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FuckYouAndFuckThis , to memes in Nutella

How is the aroma?

Wumbologist , to memes in save it for later

I beat Dark Souls 3 this week and I hoarded embers the whole way. I had a stack of 60 by the time I got to Midir and Gael. I did finally crack into them when I realized that they were the only 2 bosses I had left. So, baby steps I guess

hoodatninja , to memes in Why must we be done this way? avatar

I mean it kind of needs to be both. But it’s hard to find a compelling reason why kids need their smartphones fully accessible during class.

Mudface ,

Schools should just be one huge faraday cage. Kids have to learn to focus and pay attention.

And they need to learn the curriculum

hoodatninja , avatar

I mean I’m not that extreme lmao that’s also a safety issue. Kids will be kids, they will not sit quietly all school day and be total lesson sponges lol

Mudface ,

Of course not, but I think we should at least act as if they should.

Knowing it’s not possible, though.

My kids are in 5th, 3rd and 1st grade. I wouldn’t want them on their phones during class as they grow up.

hoodatninja , avatar

Like I said prior, I don’t think kids should be on their phones either.

FlexibleToast ,

How much of a safety issue would it really be? Cell phones didn’t really become a thing for my age range until high school. If there was an emergency, there was a landline in the classrooms.

justhach , avatar

Right? Somehow schools survived until at least the 2010s without every kid having a cellphone in them at all times.

someguy3 ,

No kidding. Not to sound like an old fogey but we did really well without them for both “emergencies” and “fact checking”. I can only see them primarily as a distraction.

FlexibleToast ,

Yeah, it would suck for the staff, but I don’t think it would be that much more unsafe. I don’t think it’s a good idea, but I don’t think it’s particularly unsafe.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar

::: spoiler spoiler

someguy3 ,

Those were tools. Smart phones are a distraction for social media 99% of the time.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar

::: spoiler spoiler

someguy3 ,

I already did unpack it: “Smart phones are a distraction for social media 99% of the time.”

Nor did I say the word “just”. You’re both ignoring what I did say and inserting your own words. They can be distractions with you know social media. But also back in my day they taught us Word, Excel, programming. You had a class with that. You didn’t need it in your pocket 24/7.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar

::: spoiler spoiler

someguy3 ,

Yes you can find a way to goof off in any class instead of doing your work. Isn’t that the whole point of this discussion? To remove ways to goof off, you know, smartphones. Ban them in class. And just like you can catch people playing video games in computer class, you can catch people using their phone in class. Just because some people will break rules doesn’t mean we throw our hands up and say ok then no rules.

You’re really comparing this to teaching abstinence? Wow. And then you rage against something as basic as rules, blaming rules for what seems like everything you think is bad. Ok then. Cheers.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar

::: spoiler spoiler

kmkz_ninja ,

Ban pocket calculators because the abacus exists. Lazy kids aren’t learning how to do arithmetic because of them.

hoodatninja , avatar

I don’t think y’all realize that not a single staff member or administrator or any employee of the school would be able to use a phone either (other than landlines I guess?). Schools aren’t just full of students lol

FlexibleToast ,

other than landlines I guess?

You mean that thing I specifically mentioned? Yes, I realize that. Would it be inconvenient? Yes, it absolutely would. Would it suck to work in that environment? Again, yes it would. If I’m just thinking about safety, I’m not sure it’s that much more unsafe.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar

::: spoiler spoiler

FlexibleToast ,

It’s incredibly unsafe when you live in a society built around smartphones/tablets for health and safety tools to remove said smartphones.

But is it? Landlines can make the same emergency calls. A Faraday cage also doesn’t mean you can’t have an internal wifi that reaches outside that the staff can connect to, or even the students can connect through with a proxy controlling their connection.

I agree it’s impractical. But it doesn’t mean laptops and phones suddenly don’t work. They can still work within the cage and you can poke holes through it with a landline and a proxy to control traffic in and out.

