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UlyssesT , to memes in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis

"This game needs to be more consumer friendly." liberalism

Orcocracy , avatar

Yeah the consumerist rhetoric in game reviews (and the entire technology press more broadly) dooms all of their attempts at analysis to be extremely shallow. Maybe one day a journalist will pay attention in one of their media studies classes and read the fucking Adorno reading that one of their teachers assigned, but that day has not yet come.

usernamesaredifficul , to memes in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis

Arise ye gamers from your slumbers Arise ye prisoners of ea For reason in revolt now thunders And at last ends the age of games journalism. Away with all your superstitions Servile masses arise, arise We’ll change henceforth the old tradition And spurn the dorito dust to win the prize.

So squad mates, come rally And the last fight let us face The Internationale unites the pc master race.

No more deluded by reaction On pay to win only we’ll make war The pvpers too will take strike action They’ll break ranks and fight no more And if those cannibals keep trying To sacrifice us to their pride They soon shall hear the bullets flying We’ll teamkill the generals on our own side.

No saviour from on high delivers No faith have we in prince or peer Our own right hand the chains must shiver Chains of hatred, greed and fear E’er ea will out with their booty And give to all a happier lot. Each at the xbox must do their duty And we’ll strike while the iron is hot.

demlet , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

Success is mainly about sucking up to the right people. No matter how good you are at your job, you have to know how to play work politics. Most bosses don’t know how to evaluate actual ability, and they’re much less objective than they think. Usually they favor more likeable employees over capable ones if forced to choose. Human life is a popularity contest, always has been, always will be. That’s the side effect of being a highly social species…

runeko , avatar

Begrudgingly given upvote. Sigh.

techt ,

I don’t think you’re entirely wrong, but I think maybe you downplay the importance of a good team dynamic when choosing people. I’d take someone less skilled over a highly skilled but unapproachable jerk for the long-term health of the crew. In that way, I don’t think it’s bad to favor the more likable one depending on how we’re defining likable, and I don’t think that makes it simply a popularity contest either.

einfach_orangensaft , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

The money is not worth it if you dont enjoy what you are doing.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

You mean there’s nothing you would spend the money on that would give the money value?

Nemo ,

It’s easy to get more money. It’s hard to get more time.

quinnly ,

As someone who spent some time homeless this entire comment is bullshit haha

Nemo ,

I also spent time homeless. Being broke fucking sucks, and it is hard to get out of. I was very lucky to do so and I know that.

But once you’re already employed, switching jobs just isn’t that hard.

quinnly ,

That’s never been my experience, I work in retail so it can be tricky when you’re going up against thousands of other applicants and they usually don’t require experience.

What do you do for work?

Nemo ,

I wait tables.

quinnly ,

Interesting, I’ve definitely gone months applying for jobs and not hearing back for interviews or anything. I suppose location and sheer luck has a bit to do with it as well.

deus ,

A lot of people don’t have a choice, though.

nevernevermore ,

my mortgage begs to differ.

Today ,

I would say," if you don’t find the work tolerable" and unfortunately that varies based on your options.

Novman , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

Same happened today morning. More work, more salary. My answer: no thanks.

Asimo ,

Least it was with more salary, most of the time it’s just more work.

Novman ,

Public worker with strong unions. But they try to overwork you if you don’t pay attention. Strong unions, remember.

eek2121 , to selfhosted in Namecheap ups its prices 9% for .com and .xyz this fall.

Use Cloudflare. They are the cheapest out there because they don’t add a markup. After the Verisign increase the new price will be $9.77.

papajohn , to memes in How though?

I don’t know how to comment when I see this. I want to talk about how this works, but most people know how this works. So I don’t know why its a thing. Its funny though.

Mana ,

I would like to hear an actual explanation. I don’t know shit about light physics but my attempt to explain it is that the trajectory of the light is such that it reflects off of the egg into your eyes and that it is this trajectory that is reflected in the mirror.

fristislurper , avatar

I mean, yeah, basically. It’s really not very complicated.

