but it’s free.

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