Ultimately, it’s definitely not worth the engineering and the effort. I just don’t think that safety is the reason it is impractical.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar

::: spoiler spoiler

FlexibleToast ,

They’re at the front of every classroom near the teacher. Along with several in the front offices, even the nurse has one. That wasn’t difficult.

hoodatninja , avatar


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  • FlexibleToast ,

    I’ve done active shooter drills in the military. The first thing you do is cover the window in the door, which is often by the front of the room where the phone is. The beauty of a landline is that it doesn’t move. You can dial out to 911 and they know exactly what building you’re in without you having to even tell them. The teacher doesn’t need to hang out at the front of the room.

    kmkz_ninja ,

    Yes, active shooter drills are exactly the same for the military as they are for schoolchildren and teachers.

    FlexibleToast ,

    What is different? Cover the windows to hide the number of people, hide, and barricade. You’re also very conveniently ignoring the rest of the comment that addressed your concern. Care to try again?

    kmkz_ninja ,

    School shootings weren’t really a thing until after you graduated you dumb fucking boomer.

    Things change, and I’m tired of stupid trogladites inhibiting innovation because it’s different than what they’re used to.

    Get with the times, or move the fuck out of the way.

    FlexibleToast ,

    I’m not a boomer. And I’m in no way advocating the use of a Faraday cage. Maybe read what is actually written instead of what you think was written. Hell I work in tech trying to get people up with the times…

    ridethisbike ,

    No, but the attention span kids have these days seem to be shortening. Phones and the current state of social media intake doesn’t help.

    That said, a faraday cage is absolutely too far, but they don’t need their phones when they should be focusing on the course.

    hoodatninja , avatar

    No, but the attention span kids have these days seem to be shortening.

    I hear this a lot but have yet to see evidence/sources from anyone. It’s just “look around you.” I don’t find it particularly compelling. I didn’t exactly sit quietly as a kid myself.

    scrubbles , avatar

    Quick google search: ……

    It’s a pretty well known fact that constant tech decreases attention spans, in both children and adults. How many times have we been on Lemmy/Reddit on the browser and picked up our phone to… check Lemmy/Reddit?

    hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar

    That appears to be a quickly referenced theory by one (yes qualified) person on one blog post without a study behind it. I could also argue that kids generally have short attention spans but social media just allows them to indulge in it more, and they will of course prioritize attention to that over other things. That is not the same as “it shortens their attention spans.” We need at least one study here or at least something more substantive than a one-liner linking social media and decreasing ones attention span. I’m not sure if you noticed, but blog is actually focusing on how to reach kids and strategies to get them to pay attention. It has one throw away non-cited line about social media shortening attention spans.

    I should also point out that I also did a cursory Google search before writing the previous comment, and that was the only post I saw as well. The reason you selected it is because there was no other decent hit when you searched I imagine.

    Let me be clear here, the only reason I am sort of arguing about this is because there is a really bad propensity for older people to say something is wrong with younger people. We see it over and over again. I think social media is actually very harmful to kids, but I have yet to see anything that shows it actually diminishes ones attention span. And the reason I really don’t like that claim is because it seems to be just another variation of “kids these days.”

    WtfEvenIsExistence ,

    Schools should just be one huge faraday cage.

    Not a great idea for schools in the US… second amendment issues…

    Sabre363 ,

    learn to focus and pay attention.

    Not all of us have the luxury of that ability

    hoodatninja , avatar

    I have very little faith the person you’re responding to even acknowledges the existence of ADHD .

    Jamie , avatar

    I’m not them, but while ADHD is a problem, social media and the dopamine quick-hit style that internet content has taken has had a noted effect in reducing attention spans.

    hoodatninja , avatar


    Jamie , avatar

    Take your pick from any any of these

    (Each word is a different link)

    Ataraxia ,

    I mean, I’m doing quite well having gone though school without smart devices and 100% would have never gotten straight As if I had one when I was a kid. And I’m every type of ADHD you can be diagnosed as…

    hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar

    ::: spoiler spoiler

    wholeofthemoon ,


    radioactiveradio ,

    Schools should be a battle royale, leave them on an island to battle and the last kid standing gets to go home.