Ghost33313 , avatar

My wife was having a brain fart once and knew there was a logical reason but couldn't figure it out atm. So I drew a diagram top down geometry class style. Set her straight just like that. It's just the light bouncing at an angle so that you can see what is on the front of the paper.

dreadgoat , avatar

This particular version is more about the characters depicted (Denji and Power from Chainsaw Man), who are famous for being endearingly stupid.

The more earnest versions you tend to see on TikTok are mostly posted by, or at least targeted at, actual kids who don't yet understand how vision works. Nobody on Lemmy is under the age of 30.

Osku ,

I am 29 ;)

pomodoro_longbreak , avatar

Ah to be young again

some_guy ,

Sorry, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.

Broccoli , avatar

Begone, thot

Veraxus , avatar

Me too!

I've been 29 for over a decade.

agentshags , avatar

This is the way

8BitRoadTrip ,

nobody on Lemmy is under the age of 30

My brother in Christ why did this turn into a personal attack?! 😂

Ichipurka ,

I’m 23 =)

Venat0r ,

You must be wise beyond your years. 😂

DarkMatter_contract ,


TheKrzyk , avatar

I’m 2E! Do I really need to wait 2 years to use it?

pulverizedcoccyx ,

Man if you’re hexadecimal years old then go right ahead, use it now.

SwampYankee ,

He’s been okay to use it for 16 years.

Nexz ,

16 is wrong, as that would be 10. 2E = 46

myrrh ,

19 gang

bmovement ,


  • Loading...
  • Ichipurka ,

    what did you Jusuis fdickow say

    SteveXVII ,


    atocci , avatar

    I'm only 24 but I'm on Kbin I guess so you got me there

    wetnoodle , avatar

    24 yo here!

    AeroRake ,

    Haha ill do you one better I am 22.

    wallmenis ,

    21yo here : )

    x4740N , avatar

    Me who’s reading this at the age of 21

    KingJalopy ,

    Hello past!

    HamBrick ,

    I didn’t realize the lemmy demographic and how I’m very much not it

    PRUSSIA_x86 ,

    Greetings fellow kids adults.

    Zetta ,

    I’m 24, I can’t believe you’d accuse me of such a thing.

    JimmyDean ,

    Nobody on Lemmy is under the age of 30.

    Although I might feel 30 sometimes, I’ll have you know I’m a ripe 28 & ¾

    MickeySwitcherooney ,

    I’m also 28 and three quarters. Weird.

    koorool ,

    Wow, we already have enough for an average lemmy community.

    HurlingDurling ,

    Insert feel old gif

    Melonenbaum ,

    My age has been overestimated but never by 13 year.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Get out of here you literal baby!

    Number358 ,

    I’m 15 lol

    original_ish_name , (edited )

    I’m way under the age of 30

    duckywastaken ,

    Hey! I’m 16 >:C

    SwampYankee ,

    You’re over 30 in spirit. Welcome to the club, here’s some ibuprofen.

    duckywastaken ,

    Not saying no to some free ibuprofen :D

    Fissionami OP , avatar

    Hey I’m less than 25 :)

    maniacal_gaff ,

    40s here.

    ElPussyKangaroo ,

    I… I’m under 30. 🥹

    Holzkohlen ,

    Same here… barely

    paskalivichi , to selfhosted in Namecheap ups its prices 9% for .com and .xyz this fall.

    laughs in .dev

    lemann ,

    Ugh .dev domain costs are ridiculous

    xerazal , to memes in Google taught me it's OK to be evil

    This is what neoliberalism does. It privatizes everything, including the individual. Everyone is a product. Everyone has a “brand”.

    traveler01 ,

    Had to come the commie of the area 😅

    Money doesn’t fall from trees, if you’re not paying a service they must be making money from somewhere else.

    JungleJim ,

    Why’s everything gotta be about money? Good things happen without it. Rain falls, feeds a fruit tree, makes a fruit, I eat it, poop out the seeds, new fruit tree grows. Money doesn’t fall from trees, but I can’t eat money.

    The whole system is poorly prioritized to protect people’s things instead of people. Even then it does a poor job and only protects the things that belong to those with the most things. It’s not even about those people, just their wealth, because if somebody else got their wealth no one would care about them anymore.

    I don’t care about communists or capitalists or any ists you can name. To hell with Mao and Thatcher and Lenin and Reagan and Trump and Biden. Fuck em. My question is why can we always find money for war, and for rich people to do stupid shit, but never enough for health care, or food for hungry children, or anything like that. Fuck anybody okay with hungry babies.

    nilloc ,

    Eating and apple and pooping out the seeds might grow new trees, but none of those trees are likely to make apples like you ate.

    Money is a convenient way to trade your work or skills for someone else’s. Like the guy who grafts apple tree scions together to make the apples that taste good grow in their orchard.

    Now when the guy who knows how to grow hood apple trees decides he doesn’t want to compete against anybody else’s apples and squashes them, we have problems, and need rules to keep that from happening.

    TeenieBopper ,

    I like how you equated money as a goal to money as a tool and that because the latter is a good idea then the first one must also be a good idea.

    JungleJim ,

    I found this list of true-to-seed fruits and vegetables I thought you might find interesting. I found it on The Spruce.

    Certain heirloom apples, such as Antonovka

    Polyembryonic mango seeds








    Heirloom tomatoes

    There are tons of other heirloom vegetables, I don’t know why they only mentioned tomatoes on their list but yeah.

    norawibb , avatar

    haha silly commie. if there’s no money, where you gonna get your money?

    Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

    Right liberalism is about individual rights, economic freedom and freedom in general. Left-wing countries will give big tech more power cause they’ll have advantages over other companies and groups cause they have the money to pay for unnecessary laws that the left likes and they’ll be friends with the government. In countries even more on the left the problem will be the same but added that you won’t have any economic freedom and individual rights, small groups and companies will most likely not exist or die in the minute they’re created and you won’t be able to support them cause you basically doesn’t own your own money and the money will he spent on useless taxes that you supported. Your ideas give big tech power, you’re not the resistance but the perpetrator. Big techs have grown more and more as the world has become more leftist and you insist in not noticing the base of your mentality is helping big tech.

    Loulou ,

    Wow man, bet you think it’s the LGBTs fault too and that the EU is some leftist place with less freedom than the US.

    Travel a bit, helps heaps for people like you, I mean if your freedom includes stuff like holidays…

    Hadriscus ,

    Travel a bit, helps heaps for people like you, I mean if your freedom includes stuff like holidays…

    ouch, right in the freedom 😁

    HumanBehaviorByBjork , avatar

    Right wing countries do this. What do you think South Korea is? “Economic freedom,” is freedom commensurate with economic power, which means freedom for people with money, and “personal responsibility” for people without. The opposite of government regulation of business is corporate domination of government. You’re conflating these opposites to falsely align organized labor with “big business.” The entire right-libertarian political project is a smokescreen for the Kochs and their economic class to baffle morons into thinking the policies they want benefit the little guy.

    Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

    A company can only thrive above all others without good products is if it has support from the government or is a company owned by the government, right-wings want to reduce the State as much as possible while the left often wants to give the State more power. I don’t know how you think people having control of their money instead of giving it to the government for them to do whatever they want is some conspiracy by the corporations but you must note that the last thing a big company wants is that the people have choices and control over their own money, they want people to be babysitted by the government and that they’re their own choices. We act with the principle that anyone can be bad and the power can corrupt people so we work for the power to never be concentrated in the hand of one person or group.

    HumanBehaviorByBjork , avatar

    You’re right, True Capitalism has just never been tried!

    Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

    We already live in a true capitalist society but it’s fastly leaning to the the left. People were happier in the past and capitalism was full on its tracks and countries were more conservative.