    SpaceNoodle ,

    They do that multiple times a week, it’s called “phys ed”

    macracanthorhynchus ,

    How will this plan affect my real estate taxes?

    radioactiveradio ,

    Not well I imagine, but you’ll get to see an epic battle every exam season.

    Colorcodedresistor ,


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  • son_named_bort ,

    The thing about smartphones and the internet in general is that there is a lot of crap out there. Sure kids may read more, but what they read matters. If they’re reading websites that deny the Holocaust or give bogus health advice like bleach curing autism or things like that, that’s not good. Without education, how are they going to know what they read on their phone is garbage?

    original_ish_name ,

    I will learn the curriculum when the curriculum stops being wrong and occasionally straight up propaganda

    sinedpick ,

    Can’t use that to explain Cs in math and physics.

    user224 , avatar

    Well, you can quickly search up some information. I don’t remember what it was, but I remember that once in middle school teacher said something I wasn’t quite sure about, but also I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t more sure. So I looked it up, seeing that I was right, I asked if it rather wasn’t meant to be that other thing, he checked too and indeed he was wrong.

    Also, my mind often wanders off. And it may happen that I suddenly can’t remember something. Could just be some word I could look up on my phone in less than a minute. Option B: Keep thinking about it till the rest of the class. I can’t stop thinking about that until I either remember or find it.

    Next, spine. I am currently in high school. Phones are allowed here. Any time. So, I utilized my scanner and digitized one 500 or so page book I couldn’t find on the internet, and then used it as PDF instead of a physical book. It is less likely that I would forget my phone. I wish schools would have options for e-ink tablets instead of having to carry many heavy physical books. That used to be problem mostly in elementary school and middle school. Same goes for note taking.

    Obviously, the last example can be easily solved by modernization.

    Fast talking teachers. I can’t write that fast. I mean, I can, but then I can’t decipher my handwriting, which is already hard anyway. Voice recorder is a quick solution. Obviously, it is easier to look through notes than audio, but IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE A REPLACEMENT FOR NOTES, just a help.

    But do take that with a pinch of salt. Especially in elementary school, I used to be one of those weird kids who greatly preferred being liked by the teacher over having friends. So even though I had a phone at the time, I never used it during classes because teachers disliked it.

    But at least during breaks it should be allowed. Otherwise kids will find much more dangerous ways to entertain themselves.

    braxy29 ,

    … yes, my phoneless childhood was super dangerous. it’s amazing i survived a couple of decades without one!

    user224 , avatar

    I mean, comparing class with active kids throwing stuff around and ones just sitting and playing on their phones, I’d take the second. Cyber bullying may be hard to detect though, but it’s not like schools care either way.

    abraxas ,

    Yes, life was so dangerous before the telephone. It’s amazing anyone survived decades without them! 991, phaw, we had a bucket of water and a shotgun.

    … in summary. The point should be that the next generation has an advantage over the previous, in all things.

    hoodatninja , avatar

    If you want to teach kids how to look up information, you can create spaces for that. They don’t need unrestricted access to their smart phones to accomplish that throughout the day. Hell you can relax your policies as they grow up and show the maturity to handle having a smart phone in the classroom. If schools want to do that, I am all in favor of it. But they would have to start early and build a system, which is a lot to ask of already overworked educators.

    user224 , avatar

    I am not talking about unrestricted access either. It depends on age, but they could always just ask the teacher if they’re allowed to look up something. And also I don’t see how disallowing phones during breaks helps education. It’s meant to be a break.

    someguy3 ,

    Option B: Keep thinking about it till the rest of the class. I can’t stop thinking about that until I either remember or find it.

    Option C: Write it down.

    user224 , avatar

    It’s not like I am thinking about it to not forget what I wanted to remember. It’s that it will keep bugging me until I remember.

    someguy3 ,

    I have no idea what you’re trying to say.

    Bugging you until you remember? You write it so that you can’t forget and so it stops bugging you.

    Bugging you because you need that info itch scratched right now? Aka instant gratification. Then you have to learn to not need instant gratification. Seriously, it’s another skill.

    kmkz_ninja ,

    Another skill is not caring if someone has a solution other than yours. It’d take half the time to write it down as it would just to look up the answer.

    someguy3 ,

    half the time to write it down

    You’re making my argument for me. Although I’d say much less than half, you already have pen and paper on your desk.

    Juno ,

    All this is spoken like an entitled bratty immature kid. (No offense, it’s just your age and you’ll grow out of it)

    There’s a reason why you can get a ticket or be charged with distracted driving while you’re on your phone and behind the wheel of a car. IT IS A DISTRACTION. FULL STOP.

    Stop lying to yourself and to us in the process.

    user224 , (edited ) avatar
    1. Using phone while driving is much bigger issue.
    2. This phone issue has never affected me personally. I am defending OP and others.
    3. I am not talking about using the phone all the time for some stupid thing. It gives you access to a lot of information when needed.

    Also if you trust kids with making life changing decisions, this is unfair.

    Also sorry if I sounded as you described. I only started carrying the phone with me since I was 15. I was too worried about breaking it (it’s not cheap thing). That makes finding positive points (that would apply to younger kids) a bit harder.

    Edit: Also, don’t be worried, I would almost never voice my opinions in real life.

    Juno ,

    Spoken like an introverted someone who HAS ALREADY been affected socially in a negative way by their cell phone use.

    The entitled and bratty part of your comments = when people tell me not to use my phone I simply DONT use it or bring it. What’s the problem exactly? You want access to an encyclopedic knowledge in class? You don’t have a laptop or computer in the room you can use ?

    Maybe you use your phone only for the most strictly academic things, but most people don’t.

    Finally, I don’t trust kids to make life changing decisions. See all the high schoolers who got suckered into a worthless degree from the University of Phoenix. It’s very fair to take the reigns from people who can’t control themselves and their impulses.

    user224 , (edited ) avatar

    Spoken like an introverted someone who HAS ALREADY been affected socially in a negative way by their cell phone use.

    Can’t disagree with this. I got a tablet when I was 8. With unrestricted access. On the positive note, it did help me learn quite a lot of stuff. Like English.

    The entitled and bratty part of your comments = when people tell me not to use my phone I simply DONT use it or bring it. What’s the problem exactly? You want access to an encyclopedic knowledge in class? You don’t have a laptop or computer in the room you can use ?

    No problem, really. If someone wanted to search up something during class, teachers could just allow it, and generally they did. Except when I was in grade 9 and the school decided to prohibit even just having them at school, as if it were grenades. Some teacher would always just collect all into a bucket and return at the end of the day.
    When we had free substituted classes, sometimes they would tell us something like “Sorry, I’d allow you phones now, but if I did I could have problems from it.” So clearly they would punish teachers for that. That’s just crazy.
    And computers aren’t in every class. Even if they are, they might not always work. Now we use our phones even to do exams sometimes. But, yeah, school isn’t even mandatory for me anymore, so it’s already different.

    Finally, I don’t trust kids to make life changing decisions. See all the high schoolers who got suckered into a worthless degree from the University of Phoenix. It’s very fair to take the reigns from people who can’t control themselves and their impulses.

    I wasn’t even talking about such late decisions. For example, when I was 10 I was given the decision between going into class A or class B since I had good enough results for A. A was class for a little more talented kids. They even had some additional subjects. Well, my dad discouraged me from going to class A. He told me “There won’t be any normal kids. I’d choose B if I were you.” So I did. I regret. I could have gotten to a better school later on.
    Some explanation of those classes:
    A - Talented
    C and D - sport classes (basketball and hockey respectively)
    B - everything else

    Next, when I was 14, I told my psychologist about my living conditions. Including photos of how our home looks like. She told me that she could call social services. Then asked me if I agreed. I was scared, so I said no. I regret, once again.