    HumanBehaviorByBjork , (edited ) avatar

    are you talking about the years of economic prosperity in North America after the New Deal, the end of the second world war, and the establishment of the United Nations? are those the small government policies that created “real capitalism”? or are you talking about the decline and destruction of global communism at the hands of the Reaganite social order that immediately preceded a half century of malaise and the destruction of the working class? this conversation cannot produce anything for you if you cannot come to the realization. don’t wince. open your eyes and turn your head to the mirror, stupid american. the corn syrup teeth rotting out of your head are the reward they gave you for winning.

    Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

    You like mental gymnastics.

    HumanBehaviorByBjork , avatar

    you like gargling my balls

    Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar


    Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

    I really wish to know how people having total control over their lives is some evil capitalism conspiracy.

    GenXen , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

    That dealing with the bullshit of clique social groups and the fallout of not falling in with them doesn’t end with high school. In fact, it gets even worse in the workplace.

    filister , to unixporn in [OC] Graveyard — Dead simple encryption

    What DE are you using? As very little provide vertical bars and for my UWQHD that would be good.

    hai OP , avatar

    Not a desktop environment, Hyprland. The bar is a custom Waybar.

    DrJenkem , to selfhosted in Namecheap ups its prices 9% for .com and .xyz this fall. avatar

    Can’t decide if I just want to renew everything for as long as possible to delay the price increase or just move to a different registrar.

    dan , avatar

    .coms are going up across all registrars, as the wholesale price is increasing. If you have a domain you know you’ll want to keep, it’s a best practice to renew it for several years at once.

    giant_smeeg , to selfhosted in Namecheap ups its prices 9% for .com and .xyz this fall.

    I couldn’t be arsed with this kind of thing and just renewed for 10 years.

    nik282000 OP , avatar

    I might do so as well to avoid the next decade of shopping around.

    giant_smeeg ,

    Prices will only go up.

    DefinitelyNotAPhone , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?

    Feudalism never ended, it just transitioned from a bunch of failsons inheriting land titles to a bunch of failsons getting middle management jobs through nepotism. Every company larger than 50 people is a vast internal labyrinth of lords-in-everything-but-name jockeying for promotions, accolades, and raises by inflating their roles, and the best thing you can do for yourself is find a position that isolates you as hard as possible from having to deal with that yourself lest you end up spending 50 hours a week working to get one over some petty rival of your boss.

    pH3ra , to asklemmy in What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you? avatar

    That, given the chance, always choose a smaller company: having a direct contact with the person that pays your salary gives you a better shot in terms of professional growth

    ours ,

    The downside is that in smaller companies, assholes have a bigger impact on you.

    pH3ra , avatar

    Agree, I’ve been lucky (and persistent) enough to end up in an asshole-less workplace.
    As they say “job interviews are both sided” and the smaller the company is, the more relevant the person interviewing you is gonna be for that company: that’s a good litmus test for what your potential workplace is going to be. I turned down many offers from people I had the feeling (or proof) they could be assholes.

    Mellibird ,

    Another downside with smaller companies is there not always room for you to grow or move up.

    Riven , avatar

    My situation. I was told unless someone retires there isn’t really a way to go up. The only reason I’m sticking around is because I have gotten decentish raises and benefits like them paying for all my personal gas. That said, 2 of the old timers retired and they just cut those positions. If I don’t get a bug raise or another position come my next year I’m gonna bounce.

    Unaware7013 ,

    A smaller company means smaller salary and bigger potential to have to fill in the cracks as management decides to not backfill.

    I moved from a 10 person map to a hundreds of employees map/hosting provider and doubled my pay for minimal extra work. My team isn't much bigger than my previous team, but I don't have to work nearly as hard being a JOAT vs staying in my lane and passing off stuff that's out of my primary knowledge domain.

    pH3ra , avatar

    I had quite the opposite experience: my last job was for a big company (800+ employees) I had a shitton of work with the downside of being extremely repetitive and alienating, just a small cog inside a huge machine.
    Now it’s just me and my boss. Of course I’m a JOAT and I have more responsibilities, but that makes the work way less boring and I feel more appreciated for what I do every day. I earn a little more than before and I have the upside of having learned many new skills that make me a more valuable asset on the work market.
    I’m aware that not all kinds of job allow you to do this, tho.

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