    And something that’s there always, choosing high school when you’re 15.
    I am not sure how it works across different school systems. In Slovakia, they are focused just on 1 particular field of study determining where you’ll be for the rest of your life. 3 year fields are without graduation (e.g.: various mechanics and plumbers). 4 year and 5 year fields are with graduation, meaning you can go to college/university.
    I’ve had a few classmates who only chose particular field because their friends were going there too, even though they weren’t interested in it.


    Oof, sorry. I got too much off topic.

    abraxas ,

    Well, by their teenage years, why not all the reasons adults need smartphones fully accessible? Looking up information from authoritative sources? Emergency contact? Coordinating schedules for office hours?

    Schools often simultaneously demand more from children than workplaces do adults, and give them less opportunity to excel.

    I’m not saying work-inappropriate phone use should be accepted, but taking them away entirely is downright irresponsible. Just like schools who still demand students write on a notebook instead of using a laptop. Raise your hand if you had RSI-related issues for a decade or more after high school? We old people tend to forget how bad school used to be (and can be) for physical and mental health AND for learning.

    ChickenZenphyre , to memes in save it for later

    Completed Resident Evil 2 back in 1998 with stacks and stacks of explosive, flame and acid round. Regretted saving all those ammo just for them to be gone forever, I could have had more fun with flying or flaming zombies dying all around me. Fast forward to current day, nothing has changed. I’m still a hoarding idiot.

    redcalcium ,

    Reload your last save and fight the last boss battle using all those rare ammo.

    PuppyOSAndCoffee , to linux in Linux can be used at your workplaces avatar

    Microsoft does a good job at keeping old software working alongside new software and will take a bullet for their customers. Linux doesn’t have anyone with that rep.

    jflesch , avatar

    Red Hat. Probably Canonical too.

    I know it for a fact since I worked for a bank that chose Red Hat and since I also know someone working for Red Hat.

    TCB13 , avatar

    Unlikely. Don’t forget that most software designed for Windows 95 still run on Windows 11 just fine.

    jflesch , (edited ) avatar

    In term of software compatibility, on Linux, you have the option of making chroots. Since the kernel devs makes a lot of effort to preserve compatibility, old software can still work fine. If I remember correctly, some kernel devs tested a while ago some really really old versions of bash, gcc, etc, and they still work fine with modern kernels.

    30p87 ,

    I can’t even get installers designed for Windows 7/8.1 to run. It’s just a software to use the scan feature of a printer. No errors, no logs. Cups works perfectly with it.

    FoxBJK , avatar

    And that’s why Windows is dropping support for 3rd party print drivers; they’re shitty and unnecessary

    30p87 ,

    It’s not even drivers really, printing works fine. The printer itself works fine without the software. It just needs an extra program to scan.
    Now, a generic driver which adds support for scanning without third party software, so drivers which can interface directly with Windows’ scanning service, would probably solve that problem. But considering that the Software for the printer stopped at 7/8.1, it’s a pretty old printer even if they stopped support immediately after releasing it (which they didn’t). So I doubt M$ will be able to provide as much support for nearly as many printers as Linux got over the years by the community.

    blkpws OP ,

    Windows 95 software also runs on Linux, with Wine. And it works for me.

    TCB13 , avatar

    AHaha what a fucking lie.

    raubarno ,

    Celestia (the planetarium) from early 2000s also runs on modern Linux just fine

    demonsword , avatar

    most software designed for Windows 95 still run on Windows 11 just fine

    maybe for a very, very broad definition of “just fine”

    rbos , avatar

    oh geez. I’ve done Windows desktop support for many years, and that is so VERY not true. Even if you discount the fact that win95 software would be written for 32-bit architectures, they don’t account for UAC or file permissions, often fail to let you move installation files to better locations, and universally have shitty automated installers. Often they depend on hardware, eg dongles that no longer exist or CDROMs that have long since gone to hell.

    Usually we’ll airgap a machine and run Windows XP 32-bit, which is generally the highest you can reliably get a win95 program working with. Sometimes a VM will work. Sometimes you can mount an ISO and fake a CDROM. It’s a challenge.

    Linux is so much easier. You have more options for getting old stuff to work, even if you have to do a lightweight VM with an old OS, you can sandbox it better.

    PuppyOSAndCoffee , avatar

    Red Hat isn’t really known for making it easy to keep your new or old software working. Just the opposite.

    toikpi ,

    From the Windows Community

    Does Windows 11 allow Windows 95 compatible computer games? … It really depends on the game, you might get some working, some might not. It is really case by case basis unfortunately.


    It appears that people may have to use virtual machines to run some Windows 95 software…/run-old-apps-on-windows-11/ The article doesn’t mention using HyperV only 3rd party software.

    I prefer Linux simply but it isn’t my tribe.

    Took a couple of minutes to find the information above

    UntouchedWagons , to memes in save it for later avatar

    I never use X-Cell or Daytripper in fallout 4.

    D61 , to memes in Nutella


    dmoonfire , to memes in save it for later

    Final boss fights are for experimentation. "Well, I don't think I'll need these five thousand items, what does this do?"

    FireRetardant ,

    What if it wasnt actually the final boss? Or you used all your items in the first of 5 stages?

    dmoonfire ,

    Restore the game to before I used them all, get through the first five stages, and then go back to experimenting on stage six.

    troglodytis ,

    Super Ghouls n’ Ghosts would like a word

    schmidtster ,

    Proceeds to get stomped by the boss before even finishing 3 stages for the next 3 hours.

    NocturnalMorning , to memes in save it for later

    I played outer worlds recently, and there are all sorts of boosting effect foods and drinks in the game. Don’t think I used a single one the entire game.

    pomodoro_longbreak , avatar

    I hate all that stuff that takes you out of the gameplay just to give you a piddly little bonus that just shaves a couple of numbers off of a fight. So annoying. Every game with “RPG elements” has them too for some reason. Does anyone actually enjoy these?

    NocturnalMorning ,

    I usually just sold them too. Lol

    schmidtster ,

    You equipped 1 you want, and when it’s depleted another of the same type is auto equipped. You can manually use them, but the equipped ones would auto use whenever you used your inhaler.

    No different than buffing your party before a fight in any other game really when it comes down to it.

    pomodoro_longbreak , avatar

    I’ve never liked buffs either lol. Feels like gamifying a difficulty slider.

    Which I guess is a lot of RPG mechanics like levels, equipment, advantage, etc… So to each their own.

    schmidtster ,

    Think of it like pushing RNG in your favor. Most games incorporate RNG in some amount, I do understand that micromanaging becomes too much at some point as well though.

    pomodoro_longbreak , avatar

    Yeah I can see both sides of it, honestly.

    I think I would prefer it if the boosts were rarer, but had more extreme effects like “take half fire damage for engagement” or “immunity to fall damage.” Something that can really interact with a build. Anything that doesn’t have obvious gameplay effects (like something that might go unnoticed) feels too minor to bother with, personally.

    schmidtster ,

    5% damage for 30 seconds… yay…

    I get it. It’s different for other people, some people love farming headshots for that new gun/skin, some don’t mind min/maxing their rpg char. Whatever floats their boat.

    starman2112 , avatar

    Yeah, I feel like Outer Worlds did it better than literally any other game. Meanwhile I’m playing starfield and my character hasn’t had a reason to eat literally any food ever

    asteriskeverything ,

    I really enjoyed the food buffs in ff15 because they actually lasted and felt useful enough. Plus had good story or atmosphere tied to it.

    HZD forbidden west I hated the food. Having like 20 different cooks in different locations with different food and buffs and most of them do nothing and you have to remember they are there? And the inventory system makes it easy to forget it exists, what it is and does, etc. Precious seconds in difficult fast fights where you could actually use those buffs.

    rockSlayer , to cat in I do what I want!

    My cats: that would be fucking wild. Hold my catnip

    ElRenosaurusReg , to memes in Nutella avatar

    It’s funny, but why?

    FuckyWucky , to memes in Nutella
    BudgieMania , to memes in save it for later

    Anybody who's ever played a classic Resident Evil-style game knows the feeling of getting to the final monster with all the hoarded ammo for your ultimate weapon (magnum/hunting rifle/flare gun/whatever)... Only for the monster to die in like at most a single-stack of shots because it turns out that the "ultimate lifeform" is weaker than a moderately sized car -_-

    HawlSera , (edited )

    Well the game Devs figured you were going to blow through your ammo because only a crazy person with an anxiety disorder would think to learn how to actually use the knife and order to avoid using the handgun until half the zombies in the Mansion were already dead.

    Related: I am a crazy person with an anxiety disorder

    Admittedly this is really only a problem for me in the first game, as every other game in the series, including zero, gives you more ammo than you need.

    That said the first time I played the remake of Resident Evil 2, I figured that since I played the original so many times I could just go straight to hardcore. But I found that the game having limits on how much you could use the knives really fucked me in the end, as I wound up having to start over on normal, because I got my first ever Resident Evil resource based soft lock. As I did not have enough ammunition to kill the first form of Birkin.

    poppy ,

    If I remember correctly (it’s been 10 years), the final boss in Bioshock I still had a rocket launcher (? Or something similar) I had hoarded for a good while. If I recall, it was only two shots before he was dead. He didn’t even finish his during-fight monologue. I’m very, very bad at video games and was very confused as to why the fighting had stopped.

    EmptySlime ,

    I was specifically trying to get all the achievements in it in 1 run because I had borrowed it for just a weekend from a buddy of mine at my college. I got to the final boss and just unloaded everything. Fight ended in like 30 seconds.

    I told him to check my achievements when I gave it back to him. I get a random Xbox live voice message of him just screaming “WHAT AAAAARE YOU!?” 10/10 would torture myself again.

    observantTrapezium , to programmerhumor in New File Format avatar

    Nothing wrong with that… Most people don’t need to reinvent the wheel, and choosing a filename extension meaningful to the particular use case is better then leaving it as .zip or .db or whatever.

    CoderKat ,

    Totally depends on what the use case is. The biggest problem is that you basically always have to compress and uncompress the file when transferring it. It makes for a good storage format, but a bad format for passing around in ways that need to be constantly read and written.

    Plus often we’re talking plain text files being zipped and those plain text formats need to be parsed as well. I’ve written code for systems where we had to do annoying migrations because the serialized format is just so inefficient that it adds up eventually.

    skullgiver , (edited ) to linux in Linux can be used at your workplaces avatar


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  • Spectacle8011 , avatar

    You won’t get anything as useful as RDP or plain old Teamviewer

    Is there something I’m missing? Teamviewer is available for Linux and I’ve done remote support with it:

    I…assume it also works as the machine being remoted into?

    skullgiver , avatar


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  • rbos , avatar

    I would probably go with VNC or something else instead of Teamviewer for supporting Linux desktops remotely. Maybe set people up with a pointy-clicky script to do a reverse SSH tunnel to a central host, or do it over a VPN connection.

    skullgiver , avatar


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  • rbos , avatar

    Yeah, I’m not sure what the state of the art is these days. Maybe SPICE? I’ve used that to control VMs through tunneled SSH before.

    Spectacle8011 , avatar

    Ah, I see. I only used it once, so it’s not something I do often, but it worked perfectly for me as a client to a Windows computer.

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